Changes in the 2018 releases (versions 1.0.0, 1.0.1 and 1.1.0)

Version 1.1.0 (18.12.2018)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed Bug where vehicles would stop moving after changing to the opposite direction lane. Issue #4610
    • Fixed parkingAreaReroute to a destination which is too close for stopping. Issue #4612
    • Fixed crash when using multiple vehicles with device.bluelight. Issue #4629
    • Fixed crash when using carFollowModel ACC on multi-lane roads. (regression in 1.0.1)
    • Fixed crash when loading signal plan with invalid characters. Issue #4673
    • Fixed invalid halting count in E3 detector output Issue #4756
    • Fixed crashes related to vehicles that lane-change multiple times on the E3-detector entry edge. Issue #4803, Issue #4845
    • Fixed bugs that were causing unnecessarily strong deceleration. Issue #2310, Issue #4806, Issue #4809, Issue #4851, Issue #4855, Issue #4462, Issue #4900, Issue #4928, Issue #4930
    • Fixed deadlock caused by long vehicles being unable to re-enter traffic after parking in a short parkingArea. Issue #4832
    • Fixed invalid error when defining a stop on an edge and its consecutive internal edge. Issue #4837
    • Fixed bug where vehicles from minor roads would drive onto the intersection to aggressively. Issue #4854
    • Fixed bug where pedestrians would ignore prioritized vehicles when walking onto a crossing. Issue #4865
    • Fixed invalid upper bound on density in edgeData-output for multi-lane edges. Issue #4904
    • Fixed bug where trains would fail to reverse on bidirectional rail edges. Issue #4921
  • sumo-gui
    • Closing and re-opening an edge or lane no longer causes invalid lane choice. Issue #4514
    • Errors due to invalid <param> values are now shown in the message window. Issue #4753
    • Fixed invalid vehicle shapes when drawing trains as simple shapes in mesoscopic mode. Issue #4773
  • netconvert
    • Fixed bug that was causing invalid road geometry when using high-resolution input data at dense junction clusters. Issue #4648
    • Fixed bug when building networks for opposite-direction overtaking that was causing collisions in the simulation. Issue #4628
    • Fixed invalid right-of-way rules in left-hand networks. Issue #4256
    • Duplicate edge ids in shapefile import are no longer silently ignored. Instead, a warning is issued and ids are made unique with a numerical suffix.
    • Fixed crash when loading height data from multiple geotif files. Issue #4786
    • Option --tls.guess no longer builds traffic lights at almost every intersection. The default lane-speed-sum threshold (Option --tls.guess.threshold) was changed from 150km/h to 250km/h. Issue #1688
    • Options --check-lane-foes.all, --check-lane-foes.roundabout are no longer lost when re-importing a .net.xml file. Issue #4813
    • Fixed unnecessary right-of-way restrictions in some cases where incoming edges target distinct lanes on the target edge. Issue #4815
    • Fixed bug where custom walkingarea shapes where sometimes ignored. Issue #4847
    • Fixed bugs that could cause loss of elevation information. Issue #4877, Issue #4878
    • Fixed permissions on internal lanes after internal junctions. Issue #4912
  • netedit
    • Loading joined traffic light programs via menu is now working. Issue #4622
    • Menu option Load Foreign can now be used to import OSM files directly. Issue #4634
    • Fixed bug where right-of-way mode would show invalid properties. Issue #4637
    • TLS locator now lists traffic lights even if their id differs from the junction id. Issue #4661
    • Fixed crash when clicking buttons that should be disabled. Issue #4662
    • Fixed creation of unyielding connections via shift-click. Issue #4785 (regression in 1.0.1)
    • Fixed modifying elevation in Move-mode (regression in 1.0.0). Issue #4841
  • TraCI
    • Fixed bug that was causing exaggerated output for traci.vehicle.getDrivingDistance when vehicles were driving on a looped route. Issue #4642
    • traci.vehicle.getLaneChangeState now returns correct information while controlling the vehicle with moveToXY. Issue #4545
    • Fixed retrieval of shape data with more than 255 points (polygon.getShape, lane.getShape, junction.getShape Issue #4707
    • Fixed bug when setting polygon shape with the C++ client.
    • Vehicle.isStopped is now working in TraaS. Issue #4883
    • Fixed adding vehicles after a simulation time of 24.8 days (python client). Issue #4920
    • Fixed bug where lateral collisions from unsafe calls to vehicle.changeSublane are prevented despite disabling safeguards via setLaneChangeMode. Issue #4864


