24Nov2024 - detailed test results for TSC

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a tsc -d /home/f_simoa/tt_home -reconnect /home/f_simoa/.texttest/tmp/Linux_ts-bavususcen.01Dec021119.198747 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a tsc -d /home/f_simoa/tt_home

Total: 88 tests: 61 succeeded 27 FAILED

daily: 30 tests: 25 succeeded 5 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : pre installTemplateDir ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ignoring track count 2 for edge '104765087'.
< Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.track' in type 'cycleway.track|highway.primary' (first occurence for edge '4045243').
< Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.lane' in type 'cycleway.lane|highway.primary' (first occurence for edge '4068078').
< Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.lane' in type 'cycleway.lane|highway.secondary' (first occurence for edge '4383235').
< Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.track' in type 'cycleway.track|highway.secondary' (first occurence for edge '4396503').
< Warning: Discarding unknown compound 'cycleway.lane' in type 'cycleway.lane|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4412886').
< Warning: Discarding unusable type 'railway.abandoned' (first occurence for edge '4741460').
< Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '4741937' (assuming forward)
< Warning: Discarding unusable type 'railway.construction' (first occurence for edge '23439780').
< Warning: Discarding unusable type 'railway.proposed' (first occurence for edge '23707860').
< Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '25005728' (assuming forward)
< Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '25386365' (assuming forward)
< Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '25946680' (assuming forward)
< Warning: Discarding unusable type 'highway.construction' (first occurence for edge '25959781').
< Warning: Discarding unusable type 'waterway.stream' (first occurence for edge '31112384').
< Warning: Ambiguous railway kilometrage direction for way '32572620' (assuming forward)
< Warning: direction of restriction relation could not be determined
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '1028113'.
< Warning: No way found for reference '3250129634' in relation '1123588'
< Warning: No way found for reference '49677302' in relation '3387178'
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '3387178' with unknown via.
< Warning: from-edge '287981944' of restriction relation could not be determined
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '3872985'.
< Warning: No way found for reference '160971199' in relation '5159676'
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5159676' with unknown to-way.
< Warning: direction of restriction relation could not be determined
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5303993'.
< Warning: No way found for reference '159081776' in relation '5349344'
< Warning: Ignoring restriction relation '5349344' with unknown from-way.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------scripts.py
< ----------------Berlin_1223.poly.xml
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml
< ----------------__init__.py
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml
< ----------------landmarks.csv
< ----------------net.net.xml
< ----------------suburb.taz.xml
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------__init__.py
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml
< ----------------landmarks.csv
< ----------------mitte.net.xml
< ----------------mitte.txt
< ----------------mitte_bidi.taz.xml
< ----------------mitte_vtypes.xml
< ----------------net.net.xml
< ----------------suburb.taz.xml
> ----------------location_priorities.xml
> ----------------ptVtypes.xml
> ----------------log
> --------------------template_gen0pt.log
> ----------------tmp_output
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Parsing types from osm/typemapberlin_net.typ.xml' ... done.
< Parsing nodes from osm-file 'C:/Users/arme_ma/Documents/Giuliana/Projekte/UrMo/GitHub/tsc/tests/../data/berlin_net/osm/berlin_net.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< Found and substituted 663 osm nodes.
< done.
< Parsing edges from osm-file 'C:/Users/arme_ma/Documents/Giuliana/Projekte/UrMo/GitHub/tsc/tests/../data/berlin_net/osm/berlin_net.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done.
< Removing duplicate edges ... 
< Removed 48 duplicate osm edges.
< done.
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.primary' (first occurence for edge '4045243').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.secondary' (first occurence for edge '4045656').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.residential' (first occurence for edge '4054007').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.secondary' (first occurence for edge '4067949').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.residential' (first occurence for edge '4068019').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.primary' (first occurence for edge '4068078').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4068114').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.opposite_track|highway.residential' (first occurence for edge '4368690').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4370507').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.unclassified' (first occurence for edge '4380909').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.service' (first occurence for edge '4392637').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.secondary_link' (first occurence for edge '4442080').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|cycleway.track|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4463780').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.track|highway.service' (first occurence for edge '4492364').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.unclassified' (first occurence for edge '4495251').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.opposite_track|cycleway.track|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4500160').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.opposite_lane|highway.tertiary' (first occurence for edge '4588220').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.secondary_link' (first occurence for edge '4593238').
< Adding new type 'cycleway.lane|highway.pedestrian' (first occurence for edge '4600247').
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : pre installTemplateDir_mitte ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Shape for junction '29215055' has distance 75.74 to its given position.
