28Apr2020 - detailed test results for TextTest

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a texttest -c C:\python37 -d C:\Users\delphi\Code\texttest\selftest -reconnect C:\Users\delphi\.texttest\tmp\texttestWin.28Apr084508.8160 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a texttest -c C:\python37 -d C:\Users\delphi\Code\texttest\selftest

default: 653 tests: 648 succeeded 3 killed 1 known bugs 1 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-winbuild-ba : TestSelf BatchTests Console JunitReport IllegalCharsInCDATA ( Last six runs Apr2020 Mar2020 )

---------- Differences in junitreport_Test_hello ----------
< 1c1,28
> 1c1,40
< > Char #x001a ('\x1a') <
< \ No newline at end of file
> > Char #x001a ('\x1a') <\x1a> is illegal.
> > Char #x001b ('\x1b') <\x1b> is illegal.
> > Char #x001c ('\x1c') <\x1c> is illegal.
> > Char #x001d ('\x1d') <\x1d> is illegal.
> > Char #x001e ('\x1e') <\x1e> is illegal.
> > Char #x001f ('\x1f') <\x1f> is illegal.
> > Char #x0020 (' ') < > is legal.
> > Char #x0021 ('!') <!> is legal.
> > Char #x0129 ('Ä©') <Ä©> is legal.
> > Char #xd8ff ('\ud8ff') <> is illegal.
> > Char #xfff0 ('\ufff0') <ï¿°> is legal.
> > Char #xffff ('\uffff') <ï¿¿> is illegal.
> > Char #x10fff0 ('\U0010fff0') <ô¿°> is legal.
---------- Differences in targetReport ----------
< 1c1,28
> 1c1,40
< > Char #x001a ('\x1a') <
< \ No newline at end of file
> > Char #x001a ('\x1a') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x001b ('\x1b') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x001c ('\x1c') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x001d ('\x1d') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x001e ('\x1e') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x001f ('\x1f') <> is illegal.
> > Char #x0020 (' ') < > is legal.
> > Char #x0021 ('!') <!> is legal.
> > Char #x0129 ('Ä©') <Ä©> is legal.
> > Char #xd8ff ('\ud8ff') <> is illegal.
> > Char #xfff0 ('\ufff0') <ï¿°> is legal.
> > Char #xffff ('\uffff') <ï¿¿> is illegal.
> > Char #x10fff0 ('\U0010fff0') <ô¿°> is legal.

Detailed information for the tests that had known bugs:

TEST had known bugs (GUI not installed) on ts-sim-winbuild-ba : TestSelf Documentation GUIConfigEntries ( Last six runs Apr2020 Mar2020 )

GUI not installed. Inevitable on Windows currently as we don't have an installer for > 3.4 but test with 3.7
(This bug was triggered by text found in file 'errors' matching 'No module named 'gi'')
---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Exception thrown performing <class 'texttestlib.default.gtkgui.DocumentGUIConfig'> set up on APPIDENTIFIER :
> Description of exception thrown :
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<filtered>/actionrunner.py", line <filtered>, in setUpApplicationFor
>     action.setUpApplication(self.testSuite.app)
>   File "<filtered>/__init__.py", line <filtered>, in setUpApplication
>     from .default_gui import InteractiveActionConfig
>   File "<filtered>/__init__.py", line <filtered>, in <module>
>     from .helpdialogs import *
>   File "<filtered>/helpdialogs.py", line <filtered>, in <module>
>     import gi
> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi'
---------- Differences in output ----------
< file_colours|{'default': 'salmon', 'success': 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'failure': 'salmon', 'running': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'initial_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'final_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'not_started': 'white', 'pending': 'grey80', 'static': 'grey90', 'clipboard_cut': 'red', 'clipboard_copy': 'grey60', 'bug': 'orange', 'marked': 'lightblue'}|Colours to use for each file state
< gui_accelerators|{'quit': '<control>q', 'select': '<control><alt>f', 'filter': '<control><shift>f', 'approve': '<control>s', 'approve_as': '<control><alt>s', 'copy': '<control>c', 'kill': '<control>Delete', 'remove_tests': '<control>Delete', 'cut': '<control>x', 'paste': '<control>v', 'save_selection': '<control>d', 'load_selection': '<control><shift>o', 'reset': '<control>e', 'reconnect': '<control><shift>r', 'run': '<control>r', 'rerun': '<control>r', 'rename_test': '<control>m', 'refresh': 
'F5', 'record_use-case': 'F9', 'recompute_status': 'F5', 'add_test': '<control>n', 'enter_failure_information': '<control>i', 'move_down': '<control>Page_Down', 'move_up': '<control>Page_Up', 'move_to_first': '<control>Home', 'move_to_last': '<control>End', 'mark': '<control><shift>m', 'unmark': '<control><shift>u'}|Custom action accelerators.
< gui_entry_completion_inline|0|Automatically inline common completion prefix in entry.
< gui_entry_completion_matching|1|Which matching type to use for entry completion. 0 means turn entry completions off, 1 means match the start of possible completions, 2 means match any part of possible completions
< gui_entry_completions|{'default': []}|Add these completions to the entry completion lists initially
< hide_gui_element|{'status_bar': 0, 'toolbar': 0, 'shortcut_bar': 0}|List of widgets to hide by default
< hide_test_category|['cancelled']|Categories of tests which should not appear in the dynamic GUI test view
< query_kill_processes|{'default': [], 'static': ['Dynamic GUI']}|Ask about whether to kill these processes when exiting texttest.
< retro_icons|0|Use the old TextTest icons in the dynamic and static GUIs
< show_test_category|['failed']|Categories of tests which should appear in the dynamic GUI test view
< sort_test_suites_recursively|1|Sort subsuites when sorting test suites
< static_collapse_suites|100|Starting at this level the static GUI will show the suites collapsed
< test_colours|{'default': 'salmon', 'success': 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'failure': 'salmon', 'running': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'initial_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'final_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'not_started': 'white', 'pending': 'grey80', 'static': 'grey90', 'clipboard_cut': 'red', 'clipboard_copy': 'grey60', 'bug': 'orange', 'marked': 'lightblue'}|Colours to use for each test state
< window_size|{'maximize': 0, 'horizontal_separator_position': 0.46, 'vertical_separator_position': 0.5, 'height_pixels': '<not set>', 'width_pixels': '<not set>', 'height_screen': 0.8333333333333334, 'width_screen': 0.6}|To set the initial size of the dynamic/static GUI.