  • Simulation
    • The eagerness for opposite-direction overtaking can now be configured with the new vType attribute lcOpposite (range [0,inf[). Issue #4608
    • <personinfo> elements now include attribute type. Issue #4695
    • The ToC Device now provides an option for generating output. Issue #4750
    • Added warning messages for vehicles that perform emergency braking. The warning threshold can be configured with the new option --emergencydecel.warning-threshold <FLOAT>. The given threshold is compared against the severity of the event (braking with emergencyDecel corresponds to 1 and braking with decel corresponds to 0). By default the threshold is set to 1. Issue #4792
    • Trains can now reverse direction anywhere on a bidirectional track.
    • TAZ can now be used as via destinations by using <TAZID>-sink as edge id. Issue #4882
    • ParkingAreas now support the attribute onRoad. If set to true, vehicles will park on the road lane, thereby reducing road capacity. Issue #4895
  • sumo-gui
    • Added <poly> attribute lineWidth to determine the drawing width of unfilled polygons. Issue #4715
    • TAZ now support attribute color for rendering the associated shape. This color can also be used in the new edge coloring mode color by TAZ. Issue #3979
    • Can now color streets according to custom lane or edge parameters. Issue #4276
    • The numerical value for coloring edges/lanes, vehicles and persons (e.g. speed limit, acceleration, waitingTime) can now optionally be shown. When this option is set, the value will also be printed in the object tool tip. Likewise, the numerical value for coloring vehicles (e.g. acceleration) can optionally be shown. Issue #4840
    • Breakpoints can now be set via option --breakpoints <TIME>,<TIME>.... Issue #1957
    • Added visualization option to apply size exaggeration only to selected objects. Issue #3422
    • The text background color for IDs and object descriptions can now be configured. Issue #4894
  • netedit
    • New editing mode for TAZ (Traffic Analysis Zones). Issue #3425
    • Overlapping objects can now be inspected via consecutive clicks on the same location. Issue #2385
    • Shift-click can now be used to inspect, select and delete lanes.
    • LaneAreaDetectors (E2) that span multiple consecutive lanes can now be created within netedit. Issue #2909
    • POIs can now be created from geo-coordinates in the clipboard (e.g. from online map sites) with a single click. Issue #4496
    • Selection colors can now be customized. Issue #4736
    • Can now color streets according to custom lane or edge parameters. Issue #4276
  • netgenerate
    • Added options --perturb-x, --perturb-y, --perturb-z to add random perturbations to all node coordinates. Perturbations can be specified as mean or capped normal distribution normc(a,b,c,d). Issue #4776
  • netconvert
    • Added option --tls.layout <STRING> for selecting between layouts that group opposite directions ('opposites') and layouts that have one phase per incoming edge ('incoming'). Issue #4033
    • Added option --tls.guess.threshold <FLOAT> to control the heuristic for guessing traffic lights. A traffic light is guessed if the sum of speeds of all incoming lanes exceeds the threshold value. Issue #4681
    • Added new node attribute rightOfWay to configure the algorithm for computing right-of-way rules (allowed values are default, edgePriority). Also added new option --default.right-of-way to set this value for all nodes in a network. Issue #4843
    • Importing internal lane shapes from OpenDRIVE is now supported using option --opendrive.internal-shapes. Issue #4331
  • Tools
    • checks lane-based reachability and handles pedestrian infrastructure. Issue #4619
    • can now be used to generate intersection flow diagrams. Issue #4657
    • now supports comparing <personinfo>s by setting option --persons.


