Change Vehicle State

Command 0xc4: Change Vehicle State#

ubyte string ubyte <value_type>
Variable Vehicle ID Type of the value New Value

Changes the state of a vehicle. Because it is possible to change different values of a vehicle, the number of parameter to supply and their types differ between commands. The following values can be changed, the parameter which must be given are also shown in the table. Furthermore it is possible to change all values mentioned in TraCI/Change_VehicleType_State. If you do so, the vehicle gets a new type (named "typeid@vehid") and won't be affected by further changes to the original type.

Overview Changeable Vehicle Variables

Variable ValueType Description Python Method
stop (0x12) compound (string, double, byte, double), see below Lets the vehicle stop at the given edge, at the given position and lane. The vehicle will stop for the given duration. Re-issuing a stop command with the same lane and position allows changing the duration. Setting the duration to 0 cancels an existing stop. setStop
change lane (0x13) compound (byte, double), see below Forces a lane change to the lane with the given index; if successful, the lane will be chosen for the given amount of time (in seconds). changeLane
change sublane (0x15) double (lateral distance) Forces a lateral change by the given amount (negative values indicate changing to the right, positive to the left). This will override any other lane change motivations but conform to safety-constraints as configured by laneChangeMode. changeSublane
slow down (0x14) compound (double, double), see below Changes the speed smoothly to the given value over the given amount of time in seconds (can also be used to increase speed). slowDown
resume (0x19) compound (), see below Resumes from a stop resume
change target (0x31) string (destination edge id) The vehicle's destination edge is set to the given. The route is rebuilt. changeTarget
speed (0x40) double (new speed) Sets the vehicle speed to the given value. The speed will be followed according to the current speed mode. By default the vehicle may drive slower than the set speed according to the safety rules of the car-follow model. When sending a value of -1 the vehicle will revert to its original behavior (using the maxSpeed of its vehicle type and following all safety rules). setSpeed
acceleration (0x72) compound (double, double), see below Changes the acceleration to the given value for the given amount of time in seconds. setAcceleration
previous speed (0x3c) double (previous speed) Retroactively sets the vehicle speed for the previous simulation step to the given value and also updates the previous acceleration. This speed value will be used when computing ballistic position updates. Also, other vehicles will react to ego in the current step as if it had driven with the given speed in the previous step. setPreviousSpeed
color (0x45) ubyte,ubyte,ubyte,ubyte (RGBA) Sets the vehicle's color. setColor
change route by id (0x53) string (route id) Assigns the named route to the vehicle, assuming a) the named route exists, and b) it starts on the edge the vehicle is currently at(1)(2). setRouteID
change route (0x57) stringList (ids of edges to pass) Assigns the list of edges as the vehicle's new route assuming the first edge given is the one the vehicle is currently at(1)(2). setRoute
reroute parking area (0xc2) string (parking area id) Changes the next parking area in parkingAreaID, updates the vehicle route, and preserve consistency in case of passengers/containers on board. rerouteParkingArea
dispatchTaxi stringList (reservation ids) dispatches the taxi with the given id to service the given reservations. If only a single reservation is given, this implies pickup and drop-off If multiple reservations are given, each reservation id must occur twice (once for pickup and once for drop-off) and the list encodes ride sharing of passengers (in pickup and drop-off order) dispatchTaxi
change edge travel time information (0x58) compound (begin time, end time, edgeID, value), see below Inserts the information about the travel time (in seconds) of edge "edgeID" valid from begin time to end time (in seconds) into the vehicle's internal edge weights container. setAdaptedTraveltime
change edge effort information (0x59) compound (begin time, end time, edgeID, value), see below Inserts the information about the effort of edge "edgeID" valid from begin time to end time (in seconds) into the vehicle's internal edge weights container. setEffort
signal states (0x5b) int Sets a new state of signal. See TraCI/Vehicle Signalling for more information. setSignals
routing mode (0x89) int Sets the routing mode (0: default, 1: aggregated, 8: ignore rerouter changes, 9: aggregated and ignoring rerouter changes) setRoutingMode
move to (0x5c) compound (lane ID, position along lane) Moves the vehicle to a new position along the current route (3). moveTo
move to XY (0xb4) compound (edgeID, laneIndex, x, y, angle, keepRoute) (see below) Moves the vehicle to a new position after normal vehicle movements have taken place. Also forces the angle of the vehicle to the given value (navigational angle in degree). See below for additional details moveToXY
replaceStop (0x17) compound (edgeID, vehID, nextStopIndex, edgeID, pos, laneIndex, duration, flags, startPos, until, teleport) (see below) Replaces stop at the given index with a new stop. Automatically modifies the route if the replacement stop is at another location. See below for additional details replaceStop
insertStop (0x18) compound (edgeID, vehID, nextStopIndex, edgeID, pos, laneIndex, duration, flags, startPos, until, teleport) (see below) inserts stop at the given index. Automatically modifies the route to accommodate the new stop. See below for additional details insertStop
setStopParameter (0x55) compound (nextStopIndex, param, value, customParam) (see below) modifies attribute of stop at the given index. Changing location ('edge', 'busStop', etc.) behave like replaceRoute. If customParam is set to 1, modifies a user defined param instead.See below for additional details setStopParameter
reroute (compute new route) by travel time (0x90) compound (<empty>), see below Computes a new route to the current destination that minimizes travel time. The assumed values for each edge in the network can be customized in various ways. See Simulation/Routing#Travel-time_values_for_routing. Replaces the current route by the found(2). rerouteTraveltime
reroute (compute new route) by effort (0x91) compound (<empty>), see below Computes a new route using the vehicle's internal and the global edge effort information. Replaces the current route by the found<sup(2). rerouteEffort
speed mode (0xb3) int bitset (see below) Sets how the values set by speed (0x40) and slowdown (0x14) shall be treated. Also allows to configure the behavior at junctions. See below. setSpeedMode
speed factor (0x5e) double Sets the vehicle's speed factor to the given value setSpeedFactor
max speed (0x41) double Sets the vehicle's maximum speed to the given value setMaxSpeed
lane change mode (0xb6) int bitset (see below) Sets how lane changing in general and lane changing requests by TraCI are performed. See below. setLaneChangeMode
update bestLanes (0x6a) updates internal data structures for strategic lane choice. (e.g. after modifying access permissions).

