V2X simulations in SUMO#

SUMO is usually coupled to a communication network simulator using a middleware.

Coupling to network simulators#

Coupling Middlewares Overview

Name Used Network Simulator Under Development
Veins Focused on OMNeT++/MiXiM with an extendable, modular framework (ports exist for INET, INETMANET, and JiST/SWANS) yes
iCS ns3 yes
MOSAIC ns3, JiST/SWANS or OMNeT++ (extendable) yes


See the Veins Homepage for a short overview, download links, beginner's tutorial, full publication list, and documentation.


iCS is the "iTETRIS Control System", a middleware developed in the iTETRIS project to join SUMO, ns-3, and V2X application simulators. It is currently used and extended within the TransAID project.

Eclipse MOSAIC#

Eclipse MOSAIC (formerly known as the V2X Simulation Runtime Infrastructure, VSimRTI) is a framework which enables the preparation and execution of V2X simulations. The easy integration and exchange of simulators enables the substitution of the most relevant simulators for a realistic presentation of vehicle traffic, emissions, wireless communication, and the execution of V2X applications. For immediate use, a set of simulators is already coupled with MOSAIC. For example, the traffic simulators VISSIM and SUMO, the communication simulators ns3, JiST/SWANS and OMNeT++, the application simulator VSimRTI_App, and several visualization and analysis tools are prepared for MOSAIC. For more information see MOSAIC Homepage.