< Warning: Lane '-46138135_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '310350795'.
< Warning: 52 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 36 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1762976307'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Lane '-713731455_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '295586470'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1566942204' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 28 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 41 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Edge '-4687155' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '492025918'.
< Warning: Lane '941490799_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '305233633'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1412045005' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< --------__init__.py
< ------------Berlin Verkehrsbezirke (1193 VBz) GK4_zone.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.poly.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ------------fleet.add.xml
< ------------fleet_stops.add.xml
< ------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ------------pt_stops.add.xml.gz
< ------------pt_vehicles.add.xml.gz
> ------------tmp_output
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
> Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
> Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
> Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Finding largest components ... 
> Finding largest components ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Processing public transport stops ... 
< done ((TIME)).
< Revising public transport stops based on pt lines ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s gawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/trips/miv_twoPersonsOnly.trips.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s marouterGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/marouter/ma_flows.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s oneshotGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/vehroutes_oneshot_meso.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

sql3: 29 tests: 11 succeeded 18 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : pre installTemplateDir_mitte ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Shape for junction '29215055' has distance 75.74 to its given position.
< Warning: Lane '-46138135_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '310350795'.
< Warning: 52 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 36 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1762976307'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Lane '-713731455_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '295586470'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1566942204' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 28 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 41 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Edge '-4687155' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '492025918'.
< Warning: Lane '941490799_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '305233633'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1412045005' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< --------__init__.py
< ------------Berlin Verkehrsbezirke (1193 VBz) GK4_zone.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.poly.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ------------fleet.add.xml
< ------------fleet_stops.add.xml
< ------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ------------pt_stops.add.xml.gz
< ------------pt_vehicles.add.xml.gz
> ------------tmp_output
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
> Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
> Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
> Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Finding largest components ... 
> Finding largest components ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Processing public transport stops ... 
< done ((TIME)).
< Revising public transport stops based on pt lines ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template public_transport ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: Vehicle class 'bicycle' of vType 'ped_bike' is set as ignored by option --meso-ignore-lanes-by-vclass to ensure default vehicle capacity. Set option --meso-lane-queue for multi-modal meso simulation
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1827996421_1865536623_1865536624_2121324874_#8more', linkIndex 3,4 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_21487209_29219440_4566145593_4566145594_#2more', linkIndex 21,22,23 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262471375_30732015_343590422_3730313106_#1more', linkIndex 12,13 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262476527_2831135694_311718989_3836989061_#7more', linkIndex 19,20 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_3836987632_cluster_2524227970_3836987624_4913100485_4913100486_#1more', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------ptVtypes.xml
< ----------------pt_stops.add.xml.gz
< ----------------pt_vehicles.add.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.duarcfg
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '5'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile twoPersonsOnly.csv
< Read 2 persons with a total of 4 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/twoPersonsOnly.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 4 TAPAS trips for 2 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: count 4, min 9.41 (xycoord=(720.7678498803871, 1303.540090534836), edge=320462164#1, uid=('1000005', '1000001')), max 42.56 (xycoord=(568.7532229983481, 913.0316369170323), edge=-4588215#5, uid=('1000019', '1000003')), mean 27.86, Q1 26.08, median 33.39, Q3 42.56
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 4 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 4 vehicles starting between 135131 and 137351
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/ptVtypes.xml' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/pt_stops.add.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/pt_vehicles.add.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 135131.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 148151.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <person id="1000019_1000003_813_0" depart="135131"><personTrip fromTaz="-4588215#5" toTaz="192298337#0" modes="public"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110311"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_817_0" depart="135225"><personTrip fromTaz="320462164#1" toTaz="340716730#1" modes="public"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110312"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_850_0" depart="137205"><personTrip fromTaz="340716730#1" toTaz="320462164#1" modes="public"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110312"/></person>
    <person id="1000019_1000003_850_0" depart="137351"><personTrip fromTaz="192298337#0" toTaz="-4588215#5" modes="public"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110311"/></person>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template sharing ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_0' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_1' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_0' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_1' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_0' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_1' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_0' cannot save state
