85 double begTime,
double endTime,
double probability);
A basic edge for routing applications.
An edge the jtr-router may route through.
void changeSourceFlow(int value)
register flow on this edge
std::map< ROJTREdge *, ValueTimeLine< double > *, ComparatorIdLess > FollowerUsageCont
Definition of a map that stores the probabilities of using a certain follower over time.
void addFollowerProbability(ROJTREdge *follower, double begTime, double endTime, double probability)
adds the information about the percentage of using a certain follower
void setTurnDefaults(const std::vector< double > &defs)
Sets the turning definition defaults.
ROJTREdge * chooseNext(const ROVehicle *const veh, double time, const std::set< const ROEdge * > &avoid) const
Returns the next edge to use.
FollowerUsageCont myFollowingDefs
Storage for the probabilities of using a certain follower over time.
ROJTREdge(const ROJTREdge &src)
invalidated copy constructor
int getSourceFlow() const
register source flow on this edge
int mySourceFlows
the flows departing from this edge in the given time
void addSuccessor(ROEdge *s, ROEdge *via=nullptr, std::string dir="")
Adds information about a connected edge.
ROJTREdge & operator=(const ROJTREdge &src)
invalidated assignment operator
std::vector< double > myParsedTurnings
The defaults for turnings.
A single lane the router may use.
Base class for nodes used by the router.
A vehicle as used by router.
Function-object for stable sorting of objects acting like Named without being derived (SUMOVehicle)