LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/microsim - MSVehicle.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 95.8 % 96 92
Test Date: 2024-10-24 15:46:30 Functions: 89.5 % 19 17

            Line data    Source code
       1              : /****************************************************************************/
       2              : // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
       3              : // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
       4              : // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
       5              : // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
       6              : //
       7              : // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
       8              : // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
       9              : // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
      10              : // or later which is available at
      11              : //
      12              : // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
      13              : /****************************************************************************/
      14              : /// @file    MSVehicle.h
      15              : /// @author  Christian Roessel
      16              : /// @author  Jakob Erdmann
      17              : /// @author  Bjoern Hendriks
      18              : /// @author  Daniel Krajzewicz
      19              : /// @author  Thimor Bohn
      20              : /// @author  Friedemann Wesner
      21              : /// @author  Clemens Honomichl
      22              : /// @author  Michael Behrisch
      23              : /// @author  Axel Wegener
      24              : /// @author  Leonhard Luecken
      25              : /// @date    Mon, 12 Mar 2001
      26              : ///
      27              : // Representation of a vehicle in the micro simulation
      28              : /****************************************************************************/
      29              : #pragma once
      30              : #include <config.h>
      31              : 
      32              : #include <list>
      33              : #include <deque>
      34              : #include <map>
      35              : #include <set>
      36              : #include <string>
      37              : #include <vector>
      38              : #include <memory>
      39              : #include "MSGlobals.h"
      40              : #include "MSBaseVehicle.h"
      41              : #include "MSNet.h"
      42              : 
      43              : #define INVALID_SPEED 299792458 + 1 // nothing can go faster than the speed of light! Refs. #2577
      44              : 
      45              : // ===========================================================================
      46              : // class declarations
      47              : // ===========================================================================
      48              : class SUMOSAXAttributes;
      49              : class MSMoveReminder;
      50              : class MSLaneChanger;
      51              : class MSVehicleTransfer;
      52              : class MSAbstractLaneChangeModel;
      53              : class MSStoppingPlace;
      54              : class MSStop;
      55              : class MSChargingStation;
      56              : class MSOverheadWire;
      57              : class MSParkingArea;
      58              : class MSPerson;
      59              : class MSDevice;
      60              : class OutputDevice;
      61              : class Position;
      62              : class MSJunction;
      63              : class MSLeaderInfo;
      64              : class MSLeaderDistanceInfo;
      65              : class MSDevice_DriverState;
      66              : class MSSimpleDriverState;
      67              : class MSDevice_Friction;
      68              : 
      69              : 
      70              : // ===========================================================================
      71              : // class definitions
      72              : // ===========================================================================
      73              : /**
      74              :  * @class MSVehicle
      75              :  * @brief Representation of a vehicle in the micro simulation
      76              :  */
      77              : class MSVehicle : public MSBaseVehicle {
      78              : public:
      79              : 
      80              :     /// the lane changer sets myLastLaneChangeOffset
      81              :     friend class MSLaneChanger;
      82              :     friend class MSLaneChangerSublane;
      83              : 
      84              :     /** @class State
      85              :      * @brief Container that holds the vehicles driving state (position+speed).
      86              :      */
      87              :     class State {
      88              :         /// @brief vehicle sets states directly
      89              :         friend class MSVehicle;
      90              :         friend class MSLaneChanger;
      91              :         friend class MSLaneChangerSublane;
      92              : 
      93              :     public:
      94              :         /// Constructor.
      95              :         State(double pos, double speed, double posLat, double backPos, double previousSpeed);
      96              : 
      97              :         /// Copy constructor.
      98              :         State(const State& state);
      99              : 
     100              :         /// Assignment operator.
     101              :         State& operator=(const State& state);
     102              : 
     103              :         /// Operator !=
     104              :         bool operator!=(const State& state);
     105              : 
     106              :         /// Position of this state.
     107              :         double pos() const {
     108      3718093 :             return myPos;
     109              :         }
     110              : 
     111              :         /// Speed of this state
     112              :         double speed() const {
     113     12032644 :             return mySpeed;
     114              :         };
     115              : 
     116              :         /// Lateral Position of this state (m relative to the centerline of the lane).
     117              :         double posLat() const {
     118              :             return myPosLat;
     119              :         }
     120              : 
     121              :         /// back Position of this state
     122              :         double backPos() const {
     123              :             return myBackPos;
     124              :         }
     125              : 
     126              :         /// previous Speed of this state
     127              :         double lastCoveredDist() const {
     128      7496083 :             return myLastCoveredDist;
     129              :         }
     130              : 
     131              : 
     132              :     private:
     133              :         /// the stored position
     134              :         double myPos;
     135              : 
     136              :         /// the stored speed (should be >=0 at any time)
     137              :         double mySpeed;
     138              : 
     139              :         /// the stored lateral position
     140              :         double myPosLat;
     141              : 
     142              :         /// @brief the stored back position
     143              :         // if the vehicle occupies multiple lanes, this is the position relative
     144              :         // to the lane occupied by its back
     145              :         double myBackPos;
     146              : 
     147              :         /// the speed at the begin of the previous time step
     148              :         double myPreviousSpeed;
     149              : 
     150              :         /// the distance covered in the last timestep
     151              :         /// NOTE: In case of ballistic positional update, this is not necessarily given by
     152              :         ///       myPos - SPEED2DIST(mySpeed + myPreviousSpeed)/2,
     153              :         /// because a stop may have occurred within the last step.
     154              :         double myLastCoveredDist;
     155              : 
     156              :     };
     157              : 
     158              : 
     159              :     /** @class WaitingTimeCollector
     160              :      * @brief Stores the waiting intervals over the previous seconds (memory is to be specified in ms.).
     161              :      */
     162            0 :     class WaitingTimeCollector {
     163              :     public:
     164              :         /// Constructor.
     165              :         WaitingTimeCollector(SUMOTime memory = MSGlobals::gWaitingTimeMemory);
     166              : 
     167              :         // return the waiting time within the last memory millisecs
     168              :         SUMOTime cumulatedWaitingTime(SUMOTime memory = -1) const;
     169              : 
     170              :         // process time passing for dt millisecs
     171              :         void passTime(SUMOTime dt, bool waiting);
     172              : 
     173              :         const std::string getState() const;
     174              : 
     175              :         void setState(const std::string& state);
     176              : 
     177              :     private:
     178              :         /// the maximal memory to store
     179              :         SUMOTime myMemorySize;
     180              : 
     181              :         /// the stored waiting intervals within the last memory milliseconds
     182              :         /// If the current (ongoing) waiting interval has begun at time t - dt (where t is the current time)
     183              :         /// then waitingIntervalList[0]->first = 0., waitingIntervalList[0]->second = dt
     184              :         std::deque<std::pair<SUMOTime, SUMOTime> > myWaitingIntervals;
     185              : 
     186              :         /// append an amount of dt millisecs to the stored waiting times
     187              :         void appendWaitingTime(SUMOTime dt);
     188              :     };
     189              : 
     190              : 
     191              :     /** @enum ChangeRequest
     192              :      * @brief Requests set via TraCI
     193              :      */
     194              :     enum ChangeRequest {
     195              :         /// @brief vehicle doesn't want to change
     196              :         REQUEST_NONE,
     197              :         /// @brief vehicle want's to change to left lane
     198              :         REQUEST_LEFT,
     199              :         /// @brief vehicle want's to change to right lane
     200              :         REQUEST_RIGHT,
     201              :         /// @brief vehicle want's to keep the current lane
     202              :         REQUEST_HOLD
     203              :     };
     204              : 
     205              :     /** @brief Constructor
     206              :      * @param[in] pars The vehicle description
     207              :      * @param[in] route The vehicle's route
     208              :      * @param[in] type The vehicle's type
     209              :      * @param[in] speedFactor The factor for driven lane's speed limits
     210              :      * @exception ProcessError If a value is wrong
     211              :      */
     212              :     MSVehicle(SUMOVehicleParameter* pars, ConstMSRoutePtr route,
     213              :               MSVehicleType* type, const double speedFactor);
     214              : 
     215              :     /// @brief Destructor.
     216              :     virtual ~MSVehicle();
     217              : 
     218              :     void initDevices();
     219              : 
     220              :     /// @brief checks wether the vehicle can depart on the first edge
     221              :     bool hasValidRouteStart(std::string& msg);
     222              : 
     223              :     /// @name insertion/removal
     224              :     //@{
     225              : 
     226              :     /** @brief Called when the vehicle is removed from the network.
     227              :      *
     228              :      * Moves along work reminders and
     229              :      *  informs all devices about quitting. Calls "leaveLane" then.
     230              :      *
     231              :      * @param[in] reason why the vehicle leaves (reached its destination, parking, teleport)
     232              :      */
     233              :     void onRemovalFromNet(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason);
     234              :     //@}
     235              : 
     236              : 
     237              : 
     238              :     /// @name interaction with the route
     239              :     //@{
     240              : 
     241              :     /** @brief Returns whether this vehicle has already arived
     242              :      * (reached the arrivalPosition on its final edge)
     243              :      */
     244              :     bool hasArrived() const;
     245              : 
     246              :     /** @brief Replaces the current route by the given one
     247              :      *
     248              :      * It is possible that the new route is not accepted, if it does not
     249              :      *  contain the vehicle's current edge.
     250              :      *
     251              :      * @param[in] route The new route to pass
     252              :      * @param[in] info Information regarding the replacement
     253              :      * @param[in] removeStops Whether stops should be removed if they do not fit onto the new route
     254              :      * @return Whether the new route was accepted
     255              :      */
     256              :     bool replaceRoute(ConstMSRoutePtr route, const std::string& info, bool onInit = false, int offset = 0, bool addStops = true, bool removeStops = true, std::string* msgReturn = nullptr);
     257              : 
     258              :     //@}
     259              : 
     260              : 
     261              :     /// @name Interaction with move reminders
     262              :     //@{
     263              : 
     264              :     /** @brief Processes active move reminder
     265              :      *
     266              :      * This method goes through all active move reminder, both those for the current
     267              :      *  lane, stored in "myMoveReminders" and those of prior lanes stored in
     268              :      *  "myOldLaneMoveReminders" calling "MSMoveReminder::notifyMove".
     269              :      *
     270              :      * When processing move reminder from "myOldLaneMoveReminders",
     271              :      *  the offsets (prior lane lengths) are used, which are stored in
     272              :      *  "myOldLaneMoveReminderOffsets".
     273              :      *
     274              :      * Each move reminder which is no longer active is removed from the container.
     275              :      *
     276              :      * @param[in] oldPos The position the vehicle had before it has moved
     277              :      * @param[in] newPos The position the vehicle has after it has moved
     278              :      * @param[in] newSpeed The vehicle's speed within this move
     279              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     280              :      */
     281              :     void workOnMoveReminders(double oldPos, double newPos, double newSpeed);
     282              :     //@}
     283              : 
     284              :     /** @brief cycle through vehicle devices invoking notifyIdle
     285              :       *
     286              :       *   This is only implemented on the emissions device
     287              :       *     implemented to allow capture of emissions when vehicle is not on net.
     288              :       */
     289              :     void workOnIdleReminders();
     290              : 
     291              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is supposed to take action in the current simulation step
     292              :      *         Updates myActionStep and myLastActionTime in case that the current simstep is an action step
     293              :      *
     294              :      *  @param[in] t
     295              :      */
     296              :     bool checkActionStep(const SUMOTime t);
     297              : 
     298              :     /** @brief Resets the action offset for the vehicle
     299              :      *
     300              :      *  @param[in] timeUntilNextAction time interval from now for the next action, defaults to 0, which
     301              :      *             implies an immediate action point in the current step.
     302              :      */
     303              :     void resetActionOffset(const SUMOTime timeUntilNextAction = 0);
     304              : 
     305              : 
     306              :     /** @brief Process an updated action step length value (only affects the vehicle's *action offset*,
     307              :      *         The actionStepLength is stored in the (singular) vtype)
     308              :      *
     309              :      *  @param[in] oldActionStepLength The action step length previous to the update
     310              :      *  @param[in] actionStepLength The new action step length (stored in the vehicle's vtype).
     311              :      *  @note      The current action step length is updated. This implies an immediate action
     312              :      *             point, if the new step length is smaller than the length of the currently running
     313              :      *             action interval (the difference between now and the last action time).
     314              :      */
     315              :     void updateActionOffset(const SUMOTime oldActionStepLength, const SUMOTime newActionStepLength);
     316              : 
     317              : 
     318              :     /** @brief Compute safe velocities for the upcoming lanes based on positions and
     319              :      * speeds from the last time step. Also registers
     320              :      * ApproachingVehicleInformation for all links
     321              :      *
     322              :      * This method goes through the best continuation lanes of the current lane and
     323              :      * computes the safe velocities for passing/stopping at the next link as a DriveProcessItem
     324              :      *
     325              :      * Afterwards it checks if any DriveProcessItem should be discarded to avoid
     326              :      * blocking a junction (checkRewindLinkLanes).