  • Simulation
    • Simulation now runs about 17% faster compared to the previous release due to improvements in data structures and less (redundant) collision checking Issue #4917.
    • The default speedDeviation of vehicle classes private,vip,hov,custom1 and custom2 was changed from 0 to 0.1. The default speed deviation for vehicle class taxi was changed from 0 to 0.05.
  • Documentation
  • Miscellaneous
    • Network version is now 1.1
    • TraCI Version is now 19
  • sumolib now uses an object with members state, duration, minDur, maxDur, next instead of tuple (state, duration) to represent traffic light phases.

Version 1.0.1 (18.09.2018)#


  • Simulation
    • Fixed deadlock on parallel routing (regression in 1.0.0). Issue #4518
    • default emergency deceleration did not depend on the vClass but was always 9
    • Fixed bugs related to opposite-direction overtaking that were causing collisions and other invalid behavior. Issue #4550, Issue #3718, Issue #4564, Issue #4570, Issue #4588, Issue #4589, Issue #4591, Issue #4592
    • Fixed crash when using sublane model with varying lane widths. Issue #4547
    • Fixed hard braking after lane-changing when using carFollowModel IDM Issue #4517
    • Fixed exaggerated gap between standing vehicles when using carFollowModel IDM. Issue #4527
    • Fixed crash when using device.ssm. Issue #4556
    • Fixed invalid cooperative lane-changing attempts. Issue #4566
    • Fixed invalid speed adaptation for lane changing. Issue #4563
    • Public transport routing now properly uses stops that are defined as child elements of a vehicle. Issue #4575
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed freeze when activating 'Show lane direction' for lanes with width=0. Issue #4533
  • netedit
    • Fixed freeze when activating 'Show lane direction' for lanes with width=0. Issue #4533
    • Custom endpoints are now honored when reversing an edge or adding a reverse direction edge via context menu. Issue #4501
  • netconvert
    • Networks for opposite direction driving now allow overtaking past junctions on straight connections that are slightly curved. Issue #4585
  • od2trips
    • Flows with non-positive probability are no longer written. Issue #4600
  • MESO
    • Fixed deadlock in public transport simulation. Issue #4560
  • TraCI
    • Fixed bug when calling TraaS method Simulation.getDistanceRoad. Issue #4603
    • Closing and re-opening a lane no longer causes invalid lane choice. Issue #4514


  • Simulation
    • The collision-detection threshold configured via option --collision.mingap-factor can now be customized separately for each vType using attribute collisionMinGapFactor. Issue #4529
    • Increased running speed of simulations with device.rerouting using few vehicles in a large network. Issue #4598
  • netedit
    • Added option reset custom shape to the right-click menu of junction- and lane-selections Issue #4481, Issue #4490
    • When editing junction shapes, vertices can now be removed by shift-click. Issue #4494


  • Simulation
    • Collision for vehicles controlled by carFollowModel IDM are only registered when less then half of the minGap distance remains between vehicles. This is done to compensate for the fact that the model does not guarantee the minGap distance (most of the time at least ~90% of the minGap are kept). The threshold can be customized via global option and vType attributes.

