
From 30.000 feet#

netedit is the graphical editor for networks, additional infrastructure, traffic objects and traffic data.

  • Purpose: Create and modify simulation scenarios
  • System: portable (Linux/Windows/Mac is tested); opens a window
  • Input (optional): a network and any files belonging to a scenario
  • Output: a network and any files belonging to a scenario
  • Programming Language: C++

Usage Description#

For an overview of features see netedit usage documentation.


You may use a XML schema definition file for setting up a netedit configuration: sumoConfiguration.xsd.


Option Description
-c <FILE>
--configuration-file <FILE>
Loads the named config on startup
--save-configuration <FILE>
Saves current configuration into FILE
--save-configuration.relative <BOOL> Enforce relative paths when saving the configuration; default: false
--save-template <FILE> Saves a configuration template (empty) into FILE
--save-schema <FILE> Saves the configuration schema into FILE
--save-commented <BOOL> Adds comments to saved template, configuration, or schema; default: false


Option Description
--sumocfg-file <FILE> Load sumo config
-a <FILE>
--additional-files <FILE>
Load additional and shapes descriptions from FILE(s)
-r <FILE>
--route-files <FILE>
Load demand elements descriptions from FILE(s)
-d <FILE>
--data-files <FILE>
Load data elements descriptions from FILE(s)
-m <FILE>
--meandata-files <FILE>
Load meanData descriptions from FILE(s)
-s <FILE>
--sumo-net-file <FILE>
Read SUMO-net from FILE
-n <FILE>
--node-files <FILE>
Read XML-node defs from FILE
-e <FILE>
--edge-files <FILE>
Read XML-edge defs from FILE
-x <FILE>
--connection-files <FILE>
Read XML-connection defs from FILE
-i <FILE>
--tllogic-files <FILE>
Read XML-traffic light defs from FILE
-t <FILE>
--type-files <FILE>
Read XML-type defs from FILE
--shapefile-prefix <FILE> Read shapefiles (ArcView, Tiger, ...) from files starting with 'FILE'
--dlr-navteq-prefix <FILE> Read converted Navteq GDF data (unsplitted Elmar-network) from path 'FILE'
--osm-files <FILE> Read OSM-network from path 'FILE(s)'
--opendrive-files <FILE> Read OpenDRIVE-network from FILE
--visum-file <FILE> Read VISUM-net from FILE
--vissim-file <FILE> Read VISSIM-net from FILE
--robocup-dir <FILE> Read RoboCup-net from DIR
--matsim-files <FILE> Read MATsim-net from FILE
--itsumo-files <FILE> Read ITSUMO-net from FILE
--heightmap.shapefiles <FILE> Read heightmap from ArcGIS shapefile
--heightmap.geotiff <FILE> Read heightmap from GeoTIFF


Option Description
--tls-file <STRING> File in which TLS Programs must be saved
--edgetypes-file <STRING> File in which edgeTypes must be saved
--write-license <BOOL> Include license info into every output file; default: false
--output-prefix <STRING> Prefix which is applied to all output files. The special string 'TIME' is replaced by the current time.
--precision <INT> Defines the number of digits after the comma for floating point output; default: 2
--precision.geo <INT> Defines the number of digits after the comma for lon,lat output; default: 6
--human-readable-time <BOOL>
Write time values as hour:minute:second or day:hour:minute:second rather than seconds; default: false
-o <FILE>
--output-file <FILE>
The generated net will be written to FILE
-p <FILE>
--plain-output-prefix <FILE>
Prefix of files to write plain xml nodes, edges and connections to
--plain-output.lanes <BOOL> Write all lanes and their attributes even when they are not customized; default: false
--junctions.join-output <FILE> Writes information about joined junctions to FILE (can be loaded as additional node-file to reproduce joins
--prefix <STRING> Defines a prefix for edge and junction names
--amitran-output <FILE> The generated net will be written to FILE using Amitran format
--matsim-output <FILE> The generated net will be written to FILE using MATsim format
--opendrive-output <FILE> The generated net will be written to FILE using OpenDRIVE format
--dlr-navteq-output <FILE> The generated net will be written to dlr-navteq files with the given PREFIX
--dlr-navteq.version <STRING> The dlr-navteq output format version to write; default: 6.5
--dlr-navteq.precision <INT> The network coordinates are written with the specified level of output precision; default: 2
--output.street-names <BOOL> Street names will be included in the output (if available); default: false
--output.original-names <BOOL> Writes original names, if given, as parameter; default: false
--street-sign-output <FILE> Writes street signs as POIs to FILE
--ptstop-output <FILE> Writes public transport stops to FILE
--ptline-output <FILE> Writes public transport lines to FILE
--ptline-clean-up <BOOL> Clean-up pt stops that are not served by any line; default: false
--parking-output <FILE> Writes parking areas to FILE
--railway.topology.output <FILE> Analyze topology of the railway network
--polygon-output <FILE> Write shapes that are embedded in the network input and that are not supported by polyconvert (OpenDRIVE)
--opendrive-output.straight-threshold <FLOAT> Builds parameterized curves whenever the angular change between straight segments exceeds FLOAT degrees; default: 1e-08
--opendrive-output.lefthand-left <BOOL> Write lanes in lefthand networks on the left side (positive indices); default: false
--opendrive-output.shape-match-dist <FLOAT> Match loaded shapes to the closest edge within FLOAT and export as road objects; default: -1


