Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
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1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2014-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
19 // The class for Swarm-based low-level policy
20 /****************************************************************************/
21 #include <config.h>
25 //#define SWARM_DEBUG
28 // ===========================================================================
29 // method definitions
30 // ===========================================================================
32  const Parameterised::Map& parameters) :
33  MSSOTLPolicyDesirability(keyPrefix, parameters) {
35  default_values["_STIM_COX"] = "1";
36  default_values["_STIM_OFFSET_IN"] = "1";
37  default_values["_STIM_OFFSET_OUT"] = "1";
38  default_values["_STIM_OFFSET_DISPERSION_IN"] = "1";
39  default_values["_STIM_OFFSET_DISPERSION_OUT"] = "1";
40  default_values["_STIM_DIVISOR_IN"] = "1";
41  default_values["_STIM_DIVISOR_OUT"] = "1";
42  default_values["_STIM_DIVISOR_DISPERSION_IN"] = "1";
43  default_values["_STIM_DIVISOR_DISPERSION_OUT"] = "1";
44  default_values["_STIM_COX_EXP_IN"] = "0";
45  default_values["_STIM_COX_EXP_OUT"] = "0";
46  default_values["_STIM_COX_EXP_DISPERSION_IN"] = "0";
47  default_values["_STIM_COX_EXP_DISPERSION_OUT"] = "0";
49  params_names.push_back("_STIM_COX");
50  params_names.push_back("_STIM_OFFSET_IN");
51  params_names.push_back("_STIM_OFFSET_OUT");
52  params_names.push_back("_STIM_OFFSET_DISPERSION_IN");
53  params_names.push_back("_STIM_OFFSET_DISPERSION_OUT");
54  params_names.push_back("_STIM_DIVISOR_IN");
55  params_names.push_back("_STIM_DIVISOR_OUT");
56  params_names.push_back("_STIM_DIVISOR_DISPERSION_IN");
57  params_names.push_back("_STIM_DIVISOR_DISPERSION_OUT");
58  params_names.push_back("_STIM_COX_EXP_IN");
59  params_names.push_back("_STIM_COX_EXP_OUT");
60  params_names.push_back("_STIM_COX_EXP_DISPERSION_IN");
61  params_names.push_back("_STIM_COX_EXP_DISPERSION_OUT");
64  int size_family = int(getDouble(keyPrefix + "_SIZE_FAMILY", 1));
65 #ifdef SWARM_DEBUG
66  std::ostringstream str;
67  str << keyPrefix << "\n" << "size fam" << size_family;
68  WRITE_MESSAGE(str.str());
69 #endif
71  std::vector< std::map <std::string, std::string > > sliced_maps;
73  for (int i = 0; i < size_family; i++) {
74  sliced_maps.push_back(Parameterised::Map());
75  }
77  //For each param list, slice values
78  for (int i = 0; i < (int)params_names.size(); i ++) {
79  std::string key = keyPrefix + params_names[i];
80  std::string param_list = getParameter(key, default_values[params_names[i]]);
81  std::vector<std::string> tokens = StringTokenizer(param_list, ";").getVector();
83  for (int token_counter = 0; token_counter < size_family; ++token_counter) {
84  if (token_counter >= (int)tokens.size()) {
85  std::ostringstream errorMessage;
86  errorMessage << "Error in " << key << ": not enough tokens.";
87  WRITE_ERROR(errorMessage.str());
88  assert(-1);
89  }
90 #ifdef SWARM_DEBUG
91  std::ostringstream str;
92  str << "found token " << tokens[token_counter] << " position " << token_counter;
93  WRITE_MESSAGE(str.str());
94 #endif
95  sliced_maps[token_counter][key] = tokens[token_counter];
96  }
97  }
99  for (int i = 0; i < size_family; i++) {
100  Parameterised::Map& ref_map = sliced_maps[i];
101  family.push_back(new MSSOTLPolicy5DStimulus(keyPrefix, ref_map));
102  }
104 }
107 double MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus::computeDesirability(double vehInMeasure, double vehOutMeasure, double vehInDispersionMeasure, double vehOutDispersionMeasure) {
108  /*DBG(
109  std::ostringstream str;
110  str << "cox=" << getStimCox() << ", cox_exp_in=" << getStimCoxExpIn() << ", cox_exp_out=" << getStimCoxExpOut()
111  << ", off_in=" << getStimOffsetIn() << ", off_out=" << getStimOffsetOut() << ", div_in=" << getStimDivisorIn() << ", div_out=" << getStimDivisorOut(); WRITE_MESSAGE(str.str());)
112  */
113  // it seems to be not enough, a strange segmentation fault appears...
114  // if((getStimCoxExpIn()!=0.0 && getStimDivisorIn()==0.0)||(getStimCoxExpOut()!=0.0 && getStimDivisorOut()==0.0)){
116  double best_stimulus = -1;
117  for (std::vector<MSSOTLPolicy5DStimulus*>::const_iterator it = family.begin(); it != family.end(); it++) {
118  double temp_stimulus = (*it)->computeDesirability(vehInMeasure, vehOutMeasure, vehInDispersionMeasure, vehOutDispersionMeasure);
119 #ifdef SWARM_DEBUG
120  std::ostringstream str;
121  str << "STIMULUS: " << temp_stimulus;
122  WRITE_MESSAGE(str.str());
123 #endif
124  if (temp_stimulus > best_stimulus) {
125  best_stimulus = temp_stimulus;
126  }
127  }
129 #ifdef SWARM_DEBUG
130  std::ostringstream str;
131  str << "BEST STIMULUS: " << best_stimulus;
132  WRITE_MESSAGE(str.str());
133 #endif
134  return best_stimulus;
135 }
138 double MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus::computeDesirability(double vehInMeasure, double vehOutMeasure) {
140  return computeDesirability(vehInMeasure, vehOutMeasure, 0, 0);
141 }
144  std::ostringstream ot;
145  for (int i = 0; i < (int)family.size(); i++) {
146  ot << " gaussian " << i << ":" << family[i]->getMessage();
147  }
148  return ot.str();
149 }
151 /*
152 std::vector<std::string> inline MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus::StringSplit(const std::string &source, const char *delimiter = " ", bool keepEmpty = false)
153 {
154  std::vector<std::string> results;
156  int prev = 0;
157  std::string::size_type next = 0;
159  while ((next = source.find_first_of(delimiter, prev)) != std::string::npos)
160  {
161  if (keepEmpty || (next - prev != 0))
162  {
163  results.push_back(source.substr(prev, next - prev));
164  }
165  prev = next + 1;
166  }
168  if (prev < source.size())
169  {
170  results.push_back(source.substr(prev));
171  }
173  return results;
174 }
175 */
#define WRITE_MESSAGE(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:297
#define WRITE_ERROR(msg)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:304
std::vector< MSSOTLPolicy5DStimulus * > family
virtual double computeDesirability(double vehInMeasure, double vehOutMeasure)
Calculates the desirability of the policy.
std::vector< std::string > params_names
MSSOTLPolicy5DFamilyStimulus(std::string keyPrefix, const Parameterised::Map &parameters)
This class determines the desirability algorithm of a MSSOTLPolicy when used in combination with a hi...
std::map< std::string, std::string > Map
parameters map
Definition: Parameterised.h:45
double getDouble(const std::string &key, const double defaultValue) const
Returns the value for a given key converted to a double.
virtual const std::string getParameter(const std::string &key, const std::string defaultValue="") const
Returns the value for a given key.
std::vector< std::string > getVector()
return vector of strings