Version 1.0.0 (04.09.2018)#


  • Simulation
    • All car-following models now respect the vType-attribute emergencyDecel as an absolute bound on deceleration. Issue #3556
    • Fixed some issues when using continous lane change. Issue #3767, Issue #3769, Issue #3770, Issue #3771, Issue #4364
    • Fixed back-and-forth changing when using continous lane change. Issue #4010
    • Fixed loading of teleporting vehicles from simulation state in .sbx format. Issue #3787
    • Fixed invalid vehicle counts by E2-detector related to lane-changing. Issue #3791
    • Fixed invalid vehicle counts by E3-detector related to re-using vehicle pointers Issue #3108, Issue #4079
    • Fixed bug that was causing invalid slowdown while passing an intersection. Issue #3861
    • Fixed bug that was causing pedestrians on looped routes to block themselves. Issue #3888
    • Vehicle speedFactor is now included in saved state. Issue #3881
    • Fixed invalid collision events when lanes are too narrow for the vehicles. Issue #3056
    • Fixed collision between pedestrians and vehicles. Issue #3964
    • Fixed bug where option --random-depart-offset would trigger invalid warnings regarding unsorted route file. Issue #4076
    • Fixed invalid stopping position after collision when using option --collision.stoptime Issue #4106
    • Fixed right-of-way rules for vehicles standing next to each other on the same lane and driving towards different edges. Issue #4071
    • Fixed crash within intersection between vehicles coming from the same lane. Issue #4100
    • Fixed invalid departDelay for triggered vehicles. Issue #4199
    • Fixed hang-up when scheduling a stop on internal edges after internal junctions Issue #4254
    • ParkingAreaReroute no longer triggers if the destination is not among the set of alternatives. Issue #4243
    • Fixed (near) infinite loop when specifying invalid speed distribution. Issue #4282
    • Fixed invalid car-following behavior at changing lane widths when using the sublane model. Issue #4223
    • Fixed crash when simulating invalid pedestrian routes with option --ignore-route-errors. Issue #4306
    • Option --carfollow.model is now working.
    • Car-follow models IDM and IDMM no longer fail to reach an exact stop position. Issue #658
    • Strategic look-ahead is now working as expected in networks with many short edges. Issue #4349
    • Switching a traffic light to the "off" definition now sets the correct right-of-way rules. Issue #1484
    • Fixed invalid deceleration at yellow traffic light. Issue #4450
  • sumo-gui
    • width of railway edges is now taken into account when drawing (interpreted as gauge). Issue #3748
    • window-size and position now remain unchanged when reloading the simulation. Issue #3641
    • Random vehicle and person coloring is now more random on windows. Issue #3740
    • Vehicles that were not inserted (i.e. due to option --scale or --max-depart-delay) no longer count as arrived in the simulation parameter dialog. Instead the are counted under the new item discarded vehicles. Issue #3724
    • Fixed crashing due to concurrent access to vehicle numbers. Issue #3804
    • Fixed issues related to drawing smooth corners at curving roads. Issue #3840
    • Fixed vehicle positions when using the sublane model in lefthand networks. Issue #3923
    • Fixed crashing and visualization problems when using the 3D-view. Issue #4037, Issue #4039
    • Fixed glitch where persons would appear to jump around while riding in a vehicle across an intersection. Issue #3673
    • Tracking of riding persons now centers on the person rather than the front its vehicle. Issue #4209
    • ChargingStation are visible again (regression in 0.32.0) Issue #4183
    • Fixed invalid vehicle blinkers in lefthand simulation. Issue #4258
    • Traffic lights now remain accessible (right-click, tooltip) after calling traci.trafficlight.setRedYellowGreenStaate. Issue #4426
    • Fixed invalid vehicle angle on lane with zero-length geometry.
  • MESO
    • Fixed deadlock at roundabouts when running with option or --meso-junction-control false. Issue #4074
