LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim - MSLink.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 91.5 % 873 799
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 96.6 % 59 57

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSLink.cpp
      15              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      18              : /// @author  Laura Bieker
      19              : /// @date    Sept 2002
      20              : ///
      21              : // A connection between lanes
      22              : /****************************************************************************/
      23              : #include <config.h>
      24              : 
      25              : #include <iostream>
      26              : #include <algorithm>
      27              : #include <limits>
      28              : #include <utils/iodevices/OutputDevice.h>
      29              : #include <utils/common/RandHelper.h>
      30              : #include <utils/common/StringTokenizer.h>
      31              : #include "MSNet.h"
      32              : #include "MSJunction.h"
      33              : #include "MSJunctionLogic.h"
      34              : #include "MSLink.h"
      35              : #include "MSLane.h"
      36              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSPerson.h>
      37              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSTransportableControl.h>
      38              : #include "MSEdge.h"
      39              : #include "MSGlobals.h"
      40              : #include "MSVehicle.h"
      41              : #include <microsim/lcmodels/MSAbstractLaneChangeModel.h>
      42              : #include <microsim/transportables/MSPModel.h>
      43              : 
      44              : //#define MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
      45              : //#define MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS_DETAILS
      46              : //#define MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
      47              : //#define DEBUG_APPROACHING
      48              : //#define DEBUG_ZIPPER
      49              : //#define DEBUG_WALKINGAREA
      50              : //#define DEBUG_COND (myLane->getID()=="43[0]_0" && myLaneBefore->getID()==":33_0_0")
      51              : //#define DEBUG_COND (myLane->getID()=="end_0")
      52              : //#define DEBUG_COND (true)
      53              : #define DEBUG_COND2(obj) (obj->isSelected())
      54              : //#define DEBUG_COND2(obj) (obj->getID() == "train2")
      55              : //#define DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER (gDebugFlag1)
      56              : //#define DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER (true)
      57              : #define DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER (ego->isSelected())
      58              : 
      59              : // ===========================================================================
      60              : // static member variables
      61              : // ===========================================================================
      62              : 
      63              : #define INVALID_TIME -1000
      64              : 
      65              : // the default safety gap when passing before oncoming pedestrians
      66              : #define JM_CROSSING_GAP_DEFAULT 10
      67              : 
      68              : // minimim width between sibling lanes to qualify as non-overlapping
      69              : #define DIVERGENCE_MIN_WIDTH 2.5
      70              : 
      71              : const SUMOTime MSLink::myLookaheadTime = TIME2STEPS(1);
      72              : // additional caution is needed when approaching a zipper link
      73              : const SUMOTime MSLink::myLookaheadTimeZipper = TIME2STEPS(4);
      74              : std::set<std::pair<MSLink*, MSLink*> > MSLink::myRecheck;
      75              : const double MSLink::NO_INTERSECTION(10000);
      76              : 
      77              : // ===========================================================================
      78              : // ConflictInfo member method definitions
      79              : // ===========================================================================
      80              : 
      81              : double
      82    351592532 : MSLink::ConflictInfo::getFoeLengthBehindCrossing(const MSLink* foeExitLink) const {
      83    351592532 :     if (flag == CONFLICT_DUMMY_MERGE) {
      84              :         return 0;
      85    344751593 :     } else if (foeConflictIndex >= 0) {
      86    328594470 :         return foeExitLink->myConflicts[foeConflictIndex].lengthBehindCrossing;
      87              :     } else {
      88              :         return -NO_INTERSECTION;
      89              :     }
      90              : }
      91              : 
      92              : double
      93    197596182 : MSLink::ConflictInfo::getFoeConflictSize(const MSLink* foeExitLink) const {
      94    197596182 :     if (foeConflictIndex >= 0) {
      95    181439059 :         return foeExitLink->myConflicts[foeConflictIndex].conflictSize;
      96              :     } else {
      97              :         return 0;
      98              :     }
      99              : }
     100              : 
     101              : double
     102    351605510 : MSLink::ConflictInfo::getLengthBehindCrossing(const MSLink* exitLink) const {
     103    351605510 :     if (flag == CONFLICT_STOP_AT_INTERNAL_JUNCTION) {
     104     14868855 :         return exitLink->getInternalLaneBefore()->getLength();
     105              :     } else {
     106    336736655 :         return lengthBehindCrossing;
     107              :     }
     108              : }
     109              : 
     110              : // ===========================================================================
     111              : // member method definitions
     112              : // ===========================================================================
     113      2751925 : MSLink::MSLink(MSLane* predLane, MSLane* succLane, MSLane* via, LinkDirection dir, LinkState state,
     114              :                double length, double foeVisibilityDistance, bool keepClear,
     115              :                MSTrafficLightLogic* logic, int tlIndex,
     116      2751925 :                bool indirect) :
     117      2751925 :     myLane(succLane),
     118      2751925 :     myLaneBefore(predLane),
     119      2751925 :     myApproachingPersons(nullptr),
     120      2751925 :     myIndex(-1),
     121      2751925 :     myTLIndex(tlIndex),
     122      2751925 :     myLogic(logic),
     123      2751925 :     myState(state),
     124      2751925 :     myLastGreenState(LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MINOR),
     125      2751925 :     myOffState(state),
     126      2751925 :     myLastStateChange(SUMOTime_MIN / 2), // a large negative value, but avoid overflows when subtracting
     127      2751925 :     myDirection(dir),
     128      2751925 :     myLength(length),
     129      2751925 :     myFoeVisibilityDistance(foeVisibilityDistance),
     130      2751925 :     myDistToFoePedCrossing(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()),
     131      2751925 :     myHasFoes(false),
     132      2751925 :     myAmCont(false),
     133      2751925 :     myAmContOff(false),
     134      2751925 :     myKeepClear(keepClear),
     135      2751925 :     myInternalLane(via),
     136      2751925 :     myInternalLaneBefore(nullptr),
     137      2751925 :     myMesoTLSPenalty(0),
     138      2751925 :     myGreenFraction(1),
     139      2751925 :     myLateralShift(0),
     140      2751925 :     myOffFoeLinks(nullptr),
     141      2751925 :     myWalkingAreaFoe(nullptr),
     142      2751925 :     myWalkingAreaFoeExit(nullptr),
     143      2751925 :     myHavePedestrianCrossingFoe(false),
     144      2751925 :     myParallelRight(nullptr),
     145      2751925 :     myParallelLeft(nullptr),
     146      2751925 :     myAmIndirect(indirect),
     147      2751925 :     myRadius(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()),
     148      2751925 :     myPermissions(myLaneBefore->getPermissions() & myLane->getPermissions() & (via == nullptr ? SVCAll : via->getPermissions())),
     149      2751925 :     myJunction(nullptr) {
     150              : 
     151      2751925 :     if (MSGlobals::gLateralResolution > 0) {
     152              :         // detect lateral shift from lane geometries
     153              :         //std::cout << "DEBUG link=" << myLaneBefore->getID() << "->" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " hasInternal=" << MSNet::getInstance()->hasInternalLinks() << " shapeBefore=" << myLaneBefore->getShape().back() << " shapeFront=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getShape().front() << "\n";
     154       184371 :         if ((myInternalLane != nullptr || predLane->isInternal())
     155       444905 :                 && myLaneBefore->getShape().back() != getViaLaneOrLane()->getShape().front()) {
     156              :             PositionVector from = myLaneBefore->getShape();
     157              :             const PositionVector& to = getViaLaneOrLane()->getShape();
     158              :             const double dist = from.back().distanceTo2D(to.front());
     159              :             // figure out direction of shift
     160              :             try {
     161          634 :                 from.move2side(dist);
     162            0 :             } catch (InvalidArgument&) {
     163            0 :             }
     164          634 :             myLateralShift = (from.back().distanceTo2D(to.front()) < dist) ? dist : -dist;
     165          634 :             if (MSGlobals::gLefthand) {
     166           90 :                 myLateralShift *= -1;
     167              :             }
     168              :             //std::cout << " lateral shift link=" << myLaneBefore->getID() << "->" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " dist=" << dist << " shift=" << myLateralShift << "\n";
     169          634 :         }
     170              :     }
     171      2751925 : }
     172              : 
     173              : 
     174      2558205 : MSLink::~MSLink() {
     175      2558205 :     delete myOffFoeLinks;
     176      2559778 :     delete myApproachingPersons;
     177      2558205 : }
     178              : 
     179              : 
     180              : void
     181            4 : MSLink::addCustomConflict(const MSLane* from, const MSLane* to, double startPos, double endPos) {
     182            4 :     myCustomConflicts.push_back(CustomConflict(from, to, startPos, endPos));
     183            4 : }
     184              : 
     185              : const MSLink::CustomConflict*
     186      3416817 : MSLink::getCustomConflict(const MSLane* foeLane) const {
     187      3416817 :     if (myCustomConflicts.size() > 0) {
     188           16 :         const MSLane* foeFrom = foeLane->getNormalPredecessorLane();
     189           16 :         const MSLane* foeTo = foeLane->getNormalSuccessorLane();
     190           24 :         for (const CustomConflict& cc : myCustomConflicts) {
     191           16 :             if (cc.from == foeFrom && == foeTo) {
     192              :                 return &cc;
     193              :             }
     194              :         }
     195              : 
     196              :     }
     197              :     return nullptr;
     198              : }
     199              : 
     200              : void
     201      2547026 : MSLink::setRequestInformation(int index, bool hasFoes, bool isCont,
     202              :                               const std::vector<MSLink*>& foeLinks,
     203              :                               const std::vector<MSLane*>& foeLanes,
     204              :                               MSLane* internalLaneBefore) {
     205              : //#ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     206              : //    std::cout << " setRequestInformation() for junction " << getViaLaneOrLane()->getEdge().getFromJunction()->getID()
     207              : //            << "\nInternalLanes = " << toString(getViaLaneOrLane()->getEdge().getFromJunction()->getInternalLanes())
     208              : //            << std::endl;
     209              : //#endif
     210      2547026 :     myIndex = index;
     211      2547026 :     myHasFoes = hasFoes;
     212      2547026 :     myAmCont = isCont;
     213      2547026 :     myFoeLinks = foeLinks;
     214      8791379 :     for (MSLane* foeLane : foeLanes) {
     215              :         // cannot assign vector due to const-ness
     216      6244353 :         myFoeLanes.push_back(foeLane);
     217              :     }
     218      2547026 :     myJunction = const_cast<MSJunction*>(myLane->getEdge().getFromJunction()); // junctionGraph is initialized after the whole network is loaded
     219      2547026 :     myAmContOff = isCont && myLogic != nullptr && internalLaneBefore == nullptr && checkContOff();
     220      2547026 :     myInternalLaneBefore = internalLaneBefore;
     221              :     MSLane* lane = nullptr;
     222              :     if (internalLaneBefore != nullptr) {
     223              :         // this is an exit link. compute crossing points with all foeLanes
     224              :         lane = internalLaneBefore;
     225              :         //} else if (myLane->getEdge().isCrossing()) {
     226              :         //    // this is the link to a pedestrian crossing. compute crossing points with all foeLanes
     227              :         //    // @note not currently used by pedestrians
     228              :         //    lane = myLane;
     229              :     }
     230      2547026 :     const MSLink* entryLink = getCorrespondingEntryLink();
     231      2547026 :     if (entryLink->getOffState() == LinkState::LINKSTATE_ALLWAY_STOP && entryLink->getTLLogic() != nullptr) {
     232              :         // TLS has "normal" right of way rules but all conflicting links are foes when switching TLS off
     233              :         // (unless it's an internal junction link which should ignore all foes and should be ignored by all foes
     234         3149 :         myOffFoeLinks = new std::vector<MSLink*>();
     235         3149 :         if (isEntryLink()) {
     236         7172 :             for (MSLane* foeLane : foeLanes) {
     237              :                 assert(foeLane->isInternal() || foeLane->isCrossing());
     238         5744 :                 MSLink* viaLink = foeLane->getIncomingLanes().front().viaLink;
     239         5744 :                 if (viaLink->getLaneBefore()->isNormal()) {
     240         3826 :                     myOffFoeLinks->push_back(viaLink);
     241              :                 }
     242              :             }
     243              :         }
     244              :     }
     245              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     246              :     std::cout << "link " << myIndex << " to " << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " internalLaneBefore=" << (lane == 0 ? "NULL" : lane->getID()) << " has foes: " << toString(foeLanes) << "\n";
     247              : #endif
     248      2547026 :     if (lane != nullptr) {
     249       928804 :         const bool beforeInternalJunction = lane->getLinkCont()[0]->getViaLaneOrLane()->getEdge().isInternal();
     250       928804 :         if (lane->getIncomingLanes().size() != 1) {
     251            0 :             throw ProcessError("Internal lane '" + lane->getID() + "' has " + toString(lane->getIncomingLanes().size()) + " predecessors");
     252              :         }
     253       928804 :         const MSLink* junctionEntryLink = lane->getEntryLink();
     254       928804 :         const bool isSecondPart = isExitLinkAfterInternalJunction();
     255              :         // compute crossing points
     256      4439990 :         for (const MSLane* foeLane : myFoeLanes) {
     257      3511186 :             const CustomConflict* cc = junctionEntryLink != nullptr ? junctionEntryLink->getCustomConflict(foeLane) : nullptr;
     258      3416809 :             if (cc != nullptr) {
     259              :                 // handle custom conflict definition
     260            8 :                 double startPos = cc->startPos;
     261            8 :                 const double conflictSize = cc->endPos - cc->startPos;
     262            8 :                 if (isSecondPart) {
     263            0 :                     startPos -= junctionEntryLink->getViaLane()->getLength();
     264              :                 }
     265              :                 // the foe connection may be split at an internal
     266              :                 // junction, we need to figure out whether the current
     267              :                 // foeLane is the intended target for the custom conflict
     268              :                 // There are two possibilities:
     269              :                 // a) We have no custom conflict for the reverse pair of connections
     270              :                 //    -> just check whether lane and foeLane intersect
     271              :                 // b) We have a "reverse" custom conflict
     272              :                 //    -> check whether it covers the foeLane
     273            8 :                 const CustomConflict* rcc = foeLane->getEntryLink()->getCustomConflict(lane);
     274              :                 bool haveIntersection = false;
     275            8 :                 if (rcc == nullptr) {
     276              :                     // a)
     277            8 :                     haveIntersection = lane->getShape().intersectsAtLengths2D(foeLane->getShape()).size() > 0;
     278              :                 } else {
     279              :                     // b)
     280            0 :                     const bool foeIsSecondPart = foeLane->getLogicalPredecessorLane()->isInternal();
     281            0 :                     double foeStartPos = rcc->startPos;
     282            0 :                     const double foeConflictSize = rcc->endPos - rcc->startPos;
     283            0 :                     if (foeIsSecondPart) {
     284            0 :                         foeStartPos -= foeLane->getLogicalPredecessorLane()->getLength();
     285              :                     }
     286            0 :                     const double foeEndPos = foeStartPos + foeConflictSize;
     287            0 :                     haveIntersection = ((foeStartPos > 0 && foeStartPos < foeLane->getLength())
     288            0 :                                         || (foeEndPos > 0 && foeEndPos < foeLane->getLength()));
     289              :                 }
     290            8 :                 if (haveIntersection) {
     291            4 :                     myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(lane->getLength() - startPos, conflictSize));
     292              :                 } else {
     293            4 :                     myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(-NO_INTERSECTION, 0));
     294              :                 }
     295              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     296              :                 std::cout << " " << lane->getID() << " custom conflict with " << foeLane->getID() << " customReverse=" << (rcc != nullptr)
     297              :                           << " haveIntersection=" << haveIntersection
     298              :                           << " startPos=" << startPos << " conflictSize=" << conflictSize
     299              :                           << " lbc=" << myConflicts.back().lengthBehindCrossing
     300              :                           << "\n";
     301              : #endif
     302            8 :                 continue;
     303            8 :             }
     304      3511178 :             myHavePedestrianCrossingFoe = myHavePedestrianCrossingFoe || foeLane->getEdge().isCrossing();
     305      3511178 :             const bool sameTarget = myLane == foeLane->getLinkCont()[0]->getLane();
     306      3511178 :             if (sameTarget && !beforeInternalJunction && !contIntersect(lane, foeLane)) {
     307              :                 //if (myLane == foeLane->getLinkCont()[0]->getLane()) {
     308              :                 // this foeLane has the same target and merges at the end (lane exits the junction)
     309      1251665 :                 const double minDist = MIN2(DIVERGENCE_MIN_WIDTH, 0.5 * (lane->getWidth() + foeLane->getWidth()));
     310      1251665 :                 if (lane->getShape().back().distanceTo2D(foeLane->getShape().back()) >= minDist) {
     311              :                     // account for lateral shift by the entry links
     312       109296 :                     if (foeLane->getEntryLink()->isIndirect()) {
     313           25 :                         myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(-NO_INTERSECTION, 0)); // dummy value, never used
     314              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     315              :                         std::cout << " " << lane->getID() << " dummy merge with indirect" << foeLane->getID() << "\n";
     316              : #endif
     317              :                     } else {
     318       109271 :                         myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(0, foeLane->getWidth(), CONFLICT_DUMMY_MERGE)); // dummy value, never used
     319              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     320              :                         std::cout << " " << lane->getID() << " dummy merge with " << foeLane->getID() << "\n";
     321              : #endif