Option Description
--simple-projection <BOOL> Uses a simple method for projection; default: false
--proj.scale <FLOAT> Scaling factor for input coordinates; default: 1
--proj.rotate <FLOAT> Rotation (clockwise degrees) for input coordinates; default: 0
--proj.utm <BOOL> Determine the UTM zone (for a universal transversal mercator projection based on the WGS84 ellipsoid); default: false
--proj.dhdn <BOOL> Determine the DHDN zone (for a transversal mercator projection based on the bessel ellipsoid, "Gauss-Krueger"); default: false
--proj <STRING> Uses STR as proj.4 definition for projection; default: !
--proj.inverse <BOOL> Inverses projection; default: false
--proj.dhdnutm <BOOL> Convert from Gauss-Krueger to UTM; default: false
--proj.plain-geo <BOOL> Write geo coordinates in plain-xml; default: false


Option Description
--default.action-step-length <FLOAT> Length of the default interval length between action points for the car-following and lane-change models (in seconds). If not specified, the simulation step-length is used per default. Vehicle- or VType-specific settings override the default. Must be a multiple of the simulation step-length.; default: 0
--default.speeddev <FLOAT> Select default speed deviation. A negative value implies vClass specific defaults (0.1 for the default passenger class); default: -1
--speed-in-kmh <BOOL> vmax is parsed as given in km/h; default: false
--construction-date <STRING> Use YYYY-MM-DD date to determine the readiness of features under construction
--flatten <BOOL> Remove all z-data; default: false
--plain.extend-edge-shape <BOOL> If edge shapes do not end at the node positions, extend them; default: false
--numerical-ids <BOOL> Remaps alphanumerical IDs of nodes and edges to ensure that all IDs are integers; default: false
--numerical-ids.node-start <INT> Remaps IDs of nodes to integers starting at INT; default: 2147483647
--numerical-ids.edge-start <INT> Remaps IDs of edges to integers starting at INT; default: 2147483647
--reserved-ids <FILE> Ensures that generated ids do not included any of the typed IDs from FILE (sumo-gui selection file format)
--dismiss-vclasses <BOOL> Removes vehicle class restrictions from imported edges; default: false
--geometry.split <BOOL> Splits edges across geometry nodes; default: false
--geometry.remove <BOOL>
Replace nodes which only define edge geometry by geometry points (joins edges); default: false
--geometry.remove.keep-edges.explicit <STRING[ ]> Ensure that the given list of edges is not modified
--geometry.remove.keep-edges.input-file <FILE> Ensure that the edges in FILE are not modified (Each id on a single line. Selection files from sumo-gui are also supported)
--geometry.remove.keep-ptstops <BOOL> Ensure that edges with public transport stops are not modified; default: false
--geometry.remove.min-length <FLOAT> Allow merging edges with differing attributes when their length is below min-length; default: 0
--geometry.remove.width-tolerance <FLOAT> Allow merging edges with differing lane widths if the difference is below FLOAT; default: 0
--geometry.remove.max-junction-size <FLOAT> Prevent removal of junctions with a size above FLOAT as defined by custom edge endpoints; default: -1
--geometry.max-segment-length <FLOAT> splits geometry to restrict segment length; default: 0
--geometry.min-dist <FLOAT> reduces too similar geometry points; default: -1
--geometry.max-angle <FLOAT> Warn about edge geometries with an angle above DEGREES in successive segments; default: 99
--geometry.min-radius <FLOAT> Warn about edge geometries with a turning radius less than METERS at the start or end; default: 9
--geometry.min-radius.fix <BOOL> Straighten edge geometries to avoid turning radii less than geometry.min-radius; default: false
--geometry.min-radius.fix.railways <BOOL> Straighten edge geometries to avoid turning radii less than geometry.min-radius (only railways); default: true
--geometry.junction-mismatch-threshold <FLOAT> Warn if the junction shape is to far away from the original node position; default: 20
--geometry.check-overlap <FLOAT> Warn if edges overlap by more than the given threshold value; default: 0
--geometry.check-overlap.vertical-threshold <FLOAT> Ignore overlapping edges if they are separated vertically by the given threshold.; default: 4
--geometry.avoid-overlap <BOOL> Modify edge geometries to avoid overlap at junctions; default: true
--join-lanes <BOOL> join adjacent lanes that have the same permissions and which do not admit lane-changing (sidewalks and disallowed lanes); default: false
--ptline.match-dist <FLOAT> Matches stops outside the road network to the referencing pt line when below the given distance; default: 100 <BOOL> Skips automatic generation of stops on the bidi-edge of a loaded stop; default: false
--geometry.max-grade <FLOAT> Warn about edge geometries with a grade in % above FLOAT.; default: 10
--geometry.max-grade.fix <BOOL> Smooth edge geometries with a grade above the warning threshold.; default: true
--offset.disable-normalization <BOOL> Turn off normalizing node positions
--offset.x <FLOAT> Adds FLOAT to net x-positions; default: 0
--offset.y <FLOAT> Adds FLOAT to net y-positions; default: 0
--offset.z <FLOAT> Adds FLOAT to net z-positions; default: 0
--flip-y-axis <BOOL> Flips the y-coordinate along zero; default: false
--roundabouts.guess <BOOL> Enable roundabout-guessing; default: true
--roundabouts.visibility-distance <FLOAT> Default visibility when approaching a roundabout; default: 9
--opposites.guess <BOOL> Enable guessing of opposite direction lanes usable for overtaking; default: false
--opposites.guess.fix-lengths <BOOL> Ensure that opposite edges have the same length; default: true
--fringe.guess <BOOL> Enable guessing of network fringe nodes; default: false
--fringe.guess.speed-threshold <FLOAT> Guess disconnected edges above the given speed as outer fringe; default: 13.8889
--lefthand <BOOL> Assumes left-hand traffic on the network; default: false
--edges.join <BOOL> Merges edges which connect the same nodes and are close to each other (recommended for VISSIM import); default: false
--speed.offset <FLOAT> Modifies all edge speeds by adding FLOAT; default: 0
--speed.factor <FLOAT> Modifies all edge speeds by multiplying by FLOAT; default: 1
--speed.minimum <FLOAT> Modifies all edge speeds to at least FLOAT; default: 0
--edges.join-tram-dist <FLOAT> Joins tram edges into road lanes with similar geometry (within FLOAT distance); default: -1