Detailed information for the tests that were terminated before completion:

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-winbuild-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console NotInstalled ( Last six runs Apr2020 Mar2020 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
> --------console.<datetime>.<pid>
> ------------slavelogs
> ----------------Test-Basic-SLEEP.errors
> ----------------Test-Basic-SLEEP.log
> ----------------Test-Basic2-SLEEP.errors
> ----------------Test-Basic2-SLEEP.log
> ------------sleep
> ----------------Basic2
> --------------------errors.sleep
> --------------------output.sleep
> --------------------framework_tmp
> ------------------------errors.sleepcmp
> ------------------------output.sleepcmp
---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
> ->CLI:2332
> sleep:Basic2
> ccopy_reg
> _reconstructor
> p0
> (ctexttestlib.default.rundependent
> Filtering
> p1
> c__builtin__
> object
> p2
> Ntp3
> Rp4
> (dp5
> Vobservers
> p6
> (lp7
> sVpassSelf
> p8
> I00
> sVcategory
> p9
> Vinitial_filter
> p10
> sVfreeText
> p11
> VFiltering stored result files on <host>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< S: SLEEP test-case Basic not compared:
< Failed to submit to local queue (Failed to start slave process : [Errno 2] No such file or directory)
< Submission command was <path_to_texttest> -d <test write dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <address>
< S: SLEEP test-case Basic2 not compared:
< Failed to submit to local queue (Failed to start slave process : [Errno 2] No such file or directory)
< Submission command was <path_to_texttest> -d <test write dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <address>
---------- Missing result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in pythonmocks ----------
<-PYT:import subprocess
->RET:Instance('STARTUPINFO(object)', 'startupinfo1')
<-PYT:startupinfo1.dwFlags = 1
<-PYT:startupinfo1.wShowWindow = 1
<-PYT:subprocess.Popen([<path_to_texttest>, '-d', '<test write dir>/TargetApp', '-a', 'sleep', '-l', '-tp', 'Basic', '-slave', '<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>', '-servaddr', '<host:port>'], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs', env=<something>
<something>,=startupinfo1, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.errors' mode='w' encoding=<something>, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.log' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>)
->RET:raise OSError('[Errno 2] No such file or directory')
->RET:Instance('STARTUPINFO(object)', 'startupinfo2')
<-PYT:startupinfo2.dwFlags = 1
<-PYT:startupinfo2.wShowWindow = 1
<-PYT:subprocess.Popen([<path_to_texttest>, '-d', '<test write dir>/TargetApp', '-a', 'sleep', '-l', '-tp', 'Basic2', '-slave', '<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>', '-servaddr', '<host:port>'], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs', env=<something>
<something>,=startupinfo2, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic2-SLEEP.errors' mode='w' encoding=<something>, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic2-SLEEP.log' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>)
->RET:raise OSError('[Errno 2] No such file or directory')