     322              :                     }
     323              :                 } else {
     324      1142369 :                     const double distAfterDivergence = computeDistToDivergence(lane, foeLane, minDist, false);
     325              :                     const double lbcLane = lane->interpolateGeometryPosToLanePos(distAfterDivergence);
     326      1142369 :                     myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(lbcLane, foeLane->getWidth()));
     327              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     328              :                     std::cout
     329              :                             << " " << lane->getID()
     330              :                             << " merges with " << foeLane->getID()
     331              :                             << " nextLane " << lane->getLinkCont()[0]->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID()
     332              :                             << " dist1=" << myConflicts.back().lengthBehindCrossing
     333              :                             << "\n";
     334              : #endif
     335              :                 }
     336              :             } else {
     337      2259513 :                 std::vector<double> intersections1 = lane->getShape().intersectsAtLengths2D(foeLane->getShape());
     338              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS_DETAILS
     339              :                 std::cout << "    intersections1=" << toString(intersections1) << "\n";
     340              : #endif
     341              :                 bool haveIntersection = true;
     342      2259513 :                 if (intersections1.size() == 0) {
     343      1139738 :                     intersections1.push_back(-NO_INTERSECTION); // disregard this foe (using maxdouble leads to nasty problems down the line)
     344              :                     haveIntersection = false;
     345      1119775 :                 } else if (intersections1.size() > 1) {
     346         1277 :                     std::sort(intersections1.begin(), intersections1.end());
     347              :                 }
     348      2259513 :                 std::vector<double> intersections2 = foeLane->getShape().intersectsAtLengths2D(lane->getShape());
     349              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS_DETAILS
     350              :                 std::cout << "    intersections2=" << toString(intersections2) << "\n";
     351              : #endif
     352      2259513 :                 if (intersections2.size() == 0) {
     353      1139738 :                     intersections2.push_back(0);
     354      1119775 :                 } else if (intersections2.size() > 1) {
     355         1277 :                     std::sort(intersections2.begin(), intersections2.end());
     356              :                 }
     357              :                 double conflictSize = foeLane->getWidth();
     358              :                 ConflictFlag flag = CONFLICT_NO_INTERSECTION;
     359      2259513 :                 if (haveIntersection) {
     360              :                     flag = CONFLICT_DEFAULT;
     361      1119775 :                     const double angle1 = GeomHelper::naviDegree(lane->getShape().rotationAtOffset(intersections1.back()));
     362      1119775 :                     const double angle2 = GeomHelper::naviDegree(foeLane->getShape().rotationAtOffset(intersections2.back()));
     363      1119775 :                     const double angleDiff = GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(angle1, angle2);
     364              :                     //const double angleDiff = MIN2(GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(angle1, angle2),
     365              :                     //                              GeomHelper::getMinAngleDiff(angle1, angle2 + 180));
     366      1119775 :                     const double widthFactor = 1 / MAX2(sin(DEG2RAD(angleDiff)), 0.2) * 2 - 1;
     367              :                     //std::cout << "  intersection of " << lane->getID() << " with " << foeLane->getID() << " angle1=" << angle1 << " angle2=" << angle2 << " angleDiff=" << angleDiff << " widthFactor=" << widthFactor << "\n";
     368      1119775 :                     conflictSize *= widthFactor;
     369              :                     conflictSize = MIN2(conflictSize, lane->getLength());
     370              :                     // lane width affects the crossing point
     371      1119775 :                     intersections1.back() -= conflictSize / 2;
     372              :                     // ensure non-negative offset for weird geometries
     373      1119775 :                     intersections1.back() = MAX2(0.0, intersections1.back());
     374              : 
     375              :                     // also length/geometry factor. (XXX: Why subtract width/2 *before* converting geometric position to lane pos? refs #3031)
     376      1119775 :                     intersections1.back() = lane->interpolateGeometryPosToLanePos(intersections1.back());
     377              : 
     378      1119775 :                     if (internalLaneBefore->getLogicalPredecessorLane()->getEdge().isInternal() && !foeLane->getEdge().isCrossing())  {
     379              :                         flag = CONFLICT_STOP_AT_INTERNAL_JUNCTION;
     380              :                     }
     381              : 
     382      1119775 :                     if (foeLane->getEdge().isCrossing()) {
     383        88360 :                         const_cast<MSLink*>(getCorrespondingEntryLink())->updateDistToFoePedCrossing(intersections1.back());
     384              :                     };
     385              :                 }
     386              : 
     387      2259513 :                 myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(
     388      2259513 :                                           lane->getLength() - intersections1.back(),
     389              :                                           conflictSize, flag));
     390              : 
     391              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     392              :                 std::cout
     393              :                         << "  intersection of " << lane->getID()
     394              :                         << " totalLength=" << lane->getLength()
     395              :                         << " with " << foeLane->getID()
     396              :                         << " totalLength=" << foeLane->getLength()
     397              :                         << " dist1=" << myConflicts.back().lengthBehindCrossing
     398              :                         << " widthFactor=" << myConflicts.back().conflictSize / foeLane->getWidth()
     399              :                         << "\n";
     400              : #endif
     401      2259513 :             }
     402              :         }
     403              :         // check for overlap with internal lanes from the same source lane
     404       928804 :         const MSLane* pred = lane->getLogicalPredecessorLane();
     405              :         // to avoid overlap with vehicles that came from pred (especially when pred has endOffset > 0)
     406              :         // we add all other internal lanes from pred as foeLanes
     407      2823609 :         for (const MSLink* const link : pred->getLinkCont()) {
     408      1894805 :             const MSLane* const sibling = link->getViaLane();
     409      1894805 :             if (sibling != lane && sibling != nullptr) {
     410       944094 :                 const double minDist = MIN2(DIVERGENCE_MIN_WIDTH, 0.5 * (lane->getWidth() + sibling->getWidth()));
     411       944094 :                 if (lane->getShape().front().distanceTo2D(sibling->getShape().front()) >= minDist) {
     412              :                     // account for lateral shift by the entry links
     413          616 :                     continue;
     414              :                 }
     415       943478 :                 const double distToDivergence = computeDistToDivergence(lane, sibling, minDist, true);
     416              :                 double lbcLane;
     417       943478 :                 if (lane->getLength() == sibling->getLength() && &lane->getEdge() == &sibling->getEdge()) {
     418              :                     // for parallel lanes, avoid inconsistency in distance estimation (#10988)
     419              :                     // between forward distance (getLeaderInfo)
     420              :                     // and backward distance used in lane-changing (getFollowersOnConsecutive)
     421        60590 :                     lbcLane = lane->getLength() - distToDivergence;
     422              :                 } else {
     423       882888 :                     lbcLane = MAX2(0.0, lane->getLength() - lane->interpolateGeometryPosToLanePos(distToDivergence));
     424              :                 }
     425              :                 ConflictInfo ci = ConflictInfo(lbcLane, sibling->getWidth());
     426       943478 :                 auto it = std::find(myFoeLanes.begin(), myFoeLanes.end(), sibling);
     427       943478 :                 if (it != myFoeLanes.end()) {
     428              :                     // avoid duplicate foeLane
     429           50 :                     const int replacedIndex = (int)(it - myFoeLanes.begin());
     430           50 :                     myConflicts[replacedIndex] = ci;
     431              :                 } else {
     432       943428 :                     myConflicts.push_back(ci);
     433       943428 :                     myFoeLanes.push_back(sibling);
     434              :                 }
     435              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     436              :                 std::cout << " adding same-origin foe" << sibling->getID()
     437              :                           << " dist1=" << myConflicts.back().lengthBehindCrossing
     438              :                           << "\n";
     439              : #endif
     440              :             }
     441              :         }
     442              :         // init points for the symmetrical conflict
     443              :         // for each pair of conflicting lanes, the link that gets second, sets the pointers
     444      5383418 :         for (int i = 0; i < (int)myFoeLanes.size(); i++) {
     445      4454614 :             const MSLane* foeLane = myFoeLanes[i];
     446      4454614 :             MSLink* foeExitLink = foeLane->getLinkCont()[0];
     447              :             int foundIndex = -1;
     448     16593977 :             for (int i2 = 0; i2 < (int)foeExitLink->myFoeLanes.size(); i2++) {
     449     14145660 :                 if (foeExitLink->myFoeLanes[i2] == lane) {
     450      2006297 :                     myConflicts[i].foeConflictIndex = i2;
     451      2006297 :                     foeExitLink->myConflicts[i2].foeConflictIndex = i;
     452      2006297 :                     myRecheck.erase({foeExitLink, this});
     453              :                     foundIndex = i2;
     454      2006297 :                     break;
     455              :                 }
     456              :             }
     457              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     458              :             std::cout << lane->getID() << " foeLane=" << foeLane->getID() << " index=" << i << " foundIndex=" << foundIndex << "\n";
     459              : #endif
     460      4454614 :             if (foundIndex < 0) {
     461      2448317 :                 if (myConflicts[i].flag != CONFLICT_NO_INTERSECTION) {
     462      1714333 :                     myRecheck.insert({this, foeExitLink});
     463              :                 }
     464              :             }
     465              :         }
     466              :     }
     467      2547026 :     if (MSGlobals::gLateralResolution > 0) {
     468              :         // check for links with the same origin lane and the same destination edge
     469       261040 :         const MSEdge* myTarget = &myLane->getEdge();
     470              :         // save foes for entry links
     471       835030 :         for (MSLink* const it : myLaneBefore->getLinkCont()) {
     472              :             const MSEdge* target = &(it->getLane()->getEdge());
     473       573990 :             if (it == this) {
     474       261040 :                 continue;
     475              :             }
     476       312950 :             if (target == myTarget) {
     477         6390 :                 mySublaneFoeLinks.push_back(it);
     478              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     479              :                 std::cout << "  sublaneFoeLink (same target): " << it->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << "\n";
     480              : #endif
     481       306560 :             } else if (myDirection != LinkDirection::STRAIGHT && it->getDirection() == LinkDirection::STRAIGHT) {
     482              :                 // potential turn conflict
     483        74641 :                 mySublaneFoeLinks2.push_back(it);
     484              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     485              :                 std::cout << "  sublaneFoeLink2 (other target: " << it->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << "\n";
     486              : #endif
     487              :             }
     488              :         }
     489              :         // save foes for exit links
     490       261040 :         if (fromInternalLane()) {
     491              :             //std::cout << " setRequestInformation link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " before=" << myLaneBefore->getID() << " before2=" << myLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().front().lane->getID() << "\n";
     492       312648 :             for (const MSLink* const link : myLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().front().lane->getLinkCont()) {
     493       219726 :                 if (link->getViaLane() != myInternalLaneBefore && &link->getLane()->getEdge() == myTarget) {
     494              :                     //std::cout << " add sublaneFoe=" << (*it)->getViaLane()->getID() << "\n";
     495         3966 :                     mySublaneFoeLanes.push_back(link->getViaLane());
     496              :                 }
     497              :             }
     498              :         }
     499              :     }
     500      2547026 :     if (myInternalLaneBefore != nullptr
     501       928804 :             && myDirection != LinkDirection::STRAIGHT
     502              :             // for right turns, the curvature helps rather than restricts the linkLeader check
     503       407703 :             && (
     504       407703 :                 (!MSGlobals::gLefthand && myDirection != LinkDirection::RIGHT)
     505       123906 :                 || (MSGlobals::gLefthand && myDirection != LinkDirection::LEFT))) {
     506       568424 :         const double angle = fabs(GeomHelper::angleDiff(
     507       284212 :                                       myLaneBefore->getNormalPredecessorLane()->getShape().angleAt2D(-2),
     508       284212 :                                       myLane->getShape().angleAt2D(0)));
     509       284212 :         if (angle > 0) {
     510       284212 :             double length = myInternalLaneBefore->getShape().length2D();
     511       568424 :             if (myInternalLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().size() == 1 &&
     512       284212 :                     myInternalLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes()[0].lane->isInternal()) {
     513        76574 :                 length += myInternalLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes()[0].lane->getShape().length2D();
     514       207638 :             } else if (myInternalLane != nullptr) {
     515        76574 :                 length += myInternalLane->getShape().length2D();
     516              :             }
     517       284212 :             myRadius = length / angle;
     518              :             //std::cout << getDescription() << " a=" << RAD2DEG(angle) << " l=" << length << " r=" << myRadius << "\n";
     519              :         }
     520              :     }
     521      2547026 : }
     522              : 
     523              : 
     524              : void
     525        42320 : MSLink::recheckSetRequestInformation() {
     526        70681 :     for (auto item : myRecheck) {
     527              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     528              :         std::cout << " recheck l1=" << item.first->getDescription() << " l2=" << item.second->getDescription() << "\n";
     529              : #endif
     530              :         MSLink* link = item.first;
     531              :         MSLink* foeExitLink = item.second;
     532              :         const MSLane* lane = link->getInternalLaneBefore();
     533              :         const MSLane* foeLane = foeExitLink->getInternalLaneBefore();
     534              :         int conflictIndex = -1;
     535       185221 :         for (int i = 0; i < (int)link->myFoeLanes.size(); i++) {
     536       185221 :             if (link->myFoeLanes[i] == foeLane) {
     537              :                 conflictIndex = i;
     538              :                 break;
     539              :             }
     540              :         }
     541        28361 :         if (conflictIndex == -1) {
     542            0 :             WRITE_WARNING("Could not recheck ConflictInfo for " + link->getDescription() + " and " + foeExitLink->getDescription() + "\n");
     543           72 :             continue;
     544              :         }
     545        28361 :         ConflictInfo& ci = link->myConflicts[conflictIndex];
     546        28361 :         std::vector<double> intersections1 = foeLane->getShape().intersectsAtLengths2D(lane->getShape());
     547        28361 :         if (intersections1.size() == 0) {
     548              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     549              :             std::cout << "    no intersection\n";
     550              : #endif
     551              :             continue;
     552              :         }
     553        28289 :         const double widthFactor = ci.conflictSize / foeLane->getWidth();
     554        28289 :         const double conflictSize2 = lane->getWidth() * widthFactor;
     555        28289 :         std::sort(intersections1.begin(), intersections1.end());
     556        28289 :         intersections1.back() -= conflictSize2 / 2;
     557        28289 :         intersections1.back() = MAX2(0.0, intersections1.back());
     558        28289 :         ci.foeConflictIndex = (int)foeExitLink->myConflicts.size();
     559        28289 :         foeExitLink->myConflicts.push_back(ConflictInfo(foeLane->getLength() - intersections1.back(), conflictSize2));
     560              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     561              :         std::cout << "    ci=" << conflictIndex << " wf=" << widthFactor << " flag=" << ci.flag << " flbc=" << foeExitLink->myConflicts.back().lengthBehindCrossing << "\n";
     562              : #endif
     563        28361 :     }
     564              :     myRecheck.clear();
     565        42320 : }
     566              : 
     567              : double
     568      2085847 : MSLink::computeDistToDivergence(const MSLane* lane, const MSLane* sibling, double minDist, bool sameSource) const {
     569              :     double lbcSibling = 0;
     570              :     double lbcLane = 0;
     571              : 
     572              :     PositionVector l = lane->getShape();
     573              :     PositionVector s = sibling->getShape();
     574      2085847 :     double length = l.length2D();
     575      2085847 :     double sibLength = s.length2D();
     576      2085847 :     if (!sameSource) {
     577      2284738 :         l = l.reverse();
     578      2284738 :         s = s.reverse();
     579       943478 :     } else if (sibling->getEntryLink()->myAmIndirect) {
     580              :         // ignore final waiting position since it may be quite close to the lane
     581              :         // shape but the waiting position is perpendicular (so the minDist
     582              :         // requirement is not necessary
     583           54 :         lbcSibling += s[-1].distanceTo2D(s[-2]);
     584              :         s.pop_back();
     585       943424 :     } else if (lane->getEntryLink()->myAmIndirect) {
     586              :         // ignore final waiting position since it may be quite close to the lane
     587              :         // shape but the waiting position is perpendicular (so the minDist
     588              :         // requirement is not necessary
     589           54 :         lbcLane += l[-1].distanceTo2D(l[-2]);
     590              :         l.pop_back();
     591              :     }
     592              : 
     593              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS_DETAILS
     594              :     std::cout << "   sameSource=" << sameSource << " minDist=" << minDist << " backDist=" << l.back().distanceTo2D(s.back()) << "\n";
     595              : #endif
     596      2085847 :     if (l.back().distanceTo2D(s.back()) > minDist) {
     597              :         // compute the final divergence point
     598              :         // this position serves two purposes:
     599              :         // 1) once the foe vehicle back (on sibling) has passed this point, we can safely ignore it
     600              :         // 2) both vehicles are put into a cf-relationship while before the point.
