Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // PHEMlight module
5 // Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Technische Universitaet Graz,
6 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
7 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
8 //
9 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
10 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
11 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
12 // or later which is available at
13 //
14 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
15 /****************************************************************************/
21 //
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #include <config.h>
25 #include "CEP.h"
26 #include "CEPHandler.h"
27 #include "Constants.h"
28 #include "Helpers.h"
31 namespace PHEMlightdllV5 {
33  CEP::CEP(VEHPHEMLightJSON::VEH* Vehicle, std::vector<std::string>& headerLineFCvalues, std::vector<std::vector<double> >& matrixFCvalues, std::vector<std::string>& headerLinePollutants, std::vector<std::vector<double> >& matrixPollutants, std::vector<double>& idlingFCvalues, std::vector<double>& idlingPollutants) {
35  _resistanceF0 = Vehicle->getRollingResData()->getFr0();
36  _resistanceF1 = Vehicle->getRollingResData()->getFr1();
37  _resistanceF2 = Vehicle->getRollingResData()->getFr2();
38  _resistanceF3 = Vehicle->getRollingResData()->getFr3();
39  _resistanceF4 = Vehicle->getRollingResData()->getFr4();
40  _cWValue = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getCw();
41  _crossSectionalArea = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getA();
42  _massVehicle = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getMass();
43  _vehicleLoading = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getLoading();
44  _vehicleMassRot = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getRedMassWheel();
45  setCalcType(Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getCalcType());
46 //C# TO C++ CONVERTER NOTE: The following 'switch' operated on a string variable and was converted to C++ 'if-else' logic:
47 // switch (CalcType)
48 //ORIGINAL LINE: case "Conv":
49  if (getCalcType() == "Conv") {
50  setRatedPower(Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getPrated());
51  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getnrated();
52  _engineIdlingSpeed = Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getIdling();
53  }
54 //ORIGINAL LINE: case "HEV":
55  else if (getCalcType() == "HEV") {
56  // Power von beiden zusammen Rest bezogen auf ICE
57  setRatedPower(Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getPrated() + Vehicle->getEngineData()->getEMData()->getPrated());
58  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getnrated();
59  _engineIdlingSpeed = Vehicle->getEngineData()->getICEData()->getIdling();
60  }
61 //ORIGINAL LINE: case "BEV":
62  else if (getCalcType() == "BEV") {
63  setRatedPower(Vehicle->getEngineData()->getEMData()->getPrated());
64  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle->getEngineData()->getEMData()->getnrated();
66  }
68  _effectiveWheelDiameter = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getWheelDiameter();
69  privateHeavyVehicle = Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getMassType() == Constants::HeavyVehicle;
70  setFuelType(Vehicle->getVehicleData()->getFuelType());
71  _axleRatio = Vehicle->getTransmissionData()->getAxelRatio();
72  _auxPower = Vehicle->getAuxiliariesData()->getPauxnorm();
74  _pNormV0 = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getP_n_max_v0() / 3.6;
75  _pNormP0 = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getP_n_max_p0();
76  _pNormV1 = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getP_n_max_v1() / 3.6;
77  _pNormP1 = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getP_n_max_p1();
79  // Init pollutant identifiers, unit and measures
80  std::vector<std::string> FCvaluesIdentifier;
81  std::vector<std::vector<double> > normalizedFCvaluesMeasures;
82  for (int i = 0; i < (int)headerLineFCvalues.size(); i++) {
83  FCvaluesIdentifier.push_back(headerLineFCvalues[i]);
84  normalizedFCvaluesMeasures.push_back(std::vector<double>());
85  }
87  // Init pollutant identifiers, unit and measures
88  std::vector<std::string> pollutantIdentifier;
89  std::vector<std::vector<double> > normalizedPollutantMeasures;
90  for (int i = 0; i < (int)headerLinePollutants.size(); i++) {
91  pollutantIdentifier.push_back(headerLinePollutants[i]);
92  normalizedPollutantMeasures.push_back(std::vector<double>());
93  }
95  // Assigning values for speed rotational table
96  _speedPatternRotational = std::vector<double>();