< Warning: Device 'taxi_taxi_busStop_0_1' cannot save state
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------fleet.add.xml
< ----------------fleet_stops.add.xml
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.duarcfg
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.log
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '6'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile twoPersonsOnly.csv
< Read 2 persons with a total of 4 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/twoPersonsOnly.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 4 TAPAS trips for 2 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: count 4, min 9.41 (xycoord=(720.7678498803871, 1303.540090534836), edge=320462164#1, uid=('1000005', '1000001')), max 42.56 (xycoord=(568.7532229983481, 913.0316369170323), edge=-4588215#5, uid=('1000019', '1000003')), mean 27.86, Q1 26.08, median 33.39, Q3 42.56
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 4 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 4 vehicles starting between 135131 and 137351
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/fleet_stops.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/fleet.add.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 135131.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 148151.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
< Performance:
< Vehicles:
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <person id="1000019_1000003_813_0" depart="135131"><personTrip fromTaz="-4588215#5" toTaz="192298337#0" modes="taxi"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110311"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_817_0" depart="135225"><personTrip fromTaz="320462164#1" toTaz="340716730#1" modes="taxi"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110312"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_850_0" depart="137205"><personTrip fromTaz="340716730#1" toTaz="320462164#1" modes="taxi"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110312"/></person>
    <person id="1000019_1000003_850_0" depart="137351"><personTrip fromTaz="192298337#0" toTaz="-4588215#5" modes="taxi"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110311"/></person>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template tscDaemonDatabaseTripsFromDB ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 12, in <module>
>     database.start(tscdefs.testServer, tscdefs.get_python_tool("tsc_main.py") + ['--limit', '50000'], [open('initialState.sql'), updateCmd], [], [])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 194, in start
>     run_instructions(options, pre_test)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------VEUII-BASE2010
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.duarcfg
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.log
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.rou.xml.gz
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.xml
< ------------------------rectified_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------t2s_map_all_pairs_passenger24.log
< --------------------oneshot
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------dump_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------oneshot_meso.sumo.log
< ------------------------oneshot_meso.sumocfg
< ------------------------state_115200.00.xml.gz
< ------------------------state_118800.00.xml.gz
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '0.5'), ('DB_NAME_MATRIX_TT_MIT_BASE', 'CAR_TT_B_2005'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_MATRIXMAPS', 'berlin_matrixmap'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ
', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'test_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false'), ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '10'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24.0]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'VEUII-BASE2010'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) from scratch in scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010 
< db_status_message: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010/iteration000 
< fetched 1356 rows
< wrote 1356 rows to scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010/iteration000/trips/2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME).csv
< db_status_message: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010/iteration000/trips/2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME).csv
< Read 1251 persons with a total of 1356 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010/iteration000/trips/2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME).csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Dropped 8 trips because of gaps, avg: 3225.593819782133, maximum: 10238.41775637289 (for trip 103236475_101892664_1054_0).
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/VEUII-BASE2010/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100000397', '100000397') from (52.53241977, 13.35002099), depart_minute=976 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100000657', '100000657') from (52.51231057, 13.32697818), depart_minute=719 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100000840', '100000840') from (52.55548391, 13.34659572), depart_minute=441 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for arrival of ('100008101', '100008101') at (52.52676767, 13.33715698), depart_minute=1278 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100008326', '100008326') from (52.52403771, 13.34913108), depart_minute=629 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100008794', '100008794') from (52.50450248, 13.32948318), depart_minute=997 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for arrival of ('100011077', '100011077') at (52.5297357, 13.34020997), depart_minute=957 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100013667', '100013667') from (52.54108787, 13.35723494), depart_minute=946 (skipping trip)
< Warning: could not find an edge for departure of ('100016635', '100016635') from (52.53382877, 13.34861296), depart_minute=1186 (skipping trip)
< Mapping (968.2815476057003, 3049.494319490157) to -100113767#1 (dist: 23.31) which is not in taz 110109911, best match in taz is -4597202#2 (dist: 153.80)
< Mapping (1374.550956814608, 1274.4504049727693) to 35557143#0 (dist: 9.68) which is not in taz 110110326, best match in taz is 22972473#0 (dist: 62.71)
< Mapping (2010.6763818347827, 2438.720046141185) to 454285423#0 (dist: 11.22) which is not in taz 110110013, best match in taz is 4610355#0 (dist: 95.65)
< Mapping (1512.2679775634897, 2549.948901302181) to 268002745 (dist: 6.50) which is not in taz 110110021, best match in taz is 153692976#1 (dist: 97.71)
< Mapping (1026.0479470893624, 2264.8100955048576) to 176043806#0 (dist: 9.41) which is not in taz 110109822, best match in taz is 844076875#0 (dist: 65.87)
< Mapping (1228.006560415146, 1491.3719440214336) to 342968607#0 (dist: 19.29) which is not in taz 110110313, best match in taz is 194069450#0 (dist: 65.80)
< Mapping (1359.3550516469986, 1506.24462839216) to 461526152#0 (dist: 15.30) which is not in taz 110110325, best match in taz is 243854725#4 (dist: 60.20)
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in resultingTripFile ----------
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <trip id="100400222_100273347_431_1" depart="112028" fromTaz="6279972#0" toTaz="169195795#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201511"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="100400222_100273347_431_0" depart="112505" fromTaz="6279972#0" toTaz="169195795#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201511"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="100384762_100257887_470_0" depart="114726" fromTaz="6279972#0" toTaz="169195795#2" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201511"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="100384762_100257887_470_1" depart="114787" fromTaz="6279972#0" toTaz="169195795#2" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201511"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="102530463_101485030_503_1" depart="116451" fromTaz="36892597#0" toTaz="36892597#0" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="100400269_100273394_504_0" depart="116497" fromTaz="-62276473#1" toTaz="22972473#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201623"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="102972191_101748622_505_0" depart="116515" fromTaz="169195795#2" toTaz="169195795#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="101489817_100920567_510_0" depart="116622" fromTaz="-168942727#3" toTaz="-168942727#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="102530463_101485030_503_0" depart="116708" fromTaz="36892597#0" toTaz="36892597#0" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="100400269_100273394_504_1" depart="116835" fromTaz="-62276473#1" toTaz="22972473#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110201623"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="102972191_101748622_505_1" depart="116841" fromTaz="169195795#2" toTaz="169195795#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="102660557_101572918_514_0" depart="116915" fromTaz="36892597#0" toTaz="36892597#0" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="100516873_100333223_515_1" depart="116998" fromTaz="22972219#0" toTaz="35578576#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="100516873_100333223_515_0" depart="117353" fromTaz="22972219#0" toTaz="35578576#2" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110212"/></trip>
    <trip id="101489817_100920567_510_1" depart="117416" fromTaz="-168942727#3" toTaz="-168942727#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="102660557_101572918_514_1" depart="117416" fromTaz="36892597#0" toTaz="36892597#0" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="103038545_101771666_525_1" depart="117702" fromTaz="159081776" toTaz="159081776" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110100521"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110100521"/></trip>
    <trip id="103038545_101771666_525_0" depart="118247" fromTaz="159081776" toTaz="159081776" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110100521"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110100521"/></trip>
    <trip id="102093362_101267005_540_1" depart="118599" fromTaz="22972473#3" toTaz="22972473#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="103113152_101836860_540_1" depart="118620" fromTaz="24997595#0" toTaz="-840229275" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="100623384_100401727_540_0" depart="118735" fromTaz="902316106#0" toTaz="902316106#0" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110123"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110123"/></trip>
    <trip id="100623384_100401727_540_1" depart="118829" fromTaz="902316106#0" toTaz="902316106#0" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110123"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110123"/></trip>
    <trip id="100107669_100107669_548_1" depart="118890" fromTaz="-55741054" toTaz="4610355#0" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="103106029_101829737_545_1" depart="118949" fromTaz="22972473#3" toTaz="22972473#3" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="103113152_101836860_540_0" depart="118976" fromTaz="24997595#0" toTaz="-840229275" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="102093362_101267005_540_0" depart="119087" fromTaz="22972473#3" toTaz="22972473#3" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="103106029_101829737_545_0" depart="119389" fromTaz="22972473#3" toTaz="22972473#3" type="medium_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110326"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110326"/></trip>
    <trip id="100107669_100107669_548_0" depart="119722" fromTaz="-55741054" toTaz="4610355#0" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
    <trip id="102414589_101436126_555_1" depart="119820" fromTaz="84960597#1" toTaz="84960597#1" type="small_passenger_gas"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110013"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110013"/></trip>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template tscDaemonDatabaseTripsFromFile ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1827996421_1865536623_1865536624_2121324874_#8more', linkIndex 3,4 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_21487209_29219440_4566145593_4566145594_#2more', linkIndex 21,22,23 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262471375_30732015_343590422_3730313106_#1more', linkIndex 12,13 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262476527_2831135694_311718989_3836989061_#7more', linkIndex 19,20 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_3836987632_cluster_2524227970_3836987624_4913100485_4913100486_#1more', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.duarcfg
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.log
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.rou.xml.gz
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.xml
< ------------------------rectified_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------t2s_map_all_pairs_passenger24.log
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile twoPersonsOnly.csv
< Read 2 persons with a total of 4 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/twoPersonsOnly.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 4 TAPAS trips for 2 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: count 4, min 9.41 (xycoord=(720.7678498803871, 1303.540090534836), edge=320462164#1, uid=('1000005', '1000001')), max 42.56 (xycoord=(568.7532229983481, 913.0316369170323), edge=-4588215#5, uid=('1000019', '1000003')), mean 27.86, Q1 26.08, median 33.39, Q3 42.56
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 4 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 4 vehicles starting between 135131 and 137351
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 135131.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 148151.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
< Performance:
< Vehicles:
<  Inserted: 4