     327              :      *
     328              :      * Finally the ApproachingVehicleInformation is registered for all links that
     329              :      * shall be passed
     330              :      *
     331              :      * @param[in] t The current timeStep
     332              :      * @param[in] ahead The leaders (may be 0)
     333              :      * @param[in] lengthsInFront Sum of vehicle lengths in front of the vehicle
     334              :      */
     335              :     void planMove(const SUMOTime t, const MSLeaderInfo& ahead, const double lengthsInFront);
     336              : 
     337              :     /** @brief Register junction approaches for all link items in the current
     338              :      * plan */
     339              :     void setApproachingForAllLinks(const SUMOTime t);
     340              : 
     341              :     /// @brief register approach on insertion
     342              :     void registerInsertionApproach(MSLink* link, double dist);
     343              : 
     344              : 
     345              :     /** @brief Executes planned vehicle movements with regards to right-of-way
     346              :      *
     347              :      * This method goes through all DriveProcessItems in myLFLinkLanes in order
     348              :      * to find a speed that is safe for all upcoming links.
     349              :      *
     350              :      * Using this speed the position is updated and the vehicle is moved to the
     351              :      * next lane (myLane is updated) if the end of the current lane is reached (this may happen
     352              :      * multiple times in this method)
     353              :      *
     354              :      * The vehicle also sets the lanes it is in-lapping into and informs them about it.
     355              :      * @return Whether the vehicle has moved to the next edge
     356              :      */
     357              :     bool executeMove();
     358              : 
     359              :     /// @brief move vehicle forward by the given distance during insertion
     360              :     void executeFractionalMove(double dist);
     361              : 
     362              :     /** @brief calculates the distance covered in the next integration step given
     363              :      *         an acceleration and assuming the current velocity. (gives different
     364              :      *         results for different integration methods, e.g., euler vs. ballistic)
     365              :      *  @param[in] accel the assumed acceleration
     366              :      *  @return distance covered in next integration step
     367              :      */
     368              :     double getDeltaPos(const double accel) const;
     369              : 
     370              : 
     371              :     /// @name state setter/getter
     372              :     //@{
     373              : 
     374              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's position along the lane
     375              :      * @return The position of the vehicle (in m from the lane's begin)
     376              :      */
     377  11222615083 :     double getPositionOnLane() const {
     378  11222615083 :         return myState.myPos;
     379              :     }
     380              : 
     381              :     /** @brief Get the distance the vehicle covered in the previous timestep
     382              :      * @return The distance covered in the last timestep (in m)
     383              :      */
     384              :     double getLastStepDist() const {
     385              :         return myState.lastCoveredDist();
     386              :     }
     387              : 
     388              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's front position relative to the given lane
     389              :      * @return The front position of the vehicle (in m from the given lane's begin)
     390              :      */
     391              :     double getPositionOnLane(const MSLane* lane) const;
     392              : 
     393              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's position relative to the given lane
     394              :      * @return The back position of the vehicle (in m from the given lane's begin)
     395              :      * @note It is assumed that this function is only called for a vehicle that has
     396              :      *       a relation to the lane which makes it 'directly' relevant for
     397              :      *       car-following behavior on that lane, i.e., either it occupies part of the
     398              :      *       lanes surface (regular or partial vehicle for the lane), or (for the sublane
     399              :      *       model) it issued a maneuver reservation for a lane change.
     400              :      */
     401   5210176630 :     inline double getBackPositionOnLane(const MSLane* lane) const {
     402   5210176630 :         return getBackPositionOnLane(lane, false);
     403              :     }
     404              : 
     405              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's position relative to its current lane
     406              :      * @return The back position of the vehicle (in m from the current lane's begin)
     407              :      */
     408              :     double getBackPositionOnLane() const {
     409    343222715 :         return getBackPositionOnLane(myLane);
     410              :     }
     411              : 
     412              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the lane
     413              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m relative to the
     414              :      * centerline of the lane)
     415              :      */
     416  10211438742 :     double getLateralPositionOnLane() const {
     417  10211438742 :         return myState.myPosLat;
     418              :     }
     419              : 
     420              :     void setLateralPositionOnLane(double posLat) {
     421       399687 :         myState.myPosLat = posLat;
     422            8 :     }
     423              : 
     424              :     void invalidateCachedPosition() {
     425       398525 :         myCachedPosition = Position::INVALID;
     426              :     }
     427              : 
     428              :     /** @brief Get the lateral position of the vehicles right side on the lane:
     429              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between right
     430              :      * side of vehicle and right side of the lane it is on
     431              :      */
     432              :     double getRightSideOnLane() const;
     433              : 
     434              :     /** @brief Get the lateral position of the vehicles left side on the lane:
     435              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between left
     436              :      * side of vehicle and right side of the lane it is on
     437              :      */
     438              :     double getLeftSideOnLane() const;
     439              : 
     440              :     /** @brief Get the lateral position of the vehicles right side on the lane:
     441              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between right
     442              :      * side of vehicle and right side of the lane it is on
     443              :      */
     444              :     double getRightSideOnLane(const MSLane* lane) const;
     445              : 
     446              :     /** @brief Get the lateral position of the vehicles left side on the lane:
     447              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between left
     448              :      * side of vehicle and right side of the lane it is on
     449              :      */
     450              :     double getLeftSideOnLane(const MSLane* lane) const;
     451              : 
     452              :     /** @brief Get the minimal lateral distance required to move fully onto the lane at given offset
     453              :      * @return The lateral distance to be covered to move the vehicle fully onto the lane (in m)
     454              :      */
     455              :     double lateralDistanceToLane(const int offset) const;
     456              : 
     457              :     /// @brief return the amount by which the vehicle extends laterally outside it's primary lane
     458              :     double getLateralOverlap() const;
     459              :     double getLateralOverlap(const MSLane* lane) const;
     460              :     double getLateralOverlap(double posLat, const MSLane* lane) const;
     461              : 
     462              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the edge of the given lane
     463              :      * (or its current edge if lane == 0)
     464              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between left
     465              :      * side of vehicle and right side of edge
     466              :      */
     467              :     double getLeftSideOnEdge(const MSLane* lane = 0) const;
     468              : 
     469              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the edge of the given lane
     470              :      * (or its current edge if lane == 0)
     471              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between right
     472              :      * side of vehicle and right side of edge
     473              :      */
     474              :     double getRightSideOnEdge(const MSLane* lane = 0) const;
     475              : 
     476              :     /** @brief Get the vehicle's lateral position on the edge of the given lane
     477              :      * (or its current edge if lane == 0)
     478              :      * @return The lateral position of the vehicle (in m distance between center
     479              :      * of vehicle and right side of edge
     480              :      */
     481              :     double getCenterOnEdge(const MSLane* lane = 0) const;
     482              : 
     483              :     /** @brief Get the offset that that must be added to interpret
     484              :      * myState.myPosLat for the given lane
     485              :      *  @note This means that latOffset + myPosLat should give the relative shift of the vehicle's center
     486              :      *        wrt the centerline of the given lane.
     487              :      */
     488              :     double getLatOffset(const MSLane* lane) const;
     489              : 
     490              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's current speed
     491              :      * @return The vehicle's speed
     492              :      */
     493  20834810197 :     double getSpeed() const {
     494  20834810197 :         return myState.mySpeed;
     495              :     }
     496              : 
     497              : 
     498              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's speed before the previous time step
     499              :      * @return The vehicle's speed before the previous time step
     500              :      */
     501    436403469 :     double getPreviousSpeed() const {
     502    436403469 :         return myState.myPreviousSpeed;
     503              :     }
     504              : 
     505              : 
     506              :     /** @brief Sets the influenced previous speed
     507              :      * @param[in] A double value with the speed that overwrites the previous speed
     508              :      * @param[in] A double value with the acceleration that overwrites the previous acceleration
     509              :      */
     510              :     void setPreviousSpeed(double prevSpeed, double prevAcceleration);
     511              : 
     512              : 
     513              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's acceleration in m/s
     514              :      *         (this is computed as the last step's mean acceleration in case that a stop occurs within the middle of the time-step)
     515              :      * @return The acceleration
     516              :      */
     517   4416516808 :     double getAcceleration() const {
     518   4416516808 :         return myAcceleration;
     519              :     }
     520              : 
     521              :     /// @brief get apparent deceleration based on vType parameters and current acceleration
     522              :     double getCurrentApparentDecel() const;
     523              : 
     524              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's action step length in millisecs,
     525              :      *         i.e. the interval between two action points.
     526              :      * @return The current action step length in ms.
     527              :      */
     528              :     SUMOTime getActionStepLength() const {
     529   3473282856 :         return myType->getActionStepLength();
     530              :     }
     531              : 
     532              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's action step length in secs,
     533              :      *         i.e. the interval between two action points.
     534              :      * @return The current action step length in s.
     535              :      */
     536              :     double getActionStepLengthSecs() const {
     537   3523309378 :         return myType->getActionStepLengthSecs();
     538              :     }
     539              : 
     540              : 
     541              :     /** @brief Returns the time of the vehicle's last action point.
     542              :      * @return The time of the last action point
     543              :      */
     544      1458988 :     SUMOTime getLastActionTime() const {
     545      1458988 :         return myLastActionTime;
     546              :     }
     547              : 
     548              :     //@}
     549              : 
     550              : 
     551              : 
     552              :     /// @name Other getter methods
     553              :     //@{
     554              : 
     555              :     /** @brief Returns the slope of the road at vehicle's position in degrees
     556              :      * @return The slope
     557              :      */
     558              :     double getSlope() const;
     559              : 
     560              : 
     561              :     /** @brief Return current position (x/y, cartesian)
     562              :      *
     563              :      * If the vehicle's myLane is 0, Position::INVALID.
     564              :      * @param[in] offset optional offset in longitudinal direction
     565              :      * @return The current position (in cartesian coordinates)
     566              :      * @see myLane
     567              :      */
     568              :     Position getPosition(const double offset = 0) const;
     569              : 
     570              : 
     571              :     /** @brief Return the (x,y)-position, which the vehicle would reach
     572              :      *         if it continued along its best continuation lanes from the current
     573              :      *         for a distance of offset m.
     574              :      * @param offset
     575              :      * @return (x,y)-Position
     576              :      * @see getPosition()
     577              :      */
     578              :     Position getPositionAlongBestLanes(double offset) const;
     579              : 
     580              : 
     581              :     /** @brief Returns the lane the vehicle is on
     582              :      * @return The vehicle's current lane
     583              :      */
     584   9338031763 :     const MSLane* getLane() const {
     585   9338031763 :         return myLane;
     586              :     }
     587              : 
     588              :     /** @brief Returns the lane the vehicle is on
     589              :      * Non const version indicates that something volatile is going on
     590              :      * @return The vehicle's current lane
     591              :      */
     592              :     MSLane* getMutableLane() const {
     593    548728184 :         return myLane;
     594              :     }
     595              : 
     596              :     // @brief return the lane on which the back of this vehicle resides
     597              :     const MSLane* getBackLane() const;
     598              : 
     599              :     /** @brief Returns the maximal speed for the vehicle on its current lane (including speed factor and deviation,
     600              :      *         i.e., not necessarily the allowed speed limit)
     601              :      * @return The vehicle's max speed
     602              :      */
     603              :     double getMaxSpeedOnLane() const;
     604              : 
     605              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the vehicle is on a road (is simulated)
     606              :      * @return Whether the vehicle is simulated
     607              :      */
     608   1788017996 :     inline bool isOnRoad() const {
     609   1788017996 :         return myAmOnNet;
     610              :     }
     611              : 
     612              :     /** @brief access function for Idling flag
     613              :      *      used to record whether vehicle is waiting to enter lane (after parking)
     614              :      */
     615              :     void
     616              :     setIdling(bool amIdling) {
     617        92743 :         myAmIdling = amIdling;
     618              :     }
     619              : 
     620              :     /** @brief Returns whether a sim vehicle is waiting to enter a lane
     621              :      *      (after parking has completed)
     622              :      * @return true if the vehicle is waiting
     623              :      */
     624     13473361 :     inline bool isIdling() const {
     625     13473361 :         return myAmIdling;
     626              :     }
     627              : 
     628              :     /** @brief Returns whether the current simulation step is an action point for the vehicle
     629              :      * @return Whether the vehicle has an action point in the current step.