97  for (int i = 0; i < (int)Vehicle->getTransmissionData()->getTransm()["Speed"].size(); i++) {
98  _speedPatternRotational.push_back(Vehicle->getTransmissionData()->getTransm()["Speed"][i] / 3.6);
99  }
101  _gearTransmissionCurve = Vehicle->getTransmissionData()->getTransm()["GearRatio"];
102  _speedCurveRotational = Vehicle->getTransmissionData()->getTransm()["RotMassF"];
104  // Assigning values for drag table
105  _nNormTable = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getDragCurve()["n_norm"];
106  _dragNormTable = Vehicle->getFLDData()->getDragCurve()["pe_drag_norm"];
108  // Looping through matrix and assigning values for FC values
109  _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues = std::vector<double>();
111  int headerFCCount = (int)headerLineFCvalues.size();
112  for (int i = 0; i < (int)matrixFCvalues.size(); i++) {
113  for (int j = 0; j < (int)matrixFCvalues[i].size(); j++) {
114  if ((int)matrixFCvalues[i].size() != headerFCCount + 1) {
115  return;
116  }
118  if (j == 0) {
119  _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.push_back(matrixFCvalues[i][j]);
120  }
121  else {
122  normalizedFCvaluesMeasures[j - 1].push_back(matrixFCvalues[i][j]);
123  }
124  }
125  }
127  _idlingValueFCvalues = std::map<std::string, double>();
128  _normedCepCurveFCvalues = std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> >();
130  for (int i = 0; i < (int)headerLineFCvalues.size(); i++) {
131  _normedCepCurveFCvalues.insert(std::make_pair(FCvaluesIdentifier[i], normalizedFCvaluesMeasures[i]));
132  _idlingValueFCvalues.insert(std::make_pair(FCvaluesIdentifier[i], idlingFCvalues[i]));
133  }
135  _normalizedPowerPatternPollutants = std::vector<double>();
136  _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants = std::map<std::string, std::vector<double> >();
138  int headerCount = (int)headerLinePollutants.size();
139  for (int i = 0; i < (int)matrixPollutants.size(); i++) {
140  for (int j = 0; j < (int)matrixPollutants[i].size(); j++) {
141  if ((int)matrixPollutants[i].size() != headerCount + 1) {
142  return;
143  }
145  if (j == 0) {
146  _normalizedPowerPatternPollutants.push_back(matrixPollutants[i][j]);
147  }
148  else {
149  normalizedPollutantMeasures[j - 1].push_back(matrixPollutants[i][j]);
150  }
151  }
152  }
154  _idlingValuesPollutants = std::map<std::string, double>();
156  for (int i = 0; i < (int)headerLinePollutants.size(); i++) {
157  _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.insert(std::make_pair(pollutantIdentifier[i], normalizedPollutantMeasures[i]));
158  _idlingValuesPollutants.insert(std::make_pair(pollutantIdentifier[i], idlingPollutants[i]));
159  }
161  _FleetMix = std::map<std::string, double>();
162  _FleetMix.insert(std::make_pair(Constants::strGasoline, 0));
163  _FleetMix.insert(std::make_pair(Constants::strDiesel, 0));
164  _FleetMix.insert(std::make_pair(Constants::strCNG, 0));
165  _FleetMix.insert(std::make_pair(Constants::strLPG, 0));
166  }
168  const bool& CEP::getHeavyVehicle() const {
169  return privateHeavyVehicle;
170  }
172  const std::string& CEP::getFuelType() const {
173  return privateFuelType;
174  }
176  void CEP::setFuelType(const std::string& value) {
177  privateFuelType = value;
178  }
180  const std::string& CEP::getCalcType() const {
181  return privateCalcType;
182  }
184  void CEP::setCalcType(const std::string& value) {
185  privateCalcType = value;
186  }
188  const double& CEP::getRatedPower() const {
189  return privateRatedPower;
190  }
192  void CEP::setRatedPower(const double& value) {
193  privateRatedPower = value;
194  }
196  double CEP::CalcEngPower(double power, const double ratedPower) {
197  if (power < _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.front() * ratedPower) {
198  return _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.front() * ratedPower;
199  }
200  if (power > _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.back() * ratedPower) {
201  return _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.back() * ratedPower;
202  }
204  return power;
205  }
207  double CEP::GetEmission(const std::string& pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers* VehicleClass, const double drivingPower, const double ratedPower) {
208  //Declaration
209  std::vector<double>* emissionCurve = nullptr;
210  std::vector<double>* powerPattern = nullptr;
212  // bisection search to find correct position in power pattern
213  int upperIndex;
214  int lowerIndex;
216  double emissionMultiplier = getHeavyVehicle() ? ratedPower : 1.;
217  if (std::abs(speed) <= Constants::ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY) {
