
The idea behind this output option is to detect the queue in front of the controlled/uncontrolled junction. The queue length is calculated using the end of the last standing vehicle.

Instantiating within the Simulation#

The simulation is forced to generate this output using the option --queue-output <FILE>. <FILE> is the name of the file the output will be written to. Any other file with this name will be overwritten, the destination folder must exist. Using the option --qeue-output.period <TIME>, the times the queue lengths will be written can be restricted to the given period. Then, the other time steps will be skipped.

Generated Output#

The generated XML file looks like this:


  <data timestep="<TIME_STEP>">


    <lane id="<LANE_ID>" queueing_time="<LANE_QUEUEING_TIME>" queueing_length="<LANE_QUEUEING_LENGTH>"

    ... next lane ...


  ... next timestep ...

Name Type Description
time_step (simulation) seconds The time step described by the values within this timestep-element
id id The id of the lane
queueing_time seconds The total waiting time of vehicles due to a queue
queueing_length meters Thus the length from the junction until the final vehicle in line
queueing_length_experimental meters The length of the queue, thus until the last vehicle with a speed lower than 5 km/h


This output option should offer some information about the queues in front of the junctions, which can be used in cases of routing or V2X communications.

Visualization example#

Queuing times over time#

Generated with plotXMLAttributes.py.