Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
GNEViewParent Class Reference

A single child window which contains a view of the simulation area. More...

#include <GNEViewParent.h>

Inheritance diagram for GNEViewParent:
Collaboration diagram for GNEViewParent:

Data Structures

class  ACChoosers
 struct for ACChoosers dialog More...
class  CommonFrames
 class for common frames More...
class  DataFrames
 class for data frames More...
class  DemandFrames
 class for demand frames More...
class  NetworkFrames
 class for network frames More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void create ()
 create GUIGlChildWindow More...
void eraseACChooserDialog (GNEDialogACChooser *chooserDialog)
 remove created chooser dialog More...
GNEAdditionalFramegetAdditionalFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_ADDITIONAL More...
virtual FXGLCanvas * getBuildGLCanvas () const
 get build GL Canvas More...
MFXComboBoxIcongetColoringSchemesCombo ()
 return combobox with the current coloring schemes (standard, fastest standard, real world...) More...
GNEConnectorFramegetConnectorFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_CONNECT More...
GNEContainerFramegetContainerFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_CONTAINER More...
GNEContainerPlanFramegetContainerPlanFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_CONTAINERFRAME More...
GNECreateEdgeFramegetCreateEdgeFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_CREATEEDGE More...
GNECrossingFramegetCrossingFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_CROSSING More...
GNEFramegetCurrentShownFrame () const
 get current frame (note: it can be null) More...
GNEDecalFramegetDecalFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_DECAL More...
GNEDeleteFramegetDeleteFrame () const
 get frame for delete elements More...
GNEEdgeDataFramegetEdgeDataFrame () const
 get frame for DATA_EDGEDATA More...
GNEEdgeRelDataFramegetEdgeRelDataFrame () const
 get frame for DATA_EDGERELDATA More...
int getFrameAreaWidth () const
 get frame area width More...
FXVerticalFrame * getFramesArea () const
 get frame area More...
GNEApplicationWindowgetGNEAppWindows () const
 get GNE Application Windows More...
GUIMainWindowgetGUIMainWindow () const
 get GUIMainWindow App More...
GUIMainWindowgetGUIMainWindowParent ()
 Returns the GUIMainWindow parent. More...
GNEInspectorFramegetInspectorFrame () const
 get frame for inspect elements More...
FXPopup * getLocatorPopup ()
 @ brief return a pointer to locator popup More...
GNEMeanDataFramegetMeanDataFrame () const
 get frame for DATA_TAZRELDATA More...
GNEMoveFramegetMoveFrame () const
 get frame for move elements More...
FXToolBar * getNavigationToolBar (GUISUMOAbstractView &v)
 return a reference to navigation toolbar More...
virtual std::vector< GUIGlIDgetObjectIDs (int messageId) const
GNEPersonFramegetPersonFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_PERSON More...
GNEPersonPlanFramegetPersonPlanFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_PERSONFRAME More...
GNEProhibitionFramegetProhibitionFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_PROHIBITION More...
GNERouteDistributionFramegetRouteDistributionFrame () const
GNERouteFramegetRouteFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_ROUTE More...
GNESelectorFramegetSelectorFrame () const
 get frame for select elements More...
GNEShapeFramegetShapeFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_SHAPE More...
MFXCheckableButtongetShowToolTipsMenu () const
 get menu for tooltips menu More...
GNEStopFramegetStopFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_STOP More...
GNETAZFramegetTAZFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_TAZ More...
GNETAZRelDataFramegetTAZRelDataFrame () const
 get frame for DATA_TAZRELDATA More...
GNETLSEditorFramegetTLSEditorFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_TLS More...
GNETypeDistributionFramegetTypeDistributionFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_TYPEDISTRIBUTION More...
GNETypeFramegetTypeFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_TYPE More...
GNEVehicleFramegetVehicleFrame () const
 get frame for DEMAND_VEHICLE More...
GUISUMOAbstractViewgetView () const
 return GUISUMOAbstractView More...
GNEWireFramegetWireFrame () const
 get frame for NETWORK_WIRE More...
 GNEViewParent (FXMDIClient *p, FXMDIMenu *mdimenu, const FXString &name, GNEApplicationWindow *parentWindow, FXGLCanvas *share, GNENet *net, GNEUndoList *undoList, FXIcon *ic=nullptr, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0)
 FOX-declaration. More...
void hideAllFrames ()
 hide all frames More...
void hideFramesArea ()
 hide frames area if all GNEFrames are hidden More...
virtual bool isSelected (GUIGlObject *o) const
 true if the object is selected (may include extra logic besides calling gSelected) More...
void setFrameAreaWidth (const int frameAreaWith)
 set frame area width More...
void setView (GUIGlID id)
 Centers the view onto the given artifact. More...
void showFramesArea ()
 show frames area if at least a GNEFrame is showed More...
void updateUndoRedoButtons ()
 update toolbar undo/redo buttons (called when user press Ctrl+Z/Y) More...
 ~GNEViewParent ()
 Destructor. More...