  • netedit
    • Splitting edges, deleting individual edges and lanes or adding lanes via the duplicate menu option no longer resets connections and traffic light plans. Issue #3742
    • The viewing area and zoom loaded via option --gui-settings-file is no longer ignored
    • Fixed bug where connections on large junctions did not register clicks or were not drawn. Issue #3726
    • Fixed crash when removing inspected object via undo. Issue #3781
    • Fixed various bugs that led to re-computation of signal plans when modifying connections or tls indices. Issue #3742, Issue #3832
    • Fixed bug that could lead to the creation of invalid networks when adding and removing connections. Issue #3824, Issue #3813
    • Custom connection shape is now longer lost after delete+undo. Issue #3822
    • Moving geometry no longer removes z-data. Issue #3723
    • Splitting edges no longer introduces unnecessary custom endpoints. Issue #3895
    • Fixed inverted interpretation of lanePosLat for POIs compared to sumo-gui. Issue #4002
    • Fixed crash when deleting one of multiple signal programs for the same junction. Issue #4132
    • Added support for BusStops Access. Issue #4018
    • Crossings no longer become invalid when splitting an edge. Issue #4295
  • netconvert
    • Option --ramp.guess no longer builds ramps at traffic light controlled nodes. Issue #3848
    • Fixed bug that was causing invalid link states at intermodal junctions. Issue #2944 Issue #3851
    • Fixed bugs that were causing invalid link directions. Issue #3852 Issue #3853
    • Fixed invalid junction logic in lefthand networks. Issue #3854
    • Generated signal plans will no longer have a protected left-turn phase if there is no dedicated left-turn lane. Issue #4087
    • Various fixes in regard to classifying nodes as type rail_crossing and joining clusters of rail crossing nodes.
    • Option --dismiss-vclasses is now working when loading a .net.xml file. Issue #4230
    • Fixed invalid junction shapes when using option --junction.corner-detail. Issue #4292
    • Fixed invalid intermodal junction logic that could cause collisions and deadlocks. Issue #4198, Issue #4252
  • duarouter
    • Fixed crash on intermodal routing. Issue #3883
  • polyconvert
    • Fixed bug when importing OSM data with objects that are marked as deleted. Issue #3786
  • TraCI
    • Fixed bug where persons would "jump" when replacing the current walking stage with a new one. Issue #3744
    • Fixed crash when trying to access empty subscription result list using the C++ client.
    • Vehicle emergencyDecel is now at least as high as decel after calling traci.vehicle.setDecel. Issue #3755
    • Fixed python client bug in traci.polygon.setShape. Issue #3762
    • Adding a route with an empty list of edges now results in an error. Issue #3845
    • Vehicles that drive outside the road network under the control of moveToXY now properly updated their speed and brake lights. Issue #3837
    • Function vehicle.getLaneChangeMode now returns correct values for the original lane change state when the state is affected by vehicle.setLaneChangeMode. Issue #3810
    • Car-following related vehicle type parameters (e.g. accel) that are changed via traci are now correctly saved when saving simulation state. Issue #3522
    • Functions simulation.findRoute and simulation.findIntermodalRoute no longer crash sumo when trying to route from a forbidden edge. Issue #4121
    • Fixed invalid results when calling simulation.findIntermodalRoute Issue #4145, Issue #4147, Issue #4148
    • Multi-Lane E2-Detectors now return the correct length. Issue #4356
    • Fixed bug where vehicle.couldChangeLane returned True immediately after a lane change even though the requested target lane did not exist. Issue #4381
    • Fixed collisions when combining vehicle.slowDown with ballistic update. Issue #4418
    • Fixed python client bug in traci.lane.getLinks which returned always true for isOpen, hasFoe and hasPrio.
    • traci.person.setColor was fixed (was a noop before)