     630              :      */
     631              :     inline bool isActive() const {
     632    300391515 :         return myActionStep;
     633              :     }
     634              : 
     635              :     /** @brief Returns whether the next simulation step will be an action point for the vehicle
     636              :      * @return Whether the vehicle has scheduled an action point for the next step.
     637              :      */
     638              :     inline bool isActionStep(SUMOTime t) const {
     639   1080965744 :         return (t - myLastActionTime) % getActionStepLength() == 0;
     640              : //        return t%getActionStepLength() == 0; // synchronized actions for all vehicles with identical actionsteplengths
     641              :     }
     642              : 
     643              : 
     644              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the front of the vehicle is on the given lane
     645              :      * @return Whether the vehicle's front is on that lane
     646              :      */
     647              :     bool isFrontOnLane(const MSLane* lane) const;
     648              : 
     649              :     /** @brief Returns the edge the vehicle is currently at (possibly an
     650              :      * internal edge or nullptr)
     651              :      */
     652              :     const MSEdge* getCurrentEdge() const;
     653              : 
     654              :     /// @brief returns the next edge (possibly an internal edge)
     655              :     const MSEdge* getNextEdgePtr() const;
     656              : 
     657              :     /** @brief Returns the starting point for reroutes (usually the current edge)
     658              :      *
     659              :      * This differs from *myCurrEdge only if the vehicle is on an internal edge or
     660              :      *  very close to the junction
     661              :      * @return The rerouting start point
     662              :      */
     663              :     ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator getRerouteOrigin() const;
     664              : 
     665              : 
     666              :     /** @brief Returns the SUMOTime waited (speed was lesser than 0.1m/s)
     667              :      *
     668              :      * The value is reset if the vehicle moves faster than 0.1m/s
     669              :      * Intentional stopping does not count towards this time.
     670              :      * If accumulated is true the time is aggregated over a configurable interval.
     671              :      * @return The time the vehicle is standing
     672              :      */
     673   2207845223 :     SUMOTime getWaitingTime(const bool accumulated = false) const {
     674   2207845223 :         if (!accumulated) {
     675   2206483418 :             return myWaitingTime;
     676              :         }
     677      1361805 :         return myWaitingTimeCollector.cumulatedWaitingTime(MSGlobals::gWaitingTimeMemory);
     678              :     }
     679              : 
     680              :     /** @brief Returns the SUMOTime spent driving since startup (speed was larger than 0.1m/s)
     681              :      *
     682              :      * The value is reset if the vehicle halts (moves slower than 0.1m/s)
     683              :      * Intentional stopping does not reset the time
     684              :      * @return The time the vehicle is standing
     685              :      */
     686              :     SUMOTime getTimeSinceStartup() const {
     687    474003712 :         return myTimeSinceStartup;
     688              :     }
     689              : 
     690            0 :     inline double getTimeSinceStartupSeconds() const {
     691            0 :         return STEPS2TIME(myTimeSinceStartup);
     692              :     }
     693              : 
     694              :     /** @brief Returns the SUMOTime lost (speed was lesser maximum speed)
     695              :      *
     696              :      * @note Intentional stopping does not count towards this time.
     697              :     // @note speedFactor is included so time loss can never be negative.
     698              :     // The value is that of a driver who compares his travel time when
     699              :     // the road is clear (which includes speed factor) with the actual travel time.
     700              :     // @note includes time lost due to low departSpeed and decelerating/accelerating for planned stops
     701              :      * @return The time the vehicle lost due to various effects
     702              :      */
     703      2666018 :     SUMOTime getTimeLoss() const {
     704      2666018 :         return TIME2STEPS(myTimeLoss);
     705              :     }
     706              : 
     707              : 
     708              :     /** @brief Returns the number of seconds waited (speed was lesser than 0.1m/s) within the last millisecs
     709              :      *
     710              :      * @return The time the vehicle was standing within the last t millisecs
     711              :      */
     712              : 
     713            0 :     double getAccumulatedWaitingSeconds() const {
     714      1355210 :         return STEPS2TIME(getWaitingTime(true));
     715              :     }
     716              : 
     717              :     /** @brief Returns the time loss in seconds
     718              :      */
     719           72 :     double getTimeLossSeconds() const {
     720           72 :         return myTimeLoss;
     721              :     }
     722              : 
     723              :     /** @brief Returns the public transport stop delay in seconds
     724              :      */
     725              :     double getStopDelay() const;
     726              : 
     727              :     /** @brief Returns the estimated public transport stop arrival delay in seconds
     728              :      */
     729              :     double getStopArrivalDelay() const;
     730              : 
     731              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's direction in radians
     732              :      * @return The vehicle's current angle
     733              :      */
     734      2652079 :     double getAngle() const {
     735     14073508 :         return myAngle;
     736              :     }
     737              : 
     738              : 
     739              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's direction in radians
     740              :      * @return The vehicle's current angle
     741              :      */
     742     12032644 :     Position getVelocityVector() const {
     743     12032644 :         return Position(std::cos(myAngle) * myState.speed(), std::sin(myAngle) * myState.speed());
     744              :     }
     745              :     //@}
     746              : 
     747              :     /// @brief compute the current vehicle angle
     748              :     double computeAngle() const;
     749              : 
     750              :     /// @brief Set a custom vehicle angle in rad, optionally updates furtherLanePosLat
     751              :     void setAngle(double angle, bool straightenFurther = false);
     752              : 
     753              :     /** @brief Sets the action steplength of the vehicle
     754              :      *
     755              :      * @param actionStepLength New value
     756              :      * @param resetActionOffset whether the action offset should be reset to zero,
     757              :      *        i.e., the next action step should follow immediately.
     758              :      */
     759              :     void setActionStepLength(double actionStepLength, bool resetActionOffset = true);
     760              : 
     761              :     /** Returns true if the two vehicles overlap. */
     762              :     static bool overlap(const MSVehicle* veh1, const MSVehicle* veh2) {
     763              :         if (veh1->myState.myPos < veh2->myState.myPos) {
     764              :             return veh2->myState.myPos - veh2->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() < veh1->myState.myPos;
     765              :         }
     766              :         return veh1->myState.myPos - veh1->getVehicleType().getLengthWithGap() < veh2->myState.myPos;
     767              :     }
     768              : 
     769              :     /** Returns true if vehicle's speed is below 60km/h. This is only relevant
     770              :         on highways. Overtaking on the right is allowed then. */
     771              :     bool congested() const;
     772              : 
     773              : 
     774              :     /** @brief "Activates" all current move reminder
     775              :      *
     776              :      * For all move reminder stored in "myMoveReminders", their method
     777              :      *  "MSMoveReminder::notifyEnter" is called.
     778              :      *
     779              :      * @param[in] reason The reason for changing the reminders' states
     780              :      * @param[in] enteredLane The lane, which is entered (if applicable)
     781              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
     782              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::notifyEnter
     783              :      * @see MSMoveReminder::Notification
     784              :      */
     785              :     void activateReminders(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* enteredLane = 0);
     786              : 
     787              :     /** @brief Update when the vehicle enters a new lane in the move step.
     788              :      *
     789              :      * @param[in] enteredLane The lane the vehicle enters
     790              :      * @param[in] onTeleporting Whether the lane was entered while being teleported
     791              :      * @return Whether the vehicle's route has ended (due to vaporization, or because the destination was reached)
     792              :      */
     793              :     void enterLaneAtMove(MSLane* enteredLane, bool onTeleporting = false);
     794              : 
     795              : 
     796              : 
     797              :     /** @brief Update when the vehicle enters a new lane in the emit step
     798              :      *
     799              :      * @param[in] enteredLane The lane the vehicle enters
     800              :      * @param[in] pos The position the vehicle was inserted into the lane
     801              :      * @param[in] speed The speed with which the vehicle was inserted into the lane
     802              :      * @param[in] posLat The lateral position the vehicle was inserted into the lane
     803              :      * @param[in] notification The cause of insertion (i.e. departure, teleport, parking)
     804              :      */
     805              :     void enterLaneAtInsertion(MSLane* enteredLane, double pos, double speed, double posLat,
     806              :                               MSMoveReminder::Notification notification);
     807              : 
     808              :     /** @brief set tentative lane and position during insertion to ensure that
     809              :      * all cfmodels work (some of them require veh->getLane() to return a valid lane)
     810              :      * Once the vehicle is successfully inserted the lane is set again (see enterLaneAtInsertion)
     811              :      */
     812              :     void setTentativeLaneAndPosition(MSLane* lane, double pos, double posLat = 0);
     813              : 
     814              :     /** @brief Update when the vehicle enters a new lane in the laneChange step.
     815              :      *
     816              :      * @param[in] enteredLane The lane the vehicle enters
     817              :      */
     818              :     void enterLaneAtLaneChange(MSLane* enteredLane);
     819              : 
     820              : 
     821              :     /** @brief Update of members if vehicle leaves a new lane in the lane change step or at arrival. */
     822              :     void leaveLane(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* approachedLane = 0);
     823              : 
     824              :     /** @brief Update of reminders if vehicle back leaves a lane during (during
     825              :      * forward movement */
     826              :     void leaveLaneBack(const MSMoveReminder::Notification reason, const MSLane* leftLane);
     827              : 
     828              :     /** @brief Check whether the drive items (myLFLinkLanes) are up to date,
     829              :      *         and update them if required.
     830              :      *  @note  This is the case if a lane change was completed.
     831              :      *         Only the links corresponding to the drive items are updated to the
     832              :      *         corresponding parallel links.
     833              :      */
     834              :     void updateDriveItems();
     835              : 
     836              :     /** @brief Get the distance and direction of the next upcoming turn for the vehicle (within its look-ahead range)
     837              :      *  @return The first entry of the returned pair is the distance for the upcoming turn, the second is the link direction
     838              :      */
     839              :     const std::pair<double, const MSLink*>& getNextTurn() {
     840              :         return myNextTurn;
     841              :     }
     842              : 
     843              : 
     844              :     MSAbstractLaneChangeModel& getLaneChangeModel();
     845              :     const MSAbstractLaneChangeModel& getLaneChangeModel() const;
     846              : 
     847              :     const std::vector<MSLane*>& getFurtherLanes() const {
     848              :         return myFurtherLanes;
     849              :     }
     850              : 
     851              :     const std::vector<double>& getFurtherLanesPosLat() const {
     852              :         return myFurtherLanesPosLat;
     853              :     }
     854              : 
     855              : 
     856              :     /// @brief whether this vehicle has its back (and no its front) on the given edge
     857              :     bool onFurtherEdge(const MSEdge* edge) const;
     858              : 
     859              :     /// @brief whether this vehicle is driving against lane
     860              :     bool isBidiOn(const MSLane* lane) const;
     861              : 
     862              :     /// @name strategical/tactical lane choosing methods
     863              :     /// @{
     864              : 
     865              :     //
     866              :     /** @struct LaneQ
     867              :      * @brief A structure representing the best lanes for continuing the current route starting at 'lane'
     868              :      */
     869   1759850936 :     struct LaneQ {
     870              :         /// @brief The described lane
     871              :         MSLane* lane = nullptr;
     872              :         /// @brief The overall length which may be driven when using this lane without a lane change
     873              :         double length;
     874              :         /// @brief The length which may be driven on this lane
     875              :         double currentLength;
     876              :         /// @brief The overall vehicle sum on consecutive lanes which can be passed without a lane change
     877              :         double occupation;
     878              :         /// @brief As occupation, but without the first lane
     879              :         double nextOccupation;
     880              :         /// @brief The (signed) number of lanes to be crossed to get to the lane which allows to continue the drive
     881              :         int bestLaneOffset;
     882              :         /// @brief Whether this lane allows to continue the drive
     883              :         bool allowsContinuation;
     884              :         /* @brief Longest sequence of (normal-edge) lanes that can be followed without a lane change
     885              :          * The 'length' attribute is the sum of these lane lengths
     886              :          * (There may be alternative sequences that have equal length)
     887              :          * It is the 'best' in the strategic sense of reducing required lane-changes
     888              :          */
     889              :         std::vector<MSLane*> bestContinuations;
     890              :     };
     891              : 
     892              :     /** @brief Returns the description of best lanes to use in order to continue the route
     893              :      * @return The LaneQ for all lanes of the current edge
     894              :      */
     895              :     const std::vector<LaneQ>& getBestLanes() const;
     896              : 
     897              :     /** @brief computes the best lanes to use in order to continue the route
     898              :      *
     899              :      * The information is rebuilt if the vehicle is on a different edge than
     900              :      *  the one stored in "myLastBestLanesEdge" or "forceRebuild" is true.
     901              :      *
     902              :      * Otherwise, only the density changes on the stored lanes are adapted to
     903              :      *  the container only.
     904              :      *
     905              :      * A rebuild must be done if the vehicle leaves a stop; then, another lane may become
     906              :      *  the best one.