     601              :         //    Since the actual crossing point is at the start of the junction,
     602              :         //    we want to make sure that both vehicles have the same distance to the crossing point and thus follow each other naturally
     603      2041449 :         std::vector<double> distances = l.distances(s);
     604              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     605              :         std::cout << "   distances=" << toString(distances) << "\n";
     606              : #endif
     607              :         assert(distances.size() == l.size() + s.size());
     608      2041449 :         if (distances.back() > minDist && distances[l.size() - 1] > minDist) {
     609              :             // do a pairwise check between lane and sibling to make because we do not know which of them bends more
     610      2156821 :             for (int j = (int)s.size() - 2; j >= 0; j--) {
     611      2156821 :                 const int i = j + (int)l.size();
     612      2156821 :                 const double segLength = s[j].distanceTo2D(s[j + 1]);
     613      2156821 :                 if (distances[i] > minDist) {
     614       957452 :                     lbcSibling += segLength;
     615              :                 } else {
     616              :                     // assume no sharp bends and just interpolate the last segment
     617      1199369 :                     lbcSibling += segLength - (minDist - distances[i]) * segLength / (distances[i + 1] - distances[i]);
     618      1199369 :                     break;
     619              :                 }
     620              :             }
     621      2157157 :             for (int i = (int)l.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
     622      2157157 :                 const double segLength = l[i].distanceTo2D(l[i + 1]);
     623      2157157 :                 if (distances[i] > minDist) {
     624       957788 :                     lbcLane += segLength;
     625              :                 } else {
     626              :                     // assume no sharp bends and just interpolate the last segment
     627      1199369 :                     lbcLane += segLength - (minDist - distances[i]) * segLength / (distances[i + 1] - distances[i]);
     628      1199369 :                     break;
     629              :                 }
     630              :             }
     631              :         }
     632              :         assert(lbcSibling >= -NUMERICAL_EPS);
     633              :         assert(lbcLane >= -NUMERICAL_EPS);
     634      2041449 :     }
     635      2085847 :     const double distToDivergence1 = sibling->getLength() - lbcSibling;
     636      2085847 :     const double distToDivergence2 = lane->getLength() - lbcLane;
     637              :     const double distToDivergence = MIN3(
     638              :                                         MAX2(distToDivergence1, distToDivergence2),
     639              :                                         sibLength, length);
     640              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
     641              :     std::cout << "   distToDivergence=" << distToDivergence
     642              :               << " distTD1=" << distToDivergence1
     643              :               << " distTD2=" << distToDivergence2
     644              :               << " length=" << length
     645              :               << " sibLength=" << sibLength
     646              :               << "\n";
     647              : #endif
     648      2085847 :     return distToDivergence;
     649      2085847 : }
     650              : 
     651              : 
     652              : bool
     653      1251825 : MSLink::contIntersect(const MSLane* lane, const MSLane* foe) {
     654      1251825 :     if (foe->getLinkCont()[0]->getViaLane() != nullptr) {
     655       109721 :         std::vector<double> intersections = lane->getShape().intersectsAtLengths2D(foe->getShape());
     656       109721 :         return intersections.size() > 0;
     657       109721 :     }
     658              :     return false;
     659              : }
     660              : 
     661              : 
     662              : void
     663    771283125 : MSLink::setApproaching(const SUMOVehicle* approaching, const SUMOTime arrivalTime, const double arrivalSpeed, const double leaveSpeed,
     664              :                        const bool setRequest, const double arrivalSpeedBraking, const SUMOTime waitingTime, double dist, double latOffset) {
     665    771283125 :     const SUMOTime leaveTime = getLeaveTime(arrivalTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, approaching->getVehicleType().getLength());
     666              : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROACHING
     667              :     if (DEBUG_COND2(approaching)) {
     668              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " Link '" << (myLaneBefore == 0 ? "NULL" : myLaneBefore->getID()) << "'->'" << (myLane == 0 ? "NULL" : myLane->getID()) << "' Adding approaching vehicle '" << approaching->getID() << "'\nCurrently registered vehicles:" << std::endl;
     669              :         for (auto i = myApproachingVehicles.begin(); i != myApproachingVehicles.end(); ++i) {
     670              :             std::cout << "'" << i->first->getID() << "'" << std::endl;
     671              :         }
     672              :     }
     673              : #endif
     674              :     myApproachingVehicles.emplace(approaching,
     675   1542566250 :                                   ApproachingVehicleInformation(arrivalTime, leaveTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, setRequest,
     676    771283125 :                                           arrivalSpeedBraking, waitingTime, dist, approaching->getSpeed(), latOffset));
     677    771283125 : }
     678              : 
     679              : 
     680              : void
     681      1030657 : MSLink::setApproaching(const SUMOVehicle* approaching, ApproachingVehicleInformation ai) {
     682              : 
     683              : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROACHING
     684              :     if (DEBUG_COND2(approaching)) {
     685              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " Link '" << (myLaneBefore == 0 ? "NULL" : myLaneBefore->getID()) << "'->'" << (myLane == 0 ? "NULL" : myLane->getID()) << "' Adding approaching vehicle '" << approaching->getID() << "'\nCurrently registered vehicles:" << std::endl;
     686              :         for (auto i = myApproachingVehicles.begin(); i != myApproachingVehicles.end(); ++i) {
     687              :             std::cout << "'" << i->first->getID() << "'" << std::endl;
     688              :         }
     689              :     }
     690              : #endif
     691              :     myApproachingVehicles.emplace(approaching, ai);
     692      1030657 : }
     693              : 
     694              : void
     695       535883 : MSLink::setApproachingPerson(const MSPerson* approaching, const SUMOTime arrivalTime, const SUMOTime leaveTime) {
     696       535883 :     if (myApproachingPersons == nullptr) {
     697         1573 :         myApproachingPersons = new PersonApproachInfos();
     698              :     }
     699       535883 :     myApproachingPersons->emplace(approaching, ApproachingPersonInformation(arrivalTime, leaveTime));
     700       535883 : }
     701              : 
     702              : void
     703    770830892 : MSLink::removeApproaching(const SUMOVehicle* veh) {
     704              : 
     705              : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROACHING
     706              :     if (DEBUG_COND2(veh)) {
     707              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " Link '" << (myLaneBefore == 0 ? "NULL" : myLaneBefore->getID()) << "'->'" << (myLane == 0 ? "NULL" : myLane->getID()) << std::endl;
     708              :         std::cout << "' Removing approaching vehicle '" << veh->getID() << "'\nCurrently registered vehicles:" << std::endl;
     709              :         for (auto i = myApproachingVehicles.begin(); i != myApproachingVehicles.end(); ++i) {
     710              :             std::cout << "'" << i->first->getID() << "'" << std::endl;
     711              :         }
     712              :     }
     713              : #endif
     714              :     myApproachingVehicles.erase(veh);
     715    770830892 : }
     716              : 
     717              : 
     718              : void
     719        30706 : MSLink::removeApproachingPerson(const MSPerson* person) {
     720        30706 :     if (myApproachingPersons == nullptr) {
     721           16 :         WRITE_WARNINGF("Person '%' entered crossing lane '%' without registering approach, time=%", person->getID(), myLane->getID(), time2string(SIMSTEP));
     722            4 :         return;
     723              :     }
     724              : #ifdef DEBUG_APPROACHING
     725              :     if (DEBUG_COND2(person)) {
     726              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " Link '" << (myLaneBefore == 0 ? "NULL" : myLaneBefore->getID()) << "'->'" << (myLane == 0 ? "NULL" : myLane->getID()) << std::endl;
     727              :         std::cout << "' Removing approaching person '" << person->getID() << "'\nCurrently registered persons:" << std::endl;
     728              :         for (auto i = myApproachingPersons->begin(); i != myApproachingPersons->end(); ++i) {
     729              :             std::cout << "'" << i->first->getID() << "'" << std::endl;
     730              :         }
     731              :     }
     732              : #endif
     733              :     myApproachingPersons->erase(person);
     734              : }
     735              : 
     736              : 
     737              : MSLink::ApproachingVehicleInformation
     738     25705363 : MSLink::getApproaching(const SUMOVehicle* veh) const {
     739              :     auto i = myApproachingVehicles.find(veh);
     740     25705363 :     if (i != myApproachingVehicles.end()) {
     741     23039265 :         return i->second;
     742              :     } else {
     743              :         return ApproachingVehicleInformation(INVALID_TIME, INVALID_TIME, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
     744              :     }
     745              : }
     746              : 
     747              : 
     748              : void
     749        13088 : MSLink::clearState() {
     750              :     myApproachingVehicles.clear();
     751        13088 : }
     752              : 
     753              : 
     754              : SUMOTime
     755   1372153258 : MSLink::getLeaveTime(const SUMOTime arrivalTime, const double arrivalSpeed,
     756              :                      const double leaveSpeed, const double vehicleLength) const {
     757   1403544745 :     return arrivalTime == SUMOTime_MAX ? SUMOTime_MAX : arrivalTime + TIME2STEPS((getLength() + vehicleLength) / MAX2(0.5 * (arrivalSpeed + leaveSpeed), NUMERICAL_EPS));
     758              : }
     759              : 
     760              : 
     761              : bool
     762    604037984 : MSLink::opened(SUMOTime arrivalTime, double arrivalSpeed, double leaveSpeed, double vehicleLength,
     763              :                double impatience, double decel, SUMOTime waitingTime, double posLat,
     764              :                BlockingFoes* collectFoes, bool ignoreRed, const SUMOTrafficObject* ego, double dist) const {
     765              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     766              :     if (gDebugFlag1) {
     767              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << "  opened? link=" << getDescription() << " red=" << haveRed() << " cont=" << isCont() << " numFoeLinks=" << myFoeLinks.size() << " havePrio=" << havePriority() << " lastWasContMajorGreen=" << lastWasContState(LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR) << "\n";
     768              :     }
     769              : #endif
     770    604037984 :     if (haveRed() && !ignoreRed) {
     771              :         return false;
     772              :     }
     773    603151243 :     if (isCont() && MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes) {
     774              :         return true;
     775              :     }
     776    600131233 :     const SUMOTime leaveTime = getLeaveTime(arrivalTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, vehicleLength);
     777    600131233 :     if (MSGlobals::gLateralResolution > 0) {
     778              :         // check for foes on the same lane with the same target edge
     779    127210605 :         for (const MSLink* foeLink : mySublaneFoeLinks) {
     780              :             assert(myLane != foeLink->getLane());
     781      9549726 :             for (const auto& it : foeLink->myApproachingVehicles) {
     782      6523589 :                 const SUMOVehicle* foe = it.first;
     783              :                 if (
     784              :                     // there only is a conflict if the paths cross
     785      7020226 :                     ((posLat < foe->getLateralPositionOnLane() + it.second.latOffset && myLane->getIndex() > foeLink->myLane->getIndex())
     786      6314989 :                      || (posLat > foe->getLateralPositionOnLane() + it.second.latOffset && myLane->getIndex() < foeLink->myLane->getIndex()))
     787              :                     // the vehicle that arrives later must yield
     788      7031991 :                     && (arrivalTime > it.second.arrivalTime
     789              :                         // if both vehicles arrive at the same time, the one
     790              :                         // to the left must yield
     791       325366 :                         || (arrivalTime == it.second.arrivalTime && posLat > foe->getLateralPositionOnLane()))) {
     792       183679 :                     if (blockedByFoe(foe, it.second, arrivalTime, leaveTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, false,
     793              :                                      impatience, decel, waitingTime, ego)) {
     794              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     795              :                         if (gDebugFlag1) {
     796              :                             std::cout << SIMTIME << " blocked by " << foe->getID() << " arrival=" << arrivalTime << " foeArrival=" << it.second.arrivalTime << "\n";
     797              :                         }
     798              : #endif
     799        39373 :                         if (collectFoes == nullptr) {
     800              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     801              :                             if (gDebugFlag1) {
     802              :                                 std::cout << " link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " blocked by sublaneFoe=" << foe->getID() << " foeLink=" << foeLink->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " posLat=" << posLat << "\n";
     803              :                             }
     804              : #endif
     805              :                             return false;
     806              :                         } else {
     807            0 :                             collectFoes->push_back(it.first);
     808              :                         }
     809              :                     }
     810              :                 }
     811              :             }
     812              :         }
     813              :         // check for foes on the same lane with a different target edge
     814              :         // (straight movers take precedence if the paths cross)
     815    124145095 :         const int lhSign = MSGlobals::gLefthand ? -1 : 1;
     816    125326973 :         for (const MSLink* foeLink : mySublaneFoeLinks2) {
     817              :             assert(myDirection != LinkDirection::STRAIGHT);
     818      5425932 :             for (const auto& it : foeLink->myApproachingVehicles) {
     819      4244054 :                 const SUMOVehicle* foe = it.first;
     820              :                 // there only is a conflict if the paths cross
     821              :                 // and if the vehicles are not currently in a car-following relationship
     822      4244054 :                 const double egoWidth = ego == nullptr ? 1.8 : ego->getVehicleType().getWidth();
     823      4244054 :                 if (!lateralOverlap(posLat, egoWidth, foe->getLateralPositionOnLane() + it.second.latOffset, foe->getVehicleType().getWidth())
     824      4244054 :                         && (((myDirection == LinkDirection::RIGHT || myDirection == LinkDirection::PARTRIGHT)
     825       461931 :                              && (posLat * lhSign > (foe->getLateralPositionOnLane() + it.second.latOffset) * lhSign))
     826       434339 :                             || ((myDirection == LinkDirection::LEFT || myDirection == LinkDirection::PARTLEFT)
     827        41903 :                                 && (posLat * lhSign < (foe->getLateralPositionOnLane() + it.second.latOffset) * lhSign)))) {
     828        71979 :                     if (blockedByFoe(foe, it.second, arrivalTime, leaveTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, false,
     829              :                                      impatience, decel, waitingTime, ego)) {
     830              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     831              :                         if (gDebugFlag1) {
     832              :                             std::cout << SIMTIME << " blocked by sublane foe " << foe->getID() << " arrival=" << arrivalTime << " foeArrival=" << it.second.arrivalTime << "\n";
     833              :                         }
     834              : #endif
     835         8621 :                         if (collectFoes == nullptr) {
     836              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     837              :                             if (gDebugFlag1) {
     838              :                                 std::cout << " link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " blocked by sublaneFoe2=" << foe->getID() << " foeLink=" << foeLink->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " posLat=" << posLat << "\n";
     839              :                             }
     840              : #endif
     841              :                             return false;
     842              :                         } else {
     843            0 :                             collectFoes->push_back(it.first);
     844              :                         }
     845              :                     }
     846              :                 }
     847              :             }
     848              :         }
     849              :     }
     850    600083239 :     if ((havePriority() || lastWasContState(LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR)) && myState != LINKSTATE_ZIPPER) {
     851              :         // priority usually means the link is open but there are exceptions:
     852              :         // zipper still needs to collect foes
     853              :         // sublane model could have detected a conflict
     854    573425278 :         return collectFoes == nullptr || collectFoes->size() == 0;
     855              :     }
     856     26657961 :     if (myState == LINKSTATE_ALLWAY_STOP && waitingTime < TIME2STEPS(ego == nullptr ? TS : ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_ALLWAYSTOP_WAIT, TS))) {
     857              :         return false;