  • All applications

    • All time values in options and xml inputs can now be specified in the format h:m:s and d:h:m:s (where the values for days, hours and minutes are all positive integers and seconds may also be a positive floating point number).


      This does not apply to the python tools.

    • Added option --human-readable-time (short -H) that causes all time values to be written in h:m:s (or d:h:m:s) format.
  • Simulation
    • Tripinfo-output now includes the attribute stopTime which records the time spent with intentional stopping. Issue #3693
    • A pedestrian crossing can now have different signal states for both directions. Issue #3820
    • FCD-output can now be switched on selectively for a subset of vehicles and the reporting period can be configured. Issue #1910
    • FCD-output can now be restricted to a subset of network edges loaded from a file with option --fcd-output.filter-edges.input-file <FILE>. The file format is that of an edge selection as saved by netedit.
    • Intended departure times (attribute depart) and intended vehicle id (attribute intended) are now added to vehroute-output of public transport rides. Issue #3948
    • Stopping place names are now added as XML-comments in vehroute-output of public transport rides. Issue #3952
    • Lane-Change-Model parameter lcTurnAlignmentDistance added for the control of dynamic alignment in simulations using the sublane model, see Lane-Changing Models, Issue #4025
    • Implemented SSM Device, which allows output of safety related quantities. Issue #2669, Issue #4119
    • 'Smoothed' emergency braking Issue #4116
    • Added an initial version of a driver state device for modelling imperfect driving.
    • Added an initial version of a transition of control model.
    • Option --ignore-route-errors now also allows insertion of vehicles with unsafe headways. Issue #4118
    • Added a new car-following model "ACC" based on [Milanés et al. "Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control in Real Traffic Situations." IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems 15.1 (2014): 296-305.]
    • Statistic output now also includes total delay by vehicles which could not be inserted by the end of the simulation if options --duration-log.statistics and --tripinfo-output.write-unfinished are set. Issue #4174
    • The default lane-changing model LC2013 now supports parameter lcAssertive. Issue #4194
    • Vehroute-output now includes the reason for rerouting. Issue #4204
    • Added optional attribute visible to <parkingAreaReroute (default false). This controls whether occupancy is known before reaching the parkingArea edge and can be used to model incomplete knowledge in parking reroute choice. Issue #4244
    • Rerouters now support the attribute vTypes which restricts their effect to vehicles from the given list of vehicle type IDs. Issue #4031
    • Vehicles are forming a coridor for emergency vehicles Issue #1967
    • Added option --default.speeddev <FLOAT> to control the default speed deviation of all vehicle types that do not define it. Issue #4421
    • Added lane/edge-attribute stopOffset for defining vClass specific stopping positions in front of traffic lights. Issue #3754
  • sumo-gui
    • Added control for scaling traffic demand dynamically. Issue #1951
    • Added option to disable drawing of bicycle lane markings on intersections.
    • All laneChangeModel-related vType-parameters and all junction-model related vType-parameters are now shown in the vType-Parameter dialog.
    • The simulation view can now be rotated via the new gui-settings attribute angle in the <viewport> or via the viewport dialog. Issue #3841
    • When drawing junction shapes with exaggerated size and setting option show lane-to-lane connections, the connecting lines are now scaled up at traffic light junctions. Issue #3796
    • The simulation state can now be saved via the Simulation Menu. Issue #2513
    • Object tracking can now be aborted via double-click.
    • Person plans can now be inspected via the right-click menu. Issue #3886
    • Object name rendering size can now be toggled between constant pixel size (all visible when zoomed out) and constant network size (invisible when zoomed out). Issue #3931
    • The Delay value is now invariant with regard to the simulation step length and always denotes delay per simulated second. Issue #4176
    • Added GUI Shape for different types of emergency vehicles (ambulance, police and firebrigade) Issue #1967
  • MESO
    • Simulation of persons and public transport is now supported. Issue #3816
  • netedit

    • Added Prohibition-mode for checking right-of-way at junctions (hotkey 'w'). Thanks to Mirko Barthauer for the contribution. Issue #3850
    • Added virtual attribute to identify bidirectional rail edge pairs. Issue #3720
    • Added option to modify the visualisation of bidirectional rail edge pairs (spread superposed) Issue #3720
    • Added button add states to traffic light-mode to complement the functionality of cleanup states. Issue #3846
    • netedit now flags connection targets with incompatible permissions as conflict and only creates them with Ctrl + click. Issue #3823
    • Traffic light indices are now drawn for pedestrian crossings when enabled via gui settings. Issue #3814
    • Now ParkingAreas and ParkingSpaces can be created in netedit. Issue #3104
    • When adding a new phase to a traffic light, the new phase will now have a plausible successor state depending on the selected previous phase (rather the being a copy). Issue #4041
    • Added function 'split' to junction context menu. This can be used to disaggregated joined junctions. Issue #4046
    • When joining traffic lights (by editing junction attribute 'tl'), link indices of the target traffic light are now preserved if signal groups are used (multiple connections with the same linkIndex value). Issue #4094


