14May23rv1_17_0+0275-fb05769a582 - detailed test results for TRACI

To reconnect the TextTest GUI to these results, run:

texttest -a traci -d /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/tests -reconnect /home/delphi/clangDebug/texttesttmp/clang3_64D.31May074158.2784204 -g

To start TextTest for these tests, run:

texttest -a traci -d /home/delphi/clangDebug/sumo/tests

default: 592 tests: 591 succeeded 1 FAILED

Detailed information for the tests that FAILED:

TEST FAILED on ts-sim-build-ba : get_variable TrafficLight TL_CURRENT_PROGRAM_subseconds ( Last six runs May2023 )

---------- Differences in errors ----------
< Warning: Missing yellow phase in tlLogic '1/1', program 'prog1' for tl-index 0 when switching to phase 1.
> Quitting (on error).
---------- Differences in testclient_out ----------
< -> Command sent: <SimulationStep>:
< .. Command acknowledged (2), [description: ]
< -> Command sent: <GetVariable>:
<   domID=162 varID=41 objID=1/1
< .. Command acknowledged (162), [description: ]
<   CommandID=178  VariableID=41  ObjectID=1/1 valueDataType=12 string value: prog1
< -> Command sent: <SetValue>:
<   domID=194 varID=35 objID=1/1
< .. Command acknowledged (194), [description: ]
< -> Command sent: <GetVariable>:
<   domID=162 varID=41 objID=1/1
< .. Command acknowledged (162), [description: ]
<   CommandID=178  VariableID=41  ObjectID=1/1 valueDataType=12 string value: 0
< -> Command sent: <SimulationStep>:
< .. Command acknowledged (2), [description: ]
< -> Command sent: <GetVariable>:
<   domID=162 varID=41 objID=1/1
< .. Command acknowledged (162), [description: ]
<   CommandID=178  VariableID=41  ObjectID=1/1 valueDataType=12 string value: 0
< -> Command sent: <SetValue>:
<   domID=194 varID=35 objID=1/1
< .. Command acknowledged (194), [description: ]
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>
---------- Missing result in tls_state ----------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tlsStates xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/tlsstates_file.xsd">
    <tlsState time="0.00" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.10" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.20" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.30" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.40" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.50" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.60" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.70" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.80" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="0.90" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.00" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.10" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.20" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.30" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.40" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.50" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.60" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.70" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.80" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="1.90" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.00" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.10" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.20" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.30" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.40" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
    <tlsState time="2.50" id="1/1" programID="prog1" phase="0" state="GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG"/>
<truncated after showing first 30 lines>