     858     25618640 :     } else if (myState == LINKSTATE_STOP && waitingTime < TIME2STEPS(ego == nullptr ? TS : ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_STOPSIGN_WAIT, TS))) {
     859              :         return false;
     860              :     }
     861              : 
     862     25588112 :     const std::vector<MSLink*>& foeLinks = (myOffFoeLinks == nullptr || getCorrespondingEntryLink()->getState() != LINKSTATE_ALLWAY_STOP) ? myFoeLinks : *myOffFoeLinks;
     863              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     864              :     if (gDebugFlag1) {
     865              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " opened link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " foeLinks=" << foeLinks.size() << "\n";
     866              :     }
     867              : #endif
     868              : 
     869     25588112 :     if (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim && impatience == 1) {
     870              :         return true;
     871              :     }
     872     25587574 :     const bool lastWasContRed = lastWasContState(LINKSTATE_TL_RED);
     873     71236478 :     for (const MSLink* const link : foeLinks) {
     874     50033390 :         if (MSGlobals::gUseMesoSim) {
     875      1903360 :             if (link->haveRed()) {
     876        46444 :                 continue;
     877              :             }
     878              :         }
     879              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     880              :         if (gDebugFlag1) {
     881              :             std::cout << SIMTIME << "   foeLink=" << link->getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " numApproaching=" << link->getApproaching().size() << "\n";
     882              :             if (link->getLane()->isCrossing()) {
     883              :                 std::cout << SIMTIME << "     approachingPersons=" << (link->myApproachingPersons == nullptr ? "NULL" : toString(link->myApproachingPersons->size())) << "\n";
     884              :             }
     885              :         }
     886              : #endif
     887     49986946 :         if (link->blockedAtTime(arrivalTime, leaveTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, myLane == link->getLane(),
     888              :                                 impatience, decel, waitingTime, collectFoes, ego, lastWasContRed, dist)) {
     889              :             return false;
     890              :         }
     891              :     }
     892     21203088 :     if (collectFoes != nullptr && collectFoes->size() > 0) {
     893              :         return false;
     894              :     }
     895              :     return true;
     896              : }
     897              : 
     898              : 
     899              : bool
     900     49999447 : MSLink::blockedAtTime(SUMOTime arrivalTime, SUMOTime leaveTime, double arrivalSpeed, double leaveSpeed,
     901              :                       bool sameTargetLane, double impatience, double decel, SUMOTime waitingTime,
     902              :                       BlockingFoes* collectFoes, const SUMOTrafficObject* ego, bool lastWasContRed, double dist) const {
     903    185754428 :     for (const auto& it : myApproachingVehicles) {
     904              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     905              :         if (gDebugFlag1) {
     906              :             if (ego != nullptr
     907              :                     && ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_SPEED, 0) >= it.second.speed
     908              :                     && ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0) > 0) {
     909              :                 std::stringstream stream; // to reduce output interleaving from different threads
     910              :                 stream << SIMTIME << " " << myApproachingVehicles.size() << "   foe link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID()
     911              :                        << " foeVeh=" << it.first->getID() << " (below ignore speed)"
     912              :                        << " ignoreFoeProb=" << ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0)
     913              :                        << "\n";
     914              :                 std::cout << stream.str();
     915              :             }
     916              :         }
     917              : #endif
     918    140022580 :         if (it.first != ego
     919    140017546 :                 && (ego == nullptr
     920    140006023 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0) == 0
     921        17880 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_SPEED, 0) < it.second.speed
     922         1278 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0) < RandHelper::rand(ego->getRNG()))
     923    140016424 :                 && !ignoreFoe(ego, it.first)
     924    140016182 :                 && (!lastWasContRed || it.first->getSpeed() > SUMO_const_haltingSpeed)
     925    280019872 :                 && blockedByFoe(it.first, it.second, arrivalTime, leaveTime, arrivalSpeed, leaveSpeed, sameTargetLane,
     926              :                                 impatience, decel, waitingTime, ego)) {
     927      6267042 :             if (collectFoes == nullptr) {
     928              :                 return true;
     929              :             } else {
     930      1999443 :                 collectFoes->push_back(it.first);
     931              :             }
     932              :         }
     933              :     }
     934     45731848 :     if (myApproachingPersons != nullptr && !haveRed()) {
     935       961694 :         for (const auto& it : *myApproachingPersons) {
     936              :             if ((ego == nullptr
     937       213907 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0) == 0
     938          600 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_SPEED, 0) < it.first->getSpeed()
     939          600 :                     || ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_FOE_PROB, 0) < RandHelper::rand(ego->getRNG()))
     940       213307 :                     && !ignoreFoe(ego, it.first)
     941       427134 :                     && !((arrivalTime > it.second.leavingTime) || (leaveTime < it.second.arrivalTime))) {
     942              :                 // check whether braking is feasible (ego might have started to accelerate already)
     943       128667 :                 const auto& cfm = ego->getVehicleType().getCarFollowModel();
     944              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     945              :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
     946              :                     std::cout << SIMTIME << ": " << ego->getID() << " conflict with person " << it.first->getID() << " aTime=" << arrivalTime << " foeATime=" << it.second.arrivalTime << " dist=" << dist << " bGap=" << cfm.brakeGap(ego->getSpeed(), cfm.getMaxDecel(), 0) << "\n";
     947              :                 }
     948              : #endif
     949       128667 :                 if (dist > cfm.brakeGap(ego->getSpeed(), cfm.getMaxDecel(), 0)) {
     950              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     951              :                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
     952              :                         std::cout << SIMTIME << ": " << ego->getID() << " blocked by person " << it.first->getID() << "\n";
     953              :                     }
     954              : #endif
     955       117967 :                     if (collectFoes == nullptr) {
     956              :                         return true;
     957              :                     } else {
     958            0 :                         collectFoes->push_back(it.first);
     959              :                     }
     960              :                 }
     961              :             }
     962              :         }
     963              :     }
     964              :     return false;
     965              : }
     966              : 
     967              : 
     968              : bool
     969    140252950 : MSLink::blockedByFoe(const SUMOVehicle* veh, const ApproachingVehicleInformation& avi,
     970              :                      SUMOTime arrivalTime, SUMOTime leaveTime, double arrivalSpeed, double leaveSpeed,
     971              :                      bool sameTargetLane, double impatience, double decel, SUMOTime waitingTime,
     972              :                      const SUMOTrafficObject* ego) const {
     973              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     974              :     if (gDebugFlag1) {
     975              :         std::stringstream stream; // to reduce output interleaving from different threads
     976              :         stream << "    link=" << getDescription()
     977              :                << " foeVeh=" << veh->getID()
     978              :                << " req=" << avi.willPass
     979              :                << " aT=" << avi.arrivalTime
     980              :                << " lT=" << avi.leavingTime
     981              :                << "\n";
     982              :         std::cout << stream.str();
     983              :     }
     984              : #endif
     985    140252950 :     if (!avi.willPass) {
     986              :         return false;
     987              :     }
     988     45318237 :     if (myState == LINKSTATE_ALLWAY_STOP) {
     989              :         assert(waitingTime > 0);
     990              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
     991              :         if (gDebugFlag1) {
     992              :             std::stringstream stream; // to reduce output interleaving from different threads
     993              :             stream << "    foeDist=" << avi.dist
     994              :                    << " foeBGap=" << veh->getBrakeGap(false)
     995              :                    << " foeWait=" << avi.waitingTime
     996              :                    << " wait=" << waitingTime
     997              :                    << "\n";
     998              :             std::cout << stream.str();
     999              :         }
    1000              : #endif
    1001              :         // when using actionSteps, the foe waiting time may be outdated
    1002      1462377 :         const SUMOTime actionDelta = SIMSTEP - veh->getLastActionTime();
    1003      1462377 :         if (waitingTime > avi.waitingTime + actionDelta) {
    1004              :             return false;
    1005              :         }
    1006       232207 :         if (waitingTime == (avi.waitingTime + actionDelta) && arrivalTime < avi.arrivalTime + actionDelta) {
    1007              :             return false;
    1008              :         }
    1009              :     }
    1010     44055140 :     SUMOTime foeArrivalTime = avi.arrivalTime;
    1011     44055140 :     double foeArrivalSpeedBraking = avi.arrivalSpeedBraking;
    1012     44055140 :     if (impatience > 0 && arrivalTime < avi.arrivalTime) {
    1013              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1014              :         gDebugFlag6 = ((ego == nullptr || ego->isSelected()) && (veh == nullptr || veh->isSelected()));
    1015              : #endif
    1016      2393140 :         const SUMOTime fatb = computeFoeArrivalTimeBraking(arrivalTime, veh, avi.arrivalTime, impatience, avi.dist, foeArrivalSpeedBraking);
    1017      2393140 :         foeArrivalTime = (SUMOTime)((1. - impatience) * (double)avi.arrivalTime + impatience * (double)fatb);
    1018              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1019              :         if (gDebugFlag6) {
    1020              :             std::cout << SIMTIME << " link=" << getDescription() << " ego=" << ego->getID() << " foe=" << veh->getID()
    1021              :                       << " at=" << STEPS2TIME(arrivalTime)
    1022              :                       << " fat=" << STEPS2TIME(avi.arrivalTime)
    1023              :                       << " fatb=" << STEPS2TIME(fatb)
    1024              :                       << " fat2=" << STEPS2TIME(foeArrivalTime)
    1025              :                       << "\n";
    1026              :         }
    1027              : #endif
    1028              :     }
    1029              : 
    1030              : 
    1031     44055140 :     const SUMOTime lookAhead = (myState == LINKSTATE_ZIPPER
    1032     44055140 :                                 ? myLookaheadTimeZipper
    1033              :                                 : (ego == nullptr
    1034     38375644 :                                    ? myLookaheadTime
    1035     38372935 :                                    : TIME2STEPS(ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_TIMEGAP_MINOR, STEPS2TIME(myLookaheadTime)))));
    1036              :     //if (ego != 0) std::cout << SIMTIME << " ego=" << ego->getID() << " jmTimegapMinor=" << ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_TIMEGAP_MINOR, -1) << " lookAhead=" << lookAhead << "\n";
    1037              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1038              :     if (gDebugFlag1 || gDebugFlag6) {
    1039              :         std::stringstream stream; // to reduce output interleaving from different threads
    1040              :         stream << "       imp=" << impatience << " fAT2=" << foeArrivalTime << " fASb=" << foeArrivalSpeedBraking << " lA=" << lookAhead << " egoAT=" << arrivalTime << " egoLT=" << leaveTime << " egoLS=" << leaveSpeed << "\n";
    1041              :         std::cout << stream.str();
    1042              :     }
    1043              : #endif
    1044     44055140 :     if (avi.leavingTime < arrivalTime) {
    1045              :         // ego wants to be follower
    1046     33064889 :         if (sameTargetLane && (arrivalTime - avi.leavingTime < lookAhead
    1047     15859326 :                                || unsafeMergeSpeeds(avi.leaveSpeed, arrivalSpeed,
    1048     15859326 :                                        veh->getVehicleType().getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel(), decel))) {
    1049              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1050              :             if (gDebugFlag1 || gDebugFlag6) {
    1051              :                 std::cout << "      blocked (cannot follow)\n";
    1052              :             }
    1053              : #endif
    1054      2004651 :             return true;
    1055              :         }
    1056     10990251 :     } else if (foeArrivalTime > leaveTime + lookAhead) {
    1057              :         // ego wants to be leader.
    1058     11274127 :         if (sameTargetLane && unsafeMergeSpeeds(leaveSpeed, foeArrivalSpeedBraking,
    1059      4488854 :                                                 decel, veh->getVehicleType().getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel())) {
    1060              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1061              :             if (gDebugFlag1 || gDebugFlag6) {
    1062              :                 std::cout << "      blocked (cannot lead)\n";
    1063              :             }
    1064              : #endif
    1065              :             return true;
    1066              :         }
    1067              :     } else {
    1068              :         // even without considering safeHeadwayTime there is already a conflict
    1069              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1070              :         if (gDebugFlag1 || gDebugFlag6) {
    1071              :             std::cout << "      blocked (hard conflict)\n";
    1072              :         }
    1073              : #endif
    1074              :         return true;
    1075              :     }
    1076              :     return false;
    1077              : }
    1078              : 
    1079              : 
    1080              : SUMOTime
    1081      2393140 : MSLink::computeFoeArrivalTimeBraking(SUMOTime arrivalTime, const SUMOVehicle* foe, SUMOTime foeArrivalTime, double impatience, double dist, double& fasb) {
    1082              :     // a: distance saved when foe brakes from arrivalTime to foeArrivalTime
    1083              :     // b: distance driven past foeArrivalTime
    1084              :     // m: permitted decceleration
    1085              :     // d: total deceleration until foeArrivalTime
    1086              :     // dist2: distance of foe at arrivalTime
    1087              :     // actual arrivalTime must fall on a simulation step
    1088      2393140 :     if (arrivalTime - arrivalTime % DELTA_T == foeArrivalTime - foeArrivalTime % DELTA_T) {
    1089              :         // foe enters the junction in the same step
    1090              :         return foeArrivalTime;
    1091              :     }
    1092      2061468 :     if (arrivalTime % DELTA_T > 0) {
    1093      2034127 :         arrivalTime = arrivalTime - (arrivalTime % DELTA_T) + DELTA_T;
    1094              :     }
    1095              :     //arrivalTime += DELTA_T - arrivalTime % DELTA_T;
    1096      2061468 :     const double m = foe->getVehicleType().getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() * impatience;
    1097      2061468 :     const double dt = STEPS2TIME(foeArrivalTime - arrivalTime);
    1098      2061468 :     const double d = dt * m;
    1099      2061468 :     const double a = dt * d / 2;
    1100      2061468 :     const double v = dist / STEPS2TIME(foeArrivalTime - SIMSTEP + DELTA_T);
    1101      2061468 :     const double dist2 = dist - v * STEPS2TIME(arrivalTime - SIMSTEP);
    1102      2061468 :     if (0.5 * v * v / m <= dist2) {
    1103      1002108 :         if (gDebugFlag6) {
    1104            0 :             std::cout << "   dist=" << dist << " dist2=" << dist2 << " at=" << STEPS2TIME(arrivalTime) << " m=" << m << " d=" << d << " a=" << a << " canBrakeToStop\n";
    1105              :         }
    1106      1002108 :         fasb = 0;
    1107      1002108 :         return foeArrivalTime + TIME2STEPS(30);
    1108              :     }
    1109              :     // a = b (foe reaches the original distance to the stop line)
    1110              :     // x: time driven past foeArrivalTime
    1111              :     // v: foe speed without braking
    1112              :     // v2: average foe speed after foeArrivalTime (braking continues for time x)
    1113              :     // v2 = (v - d - x * m / 2)
    1114              :     // b = v2 * x
    1115              :     // solving for x gives:
    1116      1059360 :     const double x = (sqrt(4 * (v - d) * (v - d) - 8 * m * a) * -0.5 - d + v) / m;
    1117              : 
    1118              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_OPENED
    1119              :     const double x2 = (sqrt(4 * (v - d) * (v - d) - 8 * m * a) * 0.5 - d + v) / m;
    1120              :     if (gDebugFlag6 || std::isnan(x)) {
    1121              :         std::cout << SIMTIME << "   dist=" << dist << " dist2=" << dist2  << " at=" << STEPS2TIME(arrivalTime) << " m=" << m << " d=" << d << " v=" << v << " a=" << a << " x=" << x << " x2=" << x2 << "\n";
    1122              :     }
    1123              : #endif
    1124      1059360 :     fasb = v - (dt + x) * m;
    1125      1059360 :     return foeArrivalTime + TIME2STEPS(x);
    1126              : }
    1127              : 
    1128              : 
    1129              : bool
    1130       738992 : MSLink::hasApproachingFoe(SUMOTime arrivalTime, SUMOTime leaveTime, double speed, double decel) const {
    1131       750413 :     for (const MSLink* const link : myFoeLinks) {
    1132        12501 :         if (link->blockedAtTime(arrivalTime, leaveTime, speed, speed, myLane == link->getLane(), 0, decel, 0)) {