Called if the user wants to make a snapshot (screenshot)

long onCmdMakeSnapshot (FXObject *sender, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdClose (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user hits the close button (x) More...
long onCmdLocate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 locator-callback More...
long onKeyPress (FXObject *o, FXSelector sel, void *data)
 Called when user press a key. More...
long onKeyRelease (FXObject *o, FXSelector sel, void *data)
 Called when user releases a key. More...
long onCmdUpdateFrameAreaWidth (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when user change the splitter between FrameArea and ViewNet. More...
buttons call backs
long onCmdRecenterView (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdEditViewport (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdEditViewScheme (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdShowToolTipsView (FXObject *sender, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdShowToolTipsMenu (FXObject *sender, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdZoomStyle (FXObject *sender, FXSelector, void *)
long onCmdChangeColorScheme (FXObject *, FXSelector sel, void *)

Protected Member Functions

void buildColoringToolBar ()
 build coloring toolbar More...
void buildNavigationToolBar ()
 build navigation toolbar More...
void buildScreenshotToolBar ()
 build screenshot toolbar More...

Protected Attributes

FXVerticalFrame * myChildWindowContentFrame = nullptr
 The contents frame. More...
MFXComboBoxIconmyColoringSchemes = nullptr
 The coloring schemes. More...
FXMenuBar * myGripNavigationToolbar = nullptr
 The grip navigation tool bar. More...
GUIMainWindowmyGUIMainWindowParent = nullptr
 FOX needs this. More...
MFXMenuButtonTooltipmyLocatorButton = nullptr
 The locator button. More...
FXPopup * myLocatorPopup = nullptr
 The locator menu. More...
MFXCheckableButtonmyShowToolTipsMenu = nullptr
 menu for tooltips menu More...
MFXCheckableButtonmyShowToolTipsView = nullptr
 menu for tooltips view More...
FXToolBar * myStaticNavigationToolBar = nullptr
 The static navigation tool bar. More...
GUISUMOAbstractViewmyView = nullptr
 The view. More...
MFXCheckableButtonmyZoomStyle = nullptr
 Zoom but. More...

Private Attributes

ACChoosers myACChoosers
 struct for ACChoosers More...
CommonFrames myCommonFrames
 struct for common frames More...
 compute Path manager button More...
DataFrames myDataFrames
 struct for data frames More...
DemandFrames myDemandFrames
 struct for demand frames More...
FXVerticalFrame * myFramesArea
 frame to hold GNEFrames More...
FXSplitter * myFramesSplitter
 Splitter to divide ViewNet und GNEFrames. More...
 pointer to GNEApplicationWindow More...
NetworkFrames myNetworkFrames
 struct for network frames More...
 toolbar redo button More...
 toolbar undo button More...
FXHorizontalFrame * myViewArea
 frame to hold myView and myAttributePanel More...

Detailed Description

A single child window which contains a view of the simulation area.

It is made of a tool-bar containing a field to change the type of display, buttons that allow to choose an artifact and some other view controlling options.

