182 const int firstLaneIndex = -1,
const int lastLaneIndex = -1);
232 std::map<const GNEPathElement*, std::vector<GNESegment*> >
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
Numbers representing SUMO-XML - element names.
An Element which don't belong to GNENet but has influence in the simulation.
A road/street connecting two junctions (netedit-version)
This lane is powered by an underlying GNEEdge and basically knows how to draw itself.
A NBNetBuilder extended by visualisation and editing capabilities.
class used to calculate paths in nets
std::vector< GNEEdge * > calculateDijkstraPath(const SUMOVehicleClass vClass, const std::vector< GNEEdge * > &edges) const
calculate Dijkstra path between a list of edges (for example, from-via-to edges)
bool consecutiveEdgesConnected(const SUMOVehicleClass vClass, const GNEEdge *from, const GNEEdge *to) const
check if exist a path between the two given consecutive edges for the given VClass
void updatePathCalculator()
update DijkstraRouter (needed a good calculation of dijkstra path after modifying network)
bool isPathCalculatorUpdated() const
check if pathCalculator is updated
SUMOAbstractRouter< NBRouterEdge, NBVehicle > * myDijkstraRouter
SUMO Abstract myDijkstraRouter.
void invalidatePathCalculator()
invalidate pathCalculator
void calculateReachability(const SUMOVehicleClass vClass, GNEEdge *originEdge)
calculate reachability for given edge
std::vector< GNEEdge * > optimizeJunctionPath(const std::vector< GNEEdge * > &edges) const
optimize junction path
bool myPathCalculatorUpdated
flag for checking if path calculator is updated
bool busStopConnected(const GNEAdditional *busStop, const GNEEdge *edge) const
check if exist a path between the given busStop and edge (Either a valid lane or an acces) for pedest...
const GNENet * myNet
pointer to net
class used to mark path draw
bool checkDrawPathGeometry(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const GNELane *lane, SumoXMLTag tag)
check if path element geometry must be drawn in the given lane
std::map< const std::pair< const GNELane *, const GNELane * >, std::set< SumoXMLTag > > myLane2laneDrawedElements
map for saving tags drawn in junctions
void clearPathDraw()
clear path draw
std::map< const GNELane *, std::set< SumoXMLTag > > myLaneDrawedElements
map for saving tags drawn in lanes
PathCalculator * getPathCalculator()
obtain instance of PathCalculator
void buildPath(GNEPathElement *pathElement, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, const std::vector< GNEEdge * > path, GNELane *fromLane, GNEJunction *fromJunction, GNELane *toLane, GNEJunction *toJunction)
build path
void calculatePath(GNEPathElement *pathElement, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, GNELane *fromLane, GNELane *toLane)
calculate path between from-to edges (using dijkstra, require path calculator updated)
void invalidateJunctionPath(const GNEJunction *junction)
invalidate junction path
const std::vector< GNESegment * > & getPathElementSegments(GNEPathElement *pathElement) const
get path segments
const GNEPathElement * getPathElement(const GUIGlObject *GLObject) const
get path element
PathDraw * getPathDraw()
obtain instance of PathDraw
GNEPathManager & operator=(const GNEPathManager &)=delete
Invalidated assignment operator.
void clearSegments()
clear segments
void addSegmentInLaneSegments(GNESegment *segment, const GNELane *lane)
add segments int laneSegments (called by GNESegment constructor)
PathCalculator * myPathCalculator
PathCalculator instance.
void invalidateLanePath(const GNELane *lane)
invalidate lane path
void markLabelSegment(const std::vector< GNESegment * > &segments) const
mark label segment
void calculateConsecutivePathLanes(GNEPathElement *pathElement, const std::vector< GNELane * > &lanes)
calculate consecutive path lanes
bool connectedLanes(const GNELane *fromLane, const GNELane *toLane) const
check if given lanes are connected
void drawLanePathElements(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const GNELane *lane) const
draw lane path elements
bool isPathValid(const GNEPathElement *pathElement) const
check if path element is valid
std::map< const GNEJunction *, std::set< GNESegment * > > myJunctionSegments
map with junction segments
GNEPathManager(const GNEPathManager &)=delete
Invalidated copy constructor.
void removePath(GNEPathElement *pathElement)
remove path
void drawJunctionPathElements(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s, const GNEJunction *junction) const
draw junction path elements
const GNELane * getFirstLane(const GNEPathElement *pathElement) const
get first lane associated with path element
bool myCleaningSegments
flag for clear segments quickly
PathDraw * myPathDraw
PathDraw instance.
void clearSegmentFromJunctionAndLaneSegments(GNESegment *segment)
clear segments from junction and lane Segments (called by GNESegment destructor)
std::map< const GNELane *, std::set< GNESegment * > > myLaneSegments
map with lane segments
void addSegmentInJunctionSegments(GNESegment *segment, const GNEJunction *junction)
add segments int junctionSegments (called by GNESegment constructor)
void calculateConsecutivePathEdges(GNEPathElement *pathElement, SUMOVehicleClass vClass, const std::vector< GNEEdge * > &edges, const int firstLaneIndex=-1, const int lastLaneIndex=-1)
calculate consecutive path edges
void redrawPathElements(const GUIVisualizationSettings &s) const
redraw path elements saved in gViewObjectsHandler buffer
std::map< const GNEPathElement *, std::vector< GNESegment * > > myPaths
map with path element and their associated segments
const std::vector< GNESegment * > myEmptySegments
empty segments (used in getPathElementSegments)
Stores the information about how to visualize structures.