    1133              :             return true;
    1134              :         }
    1135              :     }
    1136       836056 :     for (const MSLane* const lane : myFoeLanes) {
    1137       107055 :         if (lane->getVehicleNumberWithPartials() > 0) {
    1138              :             return true;
    1139              :         }
    1140              :     }
    1141              :     return false;
    1142              : }
    1143              : 
    1144              : 
    1145              : std::pair<const SUMOVehicle*, const MSLink*>
    1146         5696 : MSLink::getFirstApproachingFoe(const MSLink* wrapAround) const {
    1147              :     double closetDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1148              :     const SUMOVehicle* closest = nullptr;
    1149              :     const MSLink* foeLink = nullptr;
    1150        18596 :     for (MSLink* link : myFoeLinks) {
    1151        19860 :         for (const auto& it : link->myApproachingVehicles) {
    1152              :             //std::cout << " link=" << getDescription() << " foeLink_in=" << link->getLaneBefore()->getID() << " wrapAround=" << wrapAround->getDescription() << "\n";
    1153         6960 :             if (link->getLaneBefore() == wrapAround->getLaneBefore()) {
    1154          488 :                 return std::make_pair(nullptr, wrapAround);
    1155         6472 :             } else if (it.second.dist < closetDist) {
    1156              :                 closetDist = it.second.dist;
    1157         3450 :                 if (it.second.willPass) {
    1158         3184 :                     closest = it.first;
    1159              :                     foeLink = link;
    1160              :                 }
    1161              :             }
    1162              :         }
    1163              :     }
    1164              :     return std::make_pair(closest, foeLink);
    1165              : }
    1166              : 
    1167              : 
    1168              : void
    1169     82399772 : MSLink::setTLState(LinkState state, SUMOTime t) {
    1170     82399772 :     if (myState != state) {
    1171     14205051 :         myLastStateChange = t;
    1172              :     }
    1173     82399772 :     myState = state;
    1174     82399772 :     if (haveGreen()) {
    1175     63646069 :         myLastGreenState = myState;
    1176              :     }
    1177     82399772 : }
    1178              : 
    1179              : 
    1180              : void
    1181       195048 : MSLink::setTLLogic(const MSTrafficLightLogic* logic) {
    1182       195048 :     myLogic = logic;
    1183       195048 : }
    1184              : 
    1185              : 
    1186              : bool
    1187   1134178052 : MSLink::isCont() const {
    1188              :     // when a traffic light is switched off minor roads have their cont status revoked
    1189   1134178052 :     return (myState == LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_BLINKING || myState == LINKSTATE_ALLWAY_STOP) ? myAmContOff : myAmCont;
    1190              : }
    1191              : 
    1192              : 
    1193              : bool
    1194     55384643 : MSLink::lastWasContMajor() const {
    1195     55384643 :     if (myInternalLane == nullptr || myAmCont) {
    1196              :         return false;
    1197              :     } else {
    1198     42075356 :         MSLane* pred = myInternalLane->getLogicalPredecessorLane();
    1199     42075356 :         if (!pred->getEdge().isInternal()) {
    1200              :             return false;
    1201              :         } else {
    1202      7886343 :             const MSLane* const pred2 = pred->getLogicalPredecessorLane();
    1203              :             assert(pred2 != nullptr);
    1204      7886343 :             const MSLink* const predLink = pred2->getLinkTo(pred);
    1205              :             assert(predLink != nullptr);
    1206      7886343 :             if (predLink->havePriority()) {
    1207              :                 return true;
    1208              :             }
    1209      7430988 :             if (myHavePedestrianCrossingFoe) {
    1210       562026 :                 return predLink->getLastGreenState() == LINKSTATE_TL_GREEN_MAJOR;
    1211              :             } else {
    1212      6868962 :                 return predLink->haveYellow();
    1213              :             }
    1214              :         }
    1215              :     }
    1216              : }
    1217              : 
    1218              : 
    1219              : bool
    1220     51302715 : MSLink::lastWasContState(LinkState linkState) const {
    1221     51302715 :     if (myInternalLane == nullptr || myAmCont || myHavePedestrianCrossingFoe) {
    1222              :         return false;
    1223              :     } else {
    1224     44413170 :         MSLane* pred = myInternalLane->getLogicalPredecessorLane();
    1225     44413170 :         if (!pred->getEdge().isInternal()) {
    1226              :             return false;
    1227              :         } else {
    1228     10790368 :             const MSLane* const pred2 = pred->getLogicalPredecessorLane();
    1229              :             assert(pred2 != nullptr);
    1230     10790368 :             const MSLink* const predLink = pred2->getLinkTo(pred);
    1231              :             assert(predLink != nullptr);
    1232     10790368 :             return predLink->getState() == linkState;
    1233              :         }
    1234              :     }
    1235              : }
    1236              : 
    1237              : 
    1238              : void
    1239        81324 : MSLink::writeApproaching(OutputDevice& od, const std::string fromLaneID) const {
    1240        81324 :     if (myApproachingVehicles.size() > 0) {
    1241        18080 :         od.openTag("link");
    1242              :         od.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_FROM, fromLaneID);
    1243        11408 :         const std::string via = getViaLane() == nullptr ? "" : getViaLane()->getID();
    1244              :         od.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_VIA, via);
    1245        18080 :         od.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_TO, getLane() == nullptr ? "" : getLane()->getID());
    1246              :         std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, const SUMOVehicle*> > toSort; // stabilize output
    1247        19578 :         for (auto it : myApproachingVehicles) {
    1248        10538 :             toSort.push_back(std::make_pair(it.second.arrivalTime, it.first));
    1249              :         }
    1250         9040 :         std::sort(toSort.begin(), toSort.end());
    1251        19578 :         for (std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, const SUMOVehicle*> >::const_iterator it = toSort.begin(); it != toSort.end(); ++it) {
    1252        10538 :             od.openTag("approaching");
    1253        10538 :             const ApproachingVehicleInformation& avi = myApproachingVehicles.find(it->second)->second;
    1254        10538 :             od.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_ID, it->second->getID());
    1255        10538 :             od.writeAttr(SUMO_ATTR_IMPATIENCE, it->second->getImpatience());
    1256        21076 :             od.writeAttr("arrivalTime", time2string(avi.arrivalTime));
    1257        21076 :             od.writeAttr("leaveTime", time2string(avi.leavingTime));
    1258        21076 :             od.writeAttr("arrivalSpeed", toString(avi.arrivalSpeed));
    1259        21076 :             od.writeAttr("arrivalSpeedBraking", toString(avi.arrivalSpeedBraking));
    1260        21076 :             od.writeAttr("leaveSpeed", toString(avi.leaveSpeed));
    1261        21076 :             od.writeAttr("willPass", toString(avi.willPass));
    1262        21076 :             od.closeTag();
    1263              :         }
    1264         9040 :         od.closeTag();
    1265         9040 :     }
    1266        81324 : }
    1267              : 
    1268              : 
    1269              : double
    1270       886303 : MSLink::getInternalLengthsAfter() const {
    1271              :     double len = 0.;
    1272       886303 :     MSLane* lane = myInternalLane;
    1273              : 
    1274      1693913 :     while (lane != nullptr && lane->isInternal()) {
    1275       807610 :         len += lane->getLength();
    1276       807610 :         lane = lane->getLinkCont()[0]->getViaLane();
    1277              :     }
    1278       886303 :     return len;
    1279              : }
    1280              : 
    1281              : double
    1282            0 : MSLink::getInternalLengthsBefore() const {
    1283              :     double len = 0.;
    1284            0 :     const MSLane* lane = myInternalLane;
    1285              : 
    1286            0 :     while (lane != nullptr && lane->isInternal()) {
    1287            0 :         len += lane->getLength();
    1288            0 :         if (lane->getIncomingLanes().size() == 1) {
    1289            0 :             lane = lane->getIncomingLanes()[0].lane;
    1290              :         } else {
    1291              :             break;
    1292              :         }
    1293              :     }
    1294            0 :     return len;
    1295              : }
    1296              : 
    1297              : 
    1298              : double
    1299        13038 : MSLink::getLengthsBeforeCrossing(const MSLane* foeLane) const {
    1300        13038 :     MSLane* via = myInternalLane;
    1301              :     double totalDist = 0.;
    1302              :     bool foundCrossing = false;
    1303        15506 :     while (via != nullptr) {
    1304        14272 :         MSLink* link = via->getLinkCont()[0];
    1305        14272 :         double dist = link->getLengthBeforeCrossing(foeLane);
    1306        14272 :         if (dist != INVALID_DOUBLE) {
    1307              :             // found conflicting lane
    1308        11804 :             totalDist += dist;
    1309              :             foundCrossing = true;
    1310              :             break;
    1311              :         } else {
    1312         2468 :             totalDist += via->getLength();
    1313              :             via = link->getViaLane();
    1314              :         }
    1315              :     }
    1316              :     if (foundCrossing) {
    1317        11804 :         return totalDist;
    1318              :     } else {
    1319              :         return INVALID_DOUBLE;
    1320              :     }
    1321              : }
    1322              : 
    1323              : 
    1324              : double
    1325        14272 : MSLink::getLengthBeforeCrossing(const MSLane* foeLane) const {
    1326              :     int foe_ix;
    1327        80108 :     for (foe_ix = 0; foe_ix != (int)myFoeLanes.size(); ++foe_ix) {
    1328        78874 :         if (myFoeLanes[foe_ix] == foeLane) {
    1329              :             break;
    1330              :         }
    1331              :     }
    1332        14272 :     if (foe_ix == (int)myFoeLanes.size()) {
    1333              :         // no conflict with the given lane, indicate by returning -1
    1334              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
    1335              :         std::cout << "No crossing of lanes '" << foeLane->getID() << "' and '" << myInternalLaneBefore->getID() << "'" << std::endl;
    1336              : #endif
    1337              :         return INVALID_DOUBLE;
    1338              :     } else {
    1339              :         // found conflicting lane index
    1340        13038 :         double dist = myInternalLaneBefore->getLength() - myConflicts[foe_ix].getLengthBehindCrossing(this);
    1341        13038 :         if (dist == -10000.) {
    1342              :             // this is the value in myConflicts, if the relation allows intersection but none is present for the actual geometry.
    1343              :             return INVALID_DOUBLE;
    1344              :         }
    1345              : #ifdef MSLink_DEBUG_CROSSING_POINTS
    1346              :         std::cout << "Crossing of lanes '" << myInternalLaneBefore->getID() << "' and '" << foeLane->getID()
    1347              :                   << "' at distance " << dist << " (approach along '"
    1348              :                   <<  myInternalLaneBefore->getEntryLink()->getLaneBefore()->getID() << "')" << std::endl;
    1349              : #endif
    1350              :         return dist;
    1351              :     }
    1352              : }
    1353              : 
    1354              : 
    1355              : bool
    1356     33723639 : MSLink::isEntryLink() const {
    1357     33723639 :     if (MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes) {
    1358     54619067 :         return myInternalLane != nullptr && myInternalLaneBefore == nullptr;
    1359              :     } else {
    1360              :         return false;
    1361              :     }
    1362              : }
    1363              : 
    1364              : bool
    1365     16815416 : MSLink::isConflictEntryLink() const {
    1366              :     // either a non-cont entry link or the link after a cont-link
    1367     16815416 :     return !myAmCont && (isEntryLink() || (myInternalLaneBefore != nullptr && myInternalLane != nullptr));
    1368              : }
    1369              : 
    1370              : bool
    1371     86167049 : MSLink::isExitLink() const {
    1372     86167049 :     if (MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes) {
    1373    148431322 :         return myInternalLaneBefore != nullptr && myInternalLane == nullptr;
    1374              :     } else {
    1375              :         return false;
    1376              :     }
    1377              : }
    1378              : 
    1379              : bool
    1380     42626487 : MSLink::isExitLinkAfterInternalJunction() const {
    1381     42626487 :     if (MSGlobals::gUsingInternalLanes) {
    1382              :         return (getInternalLaneBefore() != nullptr
    1383     42626487 :                 && myInternalLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().size() == 1
    1384     85252974 :                 && myInternalLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().front().viaLink->isInternalJunctionLink());
    1385              :     } else {
    1386              :         return false;
    1387              :     }
    1388              : }
    1389              : 
    1390              : 
    1391              : const MSLink*
    1392        20300 : MSLink::getCorrespondingExitLink() const {
    1393        20300 :     MSLane* lane = myInternalLane;
    1394              :     const MSLink* link = this;
    1395        41654 :     while (lane != nullptr) {
    1396        21354 :         link = lane->getLinkCont()[0];
    1397              :         lane = link->getViaLane();
    1398              :     }
    1399        20300 :     return link;
    1400              : }
    1401              : 
    1402              : 
    1403              : const MSLink*
    1404    719626301 : MSLink::getCorrespondingEntryLink() const {
    1405              :     const MSLink* link = this;
    1406    957020606 :     while (link->myLaneBefore->isInternal()) {
    1407              :         assert(myLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().size() == 1);
    1408    237394305 :         link = link->myLaneBefore->getIncomingLanes().front().viaLink;
    1409              :     }
    1410    719626301 :     return link;
    1411              : }
    1412              : 
    1413              : 
    1414              : bool
    1415    316511166 : MSLink::isInternalJunctionLink() const {
    1416    316511166 :     return getInternalLaneBefore() != nullptr && myInternalLane != nullptr;
    1417              : }
    1418              : 
    1419              : 
    1420              : const MSLink::LinkLeaders
    1421    779915572 : MSLink::getLeaderInfo(const MSVehicle* ego, double dist, std::vector<const MSPerson*>* collectBlockers, bool isShadowLink) const {
    1422              :     LinkLeaders result;
    1423              :     // this link needs to start at an internal lane (either an exit link or between two internal lanes)
    1424              :     // or it must be queried by the pedestrian model (ego == 0)
    1425    779915572 :     if (ego != nullptr && (!fromInternalLane() || ego->getLaneChangeModel().isOpposite())) {
    1426              :         // ignore link leaders
    1427              :         return result;
    1428              :     }
    1429              :     //gDebugFlag1 = true;
    1430    253835495 :     if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1431            0 :         std::cout << SIMTIME << " getLeaderInfo link=" << getDescription() << " dist=" << dist << " isShadowLink=" << isShadowLink << "\n";
    1432              :     }
    1433    253835495 :     if (MSGlobals::gComputeLC && ego != nullptr && ego->getLane()->isNormal()) {
    1434     21394053 :         const MSLink* junctionEntry = getLaneBefore()->getEntryLink();
    1435      4331361 :         if (junctionEntry->haveRed() && !ego->ignoreRed(junctionEntry, true)
    1436              :                 // check oncoming on bidiLane during laneChanging
    1437     25721380 :                 && (!MSGlobals::gComputeLC || junctionEntry->getLaneBefore()->getBidiLane() == nullptr)) {
    1438      4290397 :             if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1439            0 :                 std::cout << "   ignore linkLeaders beyond red light\n";
    1440              :             }
    1441              :             return result;
    1442              :         }
    1443              :     }
    1444              :     // this is an exit link
    1445    598190756 :     for (int i = 0; i < (int)myFoeLanes.size(); ++i) {
    1446    348645661 :         const MSLane* foeLane = myFoeLanes[i];
    1447    348645661 :         const MSLink* foeExitLink = foeLane->getLinkCont()[0];
    1448              :         // distance from the querying vehicle to the crossing point with foeLane
    1449    348645661 :         double distToCrossing = dist - myConflicts[i].getLengthBehindCrossing(this);
    1450    348645661 :         const double foeDistToCrossing = foeLane->getLength() - myConflicts[i].getFoeLengthBehindCrossing(foeExitLink);
    1451    348645661 :         const bool sameTarget = (myLane == foeExitLink->getLane()) && !isInternalJunctionLink() && !foeExitLink->isInternalJunctionLink();
    1452    348645661 :         const bool sameSource = (myInternalLaneBefore != nullptr && myInternalLaneBefore->getLogicalPredecessorLane() == foeLane->getLogicalPredecessorLane());
    1453    348645661 :         const double crossingWidth = (sameTarget || sameSource) ? 0 : myConflicts[i].conflictSize;
    1454    348645661 :         const double foeCrossingWidth = (sameTarget || sameSource) ? 0 : myConflicts[i].getFoeConflictSize(foeExitLink);
    1455              :         // special treatment of contLane foe only applies if this lane is not a contLane or contLane follower itself
    1456    439369659 :         const bool contLane = (foeExitLink->getViaLaneOrLane()->getEdge().isInternal() && !(
    1457     90723998 :                                    isInternalJunctionLink() || isExitLinkAfterInternalJunction()));
    1458    348645661 :         if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1459              :             std::cout << " distToCrossing=" << distToCrossing << " foeLane=" << foeLane->getID() << " cWidth=" << crossingWidth
