Besides using OD-matrices which can be imported using od2trips as VISUM does, Vissim also allows to define vehicle flows as a combination of in-flows and route decisions. The following tool allows to import these. The file needs to be in German. For tips on conversion, see Networks/Import/Vissim#Converting VISSIM networks to German
Parses routes stored in the given Vissim file (first parameter) as (in-)flows and route decisions. The read information is saved twice; the read flows are saved as <OUTPUT_PREFIX>.flows.xml, and the read routes are saved as <OUTPUT_PREFIX>.rou.xml. Edges of the route may be renamed by setting them within "edgemap" variable (within the script). To filter out (short) VISSIM connectors, which may not have been converted to edges in the network import but are included in the VISSIM route definitions, you may also (ab)use this facility to delete the edge from all relevant routes, e.g. edgemap["10000"] = "" <VISSIM_NETWORK> <OUTPUT_PREFIX>
The script is located in <SUMO_HOME>/tools/import/vissim. It is written in Python.
Parses bus stops and bus routes stored in the given Vissim file (first parameter). The read bus lines are saved as <OUTPUT_PREFIX>_busses.rou.xml. The read routes are saved as <OUTPUT_PREFIX>_stops.add.xml. (Starting?) edges of the route may be renamed by setting them within "edgemap" variable (see below). <VISSIM_NETWORK> <OUTPUT_PREFIX>
The script is located in <SUMO_HOME>/tools/import/vissim. It is written in Python.