Note: This happens automatically when changing the route or moving to a new edge
add (0x85) complex (see below) Adds the defined vehicle. See below. add (alias addFull)
add_legacy (0x80) complex (see below) Adds the defined vehicle (fewer parameters, obsolete). See below. addLegacy
remove (0x81) complex (see below) Removes the defined vehicle. See below. remove
length (0x44) double Sets the vehicle's length to the given value setLength
vehicle class (0x49) string Sets the vehicle's vehicle class to the given value setVehicleClass
emission class (0x4a) string Sets the vehicle's emission class to the given value setEmissionClass
width (0x4d) double Sets the vehicle's width to the given value setWidth
height (0xbc) double Sets the vehicle's height to the given value setHeight
min gap (0x4c) double Sets the vehicle's minimum headway gap to the given value setMinGap
shape class (0x4b) string Sets the vehicle's shape class to the given value setShapeClass
acceleration (0x46) double Sets the vehicle's wished maximum acceleration to the given value setAccel
deceleration (0x47) double Sets the vehicle's wished maximum deceleration to the given value setDecel
imperfection (0x5d) double Sets the vehicle's driver imperfection (sigma) to the given value setImperfection
tau (0x48) double Sets the vehicle's wished headway time to the given value. setTau
type (0x4f) string Sets the id of the type for the named vehicle. setType
via (0xbe) stringList Changes the via edges to the given edges list (to be used during subsequent rerouting calls). setVia
max lateral speed (0xba) double Sets the maximum lateral speed in m/s for this vehicle. setMaxSpeedLat
lateral gap (0xbb) double Sets the minimum lateral gap of the vehicle at 50km/h in m. setMinGapLat
lateral alignment (0xb9) string Sets the preferred lateral alignment for this vehicle. setLateralAlignment
boarding duration (0x2f) double Sets the boarding duration for passengers entering/leaving this vehicle. setBoardingDuration
impatience (0x26) string sets the current dynamic impatience of this vehicle. This value gets reset when the vehicle starts driving. setImpatience
parameter (0x7e) string, string Sets the string value for the given string parameter setParameter
action step length (0x7d) double (new action step length), boolean (reset action offset) Sets the current action step length for the vehicle in s. If the boolean value resetActionOffset is true, an action step is scheduled immediately for the vehicle. setActionStepLength
highlight (0x6c) highlight specification, see below Adds a highlight to the vehicle highlight