    1460            0 :                       << " ijl=" << isInternalJunctionLink() << " sT=" << sameTarget << " sS=" << sameSource
    1461            0 :                       << " lbc=" << myConflicts[i].getLengthBehindCrossing(this)
    1462            0 :                       << " flbc=" << myConflicts[i].getFoeLengthBehindCrossing(foeExitLink)
    1463              :                       << " cw=" << crossingWidth
    1464              :                       << " fcw=" << foeCrossingWidth
    1465              :                       << " contLane=" << contLane
    1466            0 :                       << " state=" << toString(myState)
    1467            0 :                       << " foeState=" << toString(foeExitLink->getState())
    1468            0 :                       << "\n";
    1469              :         }
    1470     84292844 :         if (distToCrossing + crossingWidth < 0 && !sameTarget
    1471    428123248 :                 && (ego == nullptr || !MSGlobals::gComputeLC || distToCrossing + crossingWidth + ego->getVehicleType().getLength() < 0)) {
    1472     76373803 :             continue; // vehicle is behind the crossing point, continue with next foe lane
    1473              :         }
    1474              :         bool ignoreGreenCont = false;
    1475              :         bool foeIndirect = false;
    1476    272271858 :         if (contLane) {
    1477     26991546 :             const MSLink* entry = getLaneBefore()->getEntryLink();
    1478     26991546 :             const MSLink* foeEntry = foeLane->getEntryLink();
    1479     26991546 :             foeIndirect = foeEntry->myAmIndirect;
    1480     26977265 :             if (entry != nullptr && entry->haveGreen()
    1481     15093303 :                     && foeEntry != nullptr && foeEntry->haveGreen()
    1482     34205338 :                     && entry->myLaneBefore != foeEntry->myLaneBefore)  {
    1483              :                 // ignore vehicles before an internaljunction as long as they are still in green minor mode
    1484              :                 ignoreGreenCont = true;
    1485              :             }
    1486              :         }
    1487     26991546 :         if (foeIndirect && distToCrossing >= NO_INTERSECTION) {
    1488        32543 :             if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1489            0 :                 std::cout << " ignore:noIntersection\n";
    1490              :             }
    1491        32543 :             continue;
    1492              :         }
    1493              :         // it is not sufficient to return the last vehicle on the foeLane because ego might be its leader
    1494              :         // therefore we return all vehicles on the lane
    1495              :         //
    1496              :         // special care must be taken for continuation lanes. (next lane is also internal)
    1497              :         // vehicles on cont. lanes or on internal lanes with the same target as this link can not be ignored
    1498              :         // and should block (gap = -1) unless they are part of an indirect turn
    1499              :         MSLane::AnyVehicleIterator end = foeLane->anyVehiclesEnd();
    1500     24183790 :         for (MSLane::AnyVehicleIterator it_veh = foeLane->anyVehiclesBegin(); it_veh != end; ++it_veh) {
    1501     24183793 :             MSVehicle* leader = (MSVehicle*)*it_veh;
    1502     24183793 :             const double leaderBack = leader->getBackPositionOnLane(foeLane);
    1503     24183793 :             const double leaderBackDist = foeDistToCrossing - leaderBack;
    1504     24183793 :             const double l2 = ego != nullptr ? ego->getLength() + 2 : 0; // add some slack to account for further meeting-angle effects
    1505     24092965 :             const double sagitta = ego != nullptr && myRadius != std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ? myRadius - sqrt(myRadius * myRadius - 0.25 * l2 * l2) : 0;
    1506     24183793 :             const bool pastTheCrossingPoint = leaderBackDist + foeCrossingWidth + sagitta < 0;
    1507     24183793 :             const bool enteredTheCrossingPoint = leaderBackDist < leader->getVehicleType().getLength();
    1508     24183793 :             const bool foeIsBicycleTurn = (leader->getVehicleType().getVehicleClass() == SVC_BICYCLE
    1509     24183793 :                                            && foeLane->getIncomingLanes().front().viaLink->getDirection() == LinkDirection::LEFT);
    1510     24183793 :             const bool ignoreIndirectBicycleTurn = pastTheCrossingPoint && foeIsBicycleTurn;
    1511     24183793 :             const bool cannotIgnore = ((contLane && !ignoreIndirectBicycleTurn) || sameTarget || sameSource) && ego != nullptr;
    1512     24183793 :             const bool inTheWay = ((((!pastTheCrossingPoint && distToCrossing > 0) || (sameTarget && distToCrossing > leaderBackDist - leader->getLength()))
    1513     19661428 :                                     && enteredTheCrossingPoint
    1514     10726264 :                                     && (!foeExitLink->isInternalJunctionLink() || foeIsBicycleTurn))
    1515     38063447 :                                    || foeExitLink->getLaneBefore()->getNormalPredecessorLane() == myLane->getBidiLane());
    1516     24183793 :             const bool isOpposite = leader->getLaneChangeModel().isOpposite();
    1517     24183793 :             const auto avi = foeExitLink->getApproaching(leader);
    1518              :             // if leader is not found, assume that it performed a lane change in the last step
    1519     24183793 :             const bool willPass = avi.willPass || (avi.arrivalTime == INVALID_TIME && sameTarget);
    1520     24183793 :             if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1521              :                 std::cout << " candidate leader=" << leader->getID()
    1522              :                           << " cannotIgnore=" << cannotIgnore
    1523              :                           << " fdtc=" << foeDistToCrossing
    1524              :                           << " lb=" << leaderBack
    1525              :                           << " lbd=" << leaderBackDist
    1526              :                           << " fcwidth=" << foeCrossingWidth
    1527            0 :                           << " r=" << myRadius
    1528              :                           << " sagitta=" << sagitta
    1529              :                           << " foePastCP=" << pastTheCrossingPoint
    1530              :                           << " foeEnteredCP=" << enteredTheCrossingPoint
    1531              :                           << " inTheWay=" << inTheWay
    1532              :                           << " willPass=" << willPass
    1533            0 :                           << " isFrontOnLane=" << leader->isFrontOnLane(foeLane)
    1534              :                           << " ignoreGreenCont=" << ignoreGreenCont
    1535              :                           << " foeIndirect=" << foeIndirect
    1536              :                           << " foeBikeTurn=" << foeIsBicycleTurn
    1537            0 :                           << " isOpposite=" << isOpposite << "\n";
    1538              :             }
    1539     24183793 :             if (leader == ego) {
    1540      6159220 :                 continue;
    1541              :             }
    1542              :             // ignore greenCont foe vehicles that are not in the way
    1543     23601069 :             if (!inTheWay && ignoreGreenCont) {
    1544         8235 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1545            0 :                     std::cout << "   ignoreGreenCont\n";
    1546              :                 }
    1547         8235 :                 continue;
    1548              :             }
    1549              :             // after entering the conflict area, ignore foe vehicles that are not in the way
    1550      2877184 :             if ((!MSGlobals::gComputeLC || (ego != nullptr && ego->getLane() == foeLane) || MSGlobals::gSublane)
    1551     22477596 :                     && distToCrossing < -POSITION_EPS && !inTheWay
    1552     23878033 :                     && (ego == nullptr || !MSGlobals::gComputeLC || distToCrossing < -ego->getVehicleType().getLength())) {
    1553       142386 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1554            0 :                     std::cout << "   ego entered conflict area\n";
    1555              :                 }
    1556       142386 :                 continue;
    1557              :             }
    1558     23508025 :             if (!MSGlobals::gComputeLC
    1559     20619189 :                     && sameSource
    1560      5192777 :                     && &ego->getLane()->getEdge() == &myInternalLaneBefore->getEdge()
    1561     23742376 :                     && leaderBack + leader->getLength() < ego->getPositionOnLane() - ego->getLength()) {
    1562              :                 // ego is already on the junction and clearly ahead of foe
    1563        57577 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1564            0 :                     std::cout << "   ego ahead of same-source foe\n";
    1565              :                 }
    1566        57577 :                 continue;
    1567              :             }
    1568              : 
    1569              :             // ignore foe vehicles that will not pass
    1570     15913635 :             if ((!cannotIgnore || leader->isStopped() || sameTarget)
    1571     16359687 :                     && !willPass
    1572      1130730 :                     && leader->isFrontOnLane(foeLane)
    1573              :                     && !isOpposite
    1574       614642 :                     && !inTheWay
    1575              :                     // willPass is false if the vehicle is already on the stopping edge
    1576     23839142 :                     && !leader->willStop()) {
    1577       445608 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1578            0 :                     std::cout << "   foe will not pass\n";
    1579              :                 }
    1580       445608 :                 continue;
    1581              :             }
    1582     22947263 :             if (leader->isBidiOn(foeLane)) {
    1583              :                 // conflict resolved via forward lane of the foe
    1584        45099 :                 continue;
    1585              :             }
    1586              :             // check whether foe is blocked and might need to change before leaving the junction
    1587     22902164 :             const bool foeStrategicBlocked = (leader->getLaneChangeModel().isStrategicBlocked() &&
    1588      1143262 :                                               leader->getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(leader->getSpeed()) <= foeLane->getLength() - leaderBack);
    1589     22902164 :             const bool sameInternalEdge = &myInternalLaneBefore->getEdge() == &foeExitLink->getInternalLaneBefore()->getEdge();
    1590              : 
    1591     22902164 :             const bool foeLaneIsBidi = myInternalLaneBefore->getBidiLane() == foeLane;
    1592     22902164 :             if (MSGlobals::gSublane && ego != nullptr && (sameSource || sameTarget || foeLaneIsBidi)
    1593      6075162 :                     && (!foeStrategicBlocked || sameInternalEdge)) {
    1594      5923747 :                 if (ego->getLane() == leader->getLane()) {
    1595       125194 :                     continue;
    1596              :                 }
    1597              :                 // ignore vehicles if not in conflict sublane-wise
    1598      5798553 :                 const double egoLatOffset = isShadowLink ? ego->getLatOffset(ego->getLaneChangeModel().getShadowLane()) : 0;
    1599      5798553 :                 const double posLat = ego->getLateralPositionOnLane() + egoLatOffset;
    1600      5798553 :                 double posLatLeader = leader->getLateralPositionOnLane() + leader->getLatOffset(foeLane);
    1601      5798553 :                 if (foeLaneIsBidi) {
    1602              :                     // leader is oncoming
    1603            0 :                     posLatLeader = foeLane->getWidth() - posLatLeader;
    1604              :                 }
    1605      5798553 :                 const double latGap = (fabs(posLat - posLatLeader)
    1606      5798553 :                                        - 0.5 * (ego->getVehicleType().getWidth() + leader->getVehicleType().getWidth()));
    1607      5798553 :                 const double maneuverDist = leader->getLaneChangeModel().getManeuverDist() * (posLat < posLatLeader ? -1 : 1);
    1608      5798553 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1609            0 :                     std::cout << " checkIgnore sublaneFoe lane=" << myInternalLaneBefore->getID()
    1610              :                               << " sameSource=" << sameSource
    1611              :                               << " sameTarget=" << sameTarget
    1612              :                               << " foeLaneIsBidi=" << foeLaneIsBidi
    1613              :                               << " foeLane=" << foeLane->getID()
    1614              :                               << " leader=" << leader->getID()
    1615            0 :                               << " egoLane=" << ego->getLane()->getID()
    1616            0 :                               << " leaderLane=" << leader->getLane()->getID()
    1617              :                               << " egoLat=" << posLat
    1618              :                               << " egoLatOffset=" << egoLatOffset
    1619              :                               << " leaderLat=" << posLatLeader
    1620            0 :                               << " leaderLatOffset=" << leader->getLatOffset(foeLane)
    1621              :                               << " latGap=" << latGap
    1622              :                               << " maneuverDist=" << maneuverDist
    1623            0 :                               << " computeLC=" << MSGlobals::gComputeLC
    1624            0 :                               << " egoMaxSpeedLat=" << ego->getVehicleType().getMaxSpeedLat()
    1625            0 :                               << "\n";
    1626              :                 }
    1627      1059079 :                 if (latGap > 0 && (latGap > maneuverDist || !sameTarget || !MSGlobals::gComputeLC)
    1628              :                         // do not perform sublane changes that interfere with the leader vehicle
    1629      6849399 :                         && (!MSGlobals::gComputeLC || latGap > ego->getVehicleType().getMaxSpeedLat())) {
    1630       919065 :                     const MSLink* foeEntryLink = foeLane->getIncomingLanes().front().viaLink;
    1631       919065 :                     if (sameSource) {
    1632              :                         // for lanes from the same edge, higer index implies a
    1633              :                         // connection further to the left
    1634       608283 :                         const bool leaderFromRight = (myIndex > foeEntryLink->getIndex());
    1635       608283 :                         if ((posLat > posLatLeader) == leaderFromRight) {
    1636              :                             // ignore speed since lanes diverge
    1637       334589 :                             if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1638            0 :                                 std::cout << "   ignored (same source) leaderFromRight=" << leaderFromRight << "\n";
    1639              :                             }
    1640       334589 :                             continue;
    1641              :                         }
    1642       310782 :                     } else if (sameTarget) {
    1643              :                         // for lanes from different edges we cannot rely on the
    1644              :                         // index due to wrap-around issues
    1645       310782 :                         if (myDirection != foeEntryLink->getDirection()) {
    1646       298110 :                             bool leaderFromRight = foeEntryLink->getDirection() < myDirection;
    1647              :                             // leader vehicle should not move towards ego
    1648       298110 :                             if (MSGlobals::gLefthand) {
    1649            0 :                                 leaderFromRight = !leaderFromRight;
    1650              :                             }
    1651       409913 :                             if ((posLat > posLatLeader) == leaderFromRight
    1652              :                                     // leader should keep lateral position or move away from ego
    1653       165280 :                                     && (leader->getLaneChangeModel().getSpeedLat() == 0
    1654        54119 :                                         || leaderFromRight == (leader->getLaneChangeModel().getSpeedLat() < latGap))
    1655       417522 :                                     && (ego->getLaneChangeModel().getSpeedLat() == 0
    1656        16025 :                                         || leaderFromRight == (ego->getLaneChangeModel().getSpeedLat() > latGap))) {
    1657       111803 :                                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1658            0 :                                     std::cout << "   ignored (different source) leaderFromRight=" << leaderFromRight << "\n";
    1659              :                                 }
    1660       111803 :                                 continue;
    1661              :                             }
    1662              :                         } else {
    1663              :                             // XXX figure out relative direction somehow
    1664              :                         }
    1665              :                     } else {
    1666            0 :                         if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1667            0 :                             std::cout << "   ignored oncoming bidi leader\n";
    1668              :                         }
    1669            0 :                         continue;
    1670              :                     }
    1671              :                 }
    1672              :             }
    1673     22330578 :             if (leader->getWaitingTime() < MSGlobals::gIgnoreJunctionBlocker) {
    1674              :                 // compute distance between vehicles on the superimposition of both lanes
    1675              :                 // where the crossing point is the common point
    1676              :                 double gap;
    1677              :                 bool fromLeft = true;
    1678     21896730 :                 if (ego == nullptr) {
    1679              :                     // request from pedestrian model. return distance between leaderBack and crossing point
    1680              :                     //std::cout << "   foeLane=" << foeLane->getID() << " leaderBack=" << leaderBack << " foeDistToCrossing=" << foeDistToCrossing << " foeLength=" << foeLane->getLength() << " foebehind=" << myConflicts[i].second << " dist=" << dist << " behind=" << myConflicts[i].first << "\n";
    1681        90419 :                     gap = leaderBackDist;
    1682              :                     // distToCrossing should not take into account the with of the foe lane
    1683              :                     // (which was subtracted in setRequestInformation)
    1684              :                     // Instead, the width of the foe vehicle is used directly by the caller.
