82 static int numSegmentsFor(
const double length,
const double slength);
The main mesocopic simulation loop.
MESegment * nextSegment(MESegment *s, MEVehicle *v)
Retrieve next segment.
static bool isEnteringRoundabout(const MSEdge &e)
whether the given edge is entering a roundabout
MELoop(const MELoop &)
Invalidated copy constructor.
void updateSegmentsForEdge(const MSEdge &e)
Update segments after loading meso edge type parameters from additional file.
SUMOTime changeSegment(MEVehicle *veh, SUMOTime leaveTime, MESegment *const toSegment, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const bool ignoreLink=false) const
change to the next segment this handles combinations of the following cases: (ending / continuing rou...
MESegment * getSegmentForEdge(const MSEdge &e, double pos=0)
Get the segment for a given edge at a given position.
MELoop & operator=(const MELoop &)
Invalidated assignment operator.
const SUMOTime myLinkRecheckInterval
the interval at which to recheck at blocked junctions (<=0 means asap)
void simulate(SUMOTime tMax)
Perform simulation up to the given time.
bool removeLeaderCar(MEVehicle *v)
Removes the given car from the leading vehicles.
const SUMOTime myFullRecheckInterval
the interval at which to recheck at full segments (<=0 means asap)
void vaporizeCar(MEVehicle *v, MSMoveReminder::Notification reason)
remove the given car and clean up the relevant data structures
void teleportVehicle(MEVehicle *veh, MESegment *const toSegment)
teleports a vehicle or continues a teleport
void addLeaderCar(MEVehicle *veh, MSLink *link)
Adds the given car to the leading vehicles.
void clearState()
Remove all vehicles before quick-loading state.
std::vector< MESegment * > myEdges2FirstSegments
mapping from internal edge ids to their initial segments
std::map< SUMOTime, std::vector< MEVehicle * > > myLeaderCars
leader cars in the segments sorted by exit time
void checkCar(MEVehicle *veh)
Check whether the vehicle may move.
static int numSegmentsFor(const double length, const double slength)
Compute number of segments per edge (best value stay close to the configured segment length)
void buildSegmentsFor(const MSEdge &e, const OptionsCont &oc)
Build the segments for a given edge.
A single mesoscopic segment (cell)
A vehicle from the mesoscopic point of view.
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Definition of a vehicle state.
The class responsible for building and deletion of vehicles.
A storage for options typed value containers)