Building Defaults#

Option Description
-L <INT>
--default.lanenumber <INT>
The default number of lanes in an edge; default: 1
--default.lanewidth <FLOAT> The default width of lanes; default: -1
--default.spreadtype <STRING> The default method for computing lane shapes from edge shapes; default: right
--default.speed <FLOAT>
The default speed on an edge (in m/s); default: 13.89
--default.friction <FLOAT> The default friction on an edge; default: 1
-P <INT>
--default.priority <INT>
The default priority of an edge; default: -1
--default.type <STRING> The default edge type
--default.sidewalk-width <FLOAT> The default width of added sidewalks; default: 2
--default.bikelane-width <FLOAT> The default width of added bike lanes; default: 1
--default.crossing-width <FLOAT> The default width of a pedestrian crossing; default: 4
--default.crossing-speed <FLOAT> The default speed 'limit' on a pedestrian crossing (in m/s); default: 2.78
--default.walkingarea-speed <FLOAT> The default speed 'limit' on a pedestrian walkingarea (in m/s); default: 2.78
--default.allow <STRING> The default for allowed vehicle classes
--default.disallow <STRING> The default for disallowed vehicle classes
--default.junctions.keep-clear <BOOL> Whether junctions should be kept clear by default; default: true
--default.junctions.radius <FLOAT> The default turning radius of intersections; default: 4
--default.connection-length <FLOAT> The default length when overriding connection lengths; default: -1
--default.right-of-way <STRING> The default algorithm for computing right of way rules ('default', 'edgePriority'); default: default