The rest of the window is a canvas that contains the display itself

Definition at line 88 of file GNEViewParent.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GNEViewParent()

GNEViewParent::GNEViewParent ( FXMDIClient *  p,
FXMDIMenu *  mdimenu,
const FXString &  name,
GNEApplicationWindow parentWindow,
FXGLCanvas *  share,
GNENet net,
GNEUndoList undoList,
FXIcon *  ic = nullptr,
FXuint  opts = 0,
FXint  x = 0,
FXint  y = 0,
FXint  w = 0,
FXint  h = 0 


Constructor also builds the view and calls create()

[in]pThe MDI-pane this window is shown within
[in]mdimenuThe MDI-menu for alignment
[in]nameThe name of the window
[in]parentWindowThe main window
[in]icThe icon of this window
[in]optsWindow options
[in]xInitial x-position
[in]yInitial x-position
[in]wInitial width
[in]hInitial height
[in]shareA canvas tor get the shared context from
[in]netThe network to show

Definition at line 95 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References COMPUTEPATHMANAGER, GUIGlChildWindow::create(), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), GUIDesignButtonToolbar, GUIDesignFrameArea, GUIDesignFramesAreaDefaultWidth, GUIDesignSplitter, GUIDesignVerticalSeparator, GUIDesignViewnArea, MID_GNE_TOOLBAREDIT_COMPUTEPATHMANAGER, MID_GNE_VIEWPARENT_FRAMEAREAWIDTH, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Y_REDO, MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_Z_UNDO, REDO, TL, and UNDO.

◆ ~GNEViewParent()

Member Function Documentation

◆ buildColoringToolBar()

◆ buildNavigationToolBar()

◆ buildScreenshotToolBar()

◆ create()

void GUIGlChildWindow::create ( )

create GUIGlChildWindow

Definition at line 89 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myGripNavigationToolbar, GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorPopup, GUIGlChildWindow::myStaticNavigationToolBar, and GUIGlChildWindow::myView.

Referenced by GNEViewParent(), and GUIApplicationWindow::openNewView().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ eraseACChooserDialog()

◆ getAdditionalFrame()

GNEAdditionalFrame * GNEViewParent::getAdditionalFrame ( ) const


Definition at line 235 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::additionalFrame, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::doPaintGL(), GNEViewNet::drawNeteditAttributesReferences(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyBackSpace(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBuildGLCanvas()

FXGLCanvas * GUIGlChildWindow::getBuildGLCanvas ( ) const

get build GL Canvas

Definition at line 177 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView.

Referenced by GUIApplicationWindow::getBuildGLCanvas().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getColoringSchemesCombo()

MFXComboBoxIcon * GUIGlChildWindow::getColoringSchemesCombo ( )

return combobox with the current coloring schemes (standard, fastest standard, real world...)

Definition at line 195 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myColoringSchemes.

Referenced by GUIViewTraffic::buildViewToolBars(), GNEViewNet::buildViewToolBars(), and GUISUMOAbstractView::getColoringSchemesCombo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getConnectorFrame()

GNEConnectorFrame * GNEViewParent::getConnectorFrame ( ) const

get frame for NETWORK_CONNECT

Definition at line 223 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::connectorFrame, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getContainerFrame()

◆ getContainerPlanFrame()

◆ getCreateEdgeFrame()

◆ getCrossingFrame()

GNECrossingFrame * GNEViewParent::getCrossingFrame ( ) const

get frame for NETWORK_CROSSING

Definition at line 241 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::crossingFrame, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentShownFrame()

◆ getDecalFrame()

GNEDecalFrame * GNEViewParent::getDecalFrame ( ) const

get frame for NETWORK_DECAL

Definition at line 271 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::decalFrame, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDeleteFrame()

◆ getEdgeDataFrame()

GNEEdgeDataFrame * GNEViewParent::getEdgeDataFrame ( ) const

get frame for DATA_EDGEDATA

Definition at line 343 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::DataFrames::edgeDataFrame, and myDataFrames.

