Changes in the 2009 releases (versions 0.10.0, 0.10.1, 0.10.2, 0.10.3, 0.11.0 and 0.11.1)

Version 0.11.1 (23.11.2009)#

  • All
    • configuration xml format changed again to <section><key value="val"/></section> (use <SUMO_HOME>/tools/ to convert from old to new representation)
    • Bugs in Dijkstra implementation fixed (affecting at least duarouter, routing with traci and automatic rerouting) (01.10.2009)
  • Simulation
    • debugged problems when loading TLS definitions with T=0
    • implemented a variable car-following model API; many thanks to Tobias Mayer and Christoph Sommer for the collaboration who did most of the work.
    • debugged occurrence of negative vehicle speeds during emit
    • reworked the mean data output (handling multiple lanes correctly)
  • netconvert
    • making projection mandatory for OSM and DLR-Navteq networks (03.09.2009)
    • removed option --rotation-to-apply - was not properly working anyway (02.09.2009)
    • removed support for "old" TIGER networks - assuming the current ones are given as shape files; --tiger <FILE> is now mapped onto --shapefile <FILE> (02.09.2009)
    • removed support for "split" Elmar networks (option --elmar <FILE>) (02.09.2009)
    • renamed --elmar2 <FILE> to --dlr-navteq <FILE> (02.09.2009)
    • renamed --arcview <FILE> to --shapefile <FILE> (02.09.2009)
      • please note, that all subsequent options have been adapted (but the old names still work as aliases)
    • added the possibility to define changes of lane numbers along an edge in XML-descriptions (03.09.2009)
    • replaced --use-projection by --proj.utm and --proj.dhdn which determine the correct parameters for the two widely used projections from the input data
    • for developers: using same loading procedure for all imported networks, see Developer/How To/Net Importer
  • dfrouter
    • debugged problems with induction loop measure with time>end time
    • debugged problems with spaces in induction loop measures

Version 0.11.0 (29.07.2009)#

  • All
    • moved to xerces 3.0
    • moved to FOX1.6
    • changes in network format (use <SUMO_HOME>/tools/net/ to convert from old to new representation)
      • traffic light descriptions (18.05.2009)
      • descriptions of giving lanes free / prohibiting lanes for certain vehicle classes (10.06.2009)
      • moved character sections to attributes (22.-24.07.2009), see SUMO Road Networks
    • configuration xml format changed from <section><key>value</key></section> to <section key="value"/> (use <SUMO_HOME>/tools/ to convert from old to new representation)
    • The data-folder was removed; instead the examples got a part of the tests and are generated using these.
    • random networks may now contain bidirectional edges; the probability to have an edge being bidirectional is controlled by the --rand-bidi-probability <FLOAT> with default=1 (all edges are bidirectional)
    • The default junction type (option --default-junction-type) may now be only one of "priority", "right_before_left", or "traffic_light". Building agent-based and actuated traffic lights from within NETGEN will no longer be supported.
  • netconvert
    • Nodes which have same or almost same positions are no longer joined per default.
    • Type descriptions allow a certain edge type to be discarded from being imported using the discard="x" attribute.
    • netconvert can guess roundabouts; force using --guess-roundabouts
    • corrected usage of the spread_type attribute in edges; was: defect 111 correct usage of the spread_type attribute
    • patching problems with RoboCup Rescue League import
  • duarouter
    • The default departure/arrival behavior can be controlled on the command line, now. The following options were introduced for this purpose: --departlane, --departpos, --departspeed, --arrivallane, --arrivalpos, --arrivalspeed. See also Specification
  • jtrrouter
    • The default departure/arrival behavior can be controlled on the command line, now. The following options were introduced for this purpose: --departlane, --departpos, --departspeed, --arrivallane, --arrivalpos, --arrivalspeed. See also Specification

Version 0.10.3 (30.03.2009)#

  • Simulation
    • further work on simulation of inner-junction traffic in dense scenarios
  • netconvert
    • prunning on a bounding box was revalidated; tests were added
  • dfrouter
    • made reading of detector positions more fault-tolerant
  • TraCI
    • tests revalidated
    • Tutorial on interaction with traffic lights added by Lena Kalleske (thanks!!)
    • added the possibility to retrieve a complete tls definition via TraCI