Tls Building#

Option Description
--tls.discard-loaded <BOOL> Does not instantiate traffic lights loaded from other formats than plain-XML; default: false
--tls.discard-simple <BOOL> Does not instantiate traffic lights at geometry-like nodes loaded from other formats than plain-XML; default: false
--tls.set <STRING[ ]> Interprets STR[] as list of junctions to be controlled by TLS
--tls.unset <STRING[ ]> Interprets STR[] as list of junctions to be not controlled by TLS
--tls.guess <BOOL> Turns on TLS guessing; default: false
--tls.guess.threshold <FLOAT> Sets minimum value for the sum of all incoming lane speeds when guessing TLS; default: 69.4444
--tls.taz-nodes <BOOL> Sets district nodes as tls-controlled; default: false
--tls.guess.joining <BOOL> Includes node clusters into guess; default: false
--tls.join <BOOL> Tries to cluster tls-controlled nodes; default: false
--tls.join-dist <FLOAT> Determines the maximal distance for joining traffic lights (defaults to 20); default: 20
--tls.join-exclude <STRING[ ]> Interprets STR[] as list of tls ids to exclude from joining
--tls.uncontrolled-within <BOOL> Do not control edges that lie fully within a joined traffic light. This may cause collisions but allows old traffic light plans to be used; default: false
--tls.ignore-internal-junction-jam <BOOL> Do not build mutually conflicting response matrix, potentially ignoring vehicles that are stuck at an internal junction when their phase has ended; default: false
--tls.guess-signals <BOOL> Interprets tls nodes surrounding an intersection as signal positions for a larger TLS. This is typical pattern for OSM-derived networks; default: false
--tls.guess-signals.dist <FLOAT> Distance for interpreting nodes as signal locations; default: 25
--tls.guess-signals.slack <INT> Number of uncontrolled entry edges to accept and still consider the central node as a traffic light; default: 0
--tls.cycle.time <INT> Use INT as cycle duration; default: 90 <INT> Use INT as green phase duration; default: 31
--tls.yellow.min-decel <FLOAT>
Defines smallest vehicle deceleration; default: 3
--tls.yellow.patch-small <BOOL> Given yellow times are patched even if being too short; default: false
--tls.yellow.time <INT> Set INT as fixed time for yellow phase durations; default: -1 <INT> Set INT as fixed time for red phase duration at traffic lights that do not have a conflicting flow; default: 5
--tls.allred.time <INT> Set INT as fixed time for intermediate red phase after every switch; default: 0
--tls.minor-left.max-speed <FLOAT> Use FLOAT as threshold for allowing left-turning vehicles to move in the same phase as oncoming straight-going vehicles; default: 19.44
--tls.left-green.time <INT> Use INT as green phase duration for left turns (s). Setting this value to 0 disables additional left-turning phases; default: 6
--tls.nema.vehExt <INT> Set INT as fixed time for intermediate vehext phase after every switch; default: 2
--tls.nema.yellow <INT> Set INT as fixed time for intermediate NEMA yellow phase after every switch; default: 3 <INT> Set INT as fixed time for intermediate NEMA red phase after every switch; default: 2
--tls.crossing-min.time <INT> Use INT as minimum green duration for pedestrian crossings (s).; default: 4
--tls.crossing-clearance.time <INT> Use INT as clearance time for pedestrian crossings (s).; default: 5
--tls.scramble.time <INT> Use INT as green phase duration for pedestrian scramble phase (s).; default: 5
--tls.half-offset <STRING[ ]> TLSs in STR[] will be shifted by half-phase
--tls.quarter-offset <STRING[ ]> TLSs in STR[] will be shifted by quarter-phase
--tls.default-type <STRING> TLSs with unspecified type will use STR as their algorithm; default: static
--tls.layout <STRING> Set phase layout four grouping opposite directions or grouping all movements for one incoming edge ['opposites', 'incoming']; default: opposites <BOOL> Avoid phases with green and red signals for different connections from the same lane; default: false
--tls.min-dur <INT> Default minimum phase duration for traffic lights with variable phase length; default: 5
--tls.max-dur <INT> Default maximum phase duration for traffic lights with variable phase length; default: 50 <BOOL> Assign the same tls link index to connections that share the same states; default: false
--tls.ungroup-signals <BOOL> Assign a distinct tls link index to every connection; default: false
--tls.rebuild <BOOL> rebuild all traffic light plans in the network; default: false

Ramp Guessing#

Option Description
--ramps.guess <BOOL> Enable ramp-guessing; default: false
--ramps.guess-acceleration-lanes <BOOL> Guess on-ramps and mark acceleration lanes if they exist but do not add new lanes; default: true
--ramps.max-ramp-speed <FLOAT> Treat edges with speed > FLOAT as no ramps; default: -1
--ramps.min-highway-speed <FLOAT> Treat edges with speed < FLOAT as no highways; default: 21.9444
--ramps.ramp-length <FLOAT> Use FLOAT as ramp-length; default: 100
--ramps.min-weave-length <FLOAT> Use FLOAT as minimum ramp-length; default: 50
--ramps.set <STRING[ ]> Tries to handle the given edges as ramps
--ramps.unset <STRING[ ]> Do not consider the given edges as ramps <BOOL> Avoids edge splitting; default: false