      The signal states for the edited junction must be checked by the user

    • Width, height and diagonal size of a rectangle selection are now shown in the status bar. This can be used to measure distances.
    • Now Generic Parameters can be loaded, saved and edited. Issue #3485
    • Re-organized options in the options-dialog (F10). Issue #4420
    • Option help is now shown in the status bar of the options dialog. Issue #2900
    • Custom edge geometry endpoints can now be manipulated in Move mode. Issue #3716
  • netconvert
    • Geo-referenced networks (i.e. from OSM) can now be merged by loading them together (-s, Issue #4085
    • Element <crossing> now supports attribute linkIndex2 to specify a custom signal index for the reverse direction. Issue #3820
    • When defining double connections, the right-of-way rules now take the road topology into account to differentiate between on-ramp and off-ramp situations. Issue #3834
    • Importing VISUM networks up to format version 10 is now support. Issue #3898
    • Improved heuristics for options --junctions.join. Issue #876
    • Improved computation of intermodal junctions imported from OSM. Issue #4003
    • Improved computation of junction shapes.
    • Added option --proj.rotate <FLOAT> for rotating the network.
    • Added option --prefix <STRING> which can be used to add a prefix to the written junction and edge IDs.
    • Added options --tls.scramble.time --tls.crossing-clearance.time --tls.crossing-min.time to control the timing of pedestrian crossing phases. Issue #4078
    • Added option --tls.minor-left.max-speed <FLOAT> to ensure that left turns through oncoming traffic are not build for high-speed roads. Issue #4091
    • Sidewalk information is now imported from OSM for road types that have a positive sidewalkWidth attribute (e.g. by using typemap osmNetconvertPedestrians.typ.xml). Issue #4096
    • Added option --osm.stop-output.footway-access-factor <FLOAT> for increasing the length of stop access edges above the airline distance. Issue #4143.
    • Added option --junctions.limit-turn-speed <FLOAT> which sets an upper bound on speed while passing an intersection based on the turning radius. To account for imperfect road geometry, the option --junctions.limit-turn-speed.min-angle can be used to avoid speed limits for small turns. Warnings are issued when the difference between road speed and connection speed rises above a configurable threshold (--junctions.limit-turn-speed.warn.straight, --junctions.limit-turn-speed.warn.turn). These warnings often indicate exaggerated road speeds on urban roads as well as faulty geometry. Issue #1141
    • Geo-reference information is now imported from OpenDRIVE input. Issue #4414
  • netgenerate
    • Simplified node and edge names
      • The alphanumerical junction naming scheme now supports arbitrary grid sizes (using ids like XY23)
      • The alphanumerical junction naming scheme also extends to spider networks
      • The alphanumerical junction naming scheme is active by default (the option for enabling the old scheme was renamed from grid.alphanumerical-ids to --alphanumerical-ids).
      • When using alphanumerical junction ids, the intermediate string to is omitted from edge names because the edge ID already allows unambiguous determination of its junctions without it
    • Added option --rand.random-lanenumber to randomize lane numbers in random networks between 1 and default.lanenumber
    • Added option --rand.random-priority to edge priorities in random networks between 1 and default.priority
    • Added option --rand.grid to place generated junctions on a regular grid
    • Added option --prefix <STRING> which can be used to add a prefix to the generated junction and edge IDs.
    • Corridor networks can now be generated by using options such as -g --grid.x-number 3 --grid.y-number 1 --grid.attach-length 100
    • Added options --turn-lanes <INT> and --turn-lanes.length <FLOAT> to add left-turn lanes to generated networks. Issue #3892
  • duarouter
    • Intended departure times (attribute depart) and intended vehicle id (attribute intended) are now added to vehroute-output of public transport rides. Issue #3948
    • Stopping place names are now added as XML-comments in route-output of public transport rides. Issue #3952
  • polyconvert
    • Option --osm.use-name now also applies to POIs. Issue #4246
  • TraCI
    • Libsumo can now be used in place of the TraCI client libraries to increase execution speed of TraCI-Simulations by directly linking against sumo for all SWIG-supported languages. Graphical simulation with libsumo is not yet supported.
    • function vehicle.add now supports using the empty string ("") as a route id to insert the vehicle on an arbitrary valid edge. This makes it easier to remote-control vehicles using moveToXY without defining an initial route. Issue #3722
    • added functions simulation.getCollidingVehiclesNumber and simulation.getCollidingVehiclesIDList to track collisions. Issue #3099
    • added functions simulation.getEmergencyStoppingVehiclesNumber and simulation.getEmergencyStoppingVehiclesIDList to track emergency stops. Issue #4312
    • added function edge.getLaneNumber to retrieve the number of lanes of an edge. Issue #3630
    • added function vehicle.getAcceleration to retrieve the acceleration in the previous step. Issue #4112
    • TraCI now allows to update a vehicle's best lanes (vehicle.updateBestLanes). Issue #4146
    • added function gui.hasView to determine whether graphical capabilities exist. Issue #4014
    • added function lane.getFoes to to determine right-of-way and conflict relationships between incoming lanes.
    • function simulation.getMinExpectedNumber() now includes persons that are still active in the simulation. Issue #3707
    • added function traci.getLabel to the python client to help working with multiple connections.
    • When adding a vehicle with a disconnected 2-edge route, it will be treated like a <trip> and rerouted automatically. Issue #4307
    • added functions vehicle.getRoutingMode and vehicle.setRoutingMode. When setting routing mode to traci.constants.ROUTING_MODE_AGGREGATED, smoothed travel times are used instead of current travel times. Issue #3383
  • Tools
    • added script which allows plotting various combinations of time, distance, speed and acceleration for all trajectories in a given --fcd-output file.
    • added script for running a scenario multiple times with different random seeds and computing trip statistics
    • webWizard now correctly builds regions with left-hand traffic Issue #3928
    • Additional options for that make it suitable for generating various kind of junction related output. Issue #1622
    • now also allows to generate vehicle parameter distributions. Issue #4171
    • Added function simpla.createGap() Issue #4172
    • sumolib now supports lane.getWidth(). Issue #3842