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-winbuild-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PollSlaveCrash ( Last six runs Apr2020 Mar2020 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------batchreport.sleep.killing
> --------------------errors.sleep
> --------------------output.sleep
< ------------------------teststate
> ------------------------errors.sleeporigcmp
> ------------------------output.sleeporigcmp
---------- Differences in output ----------
< S: SLEEP.killing test-case Basic not compared:
< local job exited
< Job ID was 7632
< Results:
< Tests that did not succeed:
<   SLEEP.killing test-case Basic not compared: local job exited
< Tests Run: 1, Incomplete: 1
< Creating batch report for application SLEEP ...
< File written.
---------- Missing result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in pythonmocks ----------
<-PYT:import subprocess
->RET:Instance('STARTUPINFO(object)', 'startupinfo1')
<-PYT:startupinfo1.dwFlags = 1
<-PYT:startupinfo1.wShowWindow = 1
<-PYT:subprocess.Popen([<path_to_texttest>, '-d', '<test write dir>/TargetApp', '-a', 'sleep.killing', '-l', '-tp', 'Basic', '-slave', '<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>', '-servaddr', '<host:port>', '-b', 'short_local'], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs', env=<something>
<something>,=startupinfo1, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing.errors' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing.log' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>)
->RET:Instance('Popen(object)', 'popen1')
---------- Missing result in targetReport ----------
<today's date>
SLEEP killing : 1 tests : 1 unrunnable

Summary of all Unsuccessful tests follows...
The following tests could not be run : 
In SLEEP.killing test-suite TargetApp:
  - SLEEP.killing test-case Basic : local job exited

Details of all Unsuccessful tests follows...

Detailed information for the tests that could not be run follows...
TEST could not be run : SLEEP.killing test-case Basic (under Basic)
local job exited
Job ID was 7632

TEST were terminated before completion (TIMEOUT) on ts-sim-winbuild-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console Batch2Tests ( Last six runs Apr2020 Mar2020 )

Test exceeded wallclock time limit of 300.0 seconds
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------batchreport.sleep
> --------------------errors.sleep
> --------------------output.sleep
< ------------------------teststate
> ------------------------errors.sleepcmp
> ------------------------errors.sleeporigcmp
> ------------------------output.sleepcmp
> ------------------------output.sleeporigcmp
> --------------------errors.sleep
> --------------------output.sleep
< ------------------------teststate
> ------------------------errors.sleepcmp
> ------------------------output.sleepcmp
---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-SRV:Completed submission of tests up to capacity
< ->CLI:7632
> ->CLI:6452
< (itexttestlib.default.runtest
> ccopy_reg
> _reconstructor
> p0
> (ctexttestlib.default.runtest
< (dp2
< S'category'
< p3
< S'running'
< p4
< sS'freeText'
< p5
< S'Running on gewoia'
> c__builtin__
> object
> p2
> Ntp3
> Rp4
> (dp5
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< S: SLEEP test-case Basic2 FAILED on <machine> : new results in errors,output
< S: SLEEP test-case Basic succeeded on <machine>
< Results:
< Tests that did not succeed:
<   SLEEP test-case Basic2 FAILED on <machine> : new results in errors,output
< Tests Run: 2, Failures: 1
< Creating batch report for application SLEEP ...
< File written.
---------- Missing result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in pythonmocks ----------
<-PYT:import subprocess
->RET:Instance('STARTUPINFO(object)', 'startupinfo1')
<-PYT:startupinfo1.dwFlags = 1
<-PYT:startupinfo1.wShowWindow = 1
<-PYT:subprocess.Popen([<path_to_texttest>, '-d', '<test write dir>/TargetApp', '-a', 'sleep', '-l', '-tp', 'Basic', '-slave', '<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>', '-servaddr', '<host:port>', '-b', 'local'], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs', env=<something>
<something>,=startupinfo1, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.errors' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic-SLEEP.log' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>)
->RET:Instance('Popen(object)', 'popen1')
->RET:Instance('STARTUPINFO(object)', 'startupinfo2')
<-PYT:startupinfo2.dwFlags = 1
<-PYT:startupinfo2.wShowWindow = 1
<-PYT:subprocess.Popen([<path_to_texttest>, '-d', '<test write dir>/TargetApp', '-a', 'sleep', '-l', '-tp', 'Basic2', '-slave', '<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>', '-servaddr', '<host:port>', '-b', 'local'], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs', env=<something>
<something>,=startupinfo2, stderr=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic2-SLEEP.errors' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>, stdout=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs/Test-Basic2-SLEEP.log' mode='w' encoding='cp1252'>)
->RET:Instance('Popen(object)', 'popen2')
---------- Missing result in targetReport ----------
<today's date>
SLEEP : 2 tests : 1 FAILED

Summary of all Unsuccessful tests follows...
The following tests FAILED : 
In SLEEP test-suite TargetApp:
  - SLEEP test-case Basic2 : errors new(+)

Details of all Unsuccessful tests follows...

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED follows...
TEST FAILED on : SLEEP test-case Basic2 (under Basic2)
---------- New result in errors ----------
---------- New result in output ----------
Sleeping for 5 seconds...

Summary of all Successful tests follows...
The following tests succeeded : 
In SLEEP test-suite TargetApp:
  - SLEEP test-case Basic