
From 30.000 feet#

netedit is a graphical network editor included in SUMO.

  • Purpose: create and modify SUMO networks
  • System: portable (Linux/Windows is tested); opens a window
  • Input (optional): road network definitions to import
  • Output: A generated SUMO-road network; optionally also other outputs
  • Programming Language: C++

Usage Description#

netedit is a visual network editor. It can be used to create networks from scratch and to modify all aspects of existing networks. With a powerful selection and highlighting interface it can also be used to debug network attributes. netedit is built on top of netconvert. As a general rule of thumb, anything netconvert can do, netedit can do as well. netedit has unlimited undo/redo capabilities and thus allows editing mistakes to be quickly corrected. Editing commands are generally issued with a left-click (according to the current edit mode). The user interface closely follows that of sumo-gui. Additional keyboard hotkeys are documented in the Help menu.

netedit can also be used to define and edit:


netedit is a GUI-Application and inputs are chosen via menus. The following input formats are supported:

  • SUMO-net files
  • OSM-files
  • netconvert-configuration files


  • SUMO-net files
  • plain-xml files


The entire list of shortcuts can be found here:

File shortcuts Key Description
New Window Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new netedit window
New Network Ctrl + N Create a new network
Open Network Ctrl + O Open an existing network
Open configuration Ctrl + T Open an existing SUMO configuration
Import foreign network Ctrl + F Import a foreign network
Reload Ctrl + R Reload network
Save network Ctrl + S Save network
Save network as Ctrl + Shift + S Save network in another file
Save plain XML Ctrl + L Save network as plain XML
Save joined junctions Ctrl + J Save joined junctions of network
Load additionals and shapes Ctrl + A Load a file with additionals
Save additionals and shapes Ctrl + Shift + A Save additionals in a file
Load demand elements Ctrl + D Load a file with shapes
Save demand elements Ctrl + Shift + D Save demand elements in a file
Load TLS Programs Ctrl + K Load a file with shapes
Save TLS Programs Ctrl + Shift + K Save Point Of Interest in a file
Close Ctrl + W Close network
Edit shortcuts Key Description
Undo Ctrl + Z Undo the last change
Redo Ctrl + Y Redo the last change
Processing shortcuts Key Description
Compute Junction F5 Compute junctions of the network
Clean Junction F6 Clean junctions of the network
Join selected Junctions F7 Join selected junctions of the network
Options F10 Open options dialog
Text editing shortcuts Key Description
Cut Ctrl + X Cut selected text of a text field
Copy Ctrl + C Copy selected text of a text field
Paste Ctrl + V Paste previously cut/copied text in a text field
Select all text Ctrl + A Select all text in a text field
Miscellaneous shortcuts Key Description
Grid Ctrl + G Toggle background grid
Grid+ Ctrl + PageUp Increase grid spacing
Grid- Ctrl + PageDown Reduce grid spacing

Toolbar shortcuts The mode-depended option checkboxes (such as Toggle grid and others) located in the toolbar, can easily be checked an unchecked using the Alt + NUMBER shortcut, where NUMBER corresponds to its position within the options (e.g. Toggle grid is 1, and so on).

In addition to these hotkeys, all hotkeys for moving and zooming in sumo-gui are supported.

  • <Button-Left>: Execute mode specific action
  • <Button-Right>: Open context-menu
  • <Button-Right-Drag>: Change zoom
  • <Button-Left-Drag>: Move the view around (panning)
    • in 'Move'-mode pointing at an edge: move or create geometry points
    • in 'Move'-mode pointing at a junction: move the junction
    • in 'Move'-mode pointing at a selected object: move all selected junctions and edges including geometry. If both junctions of an edge are selected, move the whole geometry. Otherwise, move only the geometry near the cursor
  • ESC
    • in 'Create Edge'-mode: clear the currently selected source junction
    • in 'Select'-mode: clear the current selection; cancel rectangle selection
    • in 'Connect'-mode: deselect current lane and cancel all changes
    • in 'Traffic Light'-mode: revert changes to current traffic light
    • when editing a junction shape: abort editing the current junction shape
  • ESC + SHIFT: clear the current selection
  • DELETE: delete all currently selected items
  • SHIFT:
    • in 'Select'-mode: hold SHIFT and drag the mouse for rectangle selection
    • in 'Select'-mode: SHIFT-left-click selects lanes instead of edges
    • in 'Inspect'-mode: SHIFT-left-click inspects lanes instead of edges
    • in 'Delete'-mode: SHIFT-left-click deletes lanes instead of edges
  • CTRL:
    • in 'Create Edge'-mode, allow moving the view without defining junctions
    • in 'Create Additional'-mode, allow moving the view without adding additionals
    • in 'POI-Poly'-mode, allow moving the view without adding POIs
  • Enter:
    • in 'Inspect'-mode: confirm attribute changes
    • in 'Connect'-mode: deselect current lane and save all changes
    • in 'Traffic Light'-mode: save changes to current traffic light
    • in 'TAZ'-mode: save changes to current traffic light
    • when editing a junction shape: save the current junction shape

Processing Menu Options#

  • Compute Junctions (F5): recomputes the geometry and logic of all junctions. This is triggered automatically when entering modes which require this information (Connect, Traffic Lights).
  • Compute Junctions with volatile options (Shift + F5): recomputes everything and processes options that can modify the network if set (i.e. crossings.guess). This processing step does not support undo/redo.
  • Clean Junctions (F6): removes all junctions that do not have any adjacent edges (These junctions are not included when saving the network. They are kept in the editor until cleaned for potential reuse).
  • Join Selected Junctions (F7): joins the selected junctions into a single junction (See joining junctions).
  • Options (F10): inspect and set all options. These are the same options that netconvert accepts on the commandline or in a configuration.

Customizing Visualization#

Most of the visualization options that are available in sumo-gui can also be set in netedit. This includes the facilities for loading background images. It is also possible to load POIs and Polygons using the menu File-> Additionals and Shapes-> Load Additionals.

Background Grid#

When activating the background grid via the visualization settings dialog or via the show grid option in Create Edge Mode, all clicks that create or move objects will snap to the nearest grid point. The resolution of the grid can be customized in the Background-Tab of the visualization settings dialog. By using hotkey Ctrl + PageUp the grid spacing is doubled and with Ctrl + PageDown the grid size is reduce by a factor of 2.


The main network elements that are used to represent a road network in SUMO are edges, lanes, junctions, connections, traffic lights. Additional infrastructure elements such as bus stops, detectors and variable speed signs are kept in separate files and loaded at the start of the simulation. In SUMO the terms node and junction and intersection are used interchangeably (in netedit the term junction is used throughout).

Editing Modes#

Netedit can be switched between three major edit modes (also called supermodes) for editing network-related objects, traffic-related objects and data objects. Each of these supermodes has a number of sub-modes (simply called modes) for inspecting, deleting and adding the different objects. Some of these modes are common to all supermodes while others are specific to a particular supermode as listed below.

Common modes#

This modes are present in all supermodes and have custom cursors:

Network specific modes#

Modes available in the Network Supermode:

Demand specific modes#

Modes available in the Demand Supermode:

Data specific modes#

Modes available in the Data Supermode:


Netedit is used to create and edit a variety of different objects. Each object may support additional functionality:

A short description of all element attributes is available.

Popup-Menu functions#

Right clicking over an element will open a popup-menu with functions and operations relevant to set element. You can right click on:

Usage examples#

Planned Features#


Currently, you may either switching on --opposites.guess via the F10-menu or set lane attribute 'oppositeID'.