netconvert allows to import road networks from different third-party formats. By now, the following formats are supported:
- OpenStreetMap databases, see Networks/Import/OpenStreetMap
- PTV VISUM (a macroscopic traffic simulation package), see Networks/Import/VISUM
- PTV VISSIM (a microscopic traffic simulation package), see Networks/Import/Vissim
- OpenDRIVE networks, see Networks/Import/OpenDRIVE
- MATsim networks, see Networks/Import/MATsim
- ArcView-data base files, see Importing ArcView networks (shapefiles)
- Elmar Brockfelds unsplitted and splitted NavTeq-data, see Networks/Import/DlrNavteq
- RoboCup Rescue League folders, see Networks/Import/RoboCup
In most of these cases, netconvert needs only two parameter: the option named as the source application/format followed by the name of the file to convert and the name of the output file (using the --output-file option). In the case, a VISUM network shall be imported, the following code will convert it into a SUMO-network:
netconvert --visum=MyVisumNet.inp
The import can be influenced using further netconvert options.
The native format comes in the variant of plain-xml which is designed as a simple input format for netconvert and in .net.xml which is the output format of netconvert and which is enriched with heuristically derived data such as right-of-way rules and junction geometry. Both formats can be converted into each other without data loss.