218  if (_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.find(pollutant) == _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.end() && _normedCepCurveFCvalues.find(pollutant) == _normedCepCurveFCvalues.end()) {
219  VehicleClass->setErrMsg(std::string("Emission pollutant or fuel value ") + pollutant + std::string(" not found!"));
220  return 0;
221  }
223  if (_normedCepCurveFCvalues.find(pollutant) != _normedCepCurveFCvalues.end()) {
224  return _idlingValueFCvalues[pollutant] * ratedPower;
225  }
226  else if (_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.find(pollutant) != _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.end()) {
227  return _idlingValuesPollutants[pollutant] * emissionMultiplier;
228  }
229  }
232  if (_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.find(pollutant) == _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.end() && _normedCepCurveFCvalues.find(pollutant) == _normedCepCurveFCvalues.end()) {
233  VehicleClass->setErrMsg(std::string("Emission pollutant or fuel value ") + pollutant + std::string(" not found!"));
234  return 0;
235  }
237  double normalizingPower = ratedPower;
238  if (_normedCepCurveFCvalues.find(pollutant) != _normedCepCurveFCvalues.end()) {
239  emissionCurve = &_normedCepCurveFCvalues[pollutant];
240  powerPattern = &_normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues;
241  emissionMultiplier = ratedPower;
242  }
243  else if (_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.find(pollutant) != _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.end()) {
244  emissionCurve = &_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants[pollutant];
245  powerPattern = &_normalizedPowerPatternPollutants;
246  if (!getHeavyVehicle()) {
247  normalizingPower = drivingPower;
248  }
249  }
251  if (emissionCurve == nullptr || emissionCurve->empty()) {
252  VehicleClass->setErrMsg(std::string("Empty emission curve for ") + pollutant + std::string(" found!"));
253  return 0;
254  }
255  if (emissionCurve->size() == 1) {
256  return emissionCurve->front() * emissionMultiplier;
257  }
259  // in case that the demanded power is smaller than the first entry (smallest) in the power pattern the first is returned (should never happen)
260  if (power <= powerPattern->front() * normalizingPower) {
261  return emissionCurve->front() * emissionMultiplier;
262  }
264  // if power bigger than all entries in power pattern return the last (should never happen)
265  if (power >= powerPattern->back() * normalizingPower) {
266  return emissionCurve->back() * emissionMultiplier;
267  }
269  FindLowerUpperInPattern(lowerIndex, upperIndex, *powerPattern, power, normalizingPower);
270  return Interpolate(power, (*powerPattern)[lowerIndex] * normalizingPower, (*powerPattern)[upperIndex] * normalizingPower, (*emissionCurve)[lowerIndex], (*emissionCurve)[upperIndex]) * emissionMultiplier;
271  }
273  double CEP::GetCO2Emission(double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers* VehicleClass) {
274  //Declaration
275  double fCBr, fCHC, fCCO, fCCO2;
277  fCBr = 0;
278  fCHC = 0;
279  fCCO = 0;
280  fCCO2 = 0;
282  if (getFuelType() != "Mix") {
283  if (!GetfcVals(getFuelType(), fCBr, fCHC, fCCO, fCCO2, VehicleClass)) {
284  return 0;
285  }
286  }
287  else {
288  if (!CalcfCValMix(fCBr, fCHC, fCCO, fCCO2, VehicleClass)) {
289  return 0;
290  }
291  }
293  return (_FC * fCBr - _CO * fCCO - _HC * fCHC) / fCCO2;
294  }
296  bool CEP::CalcfCValMix(double& _fCBr, double& _fCHC, double& _fCCO, double& _fCCO2, Helpers* VehicleClass) {
297  //Declaration
298  double Sum = 0;
299  double sumfCBr, sumfCHC, sumfCCO, sumfCCO2;
301  //Initialise
302  sumfCBr = 0;
303  sumfCHC = 0;
304  sumfCCO = 0;
305  sumfCCO2 = 0;
307  //calculate the sum
308  for (std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator id = _FleetMix.begin(); id != _FleetMix.end(); ++id) {
309  Sum += _FleetMix[id->first];
310  }
312  //Calculate the weighted fuel factors
313  if (Sum <= 0) {
314  VehicleClass->setErrMsg("All propolsion types in the fleetshares file are not known!");
315  return false;
316  }
317  else {
318  for (std::map<std::string, double>::const_iterator id = _FleetMix.begin(); id != _FleetMix.end(); ++id) {
319  if (!GetfcVals(id->first, _fCBr, _fCHC, _fCCO, _fCCO2, VehicleClass)) {
320  return false;
321  }
322  else {
323  sumfCBr += _fCBr * _FleetMix[id->first] / Sum;
324  sumfCHC += _fCHC * _FleetMix[id->first] / Sum;
325  sumfCCO += _fCCO * _FleetMix[id->first] / Sum;
326  sumfCCO2 += _fCCO2 * _FleetMix[id->first] / Sum;
327  }
328  }
329  }
330  //Result values
331  _fCBr = sumfCBr;
332  _fCHC = sumfCHC;
333  _fCCO = sumfCCO;
334  _fCCO2 = sumfCCO2;
335  return true;
336  }