Please note:

  1. The first occurrence of the edge is currently at is searched within the new route; the vehicle continues the route from this point in the route from. If the edge the vehicle is currently does not exist within the new route, an error is generated.
  2. changing the route works only if the vehicle is not within an intersection.
  3. The specified lane must lie ahead of the vehicle on its current route. The next occurrence is used. Intermediate edges will count the vehicle when entering and exiting.

compound message details#

The message contents are as following:

stop (0x12)#

byte integer byte string byte double byte byte byte double byte int byte double byte double
value type compound item number (4 to 7) value type string Edge ID value type double end position value type byte Lane Index value type double Duration in seconds value type int (optional) stop flags: (see below) value type double (optional) start position value type double (optional) Until in seconds

The stop flags are a bitset with the following additive components

  • 1 : parking
  • 2 : triggered
  • 4 : containerTriggered
  • 8 : busStop (Edge ID is re-purposed as busStop ID)
  • 16 : containerStop (Edge ID is re-purposed as containerStop ID)
  • 32 : chargingStation (Edge ID is re-purposed as chargingStation ID)
  • 64 : parkingArea (Edge ID is re-purposed as parkingArea ID)

change lane (0x13)#

byte integer byte byte byte double byte byte
value type compound item number (2 or 3) value type byte Lane Index value type double Duration in seconds value type byte (optional) bool for relative lane change

Please note: The duration for the lane change is the time the vehicle tries to perform the lane change(s). If the duration is too small to perform all lane changes then the vehicle stops changing lanes after the duration. After the vehicle has successfully performed the lane change(s) it will remain on that lane for the remainder of the duration.

slow down (0x14)#

byte integer byte double byte double
value type compound item number (always 2) value type double Speed value type double Duration in seconds

set acceleration (0x72)#

byte integer byte double byte double
value type compound item number (always 2) value type double Acceleration value type double Duration in seconds

open gap (0x16)#

byte integer byte double byte double byte double byte double byte double byte string
value type compound item number (4 or 5) value type double Adapted time headway in seconds value type double Adapted space headway in seconds value type double Duration in seconds value type double changeRate value type double maxDecel value type string (optional) reference vehicle ID

This command induces a temporary increase of the vehicles desired time headway (car-following parameter tau) and specifies a minimal space headway to keep, as well. The execution is separated into an adaptation phase, where the headways are gradually altered at the specified rate. As soon as the desired headways are established they are kept for the specified duration. Afterwards they are reset to the original value. Deactivation of the control can be achieved by sending newHeadway=duration=maxDecel=-1. The desired time headway of the vehicle is left unchanged if a value of -1 is send at the corresponding position. If -1 is sent for duration, the largest possible time is set. If -1 is sent for the maxDecel, no limitation of the induced braking rate is applied. If the optional reference vehicle ID is specified, the method does not use the current leader as a reference for the gap creation but the specified vehicle.


When using the Euler integration method, the time headway control does not work properly for low speeds.

move to (0x5c)#

byte integer byte string byte double
value type compound item number (always 2) value type string Lane ID value type double Position along lane

The vehicle will be removed from its lane and moved to the given position on the given lane. No collision checks are done, this means that moving the vehicle may cause a collisions or a situations leading to collision. The vehicle keeps its speed - in the next time step it is at given position + speed. Note that the lane must be a part of the route, this means it must be either a part of any of the edges within the vehicles route or an internal lane that connects route edges. To overcome this limitation, the route can be modified prior to calling moveTo.


This can also be used to force a vehicle into the network that has been loaded but could not depart due to having its departure lane blocked.

move to XY (0xb4)#

The vehicle (the center of its front bumper) is moved to the network position that best matches the given x,y network coordinates.

The arguments edgeID and lane are optional and can be set to "" and -1 respectively if not known. Their use is to resolve ambiguities when there are multiple roads on top of each other (i.e. at bridges) or to provide additional guidance on intersections (where internal edges overlap). If the edgeID and lane are given, they are compared against the 'origID'-attribute of the road lanes (which may be set to provide a mapping to some other network such as OpenDRIVE) and if the attribute isn't set against the actual lane id.