     907              :      *
     908              :      * If no starting lane ("startLane") is given, the vehicle's current lane ("myLane")
     909              :      *  is used as start of best lanes building.
     910              :      *
     911              :      * @param[in] forceRebuild Whether the best lanes container shall be rebuilt even if the vehicle's edge has not changed
     912              :      * @param[in] startLane The lane the process shall start at ("myLane" will be used if ==0)
     913              :      */
     914              :     void updateBestLanes(bool forceRebuild = false, const MSLane* startLane = 0);
     915              : 
     916              :     /** @brief Update the lane brutto occupancy after a change in minGap
     917              :      * */
     918              :     void updateLaneBruttoSum();
     919              : 
     920              :     /** @brief Returns the best sequence of lanes to continue the route starting at myLane
     921              :      * @return The bestContinuations of the LaneQ for myLane (see LaneQ)
     922              :      */
     923              :     const std::vector<MSLane*>& getBestLanesContinuation() const;
     924              : 
     925              : 
     926              :     /** @brief Returns the best sequence of lanes to continue the route starting at the given lane
     927              :      * @return The bestContinuations of the LaneQ for the given lane (see LaneQ)
     928              :      */
     929              :     const std::vector<MSLane*>& getBestLanesContinuation(const MSLane* const l) const;
     930              : 
     931              :     /** @brief Returns the upcoming (best followed by default 0) sequence of lanes to continue the route starting at the current lane
     932              :      * @param[in] distance The downstream distance to cover
     933              :      * @return The bestContinuations of the LaneQ for myLane (see LaneQ) concatenated with default following lanes up until
     934              :      *  the given distance has been covered
     935              :      * @note includes internal lanes if applicable
     936              :      */
     937              :     const std::vector<const MSLane*> getUpcomingLanesUntil(double distance) const;
     938              : 
     939              :     /** @brief Returns the sequence of past lanes (right-most on edge) based on the route starting at the current lane
     940              :      * @param[in] distance The upstream distance to cover
     941              :      * @return The myRoute-based past lanes (right-most on edge) up until the given distance has been covered
     942              :      * @note includes internal lanes if applicable
     943              :      */
     944              :     const std::vector<const MSLane*> getPastLanesUntil(double distance) const;
     945              : 
     946              :     /** @brief Returns the sequence of opposite lanes corresponding to past lanes
     947              :      * @return The myRoute-based past lanes (right-most on edge) up to getMaximumBrakeDist
     948              :      * @note includes internal lanes if applicable
     949              :      */
     950              :     const std::vector<MSLane*> getUpstreamOppositeLanes() const;
     951              : 
     952              :     /* @brief returns the current signed offset from the lane that is most
     953              :      * suited for continuing the current route (in the strategic sense of reducing lane-changes)
     954              :      * - 0 if the vehicle is on its best lane
     955              :      * - negative if the vehicle should change to the right
     956              :      * - positive if the vehicle should change to the left
     957              :      */
     958              :     int getBestLaneOffset() const;
     959              : 
     960              :     /** @brief returns the distance that can be driven without lane change **/
     961              :     double getBestLaneDist() const;
     962              : 
     963              :     /// @brief update occupation from MSLaneChanger
     964              :     void adaptBestLanesOccupation(int laneIndex, double density);
     965              : 
     966              :     /// @}
     967              : 
     968              :     /// @brief repair errors in vehicle position after changing between internal edges
     969              :     void fixPosition();
     970              : 
     971              :     /// @brief return lane and position along bestlanes at the given distance
     972              :     std::pair<const MSLane*, double> getLanePosAfterDist(double distance) const;
     973              : 
     974              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's car following model definition
     975              :      *
     976              :      * This is simply a wrapper around the vehicle type's car-following
     977              :      *  model retrieval for a shorter access.
     978              :      *
     979              :      * @return The vehicle's car following model definition
     980              :      */
     981              :     inline const MSCFModel& getCarFollowModel() const {
     982  11951045307 :         return myType->getCarFollowModel();
     983              :     }
     984              : 
     985              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle driver's state
     986              :      *
     987              :      * @return The vehicle driver's state
     988              :      */
     989              : 
     990              :     std::shared_ptr<MSSimpleDriverState> getDriverState() const;
     991              : 
     992              :     /** @brief Returns the current friction on the road as perceived by the friction device
     993              :      *
     994              :      * @return The vehicle's perceived friction
     995              :      */
     996              :     double getFriction() const;
     997              : 
     998              :     /** @brief Returns the vehicle's car following model variables
     999              :      *
    1000              :      * @return The vehicle's car following model variables
    1001              :      */
    1002              :     inline MSCFModel::VehicleVariables* getCarFollowVariables() const {
    1003    323490932 :         return myCFVariables;
    1004              :     }
    1005              : 
    1006              :     /** @brief Whether this vehicle is equipped with a MSDriverState
    1007              :      */
    1008              :     inline bool hasDriverState() const {
    1009   3544518755 :         return myDriverState != nullptr;
    1010              :     }
    1011              :     /// @name vehicle stops definitions and i/o
    1012              :     //@{
    1013              : 
    1014              :     /// @brief Returns the remaining stop duration for a stopped vehicle or 0
    1015              :     SUMOTime remainingStopDuration() const;
    1016              : 
    1017              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle will stop on the current edge
    1018              :      */
    1019              :     bool willStop() const;
    1020              : 
    1021              :     //// @brief Returns whether the vehicle is at a stop and on the correct lane
    1022              :     bool isStoppedOnLane() const;
    1023              : 
    1024              :     /** @brief Returns whether the vehicle is stopped and must continue to do so */
    1025              :     bool keepStopping(bool afterProcessing = false) const;
    1026              : 
    1027              :     /** @brief Returns the remaining time a vehicle needs to stop due to a
    1028              :      * collision. A negative value indicates that the vehicle is not stopping due to a collision (or at all)
    1029              :      */
    1030              :     SUMOTime collisionStopTime() const;
    1031              : 
    1032              :     /** @brief Returns how long the vehicle has been stopped already due to lack of energy.
    1033              :      */
    1034              :     bool brokeDown() const;
    1035              : 
    1036              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the vehicle is fully controlled via TraCI
    1037              :      * @return Whether the vehicle is remote-controlled
    1038              :      */
    1039              :     bool isRemoteControlled() const;
    1040              : 
    1041              :     /** @brief Returns the information whether the vehicle is fully controlled via TraCI
    1042              :      * within the lookBack time
    1043              :      */
    1044              :     bool wasRemoteControlled(SUMOTime lookBack = DELTA_T) const;
    1045              : 
    1046              :     /// @brief return the distance to the next stop or doubleMax if there is none.
    1047              :     double nextStopDist() const {
    1048    204767996 :         return myStopDist;
    1049              :     }
    1050              :     /// @}
    1051              : 
    1052              :     int getLaneIndex() const;
    1053              : 
    1054              :     /**
    1055              :      * Compute distance that will be covered, if the vehicle moves to a given position on its route,
    1056              :      * starting at its current position.
    1057              :      * @param destPos:  position on the destination edge that shall be reached
    1058              :      * @param destLane: destination lane that shall be reached
    1059              :      * @return      distance from the vehicles current position to the destination position,
    1060              :      *          or a near infinite real value if the destination position is not contained
    1061              :      *          within the vehicles route or the vehicle is not active
    1062              :      */
    1063              :     double getDistanceToPosition(double destPos, const MSLane* destLane) const;
    1064              : 
    1065              : 
    1066              :     /** @brief Processes stops, returns the velocity needed to reach the stop
    1067              :      * @return The velocity in dependence to the next/current stop
    1068              :      * @todo Describe more detailed
    1069              :      * @see Stop
    1070              :      * @see MSStoppingPlace
    1071              :      * @see MSStoppingPlace
    1072              :      */
    1073              :     double processNextStop(double currentVelocity);
    1074              : 
    1075              : 
    1076              :     /** @brief Returns the leader of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
    1077              :      *
    1078              :      * If the distance is not given it is calculated from the brake gap.
    1079              :      * The gap returned does not include the minGap.
    1080              :      * @param dist    up to which distance to look at least for a leader
    1081              :      * @return The leading vehicle together with the gap; (0, -1) if no leader was found.
    1082              :      */
    1083              :     std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double> getLeader(double dist = 0) const;
    1084              : 
    1085              :     /** @brief Returns the follower of the vehicle looking for a fixed distance.
    1086              :      *
    1087              :      * If the distance is not given it is set to the value of MSCFModel::brakeGap(2*roadSpeed, 4.5, 0)
    1088              :      * The gap returned does not include the minGap.
    1089              :      * If there are multiple followers, the one that maximizes the term (getSecureGap - gap) is returned.
    1090              :      * @param dist    up to which distance to look at least for a leader
    1091              :      * @return The leading vehicle together with the gap; (0, -1) if no leader was found.
    1092              :      */
    1093              :     std::pair<const MSVehicle* const, double> getFollower(double dist = 0) const;
    1094              : 
    1095              :     /** @brief Returns the time gap in seconds to the leader of the vehicle on the same lane.
    1096              :      *
    1097              :      * If the distance is too big -1 is returned.
    1098              :      * The gap returned takes the minGap into account.
    1099              :      * @return The time gap in seconds; -1 if no leader was found or speed is 0.
    1100              :      */
    1101              :     double getTimeGapOnLane() const;
    1102              : 
    1103              : 
    1104              :     /** @brief Adds a person or container to this vehicle
    1105              :      *
    1106              :      * @param[in] transportable The person/container to add
    1107              :      */
    1108              :     void addTransportable(MSTransportable* transportable);
    1109              : 
    1110              :     /// @name Access to bool signals
    1111              :     /// @{
    1112              : 
    1113              :     /** @enum Signalling
    1114              :      * @brief Some boolean values which describe the state of some vehicle parts
    1115              :      */
    1116              :     enum Signalling {
    1117              :         /// @brief Everything is switched off
    1118              :         VEH_SIGNAL_NONE = 0,
    1119              :         /// @brief Right blinker lights are switched on
    1120              :         VEH_SIGNAL_BLINKER_RIGHT = 1,
    1121              :         /// @brief Left blinker lights are switched on
    1122              :         VEH_SIGNAL_BLINKER_LEFT = 2,
    1123              :         /// @brief Blinker lights on both sides are switched on
    1124              :         VEH_SIGNAL_BLINKER_EMERGENCY = 4,
    1125              :         /// @brief The brake lights are on
    1126              :         VEH_SIGNAL_BRAKELIGHT = 8,
    1127              :         /// @brief The front lights are on (no visualisation)
    1128              :         VEH_SIGNAL_FRONTLIGHT = 16,
    1129              :         /// @brief The fog lights are on (no visualisation)
    1130              :         VEH_SIGNAL_FOGLIGHT = 32,
    1131              :         /// @brief The high beam lights are on (no visualisation)
    1132              :         VEH_SIGNAL_HIGHBEAM = 64,
    1133              :         /// @brief The backwards driving lights are on (no visualisation)
    1134              :         VEH_SIGNAL_BACKDRIVE = 128,
    1135              :         /// @brief The wipers are on
    1136              :         VEH_SIGNAL_WIPER = 256,
    1137              :         /// @brief One of the left doors is opened
    1138              :         VEH_SIGNAL_DOOR_OPEN_LEFT = 512,
    1139              :         /// @brief One of the right doors is opened
    1140              :         VEH_SIGNAL_DOOR_OPEN_RIGHT = 1024,
    1141              :         /// @brief A blue emergency light is on
    1142              :         VEH_SIGNAL_EMERGENCY_BLUE = 2048,
    1143              :         /// @brief A red emergency light is on
    1144              :         VEH_SIGNAL_EMERGENCY_RED = 4096,
    1145              :         /// @brief A yellow emergency light is on
    1146              :         VEH_SIGNAL_EMERGENCY_YELLOW = 8192
    1147              :     };
    1148              : 
    1149              : 
    1150              :     /** @brief modes for resolving conflicts between external control (traci)
    1151              :      * and vehicle control over lane changing. Each level of the lane-changing
    1152              :      * hierarchy (strategic, cooperative, speedGain, keepRight) can be controlled
    1153              :      * separately */
    1154              :     enum LaneChangeMode {
    1155              :         LC_NEVER      = 0,  // lcModel shall never trigger changes at this level
    1156              :         LC_NOCONFLICT = 1,  // lcModel may trigger changes if not in conflict with TraCI request
    1157              :         LC_ALWAYS     = 2   // lcModel may always trigger changes of this level regardless of requests
    1158              :     };
    1159              : 
    1160              : 
    1161              :     /// @brief modes for prioritizing traci lane change requests
    1162              :     enum TraciLaneChangePriority {
    1163              :         LCP_ALWAYS        = 0,  // change regardless of blockers, adapt own speed and speed of blockers
    1164              :         LCP_NOOVERLAP     = 1,  // change unless overlapping with blockers, adapt own speed and speed of blockers
    1165              :         LCP_URGENT        = 2,  // change if not blocked, adapt own speed and speed of blockers
    1166              :         LCP_OPPORTUNISTIC = 3   // change if not blocked
    1167              :     };
    1168              : 
    1169              : 
    1170              :     /** @brief Switches the given signal on
    1171              :      * @param[in] signal The signal to mark as being switched on
    1172              :      */
    1173              :     void switchOnSignal(int signal) {
    1174    182247055 :         mySignals |= signal;
    1175    182209241 :     }
    1176              : 
    1177              : 
    1178              :     /** @brief Switches the given signal off
    1179              :      * @param[in] signal The signal to mark as being switched off
    1180              :      */
    1181              :     void switchOffSignal(int signal) {
    1182    538058394 :         mySignals &= ~signal;
    1183    421277109 :     }
    1184              : 
    1185              : 
    1186              :     /** @brief Returns the signals
    1187              :      * @return The signals' states
    1188              :      */
    1189              :     int getSignals() const {
    1190        14882 :         return mySignals;
    1191              :     }
    1192              : 
    1193              : 
    1194              :     /** @brief Returns whether the given signal is on
    1195              :      * @param[in] signal The signal to return the value of
    1196              :      * @return Whether the given signal is on
    1197              :      */
    1198              :     bool signalSet(int which) const {
    1199     34140059 :         return (mySignals & which) != 0;
    1200              :     }
    1201              :     /// @}
    1202              : 
    1203              : 
    1204              :     /// @brief whether the vehicle may safely move to the given lane with regard to upcoming links
    1205              :     bool unsafeLinkAhead(const MSLane* lane) const;
    1206              : 
    1207              :     /// @brief decide whether the vehicle is passing a minor link or has comitted to do so
    1208              :     bool passingMinor() const;
    1209              : 
    1210              : 
    1211              : 
    1212              :     /** @brief Returns the uninfluenced velocity
    1213              :      *
    1214              :      * If no influencer exists (myInfluencer==0) the vehicle's current speed is
    1215              :      *  returned. Otherwise the speed returned from myInfluencer->getOriginalSpeed().
