LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim - MSBaseVehicle.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 88.1 % 109 96
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 82.7 % 52 43

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2010-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSBaseVehicle.h
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      17              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      18              : /// @date    Mon, 8 Nov 2010
      19              : ///
      20              : // A base class for vehicle implementations
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #pragma once
      23              : #include <config.h>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <iostream>
      26              : #include <vector>
      27              : #include <set>
      28              : #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
      29              : #include <utils/emissions/EnergyParams.h>
      30              : #include <utils/emissions/PollutantsInterface.h>
      31              : #include <utils/vehicle/SUMOVehicle.h>
      32              : #include "MSRoute.h"
      33              : #include "MSMoveReminder.h"
      34              : #include "MSVehicleType.h"
      35              : 
      36              : 
      37              : // ===========================================================================
      38              : // class declarations
      39              : // ===========================================================================
      40              : class MSLane;
      41              : class MSStop;
      42              : class MSDevice_Transportable;
      43              : class MSDevice_Emissions;
      44              : class MSVehicleDevice;
      45              : class MSEdgeWeightsStorage;
      46              : class MSChargingStation;
      47              : class StoppingPlaceMemory;
      48              : 
      49              : 
      50              : // ===========================================================================
      51              : // class definitions
      52              : // ===========================================================================
      53              : /**
      54              :  * @class MSBaseVehicle
      55              :  * @brief The base class for microscopic and mesoscopic vehicles
      56              :  */
      57              : class MSBaseVehicle : public SUMOVehicle {
      58              : public:
      59              :     // XXX: This definition was introduced to make the MSVehicle's previousSpeed
      60              :     //      available in the context of MSMoveReminder::notifyMove(). Another solution
      61              :     //      would be to modify notifyMove()'s interface to work with MSVehicle instead
      62              :     //      of SUMOVehicle (it is only called with MSVehicles!). Refs. #2579
      63              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's previous speed
      64              :      * @return The vehicle's speed
      65              :      */
      66              :     double getPreviousSpeed() const;
      67              : 
      68              :     friend class GUIBaseVehicle;
      69              : 
      70              :     /** @enum RouteValidity
      71              :      */
      72              :     enum RouteValidity {
      73              :         ROUTE_VALID = 0,
      74              :         ROUTE_UNCHECKED = 1 << 0,
      75              :         /// route was checked and is valid
      76              :         ROUTE_INVALID = 1 << 1,
      77              :         // starting edge permissions invalid (could change)
      78              :         ROUTE_START_INVALID_PERMISSIONS = 1 << 2,
      79              :         // insertion lane does not exist
      80              :         ROUTE_START_INVALID_LANE = 1 << 3
      81              :     };
      82              : 
      83              :     /** @brief Constructor
      84              :      * @param[in] pars The vehicle description
      85              :      * @param[in] route The vehicle's route
      86              :      * @param[in] type The vehicle's type
      87              :      * @param[in] speedFactor The factor for driven lane's speed limits
      88              :      * @exception ProcessError If a value is wrong
      89              :      */
      90              :     MSBaseVehicle(SUMOVehicleParameter* pars, ConstMSRoutePtr route,
      91              :                   MSVehicleType* type, const double speedFactor);
      92              : 
      93              : 
      94              :     /// @brief Destructor
      95              :     virtual ~MSBaseVehicle();
      96              : 
      97              :     virtual void initDevices();
      98              : 
      99    536530624 :     bool isVehicle() const {
     100    536530624 :         return true;
     101              :     }
     102              : 
     103              :     /// @brief set the id (inherited from Named but forbidden for vehicles)
     104              :     void setID(const std::string& newID);
     105              : 
     106              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's parameter (including departure definition)
     107              :      *
     108              :      * @return The vehicle's parameter
     109              :      */
     110              :     const SUMOVehicleParameter& getParameter() const;
     111              : 
     112              :     /// @brief retrieve parameters of devices, models and the vehicle itself
     113              :     std::string getPrefixedParameter(const std::string& key, std::string& error) const;
     114              : 
     115              :     /// @brief replace the vehicle parameter (deleting the old one)
     116              :     void replaceParameter(const SUMOVehicleParameter* newParameter);
     117              : 
     118              :     /// @brief check whether the vehicle is equiped with a device of the given name
     119              :     bool hasDevice(const std::string& deviceName) const;
     120              : 
     121              :     /// @brief create device of the given type
     122              :     void createDevice(const std::string& deviceName);
     123              : 
     124              :     /// @brief try to retrieve the given parameter from any of the vehicles devices, raise InvalidArgument if no device parameter by that name exists
     125              :     std::string getDeviceParameter(const std::string& deviceName, const std::string& key) const;
     126              : 
     127              :     /// @brief try to set the given parameter from any of the vehicles devices, raise InvalidArgument if no device parameter by that name exists
     128              :     void setDeviceParameter(const std::string& deviceName, const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
     129              : 
     130              :     /// @brief set individual junction model paramete (not type related)
     131              :     void setJunctionModelParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
     132              : 
     133              :     /// @brief set individual carFollow model parameters (not type related)
     134              :     void setCarFollowModelParameter(const std::string& key, const std::string& value);
     135              : 
     136              :     /** @brief Returns the current route
     137              :      * @return The route the vehicle uses
     138              :      */
     139     45062696 :     inline const MSRoute& getRoute() const {
     140     45062696 :         return *myRoute;
     141              :     }
     142              : 
     143              :     /** @brief Returns the current route
     144              :      * @return The route the vehicle uses
     145              :      */
     146       953591 :     inline ConstMSRoutePtr getRoutePtr() const {
     147       953591 :         return myRoute;
     148              :     }
     149              : 
     150              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's type definition
     151              :      * @return The vehicle's type definition
     152              :      */
     153  45379632573 :     inline const MSVehicleType& getVehicleType() const {
     154  45379632573 :         return *myType;
     155              :     }
     156              : 
     157              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's type parameter
     158              :      * @return The vehicle's type parameter
     159              :      */
     160     10584452 :     inline const SUMOVTypeParameter& getVTypeParameter() const {
     161     10584452 :         return myType->getParameter();
     162              :     }
     163              : 
     164              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's access class
     165              :      * @return The vehicle's access class
     166              :      */
     167   6961804749 :     inline SUMOVehicleClass getVClass() const {
     168   6961804749 :         return myType->getParameter().vehicleClass;
     169              :     }
     170              : 
     171              :     /** @brief Returns whether this object is ignoring transient permission
     172              :      * changes (during routing)
     173              :      */
     174              :     bool ignoreTransientPermissions() const;
     175              : 
     176              :     /** @brief Returns the maximum speed (the minimum of desired and technical maximum speed)
     177              :      * @return The vehicle's maximum speed
     178              :      */
     179              :     double getMaxSpeed() const;
     180              : 
     181              :     /** @brief Returns the nSuccs'th successor of edge the vehicle is currently at
     182              :      *
     183              :      * If the rest of the route (counted from the current edge) has less than nSuccs edges,
     184              :      *  0 is returned.