Edge Removal#

Option Description
--keep-edges.min-speed <FLOAT> Only keep edges with speed in meters/second > FLOAT; default: -1
--remove-edges.explicit <STRING[ ]> Remove edges in STR[]
--keep-edges.explicit <STRING[ ]> Only keep edges in STR[] or those which are kept due to other keep-edges or remove-edges options
--keep-edges.input-file <FILE> Only keep edges in FILE (Each id on a single line. Selection files from sumo-gui are also supported) or those which are kept due to other keep-edges or remove-edges options
--remove-edges.input-file <FILE> Remove edges in FILE. (Each id on a single line. Selection files from sumo-gui are also supported)
--keep-edges.postload <BOOL> Remove edges after joining; default: false <STRING[ ]> Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as CARTESIAN corner coordinates or as polygon ) <STRING[ ]> Only keep edges which are located within the given boundary (given either as GEODETIC corner coordinates or as polygon ) <STRING[ ]> Only keep edges which allow one of the vclasses in STR[] <STRING[ ]> Remove edges which allow only vclasses from STR[] <STRING[ ]> Only keep edges where type is in STR[]
--keep-edges.components <INT> Only keep the INT largest weakly connected components; default: 0 <STRING[ ]> Remove edges where type is in STR[]
--remove-edges.isolated <BOOL> Removes isolated edges; default: false

Unregulated Nodes#

Option Description
--keep-nodes-unregulated <BOOL> All nodes will be unregulated; default: false
--keep-nodes-unregulated.explicit <STRING[ ]> Do not regulate nodes in STR[]
--keep-nodes-unregulated.district-nodes <BOOL> Do not regulate district nodes; default: false


Option Description
--junctions.right-before-left.speed-threshold <FLOAT> Allow building right-before-left junctions when the incoming edge speeds are below FLOAT (m/s); default: 13.6111
--junctions.left-before-right <BOOL> Build left-before-right junctions instead of right-before-left junctions; default: false
--no-internal-links <BOOL> Omits internal links; default: false
--no-turnarounds <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds
--no-turnarounds.tls <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds at tls-controlled junctions; default: false
--no-turnarounds.geometry <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds at geometry-like junctions; default: true
--no-turnarounds.except-deadend <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds except at dead end junctions; default: false
--no-turnarounds.except-turnlane <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds except at at junctions with a dedicated turning lane; default: false
--no-turnarounds.fringe <BOOL> Disables building turnarounds at fringe junctions; default: false
--no-left-connections <BOOL> Disables building connections to left; default: false
--junctions.join <BOOL> Joins junctions that are close to each other (recommended for OSM import); default: false
--junctions.join-dist <FLOAT> Determines the maximal distance for joining junctions (defaults to 10); default: 10
--junctions.join-exclude <STRING[ ]> Interprets STR[] as list of junctions to exclude from joining
--junctions.join-same <BOOL> Joins junctions that have the same coordinates even if not connected; default: false
--max-join-ids <INT> Abbreviate junction or TLS id if it joins more than INT junctions; default: 4
--junctions.corner-detail <INT> Generate INT intermediate points to smooth out intersection corners; default: 5
--junctions.internal-link-detail <INT> Generate INT intermediate points to smooth out lanes within the intersection; default: 5
--junctions.scurve-stretch <FLOAT> Generate longer intersections to allow for smooth s-curves when the number of lanes changes; default: 0
--junctions.join-turns <BOOL> Builds common edges for turning connections with common from- and to-edge. This causes discrepancies between geometrical length and assigned length due to averaging but enables lane-changing while turning; default: false
--junctions.limit-turn-speed <FLOAT> Limits speed on junctions to an average lateral acceleration of at most FLOAT (m/s^2); default: 5.5
--junctions.limit-turn-speed.min-angle <FLOAT> Do not limit turn speed for angular changes below FLOAT (degrees). The value is subtracted from the geometric angle before computing the turning radius.; default: 15
--junctions.limit-turn-speed.min-angle.railway <FLOAT> Do not limit turn speed for angular changes below FLOAT (degrees) on railway edges. The value is subtracted from the geometric angle before computing the turning radius.; default: 35
--junctions.limit-turn-speed.warn.straight <FLOAT> Warn about turn speed limits that reduce the speed of straight connections by more than FLOAT; default: 5
--junctions.limit-turn-speed.warn.turn <FLOAT> Warn about turn speed limits that reduce the speed of turning connections (no u-turns) by more than FLOAT; default: 22
--junctions.small-radius <FLOAT> Default radius for junctions that do not require wide vehicle turns; default: 1.5
--junctions.higher-speed <BOOL> Use maximum value of incoming and outgoing edge speed on junction instead of average; default: false
--junctions.minimal-shape <BOOL> Build junctions with minimal shapes (ignoring edge overlap); default: false
--internal-junctions.vehicle-width <FLOAT> Assumed vehicle width for computing internal junction positions; default: 1.8
--rectangular-lane-cut <BOOL> Forces rectangular cuts between lanes and intersections; default: false
--check-lane-foes.roundabout <BOOL> Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (at roundabouts); default: true
--check-lane-foes.all <BOOL> Allow driving onto a multi-lane road if there are foes on other lanes (everywhere); default: false