The optional keepRoute flag is a bitset that influences mapping as follows:

  • bit0 (keepRoute = 1 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: The vehicle is mapped to the closest edge within its existing route. If no suitable position is found within 100m mapping fails with an error.
    • 0: The vehicle is mapped to the closest edge within the network. If that edge does not belong to the original route, the current route is replaced by a new route which consists of that edge only. If no suitable position is found within 100m mapping fails with an error. When using the sublane model the best lateral position that is fully within the lane will be used. Otherwise, the vehicle will drive in the center of the closest lane.
  • bit1 (keepRoute = 2 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: The vehicle is mapped to the exact position in the network (including the exact lateral position). If that position lies outside the road network, the vehicle stops moving on its own accord until it is placed back into the network with another TraCI command. (if keeproute = 3, the position must still be within 100m of the vehicle route)
    • 0: The vehicle is always on a road
  • bit2 (keepRoute = 4 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: lane permissions are ignored when mapping
    • 0: The vehicle is mapped only to lanes that allow its vehicle class

The angle value is assumed to be in navigational degrees (between 0 and 360 with 0 at the top, going clockwise). The angle is used when scoring candidate mapping lanes to resolve ambiguities. Upon mapping the vehicle is angle set to the given value for purposes of drawing and all outputs. If the angle is set to the special TraCI constant INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, the angle will not be used for scoring and the vehicle will assume the angle of the best found lane. When mapping the vehicle outside the road network, the angle will be computed from the previous and the new position instead.


This function can also be used to force a vehicle into the network that has been loaded but could not depart due to having its departure lane blocked.


When mapping a vehicle to an edge that is not currently on its route, the new route will consist of that edge only. Once the vehicle reaches the end of that edge it disappears unless receiving another moveToXY command in that simulation step. This means, vehicles may disappear when calling traci.simulationStep with arguments that cause SUMO to perform multiple steps.

byte integer byte string byte double
value type compound item number (5 or 6) value type string edge ID (to resolve ambiguities, may be arbitrary) value type int lane index (to resolve ambiguities, may be arbitrary) value type double x Position (network coordinates) value type double y Position (network coordinates) value type double angle value type byte keepRoute (0 - 7)

replaceStop (0x17)#

byte integer byte string byte double byte byte byte double byte int byte double byte double byte int byte byte
value type compound item number (8 or 9) value type string Edge ID value type double end position value type byte Lane Index value type double Duration in seconds value type int stop flags (see stop) value type double start position value type double Until in seconds value type int nextStopIndex value type byte (optional) teleport

Replaces stop at the given index with a new stop. Automatically modifies the route if the replacement stop is at another location

  • For edgeID a stopping place id may be given if the flag marks this stop as stopping on busStop, parkingArea, containerStop etc.
  • If edgeID is "", the stop at the given index will be removed without replacement and the route will not be modified.
    • if teleport is set to 2, the vehicle will rerouting in the section of the removed stop (i.e. from the previous to the successive stop).
  • If teleport is set to 1, the route to the replacement stop will be disconnected (forcing a teleport).
    • If stopIndex is 0 the gap will be between the current edge and the new stop.
    • Otherwise the gap will be between the stop edge for nextStopIndex - 1 and the new stop.
    • It is recommended to also set sumo option --time-to-teleport.disconnected when using this

insertStop (0x18)#

byte integer byte string byte double byte byte byte double byte int byte double byte double byte int byte byte
value type compound item number (8 or 9) value type string Edge ID value type double end position value type byte Lane Index value type double Duration in seconds value type int stop flags (see stop) value type double start position value type double Until in seconds value type int nextStopIndex value type byte (optional) teleport

Inserts stop at the given index. Automatically modifies the route to accommodate the new stop

  • For edgeID a stopping place id may be given if the flag marks this stop as stopping on busStop, parkingArea, containerStop etc.
  • if nextStopIndex is equal to the number of upcoming stops, the new stop will be added after all other stops
  • If teleport is set to 1, the route to the new stop will be disconnected (forcing a teleport).
    • If stopIndex is 0 the gap will be between the current edge and the new stop.
    • Otherwise the gap will be between the stop edge for nextStopIndex - 1 and the new stop.
    • It is recommended to also set sumo option --time-to-teleport.disconnected when using this

setStopParameter (0x55)#

byte integer int string string byte
value type compound item number (always 4) nextStopIndex param value customParam

Updates stop parameter at the given index.