Referenced by GNEGenericData::drawAttribute(), GNEEdgeData::drawLanePartialGL(), GNEEdgeData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressData(), GNEEdgeData::setColor(), and GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getEdgeRelDataFrame()

GNEEdgeRelDataFrame * GNEViewParent::getEdgeRelDataFrame ( ) const

get frame for DATA_EDGERELDATA

Definition at line 349 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::DataFrames::edgeRelDataFrame, and myDataFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::doPaintGL(), GNEEdgeRelData::drawLanePartialGL(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyBackSpace(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEEdgeRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressData(), GNEEdgeRelData::setColor(), and GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFrameAreaWidth()

int GNEViewParent::getFrameAreaWidth ( ) const

get frame area width

Definition at line 458 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myFramesArea.

Referenced by GNEInspectorFrame::inspectMultisection(), MFXGroupBoxModule::onUpdResetButton(), and GNETLSTable::recalcTableWidth().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFramesArea()

FXVerticalFrame * GNEViewParent::getFramesArea ( ) const

get frame area

Definition at line 452 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myFramesArea.

◆ getGNEAppWindows()

GNEApplicationWindow * GNEViewParent::getGNEAppWindows ( ) const

get GNE Application Windows

Definition at line 401 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myGNEAppWindows.

Referenced by GNEConsecutiveSelector::abortPathCreation(), GNEPathCreator::abortPathCreation(), GNEPlanCreator::abortPathCreation(), GNEPathCreator::addEdge(), GNEPlanCreator::addFromToStoppingPlace(), GNEPathCreator::addJunction(), GNEConsecutiveSelector::addLane(), GNEPathCreator::addTAZ(), GNEViewNet::buildEditModeControls(), GNEViewNet::buildViewToolBars(), GNETLSTable::Cell::Cell(), GNETLSTable::Column::Column(), GNEDistributionFrame::DistributionRow::DistributionRow(), GNEDistributionFrame::DistributionValuesEditor::DistributionValuesEditor(), GNEContainerPlanFrame::hide(), GNEPersonPlanFrame::hide(), GNEProhibitionFrame::Legend::Legend(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdProcessButton(), GNEViewNet::onCmdToggleShowDemandElementsData(), GNEViewNet::onCmdToggleShowDemandElementsNetwork(), GNETLSTable::Row::Row(), GNENet::saveDataElements(), GNENet::saveDemandElements(), GNENet::saveNetwork(), GNEProhibitionFrame::Selection::Selection(), GNEAdditionalFrame::tagSelected(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSAttributes::TLSAttributes(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSJunction::TLSJunction(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSPhases::TLSPhases(), GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls(), GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGUIMainWindow()

GUIMainWindow * GNEViewParent::getGUIMainWindow ( ) const

get GUIMainWindow App

Definition at line 395 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myGUIMainWindowParent.

Referenced by GNEElementTree::createPopUpMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getGUIMainWindowParent()

GUIMainWindow * GUIGlChildWindow::getGUIMainWindowParent ( )

Returns the GUIMainWindow parent.

Definition at line 109 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myGUIMainWindowParent.

Referenced by MFXDecalsTable::Column::Column(), GUISUMOAbstractView::paintGL(), GUISUMOAbstractView::showToolTipFor(), GUISUMOAbstractView::updateToolTip(), and GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::~GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInspectorFrame()

GNEInspectorFrame * GNEViewParent::getInspectorFrame ( ) const

get frame for inspect elements

Definition at line 199 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::CommonFrames::inspectorFrame, and myCommonFrames.