    1685        90419 :                     distToCrossing += myConflicts[i].conflictSize / 2;
    1686        90419 :                     if (gap + foeCrossingWidth < 0) {
    1687              :                         // leader is completely past the crossing point
    1688              :                         // or there is no crossing point
    1689      3723281 :                         continue; // next vehicle
    1690              :                     }
    1691              :                     // we need to determine whether the vehicle passes the
    1692              :                     // crossing from the left or the right (heuristic)
    1693        89196 :                     fromLeft = foeDistToCrossing > 0.5 * foeLane->getLength();
    1694     21806311 :                 } else if ((contLane && !sameSource && !ignoreIndirectBicycleTurn) || isOpposite) {
    1695       969952 :                     gap = -std::numeric_limits<double>::max(); // always break for vehicles which are on a continuation lane or for opposite-direction vehicles
    1696              :                 } else {
    1697     20836359 :                     if (pastTheCrossingPoint && !sameTarget) {
    1698              :                         // leader is completely past the crossing point
    1699              :                         // or there is no crossing point
    1700      3721979 :                         if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1701            0 :                             std::cout << " foePastCP ignored\n";
    1702              :                         }
    1703      3721979 :                         continue;
    1704              :                     }
    1705              :                     double leaderBackDist2 = leaderBackDist;
    1706     17114380 :                     if (sameTarget && leaderBackDist2 < 0) {
    1707      2946811 :                         const double mismatch = myConflicts[i].getFoeLengthBehindCrossing(foeExitLink) - myConflicts[i].getLengthBehindCrossing(this);
    1708      2946811 :                         if (mismatch > 0) {
    1709      1465912 :                             leaderBackDist2 += mismatch;
    1710              :                         }
    1711              :                     }
    1712     17114380 :                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1713              :                         std::cout << " distToCrossing=" << distToCrossing << " leaderBack=" << leaderBack
    1714              :                                   << " backDist=" << leaderBackDist
    1715              :                                   << " backDist2=" << leaderBackDist2
    1716            0 :                                   << " blockedStrategic=" << leader->getLaneChangeModel().isStrategicBlocked()
    1717            0 :                                   << "\n";
    1718              :                     }
    1719     17114380 :                     gap = distToCrossing - ego->getVehicleType().getMinGap() - leaderBackDist2 - foeCrossingWidth;
    1720              :                 }
    1721              :                 // if the foe is already moving off the intersection, we may
    1722              :                 // advance up to the crossing point unless we have the same target or same source
    1723              :                 // (for sameSource, the crossing point indicates the point of divergence)
    1724     18173528 :                 const bool stopAsap = leader->isFrontOnLane(foeLane) ? cannotIgnore : (sameTarget || sameSource);
    1725     18173528 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1726            0 :                     std::cout << " leader=" << leader->getID() << " contLane=" << contLane << " cannotIgnore=" << cannotIgnore << " stopAsap=" << stopAsap << " gap=" << gap << "\n";
    1727              :                 }
    1728     18173528 :                 if (ignoreFoe(ego, leader)) {
    1729           79 :                     continue;
    1730              :                 }
    1731     18173449 :                 const int llFlags = ((fromLeft ? LL_FROM_LEFT : 0) |
    1732     18173449 :                                      (inTheWay ? LL_IN_THE_WAY : 0) |
    1733     18173449 :                                      (sameSource ? LL_SAME_SOURCE : 0) |
    1734     18173449 :                                      (sameTarget ? LL_SAME_TARGET : 0));
    1735     23696925 :                 result.emplace_back(leader, gap, stopAsap ? -1 : distToCrossing, llFlags, leader->getLatOffset(foeLane));
    1736              :             }
    1737              : 
    1738              :         }
    1739    272239312 :         if (ego != nullptr && MSNet::getInstance()->hasPersons()) {
    1740              :             // check for crossing pedestrians (keep driving if already on top of the crossing
    1741      4458573 :             const double distToPeds = distToCrossing - ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_STOPLINE_CROSSING_GAP, MSPModel::SAFETY_GAP);
    1742      4458573 :             const double vehWidth = ego->getVehicleType().getWidth() + MSPModel::SAFETY_GAP; // + configurable safety gap
    1743              :             /// @todo consider lateral position (depending on whether the crossing is encountered on the way in or out)
    1744              :             // @check lefthand?!
    1745      4458573 :             const bool wayIn = myConflicts[i].lengthBehindCrossing < myLaneBefore->getLength() * 0.5;
    1746      4458573 :             const double vehSideOffset = (foeDistToCrossing + myLaneBefore->getWidth() * 0.5 - vehWidth * 0.5
    1747      4458573 :                                           + ego->getLateralPositionOnLane() * (wayIn ? -1 : 1));
    1748              :             // can access the movement model here since we already checked for existing persons above
    1749      8558824 :             if (distToPeds >= -MSPModel::SAFETY_GAP && MSNet::getInstance()->getPersonControl().getMovementModel()->blockedAtDist(ego, foeLane, vehSideOffset, vehWidth,
    1750      4100251 :                     ego->getVehicleType().getParameter().getJMParam(SUMO_ATTR_JM_CROSSING_GAP, JM_CROSSING_GAP_DEFAULT),
    1751              :                     collectBlockers)) {
    1752       593179 :                 result.emplace_back(nullptr, -1, distToPeds);
    1753      3865394 :             } else if (foeLane->isCrossing() && ego->getLane()->isInternal() && ego->getLane()->getEdge().getToJunction() == myJunction) {
    1754       131469 :                 const MSLink* crossingLink = foeLane->getIncomingLanes()[0].viaLink;
    1755       131469 :                 if (distToCrossing > 0 && crossingLink->havePriority() && crossingLink->myApproachingPersons != nullptr) {
    1756              :                     // a person might step on the crossing at any moment, since ego
    1757              :                     // is already on the junction, the opened() check is not done anymore
    1758        24386 :                     const double timeToEnterCrossing = distToCrossing / MAX2(ego->getSpeed(), 1.0);
    1759        29856 :                     for (const auto& item : (*crossingLink->myApproachingPersons)) {
    1760         6289 :                         if (!ignoreFoe(ego, item.first) && timeToEnterCrossing > STEPS2TIME(item.second.arrivalTime - SIMSTEP)) {
    1761          819 :                             if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1762            0 :                                 std::cout << SIMTIME << ": " << ego->getID() << " breaking for approaching person " << item.first->getID()
    1763              :                                           //<< " dtc=" << distToCrossing << " ttc=" << distToCrossing / MAX2(ego->getSpeed(), 1.0) << " foeAT=" << item.second.arrivalTime << " foeTTC=" << STEPS2TIME(item.second.arrivalTime - SIMSTEP)
    1764            0 :                                           << "\n";
    1765              :                             }
    1766          819 :                             result.emplace_back(nullptr, -1, distToPeds);
    1767          819 :                             break;
    1768              :                             //} else {
    1769              :                             //    if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1770              :                             //        std::cout << SIMTIME << ": " << ego->getID() << " notBreaking for approaching person " << item.first->getID()
    1771              :                             //            << " dtc=" << distToCrossing << " ttc=" << distToCrossing / MAX2(ego->getSpeed(), 1.0) << " foeAT=" << item.second.arrivalTime << " foeTTC=" << STEPS2TIME(item.second.arrivalTime - SIMSTEP)
    1772              :                             //            << "\n";
    1773              :                             //    }
    1774              :                         }
    1775              :                     }
    1776              :                 }
    1777              :             }
    1778              :         }
    1779              :     }
    1780              : 
    1781              :     //std::cout << SIMTIME << " ego=" << Named::getIDSecure(ego) << " link=" << getViaLaneOrLane()->getID() << " myWalkingAreaFoe=" << Named::getIDSecure(myWalkingAreaFoe) << "\n";
    1782    249545095 :     if (ego != nullptr) {
    1783    248668755 :         checkWalkingAreaFoe(ego, myWalkingAreaFoe, collectBlockers, result);
    1784    248668755 :         checkWalkingAreaFoe(ego, myWalkingAreaFoeExit, collectBlockers, result);
    1785              :     }
    1786              : 
    1787    249545095 :     if (MSGlobals::gLateralResolution > 0 && ego != nullptr && !isShadowLink) {
    1788              :         // check for foes on the same edge
    1789     62876783 :         for (std::vector<MSLane*>::const_iterator it = mySublaneFoeLanes.begin(); it != mySublaneFoeLanes.end(); ++it) {
    1790      5261287 :             const MSLane* foeLane = *it;
    1791              :             MSLane::AnyVehicleIterator end = foeLane->anyVehiclesEnd();
    1792      3569675 :             for (MSLane::AnyVehicleIterator it_veh = foeLane->anyVehiclesBegin(); it_veh != end; ++it_veh) {
    1793      3569675 :                 MSVehicle* leader = (MSVehicle*)*it_veh;
    1794      3569675 :                 if (leader == ego) {
    1795      2081897 :                     continue;
    1796              :                 }
    1797      3011779 :                 if (leader->getLane()->isNormal()) {
    1798              :                     // leader is past the conflict point
    1799      1170845 :                     continue;
    1800              :                 }
    1801      1840934 :                 const double maxLength = MAX2(myInternalLaneBefore->getLength(), foeLane->getLength());
    1802      1840934 :                 const double gap = dist - maxLength - ego->getVehicleType().getMinGap() + leader->getBackPositionOnLane(foeLane);
    1803      1840934 :                 if (gap < -(ego->getVehicleType().getMinGap() + leader->getLength())) {
    1804              :                     // ego is ahead of leader
    1805       353156 :                     continue;
    1806              :                 }
    1807      1487778 :                 const double posLat = ego->getLateralPositionOnLane();
    1808      1487778 :                 const double posLatLeader = leader->getLateralPositionOnLane() + leader->getLatOffset(foeLane);
    1809      1487778 :                 if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1810            0 :                     std::cout << " sublaneFoe lane=" << myInternalLaneBefore->getID()
    1811              :                               << " foeLane=" << foeLane->getID()
    1812              :                               << " leader=" << leader->getID()
    1813            0 :                               << " egoLane=" << ego->getLane()->getID()
    1814            0 :                               << " leaderLane=" << leader->getLane()->getID()
    1815              :                               << " gap=" << gap
    1816              :                               << " egoLat=" << posLat
    1817              :                               << " leaderLat=" << posLatLeader
    1818            0 :                               << " leaderLatOffset=" << leader->getLatOffset(foeLane)
    1819            0 :                               << " egoIndex=" << myInternalLaneBefore->getIndex()
    1820            0 :                               << " foeIndex=" << foeLane->getIndex()
    1821            0 :                               << " dist=" << dist
    1822            0 :                               << " leaderBack=" << leader->getBackPositionOnLane(foeLane)
    1823            0 :                               << "\n";
    1824              :                 }
    1825              :                 // there only is a conflict if the paths cross
    1826       609607 :                 if ((posLat < posLatLeader && myInternalLaneBefore->getIndex() > foeLane->getIndex())
    1827      1810509 :                         || (posLat > posLatLeader && myInternalLaneBefore->getIndex() < foeLane->getIndex())) {
    1828       678097 :                     if (gDebugFlag1) {
    1829            0 :                         std::cout << SIMTIME << " blocked by " << leader->getID() << " (sublane split) foeLane=" << foeLane->getID() << "\n";
    1830              :                     }
    1831       678097 :                     if (ignoreFoe(ego, leader)) {
    1832            0 :                         continue;
    1833              :                     }
    1834       678097 :                     result.emplace_back(leader, gap, -1);
    1835              :                 }
    1836              :             }
    1837              :         }
    1838              :     }
    1839              :     return result;
    1840            3 : }
    1841              : 
    1842              : 
    1843              : void
    1844    497337510 : MSLink::checkWalkingAreaFoe(const MSVehicle* ego, const MSLane* foeLane, std::vector<const MSPerson*>* collectBlockers, LinkLeaders& result) const {
    1845    497337510 :     if (foeLane != nullptr && foeLane->getEdge().getPersons().size() > 0) {
    1846              :         // pedestrians may be on an arbitrary path across this
    1847              :         // walkingarea. make sure to keep enough distance.
    1848              :         // This is a simple but conservative solution that could be improved
    1849              :         // by ignoring pedestrians that are "obviously" not on a collision course
    1850        85165 :         double distToPeds = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    1851              :         assert(myInternalLaneBefore != nullptr);
    1852        85165 :         PositionVector egoPath = myInternalLaneBefore->getShape();
    1853        85165 :         if (ego->getLateralPositionOnLane() != 0) {
    1854        33736 :             egoPath.move2side((MSGlobals::gLefthand ? 1 : -1) * ego->getLateralPositionOnLane());
    1855              :         }
    1856       861066 :         for (MSTransportable* t : foeLane->getEdge().getPersons()) {
    1857       775901 :             MSPerson* p = static_cast<MSPerson*>(t);
    1858       775901 :             double dist = ego->getPosition().distanceTo2D(p->getPosition()) - p->getVehicleType().getLength();
    1859      1458930 :             const bool inFront = isInFront(ego, egoPath, p->getPosition()) || isInFront(ego, egoPath, getFuturePosition(p));
    1860       775901 :             if (inFront) {
    1861       109249 :                 dist -= ego->getVehicleType().getMinGap();
    1862              :             }
    1863              : #ifdef DEBUG_WALKINGAREA
    1864              :             if (ego->isSelected()) {
    1865              :                 std::cout << SIMTIME << " veh=" << ego->getID() << " ped=" << p->getID()
    1866              :                           << " pos=" << ego->getPosition() << " pedPos=" << p->getPosition()
    1867              :                           << " futurePedPos=" << getFuturePosition(p)
    1868              :                           << " rawDist=" << ego->getPosition().distanceTo2D(p->getPosition())
    1869              :                           << " inFront=" << inFront
    1870              :                           << " dist=" << dist << "\n";
    1871              :             }
    1872              : #endif
    1873       775901 :             if (dist < ego->getVehicleType().getWidth() / 2 || inFront) {
    1874       109540 :                 if (inFront) {
    1875       109249 :                     const double oncomingFactor = isOnComingPed(ego, p);
    1876       109249 :                     if (oncomingFactor > 0) {
    1877              :                         // account for pedestrian movement while closing in
    1878        53857 :                         const double timeToStop = sqrt(dist) / 2;
    1879        53857 :                         const double pedDist = p->getMaxSpeed() * MAX2(timeToStop, TS) * oncomingFactor;
    1880        53857 :                         dist = MAX2(0.0, dist - pedDist);
    1881              : #ifdef DEBUG_WALKINGAREA
    1882              :                         if (ego->isSelected()) {
    1883              :                             std::cout << "    timeToStop=" << timeToStop << " pedDist=" << pedDist << " factor=" << oncomingFactor << " dist2=" << dist << "\n";
    1884              :                         }
    1885              : #endif
    1886              :                     }
    1887              :                 }
    1888       109540 :                 if (ignoreFoe(ego, p)) {
    1889        25237 :                     continue;
    1890              :                 }
    1891        84303 :                 distToPeds = MIN2(distToPeds, dist);
    1892        84303 :                 if (collectBlockers != nullptr) {
    1893            0 :                     collectBlockers->push_back(p);
    1894              :                 }
    1895              :             }
    1896              :         }
    1897        85165 :         if (distToPeds != std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
    1898              :             // leave extra space in front
    1899        47565 :             result.emplace_back(nullptr, -1, distToPeds);
    1900              :         }
    1901        85165 :     }
    1902    497337510 : }
    1903              : 
    1904              : bool
    1905      1458930 : MSLink::isInFront(const MSVehicle* ego, const PositionVector& egoPath, const Position& pPos) const {
    1906      1458930 :     const double pedAngle = ego->getPosition().angleTo2D(pPos);
    1907      1458930 :     const double angleDiff = fabs(GeomHelper::angleDiff(ego->getAngle(), pedAngle));
    1908              : #ifdef DEBUG_WALKINGAREA
    1909              :     if (ego->isSelected()) {
    1910              :         std::cout << " angleDiff=" << RAD2DEG(angleDiff) << "\n";
    1911              :     }
    1912              : #endif
    1913      1458930 :     if (angleDiff < DEG2RAD(75)) {
    1914      1019971 :         return egoPath.distance2D(pPos) < ego->getVehicleType().getWidth() + MSPModel::SAFETY_GAP;
    1915              :     }
    1916              :     return false;
    1917              : }
    1918              : 
    1919              : 
    1920              : double
    1921       109249 : MSLink::isOnComingPed(const MSVehicle* ego, const MSPerson* p) const {
    1922       109249 :     const double pedToEgoAngle = p->getPosition().angleTo2D(ego->getPosition());
    1923       109249 :     const double angleDiff = fabs(GeomHelper::angleDiff(p->getAngle(), pedToEgoAngle));
    1924              : #ifdef DEBUG_WALKINGAREA
    1925              :     if (ego->isSelected()) {
    1926              :         std::cout << " ped-angleDiff=" << RAD2DEG(angleDiff) << " res=" << cos(angleDiff) << "\n";
    1927              :     }