<  Running: 0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <trip id="1000019_1000003_813_0" depart="135131" fromTaz="-4588215#5" toTaz="192298337#0" type="small_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110311"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000005_1000001_817_0" depart="135225" fromTaz="320462164#1" toTaz="340716730#1" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110312"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000005_1000001_850_0" depart="137205" fromTaz="340716730#1" toTaz="320462164#1" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110312"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000019_1000003_850_0" depart="137351" fromTaz="192298337#0" toTaz="-4588215#5" type="small_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110311"/></trip>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template tscDaemonEmptyTripsFile ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1827996421_1865536623_1865536624_2121324874_#8more', linkIndex 3,4 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_21487209_29219440_4566145593_4566145594_#2more', linkIndex 21,22,23 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262471375_30732015_343590422_3730313106_#1more', linkIndex 12,13 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262476527_2831135694_311718989_3836989061_#7more', linkIndex 19,20 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_3836987632_cluster_2524227970_3836987624_4913100485_4913100486_#1more', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< --------------------oneshot
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------dump_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------oneshot_meso.sumo.log
< ------------------------oneshot_meso.sumocfg
< ------------------------state_0.00.xml.gz
< ------------------------state_3600.00.xml.gz
< ------------------------state_7200.00.xml.gz
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile empty.csv
< Read 0 persons with a total of 0 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/empty.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 0 TAPAS trips for 0 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: no values
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 0 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 0 vehicles starting between 0 and 0
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 0.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 10800.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
< Performance:
< Vehicles:
<  Inserted: 0
<  Running: 0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template tscDaemonVTypeMatrix ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1827996421_1865536623_1865536624_2121324874_#8more', linkIndex 3,4 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_21487209_29219440_4566145593_4566145594_#2more', linkIndex 21,22,23 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262471375_30732015_343590422_3730313106_#1more', linkIndex 12,13 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262476527_2831135694_311718989_3836989061_#7more', linkIndex 19,20 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_3836987632_cluster_2524227970_3836987624_4913100485_4913100486_#1more', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.csv
< ------------------------all_pairs_small_passenger_gasoline24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_small_passenger_gasoline24.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.trips.duarcfg
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.trips.log
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.trips.rou.xml.gz
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_medium_passenger_gasoline24.trips.xml
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile twoPersonsOnly.csv
< Read 2 persons with a total of 4 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/twoPersonsOnly.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 4 TAPAS trips for 2 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: count 4, min 9.41 (xycoord=(720.7678498803871, 1303.540090534836), edge=320462164#1, uid=('1000005', '1000001')), max 42.56 (xycoord=(568.7532229983481, 913.0316369170323), edge=-4588215#5, uid=('1000019', '1000003')), mean 27.86, Q1 26.08, median 33.39, Q3 42.56
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 4 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 4 vehicles starting between 135131 and 137351
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 135131.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 148151.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
< Performance:
< Vehicles:
<  Inserted: 4
<  Running: 0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <trip id="1000019_1000003_813_0" depart="135131" fromTaz="-4588215#5" toTaz="192298337#0" type="small_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110311"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000005_1000001_817_0" depart="135225" fromTaz="320462164#1" toTaz="340716730#1" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110312"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000005_1000001_850_0" depart="137205" fromTaz="340716730#1" toTaz="320462164#1" type="medium_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110312"/></trip>
    <trip id="1000019_1000003_850_0" depart="137351" fromTaz="192298337#0" toTaz="-4588215#5" type="small_passenger_gasoline"><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110311"/></trip>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : template walking ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic '1412045005', linkIndex 12,13,14,15,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_243993451', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25662542', linkIndex 9,10,11,16 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_25663498', linkIndex 5,6 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_659394041', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1631354272_1862786432_1862786438_21432798_#16more', linkIndex 32,33,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_1857304353_343372788_8286326771_8286326772', linkIndex 9,10 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_2054990097_29224722_29224724_3243911099_#4more', linkIndex 7,8,27,28 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432799_21432802_29221583_29221586', linkIndex 6,7 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_21432801_2938442114_735967920_735967926', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_262469034_29123671_29123672_6795935360_#4more', linkIndex 22,23,24 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_27195160_27195163_310764461_8329041689', linkIndex 4,5 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_28373650_29271390_29271391_29271392_#2more', linkIndex 6,7,16,17,31,32 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29269804_29269805_29269807_3404805862_#6more', linkIndex 4,5,14,15,34,35,36,37 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29271377_29271394_8383896032', linkIndex 24,25,26 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29275853_3242035261_3242035262', linkIndex 8,9 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_29784946_29784947', linkIndex 13,14 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'GS_cluster_964750391_971891590', linkIndex 10,11 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1011319241_1011319291_12614600_1783286745_#27more', linkIndex 22,26,31,43,44 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1822620447_2670269991_29271691_29271693_#7more', linkIndex 0,1,2,3,5,31 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_1827996421_1865536623_1865536624_2121324874_#8more', linkIndex 3,4 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_21487209_29219440_4566145593_4566145594_#2more', linkIndex 21,22,23 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262471375_30732015_343590422_3730313106_#1more', linkIndex 12,13 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'cluster_262476527_2831135694_311718989_3836989061_#7more', linkIndex 19,20 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: At actuated tlLogic 'joinedS_3836987632_cluster_2524227970_3836987624_4913100485_4913100486_#1more', linkIndex 14,15 has no controlling detector.