Referenced by GNELane::buildTemplateOperations(), GNENet::computeAndUpdate(), GNENet::deleteDemandElement(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdAbort(), GNEViewNet::onCmdClearConnections(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdClearTemplate(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdCopyTemplate(), GNEElementTree::onCmdDeleteItem(), GNEViewNet::onCmdEdgeUseAsTemplate(), GNEViewNet::onCmdEgeApplyTemplate(), GNEElementTree::onCmdInspectItem(), GNEViewNet::onCmdResetConnections(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetFrontElement(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdSetTemplate(), GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdToggleTimeFormat(), GNEViewNet::openObjectDialogAtCursor(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::processClick(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressData(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressDemand(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), GNEDataSet::removeDataIntervalChild(), GNEViewNet::removeFromAttributeCarrierInspected(), GNEDataInterval::removeGenericDataChild(), GNEEdge::removeLane(), GNELane::setAttribute(), GNEEdge::setAttribute(), GNERouteHandler::transformToContainer(), GNERouteHandler::transformToContainerFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlowJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::transformToFlowTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::transformToPerson(), GNERouteHandler::transformToPersonFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToRouteFlow(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTrip(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTripJunctions(), GNERouteHandler::transformToTripTAZs(), GNERouteHandler::transformToVehicle(), GNEViewNet::updateControls(), GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls(), GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getLocatorPopup()

FXPopup * GUIGlChildWindow::getLocatorPopup ( )

@ brief return a pointer to locator popup

Definition at line 189 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorPopup.

Referenced by GUIViewTraffic::buildViewToolBars(), and GNEViewNet::buildViewToolBars().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMeanDataFrame()

GNEMeanDataFrame * GNEViewParent::getMeanDataFrame ( ) const

get frame for DATA_TAZRELDATA

Definition at line 361 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::DataFrames::meanDataFrame, and myDataFrames.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getMoveFrame()

◆ getNavigationToolBar()

FXToolBar * GUIGlChildWindow::getNavigationToolBar ( GUISUMOAbstractView v)

return a reference to navigation toolbar

Definition at line 183 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myGripNavigationToolbar, and GUIGlChildWindow::myStaticNavigationToolBar.

◆ getObjectIDs()

virtual std::vector<GUIGlID> GUIGlChildWindow::getObjectIDs ( int  messageId) const

Reimplemented in GUISUMOViewParent.

Definition at line 77 of file GUIGlChildWindow.h.


Referenced by GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::onCmdUpdate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getPersonFrame()

◆ getPersonPlanFrame()

◆ getProhibitionFrame()

GNEProhibitionFrame * GNEViewParent::getProhibitionFrame ( ) const


Definition at line 259 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myNetworkFrames, and GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::prohibitionFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRouteDistributionFrame()

GNERouteDistributionFrame * GNEViewParent::getRouteDistributionFrame ( ) const


Definition at line 283 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDemandFrames, and GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::routeDistributionFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::updateControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRouteFrame()

GNERouteFrame * GNEViewParent::getRouteFrame ( ) const

get frame for DEMAND_ROUTE

Definition at line 289 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDemandFrames, and GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::routeFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::doPaintGL(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyBackSpace(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressDemand(), GNELane::setLaneColor(), and GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSelectorFrame()

◆ getShapeFrame()

GNEShapeFrame * GNEViewParent::getShapeFrame ( ) const

◆ getShowToolTipsMenu()

MFXCheckableButton * GUIGlChildWindow::getShowToolTipsMenu ( ) const

get menu for tooltips menu

Definition at line 201 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myShowToolTipsMenu.

Referenced by GNEOptionsDialog::onCmdShowToolTipsMenu(), and GNEPythonToolDialog::onCmdShowToolTipsMenu().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStopFrame()

GNEStopFrame * GNEViewParent::getStopFrame ( ) const

get frame for DEMAND_STOP

Definition at line 313 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDemandFrames, and GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::stopFrame.