    1216              :      * @return The vehicle's velocity as it would without an influence
    1217              :      * @see Influencer::getOriginalSpeed
    1218              :      */
    1219              :     double getSpeedWithoutTraciInfluence() const;
    1220              : 
    1221              :     /**
    1222              :      * reroute the vehicle to the new parking area, updating routes and passengers/containers associated trips
    1223              :      * @param parkingAreaID    id of the new parking area
    1224              :      */
    1225              :     bool rerouteParkingArea(const std::string& parkingAreaID, std::string& errorMsg);
    1226              : 
    1227              :     /**
    1228              :      * schedule a new stop for the vehicle; each time a stop is reached, the vehicle
    1229              :      * will wait for the given duration before continuing on its route
    1230              :      * @param[in] stop Stop parameters
    1231              :      * @param[out] errorMsg returned error message
    1232              :      */
    1233              :     bool addTraciStop(SUMOVehicleParameter::Stop stop, std::string& errorMsg);
    1234              : 
    1235              :     bool handleCollisionStop(MSStop& stop, const double distToStop);
    1236              : 
    1237              :     /**
    1238              :     * resumes a vehicle from stopping
    1239              :     * @return true on success, the resuming fails if the vehicle wasn't parking in the first place
    1240              :     */
    1241              :     bool resumeFromStopping();
    1242              : 
    1243              :     /// @brief update a vector of further lanes and return the new backPos
    1244              :     double updateFurtherLanes(std::vector<MSLane*>& furtherLanes,
    1245              :                               std::vector<double>& furtherLanesPosLat,
    1246              :                               const std::vector<MSLane*>& passedLanes);
    1247              : 
    1248              :     /// @brief get bounding rectangle
    1249              :     PositionVector getBoundingBox(double offset = 0) const;
    1250              : 
    1251              :     /// @brief get bounding polygon
    1252              :     PositionVector getBoundingPoly(double offset = 0) const;
    1253              : 
    1254              :     /** @enum ManoeuvreType
    1255              :      *  @brief  flag identifying which, if any, manoeuvre is in progress
    1256              :      */
    1257              :     enum ManoeuvreType {
    1258              :         /// @brief Manoeuvre into stopping place
    1259              :         MANOEUVRE_ENTRY,
    1260              :         /// @brief Manoeuvre out of stopping place
    1261              :         MANOEUVRE_EXIT,
    1262              :         /// @brief not manouevring
    1263              :         MANOEUVRE_NONE
    1264              :     };
    1265              : 
    1266              :     /// @brief accessor function to myManoeuvre equivalent
    1267              :     /// @note Setup of exit manoeuvre is invoked from MSVehicleTransfer
    1268              :     bool setExitManoeuvre();
    1269              :     /// @brief accessor function to myManoeuvre equivalent
    1270              :     void setManoeuvreType(const MSVehicle::ManoeuvreType mType);
    1271              : 
    1272              :     /// @brief accessor function to myManoeuvre equivalent
    1273              :     bool manoeuvreIsComplete() const;
    1274              :     /// @brief accessor function to myManoeuvre equivalent
    1275              :     MSVehicle::ManoeuvreType getManoeuvreType() const;
    1276              : 
    1277              : 
    1278              :     /** @class Manoeuvre
    1279              :       * @brief  Container for manouevering time associated with stopping.
    1280              :       *
    1281              :       *  Introduced to cater for lane blocking whilst entering stop/leaving stop
    1282              :       *   and assure that emissions during manoeuvre are included in model
    1283              :       */
    1284      3892595 :     class Manoeuvre {
    1285              : 
    1286              :     public:
    1287              :         /// Constructor.
    1288              :         Manoeuvre();
    1289              : 
    1290              :         /// Copy constructor.
    1291              :         Manoeuvre(const Manoeuvre& manoeuvre);
    1292              : 
    1293              :         /// Assignment operator.
    1294              :         Manoeuvre& operator=(const Manoeuvre& manoeuvre);
    1295              : 
    1296              :         /// Operator !=
    1297              :         bool operator!=(const Manoeuvre& manoeuvre);
    1298              : 
    1299              :         /// @brief Setup the entry manoeuvre for this vehicle (Sets completion time and manoeuvre type)
    1300              :         bool configureEntryManoeuvre(MSVehicle* veh);
    1301              : 
    1302              :         /// @brief Setup the myManoeuvre for exiting (Sets completion time and manoeuvre type)
    1303              :         bool configureExitManoeuvre(MSVehicle* veh);
    1304              : 
    1305              :         /// @brief Configure an entry manoeuvre if nothing is configured - otherwise check if complete
    1306              :         bool entryManoeuvreIsComplete(MSVehicle* veh);
    1307              : 
    1308              :         /// @brief Check if specific manoeuver is ongoing and whether the completion time is beyond currentTime
    1309              :         bool
    1310              :         manoeuvreIsComplete(const ManoeuvreType checkType) const;
    1311              : 
    1312              :         /// @brief Check if any manoeuver is ongoing and whether the completion time is beyond currentTime
    1313              :         bool
    1314              :         manoeuvreIsComplete() const;
    1315              : 
    1316              :         /// @brief Accessor for GUI rotation step when parking (radians)
    1317              :         double getGUIIncrement() const;
    1318              : 
    1319              :         /// @brief Accessor (get) for manoeuvre type
    1320              :         MSVehicle::ManoeuvreType getManoeuvreType() const;
    1321              : 
    1322              :         /// @brief Accessor (set) for manoeuvre type
    1323              :         void setManoeuvreType(const MSVehicle::ManoeuvreType mType);
    1324              : 
    1325              :     private:
    1326              :         /// @brief  The name of the vehicle associated with the Manoeuvre  - for debug output
    1327              :         std::string myManoeuvreVehicleID;
    1328              : 
    1329              :         /// @brief  The name of the stop associated with the Manoeuvre  - for debug output
    1330              :         std::string myManoeuvreStop;
    1331              : 
    1332              :         /// @brief Time at which the Manoeuvre for this stop started
    1333              :         SUMOTime myManoeuvreStartTime;
    1334              : 
    1335              :         /// @brief Time at which this manoeuvre should complete
    1336              :         SUMOTime myManoeuvreCompleteTime;
    1337              : 
    1338              :         /// @brief Manoeuvre type - currently entry, exit or none
    1339              :         ManoeuvreType myManoeuvreType;
    1340              : 
    1341              :         // @brief Angle (radians) through which parking vehicle moves in each sim step
    1342              :         double myGUIIncrement;
    1343              :     };
    1344              : 
    1345              :     // Current or previous (completed) manoeuvre
    1346              :     Manoeuvre myManoeuvre;
    1347              : 
    1348              :     /** @class Influencer
    1349              :       * @brief Changes the wished vehicle speed / lanes
    1350              :       *
    1351              :       * The class is used for passing velocities or velocity profiles obtained via TraCI to the vehicle.
    1352              :       * The speed adaptation is controlled by the stored speedTimeLine
    1353              :       * Additionally, the variables myConsiderSafeVelocity, myConsiderMaxAcceleration, and myConsiderMaxDeceleration
    1354              :       * control whether the safe velocity, the maximum acceleration, and the maximum deceleration
    1355              :       * have to be regarded.
    1356              :       *
    1357              :       * Furthermore this class is used to affect lane changing decisions according to
    1358              :       * LaneChangeMode and any given laneTimeLine
    1359              :       */
    1360              :     class Influencer : public BaseInfluencer {
    1361              :     private:
    1362              : 
    1363              :         /// @brief A static instance of this class in GapControlState deactivates gap control
    1364              :         ///        for vehicles whose reference vehicle is removed from the road network
    1365              :         class GapControlVehStateListener : public MSNet::VehicleStateListener {
    1366              :             /** @brief Called if a vehicle changes its state
    1367              :              * @param[in] vehicle The vehicle which changed its state
    1368              :              * @param[in] to The state the vehicle has changed to
    1369              :              * @param[in] info Additional information on the state change
    1370              :              * @note This deactivates the corresponding gap control when a reference vehicle is removed.
    1371              :              */
    1372              :             void vehicleStateChanged(const SUMOVehicle* const vehicle, MSNet::VehicleState to, const std::string& info = "");
    1373              :         };
    1374              : 
    1375              : 
    1376              :         /// @brief Container for state and parameters of the gap control
    1377              :         struct GapControlState {
    1378              :             GapControlState();
    1379              :             virtual ~GapControlState();
    1380              :             /// @brief Static initalization (adds vehicle state listener)
    1381              :             static void init();
    1382              :             /// @brief Static cleanup (removes vehicle state listener)
    1383              :             static void cleanup();
    1384              :             /// @brief Start gap control with given params
    1385              :             void activate(double tauOriginal, double tauTarget, double additionalGap, double duration, double changeRate, double maxDecel, const MSVehicle* refVeh);
    1386              :             /// @brief Stop gap control
    1387              :             void deactivate();
    1388              :             /// @brief Original value for the desired headway (will be reset after duration has expired)
    1389              :             double tauOriginal;
    1390              :             /// @brief Current, interpolated value for the desired time headway
    1391              :             double tauCurrent;
    1392              :             /// @brief Target value for the desired time headway
    1393              :             double tauTarget;
    1394              :             /// @brief Current, interpolated value for the desired space headway
    1395              :             double addGapCurrent;
    1396              :             /// @brief Target value for the desired space headway
    1397              :             double addGapTarget;
    1398              :             /// @brief Remaining duration for keeping the target headway
    1399              :             double remainingDuration;
    1400              :             /// @brief Rate by which the current time and space headways are changed towards the target value.