338  bool CEP::GetfcVals(const std::string& _fuelTypex, double& _fCBr, double& _fCHC, double& _fCCO, double& _fCCO2, Helpers* VehicleClass) {
339  _fCHC = 0.866;
340  _fCCO = 0.429;
341  _fCCO2 = 0.273;
343 //C# TO C++ CONVERTER NOTE: The following 'switch' operated on a string variable and was converted to C++ 'if-else' logic:
344 // switch (_fuelTypex)
345 //ORIGINAL LINE: case Constants.strGasoline:
346  if (_fuelTypex == Constants::strGasoline) {
347  _fCBr = 0.865;
348  }
349 //ORIGINAL LINE: case Constants.strDiesel:
350  else if (_fuelTypex == Constants::strDiesel) {
351  _fCBr = 0.863;
352  }
353 //ORIGINAL LINE: case Constants.strCNG:
354  else if (_fuelTypex == Constants::strCNG) {
355  _fCBr = 0.693;
356  _fCHC = 0.803;
357  }
358 //ORIGINAL LINE: case Constants.strLPG:
359  else if (_fuelTypex == Constants::strLPG) {
360  _fCBr = 0.825;
361  _fCHC = 0.825;
362  }
363  else {
364  VehicleClass->setErrMsg(std::string("The propulsion type is not known! (") + getFuelType() + std::string(")"));
365  return false;
366  }
367  return true;
368  }
370  double CEP::getFMot(const double speed, const double ratedPower, const double wheelRadius) {
371  if (speed < 10e-2) {
372  return 0.;
373  }
374  //Declaration
375  int upperIndex;
376  int lowerIndex;
378  FindLowerUpperInPattern(lowerIndex, upperIndex, _speedPatternRotational, speed);
379  double iGear = Interpolate(speed, _speedPatternRotational[lowerIndex], _speedPatternRotational[upperIndex], _gearTransmissionCurve[lowerIndex], _gearTransmissionCurve[upperIndex]);
381  double iTot = iGear * _axleRatio;
383  double n = (30 * speed * iTot) / (wheelRadius * M_PI);
384  double nNorm = (n - _engineIdlingSpeed) / (_engineRatedSpeed - _engineIdlingSpeed);
386  FindLowerUpperInPattern(lowerIndex, upperIndex, _nNormTable, nNorm);
387  return (-Interpolate(nNorm, _nNormTable[lowerIndex], _nNormTable[upperIndex], _dragNormTable[lowerIndex], _dragNormTable[upperIndex]) * ratedPower * 1000 / speed) / Constants::getDRIVE_TRAIN_EFFICIENCY();
388  }
390  double CEP::GetRotationalCoeffecient(double speed) {
391  //Declaration
392  int upperIndex;
393  int lowerIndex;
395  FindLowerUpperInPattern(lowerIndex, upperIndex, _speedPatternRotational, speed);
396  return Interpolate(speed, _speedPatternRotational[lowerIndex], _speedPatternRotational[upperIndex], _speedCurveRotational[lowerIndex], _speedCurveRotational[upperIndex]);
397  }
399  void CEP::FindLowerUpperInPattern(int& lowerIndex, int& upperIndex, const std::vector<double>& pattern, double value, double scale) {
400  lowerIndex = 0;
401  upperIndex = 0;
403  if (value <= pattern.front() * scale) {
404  lowerIndex = 0;
405  upperIndex = 0;
406  return;
407  }
409  if (value >= pattern.back() * scale) {
410  lowerIndex = (int)pattern.size() - 1;
411  upperIndex = (int)pattern.size() - 1;
412  return;
413  }
415  // bisection search to find correct position in power pattern
416  int middleIndex = ((int)pattern.size() - 1) / 2;
417  upperIndex = (int)pattern.size() - 1;
418  lowerIndex = 0;
420  while (upperIndex - lowerIndex > 1) {
421  if (pattern[middleIndex] * scale == value) {
422  lowerIndex = middleIndex;
423  upperIndex = middleIndex;
424  return;
425  }
426  else if (pattern[middleIndex] * scale < value) {
427  lowerIndex = middleIndex;
428  middleIndex = (upperIndex - lowerIndex) / 2 + lowerIndex;
429  }
430  else {
431  upperIndex = middleIndex;
432  middleIndex = (upperIndex - lowerIndex) / 2 + lowerIndex;
433  }
434  }
435  }
437  double CEP::Interpolate(double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2) {
438  if (p2 == p1) {
439  return e1;
440  }
442  return e1 + (px - p1) / (p2 - p1) * (e2 - e1);
443  }
445  double CEP::GetPMaxNorm(double speed) {
446  // Linear function between v0 and v1, constant elsewhere
447  if (speed <= _pNormV0) {
448  return _pNormP0;
449  }
450  else if (speed >= _pNormV1) {
451  return _pNormP1;
452  }
453  else {
454  return Interpolate(speed, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, _pNormP0, _pNormP1);
455  }
456  }
459  _massVehicle = 0;
460  _vehicleLoading = 0;
461  _vehicleMassRot = 0;
463  _cWValue = 0;
464  _resistanceF0 = 0;
465  _resistanceF1 = 0;
466  _resistanceF2 = 0;
467  _resistanceF3 = 0;
468  _resistanceF4 = 0;
469  _axleRatio = 0;
470  _auxPower = 0;
471  _pNormV0 = 0;
472  _pNormP0 = 0;
473  _pNormV1 = 0;
474  _pNormP1 = 0;
475  _engineRatedSpeed = 0;
476  _engineIdlingSpeed = 0;
478  }
479 }
bool GetfcVals(const std::string &_fuelTypex, double &_fCBr, double &_fCHC, double &_fCCO, double &_fCCO2, Helpers *VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:338
double _vehicleMassRot
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:99