  • nextStopIndex must be a non-negative number smaller than the number of remaining stops
  • param may be any value permitted as xml-attribute for stops (except index)
  • if param changes the location ('edge', 'busStop', ...), the function behaves like replaceStop
  • if customParam is set to 1, param may be an arbitrary string and the function will set a custom parameter instead of an attribute

resume (0x19)#

byte integer
value type compound item number (always 0)

change target (0x31)#

byte string
value type string Edge ID

change route by id (0x54)#

byte string
value type string Route ID

change route (0x57)#

byte int string
value type string list number of elements Edge ID

change edge travel time information (0x58)#

This command can be sent using 4, 2, or 1 parameters. In the first form, it adds a new override of edge information to the list of existing overrides for the given vehicle, valid from begin time to end time. In the second form, it adds a new override that is valid throughout the simulation, replacing an earlier one for the same edge. In the third form, it removes as earlier override for the given edge, valid throughout the simulation.

byte int byte double byte double byte string byte double
value type compound number of elements (always=4) value type double begin time (in seconds) value type double end time (in seconds) value type string edge id value type double travel time value (in s)
byte int byte string byte double
value type compound number of elements (always=2) value type string edge id value type double travel time value (in s)
byte int byte string
value type compound number of elements (always=1) value type string edge id

change edge effort information (0x59)#

This command can be sent using 4, 2, or 1 parameters. In the first form, it adds a new override of edge information to the list of existing overrides for the given vehicle, valid from begin time to end time. In the second form, it adds a new override that is valid throughout the simulation, replacing an earlier one for the same edge. In the third form, it removes as earlier override for the given edge, valid throughout the simulation.

byte int byte double byte double byte string byte double
value type compound number of elements (always=4) value type double begin time (in seconds) value type double end time (in seconds) value type string edge id value type double effort value (abstract)
byte int byte string byte double
value type compound number of elements (always=2) value type string edge id value type double effort value (abstract)
byte int byte string
value type compound number of elements (always=1) value type string edge id

reroute (compute new route) by travel time (0x90)#

byte int
value type compound number of elements (always=0)

reroute (compute new route) by effort (0x91)#

byte int
value type compound number of elements (always=0)

speed mode (0xb3)#

This command controls how speeds set with the command setSpeed (0x40) and slowDown (0x14) are used. Per default, the vehicle may only drive slower than the speed that is deemed safe by the car following model and it may not exceed the bounds on acceleration and deceleration. Furthermore, vehicles follow the right-of-way rules when approaching an intersection and if necessary they brake hard to avoid driving across a red light. One can control this behavior using the speed mode (0xb3) command. The given integer is a bitset (bit0 is the least significant bit) with the following fields:

  • bit0: Regard safe speed
  • bit1: Regard maximum acceleration
  • bit2: Regard maximum deceleration
  • bit3: Regard right of way at intersections (only applies to approaching foe vehicles outside the intersection)
  • bit4: Brake hard to avoid passing a red light
  • bit5: Disregard right of way within intersections (only applies to foe vehicles that have entered the intersection).

Setting the bit enables the check (the according value is regarded), keeping the bit==zero disables the check.


  • default (all checks on) -> [0 1 1 1 1 1] -> Speed Mode = 31
  • most checks off (legacy) -> [0 0 0 0 0 0] -> Speed Mode = 0
  • all checks off -> [1 0 0 0 0 0] -> Speed Mode = 32
  • disable right of way check -> [1 1 0 1 1 1] -> Speed Mode = 55
  • run a red light [0 0 0 1 1 1] = 7 (also requires setSpeed or slowDown)
  • run a red light even if the intersection is occupied [1 0 0 1 1 1] = 39 (also requires setSpeed or slowDown)


bit5 has inverted semantics and must be set to '1' in order to disable the safety function. This achieves backward compatibility with earlier versions of SUMO where this bit was not defined and right of way within intersection could not be ignored explicitly.

lane change mode (0xb6)#

The laneChangeModel discriminates four reasons to change lanes:

  • strategic (change lanes to continue the route)
  • cooperative (change in order to allow others to change)
  • speed gain (the other lane allows for faster driving)
  • obligation to drive on the right

During each simulation step the laneChangeModel computes an internal request to change the lane or to stay on the current lane.

