
Build Tools#

The build script for the nightly windows build. Calls cmake and triggers release and debug build as well as the tests and installer / zip creation. Depends on a successful Linux build to pick up the docs.

The build script for the nightly Linux and macOS build. Calls cmake and triggers release and debug build as well as the tests and the zips.

Code Cleaning Tools#

Checks .java, .cpp, .h and .py files for the correct license header and applies autopep8 and flake8 for PEP 8 compatibility. Also applies astyle to all .java, .cpp, and .h files. The position of the source tree(s) to check is given as optional arguments or determined relative to the position of the script. This call is part of our nightly tests. The script is able to fix some minor whitespace / naming issues when called with the "--fix" flag. The PEP 8 checks are quite slow, so if only a header check is wished, run with the option "--skip-pep".

Call: --fix <SUMO_HOME>/tools

Documentation Tools#

Converts wiki-documentation into static HTML pages. It removes the wiki navigation and adds user doc navigation while keeping the contents intact. This script is called by the main Makefile if "make docs" is called. If the script is called with an argument, it tries to fetch the wiki site with the given name, if not it retrieves all sites listed in the table of contents. Call " --help" for a complete list of options.

Call: SUMO

Checks the log for all source files for authors and "thanks" and checks whether they appear in the file header. It can optionally try to fix the file header and also update the global AUTHORS file if needed.


Translation Tools#

SUMO uses the original string from the source code as message ID in gettext. All translations are bound to a message ID. The script offers help in changing the message ID / the original string in cases where it is profitable to keep existing translations. As recurrent uses of the same original string are grouped in gettext into the same message ID (except for different context), strings shall not be edited directly in the source code. The work flow of the script is the following:

  • The script is called to ensure the .po files correspond to the current source code.
  • For every available .pot file an English to English .po file with identical msgid and msgstr values is created.
  • The user can choose to edit the msgstr values in this file manually to reflect the wanted changes or use one of the predefined actions of the script (e.g. simple search/replace).
  • The script reads the changes and the occurrences to patch the corresponding lines in the source code.
  • The .po translation files are patched as well. In case the changed msgid already existed before, both entries are merged.

Below there are the options the script provides and how to use them.

  • --lang: Update only the .po files corresponding to the given sequence of language codes
  • --start: Will create/overwrite the English to English .po file in the **SUMO_HOME**/data/po directory
  • --strict: Change the msgid value only if it corresponds completely to a given search string
  • --replace: Followed by an even number of arguments where the odd strings are the search pattern and the following ones the corresponding replacement string
  • --search-prefix , --search-suffix : Adds any of these characters as a prefix/suffix to any of the given search patterns (not with --strict)
  • --apply: Patch source code and .po translation files
  • --remove-obsolete: Directly remove entries which have become obsolete (otherwise only the occurrence comments in gettext are moved to the replacement msgid)
  • --process-languages: Apply the search/replace logic on the translated msgstr values as well
  • --sumo-home : The SUMO home directory to use
  • --placeholder : The placeholder string used in msgid
  • --numbered-placeholders: Add an order number to every placeholder given by --placeholder inside every msgid, starting with 0

An example call to replace all minor case uses of the abbreviation "id" with the upper case version "ID" for all languages: --start --replace "id" "ID" --apply

If the changes are done manually inside the English to English .po file, it is necessary to call the script twice. The first call is merely for creating the file to edit:

python --start

Then the changes are processed in the second call:

python --apply

The script processes translations which have been lost due to changes of the original string in the source code but are still present in the .po translation files. It can be restricted to languages given by their language codes using the option --lang []. If the said option is not given, all existing language files will be processed.

In order to write a protocol of the obsolete translations (those which are not referenced in the source code), the script has to be called with a file path to write the protocol to as follows:

python --output obsolete.txt

Adding the option --clear will remove the obsolete translations permanently from the .po files.

There is an option called --patch to link obsolete translations again if the updated message ID / the current source string is known . The script is provided with a sequence of arguments which form pairs of first the outdated message ID and then new updated one.

python --patch "Add Sidewalk" "Add sidewalk" "Overrids default shape of pedestrian sidewalk" "Overrides default shape of pedestrian sidewalk"

The script looks into the translation files and moves the actual translations from the obsolete to the current entry (only if the current one is still empty). The obsolete entry is removed in case its content has been transferred to the current entry.