     185              :      * @param[in] nSuccs The number of edge to look forward
     186              :      * @return The nSuccs'th following edge in the vehicle's route
     187              :      */
     188              :     const MSEdge* succEdge(int nSuccs) const;
     189              : 
     190              :     /** @brief Returns the edge the vehicle is currently at
     191              :      *
     192              :      * @return The current edge in the vehicle's route
     193              :      */
     194              :     const MSEdge* getEdge() const;
     195              : 
     196              :     /** @brief Returns the edge the vehicle is currently at (possibly an
     197              :      * internal edge)
     198              :      */
     199            6 :     virtual const MSEdge* getCurrentEdge() const {
     200            6 :         return getEdge();
     201              :     }
     202              : 
     203              :     /// @brief returns the numerical ids of edges to travel
     204              :     const std::set<SUMOTrafficObject::NumericalID> getUpcomingEdgeIDs() const;
     205              : 
     206              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle stops at the given stopping place */
     207              :     bool stopsAt(MSStoppingPlace* stop) const;
     208              : 
     209              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle stops at the given edge */
     210              :     bool stopsAtEdge(const MSEdge* edge) const;
     211              : 
     212              :     /// @brief returns the next edge (possibly an internal edge)
     213            0 :     virtual const MSEdge* getNextEdgePtr() const {
     214            0 :         return nullptr;
     215              :     }
     216              : 
     217              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the vehicle is on a road (is simulated)
     218              :      * @return Whether the vehicle is simulated
     219              :      */
     220            0 :     virtual bool isOnRoad() const {
     221            0 :         return true;
     222              :     }
     223              : 
     224              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the vehicle is fully controlled
     225              :      * via TraCI
     226              :      * @return Whether the vehicle is remote-controlled
     227              :      */
     228        53788 :     virtual bool isRemoteControlled() const {
     229        53788 :         return false;
     230              :     }
     231              : 
     232          225 :     virtual bool wasRemoteControlled(SUMOTime lookBack = DELTA_T) const {
     233              :         UNUSED_PARAMETER(lookBack);
     234          225 :         return false;
     235              :     }
     236              : 
     237              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the front of the vehhicle is on the given lane
     238              :      * @return Whether the vehicle's front is on that lane
     239              :      */
     240            0 :     virtual bool isFrontOnLane(const MSLane*) const {
     241            0 :         return true;
     242              :     }
     243              : 
     244              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the lane
     245              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m relative to the
     246              :      * centerline of the lane)
     247              :      */
     248        50026 :     virtual double getLateralPositionOnLane() const {
     249        50026 :         return 0;
     250              :     }
     251              : 
     252              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the edge of the given lane
     253              :      * (or its current edge if lane == 0)
     254              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between right
     255              :      * side of vehicle and ride side of edge
     256              :      */
     257            0 :     virtual double getRightSideOnEdge(const MSLane* lane = 0) const {
     258              :         UNUSED_PARAMETER(lane);
     259            0 :         return 0;
     260              :     }
     261              : 
     262              :     /** @brief Returns the starting point for reroutes (usually the current edge)
     263              :      *
     264              :      * This differs from *myCurrEdge only if the vehicle is on an internal edge
     265              :      * @return The rerouting start point
     266              :      */
     267       265760 :     virtual ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator getRerouteOrigin() const {
     268       265760 :         return myCurrEdge;
     269              :     }
     270              : 
     271              :     /** @brief Returns the end point for reroutes (usually the last edge of the route)
     272              :      *
     273              :      * @return The rerouting end point
     274              :      */
     275       557405 :     virtual const MSEdge* getRerouteDestination() const {
     276       557405 :         return myRoute->getLastEdge();
     277              :     }
     278              : 
     279              :     /** @brief Returns the time loss in seconds
     280              :      */
     281            9 :     virtual double getTimeLossSeconds() const {
     282              :         // better timeLoss for meso?
     283            9 :         return 0;
     284              :     }
     285              : 
     286              :     /** @brief Returns the number of seconds waited (speed was lesser than 0.1m/s)
     287              :      *
     288              :      * The value is reset if the vehicle moves faster than 0.1m/s
     289              :      * Intentional stopping does not count towards this time.
     290              :      * @return The time the vehicle is standing
     291              :      */
     292            0 :     double getWaitingSeconds() const {
     293    167469008 :         return STEPS2TIME(getWaitingTime());
     294              :     }
     295              : 
     296              : 
     297              : 
     298              :     /** @brief Returns an iterator pointing to the current edge in this vehicles route
     299              :      * @return The current route pointer
     300              :      */
     301      3932088 :     const MSRouteIterator& getCurrentRouteEdge() const {
     302      3932088 :         return myCurrEdge;
     303              :     }
     304              : 
     305              : 
     306              :     /** @brief Performs a rerouting using the given router
     307              :      *
     308              :      * Tries to find a new route between the current edge and the destination edge, first.
     309              :      * Tries to replace the current route by the new one using replaceRoute.
