30Oct2020 - detailed test results for TextTest

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a texttest -c /home/delphi/texttest/texttest -d /home/delphi/texttest/selftest -reconnect /home/delphi/.texttest/tmp/texttest.05Nov000003.5949 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a texttest -c /home/delphi/texttest/texttest -d /home/delphi/texttest/selftest

default: 852 tests: 768 succeeded 84 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf Documentation ConfigFileEntriesPosix ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< capturemock_path||Path to local CaptureMock installation, in case newer one is required with frozen TextTest
< diff_program|{'default': 'tkdiff'}|External program to use for graphical file comparison
> diff_program|{'default': '/usr/bin/tkdiff'}|External program to use for graphical file comparison
< remote_program_options|{'default': '', 'rsync': "-e 'ssh -x -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30' -av --copy-unsafe-links --delete --exclude-from=<source library>\\etc\\rsync_exclude_patterns", 'scp': '-Crp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30', 'ssh': '-q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30'}|Default options to use for particular remote shell programs
> remote_program_options|{'default': '', 'rsync': "-e 'ssh -x -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30' -av --copy-unsafe-links --delete --exclude-from=<source library>/etc/rsync_exclude_patterns", 'scp': '-Crp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30', 'ssh': '-q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o BatchMode=yes -o ConnectTimeout=30'}|Default options to use for particular remote shell programs

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf Documentation GUIConfigEntries ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< window_size|{'height_screen': 0.8333333333333334, 'width_screen': 0.6, 'horizontal_separator_position': 0.46, 'vertical_separator_position': 0.5, 'height_pixels': '<not set>', 'width_pixels': '<not set>', 'maximize': 0}|To set the initial size of the dynamic/static GUI.
> window_size|{'maximize': 0, 'horizontal_separator_position': 0.46, 'vertical_separator_position': 0.5, 'height_pixels': '<not set>', 'width_pixels': '<not set>', 'height_screen': 0.8333333333333334, 'width_screen': 0.6}|To set the initial size of the dynamic/static GUI.

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf Mocking CaptureMock Console Disable ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for EDIT.version test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on catalogue.edit,editedfile.edit,editedfile2.edit,editedfile3.edit,errors.edit,output.edit)
>   Comparing differences for EDIT.version test-case Test (on catalogue.edit,editedfile.edit,editedfile2.edit,editedfile3.edit,errors.edit,output.edit)
>   EDIT.version test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve Version version(1), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
> ---------- Differences in output ----------
> 1,4c1,4
> < Editing file file
> < Editing file file2
> < Editing file writedir/subdir/file
> < Editing file file
> ---
> > ('Editing file', 'file')
> > ('Editing file', 'file2')
> > ('Editing file', 'writedir/subdir/file')
> > ('Editing file', 'file')
>   Approve Version version(1), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay AllMachinesBlocked ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< > Using display realdisplay_machine:1234.0
> > ('Using', 'display', 'realdisplay_machine:1234.0')

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
> ---------- Differences in output ----------
> 1c1
> < Using display :3979.0
> ---
> > ('Using', 'display', ':3979.0')
>   Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay DisplayOnLocalHost ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay ExtraArgsToServer ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay ExtraVersion ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
<   Comparing differences for DISP.2 test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP.2 test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP.2 test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve Version 2(1), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay MachineDown ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
> ---------- Differences in output ----------
> 1c1
> < Using display :3979.0
> ---
> > ('Using', 'display', ':3979.0')
>   Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay MultipleServers ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< 1a2
< > Using display2 :3979.0
> 1c1,2
> < Using display :3979.0
> ---
> > ('Using', 'display', ':3979.0')
> > ('Using', 'display2', ':3979.0')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay RemoteDisplay ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< > Using display fake_machine1:3979.0
> > ('Using', 'display', 'fake_machine1:3979.0')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay ServerCrashBetweenProcesses ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   DISP.double test-case Test FAILED : new results in errors2,output2
>   DISP.double test-case Test FAILED : new results in errors2,output2, differences in output