< Warning: Traffic light type 'actuated' cannot be used in mesoscopic simulation. Using 'static' as fallback.
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ----------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ----------------net.net.xml.gz
< ----------------vtypes.xml
< ----------------iteration000
< --------------------emission_routes.xml
< --------------------emissions.sumo.log
< --------------------emissions.sumocfg
< --------------------person_tripinfo.xml
< --------------------persons.sumo.log
< --------------------persons.sumocfg
< --------------------persons.xml
< --------------------allpairs
< ------------------------aggregated_oneshot_meso.xml
< ------------------------all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_passenger24.csv
< ------------------------mapped_all_pairs_public.csv
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.duarcfg
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.log
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.rou.xml.gz
< ------------------------miv_all_pairs_passenger24.trips.xml
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: berlin_2010 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '1.0'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'berlin_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false')
, ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '1'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_MODES', '0'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< creating scenario berlin_2010 from scratch in scenario_workdir/mitte_net 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> iteration dir: scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000 
< db_status_message: berlin_2010 0 >> starting t2s using tripfile twoPersonsOnly_walking.csv
< Read 2 persons with a total of 4 trips from input file "<texttest sandbox>/data/twoPersonsOnly_walking.csv".
< 0 trips have inconsistent depart times.
< Mapping using <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/districts.taz.xml.gz.
< read 4 TAPAS trips for 2 persons (0 unmappable)
< Mapping deviations: count 4, min 9.41 (xycoord=(720.7678498803871, 1303.540090534836), edge=320462164#1, uid=('1000005', '1000001')), max 42.56 (xycoord=(568.7532229983481, 913.0316369170323), edge=-4588215#5, uid=('1000019', '1000003')), mean 27.86, Q1 26.08, median 33.39, Q3 42.56
< 0 mappings did not find an edge in the correct taz
< read trip definitions for 4 vehicles
< created trip definitions for 4 vehicles starting between 135131 and 137351
< Loading configuration ... done.
< Loading net-file from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/net.net.xml.gz' ...
<  done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/vtypes.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/dump_oneshot_meso.xml' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading additional-files from '<texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/bidi.taz.xml.gz' ... done ((TIME)).
< Loading done.
< Simulation started with time: 135131.00.
< Simulation ended at time: 148151.00.
< Reason: The final simulation step has been reached.
