Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
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1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
20 // Shortest Path search using a Contraction Hierarchy
21 /****************************************************************************/
22 #pragma once
23 #include <config.h>
25 #include <string>
26 #include <functional>
27 #include <vector>
28 #include <set>
29 #include <limits>
30 #include <algorithm>
31 #include <iterator>
32 #include <deque>
33 #include <utils/common/SysUtils.h>
35 #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
37 #include "CHBuilder.h"
39 //#define CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
40 //#define CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY_PERF
42 // ===========================================================================
43 // class definitions
44 // ===========================================================================
58 template<class E, class V>
59 class CHRouter: public SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V> {
61 public:
63  typedef std::pair<const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*> Meeting;
70  public:
72  Unidirectional(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool forward):
73  myAmForward(forward),
74  myVehicle(0) {
75  for (const E* const e : edges) {
76  myEdgeInfos.push_back(typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo(e));
77  }
78  }
80  inline bool found(const E* const edge) const {
81  return myFound.count(edge) > 0;
82  }
84  inline typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* getEdgeInfo(const E* const edge) {
85  return &(myEdgeInfos[edge->getNumericalID()]);
86  }
88  inline const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* getEdgeInfo(const E* const edge) const {
89  return &(myEdgeInfos[edge->getNumericalID()]);
90  }
97  public:
99  bool operator()(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod1, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod2) const {
100  if (nod1->effort == nod2->effort) {
101  return nod1->edge->getNumericalID() > nod2->edge->getNumericalID();
102  }
103  return nod1->effort > nod2->effort;
104  }
105  };
108  void init(const E* const start, const V* const vehicle) {
109  assert(vehicle != 0);
110  // all EdgeInfos touched in the previous query are either in myFrontier or myFound: clean those up
111  for (auto ei : myFrontier) {
112  ei->reset();
113  }
114  myFrontier.clear();
115  for (auto edge : myFound) {
116  getEdgeInfo(edge)->reset();
117  }
118  myFound.clear();
119  myVehicle = vehicle;
120  auto startInfo = getEdgeInfo(start);
121  startInfo->effort = 0.;
122  startInfo->prev = nullptr;
123  myFrontier.push_back(startInfo);
124  }
127  typedef std::vector<typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Connection> ConnectionVector;
132  bool step(const std::vector<ConnectionVector>& uplinks, const Unidirectional& otherSearch, double& minTTSeen, Meeting& meeting) {
133  // pop the node with the minimal length
134  auto* const minimumInfo = myFrontier.front();
135  std::pop_heap(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), myComparator);
136  myFrontier.pop_back();
137  // check for a meeting with the other search
138  const E* const minEdge = minimumInfo->edge;
139 #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
140  std::cout << "DEBUG: " << (myAmForward ? "Forward" : "Backward") << " hit '" << minEdge->getID() << "' Q: ";
141  for (typename std::vector<EdgeInfo*>::iterator it = myFrontier.begin(); it != myFrontier.end(); it++) {
142  std::cout << (*it)->traveltime << "," << (*it)->edge->getID() << " ";
143  }
144  std::cout << "\n";
145 #endif
146  if (otherSearch.found(minEdge)) {
147  const auto* const otherInfo = otherSearch.getEdgeInfo(minEdge);
148  const double ttSeen = minimumInfo->effort + otherInfo->effort;
149 #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY
150  std::cout << "DEBUG: " << (myAmForward ? "Forward" : "Backward") << "-Search hit other search at '" << minEdge->getID() << "', tt: " << ttSeen << " \n";
151 #endif
152  if (ttSeen < minTTSeen) {
153  minTTSeen = ttSeen;
154  if (myAmForward) {
155  meeting.first = minimumInfo;
156  meeting.second = otherInfo;
157  } else {
158  meeting.first = otherInfo;
159  meeting.second = minimumInfo;
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  // prepare next steps
164  minimumInfo->visited = true;
165  // XXX we only need to keep found elements if they have a higher rank than the lowest rank in the other search queue
166  myFound.insert(minimumInfo->edge);
167  for (const auto& uplink : uplinks[minEdge->getNumericalID()]) {
168  const auto upwardInfo = &myEdgeInfos[];
169  const double effort = minimumInfo->effort + uplink.cost;
170  const SUMOVehicleClass svc = myVehicle->getVClass();
171  // check whether it can be used
172  if ((uplink.permissions & svc) != svc) {
173  continue;
174  }
175  const double oldEffort = upwardInfo->effort;
176  if (!upwardInfo->visited && effort < oldEffort) {
177  upwardInfo->effort = effort;
178  upwardInfo->prev = minimumInfo;
179  if (oldEffort == std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
180  myFrontier.push_back(upwardInfo);
181  std::push_heap(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), myComparator);
182  } else {
183  std::push_heap(myFrontier.begin(),
184  std::find(myFrontier.begin(), myFrontier.end(), upwardInfo) + 1,
185  myComparator);
186  }
187  }
188  }
189  // @note: this effectively does a full dijkstra search.
