Change Person State

Command 0xce: Change Person State#

ubyte string
Variable Person ID

Changes the state of a Person...

Overview Changeable Person Variables

Variable ValueType Description Python Method
add (0x80) complex see below Inserts a new person to the simulation at the given edge, position and time (in s). This function should be followed by appending Stages or the person will immediately vanish on departure. add
append stage (0xc4) complex see below Appends a stage (stageObject, waiting, walking or driving) to the plan of the given person. appendStage
replace stage (0xcd) complex see below Replaces the nth next stage with the given stage object replaceStage
remove stage (0xc5) int Removes the nth next stage. nextStageIndex must be lower then value of getRemainingStages(personID). nextStageIndex 0 immediately aborts the current stage and proceeds to the next stage. When removing all stages, stage 0 should be removed last (the python function removeStages does this automatically). removeStage
remove (0x81) int Removes the person from the simulation instantly. remove
reroute (compute new route) by travel time (0x90) compound (<empty>) Computes a new route to the current destination that minimizes travel time. The assumed values for each edge in the network can be customized in various ways. See Simulation/Routing#Travel-time_values_for_routing. Replaces the current route by the found route. rerouteTraveltime
move to XY (0xb4) compound (edgeID, x, y, angle, keepRoute) (see below) Moves the person to a new position after normal movements have taken place. Also forces the angle of the person to the given value (navigational angle in degree). See below for additional details moveToXY
color (0x45) ubyte,ubyte,ubyte,ubyte (RGBA) sets color for person with the given ID. i.e. (255,0,0,255) for the color red. setColor
height (0xbc) double Sets the height in m for this person. setHeight
length (0x44) double Sets the length in m for the given person. setLength
min gap (0x4c) double Sets the offset (gap to front person if halting) for this vehicle. setMinGap
speed (0x5e) double Sets the maximum speed in m/s for the named person for subsequent step. setSpeed
type (0x4f) string (id) Sets the id of the type for the named person. setType
width (0x4d) double Sets the width in m for this person. setWidth

compound message details#

The message contents are as following:

add (0x80)#

byte integer byte string byte string byte double byte double
value type compound item number (4) value type string type ID value type string Initial Edge ID value type double depart time in seconds value type double depart position

A depart time value of -3 is interpreted as immediate departure

append stage (0xc4)#

byte int byte int byte string byte string byte string byte stringList byte double byte double byte double byte string byte double byte double byte double byte string
value type compound item number (13) value type int stage type value type string vType (may be empty) value type string line (may be empty) value type string destStop (may be empty) value type stringList edges value type double travelTime value type double cost value type double length value type string intended (may be empty) value type double depart value type double departPos value type double arrivalPos value type string description (may be empty)

append waiting stage (0xc4)#

byte int byte int byte int byte string byte string
value type compound item number (4) value type int stage type (1) value type double duration in s value type string description (may be empty) value type string stopID (may be empty)

append walking stage (0xc4)#

byte int byte int byte stringList byte double byte int byte double byte string
value type compound item number (6) value type int stage type (2) value type stringlist edges value type double arrival position value type double duration in s (when a positive value is given, speed is computed from duration and length, otherwise speed is used) value type double speed (when a positive value is given this speed is used, otherwise the default speed of the person is used) value type string stopID (may be empty)

append driving stage (0xc4)#

byte int byte int byte string byte string byte string
value type compound item number (4) value type int stage type (3) value type string destination edge ID value type string lines value type string stopID (may be empty)

replace stage (0xcd)#

byte int byte int byte int byte int byte string byte string byte string byte stringList byte double byte double byte double byte string byte double byte double byte double byte string
value type compound item number (2) value type int replacement index value type compound item number (13) value type int stage type value type string vType (may be empty) value type string line (may be empty) value type string destStop (may be empty) value type stringList edges value type double travelTime value type double cost value type double length value type string intended (may be empty) value type double depart value type double departPos value type double arrivalPos value type string description (may be empty)

move to XY (0xb4)#

The Person is moved to the network position that best matches the given x,y network coordinates.

The argument edgeID is optional and can be set to "" if not known. Its use is to resolve ambiguities when there are multiple roads on top of each other (i.e. at bridges) or to provide additional guidance on intersections (where internal edges overlap).

The optional keepRoute flag is a bitset that influences mapping as follows:

  • bit0 (keepRoute = 1 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: The person is mapped to the closest edge within its existing route. If no suitable position is found within 100m mapping fails with an error.
    • 0: The person is mapped to the closest edge within the network. If that edge does not belong to the original route, the current route is replaced by a new route which consists of that edge only. In the special case where the new edge is connected to the junction that the person was already walking towards (i.e. when crossing to the other side of the road), the current route edge is replaced with the new edge and the rest of the route remains unchanged. If no suitable position is found within 100m mapping fails with an error.
  • bit1 (keepRoute = 2 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: The person is mapped to the exact position in the network If that position lies outside the road network, the person stops moving on its own accord until it is placed back into the network with another TraCI command. (if keeproute = 3, the position must still be within 100m of the vehicle route)
    • 0: The person is always on a road
  • bit2 (keepRoute = 4 when only this bit is set)
    • 1: lane permissions are ignored when mapping. This is needed for jaywalking.
    • 0: The person is mapped only to lanes that allow pedestrians

The angle value is assumed to be in navigational degrees (between 0 and 360 with 0 at the top, going clockwise). The angle is used when scoring candidate mapping lanes to resolve ambiguities. Upon mapping the person is angle set to the given value for purposes of drawing and all outputs. If the angle is set to the special TraCI constant INVALID_DOUBLE_VALUE, the angle will not be used for scoring and the person will assume the angle of the best found lane and guess the walking direction accordingly. When mapping the person outside the road network, the angle will be computed from the previous and the new position instead.


This function can also be used to force a person into the network that has been loaded but did not yet depart (i.e. immediately after calling person.add).


In between calls of moveToXY, the person may still perform regular movement. The person position is reset afterwards but this can affect other pedestrians. To avoid this, person.setSpeed(personID, 0) can be used.


When mapping a person to an edge that is not currently on its route, the new route may consist of that edge only. Once the person reaches the arrivalPos on that edge it disappears unless receiving another moveToXY command in that simulation step. This means, persons may disappear when calling traci.simulationStep with arguments that cause SUMO to perform multiple steps.

byte integer byte string byte double byte double byte double byte integer
value type compound item number 5 value type string edge ID (to resolve ambiguities, may be arbitrary) value type double x Position (network coordinates) value type double y Position (network coordinates) value type double angle value type byte keepRoute (0 - 7)