If an external change lane command (0x13) command is in conflict with the internal request this is resolved by the current value of the vehicles lane change mode. The given integer is interpreted as a bitset (bit0 is the least significant bit) with the following fields:

  • bit1, bit0: 00 = do no strategic changes; 01 = do strategic changes if not in conflict with a TraCI request; 10 = do strategic change even if overriding TraCI request
  • bit3, bit2: 00 = do no cooperative changes; 01 = do cooperative changes if not in conflict with a TraCI request; 10 = do cooperative change even if overriding TraCI request
  • bit5, bit4: 00 = do no speed gain changes; 01 = do speed gain changes if not in conflict with a TraCI request; 10 = do speed gain change even if overriding TraCI request
  • bit7, bit6: 00 = do no right drive changes; 01 = do right drive changes if not in conflict with a TraCI request; 10 = do right drive change even if overriding TraCI request
  • bit9, bit8:
    • 00 = do not respect other drivers when following TraCI requests, adapt speed to fulfill request
    • 01 = avoid immediate collisions when following a TraCI request, adapt speed to fulfill request
    • 10 = respect the speed / brake gaps of others when changing lanes, adapt speed to fulfill request
    • 11 = respect the speed / brake gaps of others when changing lanes, no speed adaption
  • bit11, bit10: 00 = do no sublane changes; 01 = do sublane changes if not in conflict with a TraCI request; 10 = do sublane change even if overriding TraCI request

The default lane change mode is 0b011001010101 = 1621 which means that the laneChangeModel may execute all changes unless in conflict with TraCI. Requests from TraCI are handled urgently (with cooperative speed adaptations by the ego vehicle and surrounding traffic) but with full consideration for safety constraints.

To disable all autonomous changing but still handle safety checks in the simulation, either one of the modes 256 (collision avoidance) or 512 (collision avoidance and safety-gap enforcement) may be used.

addLegacy (deprecated) (0x80)#

byte int byte string byte string byte int byte double byte double byte byte
value type compound number of elements (always=6) value type string vehicle type ID (must exist) value type string route ID (must exist) value type integer depart time (ms) value type double depart position value type double depart speed value type byte depart lane


Please note that the values are not checked in a very elaborated way. Make sure they are correct before sending.

If a negative departure time is set, one of the following fixed time settings will be used:

  • -1: "triggered"
  • -2: "containerTriggered"

If a negative departure speed is set, one of the following fixed speed settings will be used:

  • -2: "random"
  • -3: "max"

If a negative departure position is set, one of the following position settings will be used:

  • -2: "random"
  • -3: "free"
  • -4: "base"
  • -5: "last"
  • -6: "random_free"

Please note that giving 0 as depart position will result in the vehicle starting with its front at the begin of lane (unlike the simulation default which is the vehicle placed completely on the lane "base")

If a negative departure lane is set, one of the following lane settings will be used:

  • -2: "random"
  • -3: "free"
  • -4: "allowed"
  • -5: "best"
  • -6: "first"

If an empty routeID is given, the vehicle will be placed on an route that consists of a single arbitrary edge (with suitable vClass permissions). This can be used to simply the initialization of remote controlled vehicle (moveToXY).

add (alias addFull) (0x85)#

byte int byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte string byte int byte int
value type compound number of elements (always=14) value type string route ID (must exist) value type string vehicle type ID (must exist) value type string depart time value type string depart lane value type string depart position value type string depart speed value type string arrival lane value type string arrival position value type string arrival speed value type string from taz (origin district) value type string to taz (destination district) value type string line (for public transport) value type integer person capacity value type integer person number

If an empty routeID is given, the vehicle will be placed on an route that consists of a single arbitrary edge (with suitable vClass permissions). This can be used to simply the initialization of remote controlled vehicle (moveToXY).

special cases#

  • if routeID is "", the vehicle will be inserted on a random network edge. This may be useful when intending the vehicle with moveToXY (and now route information is available)
  • if the route consists of 2 disconnected edges, the vehicle will be treated like a <trip> and use the fastest route between the two edges


Please note that the values are not checked in a very elaborated way. Make sure they are correct before sending.

remove (0x81)#

byte byte
value type byte reason

The following reasons may be given:


highlight (0x6c)#

ubyte int ubyte color ubyte double ubyte ubyte ubyte double ubyte ubyte
value type compound number of items in value type color color value type double size (radius in m.) value type ubyte maximal alpha value value type double duration (in secs.) value type ubyte type ID (allows different highlight categories)

The highlight method adds a circle of the specified size and color centered at the vehicle. The circles alpha value is animated over the specified duration (fade in and out) if a positive value is given, maxAlpha <= 0 implies persistent highlighting without animation.