Referenced by GNEStop::drawIndex(), GNEStop::getColor(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressDemand(), GNEViewNet::updateControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTAZFrame()

◆ getTAZRelDataFrame()

GNETAZRelDataFrame * GNEViewParent::getTAZRelDataFrame ( ) const

get frame for DATA_TAZRELDATA

Definition at line 355 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDataFrames, and GNEViewParent::DataFrames::TAZRelDataFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEAdditional::checkDrawFromContour(), GNEAdditional::checkDrawToContour(), GNETAZRelData::drawTAZRel(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNETAZRelData::isGenericDataVisible(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressData(), and GNEViewNet::updateDataModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTLSEditorFrame()

◆ getTypeDistributionFrame()

GNETypeDistributionFrame * GNEViewParent::getTypeDistributionFrame ( ) const


Definition at line 307 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDemandFrames, and GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::typeDistributionFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::updateControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getTypeFrame()

GNETypeFrame * GNEViewParent::getTypeFrame ( ) const

get frame for DEMAND_TYPE

Definition at line 301 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myDemandFrames, and GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::typeFrame.

Referenced by GNEVehicle::checkDrawRelatedContour(), GNEChange_DemandElement::redo(), GNEChange_DemandElement::undo(), GNEViewNet::updateControls(), and GNEViewNet::updateDemandModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getVehicleFrame()

◆ getView()

◆ getWireFrame()

GNEWireFrame * GNEViewParent::getWireFrame ( ) const

get frame for NETWORK_WIRE

Definition at line 265 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myNetworkFrames, and GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::wireFrame.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), GNEViewNet::doPaintGL(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), GNEViewNet::processLeftButtonPressNetwork(), and GNEViewNet::updateNetworkModeSpecificControls().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hideAllFrames()

void GNEViewParent::hideAllFrames ( )

◆ hideFramesArea()

void GNEViewParent::hideFramesArea ( )

hide frames area if all GNEFrames are hidden

this function is called in GNEFrame::Show();

Definition at line 381 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::CommonFrames::isCommonFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::DataFrames::isDataFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::isDemandFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::isNetworkFrameShown(), myCommonFrames, myDataFrames, myDemandFrames, myFramesArea, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEFrame::hide().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isSelected()

bool GUIGlChildWindow::isSelected ( GUIGlObject o) const

true if the object is selected (may include extra logic besides calling gSelected)

Reimplemented in GUISUMOViewParent.

Definition at line 278 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlObject::getGlID(), GUIGlObject::getType(), gSelected, and GUISelectedStorage::isSelected().

Referenced by GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::refreshList().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdChangeColorScheme()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdChangeColorScheme ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  ptr 

Definition at line 263 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::setColorScheme().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdClose()

long GNEViewParent::onCmdClose ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user hits the close button (x)

Definition at line 511 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References MID_HOTKEY_CTRL_W_CLOSESIMULATION, and GUIGlChildWindow::myGUIMainWindowParent.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdEditViewport()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdEditViewport ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 215 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::showViewportEditor().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdEditViewScheme()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdEditViewScheme ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 222 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::showViewschemeEditor().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLocate()

long GNEViewParent::onCmdLocate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  sel,
void *   


Definition at line 518 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserAdditional, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserContainers, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserEdges, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserJunction, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserPersons, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserPOI, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserPolygon, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserRoutes, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserStops, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserTLS, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserVehicles, GNEViewParent::ACChoosers::ACChooserWalkingAreas, NamespaceIDs::containers, GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getAdditionals(), GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getDemandElements(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getEdges(), GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getJunctions(), GNEViewNet::getNet(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getTagProperty(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::getWalkingAreas(), GNETagProperties::isShapeElement(), GNETagProperties::isTAZElement(), LOCATEJUNCTION, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_A_LOCATEADDITIONAL, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_C_LOCATECONTAINER, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_E_LOCATEEDGE, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_J_LOCATEJUNCTION, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_L_LOCATEPOLY, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_O_LOCATEPOI, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_P_LOCATEPERSON, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_R_LOCATEROUTE, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_S_LOCATESTOP, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_T_LOCATETLS, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_V_LOCATEVEHICLE, MID_HOTKEY_SHIFT_W_LOCATEWALKINGAREA, myACChoosers, GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorButton, GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorPopup, GUIGlChildWindow::myView, NamespaceIDs::persons, NamespaceIDs::POIs, NamespaceIDs::polygons, NamespaceIDs::stops, SUMO_TAG_ROUTE, TL, and NamespaceIDs::vehicles.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdLocate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdMakeSnapshot()