    1401              :             ///        (A rate of one corresponds to reaching the target value within one second)
    1402              :             double changeRate;
    1403              :             /// @brief Maximal deceleration to be applied due to the adapted headway
    1404              :             double maxDecel;
    1405              :             /// @brief reference vehicle for the gap - if it is null, the current leader on the ego's lane is used as a reference
    1406              :             const MSVehicle* referenceVeh;
    1407              :             /// @brief Whether the gap control is active
    1408              :             bool active;
    1409              :             /// @brief Whether the desired gap was attained during the current activity phase (induces the remaining duration to decrease)
    1410              :             bool gapAttained;
    1411              :             /// @brief The last recognized leader
    1412              :             const MSVehicle* prevLeader;
    1413              :             /// @brief Time of the last update of the gap control
    1414              :             SUMOTime lastUpdate;
    1415              :             /// @brief cache storage for the headway increments of the current operation
    1416              :             double timeHeadwayIncrement, spaceHeadwayIncrement;
    1417              : 
    1418              :             /// @brief stores reference vehicles currently in use by a gapController
    1419              :             static std::map<const MSVehicle*, GapControlState*> refVehMap;
    1420              : 
    1421              :         private:
    1422              :             static GapControlVehStateListener vehStateListener;
    1423              :         };
    1424              : 
    1425              : 
    1426              :     public:
    1427              :         /// @brief Constructor
    1428              :         Influencer();
    1429              : 
    1430              :         /// @brief Destructor
    1431              :         ~Influencer();
    1432              : 
    1433              :         /// @brief Static initalization
    1434              :         static void init();
    1435              :         /// @brief Static cleanup
    1436              :         static void cleanup();
    1437              : 
    1438              :         /** @brief Sets a new velocity timeline
    1439              :          * @param[in] speedTimeLine The time line of speeds to use
    1440              :          */
    1441              :         void setSpeedTimeLine(const std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, double> >& speedTimeLine);
    1442              : 
    1443              :         /** @brief Activates the gap control with the given parameters, @see GapControlState
    1444              :          */
    1445              :         void activateGapController(double originalTau, double newTimeHeadway, double newSpaceHeadway, double duration, double changeRate, double maxDecel, MSVehicle* refVeh = nullptr);
    1446              : 
    1447              :         /** @brief Deactivates the gap control
    1448              :          */
    1449              :         void deactivateGapController();
    1450              : 
    1451              :         /** @brief Sets a new lane timeline
    1452              :          * @param[in] laneTimeLine The time line of lanes to use
    1453              :          */
    1454              :         void setLaneTimeLine(const std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, int> >& laneTimeLine);
    1455              : 
    1456              :         /** @brief Adapts lane timeline when moving to a new lane and the lane index changes
    1457              :          * @param[in] indexShift The change in laneIndex
    1458              :          */
    1459              :         void adaptLaneTimeLine(int indexShift);
    1460              : 
    1461              :         /** @brief Sets a new sublane-change request
    1462              :          * @param[in] latDist The lateral distance for changing
    1463              :          */
    1464              :         void setSublaneChange(double latDist);
    1465              : 
    1466              :         /// @brief return the current speed mode
    1467              :         int getSpeedMode() const;
    1468              : 
    1469              :         /// @brief return the current lane change mode
    1470              :         int getLaneChangeMode() const;
    1471              : 
    1472              :         SUMOTime getLaneTimeLineDuration();
    1473              : 
    1474              :         SUMOTime getLaneTimeLineEnd();
    1475              : 
    1476              :         /** @brief Applies stored velocity information on the speed to use.
    1477              :          *
    1478              :          * The given speed is assumed to be the non-influenced speed from longitudinal control.
    1479              :          *  It is stored for further usage in "myOriginalSpeed".
    1480              :          * @param[in] currentTime The current simulation time
    1481              :          * @param[in] speed The undisturbed speed
    1482              :          * @param[in] vSafe The safe velocity
    1483              :          * @param[in] vMin The minimum velocity
    1484              :          * @param[in] vMax The maximum simulation time
    1485              :          * @return The speed to use
    1486              :          */
    1487              :         double influenceSpeed(SUMOTime currentTime, double speed, double vSafe, double vMin, double vMax);
    1488              : 
    1489              :         /** @brief Applies gap control logic on the speed.
    1490              :          *
    1491              :          * The given speed is assumed to be the non-influenced speed from longitudinal control.
    1492              :          *  It is stored for further usage in "myOriginalSpeed".
    1493              :          * @param[in] currentTime The current simulation time
    1494              :          * @param[in] veh The controlled vehicle
    1495              :          * @param[in] speed The undisturbed speed
    1496              :          * @param[in] vSafe The safe velocity
    1497              :          * @param[in] vMin The minimum velocity
    1498              :          * @param[in] vMax The maximum simulation time
    1499              :          * @return The speed to use (<=speed)
    1500              :          */
    1501              :         double gapControlSpeed(SUMOTime currentTime, const SUMOVehicle* veh, double speed, double vSafe, double vMin, double vMax);
    1502              : 
    1503              :         /** @brief Applies stored LaneChangeMode information and laneTimeLine
    1504              :          * @param[in] currentTime The current simulation time
    1505              :          * @param[in] currentEdge The current edge the vehicle is on
    1506              :          * @param[in] currentLaneIndex The index of the lane the vehicle is currently on
    1507              :          * @param[in] state The LaneChangeAction flags as computed by the laneChangeModel
    1508              :          * @return The new LaneChangeAction flags to use
    1509              :          */
    1510              :         int influenceChangeDecision(const SUMOTime currentTime, const MSEdge& currentEdge, const int currentLaneIndex, int state);
    1511              : 
    1512              : 
    1513              :         /** @brief Return the remaining number of seconds of the current
    1514              :          * laneTimeLine assuming one exists
    1515              :          * @param[in] currentTime The current simulation time
    1516              :          * @return The remaining seconds to change lanes
    1517              :          */
    1518              :         double changeRequestRemainingSeconds(const SUMOTime currentTime) const;
    1519              : 
    1520              :         /** @brief Returns whether junction priority rules shall be respected
    1521              :          * (concerns approaching vehicles outside the junction)
    1522              :          * @return Whether junction priority rules be respected
    1523              :          */
    1524              :         inline bool getRespectJunctionPriority() const {
    1525       345355 :             return myRespectJunctionPriority;
    1526              :         }
    1527              : 
    1528              : 
    1529              :         /** @brief Returns whether red lights shall be a reason to brake
    1530              :          * @return Whether red lights shall be a reason to brake
    1531              :          */
    1532              :         inline bool getEmergencyBrakeRedLight() const {
    1533       833727 :             return myEmergencyBrakeRedLight;
    1534              :         }
    1535              : 
    1536              :         /** @brief Returns whether junction priority rules within the junction shall be respected
    1537              :          * (concerns vehicles within the junction)
    1538              :          * @return Whether within-junction priority rules be respected
    1539              :          */
    1540              :         inline bool getRespectJunctionLeaderPriority() const {
    1541       372976 :             return myRespectJunctionLeaderPriority;
    1542              :         }
    1543              : 
    1544              : 
    1545              :         /// @brief Returns whether safe velocities shall be considered
    1546              :         bool considerSafeVelocity() const {
    1547       772210 :             return myConsiderSafeVelocity;
    1548              :         }
    1549              : 
    1550              :         /** @brief Sets speed-constraining behaviors
    1551              :          * @param[in] value a bitset controlling the different modes
    1552              :          */
    1553              :         void setSpeedMode(int speedMode);
    1554              : 
    1555              :         /** @brief Sets lane changing behavior
    1556              :          * @param[in] value a bitset controlling the different modes
    1557              :          */
    1558              :         void setLaneChangeMode(int value);
    1559              : 
    1560              :         /** @brief Returns the originally longitudinal speed to use
    1561              :          * @return The speed given before influence or -1 if no influence is active
    1562              :          */
    1563              :         double getOriginalSpeed() const;
    1564              : 
    1565              :         /** @brief Stores the originally longitudinal speed **/
    1566              :         void  setOriginalSpeed(double speed);
    1567              : 
    1568              :         void setRemoteControlled(Position xyPos, MSLane* l, double pos, double posLat, double angle, int edgeOffset, const ConstMSEdgeVector& route, SUMOTime t);
    1569              : 
    1570              :         SUMOTime getLastAccessTimeStep() const {
    1571          318 :             return myLastRemoteAccess;
    1572              :         }
    1573              : 
    1574              :         /// @brief update route if provided by remote control
    1575              :         void updateRemoteControlRoute(MSVehicle* v);
    1576              : 
    1577              :         /// @brief update position from remote control
    1578              :         void postProcessRemoteControl(MSVehicle* v);
    1579              : 
    1580              :         /// @brief return the speed that is implicit in the new remote position
    1581              :         double implicitSpeedRemote(const MSVehicle* veh, double oldSpeed);
    1582              : 
    1583              :         /// @brief return the change in longitudinal position that is implicit in the new remote position
    1584              :         double implicitDeltaPosRemote(const MSVehicle* veh);
    1585              : 
    1586              :         bool isRemoteControlled() const;
    1587              : 
    1588              :         bool isRemoteAffected(SUMOTime t) const;
    1589              : 
    1590              :         void setSignals(int signals) {
    1591           36 :             myTraCISignals = signals;
    1592           15 :         }
    1593              : 
    1594              :         int getSignals() const {
    1595       464784 :             return myTraCISignals;
    1596              :         }
    1597              : 
    1598              :         double getLatDist() const {
    1599       753609 :             return myLatDist;
    1600              :         }
    1601              : 
    1602              :         void resetLatDist() {
    1603          380 :             myLatDist = 0.;
    1604           15 :         }
    1605              : 
    1606              :         bool ignoreOverlap() const {
    1607         3528 :             return myTraciLaneChangePriority == LCP_ALWAYS;
    1608              :         }
    1609              : 
    1610              :     private:
    1611              :         /// @brief The velocity time line to apply
    1612              :         std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, double> > mySpeedTimeLine;
    1613              : 
    1614              :         /// @brief The lane usage time line to apply
    1615              :         std::vector<std::pair<SUMOTime, int> > myLaneTimeLine;
    1616              : 
    1617              :         /// @brief The gap control state
    1618              :         std::shared_ptr<GapControlState> myGapControlState;
    1619              : 
    1620              :         /// @brief The velocity before influence
    1621              :         double myOriginalSpeed;
    1622              : 
    1623              :         /// @brief The requested lateral change
    1624              :         double myLatDist;
    1625              : 
    1626              :         /// @brief Whether influencing the speed has already started
    1627              :         bool mySpeedAdaptationStarted;
    1628              : 
    1629              :         /// @brief Whether the safe velocity shall be regarded
    1630              :         bool myConsiderSafeVelocity;
    1631              : 
    1632              :         /// @brief Whether the maximum acceleration shall be regarded
    1633              :         bool myConsiderMaxAcceleration;
    1634              : 
    1635              :         /// @brief Whether the maximum deceleration shall be regarded
    1636              :         bool myConsiderMaxDeceleration;
    1637              : 
    1638              :         /// @brief Whether the junction priority rules are respected (approaching)
    1639              :         bool myRespectJunctionPriority;
    1640              : 
    1641              :         /// @brief Whether red lights are a reason to brake
    1642              :         bool myEmergencyBrakeRedLight;
    1643              : 
    1644              :         /// @brief Whether the junction priority rules are respected (within)
    1645              :         bool myRespectJunctionLeaderPriority;
    1646              : 
    1647              :         Position myRemoteXYPos;
    1648              :         MSLane* myRemoteLane;
    1649              :         double myRemotePos;
    1650              :         double myRemotePosLat;
    1651              :         double myRemoteAngle;
    1652              :         int myRemoteEdgeOffset;
    1653              :         ConstMSEdgeVector myRemoteRoute;
    1654              :         SUMOTime myLastRemoteAccess;
    1655              : 
    1656              :         /// @name Flags for managing conflicts between the laneChangeModel and TraCI laneTimeLine
    1657              :         //@{
    1658              :         /// @brief lane changing which is necessary to follow the current route
    1659              :         LaneChangeMode myStrategicLC;
    1660              :         /// @brief lane changing with the intent to help other vehicles
    1661              :         LaneChangeMode myCooperativeLC;
    1662              :         /// @brief lane changing to travel with higher speed
    1663              :         LaneChangeMode mySpeedGainLC;
    1664              :         /// @brief changing to the rightmost lane
    1665              :         LaneChangeMode myRightDriveLC;
    1666              :         /// @brief changing to the prefered lateral alignment
    1667              :         LaneChangeMode mySublaneLC;
    1668              :         //@}
    1669              :         ///* @brief flags for determining the priority of traci lane change requests
    1670              :         TraciLaneChangePriority myTraciLaneChangePriority;
    1671              : 
    1672              :         // @brief the signals set via TraCI
    1673              :         int myTraCISignals;
    1674              : 
    1675              :     };
    1676              : 
    1677              : 
    1678              :     /** @brief Returns the velocity/lane influencer
    1679              :      *
    1680              :      * If no influencer was existing before, one is built, first
    1681              :      * @return Reference to this vehicle's speed influencer
    1682              :      */
    1683              :     BaseInfluencer& getBaseInfluencer();
    1684              :     Influencer& getInfluencer();
    1685              : 
    1686              :     const BaseInfluencer* getBaseInfluencer() const;
    1687              :     const Influencer* getInfluencer() const;
    1688              : 
    1689   5872259693 :     bool hasInfluencer() const {
    1690   5872259693 :         return myInfluencer != nullptr;
    1691              :     }
    1692              : 
    1693              :     /// @brief allow TraCI to influence a lane change decision
    1694              :     int influenceChangeDecision(int state);
    1695              : 
    1696              :     /// @brief sets position outside the road network
    1697              :     void setRemoteState(Position xyPos);
    1698              : 
    1699              :     /// @brief get a numerical value for the priority of the  upcoming link
    1700              :     static int nextLinkPriority(const std::vector<MSLane*>& conts);
    1701              : 
    1702              :     /// @brief whether the given vehicle must be followed at the given junction
    1703              :     bool isLeader(const MSLink* link, const MSVehicle* veh, const double gap) const;
    1704              : 
    1705              :     // @brief get the position of the back bumper;
    1706              :     const Position getBackPosition() const;
    1707              : 
    1708              :     /// @brief whether this vehicle is except from collision checks
    1709              :     bool ignoreCollision() const;
    1710              : 
    1711              :     /// @brief update state while parking
    1712              :     void updateParkingState();
    1713              : 
    1714              :     /** @brief Replaces the current vehicle type by the one given
    1715              :      * @param[in] type The new vehicle type
    1716              :      * @see MSBaseVehicle::replaceVehicleType
    1717              :      */
    1718              :     void replaceVehicleType(MSVehicleType* type);
    1719              : 
    1720              :     /// @brief get distance for coming to a stop (used for rerouting checks)
    1721              :     double getBrakeGap(bool delayed = false) const;
    1722              : 
    1723              :     /// @name state io
    1724              :     //@{
    1725              : 
    1726              :     /// Saves the states of a vehicle
    1727              :     void saveState(OutputDevice& out);
    1728              : 
    1729              :     /** @brief Loads the state of this vehicle from the given description
    1730              :      */
    1731              :     void loadState(const SUMOSAXAttributes& attrs, const SUMOTime offset);
    1732              : 
    1733              :     void loadPreviousApproaching(MSLink* link, bool setRequest,
    1734              :                                  SUMOTime arrivalTime, double arrivalSpeed,
    1735              :                                  double arrivalSpeedBraking,
    1736              :                                  double dist, double leaveSpeed);
    1737              :     //@}
    1738              : 
    1739              : protected:
    1740              : 
    1741              :     /// @name Interaction with move reminders
    1742              :     ///@{
    1743              : 
    1744              :     /** @brief Adapts the vehicle's entering of a new lane
    1745              :      *
    1746              :      * All offsets already stored in "myOldLaneMoveReminderOffsets" are increased by the
    1747              :      *  length that has been left. All still active move reminders from "myMoveReminders"
    1748              :      *  are put into "myOldLaneMoveReminders" and the offset to the last lane is added to
    1749              :      *  "myOldLaneMoveReminderOffsets" for each of these.
