
Variable 0x7e: Parameter#

Generic parameters are supported by various simulation objects. They can be read and set with the following commands:

supported domains (get / set)#

domain command get command set
traffic light 0xa2 0xc2
lane 0xa3 0xc3
vehicle 0xa4 0xc4
vehicle type 0xa5 0xc5
route 0xa6 0xc6
poi 0xa7 0xc7
polygon 0xa8 0xc8
edge 0xaa 0xca
person 0xae 0xce
simulation 0xab 0xcb

get parameter#

byte byte string byte string
command get for domain type parameter (0x7e) object id value type string parameter

set parameter#

byte byte string byte int byte string byte string
command set for domain type parameter (0x7e) object id value type compound 2 value type string parameter value type string value