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay UseAlternativeServer ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< > Using display fake_machine2:3979.0
> > ('Using', 'display', 'fake_machine2:3979.0')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay VirtualServerBadArgs ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< > Using display realdisplay_machine:1234.0
> > ('Using', 'display', 'realdisplay_machine:1234.0')

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay VirtualServerCrashes ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
<   Comparing differences for DISP.copy_1 test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP.copy_1 test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP.copy_1 test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   DISP test-case Test FAILED : differences in output
>   View details(v), Approve(a) or continue(any other key)?
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay VirtualServerHangs ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay VirtualServerHitsLock ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadPerformanceMachine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m "no_such_machine no_such_machine2" -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m "no_such_machine no_such_machine2" -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m "no_such_machine no_such_machine2" -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m "no_such_machine no_such_machine2" -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m no_such_machine no_such_machine2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m no_such_machine no_such_machine2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m no_such_machine no_such_machine2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -m no_such_machine no_such_machine2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadPerformanceModel ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R "model==no_such_model " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmodel -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R "model==no_such_model " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmodel -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R "model==no_such_model " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmodel -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R "model==no_such_model " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmodel -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R model==no_such_model  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R model==no_such_model  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R model==no_such_model  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmodel -R model==no_such_model  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueue ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueueCommandLine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueueKnownBug ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadResource ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadResourceCommandLine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -R "no_such_resource " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -R no_such_resource  -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console NotInstalled ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '
---------- Differences in pythonmocks ----------
<  '-servaddr <host:port>')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
>  '-servaddr <host:port>"')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
<  '-servaddr <host:port>')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
>  '-servaddr <host:port>"')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling LsfOnly BadResourceUsage ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresusage -R rusage[no_such_resource=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresusage -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresusage -R rusage[no_such_resource=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresusage -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresusage -R rusage[no_such_resource=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresusage -R rusage[no_such_resource=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling LsfOnly LsfMessages ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Limits Reporting CpuLimit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3.cpulimit -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -c 1 exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3.cpulimit -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3.cpulimit -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -c 1 exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3.cpulimit -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Limits Reporting RunLimit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -W 1 exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3 -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null -W 1 exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3 -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console Batch2Tests ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic2-SLEEP -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation LsfOnly MultipleResources ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "(resource_from_cmdline==1) && (resource_from_env==1) " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "(resource_from_cmdline==1) && (resource_from_env==1) " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation LsfOnly NumericResourceRequest ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "cpuf<20 " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R "cpuf<20 " -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation LsfOnly ResourceUsageRequest ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R rusage[connections_oracle=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Basic-SLEEP -R rusage[connections_oracle=0] -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Performance Miscellaneous SubmitParallel ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Failures-PERF.resource.parallel -n 2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource.parallel -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; bsub -J Test-Failures-PERF.resource.parallel -n 2 -u nobody -o /dev/null -e /dev/null exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource.parallel -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadPerformanceMachine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfmachine -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfmachine -l hostname=no_such_machine|no_such_machine2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadPerformanceModel ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfarch -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfarch -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfarch -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badperfarch -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badperfarch -l arch=no_such_arch -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueue ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badqueue -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badqueue -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueueCommandLine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadQueueKnownBug ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.kb -q non_existent -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.kb -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadResource ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.badresource -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP.badresource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console BadResourceCommandLine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console NotInstalled ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
---------- Differences in pythonmocks ----------
<  '-servaddr <host:port>')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
>  '-servaddr <host:port>"')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
<  '-servaddr <host:port>')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>
>  '-servaddr <host:port>"')], cwd='<test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files', encoding=<something>, env=<something>

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console OtherAppDefaultConfig LocalAndGrid ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

5 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local""
QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PollJobLost ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PollSgeCrash ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PollSgeErrorState ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PollSlaveCrash ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly ShowSlaveStartErrors ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling Console PreviousWriteDir ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b console"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b console""