    1750              :      *
    1751              :      * Move reminder from the given lane are set into "myMoveReminders".
    1752              :      *
    1753              :      * "myLane" must still be the left lane!
    1754              :      *
    1755              :      * @param[in] enteredLane
    1756              :      * @see MSMoveReminder
    1757              :      * @see MSLane::getMoveReminder
    1758              :      */
    1759              :     void adaptLaneEntering2MoveReminder(const MSLane& enteredLane);
    1760              :     ///@}
    1761              : 
    1762              : 
    1763              :     /** @brief This method iterates through the driveprocess items for the vehicle
    1764              :      *         and adapts the given in/out parameters to the appropriate values.
    1765              :      *
    1766              :      *  @param[in/out] vSafe The maximal safe (or admissible) velocity.
    1767              :      *  @param[in/out] vSafeMin The minimal safe (or admissible) velocity (used her for ensuring the clearing of junctions in time).
    1768              :      *  @param[in/out] vSafeMinDist The distance to the next link, which should either be crossed this step, or in front of which the vehicle need to stop.
    1769              :      */
    1770              :     void processLinkApproaches(double& vSafe, double& vSafeMin, double& vSafeMinDist);
    1771              : 
    1772              : 
    1773              :     /** @brief This method checks if the vehicle has advanced over one or several lanes
    1774              :      *         along its route and triggers the corresponding actions for the lanes and the vehicle.
    1775              :      *         and adapts the given in/out parameters to the appropriate values.
    1776              :      *
    1777              :      *  @param[out] passedLanes Lanes, which the vehicle touched at some moment of the executed simstep
    1778              :      *  @param[out] emergencyReason Reason for a possible emergency stop
    1779              :      */
    1780              :     void processLaneAdvances(std::vector<MSLane*>& passedLanes, std::string& emergencyReason);
    1781              : 
    1782              : 
    1783              :     /** @brief Check for speed advices from the traci client and adjust the speed vNext in
    1784              :      *         the current (euler) / after the current (ballistic) simstep accordingly.
    1785              :      *
    1786              :      *  @param[in] vSafe The maximal safe (or admissible) velocity as determined from stops, junction approaches, car following, lane changing, etc.
    1787              :      *  @param[in] vNext The next speed (possibly subject to traci influence)
    1788              :      *  @return updated vNext
    1789              :      */
    1790              :     double processTraCISpeedControl(double vSafe, double vNext);
    1791              : 
    1792              : 
    1793              :     /** @brief Erase passed drive items from myLFLinkLanes (and unregister approaching information for
    1794              :      *         corresponding links). Further, myNextDriveItem is reset.
    1795              :      *  @note  This is called in planMove() if the vehicle has no actionstep. All items until the position
    1796              :      *         myNextDriveItem are deleted. This can happen if myNextDriveItem was increased in processLaneAdvances()
    1797              :      *         of the previous step.
    1798              :      */
    1799              :     void removePassedDriveItems();
    1800              : 
    1801              :     /** @brief Updates the vehicle's waiting time counters (accumulated and consecutive)
    1802              :      */
    1803              :     void updateWaitingTime(double vNext);
    1804              : 
    1805              :     /** @brief Updates the vehicle's time loss
    1806              :      */
    1807              :     void updateTimeLoss(double vNext);
    1808              : 
    1809              :     /* @brief Check whether the vehicle is a train that can reverse its direction at the current point in its route
    1810              :      * and return the speed in preparation for reversal
    1811              :      *
    1812              :      *  @param[out] canReverse
    1813              :      *  @param[in] speedThreshold
    1814              :      *  @return speed for reversal
    1815              :      */
    1816              :     double checkReversal(bool& canReverse, double speedThreshold = SUMO_const_haltingSpeed, double seen = 0) const;
    1817              : 
    1818              :     /** @brief sets the braking lights on/off
    1819              :      */
    1820              :     void setBrakingSignals(double vNext) ;
    1821              : 
    1822              :     /** @brief sets the blue flashing light for emergency vehicles
    1823              :      */
    1824              :     void setBlinkerInformation();
    1825              : 
    1826              :     /** @brief sets the blue flashing light for emergency vehicles
    1827              :      */
    1828              :     void setEmergencyBlueLight(SUMOTime currentTime);
    1829              : 
    1830              :     /// updates myFurtherLanes on lane insertion or after collision
    1831              :     void computeFurtherLanes(MSLane* enteredLane, double pos, bool collision = false);
    1832              : 
    1833              :     /// updates LaneQ::nextOccupation and myCurrentLaneInBestLanes
    1834              :     void updateOccupancyAndCurrentBestLane(const MSLane* startLane);
    1835              : 
    1836              :     /// @brief ensure that a vehicle-relative position is not invalid
    1837              :     Position validatePosition(Position result, double offset = 0) const;
    1838              : 
    1839              :     /// @brief register vehicle for drawing while outside the network
    1840          187 :     virtual void drawOutsideNetwork(bool /*add*/) {};
    1841              : 
    1842              :     /// @brief board persons and load transportables at the given stop
    1843              :     void boardTransportables(MSStop& stop);
    1844              : 
    1845              :     /// @brief try joining the given vehicle to the rear of this one (to resolve joinTriggered)
    1846              :     bool joinTrainPart(MSVehicle* veh);
    1847              : 
    1848              :     /// @brief try joining the given vehicle to the front of this one (to resolve joinTriggered)
    1849              :     bool joinTrainPartFront(MSVehicle* veh);
    1850              : 
    1851              :     /// @brief optionally return an upper bound on speed to stay within the schedule
    1852              :     double slowDownForSchedule(double vMinComfortable) const;
    1853              : 
    1854              :     /// @brief perform lateral z interpolation in elevated networks
    1855              :     void interpolateLateralZ(Position& pos, double offset, double posLat) const;
    1856              : 
    1857              :     /** @brief get the distance from the start of this lane to the start of the next normal lane
    1858              :      * (or 0 if this lane is a normal lane)
    1859              :      */
    1860              :     double getDistanceToLeaveJunction() const;
    1861              : 
    1862              : protected:
    1863              : 
    1864              :     /// @brief The time the vehicle waits (is not faster than 0.1m/s) in seconds
    1865              :     SUMOTime myWaitingTime;
    1866              :     WaitingTimeCollector myWaitingTimeCollector;
    1867              : 
    1868              :     /// @brief the time loss in seconds due to driving with less than maximum speed
    1869              :     double myTimeLoss;
    1870              : 
    1871              :     /// @brief This Vehicles driving state (pos and speed)
    1872              :     State myState;
    1873              : 
    1874              :     /// @brief This vehicle's driver state @see MSDriverState
    1875              :     MSDevice_DriverState* myDriverState;
    1876              : 
    1877              :     /// @brief This vehicle's friction perception
    1878              :     MSDevice_Friction* myFrictionDevice;
    1879              : 
    1880              :     /// @brief The flag myActionStep indicates whether the current time step is an action point for the vehicle.
    1881              :     bool myActionStep;
    1882              :     /// @brief Action offset (actions are taken at time myActionOffset + N*getActionStepLength())
    1883              :     ///        Initialized to 0, to be set at insertion.
    1884              :     SUMOTime myLastActionTime;
    1885              : 
    1886              : 
    1887              : 
    1888              :     /// The lane the vehicle is on
    1889              :     MSLane* myLane;
    1890              : 
    1891              :     MSAbstractLaneChangeModel* myLaneChangeModel;
    1892              : 
    1893              :     const MSEdge* myLastBestLanesEdge;
    1894              :     const MSLane* myLastBestLanesInternalLane;
    1895              : 
    1896              :     /* @brief Complex data structure for keeping and updating LaneQ:
    1897              :      * Each element of the outer vector corresponds to an upcoming edge on the vehicles route
    1898              :      * The first element corresponds to the current edge and is returned in getBestLanes()
    1899              :      * The other elements are only used as a temporary structure in updateBestLanes();
    1900              :      */
    1901              :     std::vector<std::vector<LaneQ> > myBestLanes;
    1902              : 
    1903              :     /* @brief iterator to speed up retrieval of the current lane's LaneQ in getBestLaneOffset() and getBestLanesContinuation()
    1904              :      * This is updated in updateOccupancyAndCurrentBestLane()
    1905              :      */
    1906              :     std::vector<LaneQ>::iterator myCurrentLaneInBestLanes;
    1907              : 
    1908              :     static std::vector<MSLane*> myEmptyLaneVector;
    1909              : 
    1910              :     /// @brief The current acceleration after dawdling in m/s
    1911              :     double myAcceleration;
    1912              : 
    1913              :     /// @brief the upcoming turn for the vehicle
    1914              :     /// @todo calculate during plan move
    1915              :     std::pair<double, const MSLink*> myNextTurn;
    1916              : 
    1917              :     /// @brief The information into which lanes the vehicle laps into
    1918              :     std::vector<MSLane*> myFurtherLanes;
    1919              :     /// @brief lateral positions on further lanes
    1920              :     std::vector<double> myFurtherLanesPosLat;
    1921              : 
    1922              :     /// @brief State of things of the vehicle that can be on or off
    1923              :     int mySignals;
    1924              : 
    1925              :     /// @brief Whether the vehicle is on the network (not parking, teleported, vaporized, or arrived)
    1926              :     bool myAmOnNet;
    1927              : 
    1928              :     /// @brief Whether the vehicle is trying to enter the network (eg after parking so engine is running)
    1929              :     bool myAmIdling;
    1930              : 
    1931              :     bool myHaveToWaitOnNextLink;
    1932              : 
    1933              :     /// @brief the angle in radians (@todo consider moving this into myState)
    1934              :     double myAngle;
    1935              : 
    1936              :     /// @brief distance to the next stop or doubleMax if there is none
    1937              :     double myStopDist;
    1938              : 
    1939              :     /// @brief amount of time for which the vehicle is immune from collisions
    1940              :     SUMOTime myCollisionImmunity;
    1941              : 
    1942              :     mutable Position myCachedPosition;
    1943              : 
    1944              :     /// @brief time at which the current junction was entered
    1945              :     SUMOTime myJunctionEntryTime;
    1946              :     SUMOTime myJunctionEntryTimeNeverYield;
    1947              :     SUMOTime myJunctionConflictEntryTime;
    1948              : 
    1949              :     /// @brief duration of driving (speed > SUMO_const_haltingSpeed) after the last halting episode
    1950              :     SUMOTime myTimeSinceStartup;
    1951              : 
    1952              : protected:
    1953              : 
    1954              :     /// @brief Drive process items represent bounds on the safe velocity
    1955              :     ///        corresponding to the upcoming links.