void FindLowerUpperInPattern(int &lowerIndex, int &upperIndex, const std::vector< double > &pattern, double value, double scale=1.)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:399
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _normedCepCurveFCvalues
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:122
double GetRotationalCoeffecient(double speed)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:390
const double & getRatedPower() const
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:188
std::vector< double > _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:119
std::vector< double > _dragNormTable
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:131
std::vector< double > _speedCurveRotational
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:124
void setCalcType(const std::string &value)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:184
void InitializeInstanceFields()
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:458
double getFMot(const double speed, const double ratedPower, const double wheelRadius)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:370
double Interpolate(double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:437
const bool & getHeavyVehicle() const
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:168
void setRatedPower(const double &value)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:192
const std::string & getCalcType() const
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:180
std::map< std::string, double > _idlingValuesPollutants
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:128
double GetPMaxNorm(double speed)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:445
std::vector< double > _speedPatternRotational
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:118
std::vector< double > _gearTransmissionCurve
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:123
const std::string & getFuelType() const
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:172
double _engineRatedSpeed
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:114
double _vehicleLoading
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:98
double GetEmission(const std::string &pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers *VehicleClass, const double drivingPower, const double ratedPower)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:207
double _engineIdlingSpeed
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:115
double GetCO2Emission(double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers *VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:273
std::vector< double > _nNormTable
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:130
void setFuelType(const std::string &value)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:176
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:125
double _crossSectionalArea
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:100
double _effectiveWheelDiameter
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:116
double CalcEngPower(double power, const double ratedPower)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:196
double privateRatedPower
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:52
CEP(VEHPHEMLightJSON::VEH *Vehicle, std::vector< std::string > &headerLineFCvalues, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixFCvalues, std::vector< std::string > &headerLinePollutants, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixPollutants, std::vector< double > &idlingFCvalues, std::vector< double > &idlingPollutants)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:33
bool CalcfCValMix(double &_fCBr, double &_fCHC, double &_fCCO, double &_fCCO2, Helpers *VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.cpp:296
std::vector< double > _normalizedPowerPatternPollutants
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:120
std::string privateCalcType
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:51
std::map< std::string, double > _idlingValueFCvalues
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:127
std::map< std::string, double > _FleetMix
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:126
std::string privateFuelType
Definition: V5/cpp/CEP.h:50
static const std::string HeavyVehicle
static const double & getDRIVE_TRAIN_EFFICIENCY()
static const std::string strLPG
static const std::string strCNG
static const double ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY
static const std::string strGasoline
static const std::string strDiesel
void setErrMsg(const std::string &value)
C++ TraCI client API implementation.
Definition: Vehicle.h:34
#define M_PI
Definition: odrSpiral.cpp:45