< Performance:
< Vehicles:
<  Inserted: 0
<  Running: 0
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in rectifiedTrips ----------
---------- Missing result in sumoTrips ----------
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
    <person id="1000019_1000003_813_0" depart="135131"><personTrip fromTaz="-4588215#5" toTaz="192298337#0"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110311"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_817_0" depart="135225"><personTrip fromTaz="320462164#1" toTaz="340716730#1"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110110312"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110311212"/></person>
    <person id="1000005_1000001_850_0" depart="137205"><personTrip fromTaz="340716730#1" toTaz="320462164#1"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110312"/></person>
    <person id="1000019_1000003_850_0" depart="137351"><personTrip fromTaz="192298337#0" toTaz="-4588215#5"/><param key="taz_id_start" value="110311212"/><param key="taz_id_end" value="110110311"/></person>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : tscDaemonWriteStatusToDB ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 6, in <module>
>     database.start(tscdefs.testServer, tscdefs.get_python_tool("tsc_main.py") + ['--daemon', '--daemon-run-time', '10'],
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 194, in start
>     run_instructions(options, pre_test)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '0.5'), ('DB_NAME_MATRIX_TT_MIT_BASE', 'CAR_TT_B_2005'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_MATRIXMAPS', 'berlin_matrixmap'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ
', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'test_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false'), ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '10'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24.0]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'VEUII-BASE2010'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< db_status_error: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 no data for 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) in test_templates/mitte_net
< running post test instructions
< parsing <tsccfg>
< ('2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME)', 0, 'pending test', 'pending')
< ('2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME)', 0, '> Begin', 'started')
< ('2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME)', 0, 'no data for 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) in test_templates/mitte_net', 'error')
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : tscDaemon_withDB_newSimRequest_missing_template_folder ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 8, in <module>
>     database.start(tscdefs.testServer, tscdefs.get_python_tool("tsc_main.py") + ['--daemon', '--daemon-run-time', '10'], [open("initialState.sql"), [updateCmd]], [], [])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 194, in start
>     run_instructions(options, pre_test)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
< --------scenario_workdir
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
< db_status_started: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 > Begin
< [('DB_CAR_FLEET_KEY', 'MID2008_Y2010_BERLIN'), ('DB_HH_SAMPLE_SIZE', '0.5'), ('DB_NAME_MATRIX_TT_MIT_BASE', 'CAR_TT_B_2005'), ('DB_TABLE_ADDITIONAL_TRAFFIC', ''), ('DB_TABLE_CARS', 'berlin_cars'), ('DB_TABLE_MATRIXMAPS', 'berlin_matrixmap'), ('DB_TABLE_REPRESENTATIVES', 'berlin_location_representatives'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_ENTRY', 'sumo_od_entry'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_OD_OUTPUT', 'sumo_od'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_STATUS', 'global_sumo_status'), ('DB_TABLE_SUMO_TRIP_OUTPUT', 'sumo_trip'), ('DB_TABLE_TAZ
', 'berlin_taz'), ('DB_TABLE_TRIPS', 'test_trips'), ('DELETE_INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS', 'false'), ('DELETE_TEMP', 'false'), ('ITERATION', '0'), ('MAX_SUMO_ITERATION', '10'), ('SHARING_FLEET_SIZE', '100'), ('SHARING_VEHICLE_CAPACITY', '5'), ('SLICE', [24.0]), ('SUMO_DESTINATION_FOLDER', 'VEUII-BASE2010'), ('SUMO_MODES', '2;4'), ('SUMO_NET_PARAMETER', '{}'), ('SUMO_TEMPLATE_FOLDER', 'mitte_net'), ('SUMO_TRIP_FILTER', '')]
< db_status_error: 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) 0 no data for 2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME) in test_templates/mitte_net
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : tscDaemon_withDB_noSimRequests ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 8, in <module>
>     database.start(tscdefs.testServer, tscdefs.get_python_tool("tsc_main.py") + ['--daemon', '--daemon-run-time', '10'], [open("initialState.sql"), [updateCmd]], [], [])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 194, in start
>     run_instructions(options, pre_test)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------tsc.log
---------- Differences in output ----------
< starting main <cmd>
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir get_trips all_pairs ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 6, in <module>
>     database.run_instructions(tscdefs.testServer, [open("data/initialState.sql")])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------iteration
< --------------------trips
< ------------------------all_pairs_limit90.csv
---------- Differences in output ----------
< wrote 90 rows to iteration/trips/all_pairs_limit90.csv
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in resultingAllPairsFile ----------
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir get_trips no_trip_table ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 6, in <module>
>     database.run_instructions(tscdefs.testServer, [open("data/initialState.sql")])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Error: simkey '2014y_01m_19d_15h_55m_15s_(TIME)' not found. Available:
< ['2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME)']
---------- New result in exitcode ----------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir get_trips plain ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<texttest sandbox>/runner.py", line 6, in <module>
>     database.run_instructions(tscdefs.testServer, [open("data/initialState.sql")])
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 185, in run_instructions
>     run_sql(conn_test, sql)
>   File "/home/f_simoa/tsc/src/tapas_sumo_coupling/database.py", line 171, in run_sql
>     cursor.execute(command)
> sqlite3.OperationalError: no such function: GeomFromText
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ----data
< --------scenario_workdir
< ------------mitte_net
< ----------------iteration
< --------------------trips
< ------------------------2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_943ms.csv
---------- Differences in output ----------
< fetched 1356 rows
< wrote 1356 rows to iteration/trips/2015y_05m_29d_09h_01m_11s_(TIME).csv
---------- New result in exitcode ----------
---------- Missing result in resultingTripFile ----------
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir s2t_miv all_pairs ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Warning! Could not load mod_spatialite, geometry related database operations won't work. mod_spatialite.so.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s gawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/trips/miv_twoPersonsOnly.trips.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s marouterGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/marouter/ma_flows.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s oneshotGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/vehroutes_oneshot_meso.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

tsc3: 29 tests: 25 succeeded 4 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : pre installTemplateDir_mitte ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Shape for junction '29215055' has distance 75.74 to its given position.