    1956              :     /// @todo: improve documentation
    1957              :     struct DriveProcessItem {
    1958              :         MSLink* myLink;
    1959              :         double myVLinkPass;
    1960              :         double myVLinkWait;
    1961              :         bool mySetRequest;
    1962              :         SUMOTime myArrivalTime;
    1963              :         double myArrivalSpeed;
    1964              :         double myArrivalSpeedBraking;
    1965              :         double myDistance;
    1966              :         double accelV;
    1967              :         bool hadStoppedVehicle;
    1968              :         double availableSpace;
    1969              : 
    1970              :         DriveProcessItem(MSLink* link, double vPass, double vWait, bool setRequest,
    1971              :                          SUMOTime arrivalTime, double arrivalSpeed,
    1972              :                          double arrivalSpeedBraking,
    1973              :                          double distance,
    1974    766482691 :                          double leaveSpeed) :
    1975    766482691 :             myLink(link), myVLinkPass(vPass), myVLinkWait(vWait), mySetRequest(setRequest),
    1976    766482691 :             myArrivalTime(arrivalTime), myArrivalSpeed(arrivalSpeed),
    1977    766482691 :             myArrivalSpeedBraking(arrivalSpeedBraking),
    1978    766482691 :             myDistance(distance),
    1979    766482691 :             accelV(leaveSpeed), hadStoppedVehicle(false), availableSpace(0) {
    1980              :             assert(vWait >= 0 || !MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate);
    1981              :             assert(vPass >= 0 || !MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate);
    1982              :         };
    1983              : 
    1984              : 
    1985              :         /// @brief constructor if the link shall not be passed
    1986    214835165 :         DriveProcessItem(double vWait, double distance, double _availableSpace = 0) :
    1987    214835165 :             myLink(0), myVLinkPass(vWait), myVLinkWait(vWait), mySetRequest(false),
    1988    214835165 :             myArrivalTime(0), myArrivalSpeed(0),
    1989    214835165 :             myArrivalSpeedBraking(0),
    1990    214835165 :             myDistance(distance),
    1991    214835165 :             accelV(-1), hadStoppedVehicle(false), availableSpace(_availableSpace) {
    1992              :             assert(vWait >= 0 || !MSGlobals::gSemiImplicitEulerUpdate);
    1993              :         };
    1994              : 
    1995              : 
    1996              :         inline void adaptLeaveSpeed(const double v) {
    1997   1019588581 :             if (accelV < 0) {
    1998        84487 :                 accelV = v;
    1999              :             } else {
    2000   1019504094 :                 accelV = MIN2(accelV, v);
    2001              :             }
    2002              :         }
    2003              : 
    2004              :         inline void adaptStopSpeed(const double v) {
    2005       556567 :             myVLinkWait = MIN2(myVLinkWait, v);
    2006              :         }
    2007              : 
    2008              :         inline double getLeaveSpeed() const {
    2009   1359881418 :             return accelV < 0 ? myVLinkPass : accelV;
    2010              :         }
    2011              :     };
    2012              : 
    2013              :     /// Container for used Links/visited Lanes during planMove() and executeMove.
    2014              :     // TODO: Consider making LFLinkLanes a std::deque for efficient front removal (needs refactoring in checkRewindLinkLanes()...)
    2015              :     typedef std::vector< DriveProcessItem > DriveItemVector;
    2016              : 
    2017              :     /// @brief container for the planned speeds in the current step
    2018              :     DriveItemVector myLFLinkLanes;
    2019              : 
    2020              :     /// @brief planned speeds from the previous step for un-registering from junctions after the new container is filled
    2021              :     DriveItemVector myLFLinkLanesPrev;
    2022              : 
    2023              :     /** @brief iterator pointing to the next item in myLFLinkLanes
    2024              :     *   @note  This is updated whenever the vehicle advances to a subsequent lane (see processLaneAdvances())
    2025              :     *          and used for inter-actionpoint actualization of myLFLinkLanes (i.e. deletion of passed items)
    2026              :     *          in planMove().
    2027              :     */
    2028              :     DriveItemVector::iterator myNextDriveItem;
    2029              : 
    2030              :     /// @todo: documentation
    2031              :     void planMoveInternal(const SUMOTime t, MSLeaderInfo ahead, DriveItemVector& lfLinks, double& myStopDist, std::pair<double, const MSLink*>& myNextTurn) const;
    2032              : 
    2033              :     /// @brief runs heuristic for keeping the intersection clear in case of downstream jamming
    2034              :     void checkRewindLinkLanes(const double lengthsInFront, DriveItemVector& lfLinks) const;
    2035              : 
    2036              :     /// @brief unregister approach from all upcoming links
    2037              :     void removeApproachingInformation(const DriveItemVector& lfLinks) const;
    2038              : 
    2039              :     /* @brief adapt safe velocity in accordance to a moving obstacle:
    2040              :      * - a leader vehicle
    2041              :      * - a vehicle or pedestrian that crosses this vehicles path on an upcoming intersection
    2042              :      * @param[in] leaderInfo The leading vehicle and the (virtual) distance to it
    2043              :      * @param[in] lastLink the lastLink index
    2044              :      * @param[in,out] the safe velocity for driving
    2045              :      * @param[in,out] the safe velocity for arriving at the next link
    2046              :      */
    2047              :     void adaptToLeader(const std::pair<const MSVehicle*, double> leaderInfo,
    2048              :                        double seen,
    2049              :                        DriveProcessItem* const lastLink,
    2050              :                        double& v, double& vLinkPass) const;
    2051              : 
    2052              :     /// @brief handle with transitions
    2053              :     bool brakeForOverlap(const MSLink* link, const MSLane* lane) const;
    2054              : 
    2055              : public:
    2056              :     void adaptToJunctionLeader(const std::pair<const MSVehicle*, double> leaderInfo,
    2057              :                                const double seen, DriveProcessItem* const lastLink,
    2058              :                                const MSLane* const lane, double& v, double& vLinkPass,
    2059              :                                double distToCrossing = -1) const;
    2060              : 
    2061              :     void adaptToOncomingLeader(const std::pair<const MSVehicle*, double> leaderInfo,
    2062              :                                DriveProcessItem* const lastLink,
    2063              :                                double& v, double& vLinkPass) const;
    2064              : 
    2065              :     /// @brief decide whether a red (or yellow light) may be ignored
    2066              :     bool ignoreRed(const MSLink* link, bool canBrake) const;
    2067              : 
    2068              :     /// @brief decide whether a given foe object may be ignored
    2069              :     bool ignoreFoe(const SUMOTrafficObject* foe) const;
    2070              : 
    2071              :     /// @brief maximum acceleration to consider a vehicle as 'waiting' at low speed
    2072              :     inline double accelThresholdForWaiting() const {
    2073    193225274 :         return 0.5 * getCarFollowModel().getMaxAccel();
    2074              :     }
    2075              : 
    2076              :     /* @brief return the previous lane in this vehicles route including internal lanes
    2077              :      * @param[in] current The lane of which the predecessor should be returned
    2078              :      * @param[in,out] routeIndex The index of the current or previous non-internal edge in the route
    2079              :      */
    2080              :     const MSLane* getPreviousLane(const MSLane* current, int& furtherIndex) const;
    2081              : 
    2082              :     /// @brief checks for link leaders on the given link
    2083              :     void checkLinkLeader(const MSLink* link, const MSLane* lane, double seen,
    2084              :                          DriveProcessItem* const lastLink, double& v, double& vLinkPass, double& vLinkWait, bool& setRequest,
    2085              :                          bool isShadowLink = false) const;
    2086              : protected:
    2087              : 
    2088              :     /* @brief adapt safe velocity in accordance to multiple vehicles ahead:
    2089              :      * @param[in] ahead The leader information according to the current lateral-resolution
    2090              :      * @param[in] latOffset the lateral offset for locating the ego vehicle on the given lane
    2091              :      * @param[in] seen the distance to the end of the current lane
    2092              :      * @param[in] lastLink the lastLink index
    2093              :      * @param[in] lane The current Lane the vehicle is on
    2094              :      * @param[in,out] the safe velocity for driving
    2095              :      * @param[in,out] the safe velocity for arriving at the next link
    2096              :      */
    2097              :     void adaptToLeaders(const MSLeaderInfo& ahead,
    2098              :                         double latOffset,
    2099              :                         const double seen, DriveProcessItem* const lastLink,
    2100              :                         const MSLane* const lane, double& v, double& vLinkPass) const;
    2101              : 
    2102              :     void adaptToLeaderDistance(const MSLeaderDistanceInfo& ahead, double latOffset,
    2103              :                                double seen,
    2104              :                                DriveProcessItem* const lastLink,
    2105              :                                double& v, double& vLinkPass) const;
    2106              : 
    2107              : 
    2108              :     /// @brief checks for link leaders of the current link as well as the parallel link (if there is one)
    2109              :     void checkLinkLeaderCurrentAndParallel(const MSLink* link, const MSLane* lane, double seen,
    2110              :                                            DriveProcessItem* const lastLink, double& v, double& vLinkPass, double& vLinkWait, bool& setRequest) const;
    2111              : 
    2112              : 
    2113              :     /** @brief updates the vehicles state, given a next value for its speed.
    2114              :      *         This value can be negative in case of the ballistic update to indicate
    2115              :      *         a stop within the next timestep. (You can call this a 'hack' to
    2116              :      *         emulate reasoning based on accelerations: The assumed constant
    2117              :      *         acceleration a within the next time step is then a = (vNext - vCurrent)/TS )
    2118              :      *  @param[in] vNext speed in the next time step
    2119              :      */
    2120              :     void updateState(double vNext);
    2121              : 
    2122              : 
    2123              :     /// @brief decide whether the given link must be kept clear
    2124              :     bool keepClear(const MSLink* link) const;
    2125              : 
    2126              :     /// @brief return time (s) and distance to the next stop
    2127              :     std::pair<double, double> estimateTimeToNextStop() const;
    2128              : 
    2129              :     /* @brief special considerations for opposite direction driving so that the
    2130              :      * result can be used directly by getPositionOnLane(...) */
    2131              :     double getBackPositionOnLane(const MSLane* lane, bool calledByGetPosition) const;
    2132              : 
    2133              :     /** @brief Returns whether this vehicle has already arived
    2134              :      * (reached the arrivalPosition on its final edge)
    2135              :      * method is called in the context of excecuteMove where opposite-direction
    2136              :      * vehicles are transformed temporarily to their forward lane and additional
    2137              :      * opposite-direction driving checks do not apply
    2138              :      */
    2139              :     bool hasArrivedInternal(bool oppositeTransformed = true) const;
    2140              : 
    2141              : 
    2142              :     SUMOTime getArrivalTime(SUMOTime t, double seen, double v, double arrivalSpeed) const;
    2143              : 
    2144              :     /// @brief whether the give lane is reverse direction of the current route or not
    2145              :     bool isOppositeLane(const MSLane* lane) const;
    2146              : 
    2147              :     /// @brief remove vehicle from further lanes (on leaving the network)
    2148              :     void cleanupFurtherLanes();
    2149              : 
    2150              :     /// @brief comparison between different continuations from the same lane
    2151              :     bool betterContinuation(const LaneQ* bestConnectedNext, const LaneQ& m) const;
    2152              : 
    2153              : private:
    2154              :     /// @brief The per vehicle variables of the car following model
    2155              :     MSCFModel::VehicleVariables* myCFVariables;
    2156              : 
    2157              :     /// @brief An instance of a velocity/lane influencing instance; built in "getInfluencer"
    2158              :     Influencer* myInfluencer;
    2159              : 
    2160              : 
    2161              : private:
    2162              :     /// @brief invalidated default constructor
    2163              :     MSVehicle();
    2164              : 
    2165              :     /// @brief invalidated copy constructor
    2166              :     MSVehicle(const MSVehicle&);
    2167              : 
    2168              :     /// @brief invalidated assignment operator
    2169              :     MSVehicle& operator=(const MSVehicle&);
    2170              : 
    2171              : };

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