Version 0.10.2 (16.03.2009)#

  • All
    • If configuration is written using --write-config, the application stops after this step
    • The devices now also allow "NUL" or "/dev/NULL" as output file name. In this case, the output is redirected to NUL (MS Windows) or /dev/null (Linux)
  • sumo-gui
    • solved bug 2519476: vss are not shown properly
    • solved bug 2510002: Crash on vss manipulator
    • debugged size info ("legend") drawing
    • solved bug 2519761: guisim crashes on "show all routes"
    • changed how decals are aligned (see sumo-gui#showing_background_images)
    • Consolidated the startup-options --suppress-end-info and --quit-on-end: --suppress-end-info was removed, the application quits after performing the simulation when --quit-on-end is given. This is also done even if errors occur
    • added the possibility to copy the cursor position to clipboard
    • debugged false position information within the popup-menu of a lane
    • Tests based on SUMO tests are now also performed for sumo-gui. Thanks to Michael Behrisch for this very nice work
  • Simulation
    • solved bug 2524031: sumo xml parser relies on sequence order instead IDs; thanks to Andrey Gursky for supplying the example
    • solved bug 2519762: rerouter are not shown properly
    • solved bug 2105526: Subsecond simulation does not compile
    • changed default simulation end time to INT_MAX
    • simulation stops on running empty only if there is no end time specified
    • closed work on pollutant emission modelling based on HBEFA
  • Tools
    • Rebuilt traceExporter; added tests
  • Documentation
    • solved bug 1993983: Errors in User Documentation

Version 0.10.1 (11.01.2009)#

  • sumo-gui
    • debugged right-click on an empty cell
  • Simulation
    • removed bug in collision detection
    • added warning about old route format

Version 0.10.0 (09.01.2009)#

  • Build
    • removed obsolete configuration option --enable-speedcheck
  • All
    • using a reduced, faster XML parser (not validating)
    • default vehicle length is set to 7.5m (including gap)
    • route format changed ("edges" attribute)
    • (junction) internal lanes are the default now
    • copyright changed (removed obsolete ZAIK reference)
  • sumo-gui
    • solved bug 2163422: Simulation does not start automatically
    • refactored the visualization speed-up; instead of using a self-made hack that uses a grid, an rtree structure is now used. This should solve problems with disappearing edges and nodes and with a slow selection
    • Added the possibility to save and load decals (int an XML-file)
    • View settings are now saved loaded using XML
    • implemented feature 1906106: make lines of bus stops always visible
    • implemented feature 2103556: Remove "Add Successors To Selected"
  • Simulation
    • Refactored mean data; instead of having it as an additional item that has to be touched by vehicles, it is a MSMoveReminder
    • changed the definition of triggers; the old definition is still possible, but prints a warning.
      • <trigger objecttype="lane" attr="speed" objectid="<LANE>[;<LANE>]*" ... --> <variableSpeedSign lanes="<LANE>[;<LANE>]*" ...
      • <trigger objecttype="rerouter" objectid="<EDGE>[;<EDGE>]*" ... --> <rerouter edges="<EDGE>[;<EDGE>]*" ...
      • <trigger objecttype="emitter" objectid="<LANE>" ... --> <emitter lane="<LANE>" ...
      • <trigger objecttype="bus_stop" objectid="<LANE>" ... --> <busStop lane="<LANE>" ...
    • new "route probe" output added
    • solved bug 2350888: vehicle on false lane with cyclic routes (thanks to Daniel Janusz for supplying the example)
    • solved bug 2082959: bus stops that end at edge end confuse vehicles (thanks to Gerrit Lammert for supplying the example)
    • solved bug 2468327: log files together with input errors let sumo crash
    • solved bug 2227272: Random routes do not work with simple net
    • distributions for routes and vehicle types
    • changed format of dump definitions from command line to xml configuration
  • netconvert
    • solved bug 2137657: edges disappear in combination with --keep-edges
    • changed APIs for setting lane-2-lane connections
    • work on Vissim-import
    • Now, the node positions are not added to an edge's geometry if one exists (if the edge has no explicit geometry, the node positions are still used). --add-node-positions was added, so that the old behavior is still available
    • Changed features of --plain-outoput: plain-nodes now contain tls information, additionally, plain-connections are written
    • changed computation whether a link is a left-mover
    • changed traffic lights computation
    • removed unneeded option --all-logics
    • removed "FileErrorReporter" usage
    • too complicated junctions (#links>64) are catched and set to unregulated
    • corrected computation of right-of-way rules
    • solved bug 2392943: netconvert fails when removing edges and guessing ramps
    • solved bug 2171355: turnarounds even with --no-turnarounds
    • building turnarounds may be now skipped for tls-controlled edges (using --no-tls-turnarounds)
    • removed unneeded option --all-logics
  • Router
    • solved bug 2149069: dfrouter does not work with internal lanes
  • dfrouter
    • removed support for elmar's detector descriptions
    • removed --fast-flows option
    • solved bug 2165708: False speed conversion in dfrouter?
    • named classes properly
    • applied changes to trigger definitions (see "Simulation")
    • solved bug 2165666: dfrouter does not regard ''--all-end-follower"
  • polyconvert
    • refactoring
    • in-line documentation added
    • added OSM-import functionality
    • added shape-file - import functionality (imports points, line strings, polygons, and their multi-pendants)
      • import is done via --shape-files
      • the id-field is given via <NAME> **
      • optional projection guess is done via --arcview.guess-projection
    • renamed --visum-file to --visum-files; debugged