     310              :      *
     311              :      * @param[in] t The time for which the route is computed
     312              :      * @param[in] router The router to use
     313              :      * @param[in] sink (optionally) a new destination edge
     314              :      * @see replaceRoute
     315              :      */
     316              :     bool reroute(SUMOTime t, const std::string& info, SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>& router, const bool onInit = false, const bool withTaz = false, const bool silent = false, const MSEdge* sink = nullptr);
     317              : 
     318              : 
     319              :     /** @brief Replaces the current route by the given edges
     320              :      *
     321              :      * It is possible that the new route is not accepted, if a) it does not
     322              :      *  contain the vehicle's current edge, or b) something fails on insertion
     323              :      *  into the routes container (see in-line comments).
     324              :      *
     325              :      * @param[in] edges The new list of edges to pass
     326              :      * @param[in] onInit Whether the vehicle starts with this route
     327              :      * @param[in] check Whether the route should be checked for validity
     328              :      * @param[in] removeStops Whether stops should be removed if they do not fit onto the new route
     329              :      * @return Whether the new route was accepted
     330              :      */
     331              :     bool replaceRouteEdges(ConstMSEdgeVector& edges, double cost, double savings, const std::string& info, bool onInit = false, bool check = false, bool removeStops = true,
     332              :                            std::string* msgReturn = nullptr);
     333              : 
     334              :     /** @brief Replaces the current route by the given one
     335              :      *
     336              :      * It is possible that the new route is not accepted, if it does not
     337              :      *  contain the vehicle's current edge.
     338              :      *
     339              :      * @param[in] route The new route to pass
     340              :      * @param[in] info Information regarding the replacement
     341              :      * @param[in] addRouteStops Whether stops from the replacement route should be added
     342              :      * @param[in] removeStops Whether stops should be removed if they do not fit onto the new route
     343              :      * @return Whether the new route was accepted
     344              :      */
     345              :     virtual bool replaceRoute(ConstMSRoutePtr route, const std::string& info, bool onInit = false, int offset = 0, bool addRouteStops = true, bool removeStops = true,
     346              :                               std::string* msgReturn = nullptr);
     347              : 
     348              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's acceleration
     349              :      *
     350              :      * This default implementation returns always 0.
     351              :      * @return The acceleration
     352              :      */
     353              :     virtual double getAcceleration() const;
     354              : 
     355              :     /** @brief Called when the vehicle is inserted into the network
     356              :      *
     357              :      * Sets optional information about departure time, informs the vehicle
     358              :      *  control about a further running vehicle.
     359              :      */
     360              :     void onDepart();
     361              : 
     362              :     /** @brief Returns this vehicle's real departure time
     363              :      * @return This vehicle's real departure time
     364              :      */
     365     10956758 :     inline SUMOTime getDeparture() const {
     366     10956758 :         return myDeparture;
     367              :     }
     368              : 
     369              :     /** @brief Returns the depart delay */
     370              :     SUMOTime getDepartDelay() const;
     371              : 
     372              :     /** @brief Returns the estimated public transport stop (departure) delay in seconds
     373              :      */
     374          269 :     virtual double getStopDelay() const {
     375              :         /// @todo implement for meso
     376          269 :         return -1;
     377              :     }
     378              : 
     379              :     /** @brief Returns the estimated public transport stop arrival delay in seconds
     380              :      */
     381         1755 :     virtual double getStopArrivalDelay() const {
     382              :         /// @todo implement for meso
     383         1755 :         return INVALID_DOUBLE;
     384              :     }
     385              : 
     386              :     /** @brief Returns this vehicle's real departure position
     387              :      * @return This vehicle's real departure position
     388              :      */
     389       238494 :     inline double getDepartPos() const {
     390       238494 :         return myDepartPos;
     391              :     }
     392              : 
     393              :     /** @brief Returns this vehicle's desired arrivalPos for its current route
     394              :      * (may change on reroute)
     395              :      * @return This vehicle's real arrivalPos
     396              :      */
     397      1506316 :     virtual double getArrivalPos() const {
     398      1506316 :         return myArrivalPos;
     399              :     }
     400              : 
     401            0 :     virtual int getArrivalLane() const {
     402            0 :         return myArrivalLane;
     403              :     }
     404              : 
     405              :     /** @brief Sets this vehicle's desired arrivalPos for its current route
     406              :      */
     407         1584 :     virtual void setArrivalPos(double arrivalPos) {
     408         1584 :         myArrivalPos = arrivalPos;
     409         1584 :     }
     410              : 
     411              :     /** @brief Called when the vehicle is removed from the network.
     412              :      *
     413              :      * Moves along work reminders and
     414              :      *  informs all devices about quitting. Calls "leaveLane" then.
     415              :      *
     416              :      * @param[in] reason why the vehicle leaves (reached its destination, parking, teleport)
     417              :      */
     418            0 :     virtual void onRemovalFromNet(const MSMoveReminder::Notification /*reason*/) {}
     419              : 
     420              :     /** @brief Returns whether this vehicle has already departed
     421              :      */
     422     21382238 :     inline bool hasDeparted() const {
     423     21382238 :         return myDeparture != NOT_YET_DEPARTED;
     424              :     }
     425              : 
     426              :     /** @brief Returns whether this vehicle has already arived
     427              :      * (by default this is true if the vehicle has reached its final edge)
     428              :      */
     429              :     virtual bool hasArrived() const;
     430              : 
     431              :     /// @brief return index of edge within route
     432              :     int getRoutePosition() const;
     433              : 
     434              :     /// @brief reset index of edge within route
     435              :     void resetRoutePosition(int index, DepartLaneDefinition departLaneProcedure);
     436              : 
     437              :     /** @brief Returns the distance that was already driven by this vehicle
     438              :      * @return the distance driven [m]
     439              :      */
     440              :     double getOdometer() const;
     441              : 
     442              :     /// @brief Manipulate the odometer
     443              :     void addToOdometer(double value) {
     444           80 :         myOdometer += value;
     445           24 :     }
     446              : 
     447              :     /** @brief Returns the number of new routes this vehicle got
     448              :      * @return the number of new routes this vehicle got
     449              :      */
     450       341547 :     inline int getNumberReroutes() const {
     451       341547 :         return myNumberReroutes;
     452              :     }
     453              : 
     454              :     /// @brief Returns this vehicles impatience
     455              :     double getImpatience() const;
     456              : 
     457              :     /** @brief Returns the number of persons
     458              :      * @return The number of passengers on-board
     459              :      */
     460              :     int getPersonNumber() const;
     461              : 
     462              :     /** @brief Returns the number of leaving persons
     463              :      * @return The number of leaving passengers
     464              :      */
     465              :     int getLeavingPersonNumber() const;
     466              : 
     467              :     /** @brief Returns the list of persons
     468              :      * @return The list of passengers on-board
     469              :      */
     470              :     std::vector<std::string> getPersonIDList() const;
     471              : 
     472              :     /** @brief Returns the number of containers
     473              :      * @return The number of contaiers on-board
     474              :      */
     475              :     int getContainerNumber() const;
     476              : 
     477              : 
     478              :     /** @brief Returns this vehicle's devices
     479              :      * @return This vehicle's devices
     480              :      */
     481      3418023 :     inline const std::vector<MSVehicleDevice*>& getDevices() const {
     482      3418023 :         return myDevices;
     483              :     }
     484              : 
     485              :     /// @brief whether the given transportable is allowed to board this vehicle
     486              :     bool allowsBoarding(const MSTransportable* t) const;
     487              : 
     488              :     /** @brief Adds a person or container to this vehicle
     489              :      *
     490              :      * @param[in] transportable The person/container to add
     491              :      */
     492              :     virtual void addTransportable(MSTransportable* transportable);
     493              : 
     494              :     /// @brief removes a person or container
     495              :     void removeTransportable(MSTransportable* t);
     496              : 
     497              :     /// @brief retrieve riding persons
     498              :     const std::vector<MSTransportable*>& getPersons() const;
     499              : 
     500              :     /// @brief retrieve riding containers
     501              :     const std::vector<MSTransportable*>& getContainers() const;
     502              : 
     503              :     /// @brief returns whether the vehicle serves a public transport line that serves the given stop
     504              :     bool isLineStop(double position) const;
     505              : 
     506              :     /// @brief check wether the vehicle has jump at the given part of its route
     507              :     bool hasJump(const MSRouteIterator& it) const;
     508              : 
     509              :     /** @brief Validates the current or given route
     510              :      * @param[out] msg Description why the route is not valid (if it is the case)
     511              :      * @param[in] route The route to check (or 0 if the current route shall be checked)
     512              :      * @return Whether the vehicle's current route is valid
     513              :      */
     514              :     bool hasValidRoute(std::string& msg, ConstMSRoutePtr route = 0) const;
     515              : 
     516              :     /// @brief checks wether the vehicle can depart on the first edge
     517              :     virtual bool hasValidRouteStart(std::string& msg);
     518              : 
     519              :     /// @brief check for route validity at first insertion attempt
     520              :     int getRouteValidity(bool update = true, bool silent = false, std::string* msgReturn = nullptr);
     521              : 
     522              :     /** @brief Adds a MoveReminder dynamically
     523              :      *
     524              :      * @param[in] rem the reminder to add
     525              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     526              :      */
     527              :     void addReminder(MSMoveReminder* rem);
     528              : 
     529              :     /** @brief Removes a MoveReminder dynamically
     530              :      *
     531              :      * @param[in] rem the reminder to remove
     532              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     533              :      */
     534              :     void removeReminder(MSMoveReminder* rem);
     535              : 
     536              :     /** @brief "Activates" all current move reminder
     537              :      *
     538              :      * For all move reminder stored in "myMoveReminders", their method
     539              :      *  "MSMoveReminder::notifyEnter" is called.
     540              :      *
     541              :      * @param[in] reason The reason for changing the reminders' states
     542              :      * @param[in] enteredLane The lane, which is entered (if applicable)
     543              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     544              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyEnter
     545              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::Notification
     546              :      */
     547              :     virtual void activateReminders(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane = 0);
     548              : 
     549              : 
     550              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's length
     551              :      * @return vehicle's length
     552              :      */
     553    677173837 :     inline double getLength() const {
     554    677173837 :         return myType->getLength();
     555              :     }
     556              : 
     557              : 
     558              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's width
     559              :      * @return vehicle's width
     560              :      */
     561              :     inline double getWidth() const {
     562     72160519 :         return myType->getWidth();
     563              :     }
     564              : 
     565              : 
     566              :     /** @brief Returns the precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit
     567              :      * @return Speed limit factor
     568              :      */
     569   4521213696 :     inline double getChosenSpeedFactor() const {
     570   4521213696 :         return myChosenSpeedFactor;
     571              :     }
     572              : 
     573              :     /** @brief Returns the precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit
     574              :      * @return Speed limit factor
     575              :      */
     576        39757 :     inline void setChosenSpeedFactor(const double factor) {
     577        39757 :         myChosenSpeedFactor = factor;
     578        39757 :     }
     579              : 
     580              :     /// @brief Returns a device of the given type if it exists, nullptr otherwise
     581              :     MSDevice* getDevice(const std::type_info& type) const;
     582              : 
     583              : 
     584              :     /** @brief Replaces the current vehicle type by the one given
     585              :      *
     586              :      * If the currently used vehicle type is marked as being used by this vehicle
     587              :      *  only, it is deleted, first. The new, given type is then assigned to
     588              :      *  "myType".
     589              :      * @param[in] type The new vehicle type
     590              :      * @see MSBaseVehicle::myType
     591              :      */
     592              :     virtual void replaceVehicleType(MSVehicleType* type);
     593              : 
     594              : 
     595              :     /** @brief Replaces the current vehicle type with a new one used by this vehicle only
     596              :      *
     597              :      * If the currently used vehicle type is already marked as being used by this vehicle
     598              :      *  only, no new type is created.
     599              :      * @return The new modifiable vehicle type
     600              :      * @see MSBaseVehicle::myType
     601              :      */
     602              :     MSVehicleType& getSingularType();
     603              : 
     604              :     /// @name state io
     605              :     //@{
     606              : 
     607              :     /// Saves the (common) state of a vehicle
     608              :     virtual void saveState(OutputDevice& out);
     609              : 
     610              :     //@}
     611              : 
     612              :     virtual bool handleCollisionStop(MSStop& stop, const double distToStop);
     613              : 
     614              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop
     615              :      * @return Whether the vehicle has stopped
     616              :      */
     617              :     bool isStopped() const;
     618              : 
     619              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is parking
     620              :      * @return whether the vehicle is parking
     621              :      */
     622              :     bool isParking() const;
     623              : 
     624              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is perform a jump
     625              :      * @return whether the vehicle is starting to jump
     626              :      */
     627              :     bool isJumping() const;
     628              : 
     629              :     /** @brief Returns whether the logical state of the vehicle is reversed - for drawing
     630              :     * @return whether the logical state of the vehicle is reversed
     631              :     */
     632              :     inline bool isReversed() const {
     633      9072183 :         return myAmReversed;
     634              :     }
     635              : 
     636              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is on a triggered stop
     637              :      * @return whether the vehicle is on a triggered stop
     638              :      */
     639              :     bool isStoppedTriggered() const;
     640              : 
     641              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is on a parking stop
     642              :      * @return whether the vehicle is on a parking stop
     643              :      */
     644              :     bool isStoppedParking() const;
     645              : 
     646              :     /** @brief return whether the given position is within range of the current stop
     647              :      */
     648              :     bool isStoppedInRange(const double pos, const double tolerance, bool checkFuture = false) const;
     649              : 
     650              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle has to stop somewhere
     651              :      * @return Whether the vehicle has to stop somewhere
     652              :      */
     653   1193865035 :     bool hasStops() const {
     654   1193865035 :         return !myStops.empty();
     655              :     }
     656              : 
     657              :     /** @brief replace the current parking area stop with a new stop with merge duration
     658              :      */
     659              :     bool replaceParkingArea(MSParkingArea* parkingArea, std::string& errorMsg);
     660              : 
     661              :     /** @brief get the upcoming parking area stop or nullptr
     662              :      */
     663              :     MSParkingArea* getNextParkingArea();
     664              : 
     665              :     /** @brief get the current  parking area stop or nullptr */
     666              :     MSParkingArea* getCurrentParkingArea();
     667              : 
     668              :     /// @brief get the valid parking access rights (vehicle settings override vehicle type settings)
     669              :     const std::vector<std::string>& getParkingBadges() const;
     670              : 
     671              :     /// @brief departure position where the vehicle fits fully onto the edge (if possible)
     672              :     double basePos(const MSEdge* edge) const;
     673              : 
     674              :     /** @brief Adds a stop
     675              :      *
     676              :      * The stop is put into the sorted list.
     677              :      * @param[in] stop The stop to add
     678              :      * @return Whether the stop could be added
     679              :      */
     680              :     bool addStop(const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop& stopPar, std::string& errorMsg, SUMOTime untilOffset = 0,
     681              :                  MSRouteIterator* searchStart = nullptr);
     682              : 
     683              :     /** @brief Adds stops to the built vehicle
     684              :      *
     685              :      * This code needs to be separated from the MSBaseVehicle constructor
     686              :      *  since it is not allowed to call virtual functions from a constructor
     687              :      *
     688              :      * @param[in] ignoreStopErrors whether invalid stops trigger a warning only
     689              :      */
     690              :     void addStops(const bool ignoreStopErrors, MSRouteIterator* searchStart = nullptr, bool addRouteStops = true);
     691              : 
     692              :     /// @brief check whether all stop.edge MSRouteIterators are valid and in order
     693              :     bool haveValidStopEdges(bool silent = false) const;
     694              : 
     695              :     /** @brief Returns the list of still pending stop edges
     696              :      * also returns the first and last stop position
     697              :      */
     698              :     const ConstMSEdgeVector getStopEdges(double& firstPos, double& lastPos, std::set<int>& jumps) const;
     699              : 
     700              :     /// @brief return list of route indices for the remaining stops
     701              :     std::vector<std::pair<int, double> > getStopIndices() const;
     702              : 
     703              :     /**
     704              :     * returns the list of stops not yet reached in the stop queue
     705              :     * @return the list of upcoming stops
     706              :     */
     707        77291 :     inline const std::list<MSStop>& getStops() const {
     708        77291 :         return myStops;
     709              :     }
     710              : 
     711              :     inline const std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop>& getPastStops() const {
     712              :         return myPastStops;
     713              :     }
     714              : 
     715              :     /**
     716              :     * returns the next imminent stop in the stop queue
     717              :     * @return the upcoming stop
     718              :     */
     719              :     MSStop& getNextStop();
     720              : 
     721              :     /// @brief get remaining stop duration or 0 if the vehicle isn't stopped
     722              :     SUMOTime getStopDuration() const;
     723              : 
     724              :     /**
     725              :     * returns the upcoming stop with the given index in the stop queue
     726              :     * @return an upcoming stop
     727              :     */
     728              :     MSStop& getStop(int nextStopIndex);
     729              : 
     730              :     /// @brief return parameters for the next stop (SUMOVehicle Interface)
     731              :     const SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop* getNextStopParameter() const;
     732              : 
     733              :     /**
     734              :      * schedule a new stop for the vehicle; each time a stop is reached, the vehicle
     735              :      * will wait for the given duration before continuing on its route
     736              :      * @param[in] stop Stop parameters
     737              :      * @param[out] errorMsg returned error message
     738              :      */
     739              :     virtual bool addTraciStop(SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, std::string& errorMsg);
     740              : 
     741              :     /**
     742              :     * resumes a vehicle from stopping
     743              :     * @return true on success, the resuming fails if the vehicle wasn't parking in the first place
     744              :     */
     745              :     virtual bool resumeFromStopping() = 0;
     746              : 
     747              :     /// @brief mark vehicle as active
     748              :     void unregisterWaiting();
     749              : 
     750              :     /// @brief deletes the next stop at the given index if it exists
     751              :     bool abortNextStop(int nextStopIndex = 0);
     752              : 
     753              :     /**
     754              :      * replace the next stop at the given index with the given stop parameters
     755              :      * will wait for the given duration before continuing on its route
     756              :      * The route between start other stops and destination will be kept unchanged and
     757              :      * only the part around the replacement index will be adapted according to the new stop location
     758              :      * @param[in] nextStopIndex The replacement index
     759              :      * @param[in] stop Stop parameters
     760              :      * @param[in] info The rerouting info
     761              :      * @param[in] teleport Whether to cover the route to the replacement stop via teleporting
     762              :      * @param[out] errorMsg returned error message
     763              :      */
     764              :     bool replaceStop(int nextStopIndex, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, const std::string& info, bool teleport, std::string& errorMsg);
     765              : 
     766              :     /**
     767              :      * reroute between stops nextStopIndex - 1 and nextStopIndex (defaults to current position / final edge) if the respective stops do not exist
     768              :      * @param[in] nextStopIndex The replacement index
     769              :      * @param[in] info The rerouting info
     770              :      * @param[in] teleport Whether to cover the route between stops via teleporting
     771              :      * @param[out] errorMsg returned error message
     772              :      */
     773              :     bool rerouteBetweenStops(int nextStopIndex, const std::string& info, bool teleport, std::string& errorMsg);
     774              : 
     775              :     /**
     776              :      * insert stop at the given index with the given stop parameters
     777              :      * will wait for the given duration before continuing on its route
     778              :      * The route will be adapted to pass the new stop edge but only from the previous stop (or start) to the new stop and only up to the next stop (or end).
     779              :      * @param[in] nextStopIndex The replacement index
     780              :      * @param[in] stop Stop parameters
     781              :      * @param[in] info The rerouting info
     782              :      * @param[in] teleport Whether to cover the route to the new stop via teleporting
     783              :      * @param[out] errorMsg returned error message
     784              :      */
     785              :     bool insertStop(int nextStopIndex, SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, const std::string& info, bool teleport, std::string& errorMsg);
     786              : 
     787              : 
     788              :     /// @brief whether this vehicle is selected in the GUI
     789    244925389 :     virtual bool isSelected() const {
     790    244925389 :         return false;
     791              :     }
     792              : 
     793              :     /// @brief @return The index of the vehicle's associated RNG
     794              :     int getRNGIndex() const;
     795              : 
     796              :     /// @brief @return The vehicle's associated RNG
     797              :     SumoRNG* getRNG() const;
     798              : 
     799  23501799252 :     inline NumericalID getNumericalID() const {
     800  23501799252 :         return myNumericalID;
     801              :     }
     802              : 
     803              :     const MSDevice_Transportable* getPersonDevice() const {
     804      9075500 :         return myPersonDevice;
     805              :     }
     806              : 
     807              :     const MSDevice_Transportable* getContainerDevice() const {
     808      9075500 :         return myContainerDevice;
     809              :     }
     810              : 
     811              :     /// @brief retrieve parameters for the energy consumption model
     812    100952610 :     inline EnergyParams* getEmissionParameters() const {
     813    100952610 :         if (myEnergyParams == nullptr) {
     814       855868 :             myEnergyParams = new EnergyParams(getVehicleType().getEmissionParameters());
     815              :         }
     816    100952610 :         return myEnergyParams;
     817              :     }
     818              : 
     819              :     /// @name Emission retrieval
     820              :     //@{
     821              : 
     822              :     /** @brief Returns emissions of the current state
     823              :      * The value is always per 1s, so multiply by step length if necessary.
     824              :      * @return The current emission
     825              :      */
     826              :     template<PollutantsInterface::EmissionType ET>
     827         4832 :     double getEmissions() const {
     828         4832 :         if (isOnRoad() || isIdling()) {
     829         4760 :             return PollutantsInterface::compute(myType->getEmissionClass(), ET, getSpeed(), getAcceleration(), getSlope(), getEmissionParameters());
     830              :         }
     831              :         return 0.;
     832              :     }
     833              : 
     834              :     /** @brief Returns actual state of charge of battery (Wh)
     835              :     * RICE_CHECK: This may be a misnomer, SOC is typically percentage of the maximum battery capacity.
     836              :     * @return The actual battery state of charge
     837              :     */
     838              :     double getStateOfCharge() const;
     839              : 
     840              :     /** @brief Returns actual relative state of charge of battery (-)
     841              :     * @return The actual relative battery state of charge, normalised to the maximum battery capacity.
     842              :     */
     843              :     double getRelativeStateOfCharge() const;
     844              : 
     845              :     /** @brief Returns the energy charged to the battery in the current time step (Wh)
     846              :     * @return The energy charged to the battery in the current time step.
     847              :     */
     848              :     double getChargedEnergy() const;
     849              : 
     850              :     /** @brief Returns the maximum charge rate allowed by the battery in the current time step (W)
     851              :     * @return The maximum charge rate in the current time step.
     852              :     */
     853              :     double getMaxChargeRate() const;
     854              : 
     855              :     /** @brief Returns actual current (A) of ElecHybrid device
     856              :     * RICE_CHECK: Is this the current consumed from the overhead wire or the current driving the powertrain of the vehicle?
     857              :     * RICE_REV_JS: It is the current drawn from the overhead wire (value if the vehicle is not connected to overhead wire?)
     858              :     * @return The current of ElecHybrid device
     859              :     */
     860              :     double getElecHybridCurrent() const;
     861              : 
     862              :     /** @brief Returns noise emissions of the current state
     863              :      * @return The noise produced
     864              :      */
     865              :     double getHarmonoise_NoiseEmissions() const;
     866              :     //@}
     867              : 
     868              :     /** @class Influencer
     869              :       * @brief Changes the wished vehicle speed / lanes
     870              :       *
     871              :       * The class is used for passing velocities or velocity profiles obtained via TraCI to the vehicle.
     872              :       * The speed adaptation is controlled by the stored speedTimeLine
     873              :       * Additionally, the variables myConsiderSafeVelocity, myConsiderMaxAcceleration, and myConsiderMaxDeceleration
     874              :       * control whether the safe velocity, the maximum acceleration, and the maximum deceleration
     875              :       * have to be regarded.
     876              :       *
     877              :       * Furthermore this class is used to affect lane changing decisions according to
     878              :       * LaneChangeMode and any given laneTimeLine
     879              :       */
     880              :     class BaseInfluencer {
     881              :     public:
     882              :         /// @brief Constructor
     883              :         BaseInfluencer();
     884              : 
     885              :         /// @brief Destructor
     886            0 :         virtual ~BaseInfluencer() {}
     887              : 
     888              :         /// @brief Static initalization
     889              :         static void init();
     890              :         /// @brief Static cleanup
     891              :         static void cleanup();
     892              : 
     893              : 
     894              :         /// @brief return the current routing mode
     895              :         double getExtraImpatience() const {
     896       226128 :             return myExtraImpatience;
     897              :         }
     898              : 
     899              :         /** @brief Sets routing behavior
     900              :          * @param[in] value an enum value controlling the different modes
     901              :          */
     902              :         void setExtraImpatience(double value) {
     903       266710 :             myExtraImpatience = value;
     904       266683 :         }
     905              : 
     906              :     protected:
     907              :         /// @brief dynamic impatience offset
     908              :         double myExtraImpatience = 0;
     909              : 
     910              :     };
     911              : 
     912              : 
     913              : 
     914              :     /** @brief Returns the velocity/lane influencer
     915              :      *
     916              :      * If no influencer was existing before, one is built, first
     917              :      * @return Reference to this vehicle's speed influencer
     918              :      */
     919              :     virtual BaseInfluencer& getBaseInfluencer() = 0;
     920              : 
     921              :     virtual const BaseInfluencer* getBaseInfluencer() const = 0;
     922              : 
     923              :     virtual bool hasInfluencer() const  = 0;
     924              : 
     925              :     /// @brief return routing mode (configures router choice but also handling of transient permission changes)
     926    637572017 :     int getRoutingMode() const {
     927    637572017 :         return myRoutingMode;
     928              :     }
     929              : 
     930              :     /** @brief Sets routing behavior
     931              :      * @param[in] value an enum value controlling the different modes
     932              :      */
     933              :     void setRoutingMode(int value) {
     934         5778 :         myRoutingMode = value;
     935          146 :     }
     936              : 
     937              : 
     938              :     SUMOAbstractRouter<MSEdge, SUMOVehicle>& getRouterTT() const;
     939              : 
     940              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's internal edge travel times/efforts container
     941              :      *
     942              :      * If the vehicle does not have such a container, it is built.
     943              :      * @return The vehicle's knowledge about edge weights
     944              :      */
     945              :     const MSEdgeWeightsStorage& getWeightsStorage() const;
     946              :     MSEdgeWeightsStorage& getWeightsStorage();
     947              : 
     948              :     /** @brief Returns the leader of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
     949              :      *
     950              :      * If the distance is not given it is calculated from the brake gap.
     951              :      * The gap returned does not include the minGap.
     952              :      * @param dist    up to which distance to look at least for a leader
     953              :      * @return The leading vehicle together with the gap; (0, -1) if no leader was found.
     954              :      */
     955          479 :     virtual std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double> getLeader(double dist = 0) const {
     956              :         UNUSED_PARAMETER(dist);
     957          479 :         WRITE_WARNING(TL("getLeader not yet implemented for meso"));
     958          479 :         return std::make_pair(nullptr, -1);
     959              :     }
     960              : 
     961              :     /** @brief Returns the follower of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
     962              :      *
     963              :      * If the distance is not given it is set to the value of MSCFModel::brakeGap(2*roadSpeed, 4.5, 0)
     964              :      * The gap returned does not include the minGap.
     965              :      * If there are multiple followers, the one that maximizes the term (getSecureGap - gap) is returned.
     966              :      * @param dist    up to which distance to look at least for a leader
     967              :      * @return The leading vehicle together with the gap; (0, -1) if no leader was found.
     968              :      */
     969           54 :     virtual std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double> getFollower(double dist = 0) const {
     970              :         UNUSED_PARAMETER(dist);
     971           54 :         WRITE_WARNING(TL("getFollower not yet implemented for meso"));
     972           54 :         return std::make_pair(nullptr, -1);
     973              :     }
     974              : 
     975              :     /** @brief (Re-)Calculates the arrival position and lane from the vehicle parameters
     976              :      */
     977              :     void calculateArrivalParams(bool onInit);
     978              : 
     979              :     /// @brief apply departEdge and arrivalEdge attributes
     980              :     void setDepartAndArrivalEdge();
     981              : 
     982              :     /// @brief interpret stop lane on opposite side of the road
     983              :     static MSLane* interpretOppositeStop(SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop& stop);
     984              : 
     985              :     /// @name state io
     986              :     //@{
     987              :     void rememberBlockedParkingArea(const MSStoppingPlace* pa, bool local);
     988              :     SUMOTime sawBlockedParkingArea(const MSStoppingPlace* pa, bool local) const;
     989              :     void rememberBlockedChargingStation(const MSStoppingPlace* cs, bool local);
     990              :     SUMOTime sawBlockedChargingStation(const MSStoppingPlace* cs, bool local) const;
     991              : 
     992              :     /// @brief score only needed when running with gui
     993              :     void rememberParkingAreaScore(const MSStoppingPlace* pa, const std::string& score);
     994              :     void resetParkingAreaScores();
     995              :     void rememberChargingStationScore(const MSStoppingPlace* cs, const std::string& score);
     996              :     void resetChargingStationScores();
     997              : 
     998        48424 :     int getNumberParkingReroutes() const {
     999        48424 :         return myNumberParkingReroutes;
    1000              :     }
    1001        19525 :     void setNumberParkingReroutes(int value) {
    1002        19525 :         myNumberParkingReroutes = value;
    1003        19525 :     }
    1004              : 
    1005              :     const StoppingPlaceMemory* getParkingMemory() const {
    1006           65 :         return myParkingMemory;
    1007              :     }
    1008              : 
    1009              :     const StoppingPlaceMemory* getChargingMemory() const {
    1010           60 :         return myChargingMemory;
    1011              :     }
    1012              :     //@}
    1013              : 
    1014              : protected:
    1015              :     /// @brief This vehicle's parameter.
    1016              :     const SUMOVehicleParameter* myParameter;
    1017              : 
    1018              :     /// @brief This vehicle's route.
    1019              :     ConstMSRoutePtr myRoute;
    1020              : 
    1021              :     /// @brief This vehicle's type.