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -l hostname=no_such_machine -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly BadRunMachine ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly BadRunMachineLocal ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""
QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly DuplicateSlave ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems NormalOperation Console Batch2Tests ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly NonsenseFromSlave ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic2-SLEEP -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep -l -tp Basic2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b local""

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
QueueSystems ErrorHandling SgeOnly UnexpectedOutput ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems NormalOperation Console TestNameWithDigit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Limits Reporting CpuLimit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3.cpulimit -l s_cpu=10 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3.cpulimit -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3.cpulimit -l s_cpu=10 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3.cpulimit -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Limits Reporting RunLimit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3 -l s_rt=10 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3 -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Basic-SLEEP.killing3 -l s_rt=10 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.killing3 -l -tp Basic -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b short_local""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console InterleaveTests ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello2 -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello2 -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello2 -l -tp Test_copy -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello2 -l -tp Test_copy -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test_copy -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test_copy -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO2 -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test_copy-HELLO -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console SelfDiagnostics ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -x -xr <test_write_dir>/log/logging.debug -xw <test_write_dir>/log/Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -x -xr <test_write_dir>/log/logging.debug -xw <test_write_dir>/log/Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit"

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console SelfDiagnosticsExplicit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -x -xr <test_write_dir>/log/logging.mylog -xw <test_write_dir>/log/Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -x -xr <test_write_dir>/log/logging.mylog -xw <test_write_dir>/log/Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit"

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems NormalOperation Console SlaveTransferFlags ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -ignorefilters -keepslave"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-123Test-SLEEP.startdigit -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a sleep.startdigit -l -tp 123Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -ignorefilters -keepslave""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Performance Miscellaneous AutoForcePerfResource ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-1Minute-PERF -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp 1Minute -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-1Minute-PERF -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp 1Minute -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-5Minutes-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp 5Minutes -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-5Minutes-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp 5Minutes -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-NoLogFile-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp NoLogFile -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-NoLogFile-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf -l -tp NoLogFile -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-5Minutes-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-5Minutes-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-NoLogFile-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-NoLogFile-PERF -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Performance Miscellaneous ForcePerfResource ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Failures-PERF.resource -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Failures-PERF.resource -l performance_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems Performance Miscellaneous SubmitParallel ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Failures-PERF.resource.parallel -pe * 2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource.parallel -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Failures-PERF.resource.parallel -pe * 2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a perf.resource.parallel -l -tp Failures -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

3 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master AllowRacing BasicReuse ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console RerunTest ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ReuseOnlyBeyondCapacity ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master AllowRacing RespectParallel ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.parallel -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.parallel -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.parallel -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.parallel -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.parallel -pe * 2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.parallel -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.parallel -pe * 2 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.parallel -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master AllowRacing RespectResources ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console CheckoutChange ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ClearEnvironment ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.changeenv -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.changeenv -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.changeenv -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.changeenv -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console NoReuseWithProxy ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; env 'TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS=['qsub', '-sync', 'y', '-V', '-N', 'Test-Test-HELLO', '-w', 'e', '-notify', '-m', 'n', '-cwd', '-b', 'y', '-v', 'STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS', '-o', '/dev/null', '-e', '<test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> 'exec', '$SHELL', '-c', 'exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -serva
ddr <host:port>']' qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <test_write_dir>/TargetApp/hello.py"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; env 'TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS=['qsub', '-sync', 'y', '-V', '-N', 'Test-Test-HELLO', '-w', 'e', '-notify', '-m', 'n', '-cwd', '-b', 'y', '-v', 'STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS', '-o', '/dev/null', '-e', '<test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> 'exec', '$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <
host:port>"']' qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <test_write_dir>/TargetApp/hello.py""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; env 'TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS=['qsub', '-sync', 'y', '-V', '-N', 'Test-Test.Suite-HELLO', '-w', 'e', '-notify', '-m', 'n', '-cwd', '-b', 'y', '-v', 'STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS', '-o', '/dev/null', '-e', '<test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> 'exec', '$SHELL', '-c', 'exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp
 dir> -servaddr <host:port>']' qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <test_write_dir>/TargetApp/hello.py"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; env 'TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS=['qsub', '-sync', 'y', '-V', '-N', 'Test-Test.Suite-HELLO', '-w', 'e', '-notify', '-m', 'n', '-cwd', '-b', 'y', '-v', 'STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS', '-o', '/dev/null', '-e', '<test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> 'exec', '$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir>
 -servaddr <host:port>"']' qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <test_write_dir>/TargetApp/hello.py""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD,TEXTTEST_SUBMIT_COMMAND_ARGS -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ReconnectIgnoreResources ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -reconnect -reconnfull grid"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -reconnect -reconnfull grid""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ResourceOrderChanges ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.multiresource -l resource2,resource1 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.multiresource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.multiresource -l resource2,resource1 -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.multiresource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ResourcesOverReuse ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.resource -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL ... '
> Submission command was 'qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO.resource -l no_such_resource -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test write dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> ... '