Option Description
--sidewalks.guess <BOOL> Guess pedestrian sidewalks based on edge speed; default: false
--sidewalks.guess.max-speed <FLOAT> Add sidewalks for edges with a speed equal or below the given limit; default: 13.89
--sidewalks.guess.min-speed <FLOAT> Add sidewalks for edges with a speed above the given limit; default: 5.8
--sidewalks.guess.from-permissions <BOOL> Add sidewalks for edges that allow pedestrians on any of their lanes regardless of speed; default: false
--sidewalks.guess.exclude <STRING[ ]> Do not guess sidewalks for the given list of edges
--crossings.guess <BOOL> Guess pedestrian crossings based on the presence of sidewalks; default: false
--crossings.guess.speed-threshold <FLOAT> At uncontrolled nodes, do not build crossings across edges with a speed above the threshold; default: 13.89
--walkingareas <BOOL> Always build walking areas even if there are no crossings; default: false
--walkingareas.join-dist <FLOAT> Do not create a walkingarea between sidewalks that are connected by a pedestrian junction within FLOAT; default: 15


Option Description
--bikelanes.guess <BOOL> Guess bike lanes based on edge speed; default: false
--bikelanes.guess.max-speed <FLOAT> Add bike lanes for edges with a speed equal or below the given limit; default: 22.22
--bikelanes.guess.min-speed <FLOAT> Add bike lanes for edges with a speed above the given limit; default: 5.8
--bikelanes.guess.from-permissions <BOOL> Add bike lanes for edges that allow bicycles on any of their lanes regardless of speed; default: false
--bikelanes.guess.exclude <STRING[ ]> Do not guess bikelanes for the given list of edges


Option Description
--railway.signals.discard <BOOL> Discard all railway signal information loaded from other formats than plain-xml; default: false <BOOL> Repair topology of the railway network; default: false <BOOL> Repair topology of the railway network just enough to let loaded public transport lines to work; default: false <BOOL> Allow bidirectional rail use wherever rails with opposite directions meet at a straight angle; default: false <BOOL> Add turn-around connections at all loaded stops.; default: false <FLOAT> Penalty factor for adding new bidi edges to connect public transport stops; default: 1.2
--railway.topology.all-bidi <BOOL> Make all rails usable in both direction; default: false
--railway.topology.all-bidi.input-file <FILE> Make all rails edge ids from FILE usable in both direction
--railway.topology.direction-priority <BOOL> Set edge priority values based on estimated main direction; default: false
--railway.topology.extend-priority <BOOL> Extend loaded edge priority values based on estimated main direction; default: false <BOOL> Guess signals that guard public transport stops; default: false
--railway.access-distance <FLOAT> The search radius for finding suitable road accesses for rail stops; default: 150
--railway.max-accesses <INT> The maximum road accesses registered per rail stops; default: 5
--railway.access-factor <FLOAT> The walking length of the access is computed as air-line distance multiplied by FLOAT; default: 1.5


