Abstract in-vehicle / in-person device.
Something on a lane to be noticed about vehicle movement.
Abstract in-vehicle device.
MSVehicleDevice(SUMOVehicle &holder, const std::string &id)
SUMOVehicle & myHolder
The vehicle that stores the device.
SUMOVehicle & getHolder() const
Returns the vehicle that holds this device.
SUMOVehicle::NumericalID getNumericalID() const
MSVehicleDevice & operator=(const MSVehicleDevice &)
Invalidated assignment operator.
MSVehicleDevice(const MSVehicleDevice &)
Invalidated copy constructor.
virtual ~MSVehicleDevice()
virtual NumericalID getNumericalID() const =0
return the numerical ID which is only for internal usage
long long int NumericalID
Representation of a vehicle.
Function-object for stable sorting of objects with numerical ids.
bool operator()(const MSVehicleDevice *const a, const MSVehicleDevice *const b) const