190  // the effort compared to the naive stopping criterion is thus
191  // quadrupled. We could implement a better stopping criterion (Holte)
192  // However since the search shall take place in a contracted graph
193  // it probably does not matter
194  return !myFrontier.empty() && myFrontier.front()->effort < minTTSeen;
195  }
197  private:
201  std::vector<typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo*> myFrontier;
203  std::set<const E*> myFound;
205  std::vector<typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo> myEdgeInfos;
209  const V* myVehicle;
211  };
218  CHRouter(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation,
219  const SUMOVehicleClass svc,
220  SUMOTime weightPeriod,
221  const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions):
222  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("CHRouter", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
223  myEdges(edges),
224  myForwardSearch(edges, true),
225  myBackwardSearch(edges, false),
226  myHierarchyBuilder(new CHBuilder<E, V>(edges, unbuildIsWarning, svc, havePermissions)),
227  myHierarchy(nullptr),
228  myWeightPeriod(weightPeriod),
229  myValidUntil(0),
230  mySVC(svc) {
231  }
235  CHRouter(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation,
236  const SUMOVehicleClass svc,
237  typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Hierarchy* hierarchy,
238  const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions) :
239  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("CHRouterClone", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
240  myEdges(edges),
241  myForwardSearch(edges, true),
242  myBackwardSearch(edges, false),
243  myHierarchyBuilder(nullptr),
244  myHierarchy(hierarchy),
247  mySVC(svc) {
248  }
251  virtual ~CHRouter() {
252  if (myHierarchyBuilder != nullptr) {
253  delete myHierarchy;
254  delete myHierarchyBuilder;
255  }
256  }
260  if (myWeightPeriod == SUMOTime_MAX && myHierarchy != nullptr) {
261  // we only need one hierarchy
264  }
267  }
270  virtual void prohibit(const std::vector<E*>& toProhibit) {
271  if (toProhibit.size() > 0) {
272  WRITE_WARNINGF(TL("Routing algorithm CH does not support dynamic closing of edges%"), "");
273  }
274  }
278  virtual void reset(const V* const vehicle) {
279  if (myValidUntil == 0) {
281  }
282  typename CHBuilder<E, V>::Hierarchy* newHierarchy = myHierarchyBuilder->buildContractionHierarchy(myValidUntil - myWeightPeriod, vehicle, this);
283  if (myHierarchy == nullptr) {
284  myHierarchy = newHierarchy;
285  } else {
286  *myHierarchy = *newHierarchy;
287  delete newHierarchy;
288  }
289  }
295  virtual bool compute(const E* from, const E* to, const V* const vehicle,
296  SUMOTime msTime, std::vector<const E*>& into, bool silent = false) {
297  assert(from != nullptr && to != nullptr);
298  // assert(myHierarchyBuilder.mySPTree->validatePermissions() || vehicle->getVClass() == mySVC || mySVC == SVC_IGNORING);
299  // do we need to rebuild the hierarchy?
