03Dec24rv1_21_0+1128-12b9c84ba54 - detailed test results for COMPLEX

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest.exe -a complex -d C:\Users\delphi\testreports\sumo\git\tests -reconnect C:\Users\delphi\testreports\sumo\msvc16x64texttesttmp\msvc16x64.28Aug013655.5092 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest.exe -a complex -d C:\Users\delphi\testreports\sumo\git\tests

default: 800 tests: 779 succeeded 8 known bugs 8 FAILED 5 killed

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo gui ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tests/../tests/complex/sumo/gui/runner.py", line 47, in <module>
>     findAndClick(PLAY)
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tests/../tests/complex/sumo/gui/runner.py", line 38, in findAndClick
>     positionOnScreen = pyautogui.locateOnScreen(obj, minSearchTime=3, confidence=0.9)
>                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Python311/Lib/site-packages/pyautogui/__init__.py", line 231, in _couldNotImportPyScreeze
>     raise PyAutoGUIException(
> pyautogui.PyAutoGUIException: PyAutoGUI was unable to import pyscreeze. (This is likely because you're running a version of Python that Pillow (which pyscreeze depends on) doesn't support currently.) Please install this module to enable the function you tried to call.
---------- Missing result in vehroutes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <vehicle id="vertical.0" depart="103.00" arrival="344.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.1" depart="113.00" arrival="378.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.2" depart="123.00" arrival="380.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.3" depart="133.00" arrival="382.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.4" depart="143.00" arrival="384.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.5" depart="153.00" arrival="386.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>

    <vehicle id="vertical.6" depart="163.00" arrival="435.00">
        <route edges="3fi 3si 4o 4fi 4si 3o 3fi"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo protobuf ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 130, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/protobuf2xml.py", line 124, in main
>     module = xml2protobuf.generateProto(attrFinder.tagAttrs, attrFinder.depthTags,
>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/xml2protobuf.py", line 185, in generateProto
>     return importlib.import_module("%s_pb2" % base)
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Python311/Lib/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
>     return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1204, in _gcd_import
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1176, in _find_and_load
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1140, in _find_and_load_unlocked
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'trajectories_pb2'
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/xml2protobuf.py", line 208, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/xml2protobuf.py", line 194, in main
>     module = generateProto(attrFinder.tagAttrs, attrFinder.depthTags,
>              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/xml/xml2protobuf.py", line 185, in generateProto
>     return importlib.import_module("%s_pb2" % base)
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Python311/Lib/importlib/__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
>     return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1204, in _gcd_import
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< --- 
< +++ 
< -
< -<trajectories xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/amitran/trajectories.xsd" timeStepSize="1000">
< +<trajectories timeStepSize="1000">

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo xmlValidation ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
> Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd'
>  In file 'routes.rou.xml'
>  At line/column 1/0.
> Quitting (on error).
> Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd'
>  In file 'routes.rou.xml'
>  At line/column 1/0.
> Quitting (on error).
> Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd'
>  In file 'routes.rou.xml'
>  At line/column 1/0.
> Quitting (on error).
> Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd'
>  In file 'routes.rou.xml'
>  At line/column 1/0.
> Quitting (on error).
> Error: unable to open file 'https://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd'
>  In file 'routes.rou.xml'
>  At line/column 1/0.
> Quitting (on error).
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : traci misc signature ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
<   traci.vehicle.setLaneChangeMode("horiz", lcm=0)
<   traci.vehicle.setParameter(objID="horiz", key="blub", value="blubber")
<   traci.vehicle.setParameter(objectID="horiz", param="blub", value="blubber")
<   traci.vehicle.setParameter(objID="horiz", param="blub", value="blubber")
<   traci.vehicle.setParameter(objID="horiz", param="blub", value="blubber")
<   traci.vehicle.setParameter(oID="horiz", param="blub", value="blubber")
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^UserWarning:' --
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter lcm in function setLaneChangeMode, use laneChangeMode instead.
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter objID in function setParameter, use objectID instead.
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter objID in function setParameter, use objectID instead.
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter param in function setParameter, use key instead.
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter param in function setParameter, use key instead.
< UserWarning: Use of deprecated parameter param in function setParameter, use key instead.
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tests/../tests/complex/traci/misc/signature/runner.py", line 27, in <module>
>     import libsumo
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/libsumo/__init__.py", line 38, in <module>
>     from .libsumo import vehicle, simulation, person, trafficlight, edge  # noqa
>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   File "C:/Users/delphi/testreports/sumo/git/tools/libsumo/libsumo.py", line 13, in <module>
>     from . import _libsumo
> ImportError: DLL load failed while importing _libsumo: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< chargingstation.setChargeDelay traci: (typeID, delay) libsumo: (stopID, delay)
< chargingstation.setChargeInTransit traci: (typeID, inTransit) libsumo: (stopID, value)
< chargingstation.setChargingPower traci: (typeID, power) libsumo: (stopID, chargingpower)
< chargingstation.setEfficiency traci: (typeID, efficiency) libsumo: (stopID, efficiency)
< lane.getLinks traci: (laneID, extended=True) libsumo: (laneID)
< person.getPosition traci: (personID) libsumo: (personID, includeZ=False)
< poi.getPosition traci: (poiID) libsumo: (poiID, includeZ=False)
< vehicle.getPosition traci: (vehID) libsumo: (vehID, includeZ=False)
< Domain.setParameter() got an unexpected keyword argument 'oID'

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : gtfs_mitte osmroutes ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: 29 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
> Warning: 30 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: Edge '%' already has a dedicated lane for %s. Not adding another one.