    1928              : #endif
    1929       109249 :     if (angleDiff <= DEG2RAD(90)) {
    1930              :         ;
    1931        53857 :         return cos(angleDiff);
    1932              :     } else {
    1933              :         return 0;
    1934              :     }
    1935              : }
    1936              : 
    1937              : 
    1938              : Position
    1939       683029 : MSLink::getFuturePosition(const MSPerson* p, double timeHorizon) const {
    1940       683029 :     const double a = p->getAngle();
    1941       683029 :     const double dist = timeHorizon * p->getMaxSpeed();
    1942              : 
    1943       683029 :     const Position offset(cos(a) * dist, sin(a) * dist);
    1944       683029 :     return p->getPosition() + offset;
    1945              : }
    1946              : 
    1947              : 
    1948              : MSLink*
    1949      8653681 : MSLink::getParallelLink(int direction) const {
    1950      8653681 :     if (direction == -1) {
    1951      3430577 :         return myParallelRight;
    1952      5223104 :     } else if (direction == 1) {
    1953      5223104 :         return myParallelLeft;
    1954              :     } else {
    1955              :         assert(false || myLane->getOpposite() != nullptr);
    1956              :         return nullptr;
    1957              :     }
    1958              : }
    1959              : 
    1960              : MSLink*
    1961       172201 : MSLink::getOppositeDirectionLink() const {
    1962       172201 :     if (myLane->getOpposite() != nullptr && myLaneBefore->getOpposite() != nullptr) {
    1963        42540 :         for (MSLink* cand : myLane->getOpposite()->getLinkCont()) {
    1964        40943 :             if (cand->getLane() == myLaneBefore->getOpposite()) {
    1965              :                 return cand;
    1966              :             }
    1967              :         }
    1968              :     }
    1969              :     return nullptr;
    1970              : }
    1971              : 
    1972              : 
    1973              : MSLink*
    1974      5491162 : MSLink::computeParallelLink(int direction) {
    1975      5491162 :     const MSLane* const before = getLaneBefore()->getParallelLane(direction, false);
    1976      5491162 :     const MSLane* const after = getLane()->getParallelLane(direction, false);
    1977      5491162 :     if (before != nullptr && after != nullptr) {
    1978      1003081 :         for (MSLink* const link : before->getLinkCont()) {
    1979       705516 :             if (link->getLane() == after) {
    1980              :                 return link;
    1981              :             }
    1982              :         }
    1983              :     }
    1984              :     return nullptr;
    1985              : }
    1986              : 
    1987              : 
    1988              : double
    1989       817941 : MSLink::getZipperSpeed(const MSVehicle* ego, const double dist, double vSafe,
    1990              :                        SUMOTime arrivalTime,
    1991              :                        const BlockingFoes* foes) const {
    1992       817941 :     if (myFoeLinks.size() == 0) {
    1993              :         // link should have LINKSTATE_MAJOR in this case
    1994              :         assert(false);
    1995              :         return vSafe;
    1996       817941 :     } else if (myFoeLinks.size() > 1) {
    1997              :         throw ProcessError("Zipper junctions with more than two conflicting lanes are not supported (at junction '"
    1998           10 :                            + myJunction->getID() + "')");
    1999              :     }
    2000       817936 :     const double brakeGap = ego->getCarFollowModel().brakeGap(ego->getSpeed(), ego->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel(), TS);
    2001       914632 :     if (dist > MAX2(myFoeVisibilityDistance, brakeGap)) {
    2002              : #ifdef DEBUG_ZIPPER
    2003              :         const SUMOTime now = MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep();
    2004              :         DEBUGOUT(DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER, SIMTIME << " getZipperSpeed ego=" << ego->getID()
    2005              :                  << " dist=" << dist << " bGap=" << brakeGap << " ignoring foes (arrival in " << STEPS2TIME(arrivalTime - now) << ")\n")
    2006              : #endif
    2007              :         return vSafe;
    2008              :     }
    2009              : #ifdef DEBUG_ZIPPER
    2010              :     DEBUGOUT(DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER, SIMTIME << " getZipperSpeed ego=" << ego->getID()
    2011              :              << " egoAT=" << arrivalTime
    2012              :              << " dist=" << dist
    2013              :              << " brakeGap=" << brakeGap
    2014              :              << " vSafe=" << vSafe
    2015              :              << " numFoes=" << foes->size()
    2016              :              << "\n")
    2017              : #endif
    2018       275105 :     MSLink* foeLink = myFoeLinks[0];
    2019       739188 :     for (const auto& item : *foes) {
    2020       464083 :         if (!item->isVehicle()) {
    2021       254025 :             continue;
    2022              :         }
    2023       464083 :         const MSVehicle* foe = dynamic_cast<const MSVehicle*>(item);
    2024              :         assert(foe != 0);
    2025       464083 :         const ApproachingVehicleInformation& avi = foeLink->getApproaching(foe);
    2026       464083 :         const double foeDist = (foe->isActive() ? avi.dist : MAX2(0.0, avi.dist -
    2027           32 :                                 STEPS2TIME(MSNet::getInstance()->getCurrentTimeStep() - foe->getLastActionTime()) * avi.speed));
    2028              : 
    2029       254025 :         if (    // ignore vehicles that arrive after us (unless they are ahead and we could easily brake for them)
    2030       475005 :             ((avi.arrivalTime > arrivalTime) && !couldBrakeForLeader(dist, foeDist, ego, foe)) ||
    2031              :             // also ignore vehicles that are behind us and are able to brake for us
    2032       685067 :             couldBrakeForLeader(foeDist, dist, foe, ego) ||
    2033              :             // resolve ties by lane index
    2034         3045 :             (avi.arrivalTime == arrivalTime && foeDist == dist && ego->getLane()->getIndex() < foe->getLane()->getIndex())) {
    2035              : #ifdef DEBUG_ZIPPER
    2036              :             if (DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER) std::cout
    2037              :                         << "    ignoring foe=" << foe->getID()
    2038              :                         << " foeAT=" << avi.arrivalTime
    2039              :                         << " foeDist=" << avi.dist
    2040              :                         << " foeDist2=" << foeDist
    2041              :                         << " foeSpeed=" << avi.speed
    2042              :                         << " egoSpeed=" << ego->getSpeed()
    2043              :                         << " deltaDist=" << foeDist - dist
    2044              :                         << " delteSpeed=" << avi.speed - foe->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() - ego->getSpeed()
    2045              :                         << " egoCouldBrake=" << couldBrakeForLeader(dist, foeDist, ego, foe)
    2046              :                         << " foeCouldBrake=" << couldBrakeForLeader(foeDist, dist, foe, ego)
    2047              :                         << "\n";
    2048              : #endif
    2049       254025 :             continue;
    2050              :         }
    2051              :         // the idea behind speed adaption is three-fold:
    2052              :         // 1) ego needs to be in a car-following relationship with foe eventually
    2053              :         //    thus, the ego speed should be equal to the follow speed once the foe enters
    2054              :         //    the zipper junction
    2055              :         // 2) ego vehicle needs to put a certain distance beteen himself and foe (safeGap)
    2056              :         //    achieving this distance can be spread over time but computing
    2057              :         //    safeGap is subject to estimation errors of future speeds
    2058              :         // 3) deceleration can be spread out over the time until true
    2059              :         //    car-following happens, at the start of speed adaptions, smaller
    2060              :         //    decelerations should be sufficient
    2061              : 
    2062              :         // we cannot trust avi.arrivalSpeed if the foe has leader vehicles that are accelerating
    2063              :         // lets try to extrapolate
    2064       210058 :         const double uMax = foe->getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(foe);
    2065       210058 :         const double uAccel = foe->getCarFollowModel().estimateSpeedAfterDistance(foeDist, avi.speed, foe->getCarFollowModel().getMaxAccel());
    2066              :         const double uEnd = MIN2(uMax, uAccel);
    2067       210058 :         const double uAvg = (avi.speed + uEnd) / 2;
    2068       210058 :         const double tf0 = foeDist / MAX2(NUMERICAL_EPS, uAvg);
    2069       210058 :         const double tf = MAX2(1.0, ceil((tf0) / TS) * TS);
    2070              : 
    2071       210058 :         const double vMax = ego->getLane()->getVehicleMaxSpeed(ego);
    2072       210058 :         const double vAccel = ego->getCarFollowModel().estimateSpeedAfterDistance(dist, ego->getSpeed(), ego->getCarFollowModel().getMaxAccel());
    2073       210058 :         const double vDecel = ego->getCarFollowModel().estimateSpeedAfterDistance(dist, ego->getSpeed(), ego->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
    2074              :         const double vEnd = MIN3(vMax, vAccel, MAX2(uEnd, vDecel));
    2075       210058 :         const double vAvg = (ego->getSpeed() + vEnd) / 2;
    2076       210058 :         const double te0 = dist / MAX2(NUMERICAL_EPS, vAvg);
    2077       210058 :         const double te = MAX2(1.0, ceil((te0) / TS) * TS);
    2078              : 
    2079       210058 :         const double gap = dist - foe->getVehicleType().getLength() - ego->getVehicleType().getMinGap() - foeDist;
    2080       210058 :         const double safeGap = ego->getCarFollowModel().getSecureGap(ego, foe, vEnd, uEnd, foe->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel());
    2081              :         // round t to next step size
    2082              :         // increase gap to safeGap by the time foe reaches link
    2083              :         // gap + u*t - (t * v + a * t^2 / 2) = safeGap
    2084       210058 :         const double deltaGap = gap + tf * uAvg - safeGap - vAvg * tf;
    2085       210058 :         const double a = 2 * deltaGap / (tf * tf);
    2086       210058 :         const double vSafeGap = ego->getSpeed() + ACCEL2SPEED(a);
    2087       210058 :         const double vFollow = ego->getCarFollowModel().followSpeed(
    2088       210058 :                                    ego, ego->getSpeed(), gap, avi.speed, foe->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel(), foe);
    2089              : 
    2090              :         // scale behavior based on ego time to link (te)
    2091       210058 :         const double w = MIN2(1.0, te / 10);
    2092       210058 :         const double maxDecel = w * ego->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() + (1 - w) * ego->getCarFollowModel().getEmergencyDecel();
    2093       210058 :         const double vZipper = MAX3(vFollow, ego->getSpeed() - ACCEL2SPEED(maxDecel), w * vSafeGap + (1 - w) * vFollow);
    2094              : 
    2095              :         vSafe = MIN2(vSafe, vZipper);
    2096              : #ifdef DEBUG_ZIPPER
    2097              :         if (DEBUG_COND_ZIPPER) std::cout << "    adapting to foe=" << foe->getID()
    2098              :                                              << " foeDist=" << foeDist
    2099              :                                              << " foeSpeed=" << avi.speed
    2100              :                                              << " foeAS=" << avi.arrivalSpeed
    2101              :                                              << " egoSpeed=" << ego->getSpeed()
    2102              :                                              << " uMax=" << uMax
    2103              :                                              << " uAccel=" << uAccel
    2104              :                                              << " uEnd=" << uEnd
    2105              :                                              << " uAvg=" << uAvg
    2106              :                                              << " gap=" << gap
    2107              :                                              << " safeGap=" << safeGap
    2108              :                                              << "\n      "
    2109              :                                              << " tf=" << tf
    2110              :                                              << " te=" << te
    2111              :                                              << " dg=" << deltaGap
    2112              :                                              << " aSafeGap=" << a
    2113              :                                              << " vMax=" << vMax
    2114              :                                              << " vAccel=" << vAccel
    2115              :                                              << " vDecel=" << vDecel
    2116              :                                              << " vEnd=" << vEnd
    2117              :                                              << " vSafeGap=" << vSafeGap
    2118              :                                              << " vFollow=" << vFollow
    2119              :                                              << " w=" << w
    2120              :                                              << " maxDecel=" << maxDecel
    2121              :                                              << " vZipper=" << vZipper
    2122              :                                              << " vSafe=" << vSafe
    2123              :                                              << "\n";
    2124              : #endif
    2125              :     }
    2126              :     return vSafe;
    2127              : }
    2128              : 
    2129              : 
    2130              : bool
    2131       475005 : MSLink::couldBrakeForLeader(double followDist, double leaderDist, const MSVehicle* follow, const MSVehicle* leader) {
    2132              :     return (// leader is ahead of follower
    2133       475005 :                followDist > leaderDist &&
    2134              :                // and follower could brake for 1 s to stay behind leader
    2135        32755 :                followDist - leaderDist > follow->getSpeed() - follow->getCarFollowModel().getMaxDecel() - leader->getSpeed());
    2136              : }
    2137              : 
    2138              : 
    2139              : void
    2140      2745581 : MSLink::initParallelLinks() {
    2141      2745581 :     myParallelRight = computeParallelLink(-1);
    2142      2745581 :     myParallelLeft = computeParallelLink(1);
    2143      2745581 : }
    2144              : 
    2145              : bool
    2146        60275 : MSLink::checkContOff() const {
    2147              :     // check whether this link gets to keep its cont status switching the tls off
    2148              :     // @note: this could also be pre-computed in netconvert
    2149              :     // we check whether there is any major link from this edge
    2150       185310 :     for (const MSLane* cand : myLaneBefore->getEdge().getLanes()) {
    2151       368494 :         for (const MSLink* link : cand->getLinkCont()) {
    2152       243459 :             if (link->getOffState() == LINKSTATE_TL_OFF_NOSIGNAL) {
    2153              :                 return true;
    2154              :             }
    2155              :         }
    2156              :     }
    2157              :     return false;
    2158              : }
    2159              : 
    2160              : bool
    2161      4244054 : MSLink::lateralOverlap(double posLat, double width, double posLat2, double width2) {
    2162      4244054 :     return fabs(posLat2 - posLat) < (width + width2) / 2;
    2163              : }
    2164              : 
    2165              : std::string
    2166            0 : MSLink::getDescription() const {
    2167            0 :     return myLaneBefore->getID() + "->" + getViaLaneOrLane()->getID();
    2168              : }
    2169              : 
    2170              : 
    2171              : bool
    2172    159790394 : MSLink::ignoreFoe(const SUMOTrafficObject* ego, const SUMOTrafficObject* foe) {
    2173    159790394 :     if (ego == nullptr || !ego->getParameter().wasSet(VEHPARS_JUNCTIONMODEL_PARAMS_SET)) {
    2174    159757955 :         return false;
    2175              :     }
    2176        32439 :     const SUMOVehicleParameter& param = ego->getParameter();
    2177        71050 :     for (const std::string& typeID : StringTokenizer(param.getParameter(toString(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_TYPES), "")).getVector()) {
    2178        31537 :         if (typeID == foe->getVehicleType().getID()) {
    2179              :             return true;
    2180              :         }
    2181        32439 :     }
    2182        16136 :     for (const std::string& id : StringTokenizer(param.getParameter(toString(SUMO_ATTR_JM_IGNORE_IDS), "")).getVector()) {
    2183         2291 :         if (id == foe->getID()) {
    2184              :             return true;
    2185              :         }
    2186         7074 :     }
    2187         6771 :     return false;
    2188              : }
    2189              : 
    2190              : 
    2191              : void
    2192        88360 : MSLink::updateDistToFoePedCrossing(double dist) {
    2193        88360 :     myDistToFoePedCrossing = MIN2(myDistToFoePedCrossing, dist);
    2194        88360 : }
    2195              : 
    2196              : 
    2197              : std::pair<const SUMOVehicle* const, const MSLink::ApproachingVehicleInformation>
    2198       465039 : MSLink::getClosest() const {
    2199              :     assert(getApproaching().size() > 0);
    2200              :     double minDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    2201              :     auto closestIt = getApproaching().begin();
    2202       930579 :     for (auto apprIt = getApproaching().begin(); apprIt != getApproaching().end(); apprIt++) {
    2203       465540 :         if (apprIt->second.dist < minDist) {
    2204              :             minDist = apprIt->second.dist;
    2205              :             closestIt = apprIt;
    2206              :         }
    2207              :     }
    2208              :     // maybe a parallel link has a closer vehicle
    2209              :     /*
    2210              :     for (MSLink* link2 : link->getLaneBefore()->getLinkCont()) {
    2211              :         if (link2 != link) {
    2212              :             for (auto apprIt2 = link2->getApproaching().begin(); apprIt2 != link2->getApproaching().end(); apprIt2++) {
    2213              :                 if (apprIt2->second.dist < minDist) {
    2214              :                     minDist = apprIt2->second.dist;
    2215              :                     closestIt = apprIt2;
    2216              :                 }
    2217              :             }
    2218              :         }
    2219              :     }
    2220              :     */
    2221       465039 :     return *closestIt;
    2222              : }
    2223              : 
    2224              : 
    2225              : /****************************************************************************/

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