300  if (msTime >= myValidUntil) {
301  assert(myHierarchyBuilder != nullptr); // only time independent clones do not have a builder
302  while (msTime >= myValidUntil) {
304  }
305  this->reset(vehicle);
306  }
307  // ready for routing
308  this->startQuery();
309  myForwardSearch.init(from, vehicle);
310  myBackwardSearch.init(to, vehicle);
311  double minTTSeen = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
312  Meeting meeting(nullptr, nullptr);
313  bool continueForward = true;
314  bool continueBackward = true;
315  int num_visited_fw = 0;
316  int num_visited_bw = 0;
317  bool result = true;
318  while (continueForward || continueBackward) {
319  if (continueForward) {
320  continueForward = myForwardSearch.step(myHierarchy->forwardUplinks, myBackwardSearch, minTTSeen, meeting);
321  num_visited_fw += 1;
322  }
323  if (continueBackward) {
324  continueBackward = myBackwardSearch.step(myHierarchy->backwardUplinks, myForwardSearch, minTTSeen, meeting);
325  num_visited_bw += 1;
326  }
327  }
328  if (minTTSeen < std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
329  buildPathFromMeeting(meeting, into);
330  } else {
331  if (!silent) {
332  this->myErrorMsgHandler->informf(TL("No connection between edge '%' and edge '%' found."), from->getID(), to->getID());
333  }
334  result = false;
335  }
336 #ifdef CHRouter_DEBUG_QUERY_PERF
337  std::cout << "visited " << num_visited_fw + num_visited_bw << " edges (" << num_visited_fw << "," << num_visited_bw << ") ,final path length: " + toString(into.size()) + ")\n";
338 #endif
339  this->endQuery(num_visited_bw + num_visited_fw);
340  return result;
341  }
346  void buildPathFromMeeting(Meeting meeting, std::vector<const E*>& into) const {
347  std::deque<const E*> tmp;
348  const auto* backtrack = meeting.first;
349  while (backtrack != 0) {
350  tmp.push_front((E*) backtrack->edge); // !!!
351  backtrack = backtrack->prev;
352  }
353  backtrack = meeting.second->prev; // don't use central edge twice
354  while (backtrack != 0) {
355  tmp.push_back((E*) backtrack->edge); // !!!
356  backtrack = backtrack->prev;
357  }
358  // expand shortcuts
359  const E* prev = 0;
360  while (!tmp.empty()) {
361  const E* cur = tmp.front();
362  tmp.pop_front();
363  if (prev == 0) {
364  into.push_back(cur);
365  prev = cur;
366  } else {
367  const E* via = getVia(prev, cur);
368  if (via == 0) {
369  into.push_back(cur);
370  prev = cur;
371  } else {
372  tmp.push_front(cur);
373  tmp.push_front(via);
374  }
375  }
376  }
377  }
379 private:
380  // retrieve the via edge for a shortcut
381  const E* getVia(const E* forwardFrom, const E* forwardTo) const {
382  typename CHBuilder<E, V>::ConstEdgePair forward(forwardFrom, forwardTo);
383  typename CHBuilder<E, V>::ShortcutVia::const_iterator it = myHierarchy->shortcuts.find(forward);
384  if (it != myHierarchy->shortcuts.end()) {
385  return it->second;
386  } else {
387  return 0;
388  }
389  }
392 private:
394  const std::vector<E*>& myEdges;
411 };
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
#define WRITE_WARNINGF(...)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:296
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define SUMOTime_MAX
Definition: SUMOTime.h:34
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
std::pair< const E *, const E * > ConstEdgePair
Definition: CHBuilder.h:76
bool operator()(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *nod1, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *nod2) const
Comparing method.
