27Oct2022 - detailed test results for TextTest

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a texttest -c /home/delphi/texttest/texttest -d /home/delphi/texttest/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/.texttest/tmp/texttest.02Nov000002.1351486 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a texttest -c /home/delphi/texttest/texttest -d /home/delphi/texttest/tests

default: 866 tests: 862 succeeded 4 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf Documentation GUIConfigEntries ( Last six runs Nov2022 Oct2022 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Exception thrown performing <class 'texttestlib.default.gtkgui.DocumentGUIConfig'> set up on APPIDENTIFIER :
> Description of exception thrown :
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<filtered>/actionrunner.py", line <filtered>, in setUpApplicationFor
>     action.setUpApplication(self.testSuite.app)
>   File "<filtered>/__init__.py", line <filtered>, in setUpApplication
>     guiConfig = GUIConfig(False, [app], GUIConfig.getDefaultColours(),
>   File "<filtered>/guiutils.py", line <filtered>, in getDefaultColours
>     dark = GUIConfig.isDarkTheme()
>   File "<filtered>/guiutils.py", line <filtered>, in isDarkTheme
>     style_context = Gtk.Window().get_style_context()
>   File "<filtered>/Gtk.py", line <filtered>, in __init__
>     raise RuntimeError(
> RuntimeError: Gtk couldn't be initialized. Use Gtk.init_check() if you want to handle this case.
---------- Differences in output ----------
< file_colours|{'default': 'salmon', 'success': 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'failure': 'salmon', 'running': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'initial_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'final_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'not_started': 'white', 'pending': 'grey80', 'static': 'grey90', 'clipboard_cut': 'red', 'clipboard_copy': 'grey60', 'bug': 'orange', 'marked': 'lightblue'}|Colours to use for each file state
< gui_accelerators|{'quit': '<control>q', 'select': '<control><alt>f', 'filter': '<control><shift>f', 'approve': '<control>s', 'approve_as': '<control><alt>s', 'copy': '<control>c', 'kill': '<control>Delete', 'remove_tests': '<control>Delete', 'cut': '<control>x', 'paste': '<control>v', 'save_selection': '<control>d', 'load_selection': '<control><shift>o', 'reset': '<control>e', 'reconnect': '<control><shift>r', 'run': '<control>r', 'rerun': '<control>r', 'rename_test': '<control>m', 'refresh': 
'F5', 'record_use-case': 'F9', 'recompute_status': 'F5', 'add_test': '<control>n', 'enter_failure_information': '<control>i', 'move_down': '<control>Page_Down', 'move_up': '<control>Page_Up', 'move_to_first': '<control>Home', 'move_to_last': '<control>End', 'mark': '<control><shift>m', 'unmark': '<control><shift>u'}|Custom action accelerators.
< gui_entry_completion_inline|0|Automatically inline common completion prefix in entry.
< gui_entry_completion_matching|1|Which matching type to use for entry completion. 0 means turn entry completions off, 1 means match the start of possible completions, 2 means match any part of possible completions
< gui_entry_completions|{'default': []}|Add these completions to the entry completion lists initially
< hide_gui_element|{'status_bar': 0, 'toolbar': 0, 'shortcut_bar': 0}|List of widgets to hide by default
< hide_test_category|['cancelled']|Categories of tests which should not appear in the dynamic GUI test view
< query_kill_processes|{'default': [], 'static': ['Dynamic GUI']}|Ask about whether to kill these processes when exiting texttest.
< retro_icons|0|Use the old TextTest icons in the dynamic and static GUIs
< show_test_category|['failed']|Categories of tests which should appear in the dynamic GUI test view
< sort_test_suites_recursively|1|Sort subsuites when sorting test suites
< static_collapse_suites|100|Starting at this level the static GUI will show the suites collapsed
< test_colours|{'default': 'salmon', 'success': 'DarkSeaGreen2', 'failure': 'salmon', 'running': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'initial_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'final_filter': 'LightGoldenrod1', 'not_started': 'white', 'pending': 'grey80', 'static': 'grey90', 'clipboard_cut': 'red', 'clipboard_copy': 'grey60', 'bug': 'orange', 'marked': 'lightblue'}|Colours to use for each test state
< window_size|{'height_screen': 0.8333333333333334, 'width_screen': 0.6, 'horizontal_separator_position': 0.46, 'vertical_separator_position': 0.5, 'height_pixels': '<not set>', 'width_pixels': '<not set>', 'maximize': 0}|To set the initial size of the dynamic/static GUI.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf Mocking CaptureMock Console EnvironmentOnly ( Last six runs Nov2022 Oct2022 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RCFILES = <test write dir>\TargetApp\capturemockrc.hello
< TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_REPLAY = <test write dir>\TargetApp\Test\mymockstem.hello
< TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RECORD = <test write dir>\texttesttmp\<target tmp dir>\hello\Test\mymockstem.hello
< TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RECORD_EDIT_DIR = <test write dir>\texttesttmp\<target tmp dir>\hello\Test\file_edits
> TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RCFILES = <test write dir>/TargetApp/capturemockrc.hello
> TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_REPLAY = <test write dir>/TargetApp/Test/mymockstem.hello
> TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RECORD = <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/hello/Test/mymockstem.hello
> TEXTTEST_CAPTUREMOCK_RECORD_EDIT_DIR = <test write dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/hello/Test/file_edits

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console Batch2Tests ( Last six runs Nov2022 Oct2022 )

---------- Differences in submitfile_Basic ----------
< executable = /users/geoff/.local/texttest_test/bin/texttest
> executable = /home/delphi/texttest/texttest/bin/texttest
---------- Differences in submitfile_Basic2 ----------
< executable = /users/geoff/.local/texttest_test/bin/texttest
> executable = /home/delphi/texttest/texttest/bin/texttest

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Ec2Only FindAvailableMachines ( Last six runs Nov2022 Oct2022 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< ->OUT:2014-08-08 04:06:09,741 - Using Application SLEEP
< 2014-08-08 04:06:09,768 -   Running SLEEP test-case Basic2
< 2014-08-08 04:06:09,768 - Running SLEEP test-suite TargetApp
< 2014-08-08 04:06:15,083 - Comparing differences for SLEEP test-suite TargetApp
< 2014-08-08 04:06:15,087 -   Comparing differences for SLEEP test-case Basic2 (on errors.sleep,output.sleep)
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>/slavelogs; ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30 -x -A ec2-user@ STANDARD=<test_write_dir>/standard texttest -home <homedir> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local
< -- Unordered text as found by filter 'EXC:(-12|1)$' --
< ->EXC:1