long GNEViewParent::onCmdMakeSnapshot ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 471 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References CAMERA, gCurrentFolder, GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), GUISUMOAbstractView::makeSnapshot(), GUIGlChildWindow::myView, TL, MFXUtils::userPermitsOverwritingWhenFileExists(), WRITE_DEBUG, and WRITE_MESSAGE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdRecenterView()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdRecenterView ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 207 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::recenterView().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdShowToolTipsMenu()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdShowToolTipsMenu ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 240 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References MFXCheckableButton::amChecked(), MFXStaticToolTip::enableStaticToolTip(), GUIMainWindow::getStaticTooltipMenu(), GUIGlChildWindow::myGUIMainWindowParent, GUIGlChildWindow::myShowToolTipsMenu, and MFXCheckableButton::setChecked().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdShowToolTipsView()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdShowToolTipsView ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 229 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References MFXCheckableButton::amChecked(), MFXStaticToolTip::enableStaticToolTip(), GUIMainWindow::getStaticTooltipView(), GUIGlChildWindow::myGUIMainWindowParent, GUIGlChildWindow::myShowToolTipsView, and MFXCheckableButton::setChecked().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdUpdateFrameAreaWidth()

long GNEViewParent::onCmdUpdateFrameAreaWidth ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when user change the splitter between FrameArea and ViewNet.

Definition at line 678 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myCommonFrames, myDataFrames, myDemandFrames, myFramesArea, myNetworkFrames, GNEViewParent::CommonFrames::setCommonFramesWidth(), GNEViewParent::DataFrames::setDataFramesWidth(), GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::setDemandFramesWidth(), and GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::setNetworkFramesWidth().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), and setFrameAreaWidth().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdZoomStyle()

long GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdZoomStyle ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 253 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References MFXCheckableButton::amChecked(), GUIGlChildWindow::myView, GUIGlChildWindow::myZoomStyle, and MFXCheckableButton::setChecked().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onKeyPress()

long GNEViewParent::onKeyPress ( FXObject *  o,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  data 

Called when user press a key.

Definition at line 664 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::onKeyPress().

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onKeyPress().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onKeyRelease()

long GNEViewParent::onKeyRelease ( FXObject *  o,
FXSelector  sel,
void *  data 

Called when user releases a key.

Definition at line 671 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GUIGlChildWindow::myView, and GUISUMOAbstractView::onKeyRelease().

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onKeyRelease().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setFrameAreaWidth()

void GNEViewParent::setFrameAreaWidth ( const int  frameAreaWith)

set frame area width

Definition at line 464 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References myFramesArea, and onCmdUpdateFrameAreaWidth().

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdExtendButton(), and MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdResetButton().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setView()

void GUIGlChildWindow::setView ( GUIGlID  id)

Centers the view onto the given artifact.

[in]idThe id of the object to center the view on

Definition at line 270 of file GUIGlChildWindow.cpp.

References GUISUMOAbstractView::centerTo(), and GUIGlChildWindow::myView.

Referenced by GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::onCmdCenter(), GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::onCmdText(), GUIDialog_ChooserAbstract::onCmdTrack(), and GUIMessageWindow::setCursorPos().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ showFramesArea()

void GNEViewParent::showFramesArea ( )

show frames area if at least a GNEFrame is showed

this function is called in GNEFrame::Show();

Definition at line 367 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::CommonFrames::isCommonFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::DataFrames::isDataFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::DemandFrames::isDemandFrameShown(), GNEViewParent::NetworkFrames::isNetworkFrameShown(), myCommonFrames, myDataFrames, myDemandFrames, myFramesArea, and myNetworkFrames.

