
From 30.000 feet#

dfrouter ("detector flow router") uses induction loop values to compute vehicle routes that may be used by sumo.

  • Purpose: Building vehicle routes from induction loop counts
  • System: portable (Linux/Windows is tested); runs on command line
  • Input (mandatory):

    A) a road network as generated via netconvert or netgenerate, see Building Networks

    B) induction loop definitions

    C) induction loop measures

Usage Description#

A high level description can be found at Demand/Routes_from_Observation_Points. The complete list of options is given in the following.


You may use a XML schema definition file for setting up a dfrouter configuration: dfrouterConfiguration.xsd.


All applications of the SUMO-suite handle configuration options the same way. These options are discussed at Basics/Using the Command Line Applications#Configuration Files.

Option Description
-c <FILE>
--configuration-file <FILE>
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration <FILE>
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-configuration.relative <BOOL> Enforce relative paths when saving the configuration; default: false
--save-template <FILE> Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema <FILE> Saves the configuration schema into FILE
--save-commented <BOOL> Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema; default: false


Option Description
-n <FILE>
--net-file <FILE>
Loads the SUMO-network FILE
-d <FILE>
--detector-files <FILE>
Loads detector descriptions from FILE
-f <FILE>
--measure-files <FILE>
Loads detector flows from FILE(s)


Option Description
--write-license <BOOL> Include license info into every output file; default: false
--output-prefix <STRING> Prefix which is applied to all output files. The special string 'TIME' is replaced by the current time.
--precision <INT> Defines the number of digits after the comma for floating point output; default: 2
--precision.geo <INT> Defines the number of digits after the comma for lon,lat output; default: 6
--human-readable-time <BOOL>
Write time values as hour:minute:second or day:hour:minute:second rather than seconds; default: false
-o <FILE>
--routes-output <FILE>
Saves computed routes to FILE
--routes-for-all <BOOL> Forces dfrouter to compute routes for in-between detectors; default: false
--detector-output <FILE> Saves typed detectors to FILE
--detectors-poi-output <FILE> Saves detector positions as pois to FILE
--emitters-output <FILE> Saves emitter definitions for source detectors to FILE
--vtype <BOOL> Add vehicle types to the emitters file (PKW, LKW); default: false
--vtype-output <FILE> Write generated vehicle types into separate FILE instead of including them into the emitters-output
--emitters-poi-output <FILE> Saves emitter positions as pois to FILE
--variable-speed-sign-output <FILE> Saves variable seed sign definitions for sink detectors to FILE
--end-reroute-output <FILE> Saves rerouter definitions for sink detectors to FILE
--validation-output <FILE> Write induction loop definitions for the given detector positions to FILE
--validation-output.add-sources <BOOL> Add source detectors to the validation output; default: false


Option Description
--guess-empty-flows <BOOL> Derive missing flow values from upstream or downstream (not working!); default: false
-h <BOOL>
--highway-mode <BOOL>
Switches to highway-mode; default: false
--ignore-invalid-detectors <BOOL> Only warn about unparseable detectors; default: false
--revalidate-detectors <BOOL> Recomputes detector types even if given; default: false
--revalidate-routes <BOOL> Recomputes routes even if given; default: false
--keep-unfinished-routes <BOOL> Keeps routes even if they have exhausted max-search-depth; default: false
--keep-longer-routes <BOOL> Keeps routes even if a shorter one exists; default: false
--max-search-depth <INT> Number of edges to follow a route without passing a detector; default: 30
--emissions-only <BOOL> Writes only emission times; default: false
--disallowed-edges <STRING[ ]> Do not route on these edges
--vclass <STRING> Only route on edges allowing the given vclass; default: ignoring
--keep-turnarounds <BOOL> Allow turnarounds as route continuations; default: false
--min-route-length <FLOAT> Minimum distance in meters between start and end node of every route; default: -1
--randomize-flows <BOOL> generate random departure times for emitted vehicles; default: false
--time-factor <TIME> Multiply flow times with TIME to get seconds; default: 60
--time-offset <TIME> Subtracts TIME seconds from (scaled) flow times; default: 0
--time-step <TIME> Expected distance between two successive data sets; default: 60
--calibrator-output <BOOL> Write calibrators to FILE; default: false
--include-unused-routes <BOOL> Include routes in the output which have no vehicles; default: false
--revalidate-flows <BOOL> Checks whether detectors with calculated flow 0 can attract additional traffic; default: false
--remove-empty-detectors <BOOL> Removes empty detectors from the list; default: false
--strict-sources <BOOL> Whether edges with unknown status can prevent an edge from becoming a source; default: false
--respect-concurrent-inflows <BOOL> Try to determine further inflows to an inbetween detector when computing split probabilities; default: false
--scale <FLOAT> Scale factor for flows; default: 1


Option Description
--departlane <STRING> Assigns a default depart lane
--departpos <STRING> Assigns a default depart position
--departspeed <STRING> Assigns a default depart speed
--arrivallane <STRING> Assigns a default arrival lane
--arrivalpos <STRING> Assigns a default arrival position
--arrivalspeed <STRING> Assigns a default arrival speed
--speeddev <FLOAT> The default speed deviation of vehicles; default: 0.1


Option Description
-b <TIME>
--begin <TIME>
Defines the begin time; Previous defs will be discarded; default: 0
-e <TIME>
--end <TIME>
Defines the end time; Later defs will be discarded; Defaults to one day; default: 86400


All applications of the SUMO-suite handle most of the reporting options the same way. These options are discussed at Basics/Using the Command Line Applications#Reporting Options.

Option Description
-v <BOOL>
--verbose <BOOL>
Switches to verbose output; default: false
--print-options <BOOL> Prints option values before processing; default: false
-? <BOOL>
--help <BOOL>
Prints this screen or selected topics; default: false
--version <BOOL>
Prints the current version; default: false
--xml-validation <STRING>
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always"); default: local
--xml-validation.net <STRING> Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always"); default: never
--no-warnings <BOOL>
Disables output of warnings; default: false
--aggregate-warnings <INT> Aggregate warnings of the same type whenever more than INT occur; default: -1
-l <FILE>
--log <FILE>
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log <FILE> Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log <FILE> Writes all warnings and errors to FILE
--log.timestamps <BOOL> Writes timestamps in front of all messages; default: false
--log.processid <BOOL> Writes process ID in front of all messages; default: false
--language <STRING> Language to use in messages; default: C
--report-empty-detectors <BOOL> Lists detectors with no flow (enable -v); default: false
--print-absolute-flows <BOOL> Prints aggregated detector flows; default: false
--no-step-log <BOOL> Disable console output of route parsing step; default: false

Random Number#

All applications of the SUMO-suite handle randomisation options the same way. These options are discussed at Basics/Using the Command Line Applications#Random Number Options.

Option Description
--random <BOOL> Initialises the random number generator with the current system time; default: false
--seed <INT> Initialises the random number generator with the given value; default: 23423