> Warning: 11 total messages of type: Edge '%' already has a dedicated lane for %s. Not adding another one.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
> Warning: 4 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Not joining junctions % (%).
> Warning: 7 total messages of type: Not joining junctions % (%).
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: PT stop '%' has been moved to edge '%'.
> Warning: 15 total messages of type: PT stop '%' has been moved to edge '%'.
< Warning: 5 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of %.
< Warning: 13 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' has a high cycle time of %.
> Warning: 9 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of %.
> Warning: 17 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' has a high cycle time of %.
> Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_10567768816_12138231748_540765012', actuated phase 2 has no controlling detector.
> Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_10567768816_12138231748_540765012', linkIndex 16,17 has no controlling detector.
> Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_10314479343_10567768908_10567768925_10567768926_#4more', actuated phase 3 has no controlling detector.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Building scenario in '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test'.
> Building scenario in '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>\test'.
< Not all given gtfs elements have been mapped, see gtfs_missing.xml for more information
---------- Missing result in gtfs_additional ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <trainStop id="060100025432_0" lane="459344269_0" startPos="22.17" endPos="132.17" name="S+U Brandenburger Tor (Berlin)" friendlyPos="true">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="915958593#3_0" pos="126.01" length="0.46"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="317859982#3_0" pos="23.40" length="11.63"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204832_0" pos="1.22" length="16.34"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204816_0" pos="14.64" length="16.46"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="915958593#4_0" pos="65.65" length="17.11"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204836_0" pos="3.59" length="17.28"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204835_0" pos="0.00" length="20.36"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="541320665#2_0" pos="1.48" length="20.75"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204833_0" pos="2.43" length="20.93"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204820_0" pos="0.00" length="21.11"/>
    <trainStop id="060100000432_0" lane="459344269_0" startPos="672.57" endPos="782.57" name="S+U Friedrichstr. Bhf (Berlin)" friendlyPos="true">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="254523901#1_0" pos="19.03" length="8.14"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="274524381#1_0" pos="1.57" length="19.68"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="274524381#0_0" pos="2.96" length="22.06"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="440946431_0" pos="0.00" length="23.40"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="335043665#0_0" pos="0.00" length="21.79"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="428486924_0" pos="0.00" length="22.86"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="274524361#0_0" pos="0.84" length="23.40"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="274524361#1_0" pos="0.00" length="23.94"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="254339574_0" pos="11.19" length="27.43"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="274524361#2_0" pos="0.00" length="25.53"/>
    <trainStop id="060100007432_0" lane="463462760_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="110.00" name="S Oranienburger Str. (Berlin)" friendlyPos="true">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1095407477#5_0" pos="7.71" length="0.98"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in gtfs_routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <route id="7248" edges="1127597264#1 1127596842#2 120675240#1 120675240#3 120675240#4 1263204721 -8008608 -4611696#5 -4611696#4 -4611696#3 -23755950#1 -1127602336 -66071366#5 -66071366#3 -66071366#2 -66071366#1 -389101365#3 -35557143#4 -35557143#2 -35557143#0 196850609#0 196850609#1 196850609#2 882389497#1 194069450#0 461526153#0 169999355#1 -11483007#2 22972195#2 465376239 465376255#0 465376255#2 190447767 190447766#1 1151064403 1151064402#0 465376254#0 465376254#3 222328410 -6228081#1 3072
0544#0 30720544#1 42103020#0 42103020#2 111251382#1 111251382#3 1100889498 1100824590#1 176043806#0 176043806#1 176043806#2 176043807#0 176043807#3 176043807#6"/>
    <vehicle id="114194584.0" route="7248" line="17318_700_114194584" depart="0" departEdge="0" arrivalEdge="53" type="bus" color="149,39,110">
        <param key="gtfs.route_name" value="147"/>
        <param key="gtfs.trip_headsign" value="S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof"/>
        <stop busStop="070101006419_0" arrival="60" duration="10" until="60"/><!--stopSequence="3.0/12.0" "Berlin, Neumannsgasse"-->
        <stop busStop="070101005222_0" arrival="120" duration="10" until="120"/><!--stopSequence="4.0/12.0" "Berlin, Werderscher Markt"-->
        <stop busStop="070101006112_0" arrival="180" duration="10" until="180"/><!--stopSequence="5.0/12.0" "U Französische Str. (Berlin)"-->
        <stop busStop="070101006167_0" arrival="300" duration="10" until="300"/><!--stopSequence="6.0/12.0" "Berlin, Unter den Linden/Friedrichstr."-->
        <stop busStop="070101007223_0" arrival="420" duration="10" until="420"/><!--stopSequence="7.0/12.0" "S+U Friedrichstr. Bhf (Berlin)"-->
        <stop busStop="070101005224_0" arrival="480" duration="10" until="480"/><!--stopSequence="8.0/12.0" "Berlin, Friedrichstr./Reinhardtstr."-->
        <stop busStop="070101005225_0" arrival="540" duration="10" until="540"/><!--stopSequence="9.0/12.0" "Berlin, Deutsches Theater"-->
        <stop busStop="070101005411_0" arrival="600" duration="10" until="600"/><!--stopSequence="10.0/12.0" "Berlin, Schumannstr."-->
    <route id="8933" edges="379102293#0"/>
    <vehicle id="106146461.trimmed.0" route="8933" line="17525_400_106146461.trimmed" depart="30" departEdge="0" arrivalEdge="0" type="subway" color="34,79,134">
        <param key="gtfs.route_name" value="U8"/>
        <param key="gtfs.trip_headsign" value="S+U Wittenau"/>
        <stop busStop="070201083402_0" arrival="30" duration="10" until="30"/><!--stopSequence="11.0/12.0" "U Rosenthaler Platz (Berlin)"-->
        <stop busStop="070201083302_0" arrival="120" duration="10" until="120"/><!--stopSequence="12.0/12.0" "U Bernauer Str. (Berlin)"-->
    <route id="9071" edges="200422335#0 200422335#1 384294422#1 384294422#2 391559412 207993050 387106270#0 387106270#1 387106270#2"/>
    <vehicle id="106076694.trimmed.0" route="9071" line="17514_400_106076694.trimmed" depart="30" departEdge="4" arrivalEdge="8" type="subway" color="218,66,30">
        <param key="gtfs.route_name" value="U2"/>
        <param key="gtfs.trip_headsign" value="U Ruhleben"/>
        <stop busStop="070201022901_0" arrival="30" duration="10" until="30"/><!--stopSequence="9.0/14.0" "U Spittelmarkt (Berlin)"-->
        <stop busStop="070201023001_0" arrival="150" duration="10" until="150"/><!--stopSequence="10.0/14.0" "U Hausvogteiplatz (Berlin)"-->
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in vtypes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <vType id="aerialway" vClass="cable_car"/>
    <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/>
    <vType id="ferry" vClass="ship"/>
    <vType id="light_rail" vClass="rail_urban"/>
    <vType id="monorail" vClass="rail_urban"/>
    <vType id="subway" vClass="subway"/>
    <vType id="train" vClass="rail"/>
    <vType id="tram" vClass="tram"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : gtfs_mitte plain ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: 29 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
> Warning: 30 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Edge '%' already has a dedicated lane for %s. Not adding another one.
> Warning: 11 total messages of type: Edge '%' already has a dedicated lane for %s. Not adding another one.
< Warning: 52 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
> Warning: 53 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
> Warning: 4 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Not joining junctions % (%).
> Warning: 7 total messages of type: Not joining junctions % (%).
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: PT stop '%' has been moved to edge '%'.
> Warning: 15 total messages of type: PT stop '%' has been moved to edge '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Reducing junction cluster % (%).
> Warning: 3 total messages of type: Reducing junction cluster % (%).
< Warning: 5 total messages of type: The traffic light '%' cannot be adapted to a cycle time of %.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Building scenario in '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>/test'.
> Building scenario in '<TEXTTEST_SANDBOX>\test'.
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
---------- Missing result in gtfs_additional ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <busStop id="120410.1" lane="-4612981#1_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="S+U Alexanderplatz Bhf (Berlin)">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757271_0" pos="0.00" length="10.52"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757273_0" pos="0.00" length="7.91"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757274_0" pos="7.29" length="9.50"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757311_0" pos="0.00" length="5.56"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757314_0" pos="2.41" length="11.73"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757341#0_0" pos="0.06" length="1.71"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757341#1_0" pos="0.13" length="6.66"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757341#2_0" pos="0.20" length="5.02"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757342#1_0" pos="10.46" length="15.24"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="272757342#2_0" pos="0.00" length="18.59"/>
    <busStop id="120410.2" lane="194073677#3_1" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="S+U Friedrichstr. Bhf (Berlin)"/>
    <busStop id="122409.1" lane="24240246#0_1" startPos="61.74" endPos="74.74" friendlyPos="true" name="S+U Brandenburger Tor (Berlin)">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204816_0" pos="14.64" length="16.46"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204820_0" pos="0.00" length="21.11"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204832_0" pos="1.22" length="16.34"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204833_0" pos="2.43" length="20.93"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204835_0" pos="0.00" length="20.36"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="1169204836_0" pos="3.59" length="17.28"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="317859982#3_0" pos="23.40" length="11.63"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="541320665#2_0" pos="1.48" length="20.75"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="915958593#3_0" pos="126.01" length="0.46"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="915958593#4_0" pos="65.65" length="17.11"/>
    <busStop id="122409.2" lane="461526152#1_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Unter den Linden/Friedrichstr. (Berlin)">
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in gtfs_routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <route id="120410" edges="-4612981#1 195401006 1113401735#1 139877314#1 783042668 310357283#2 112128419#1 112128419#2 -1133992822#0 -979668824#0 -1133992734#1 -1133992735#0 -168942727#2 -168942727#1 -743631784#0 -316746323#3 183415643 46140382 1120993114#0 1120993114#2 30721660#1 30721660#3 30721660#4 30721660#5 437325047#0 437325047#1 437325047#2 437325047#3 51167934#1 51167934#2 51167934#3 51167934#4 51167934#5 507023458#0 507023458#1 4610375#0 -1198409426#2 -1198409426#1 -1198409426#0 -11
14798610#1 -1114798610#0 -24243101 339201185 1158584613 1151064395#1 4610472#2 1151064396#0 1151064397#3 34848160#2 1151064405#1 194073677#0 194073677#1 194073677#2 194073677#3">
        <stop busStop="120410.1" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz Bhf (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="120410.2" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- S+U Friedrichstr. Bhf (Berlin) -->
    <route id="122409" edges="24240246#0 1125871262#1 1125871619#1 1125871619#3 1125871619#4 1170522574 236092221#0 236092221#1 342968607#1 1170522572#0 461526153#0 -461526153#0 461526152#1 1126234503#0 1126237668#1 1079495669#1 340498982#0 1170522567#0 251884680#0 251884680#1 1126246695#1 339201217 1126244314#0 1126244314#1 54048862#2 831694400#0 831694400#1 23013165 4611698 202156994#0 72157174#1 171826984#2 195401006 1113401735#1">
        <stop busStop="122409.1" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- S+U Brandenburger Tor (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122409.2" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Unter den Linden/Friedrichstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122409.3" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- Staatsoper (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122409.4" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- Lustgarten (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122409.5" duration="10" until="420"/> <!-- Spandauer Str./Marienkirche (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122409.6" duration="10" until="540"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz Bhf/Memhardstr. (Berlin) -->
    <route id="122807" edges="1113401735#1 139877314#1 783042668 310357283#2 112128419#1 112128419#2 415280722 195401013#2 171826985#2 24913519#1 1144362247 541763975 202156995 4067932 339201219 541763974 61584187#0 61584187#1 1126245113 15971197 4611699#0 4611699#1 1149417521#1 169195795#0 169195795#1 1217865061#0 1113726463 1077923225#0 882389494#1 340498988#0 -461526153#0 461526153#0 188386313#1 1119935327#0 1119935327#1 1119935543#0 1119936840#1 1119937599#3">
        <stop busStop="122409.6" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz Bhf/Memhardstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122807.1" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- S+U Alexanderplatz (Bln) [Bus K.-Liebknecht-Str] -->
        <stop busStop="122807.2" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Spandauer Str./Marienkirche (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122807.3" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- Lustgarten (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122807.4" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- Staatsoper (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122807.5" duration="10" until="420"/> <!-- Unter den Linden/Friedrichstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="122807.6" duration="10" until="480"/> <!-- S+U Brandenburger Tor (Berlin) -->
    <route id="144589" edges="713576589#0 713576589#1 713576589#2 312651888#1 312651888#2 312651888#3 312651888#4 312651888#5 312651888#6 -36689633#2 -36689633#1 -36689633#0 -980542375#1 4296467#1 4610354#1 4610354#2 4610354#3 4610354#4 4610354#5 1157396753 847103786#0 847103786#2 847103786#3 755340907#0 755340907#1 -1225924291#1 -371927739#3 -1119855803#1 -1119855803#0 -4296469#2 -4296469#0 4296469#0 4296469#2 1119855803#0 980371139#0 980371139#1 980371139#4 44427220#0 44427220#1 -24241762#2 -2
4241762#1 -24241762#0 -19002363#5 -19002363#3 -19002363#2 -19002363#1 -19002363#0 -1179820254#0 -1179820253#0 -1179820019#0 4613292#0 -24993933#2 -24993933#0 -1115509343#2 -1115509343#1 -1115509343#0 -369223458#3 -369223458#2 1098856743#1 4613299#0 4613299#1 4613299#2 4613299#3 -4613300#5 -4613300#4 -4613300#3 -4613300#2 -4613300#1 -4613300#0 4613300#0 4613300#1 4613300#2 4613300#3 4613300#4 4613300#5 -4613299#3 -4613299#2 -1323456348#2 -1323456348#1 -268002748#0 -1133761630#0 24914141#8 3182828
50#2 1105526112#1 112128418#2 112128418#4 457031289 1020548406 1101404246#1 177372522 295445243">
        <stop busStop="144589.4" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Tucholskystr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="144589.5" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- U Rosenthaler Platz (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="144589.6" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- U Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="144589.7" duration="10" until="360"/> <!-- Mollstr./Prenzlauer Allee (Berlin) -->
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in vtypes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/>
    <vType id="light_rail" vClass="rail_urban"/>
    <vType id="subway" vClass="subway"/>
    <vType id="train" vClass="rail"/>
    <vType id="tram" vClass="tram"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : tutorial gtfs plain ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1644613975'.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.47 at the end of edge '-204836052'.
< Warning: Found angle of 124.67 degrees at edge '-26637317', segment 0.
< Warning: Shape for junction '246767394' has distance 84.10 to its given position.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '7076971117'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to traffic_light at junction '7465967492'.
< Warning: Lane '-22956462_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '247340717'.
< Warning: Edge '461452943' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '664456709'.
< Warning: The rail crossing '7465967526' does not have any roads.
< Warning: 51 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to traffic_light at junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
< Warning: 30 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 85 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 3 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 3 total messages of type: Shape for junction '%' has distance % to its given position.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: The rail crossing '%' does not have any roads.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1644613975'.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.47 at the end of edge '-204836052'.
< Warning: Found angle of 121.61 degrees at edge '-741297440', segment 0.
< Warning: Shape for junction '27379359' has distance 33.70 to its given position.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '296020222'.
< Warning: Lane '798253296_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '7465967545'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1234644037' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 6 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 11 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 12 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 20 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
< Success.
---------- Missing result in gtfs_additional ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <busStop id="280165.1" lane="19508631#0_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Gosen, Schillerhöhe"/>
    <busStop id="109241.1" lane="38417587#2_0" startPos="1574.46" endPos="1587.46" friendlyPos="true" name="Niederlehme, Wederdamm"/>
    <busStop id="109241.2" lane="-38417587#2_0" startPos="1253.86" endPos="1266.86" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Friedrich-Engels-Str."/>
    <busStop id="109241.3" lane="38417588_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Neubau"/>
    <busStop id="109241.4" lane="-708450472#1_0" startPos="38.36" endPos="51.36" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Schulstr."/>
    <busStop id="109241.5" lane="-382263640#0_0" startPos="118.36" endPos="131.36" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Sporthaus"/>
    <busStop id="109241.6" lane="-206903446#15_0" startPos="37.68" endPos="50.68" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Schwarzer Weg"/>
    <busStop id="109241.7" lane="-206903446#7_0" startPos="149.72" endPos="162.72" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Erlenweg"/>
    <busStop id="109241.8" lane="-206903446#0_0" startPos="11.09" endPos="24.09" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Pappelweg"/>
    <busStop id="109241.9" lane="-35630851#3_0" startPos="100.12" endPos="113.12" friendlyPos="true" name="Wernsdorf, Waldeck"/>
    <busStop id="109242.6" lane="35630851#3_0" startPos="49.80" endPos="62.80" friendlyPos="true" name="Wernsdorf, Waldeck"/>
    <busStop id="109242.7" lane="206903446#0_0" startPos="59.60" endPos="72.60" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Pappelweg"/>
    <busStop id="109242.8" lane="206903446#7_0" startPos="5.02" endPos="18.02" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Erlenweg"/>
    <busStop id="109242.9" lane="206903446#15_0" startPos="83.21" endPos="96.21" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Schwarzer Weg"/>
    <busStop id="109242.10" lane="382263640#0_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Sporthaus"/>
    <busStop id="109242.11" lane="708450472#1_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Schulstr."/>
    <busStop id="109242.12" lane="785847089#1_0" startPos="2.70" endPos="15.69" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Neubau"/>
    <busStop id="109242.13" lane="38417587#2_0" startPos="319.20" endPos="332.20" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Friedrich-Engels-Str."/>
    <busStop id="109243.0" lane="-86499884#0_0" startPos="205.23" endPos="218.23" friendlyPos="true" name="Ziegenhals, Neubau"/>
    <busStop id="109244.0" lane="-112698780#1_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="S Zeuthen"/>
    <busStop id="109244.1" lane="797340923_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Zeuthen, Schillerstr."/>
    <busStop id="109244.2" lane="8068171#6_0" startPos="37.05" endPos="50.05" friendlyPos="true" name="Zeuthen, Heinrich-Heine-Str."/>
    <busStop id="109244.3" lane="-4045247#4_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Zeuthen, Havellandstr."/>
    <busStop id="109244.4" lane="4068154#0_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="13.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Eichwalde, Friedenstr."/>
    <busStop id="109244.5" lane="4068154#1_0" startPos="17.23" endPos="30.23" friendlyPos="true" name="Eichwalde, Tschaikowskistr."/>
    <busStop id="109244.6" lane="4068154#19_0" startPos="10.03" endPos="23.03" friendlyPos="true" name="Eichwalde, Schmöckwitzer Str."/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in gtfs_routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <route id="280165" edges="19508631#0">
        <stop busStop="280165.1" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Gosen, Schillerhöhe -->
    <route id="280166" edges="19508631#0">
        <stop busStop="280165.1" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Gosen, Schillerhöhe -->
    <route id="109241" edges="38417587#2 -38417587#2 -38417587#1 38417588 -708450472#6 -708450472#5 -708450472#4 -708450472#2 -708450472#1 -708450472#0 708450474 -382263640#3 -382263640#2 -382263640#0 -24380016#3 -24380016#2 -24380016#1 -24380016#0 -206903446#18 -206903446#17 -206903446#16 -206903446#15 -206903446#14 -206903446#13 -206903446#12 -206903446#11 -206903446#10 -206903446#8 -206903446#7 -206903446#6 -206903446#5 -206903446#4 -206903446#3 -206903446#2 -206903446#1 -206903446#0 -3563085
1#8 -35630851#7 -35630851#6 -35630851#4 -35630851#3">
        <stop busStop="109241.1" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Niederlehme, Wederdamm -->
        <stop busStop="109241.2" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Friedrich-Engels-Str. -->
        <stop busStop="109241.3" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Neubau -->
        <stop busStop="109241.4" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Schulstr. -->
        <stop busStop="109241.5" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Sporthaus -->
        <stop busStop="109241.6" duration="10" until="360"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Schwarzer Weg -->
        <stop busStop="109241.7" duration="10" until="420"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Erlenweg -->
        <stop busStop="109241.8" duration="10" until="480"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Pappelweg -->
        <stop busStop="109241.9" duration="10" until="540"/> <!-- Wernsdorf, Waldeck -->
    <route id="109242" edges="35630851#3 35630851#4 35630851#6 35630851#7 35630851#8 206903446#0 206903446#1 206903446#2 206903446#3 206903446#4 206903446#5 206903446#6 206903446#7 206903446#8 206903446#10 206903446#11 206903446#12 206903446#13 206903446#14 206903446#15 206903446#16 206903446#17 206903446#18 206903446#19 24380016#1 24380016#2 24380016#3 382263640#0 382263640#2 382263640#3 708450473 708450472#0 708450472#1 708450472#2 708450472#3 708450472#5 708450472#6 785847089#0 785847089#1 38
417587#1 38417587#2">
        <stop busStop="109242.6" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Wernsdorf, Waldeck -->
        <stop busStop="109242.7" duration="10" until="60"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Pappelweg -->
        <stop busStop="109242.8" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Erlenweg -->
        <stop busStop="109242.9" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Schwarzer Weg -->
        <stop busStop="109242.10" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Sporthaus -->
        <stop busStop="109242.11" duration="10" until="360"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Schulstr. -->
        <stop busStop="109242.12" duration="10" until="420"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Neubau -->
        <stop busStop="109242.13" duration="10" until="480"/> <!-- Ziegenhals, Friedrich-Engels-Str. -->
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in vtypes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <vType id="bus" vClass="bus"/>
    <vType id="ferry" vClass="ship"/>
    <vType id="light_rail" vClass="rail_urban"/>
    <vType id="tram" vClass="tram"/>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-wintest-ba : tutorial gtfs tram ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1644613975'.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.47 at the end of edge '-204836052'.
< Warning: Found angle of 124.67 degrees at edge '-26637317', segment 0.
< Warning: Shape for junction '246767394' has distance 84.10 to its given position.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '7076971117'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to traffic_light at junction '7465967492'.
< Warning: Lane '-22956462_0' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '247340717'.
< Warning: Edge '461452943' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '664456709'.
< Warning: The rail crossing '7465967526' does not have any roads.
< Warning: 51 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to traffic_light at junction '%'.
< Warning: 2 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
< Warning: 30 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 85 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 3 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 3 total messages of type: Shape for junction '%' has distance % to its given position.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: The rail crossing '%' does not have any roads.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '7465967526'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '7465967542' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 9 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning! No mapping library found, falling back to tracemapper.
< Warning! Disconnected route '257596' between '319292807' and '107701626', no path found. Keeping longer part.
< Warning! Disconnected route '259570' between '461452916' and '180390329#0', no path found. Keeping longer part.
< Warning! Disconnected route '68252' between '461452916' and '180390329#0', no path found. Keeping longer part.
> HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable
> Traceback (most recent call last):
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Success.
< Success.
---------- Missing result in gtfs_additional ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <trainStop id="257252.0" lane="171419641_0" startPos="165.65" endPos="225.65" friendlyPos="true" name="Wendenschloß (Berlin)">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-23532795#0_0" pos="29.69" length="121.00"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-32204604#0_0" pos="0.00" length="22.32"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-32204604#1_0" pos="18.47" length="0.38"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-445947592_0" pos="127.04" length="39.33"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="32204604#0_0" pos="90.78" length="22.68"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="32204604#1_0" pos="9.44" length="4.41"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="445947587_0" pos="3.42" length="16.44"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="445947591#0_0" pos="63.08" length="37.13"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="445947591#2_0" pos="10.82" length="24.06"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="445947592_0" pos="0.00" length="39.73"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.1" lane="319292807_0" startPos="37.87" endPos="97.87" friendlyPos="true" name="Müggelbergallee (Berlin)">
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-23532795#0_0" pos="159.44" length="122.06"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="-445947592_0" pos="23.52" length="3.17"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="23532795#0_0" pos="22.62" length="126.86"/>
        <access friendlyPos="true" lane="445947592_0" pos="103.51" length="1.63"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.2" lane="319292807_0" startPos="400.19" endPos="460.19" friendlyPos="true" name="Lienhardweg (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.3" lane="319292807_0" startPos="784.67" endPos="844.67" friendlyPos="true" name="Zur Nachtheide (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.4" lane="319292807_0" startPos="1077.13" endPos="1137.13" friendlyPos="true" name="Dregerhoffstr. (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.5" lane="319292807_0" startPos="1417.14" endPos="1477.14" friendlyPos="true" name="Pritstabelstr. (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.6" lane="319292807_0" startPos="1866.71" endPos="1926.71" friendlyPos="true" name="Segewaldweg (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257252.7" lane="319292807_0" startPos="2030.24" endPos="2090.24" friendlyPos="true" name="Mayschweg (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257596.4" lane="107701626_0" startPos="0.00" endPos="60.00" friendlyPos="true" name="Zur Nachtheide (Berlin)"/>
    <trainStop id="257596.5" lane="107701626_0" startPos="257.64" endPos="317.64" friendlyPos="true" name="Lienhardweg (Berlin)"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in gtfs_routes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <route id="257252" edges="171419641 319292807">
        <stop busStop="257252.0" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Wendenschloß (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.1" duration="10" until="60"/> <!-- Müggelbergallee (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.2" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Lienhardweg (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.3" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Zur Nachtheide (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.4" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- Dregerhoffstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.5" duration="10" until="300"/> <!-- Pritstabelstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.6" duration="10" until="360"/> <!-- Segewaldweg (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.7" duration="10" until="420"/> <!-- Mayschweg (Berlin) -->
    <route id="257282.trimmed" edges="319292807">
        <stop busStop="257252.5" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Pritstabelstr. (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.6" duration="10" until="60"/> <!-- Segewaldweg (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257252.7" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Mayschweg (Berlin) -->
    <route id="257596" edges="107701626 110800148">
        <stop busStop="257596.4" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Zur Nachtheide (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257596.5" duration="10" until="60"/> <!-- Lienhardweg (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257596.6" duration="10" until="120"/> <!-- Müggelbergallee (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="257596.7" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Wendenschloß (Berlin) -->
    <route id="259570" edges="180390329#0 180390329#1 180390329#2 180390329#3 180390329#4 180390329#5 180390329#6 180390329#7 180390329#8 180390329#9 180390329#10 180390329#11 180390329#12 180390329#13 180390329#14 180390329#15 180390329#16 180390329#17 180390329#18 180390329#19 180390329#20 180390329#21 180390329#22 180390329#23 180390329#24 180390329#25 180390329#26 180390329#27 180390329#28 170799109#0 170799109#1 170799109#2 170799109#3 158537642#0 158537642#1 158537642#2 158537642#3 1585376
42#4 169008810#0 169008810#2 169008810#3 169008810#4 169008810#5 169008810#6 169008810#7 169008810#8 169008810#9 169008810#10 169008810#12 169008810#13 169008810#14 169008810#15 169008810#17 158512978#0 158512978#1">
        <stop busStop="259570.5" duration="10" until="0"/> <!-- Wassersportallee (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="259570.6" duration="10" until="60"/> <!-- S Grünau (Berlin) [Adlergestell] -->
        <stop busStop="259570.7" duration="10" until="180"/> <!-- Regattatribünen (Berlin) -->
        <stop busStop="259570.8" duration="10" until="240"/> <!-- Regattastr./Sportpromenade (Berlin) -->
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in vtypes ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<additional xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/additional_file.xsd">
    <vType id="tram" vClass="tram"/>

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output one_vehicle ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x0000015BC762E580>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75D3380>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75D2DC0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (71.4, 71.5) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75D2A00>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (72.0, 73.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75FDE80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75FEAC0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC75FF840>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC7625AC0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (73.0, 74.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC76242C0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x0000015BC7627900>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output teleport ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.6, 108.7) [9.9, 10.0, 9.9, 9.9]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (108.0, 109.0) [9.87, 10.0, 9.87, 9.87]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 110.0) [9.85, 9.96, 9.85, 9.85]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< failed ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [-1.0, 2.26, 3.2, 2.27, 2.27]
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0', '1/1to0/1_0']
< success ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] ['2/1to1/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 230.1) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.1, 148.2) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 231.0) [('e2', 9.99), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.99), ('lane', 9.99)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (148.0, 149.0) [('e2', 9.91), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.91), ('lane', 9.91)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (230.0, 240.0) [('e2', 9.42), ('e3', 9.9), ('edge', 9.42), ('lane', 9.42)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) [('e2', 9.96), ('e3', 9.99), ('edge', 9.96), ('lane', 9.96)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.22), ('e3', 5.71), ('edge', 9.22), ('lane', 9.22)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 9.53), ('e2', 5.82), ('e3', 6.93), ('edge', 5.82), ('lane', 5.82)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (148.9, 149.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7EF12C80>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (148.9, 149.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7EEF1740>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7E35C6C0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (149.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7F175EC0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7F315D40>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (140.0, 150.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7F316AC0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7F315D40>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x0000020A7F314300>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (245.0, 246.0) [('e2', 8.92), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 8.92), ('lane', 8.92)]
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 151.0) [('e2', 9.82), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.82), ('lane', 9.82)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (240.0, 250.0) [('e2', 9.9), ('e3', 10.0), ('edge', 9.9), ('lane', 9.9)]
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (150.0, 160.0) [('e2', 9.15), ('e3', 9.84), ('edge', 9.15), ('lane', 9.15)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (200.0, 300.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 9.41), ('e3', 5.84), ('edge', 9.41), ('lane', 9.41)]
< success 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 1/1to0/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) [('e1', 10.0), ('e2', 5.94), ('e3', 7.08), ('edge', 5.94), ('lane', 5.94)]
< -- Unordered text as found by filter '^Loading configuration ... done.' --
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading configuration ... done.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output teleport_multihop_newDefaults ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 10.27), ('e2', 10.24), ('e3', 9.59), ('edge', 10.24), ('lane', 10.24)]
< failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 10.27), ('e2', 10.24), ('e3', 9.59), ('edge', 10.24), ('lane', 10.24)]
< failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.2, 76.3) [('e2', 10.49), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.49), ('lane', 10.49)]
< failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) [('e2', 10.39), ('e3', 10.35), ('edge', 10.39), ('lane', 10.39)]
< failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) [('e2', 10.42), ('e3', 10.25), ('edge', 10.42), ('lane', 10.42)]
< failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 10.27), ('e2', 10.24), ('e3', 9.59), ('edge', 10.24), ('lane', 10.24)]
< failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) [('e1', 10.27), ('e2', 10.24), ('e3', 9.59), ('edge', 10.24), ('lane', 10.24)]
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.9, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D4BEDC0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.9, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D477D00>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D50B680>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D50BF80>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D50B080>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 80.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D509800>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D509100>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 2/1to1/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D50B0C0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.9, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D509400>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.9, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D4D9340>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1C9C4700>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 2/1to1/1_0 (70.0, 71.0) <zip object at 0x0000019F1D77D940>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output two_same_vehicles ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D78400>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D52E40>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D519C0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (75.4, 75.5) <zip object at 0x00000224DA01C300>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.0, 77.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D8C1C0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D8C340>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D8C5C0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D46D40>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D46400>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x00000224D9D45B40>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_length ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x000002377D3C8100>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D387880>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D387F80>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (76.4, 76.5) <zip object at 0x000002377D385440>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (77.0, 78.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3DEE00>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3DD600>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (100.0, 200.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3DE400>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3A2D40>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (78.0, 79.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3A0140>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (80.0, 90.0) <zip object at 0x000002377D3A2FC0>
< success 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
< success 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] ['3/1to2/1_0']
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST had known bugs (see #254) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : sumo output two_vehicles_diff_speed ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

different outputs from detectors which should detect the same
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x0000017A640D00C0>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A4B78EF00>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B2B540>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B32A40>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B44240>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64AF3580>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64AF32C0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64AF3B00>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.4, 38.5) <zip object at 0x0000017A64AF3F40>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (38.0, 39.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B08580>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B082C0>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '.1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B08E00>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B0BF80>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B0A8C0>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B0A940>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '51'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 51.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1EBC0>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1F640>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1D740>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1D900>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '100'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1F140>
> failed 0.1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B1D900>
> failed 1 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (39.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B0B780>
> failed 10 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (30.0, 40.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B09900>
> failed 100 ['--step-length', '1', '--end', '1000'] 3/1to2/1_0 (0.0, 100.0) <zip object at 0x0000017A64B0BF40>

TEST had known bugs (see #3263) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : traci vehicle moveToXY keepRoute2 ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

mapping failure
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'output' matching 'failed')
---------- Differences in output ----------
> internal corner (inside, segment2) failed: x=198, x2=198.0,   y=1.9, y2=1.9,   lane=middle_0, lane2=middle_0, pos=102, pos2=98.0   posLat=2.0 posLat2=1.9

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : routes duarouter ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds
---------- Differences in output ----------
< vehicle 11 12
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/62.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/62.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 11 13
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/62.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/62.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 11 14
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/62.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : routes duarouter_no_validation ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Success.
< vehicle 21 10
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 21 11
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 21 12
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 21 13
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 21 14
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 21 15
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 22 0
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 22 1
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 22 2
< Success.
< Success.
< vehicle 22 3
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : routes sumo ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< vehicle 24 8
< vehicle 24 9
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< vehicle 24 10
< vehicle 24 11
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< vehicle 24 12
< vehicle 24 13
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< vehicle 24 14
< vehicle 24 15
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< Warning: Ignoring child element 'route' for vehicle 'v' because attribute 'route' is set.
< vehicle 25 0
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/63.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: attribute 'from' is not declared for element 'vehicle'
<  In file 'routes.xml'
<  At line/column 4/63.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 25 1
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : routes sumo_no_validation ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds
---------- Differences in output ----------
< vehicle 9 2
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 9 3
< vehicle 9 4
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 9 5
< vehicle 9 6
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 9 7
< vehicle 9 8
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< vehicle 9 9
< vehicle 9 10
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
< Error: Vehicle 'v' has no route.
< Quitting (on error).
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-wintest-ba : traci gui b50 ( Last six runs Dec2024 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 900.0 seconds