Referenced by GNEFrame::show().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateUndoRedoButtons()

void GNEViewParent::updateUndoRedoButtons ( )

update toolbar undo/redo buttons (called when user press Ctrl+Z/Y)

Definition at line 445 of file GNEViewParent.cpp.

References GNEApplicationWindow::getUndoList(), myGNEAppWindows, myRedoButton, myUndoButton, GNEUndoList::onUpdRedo(), and GNEUndoList::onUpdUndo().

Referenced by GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdRedo(), and GNEApplicationWindow::onCmdUndo().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ myACChoosers

ACChoosers GNEViewParent::myACChoosers

struct for ACChoosers

Definition at line 523 of file GNEViewParent.h.

Referenced by eraseACChooserDialog(), and onCmdLocate().

◆ myChildWindowContentFrame

FXVerticalFrame* GUIGlChildWindow::myChildWindowContentFrame = nullptr

The contents frame.

Definition at line 132 of file GUIGlChildWindow.h.

Referenced by GUISUMOViewParent::init().

◆ myColoringSchemes

MFXComboBoxIcon* GUIGlChildWindow::myColoringSchemes = nullptr

The coloring schemes.

Definition at line 135 of file GUIGlChildWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIGlChildWindow::buildColoringToolBar(), and GUIGlChildWindow::getColoringSchemesCombo().

◆ myCommonFrames

CommonFrames GNEViewParent::myCommonFrames

◆ myComputePathManagerButton

MFXButtonTooltip* GNEViewParent::myComputePathManagerButton

compute Path manager button

Definition at line 505 of file GNEViewParent.h.

◆ myDataFrames

◆ myDemandFrames

◆ myFramesArea

FXVerticalFrame* GNEViewParent::myFramesArea

◆ myFramesSplitter

FXSplitter* GNEViewParent::myFramesSplitter

Splitter to divide ViewNet und GNEFrames.

Definition at line 508 of file GNEViewParent.h.

◆ myGNEAppWindows

GNEApplicationWindow* GNEViewParent::myGNEAppWindows

pointer to GNEApplicationWindow

Definition at line 490 of file GNEViewParent.h.

Referenced by getGNEAppWindows(), updateUndoRedoButtons(), and ~GNEViewParent().

◆ myGripNavigationToolbar

FXMenuBar* GUIGlChildWindow::myGripNavigationToolbar = nullptr

◆ myGUIMainWindowParent

◆ myLocatorButton

MFXMenuButtonTooltip* GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorButton = nullptr

The locator button.

Definition at line 123 of file GUIGlChildWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIGlChildWindow::buildNavigationToolBar(), GUISUMOViewParent::onCmdLocate(), and onCmdLocate().

◆ myLocatorPopup

FXPopup* GUIGlChildWindow::myLocatorPopup = nullptr

◆ myNetworkFrames

◆ myRedoButton

MFXButtonTooltip* GNEViewParent::myRedoButton

toolbar redo button

Definition at line 502 of file GNEViewParent.h.

Referenced by updateUndoRedoButtons().

◆ myShowToolTipsMenu

MFXCheckableButton* GUIGlChildWindow::myShowToolTipsMenu = nullptr

◆ myShowToolTipsView

MFXCheckableButton* GUIGlChildWindow::myShowToolTipsView = nullptr

menu for tooltips view

Definition at line 126 of file GUIGlChildWindow.h.

Referenced by GUIGlChildWindow::buildNavigationToolBar(), and GUIGlChildWindow::onCmdShowToolTipsView().

◆ myStaticNavigationToolBar

◆ myUndoButton

MFXButtonTooltip* GNEViewParent::myUndoButton

toolbar undo button

Definition at line 499 of file GNEViewParent.h.

Referenced by updateUndoRedoButtons().

◆ myView

◆ myViewArea

FXHorizontalFrame* GNEViewParent::myViewArea

frame to hold myView and myAttributePanel

Definition at line 493 of file GNEViewParent.h.

◆ myZoomStyle

MFXCheckableButton* GUIGlChildWindow::myZoomStyle = nullptr

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: