LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim - MSDriverState.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 82 82
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 100.0 % 15 15

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSDriverState.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Melanie Weber
      16              : /// @author  Andreas Kendziorra
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @date    Thu, 12 Jun 2014
      19              : ///
      20              : // The common superclass for modelling transportable objects like persons and containers
      21              : /****************************************************************************/
      22              : #include <config.h>
      23              : 
      24              : #include <math.h>
      25              : #include <cmath>
      26              : #include <utils/common/RandHelper.h>
      27              : #include <utils/common/SUMOTime.h>
      28              : //#include <microsim/MSVehicle.h>
      29              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSPerson.h>
      30              : //#include <microsim/MSLane.h>
      31              : #include <microsim/MSEdge.h>
      32              : //#include <microsim/MSGlobals.h>
      33              : //#include <microsim/MSNet.h>
      34              : #include <microsim/traffic_lights/MSTrafficLightLogic.h>
      35              : #include <microsim/lcmodels/MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h>
      36              : #include "MSDriverState.h"
      37              : 
      38              : // ===========================================================================
      39              : // DEBUG constants
      40              : // ===========================================================================
      41              : //#define DEBUG_OUPROCESS
      42              : //#define DEBUG_TRAFFIC_ITEMS
      43              : //#define DEBUG_AWARENESS
      44              : //#define DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
      45              : //#define DEBUG_DRIVERSTATE
      46              : #define DEBUG_COND (true)
      47              : //#define DEBUG_COND (myVehicle->isSelected())
      48              : 
      49              : 
      50              : /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
      51              :  * static member definitions
      52              :  * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
      53              : // hash function
      54              : //std::hash<std::string> MSDriverState::MSTrafficItem::hash = std::hash<std::string>();
      55              : SumoRNG OUProcess::myRNG("driverstate");
      56              : 
      57              : // ===========================================================================
      58              : // Default value definitions
      59              : // ===========================================================================
      60              : //double TCIDefaults::myMinTaskCapability = 0.1;
      61              : //double TCIDefaults::myMaxTaskCapability = 10.0;
      62              : //double TCIDefaults::myMaxTaskDemand = 20.0;
      63              : //double TCIDefaults::myMaxDifficulty = 10.0;
      64              : //double TCIDefaults::mySubCriticalDifficultyCoefficient = 0.1;
      65              : //double TCIDefaults::mySuperCriticalDifficultyCoefficient = 1.0;
      66              : //double TCIDefaults::myOppositeDirectionDrivingFactor = 1.3;
      67              : //double TCIDefaults::myHomeostasisDifficulty = 1.5;
      68              : //double TCIDefaults::myCapabilityTimeScale = 0.5;
      69              : //double TCIDefaults::myAccelerationErrorTimeScaleCoefficient = 1.0;
      70              : //double TCIDefaults::myAccelerationErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient = 1.0;
      71              : //double TCIDefaults::myActionStepLengthCoefficient = 1.0;
      72              : //double TCIDefaults::myMinActionStepLength = 0.0;
      73              : //double TCIDefaults::myMaxActionStepLength = 3.0;
      74              : //double TCIDefaults::mySpeedPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient = 1.0;
      75              : //double TCIDefaults::mySpeedPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient = 1.0;
      76              : //double TCIDefaults::myHeadwayPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient = 1.0;
      77              : //double TCIDefaults::myHeadwayPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient = 1.0;
      78              : 
      79              : double DriverStateDefaults::minAwareness = 0.1;
      80              : double DriverStateDefaults::initialAwareness = 1.0;
      81              : double DriverStateDefaults::errorTimeScaleCoefficient = 100.0;
      82              : double DriverStateDefaults::errorNoiseIntensityCoefficient = 0.2;
      83              : double DriverStateDefaults::speedDifferenceErrorCoefficient = 0.15;
      84              : double DriverStateDefaults::headwayErrorCoefficient = 0.75;
      85              : double DriverStateDefaults::freeSpeedErrorCoefficient = 0.0;
      86              : double DriverStateDefaults::speedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold = 0.1;
      87              : double DriverStateDefaults::headwayChangePerceptionThreshold = 0.1;
      88              : double DriverStateDefaults::maximalReactionTimeFactor = 1.0;
      89              : 
      90              : 
      91              : // ===========================================================================
      92              : // method definitions
      93              : // ===========================================================================
      94              : 
      95          194 : OUProcess::OUProcess(double initialState, double timeScale, double noiseIntensity)
      96          194 :     : myState(initialState),
      97          194 :       myTimeScale(timeScale),
      98          194 :       myNoiseIntensity(noiseIntensity) {}
      99              : 
     100              : 
     101          194 : OUProcess::~OUProcess() {}
     102              : 
     103              : 
     104              : void
     105        59628 : OUProcess::step(double dt) {
     106              : #ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     107              :     const double oldstate = myState;
     108              : #endif
     109        59628 :     myState = exp(-dt / myTimeScale) * myState + myNoiseIntensity * sqrt(2 * dt / myTimeScale) * RandHelper::randNorm(0, 1, &myRNG);
     110              : #ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     111              :     std::cout << "  OU-step (" << dt << " s.): " << oldstate << "->" << myState << std::endl;
     112              : #endif
     113        59628 : }
     114              : 
     115              : double
     116        25346 : OUProcess::step(double state, double dt, double timeScale, double noiseIntensity) {
     117              :     /// see above
     118        25346 :     return exp(-dt / timeScale) * state + noiseIntensity * sqrt(2 * dt / timeScale) * RandHelper::randNorm(0, 1, &myRNG);
     119              : }
     120              : 
     121              : double
     122      1170571 : OUProcess::getState() const {
     123      1170571 :     return myState;
     124              : }
     125              : 
     126              : 
     127          194 : MSSimpleDriverState::MSSimpleDriverState(MSVehicle* veh) :
     128          194 :     myVehicle(veh),
     129          194 :     myAwareness(1.),
     130          194 :     myMinAwareness(DriverStateDefaults::minAwareness),
     131          194 :     myError(0., 1., 1.),
     132          194 :     myErrorTimeScaleCoefficient(DriverStateDefaults::errorTimeScaleCoefficient),
     133          194 :     myErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient(DriverStateDefaults::errorNoiseIntensityCoefficient),
     134          194 :     mySpeedDifferenceErrorCoefficient(DriverStateDefaults::speedDifferenceErrorCoefficient),
     135          194 :     myHeadwayErrorCoefficient(DriverStateDefaults::headwayErrorCoefficient),
     136          194 :     myFreeSpeedErrorCoefficient(DriverStateDefaults::freeSpeedErrorCoefficient),
     137          194 :     myHeadwayChangePerceptionThreshold(DriverStateDefaults::headwayChangePerceptionThreshold),
     138          194 :     mySpeedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold(DriverStateDefaults::speedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold),
     139          194 :     myOriginalReactionTime(veh->getActionStepLengthSecs()),
     140          194 :     myMaximalReactionTime(DriverStateDefaults::maximalReactionTimeFactor * myOriginalReactionTime),
     141              : //    myActionStepLength(TS),
     142          194 :     myStepDuration(TS),
     143          194 :     myLastUpdateTime(SIMTIME - TS),
     144          194 :     myDebugLock(false) {
     145              : #ifdef DEBUG_DRIVERSTATE
     146              :     std::cout << "Constructing driver state for veh '" << veh->getID() << "'." << std::endl;
     147              : #endif
     148          194 :     updateError();
     149          194 :     updateReactionTime();
     150          194 : }
     151              : 
     152              : 
     153              : void
     154       256652 : MSSimpleDriverState::update() {
     155              : #ifdef DEBUG_AWARENESS
     156              :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     157              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " veh=" << myVehicle->getID() << ", DriverState::update()" << std::endl;
     158              :     }
     159              : #endif
     160              :     // Adapt step duration
     161       256652 :     updateStepDuration();
     162              :     // Update error
     163       256652 :     updateError();
     164              :     // Update actionStepLength, aka reaction time
     165       256652 :     updateReactionTime();
     166              :     // Update assumed gaps
     167       256652 :     updateAssumedGaps();
     168              : #ifdef DEBUG_AWARENESS
     169              :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     170              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " stepDuration=" << myStepDuration << ", error=" << myError.getState() << std::endl;
     171              :     }
     172              : #endif
     173       256652 : }
     174              : 
     175              : void
     176       256652 : MSSimpleDriverState::updateStepDuration() {
     177       256652 :     myStepDuration = SIMTIME - myLastUpdateTime;
     178       256652 :     myLastUpdateTime = SIMTIME;
     179       256652 : }
     180              : 
     181              : void
     182       256846 : MSSimpleDriverState::updateError() {
     183       256846 :     if (myAwareness == 1.0 || myAwareness == 0.0) {
     184              :         myError.setState(0.);
     185              :     } else {
     186        59628 :         myError.setTimeScale(myErrorTimeScaleCoefficient * myAwareness);
     187        59628 :         myError.setNoiseIntensity(myErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient * (1. - myAwareness));
     188        59628 :         myError.step(myStepDuration);
     189              :     }
     190       256846 : }
     191              : 
     192              : void
     193       257545 : MSSimpleDriverState::updateReactionTime() {
     194       257545 :     if (myAwareness == 1.0 || myAwareness == 0.0) {
     195       197463 :         myActionStepLength = myOriginalReactionTime;
     196              :     } else {
     197        60082 :         const double theta = (myAwareness - myMinAwareness) / (1.0 - myMinAwareness);
     198        60082 :         myActionStepLength = myOriginalReactionTime + theta * (myMaximalReactionTime - myOriginalReactionTime);
     199              :         // Round to multiple of simstep length
     200              :         int quotient;
     201        60082 :         remquo(myActionStepLength, TS, &quotient);
     202        60082 :         myActionStepLength = TS * MAX2(quotient, 1);
     203              :     }
     204       257545 : }
     205              : 
     206              : void
     207          696 : MSSimpleDriverState::setAwareness(const double value) {
     208              :     assert(value >= 0.);
     209              :     assert(value <= 1.);
     210              : #ifdef DEBUG_AWARENESS
     211              :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     212              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " veh=" << myVehicle->getID() << ", setAwareness(" << MAX2(value, myMinAwareness) << ")" << std::endl;
     213              :     }
     214              : #endif
     215          696 :     myAwareness = MAX2(value, myMinAwareness);
     216          696 :     if (myAwareness == 1.) {
     217              :         myError.setState(0.);
     218              :     }
     219          696 :     updateReactionTime();
     220          696 : }
     221              : 
     222              : 
     223              : double
     224       234108 : MSSimpleDriverState::getPerceivedOwnSpeed(double speed) {
     225       234108 :     return speed + myFreeSpeedErrorCoefficient * myError.getState() * sqrt(speed);
     226              : }
     227              : 
     228              : 
     229              : double
     230       542089 : MSSimpleDriverState::getPerceivedHeadway(const double trueGap, const void* objID) {
     231              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     232              :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     233              :         if (!debugLocked()) {
     234              :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " getPerceivedHeadway() for veh '" << myVehicle->getID() << "'\n"
     235              :                       << "    trueGap=" << trueGap << " objID=" << objID << std::endl;
     236              :         }
     237              :     }
     238              : #endif
     239              : 
     240       542089 :     const double perceivedGap = trueGap + myHeadwayErrorCoefficient * myError.getState() * trueGap;
     241              :     const auto assumedGap = myAssumedGap.find(objID);
     242              :     if (assumedGap == myAssumedGap.end()
     243       542089 :             || fabs(perceivedGap - assumedGap->second) > myHeadwayChangePerceptionThreshold * trueGap * (1.0 - myAwareness)) {
     244              : 
     245              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     246              :         if (!debugLocked()) {
     247              :             std::cout << "    new perceived gap (=" << perceivedGap << ") differs significantly from the assumed (="
     248              :                       << (assumedGap == myAssumedGap.end() ? "NA" : toString(assumedGap->second)) << ")" << std::endl;
     249              :         }
     250              : #endif
     251              : 
     252              :         // new perceived gap differs significantly from the previous
     253       353147 :         myAssumedGap[objID] = perceivedGap;
     254       353147 :         return perceivedGap;
     255              :     } else {
     256              : 
     257              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     258              :         if (DEBUG_COND) {
     259              :             if (!debugLocked()) {
     260              :                 std::cout << "    new perceived gap (=" << perceivedGap << ") does *not* differ significantly from the assumed (="
     261              :                           << (assumedGap->second) << ")" << std::endl;
     262              :             }
     263              :         }
     264              : #endif
     265              :         // new perceived gap doesn't differ significantly from the previous
     266       188942 :         return myAssumedGap[objID];
     267              :     }
     268              : }
     269              : 
     270              : void
     271       256652 : MSSimpleDriverState::updateAssumedGaps() {
     272      1450244 :     for (auto& p : myAssumedGap) {
     273      1193592 :         const void* objID = p.first;
     274              :         const auto speedDiff = myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference.find(objID);
     275              :         double assumedSpeedDiff;
     276      1193592 :         if (speedDiff != myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference.end()) {
     277              :             // update the assumed gap with the last perceived speed difference
     278      1163966 :             assumedSpeedDiff = speedDiff->second;
     279              :         } else {
     280              :             // Assume the object is not moving, if no perceived speed difference is known.
     281        29626 :             assumedSpeedDiff = -myVehicle->getSpeed();
     282              :         }
     283      1193592 :         p.second += SPEED2DIST(assumedSpeedDiff);
     284              :     }
     285       256652 : }
     286              : 
     287              : double
     288       394248 : MSSimpleDriverState::getPerceivedSpeedDifference(const double trueSpeedDifference, const double trueGap, const void* objID) {
     289              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     290              :     if (DEBUG_COND) {
     291              :         if (!debugLocked()) {
     292              :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " getPerceivedSpeedDifference() for veh '" << myVehicle->getID() << "'\n"
     293              :                       << "    trueGap=" << trueGap << " trueSpeedDifference=" << trueSpeedDifference << " objID=" << objID << std::endl;
     294              :         }
     295              :     }
     296              : #endif
     297       394248 :     const double perceivedSpeedDifference = trueSpeedDifference + mySpeedDifferenceErrorCoefficient * myError.getState() * trueGap;
     298              :     const auto lastPerceivedSpeedDifference = myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference.find(objID);
     299              :     if (lastPerceivedSpeedDifference == myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference.end()
     300       394248 :             || fabs(perceivedSpeedDifference - lastPerceivedSpeedDifference->second) > mySpeedDifferenceChangePerceptionThreshold * trueGap * (1.0 - myAwareness)) {
     301              : 
     302              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     303              :         if (DEBUG_COND) {
     304              :             if (!debugLocked()) {
     305              :                 std::cout << "    new perceived speed difference (=" << perceivedSpeedDifference << ") differs significantly from the last perceived (="
     306              :                           << (lastPerceivedSpeedDifference == myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference.end() ? "NA" : toString(lastPerceivedSpeedDifference->second)) << ")"
     307              :                           << std::endl;
     308              :             }
     309              :         }
     310              : #endif
     311              : 
     312              :         // new perceived speed difference differs significantly from the previous
     313       220822 :         myLastPerceivedSpeedDifference[objID] = perceivedSpeedDifference;
     314       220822 :         return perceivedSpeedDifference;
     315              :     } else {
     316              : #ifdef DEBUG_PERCEPTION_ERRORS
     317              :         if (!debugLocked()) {
     318              :             std::cout << "    new perceived speed difference (=" << perceivedSpeedDifference << ") does *not* differ significantly from the last perceived (="
     319              :                       << (lastPerceivedSpeedDifference->second) << ")" << std::endl;
     320              :         }
     321              : #endif
     322              :         // new perceived speed difference doesn't differ significantly from the previous
     323              :         return lastPerceivedSpeedDifference->second;
     324              :     }
     325              : }
     326              : 
     327              : 
     328              : //MSDriverState::MSTrafficItem::MSTrafficItem(MSTrafficItemType type, const std::string& id, std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics> data) :
     329              : //    type(type),
     330              : //    id_hash(hash(id)),
     331              : //    data(data),
     332              : //    remainingIntegrationTime(0.),
     333              : //    integrationDemand(0.),
     334              : //    latentDemand(0.)
     335              : //{}
     336              : //
     337              : //MSDriverState::MSDriverState(MSVehicle* veh) :
     338              : //            myVehicle(veh),
     339              : //            myMinTaskCapability(TCIDefaults::myMinTaskCapability),
     340              : //            myMaxTaskCapability(TCIDefaults::myMaxTaskCapability),
     341              : //            myMaxTaskDemand(TCIDefaults::myMaxTaskDemand),
     342              : //            myMaxDifficulty(TCIDefaults::myMaxDifficulty),
     343              : //            mySubCriticalDifficultyCoefficient(TCIDefaults::mySubCriticalDifficultyCoefficient),
     344              : //            mySuperCriticalDifficultyCoefficient(TCIDefaults::mySuperCriticalDifficultyCoefficient),
     345              : //            myOppositeDirectionDrivingDemandFactor(TCIDefaults::myOppositeDirectionDrivingFactor),
     346              : //            myHomeostasisDifficulty(TCIDefaults::myHomeostasisDifficulty),
     347              : //            myCapabilityTimeScale(TCIDefaults::myCapabilityTimeScale),
     348              : //            myAccelerationErrorTimeScaleCoefficient(TCIDefaults::myAccelerationErrorTimeScaleCoefficient),
     349              : //            myAccelerationErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient(TCIDefaults::myAccelerationErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient),
     350              : //            myActionStepLengthCoefficient(TCIDefaults::myActionStepLengthCoefficient),
     351              : //            myMinActionStepLength(TCIDefaults::myMinActionStepLength),
     352              : //            myMaxActionStepLength(TCIDefaults::myMaxActionStepLength),
     353              : //            mySpeedPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient(TCIDefaults::mySpeedPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient),
     354              : //            mySpeedPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient(TCIDefaults::mySpeedPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient),
     355              : //            myHeadwayPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient(TCIDefaults::myHeadwayPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient),
     356              : //            myHeadwayPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient(TCIDefaults::myHeadwayPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient),
     357              : //            myAmOpposite(false),
     358              : //            myAccelerationError(0., 1.,1.),
     359              : //            myHeadwayPerceptionError(0., 1.,1.),
     360              : //            mySpeedPerceptionError(0., 1.,1.),
     361              : //            myTaskDemand(0.),
     362              : //            myTaskCapability(myMaxTaskCapability),
     363              : //            myCurrentDrivingDifficulty(myTaskDemand/myTaskCapability),
     364              : //            myActionStepLength(TS),
     365              : //            myStepDuration(TS),
     366              : //            myLastUpdateTime(SIMTIME-TS),
     367              : //            myCurrentSpeed(0.),
     368              : //            myCurrentAcceleration(0.)
     369              : //{}
     370              : //
     371              : //
     372              : //void
     373              : //MSDriverState::updateStepDuration() {
     374              : //    myStepDuration = SIMTIME - myLastUpdateTime;
     375              : //    myLastUpdateTime = SIMTIME;
     376              : //}
     377              : //
     378              : //
     379              : //void
     380              : //MSDriverState::calculateDrivingDifficulty() {
     381              : //    if (myAmOpposite) {
     382              : //        myCurrentDrivingDifficulty = difficultyFunction(myOppositeDirectionDrivingDemandFactor*myTaskDemand/myTaskCapability);
     383              : //    } else {
     384              : //        myCurrentDrivingDifficulty = difficultyFunction(myTaskDemand/myTaskCapability);
     385              : //    }
     386              : //}
     387              : //
     388              : //
     389              : //double
     390              : //MSDriverState::difficultyFunction(double demandCapabilityQuotient) const {
     391              : //    double difficulty;
     392              : //    if (demandCapabilityQuotient <= 1) {
     393              : //        // demand does not exceed capability -> we are in the region for a slight ascend of difficulty
     394              : //        difficulty = mySubCriticalDifficultyCoefficient*demandCapabilityQuotient;
     395              : //    } else {
     396              : //        // demand exceeds capability -> we are in the region for a steeper ascend of the effect of difficulty
     397              : //        difficulty = mySubCriticalDifficultyCoefficient + (demandCapabilityQuotient - 1)*mySuperCriticalDifficultyCoefficient;
     398              : //    }
     399              : //    return MIN2(myMaxDifficulty, difficulty);
     400              : //}
     401              : //
     402              : //
     403              : //void
     404              : //MSDriverState::adaptTaskCapability() {
     405              : //    myTaskCapability = myTaskCapability + myCapabilityTimeScale*myStepDuration*(myTaskDemand - myHomeostasisDifficulty*myTaskCapability);
     406              : //}
     407              : //
     408              : //
     409              : //void
     410              : //MSDriverState::updateAccelerationError() {
     411              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     412              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     413              : //        std::cout << SIMTIME << " Updating acceleration error (for " << myStepDuration << " s.):\n  "
     414              : //                << myAccelerationError.getState() << " -> ";
     415              : //    }
     416              : //#endif
     417              : //
     418              : //    updateErrorProcess(myAccelerationError, myAccelerationErrorTimeScaleCoefficient, myAccelerationErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient);
     419              : //
     420              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     421              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     422              : //        std::cout << myAccelerationError.getState() << std::endl;
     423              : //    }
     424              : //#endif
     425              : //}
     426              : //
     427              : //void
     428              : //MSDriverState::updateSpeedPerceptionError() {
     429              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     430              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     431              : //        std::cout << SIMTIME << " Updating speed perception error (for " << myStepDuration << " s.):\n  "
     432              : //        << mySpeedPerceptionError.getState() << " -> ";
     433              : //    }
     434              : //#endif
     435              : //
     436              : //    updateErrorProcess(mySpeedPerceptionError, mySpeedPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient, mySpeedPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient);
     437              : //
     438              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     439              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     440              : //        std::cout << mySpeedPerceptionError.getState() << std::endl;
     441              : //    }
     442              : //#endif
     443              : //}
     444              : //
     445              : //void
     446              : //MSDriverState::updateHeadwayPerceptionError() {
     447              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     448              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     449              : //        std::cout << SIMTIME << " Updating headway perception error (for " << myStepDuration << " s.):\n  "
     450              : //        << myHeadwayPerceptionError.getState() << " -> ";
     451              : //    }
     452              : //#endif
     453              : //
     454              : //    updateErrorProcess(myHeadwayPerceptionError, myHeadwayPerceptionErrorTimeScaleCoefficient, myHeadwayPerceptionErrorNoiseIntensityCoefficient);
     455              : //
     456              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     457              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     458              : //        std::cout << myHeadwayPerceptionError.getState() << std::endl;
     459              : //    }
     460              : //#endif
     461              : //}
     462              : //
     463              : //void
     464              : //MSDriverState::updateActionStepLength() {
     465              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     466              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     467              : //        std::cout << SIMTIME << " Updating action step length (for " << myStepDuration << " s.): \n" << myActionStepLength;
     468              : //    }
     469              : //#endif
     470              : //    if (myActionStepLengthCoefficient*myCurrentDrivingDifficulty <= myMinActionStepLength) {
     471              : //        myActionStepLength = myMinActionStepLength;
     472              : //    } else {
     473              : //        myActionStepLength = MIN2(myActionStepLengthCoefficient*myCurrentDrivingDifficulty - myMinActionStepLength, myMaxActionStepLength);
     474              : //    }
     475              : //#ifdef DEBUG_OUPROCESS
     476              : //    if (DEBUG_COND) {
     477              : //        std::cout << " -> " << myActionStepLength << std::endl;
     478              : //    }
     479              : //#endif
     480              : //}
     481              : //
     482              : //
     483              : //void
     484              : //MSDriverState::updateErrorProcess(OUProcess& errorProcess, double timeScaleCoefficient, double noiseIntensityCoefficient) const {
     485              : //    if (myCurrentDrivingDifficulty == 0) {
     486              : //        errorProcess.setState(0.);
     487              : //    } else {
     488              : //        errorProcess.setTimeScale(timeScaleCoefficient/myCurrentDrivingDifficulty);
     489              : //        errorProcess.setNoiseIntensity(myCurrentDrivingDifficulty*noiseIntensityCoefficient);
     490              : //        errorProcess.step(myStepDuration);
     491              : //    }
     492              : //}
     493              : //
     494              : //void
     495              : //MSDriverState::registerLeader(const MSVehicle* leader, double gap, double relativeSpeed, double latGap) {
     496              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics> tic = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics>(std::make_shared<VehicleCharacteristics>(leader, gap, latGap, relativeSpeed));
     497              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti = std::make_shared<MSTrafficItem>(TRAFFIC_ITEM_VEHICLE, leader->getID(), tic);
     498              : //    registerTrafficItem(ti);
     499              : //}
     500              : //
     501              : //void
     502              : //MSDriverState::registerPedestrian(const MSPerson* pedestrian, double gap) {
     503              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics> tic = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics>(std::make_shared<PedestrianCharacteristics>(pedestrian, gap));
     504              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti = std::make_shared<MSTrafficItem>(TRAFFIC_ITEM_PEDESTRIAN, pedestrian->getID(), tic);
     505              : //    registerTrafficItem(ti);
     506              : //}
     507              : //
     508              : //void
     509              : //MSDriverState::registerSpeedLimit(const MSLane* lane, double speedLimit, double dist) {
     510              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics> tic = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics>(std::make_shared<SpeedLimitCharacteristics>(lane, dist, speedLimit));
     511              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti = std::make_shared<MSTrafficItem>(TRAFFIC_ITEM_SPEED_LIMIT, lane->getID(), tic);
     512              : //    registerTrafficItem(ti);
     513              : //}
     514              : //
     515              : //void
     516              : //MSDriverState::registerJunction(MSLink* link, double dist) {
     517              : //    const MSJunction* junction = link->getJunction();
     518              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics> tic = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<MSTrafficItemCharacteristics>(std::make_shared<JunctionCharacteristics>(junction, link, dist));
     519              : //    std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti = std::make_shared<MSTrafficItem>(TRAFFIC_ITEM_JUNCTION, junction->getID(), tic);
     520              : //    registerTrafficItem(ti);
     521              : //}
     522              : //
     523              : //void
     524              : //MSDriverState::registerEgoVehicleState() {
     525              : //    myAmOpposite = myVehicle->getLaneChangeModel().isOpposite();
     526              : //    myCurrentSpeed = myVehicle->getSpeed();
     527              : //    myCurrentAcceleration = myVehicle->getAcceleration();
     528              : //}
     529              : //
     530              : //void
     531              : //MSDriverState::update() {
     532              : //    // Adapt step duration
     533              : //    updateStepDuration();
     534              : //
     535              : //    // Replace traffic items from previous step with the newly encountered.
     536              : //    myTrafficItems = myNewTrafficItems;
     537              : //
     538              : //    // Iterate through present traffic items and take into account the corresponding
     539              : //    // task demands. Further update the item's integration progress.
     540              : //    for (auto& hashItemPair : myTrafficItems) {
     541              : //        // Traffic item
     542              : //        auto ti = hashItemPair.second;
     543              : //        // Take into account the task demand associated with the item
     544              : //        integrateDemand(ti);
     545              : //        // Update integration progress
     546              : //        if (ti->remainingIntegrationTime>0) {
     547              : //            updateItemIntegration(ti);
     548              : //        }
     549              : //    }
     550              : //
     551              : //    // Update capability (~attention) according to the changed demand
     552              : //    // NOTE: Doing this before recalculating the errors seems more adequate
     553              : //    //       than after adjusting the errors, since a very fast time scale
     554              : //    //       for the capability could not be captured otherwise. A slow timescale
     555              : //    //       could still be tuned to have a desired effect.
     556              : //    adaptTaskCapability();
     557              : //
     558              : //    // Update driving difficulty
     559              : //    calculateDrivingDifficulty();
     560              : //
     561              : //    // Update errors
     562              : //    updateAccelerationError();
     563              : //    updateSpeedPerceptionError();
     564              : //    updateHeadwayPerceptionError();
     565              : //    updateActionStepLength();
     566              : //}
     567              : //
     568              : //
     569              : //void
     570              : //MSDriverState::integrateDemand(std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti) {
     571              : //    myMaxTaskDemand += ti->integrationDemand;
     572              : //    myMaxTaskDemand += ti->latentDemand;
     573              : //}
     574              : //
     575              : //
     576              : //void
     577              : //MSDriverState::registerTrafficItem(std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti) {
     578              : //    if (myNewTrafficItems.find(ti->id_hash) == myNewTrafficItems.end()) {
     579              : //
     580              : //        // Update demand associated with the item
     581              : //        auto knownTiIt = myTrafficItems.find(ti->id_hash);
     582              : //        if (knownTiIt == myTrafficItems.end()) {
     583              : //            // new item --> init integration demand and latent task demand
     584              : //            calculateIntegrationDemandAndTime(ti);
     585              : //        } else {
     586              : //            // known item --> only update latent task demand associated with the item
     587              : //            ti = knownTiIt->second;
     588              : //        }
     589              : //        calculateLatentDemand(ti);
     590              : //
     591              : //        // Track item
     592              : //        myNewTrafficItems[ti->id_hash] = ti;
     593              : //    }
     594              : //}
     595              : //
     596              : //
     597              : //void
     598              : //MSDriverState::updateItemIntegration(std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti) const {
     599              : //    // Eventually decrease integration time and take into account integration cost.
     600              : //    ti->remainingIntegrationTime -= myStepDuration;
     601              : //    if (ti->remainingIntegrationTime <= 0.) {
     602              : //        ti->remainingIntegrationTime = 0.;
     603              : //        ti->integrationDemand = 0.;
     604              : //    }
     605              : //}
     606              : //
     607              : //
     608              : //void
     609              : //MSDriverState::calculateIntegrationDemandAndTime(std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti) const {
     610              : //    // @todo Idea is that the integration demand is the quantitatively the same for a specific
     611              : //    //       item type with definite characteristics but it can be stretched over time,
     612              : //    //       if the integration is less urgent (item farther away), thus resulting in
     613              : //    //       smaller effort for a longer time.
     614              : //    switch (ti->type) {
     615              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_JUNCTION: {
     616              : //        std::shared_ptr<JunctionCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JunctionCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     617              : //        const double totalIntegrationDemand = calculateJunctionIntegrationDemand(ch);
     618              : //        const double integrationTime = calculateIntegrationTime(ch->dist, myVehicle->getSpeed());
     619              : //        ti->integrationDemand = totalIntegrationDemand/integrationTime;
     620              : //        ti->remainingIntegrationTime = integrationTime;
     621              : //    }
     622              : //    break;
     623              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_PEDESTRIAN: {
     624              : //        std::shared_ptr<PedestrianCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PedestrianCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     625              : //        const double totalIntegrationDemand = calculatePedestrianIntegrationDemand(ch);
     626              : //        const double integrationTime = calculateIntegrationTime(ch->dist, myVehicle->getSpeed());
     627              : //        ti->integrationDemand = totalIntegrationDemand/integrationTime;
     628              : //        ti->remainingIntegrationTime = integrationTime;
     629              : //    }
     630              : //    break;
     631              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_SPEED_LIMIT: {
     632              : //        std::shared_ptr<SpeedLimitCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SpeedLimitCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     633              : //        const double totalIntegrationDemand = calculateSpeedLimitIntegrationDemand(ch);
     634              : //        const double integrationTime = calculateIntegrationTime(ch->dist, myVehicle->getSpeed());
     635              : //        ti->integrationDemand = totalIntegrationDemand/integrationTime;
     636              : //        ti->remainingIntegrationTime = integrationTime;
     637              : //    }
     638              : //    break;
     639              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_VEHICLE: {
     640              : //        std::shared_ptr<VehicleCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<VehicleCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     641              : //        ti->latentDemand = calculateLatentVehicleDemand(ch);
     642              : //        const double totalIntegrationDemand = calculateVehicleIntegrationDemand(ch);
     643              : //        const double integrationTime = calculateIntegrationTime(ch->longitudinalDist, ch->relativeSpeed);
     644              : //        ti->integrationDemand = totalIntegrationDemand/integrationTime;
     645              : //        ti->remainingIntegrationTime = integrationTime;
     646              : //    }
     647              : //    break;
     648              : //    default:
     649              : //        WRITE_WARNING(TL("Unknown traffic item type!"))
     650              : //        break;
     651              : //    }
     652              : //}
     653              : //
     654              : //
     655              : //double
     656              : //MSDriverState::calculatePedestrianIntegrationDemand(std::shared_ptr<PedestrianCharacteristics> ch) const {
     657              : //    // Integration demand for a pedestrian
     658              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_PEDESTRIAN = 0.5;
     659              : //    return INTEGRATION_DEMAND_PEDESTRIAN;
     660              : //}
     661              : //
     662              : //
     663              : //double
     664              : //MSDriverState::calculateSpeedLimitIntegrationDemand(std::shared_ptr<SpeedLimitCharacteristics> ch) const {
     665              : //    // Integration demand for speed limit
     666              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_SPEEDLIMIT = 0.1;
     667              : //    return INTEGRATION_DEMAND_SPEEDLIMIT;
     668              : //}
     669              : //
     670              : //
     671              : //double
     672              : //MSDriverState::calculateJunctionIntegrationDemand(std::shared_ptr<JunctionCharacteristics> ch) const {
     673              : //    // Latent demand for junction is proportional to number of conflicting lanes
     674              : //    // for the vehicle's path plus a factor for the total number of incoming lanes
     675              : //    // at the junction. Further, the distance to the junction is inversely proportional
     676              : //    // to the induced demand [~1/(c*dist + 1)].
     677              : //    // Traffic lights induce an additional demand
     678              : //    const MSJunction* j = ch->junction;
     679              : //
     680              : //    // Basic junction integration demand
     681              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_BASE = 0.3;
     682              : //
     683              : //    // Surplus integration demands
     684              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_TLS = 0.2;
     685              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_FOE_LANE = 0.3; // per foe lane
     686              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_LANE = 0.1; // per lane
     687              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_RAIL = 0.2;
     688              : //    const double INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_ZIPPER = 0.3;
     689              : //
     690              : //    double result = INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_BASE;
     691              : ////    LinkState linkState = ch->approachingLink->getState();
     692              : //    switch (ch->junction->getType()) {
     693              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::NOJUNCTION:
     694              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::UNKNOWN:
     695              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DISTRICT:
     696              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DEAD_END:
     697              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DEAD_END_DEPRECATED:
     698              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RAIL_SIGNAL: {
     699              : //        result = 0.;
     700              : //    }
     701              : //    break;
     702              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RAIL_CROSSING: {
     703              : //        result += INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_RAIL;
     704              : //    }
     705              : //    break;
     706              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT:
     707              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT_NOJUNCTION:
     708              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT_RIGHT_ON_RED: {
     709              : //        // TODO: Take into account traffic light state?
     710              : ////        switch (linkState) {
     711              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR:
     712              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MINOR:
     713              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_RED:
     714              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_REDYELLOW:
     715              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_YELLOW_MAJOR:
     716              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_YELLOW_MINOR:
     717              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_BLINKING:
     718              : ////        case LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_NOSIGNAL:
     719              : ////        default:
     720              : ////        }
     721              : //        result += INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_TLS;
     722              : //    }
     723              : //    // no break. TLS has extra integration demand.
     724              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::PRIORITY:
     725              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::PRIORITY_STOP:
     726              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RIGHT_BEFORE_LEFT:
     727              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::ALLWAY_STOP:
     728              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::INTERNAL: {
     729              : //        // TODO: Consider link type (major or minor...)
     730              : //        double junctionComplexity = (INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_LANE*j->getNrOfIncomingLanes()
     731              : //                + INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_FOE_LANE*j->getFoeLinks(ch->approachingLink).size());
     732              : //        result += junctionComplexity;
     733              : //    }
     734              : //    break;
     735              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::ZIPPER: {
     736              : //        result += INTEGRATION_DEMAND_JUNCTION_ZIPPER;
     737              : //    }
     738              : //    break;
     739              : //    default:
     740              : //        assert(false);
     741              : //        result = 0.;
     742              : //    }
     743              : //    return result;
     744              : //
     745              : //}
     746              : //
     747              : //
     748              : //double
     749              : //MSDriverState::calculateVehicleIntegrationDemand(std::shared_ptr<VehicleCharacteristics> ch) const {
     750              : //    // TODO
     751              : //    return 0.;
     752              : //}
     753              : //
     754              : //
     755              : //double
     756              : //MSDriverState::calculateIntegrationTime(double dist, double speed) const {
     757              : //    // Fraction of encounter time, which is accounted for the corresponding traffic item's integration
     758              : //    const double INTEGRATION_TIME_COEFF = 0.5;
     759              : //    // Maximal time to be accounted for integration
     760              : //    const double MAX_INTEGRATION_TIME = 5.;
     761              : //    if (speed <= 0.) {
     762              : //        return MAX_INTEGRATION_TIME;
     763              : //    } else {
     764              : //        return MIN2(MAX_INTEGRATION_TIME, INTEGRATION_TIME_COEFF*dist/speed);
     765              : //    }
     766              : //}
     767              : //
     768              : //
     769              : //void
     770              : //MSDriverState::calculateLatentDemand(std::shared_ptr<MSTrafficItem> ti) const {
     771              : //    switch (ti->type) {
     772              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_JUNCTION: {
     773              : //        std::shared_ptr<JunctionCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<JunctionCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     774              : //        ti->latentDemand = calculateLatentJunctionDemand(ch);
     775              : //    }
     776              : //    break;
     777              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_PEDESTRIAN: {
     778              : //        std::shared_ptr<PedestrianCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PedestrianCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     779              : //        ti->latentDemand = calculateLatentPedestrianDemand(ch);
     780              : //    }
     781              : //    break;
     782              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_SPEED_LIMIT: {
     783              : //        std::shared_ptr<SpeedLimitCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<SpeedLimitCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     784              : //        ti->latentDemand = calculateLatentSpeedLimitDemand(ch);
     785              : //    }
     786              : //    break;
     787              : //    case TRAFFIC_ITEM_VEHICLE: {
     788              : //        std::shared_ptr<VehicleCharacteristics> ch = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<VehicleCharacteristics>(ti->data);
     789              : //        ti->latentDemand = calculateLatentVehicleDemand(ch);
     790              : //    }
     791              : //    break;
     792              : //    default:
     793              : //        WRITE_WARNING(TL("Unknown traffic item type!"))
     794              : //        break;
     795              : //    }
     796              : //}
     797              : //
     798              : //
     799              : //double
     800              : //MSDriverState::calculateLatentPedestrianDemand(std::shared_ptr<PedestrianCharacteristics> ch) const {
     801              : //    // Latent demand for pedestrian is proportional to the euclidean distance to the
     802              : //    // pedestrian (i.e. its potential to 'jump in front of the car) [~1/(c*dist + 1)]
     803              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_PEDESTRIAN_DIST = 0.1;
     804              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_PEDESTRIAN = 0.5;
     805              : //    double result = LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_PEDESTRIAN/(1. + LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_PEDESTRIAN_DIST*ch->dist);
     806              : //    return result;
     807              : //}
     808              : //
     809              : //
     810              : //double
     811              : //MSDriverState::calculateLatentSpeedLimitDemand(std::shared_ptr<SpeedLimitCharacteristics> ch) const {
     812              : //    // Latent demand for speed limit is proportional to speed difference to current vehicle speed
     813              : //    // during approach [~c*(1+deltaV) if dist<threshold].
     814              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_SPEEDLIMIT_TIME_THRESH = 5;
     815              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_SPEEDLIMIT = 0.1;
     816              : //    double dist_thresh = LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_SPEEDLIMIT_TIME_THRESH*myVehicle->getSpeed();
     817              : //    double result = 0.;
     818              : //    if (ch->dist <= dist_thresh && myVehicle->getSpeed() > ch->limit*myVehicle->getChosenSpeedFactor()) {
     819              : //        // Upcoming speed limit does require a slowdown and is close enough.
     820              : //        double dv = myVehicle->getSpeed() - ch->limit*myVehicle->getChosenSpeedFactor();
     821              : //        result = LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_SPEEDLIMIT*(1 + dv);
     822              : //    }
     823              : //    return result;
     824              : //}
     825              : //
     826              : //
     827              : //double
     828              : //MSDriverState::calculateLatentVehicleDemand(std::shared_ptr<VehicleCharacteristics> ch) const {
     829              : //
     830              : //
     831              : //    // TODO
     832              : //
     833              : //
     834              : //    // Latent demand for neighboring vehicle is determined from the relative and absolute speed,
     835              : //    // and from the lateral and longitudinal distance.
     836              : //    double result = 0.;
     837              : //    const MSVehicle* foe = ch->foe;
     838              : //    if (foe->getEdge() == myVehicle->getEdge()) {
     839              : //        // on same edge
     840              : //    } else if (foe->getEdge() == myVehicle->getEdge()->getOppositeEdge()) {
     841              : //        // on opposite edges
     842              : //    }
     843              : //    return result;
     844              : //}
     845              : //
     846              : //
     847              : //
     848              : //double
     849              : //MSDriverState::calculateLatentJunctionDemand(std::shared_ptr<JunctionCharacteristics> ch) const {
     850              : //    // Latent demand for junction is proportional to number of conflicting lanes
     851              : //    // for the vehicle's path plus a factor for the total number of incoming lanes
     852              : //    // at the junction. Further, the distance to the junction is inversely proportional
     853              : //    // to the induced demand [~1/(c*dist + 1)].
     854              : //    // Traffic lights induce an additional demand
     855              : //    const MSJunction* j = ch->junction;
     856              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_TIME_DIST_THRESH = 5; // seconds till arrival, below which junction is relevant
     857              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_INCOMING = 0.1;
     858              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_FOES = 0.5;
     859              : //    const double LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_DIST = 0.1;
     860              : //
     861              : //    double v = myVehicle->getSpeed();
     862              : //    double dist_thresh = LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_TIME_DIST_THRESH*v;
     863              : //
     864              : //    if (ch->dist > dist_thresh) {
     865              : //        return 0.;
     866              : //    }
     867              : //    double result = 0.;
     868              : //    LinkState linkState = ch->approachingLink->getState();
     869              : //    switch (ch->junction->getType()) {
     870              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::NOJUNCTION:
     871              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::UNKNOWN:
     872              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DISTRICT:
     873              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DEAD_END:
     874              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::DEAD_END_DEPRECATED:
     875              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RAIL_SIGNAL: {
     876              : //        result = 0.;
     877              : //    }
     878              : //    break;
     879              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RAIL_CROSSING: {
     880              : //        result = 0.5;
     881              : //    }
     882              : //    break;
     883              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT:
     884              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT_NOJUNCTION:
     885              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::TRAFFIC_LIGHT_RIGHT_ON_RED: {
     886              : //        // Take into account traffic light state
     887              : //        switch (linkState) {
     888              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR:
     889              : //            result = 0;
     890              : //            break;
     891              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MINOR:
     892              : //            result = 0.2*(1. + 0.1*v);
     893              : //            break;
     894              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_RED:
     895              : //            result = 0.1*(1. + 0.1*v);
     896              : //            break;
     897              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_REDYELLOW:
     898              : //            result = 0.2*(1. + 0.1*v);
     899              : //            break;
     900              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_YELLOW_MAJOR:
     901              : //            result = 0.1*(1. + 0.1*v);
     902              : //            break;
     903              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_YELLOW_MINOR:
     904              : //            result = 0.2*(1. + 0.1*v);
     905              : //            break;
     906              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_BLINKING:
     907              : //            result = 0.3*(1. + 0.1*v);
     908              : //            break;
     909              : //        case LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_NOSIGNAL:
     910              : //            result = 0.2*(1. + 0.1*v);
     911              : //        }
     912              : //    }
     913              : //    // no break, TLS is accounted extra
     914              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::PRIORITY:
     915              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::PRIORITY_STOP:
     916              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::RIGHT_BEFORE_LEFT:
     917              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::ALLWAY_STOP:
     918              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::INTERNAL: {
     919              : //        // TODO: Consider link type (major or minor...)
     920              : //        double junctionComplexity = (LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_INCOMING*j->getNrOfIncomingLanes()
     921              : //                + LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_FOES*j->getFoeLinks(ch->approachingLink).size())
     922              : //                                             /(1 + ch->dist*LATENT_DEMAND_COEFF_JUNCTION_DIST);
     923              : //        result += junctionComplexity;
     924              : //    }
     925              : //    break;
     926              : //    case SumoXMLNodeType::ZIPPER: {
     927              : //        result = 0.5*(1. + 0.1*v);
     928              : //    }
     929              : //    break;
     930              : //    default:
     931              : //        assert(false);
     932              : //        result = 0.;
     933              : //    }
     934              : //    return result;
     935              : //}
     936              : //
     937              : 
     938              : 
     939              : /****************************************************************************/

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