Option Description
--discard-params <STRING[ ]> Remove the list of keys from all params
--ignore-change-restrictions <STRING[ ]> List vehicle classes that may ignore lane changing restrictions ('all' discards all restrictions); default: authority
--osm.skip-duplicates-check <BOOL> Skips the check for duplicate nodes and edges; default: false
--osm.elevation <BOOL> Imports elevation data; default: false
--osm.layer-elevation <FLOAT> Reconstruct (relative) elevation based on layer data. Each layer is raised by FLOAT m; default: 0
--osm.layer-elevation.max-grade <FLOAT> Maximum grade threshold in % at 50km/h when reconstructing elevation based on layer data. The value is scaled according to road speed.; default: 10
--osm.oneway-spread-right <BOOL> Whether one-way roads should be spread to the side instead of centered; default: false
--osm.lane-access <BOOL> Import lane-specific access restrictions; default: false <BOOL> Import bike lanes and fix directions and permissions on bike paths; default: false
--osm.sidewalks <BOOL> Import sidewalks; default: false
--osm.crossings <BOOL> Import crossings; default: false
--osm.turn-lanes <BOOL> Import turning arrows from OSM to help with connection building; default: false
--osm.stop-output.length <FLOAT> The default length of a public transport stop in FLOAT m; default: 25
--osm.stop-output.length.bus <FLOAT> The default length of a bus stop in FLOAT m; default: 15
--osm.stop-output.length.tram <FLOAT> The default length of a tram stop in FLOAT m; default: 25
--osm.stop-output.length.train <FLOAT> The default length of a train stop in FLOAT m; default: 200
--osm.all-attributes <BOOL> Whether additional attributes shall be imported; default: false
--osm.extra-attributes <STRING[ ]> List of additional attributes that shall be imported from OSM via osm.all-attributes (set 'all' to import all); default: all
--osm.speedlimit-none <FLOAT> The speed limit to be set when there is no actual speed limit in reality; default: 39.4444
--matsim.keep-length <BOOL> The edge lengths given in the MATSIM-file will be kept; default: false
--matsim.lanes-from-capacity <BOOL> The lane number will be computed from the capacity; default: false
--shapefile.street-id <STRING> Read edge ids from column STR
--shapefile.from-id <STRING> Read from-node ids from column STR <STRING> Read to-node ids from column STR
--shapefile.type-id <STRING> Read type ids from column STR
--shapefile.laneNumber <STRING> Read lane number from column STR
--shapefile.speed <STRING> Read speed from column STR
--shapefile.length <STRING> Read custom edge length from column STR
--shapefile.width <STRING> Read total edge width from column STR <STRING> Read (non-unique) name from column STR
--shapefile.node-join-dist <FLOAT> Distance threshold for determining whether distinct shapes are connected (used when from-id and to-id are not available); default: 0
--shapefile.add-params <STRING[ ]> Add the list of field names as edge params
--shapefile.use-defaults-on-failure <BOOL> Uses edge type defaults on problems; default: false
--shapefile.all-bidirectional <BOOL> Insert edges in both directions; default: false
--shapefile.guess-projection <BOOL> Guess the proper projection; default: false
--shapefile.traditional-axis-mapping <BOOL> Use traditional axis order (lon, lat); default: false
--dlr-navteq.tolerant-permissions <BOOL> Allow more vehicle classes by default; default: false
--dlr-navteq.keep-length <BOOL> The edge lengths given in the DLR Navteq-file will be kept; default: false
--vissim.join-distance <FLOAT> Structure join offset; default: 5
--vissim.default-speed <FLOAT> Use FLOAT as default speed; default: 50
--vissim.speed-norm <FLOAT> Factor for edge velocity; default: 1 <BOOL> Writes lanes without an explicit speed set; default: false
--visum.language-file <FILE> Load language mappings from FILE
--visum.use-type-priority <BOOL> Uses priorities from types; default: false
--visum.use-type-laneno <BOOL> Uses lane numbers from types; default: false
--visum.use-type-speed <BOOL> Uses speeds from types; default: false
--visum.connector-speeds <FLOAT> Sets connector speed; default: 100
--visum.connectors-lane-number <INT> Sets connector lane number; default: 3 <BOOL> Excludes connectors; default: true
--visum.recompute-lane-number <BOOL> Computes the number of lanes from the edges' capacities; default: false
--visum.verbose-warnings <BOOL> Prints all warnings, some of which are due to VISUM misbehaviour; default: false
--visum.lanes-from-capacity.norm <FLOAT> The factor for flow to no. lanes conversion; default: 1800
--opendrive.import-all-lanes <BOOL> Imports all lane types; default: false
--opendrive.ignore-widths <BOOL> Whether lane widths shall be ignored.; default: false
--opendrive.curve-resolution <FLOAT> The geometry resolution in m when importing curved geometries as line segments.; default: 2
--opendrive.advance-stopline <FLOAT> Allow stop lines to be built beyond the start of the junction if the geometries allow so; default: 0
--opendrive.min-width <FLOAT> The minimum lane width for determining start or end of variable-width lanes; default: 1.8
--opendrive.internal-shapes <BOOL> Import internal lane shapes; default: false
--opendrive.position-ids <BOOL> Sets edge-id based on road-id and offset in m (legacy); default: false
--opendrive.lane-shapes <BOOL> Use custom lane shapes to compensate discarded lane types; default: false
--opendrive.signal-groups <BOOL> Use the OpenDRIVE controller information for the generated signal program; default: false
--opendrive.ignore-misplaced-signals <BOOL> Ignore traffic signals which do not control any driving lane; default: false