Setting Device and LaneChangeModel Parameters (0x7e)#

Vehicles supports setting of device parameters using the generic parameter setting call.

Supported Device Parameters#

  • device.battery.actualBatteryCapacity (double literal)
  • device.battery.maximumBatteryCapacity (double literal)
  • device.battery.vehicleMass (double literal)
  • device.rerouting.period (double literal, set rerouting period in seconds)
  • device.rerouting.edge:EDGE_ID (double literal, set assumed travel time for rerouting for all vehicles (where EDGE_ID is the id if a network edge). This value is overwritten at the next update interval (--device.rerouting.adaptation-interval).
  • device.driverstate.awareness
  • device.driverstate.errorState
  • device.driverstate.errorTimeScale
  • device.driverstate.errorNoiseIntensity
  • device.driverstate.minAwareness
  • device.driverstate.initialAwareness
  • device.driverstate.errorTimeScaleCoefficient
  • device.driverstate.errorNoiseIntensityCoefficient
  • device.driverstate.speedDifferenceErrorCoefficient
  • device.driverstate.headwayErrorCoefficient
  • device.driverstate.speedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold
  • device.driverstate.headwayChangePerceptionThreshold
  • device.driverstate.maximalReactionTime
  • device.driverstate.originalReactionTime
  • device.toc.manualType
  • device.toc.automatedType
  • device.toc.responseTime
  • device.toc.recoveryRate
  • device.toc.initialAwareness
  • device.toc.lcAbstinence
  • device.toc.currentAwareness
  • device.toc.mrmDecel
  • device.toc.requestToC
  • device.toc.requestMRM
  • device.toc.awareness
  • device.toc.dynamicToCThreshold
  • device.toc.dynamicMRMProbability
  • device.toc.mrmKeepRight
  • device.toc.mrmSafeSpot
  • device.toc.mrmSafeSpotDuration
  • device.toc.maxPreparationAccel
  • device.toc.ogNewTimeHeadway
  • device.toc.ogNewSpaceHeadway
  • device.toc.ogChangeRate
  • device.toc.ogMaxDecel
  • device.example.customValue1 (double literal)
  • has.rerouting.device ("true"): can be used to dynamically enable automatic rerouting


If the vehicles does not carry the respective device an error is returned.

Supported LaneChangeModel Parameters#

Relationship between lanechange model attributes and vTypes#

All lanechange model attributes are initialized from the vehicles vType and then stored in the individual lane change model instance of each vehicle. This has important consequences

  • setting a new vType for a vehicle doesn't affect lane change model attributes (the vehicle keeps using its individual values)
  • changing lane change model attributes on the vType of a vehicle does not affect the vehicle (the vehicle keeps using its individual values)
  • changing lane change model attributes for a vehicle does not affect its vType (and instead changes the individual values of the vehicle)


Attribute 'minGapLat' also counts as a lanechange model attribute since version 1.12.0

Application order of traci commands and simulation step#

Step n:

  1. traci.vehicle.getPosition and traci.vehicle.getSpeed show the values from step n-1
  2. when calling traci.vehicle.moveTo the vehicle is instantly placed (and still moves in this step)
  3. vNext (the speed for this step) is computed based on the values of the previous step (traci.vehicle.setSpeed overrides this)
  4. vehicle position is updated based on vNext (either by adding vNext or by adding (vPrev + vNext) / 2 depending on the value of option --step-method.ballistic)
  5. the value given to traci.vehicle.moveToXY overrides the previously computed position
  6. GUI is updated to show final state of step n, outputs like fcd-output also show this state for step n

Step n+1

This means, that the position given to moveToXY in step n will be visible in the outputs for step n whereas traci.vehicle.getPosition will always show the value from the previous step.

Vehicle insertion#

When a vehicle is added using method add it is not immediately inserted into the network. Only after the next call to simulationStep does the simulation try to insert it (and this may fail when in conflict with other traffic). The result of getIDList only contains vehicles that have been inserted into the network which means the vehicle will not be listed immediately. You can force a vehicle to be inserted instantly by calling the function vehicle.moveTo or vehicle.moveToXY after adding it to the simulation.