Definition: CHRouter.h:99
EdgeInfoByTTComparator myComparator
Definition: CHRouter.h:207
const SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * getEdgeInfo(const E *const edge) const
Definition: CHRouter.h:88
bool step(const std::vector< ConnectionVector > &uplinks, const Unidirectional &otherSearch, double &minTTSeen, Meeting &meeting)
explore on element from the frontier,update minTTSeen and meeting if an EdgeInfo found by the otherSe...
Definition: CHRouter.h:132
Unidirectional(const std::vector< E * > &edges, bool forward)
Definition: CHRouter.h:72
std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo > myEdgeInfos
The container of edge information.
Definition: CHRouter.h:205
SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * getEdgeInfo(const E *const edge)
Definition: CHRouter.h:84
std::vector< typename CHBuilder< E, V >::Connection > ConnectionVector
Definition: CHRouter.h:127
bool myAmForward
the role of this search
Definition: CHRouter.h:199
void init(const E *const start, const V *const vehicle)
Definition: CHRouter.h:108
bool found(const E *const edge) const
Definition: CHRouter.h:80
std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * > myFrontier
the min edge heap
Definition: CHRouter.h:201
std::set< const E * > myFound
the set of visited (settled) Edges
Definition: CHRouter.h:203
Computes the shortest path through a contracted network.
Definition: CHRouter.h:59
virtual ~CHRouter()
Definition: CHRouter.h:251
const SUMOTime myWeightPeriod
the validity duration of one weight interval
Definition: CHRouter.h:404
SUMOTime myValidUntil
the validity duration of the current hierarchy (exclusive)
Definition: CHRouter.h:407
Unidirectional myBackwardSearch
Definition: CHRouter.h:398
CHRouter(const std::vector< E * > &edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::Operation operation, const SUMOVehicleClass svc, SUMOTime weightPeriod, const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions)
Definition: CHRouter.h:218
virtual SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V > * clone()
Definition: CHRouter.h:259
Unidirectional myForwardSearch
the unidirectional search queues
Definition: CHRouter.h:397
virtual bool compute(const E *from, const E *to, const V *const vehicle, SUMOTime msTime, std::vector< const E * > &into, bool silent=false)
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum traveltime in the contracted graph.
Definition: CHRouter.h:295
std::pair< const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * > Meeting
A meeting point of the two search scopes.
Definition: CHRouter.h:63
void buildPathFromMeeting(Meeting meeting, std::vector< const E * > &into) const
normal routing methods
Definition: CHRouter.h:346
CHRouter(const std::vector< E * > &edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::Operation operation, const SUMOVehicleClass svc, typename CHBuilder< E, V >::Hierarchy *hierarchy, const bool havePermissions, const bool haveRestrictions)
Cloning constructor, should be used only for time independent instances which build a hierarchy only ...
Definition: CHRouter.h:235
CHBuilder< E, V > * myHierarchyBuilder
Definition: CHRouter.h:400
virtual void reset(const V *const vehicle)
trigger hierarchy rebuild
Definition: CHRouter.h:278
const std::vector< E * > & myEdges
all edges with numerical ids
Definition: CHRouter.h:394
const E * getVia(const E *forwardFrom, const E *forwardTo) const
Definition: CHRouter.h:381
virtual void prohibit(const std::vector< E * > &toProhibit)
Definition: CHRouter.h:270
const SUMOVehicleClass mySVC
the permissions for which the hierarchy was constructed
Definition: CHRouter.h:410
CHBuilder< E, V >::Hierarchy * myHierarchy
Definition: CHRouter.h:401
static MsgHandler * getWarningInstance()
Returns the instance to add warnings to.
Definition: MsgHandler.cpp:79
void informf(const std::string &format, T value, Targs... Fargs)
adds a new formatted message
Definition: MsgHandler.h:122
const E *const edge
The current edge.
double effort
Effort to reach the edge.
MsgHandler *const myErrorMsgHandler
the handler for routing errors
const bool myHavePermissions
whether edge permissions need to be considered
Operation myOperation
The object's operation to perform.
const bool myHaveRestrictions
whether edge restrictions need to be considered
void endQuery(int visits)