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console RespectRerunLimit ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b self_test"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -b self_test""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console ResubmitTest ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console SlowReadBeyondCapacity ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test.Suite-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Suite/Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : QueueSystems SlaveReuse Master ForceReuse Console VirtualDisplayArgs ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.virtdisp -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.virtdisp -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-HELLO.virtdisp -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a hello.virtdisp -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf EnvironmentFile Normal Console RemoveSuiteVars ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test1.Suite1-Env_Variables.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> -v STANDARD exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a env.sge -l -tp Suite1/Test1 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test1.Suite1-Env_Variables.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> -v STANDARD exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a env.sge -l -tp Suite1/Test1 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test2-Env_Variables.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> -v STANDARD exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a env.sge -l -tp Test2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test2-Env_Variables.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> -v STANDARD exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a env.sge -l -tp Test2 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port>""

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf TestData LinkedData PartialCopyIgnoreCatalogues ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test1-TDAT.queuesystem -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a tdat.queuesystem -l -tp Test1 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -ignorecat -keeptmp"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test1-TDAT.queuesystem -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -v STANDARD -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a tdat.queuesystem -l -tp Test1 -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -ignorecat -keeptmp""

2 TESTS FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba :

---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-DISP.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec $SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a disp.sge -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -keeptmp"
> <-CMD:cd <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files; qsub -N Test-Test-DISP.sge -w e -notify -m n -cwd -b y -o /dev/null -e <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/grid_core_files/slave_start_errors.<user> exec "$SHELL -c "exec <path_to_texttest> -d <test_write_dir>/TargetApp -a disp.sge -l -tp Test -slave <test_write_dir>/texttesttmp/<target tmp dir> -servaddr <host:port> -keeptmp""
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay DisplayOnLocalHost ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )
TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay OtherAppDefaultConfig ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-scenario-ba : TestSelf UITesting VirtualDisplay SlaveDisplay ( Last six runs Nov2020 Oct2020 )

---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
> ----------------Test
> --------------------errors.disp
> --------------------output.disp
> --------------------framework_tmp
---------- Differences in externalmocks ----------
< Vsuccess
> Vfailure
< V
> V---------- Differences in output ----------\u000a1c1\u000a< Using display :3979.0\u000a---\u000a> ('Using', 'display', ':3979.0')\u000a
< g12
< sVstarted
> V
> sVstarted
> p15
< p15
> p16
< p18
< asVlifecycleChange
< Vcomplete
> asVlifecycleChange
< sVallResults
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
<   Comparing differences for DISP.sge test-case Test - SUCCESS! (on errors.disp,output.disp)
>   Comparing differences for DISP.sge test-case Test (on errors.disp,output.disp)
---------- New result in exitcode ----------