< Warning: Lane '-46138135_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '310350795'.
< Warning: 52 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 36 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1762976307'.
< Warning: Found angle of 104.27 degrees at edge '-301610520', segment 0.
< Warning: Found sharp turn with radius 5.26 at the start of edge '-478432724'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Lane '-713731455_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '295586470'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1566942204' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 7 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Found angle of % degrees at edge '%', segment %.
< Warning: 28 total messages of type: Found sharp turn with radius % at the % of edge '%'.
< Warning: 14 total messages of type: Lane '%' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '%'.
< Warning: 41 total messages of type: Non-static traffic light '%' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '1631101114'.
< Warning: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '1011319238'.
< Warning: Edge '-4687155' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '492025918'.
< Warning: Lane '941490799_1' is not connected from any incoming edge at junction '305233633'.
< Warning: Non-static traffic light '1412045005' does not define variable phase length.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Ambiguity in turnarounds computation at junction '%'.
< Warning: 16 total messages of type: Converting invalid rail_crossing to priority junction '%'.
< Warning: 4 total messages of type: Edge '%' is not connected to outgoing edges at junction '%'.
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< --------__init__.py
< ------------Berlin Verkehrsbezirke (1193 VBz) GK4_zone.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.poly.xml.gz
< ------------Berlin_1223.taz.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.poly.xml.gz
< ------------RBS_OD_ORT_1412.taz.xml.gz
< ------------bidi.taz.xml.gz
< ------------districts.taz.xml.gz
< ------------fleet.add.xml
< ------------fleet_stops.add.xml
< ------------landmarks.csv.gz
< ------------pt_stops.add.xml.gz
< ------------pt_vehicles.add.xml.gz
> ------------tmp_output
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
> Parsing nodes from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
> Parsing edges from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ... 
< done ((TIME)).
> Parsing relations from osm-file 'data/mitte_test/osm/osm_bbox.osm.xml.gz' ...
>  done ((TIME)).
< Finding largest components ... 
> Finding largest components ...
< done ((TIME)).
< Processing public transport stops ... 
< done ((TIME)).
< Revising public transport stops based on pt lines ... 
< done ((TIME)).
>  done ((TIME)).
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s gawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------miv_twoPersonsOnly_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_miv_twoPersonsOnly.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/trips/miv_twoPersonsOnly.trips.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/miv_twoPersonsOnly_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s marouterGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_000.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------ma_flows_001.rou.xml
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_ma_flows.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/marouter/ma_flows.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_ma_flows_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/ma_flows_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 102 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------

TEST FAILED on ts-bavususcen : workdir t2s oneshotGawron ( Last six runs Nov2024 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
> Error: Could not locate 7z, please make sure its on the search path.
---------- Differences in catalogue ----------
< ------------------------7zip.log
< ------------------------edgedata.add.xml
< ------------------------000
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_000.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_000.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.xml
< ------------------------001
< ----------------------------dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumo.log
< ----------------------------iteration_001.sumocfg
< ----------------------------iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg
< ----------------------------memory_dump_1800.0.xml
< ----------------------------vehroute_001.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.alt.xml
< ----------------------------vehroutes_oneshot_meso_001.rou.xml
---------- Differences in output ----------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_000_vehroutes_oneshot_meso.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 0
< >> Running router on <texttest sandbox>/data/scenario_workdir/mitte_net/iteration000/oneshot/vehroutes_oneshot_meso.rou.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------
< Written configuration to 'iteration_001_vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.duarcfg'
< > Executing step 1
< >> Running router on 000/vehroutes_oneshot_meso_000.rou.alt.xml
< <<
< >> Running simulation
< <<
< >> Smoothing edge weights
< >>> Updated 114 edges
< >>> Decayed 0 unseen edges
< >>> Error avg:0 mean:0
< >>> Absolute Error avg:0 mean:0
< ------------------