Option Description
--new-network <BOOL> Start netedit with a new network; default: false
--attribute-help-output <FILE> Write attribute help to file
--ignore-supermode-question <BOOL> Ignore question dialog during changing between supermodes in undo-redo; default: false
--ignore.additionalelements <BOOL> Ignore additional elements during loading of sumo-configs; default: false
--ignore.routeelements <BOOL> Ignore route elements during loading of sumo-configs; default: false
--node-prefix <STRING> Prefix for node naming; default: J
--edge-prefix <STRING> Prefix for edge naming; default: E
--edge-infix <STRING> Enable edge-infix ()
--busStop-prefix <STRING> Prefix for busStop naming; default: bs
--trainStop-prefix <STRING> Prefix for trainStop naming; default: ts
--containerStop-prefix <STRING> Prefix for containerStop naming; default: ct
--chargingStation-prefix <STRING> Prefix for chargingStation naming; default: cs
--parkingArea-prefix <STRING> Prefix for parkingArea naming; default: pa
--e1Detector-prefix <STRING> Prefix for e1Detector naming; default: e1
--e2Detector-prefix <STRING> Prefix for e2Detector naming; default: e2
--e3Detector-prefix <STRING> Prefix for e3Detector naming; default: e3
--e1InstantDetector-prefix <STRING> Prefix for e1InstantDetector naming; default: e1i
--rerouter-prefix <STRING> Prefix for rerouter naming; default: rr
--calibrator-prefix <STRING> Prefix for calibrator naming; default: ca
--routeProbe-prefix <STRING> Prefix for routeProbe naming; default: rp
--vss-prefix <STRING> Prefix for variable speed sign naming; default: vs
--tractionSubstation-prefix <STRING> Prefix for traction substation naming; default: tr
--overheadWire-prefix <STRING> Prefix for overhead wire naming; default: ow
--polygon-prefix <STRING> Prefix for polygon naming; default: po
--poi-prefix <STRING> Prefix for poi naming; default: poi
--jps.walkableArea-prefix <STRING> Prefix for jps walkable area naming; default: jps.walkable_area
--jps.obstacle-prefix <STRING> Prefix for jps obstacle naming; default: jps.obstacle
--route-prefix <STRING> Prefix for route naming; default: r
--routeDistribution-prefix <STRING> Prefix for route distribution naming; default: rd
--vType-prefix <STRING> Prefix for type naming; default: t
--vTypeDistribution-prefix <STRING> Prefix for type distribution naming; default: td
--vehicle-prefix <STRING> Prefix for vehicle naming; default: v
--trip-prefix <STRING> Prefix for trip naming; default: t
--flow-prefix <STRING> Prefix for flow naming; default: f
--person-prefix <STRING> Prefix for person naming; default: p
--personflow-prefix <STRING> Prefix for personFlow naming; default: pf
--container-prefix <STRING> Prefix for container naming; default: c
--containerflow-prefix <STRING> Prefix for containerFlow naming; default: cf
--meanDataEdge-prefix <STRING> Prefix for meanDataEdge naming; default: ed
--meanDataLane-prefix <STRING> Prefix for meanDataLane naming; default: ld


Option Description
--disable-laneIcons <BOOL> Disable icons of special lanes; default: false
--disable-textures <BOOL>
Disable textures; default: false
-g <FILE>
--gui-settings-file <FILE>
Load visualisation settings from FILE
--registry-viewport <BOOL> Load current viewport from registry; default: false
--window-size <STRING[ ]> Create initial window with the given x,y size
--window-pos <STRING[ ]> Create initial window at the given x,y position
--gui-testing <BOOL> Enable overlay for screen recognition; default: false
--gui-testing-debug <BOOL> Enable output messages during GUI-Testing; default: false
--gui-testing-debug-gl <BOOL> Enable output messages during GUI-Testing specific of gl functions; default: false
--gui-testing.setting-output <FILE> Save gui settings in the given settings-output file


Option Description
--begin <TIME> Defines the begin time in seconds; The simulation starts at this time; default: 0
--end <TIME> Defines the end time in seconds; The simulation ends at this time; default: -1


Option Description
-v <BOOL>
--verbose <BOOL>
Switches to verbose output; default: false
--print-options <BOOL> Prints option values before processing; default: false
-? <BOOL>
--help <BOOL>
Prints this screen or selected topics; default: false
--version <BOOL>
Prints the current version; default: false
--xml-validation <STRING>
Set schema validation scheme of XML inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always"); default: local <STRING> Set schema validation scheme of SUMO network inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always"); default: never
--xml-validation.routes <STRING> Set schema validation scheme of SUMO route inputs ("never", "local", "auto" or "always"); default: local
--no-warnings <BOOL>
Disables output of warnings; default: false
--aggregate-warnings <INT> Aggregate warnings of the same type whenever more than INT occur; default: -1
-l <FILE>
--log <FILE>
Writes all messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--message-log <FILE> Writes all non-error messages to FILE (implies verbose)
--error-log <FILE> Writes all warnings and errors to FILE
--log.timestamps <BOOL> Writes timestamps in front of all messages; default: false
--log.processid <BOOL> Writes process ID in front of all messages; default: false
--language <STRING> Language to use in messages; default: C
--ignore-errors <BOOL> Continue on broken input; default: false
--ignore-errors.connections <BOOL> Continue on invalid connections; default: false
--show-errors.connections-first-try <BOOL> Show errors in connections at parsing; default: false
--ignore-errors.edge-type <BOOL> Continue on unknown edge types; default: false

Random Number#

Option Description
--random <BOOL> Initialises the random number generator with the current system time; default: false
--seed <INT> Initialises the random number generator with the given value; default: 23423