    1022              :     MSVehicleType* myType;
    1023              : 
    1024              :     /// @brief Iterator to current route-edge
    1025              :     MSRouteIterator myCurrEdge;
    1026              : 
    1027              :     /// @brief A precomputed factor by which the driver wants to be faster than the speed limit
    1028              :     double myChosenSpeedFactor;
    1029              : 
    1030              :     /// @brief The vehicle's list of stops
    1031              :     std::list<MSStop> myStops;
    1032              : 
    1033              :     /// @brief The list of stops that the vehicle has already reached
    1034              :     std::vector<SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop> myPastStops;
    1035              : 
    1036              : 
    1037              :     /// @name Move reminder structures
    1038              :     /// @{
    1039              : 
    1040              :     /// @brief Definition of a move reminder container
    1041              :     //         The double value holds the relative position offset, i.e.,
    1042              :     //         offset + vehicle-position - moveReminder-position = distance,
    1043              :     //         i.e. the offset is counted up when the vehicle continues to a
    1044              :     //         succeeding lane.
    1045              :     typedef std::vector< std::pair<MSMoveReminder*, double> > MoveReminderCont;
    1046              : 
    1047              :     /// @brief Currently relevant move reminders
    1048              :     MoveReminderCont myMoveReminders;
    1049              :     /// @}
    1050              : 
    1051              :     /// @brief The devices this vehicle has
    1052              :     std::vector<MSVehicleDevice*> myDevices;
    1053              : 
    1054              :     /// @brief The passengers this vehicle may have
    1055              :     MSDevice_Transportable* myPersonDevice;
    1056              : 
    1057              :     /// @brief The containers this vehicle may have
    1058              :     MSDevice_Transportable* myContainerDevice;
    1059              : 
    1060              :     /// @brief The emission parameters this vehicle may have
    1061              :     mutable EnergyParams* myEnergyParams;
    1062              : 
    1063              :     /// @brief The real departure time
    1064              :     SUMOTime myDeparture;
    1065              : 
    1066              :     /// @brief The real depart position
    1067              :     double myDepartPos;
    1068              : 
    1069              :     /// @brief The position on the destination lane where the vehicle stops
    1070              :     double myArrivalPos;
    1071              : 
    1072              :     /// @brief The destination lane where the vehicle stops
    1073              :     int myArrivalLane;
    1074              : 
    1075              :     /// @brief The number of reroutings
    1076              :     int myNumberReroutes;
    1077              : 
    1078              :     /// @brief The offset when adding route stops with 'until' on route replacement
    1079              :     SUMOTime myStopUntilOffset;
    1080              : 
    1081              :     /// @brief A simple odometer to keep track of the length of the route already driven
    1082              :     double myOdometer;
    1083              : 
    1084              :     /// @brief status of the current vehicle route
    1085              :     int myRouteValidity;
    1086              : 
    1087              :     /// memory for parking search
    1088              :     StoppingPlaceMemory* myParkingMemory = nullptr;
    1089              :     StoppingPlaceMemory* myChargingMemory = nullptr;
    1090              :     int myNumberParkingReroutes = 0;
    1091              : 
    1092              :     /// @brief Whether this vehicle is registered as waiting for a person or container (for deadlock-recognition)
    1093              :     bool myAmRegisteredAsWaiting = false;
    1094              : 
    1095              :     /* @brief magic value for undeparted vehicles
    1096              :      * @note: in previous versions this was -1
    1097              :      */
    1098              :     static const SUMOTime NOT_YET_DEPARTED;
    1099              : 
    1100              :     static std::vector<MSTransportable*> myEmptyTransportableVector;
    1101              : 
    1102              :     /* @brief The logical 'reversed' state of the vehicle - intended to be used by drawing functions
    1103              :      * @note:   only set by vClass rail reversing at the moment
    1104              :      */
    1105              :     bool myAmReversed = false;
    1106              : 
    1107              :     ///@brief routing mode (see TraCIConstants.h)
    1108              :     int myRoutingMode;
    1109              : 
    1110              : private:
    1111              :     const NumericalID myNumericalID;
    1112              : 
    1113              :     /* @brief The vehicle's knowledge about edge efforts/travel times; @see MSEdgeWeightsStorage
    1114              :      * @note member is initialized on first access */
    1115              :     mutable MSEdgeWeightsStorage* myEdgeWeights;
    1116              : 
    1117              :     MSEdgeWeightsStorage& _getWeightsStorage() const;
    1118              : 
    1119              :     static NumericalID myCurrentNumericalIndex;
    1120              : 
    1121              :     /// @brief init model parameters from generic params
    1122              :     void initTransientModelParams();
    1123              : 
    1124              :     /// @brief reconstruct flow id from vehicle id
    1125              :     std::string getFlowID() const;
    1126              : 
    1127              :     /// @brief remove route at the end of the simulation
    1128              :     void checkRouteRemoval();
    1129              : 
    1130              :     /// @brief helper function
    1131              :     bool insertJump(int nextStopIndex, MSRouteIterator itStart, std::string& errorMsg);
    1132              : 
    1133              :     /// @brief patch to record the number of skipped candidate edges before stop.edge (in a looped route)
    1134              :     void setSkips(MSStop& stop, int prevActiveStops);
    1135              : 
    1136              : private:
    1137              :     /// invalidated assignment operator
    1138              :     MSBaseVehicle& operator=(const MSBaseVehicle& s) = delete;
    1139              : 
    1140              : #ifdef _DEBUG
    1141              : public:
    1142              :     static void initMoveReminderOutput(const OptionsCont& oc);
    1143              : 
    1144              : protected:
    1145              :     /// @brief optionally generate movereminder-output for this vehicle
    1146              :     void traceMoveReminder(const std::string& type, MSMoveReminder* rem, double pos, bool keep) const;
    1147              : 
    1148              :     /// @brief whether this vehicle shall trace its moveReminders
    1149              :     const bool myTraceMoveReminders;
    1150              : private:
    1151              :     /// @brief vehicles which shall trace their move reminders
    1152              :     static std::set<std::string> myShallTraceMoveReminders;
    1153              : #endif
    1154              : 
    1155              : 
    1156              : };

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