  • Miscellaneous
    • The space character ' ' is no longer allowed in xml option values when separating file names. Instead the comma ',' must be used. Files with space in their path are now supported. Issue #3817
  • Simulation
    • <vTypeProbe> is now deprecated in favour of FCD-output filtering
    • <vaporizer> is now deprecated in favour of calibrators.
    • The default arrival position for person walks is now the middle of the destination edge. This reduces the asymmetry from arriving in forward or backward direction. Issue #3843
    • tripinfo-output attribute waitSteps which counts the number of simulation steps in which the vehicle was below a threshold speed of 0.1m/s was replaced by attribute waitingTime which measures the same time in seconds. This gives results which are independent of the --step-length simulation parameter. Issue #3749
    • The default value for option --device.rerouting.pre-period was changed from 1 to 60 to speed up simulation. Issue #3865
    • The default speed deviation has been changed to 0.1. When defining a new <vType> with attribute vClass, this also influences the default speed deviation:
      • truck, trailer, coach, delivery: 0.05
      • tram, rail, rail_electric, rail_urban, emergency: 0
      • everything else 0.1


The previous behavior can be restored by setting option --default.speeddev 0

  • sumo-gui
    • Default color for persons is now 'blue' to better distinguish them from vehicles.
  • netconvert
    • There is no longer an offset of 0.1m between lanes. This means the total visual width of an edge is now the sum of all lane widths. This also fixes an inconsistency between visualization and simulation as the vehicles always ignored this offset anyway. Road markings are now drawn on top of the lanes rather than between them. This causes small visual gaps in old networks (fixable by calling netconvert -s -o Issue #3972
    • The default value for option --default.junctions.radius was increased from 1.5 to 4 in order to improve realism of turning angles.
    • The default value for option --default.junctions.corner-detail was increased from 0 to 5 to improve the visual realism of larger intersections.
    • Option --ramps.guess is now enabled by default
    • Vehicle speed while turning at intersections is now limited via the new option default --limit-turn-speed 5.5. To obtain the old behavior, this value can be set to -1.
  • TraCI
    • TraCI Version is now 18
    • Embedded python is now deprecated in favour of Libsumo.
    • TraCI now consistently represents time in seconds as a double precision floating point. This affects all client implementations. For convenience the affected python calls are listed below. Modifying your scripts should be necessary only for the methods printed in bold:
      • traci.simulationStep
      • traci.edge.getTravelTime
      • traci.edge.getEffort
      • traci.edge.adaptTravelTime
      • traci.edge.setEffort
      • traci.person.add
      • traci.vehicle.getAdaptedTravelTime
      • traci.vehicle.getEffort
      • traci.vehicle.adaptTravelTime
      • traci.vehicle.setEffort
      • traci.vehicle.slowDown
      • traci.vehicle.changeLane
      • traci.vehicle.setStop
      • traci.simulation.getCurrentTime still returns ms as int but has been deprecated in favor of traci.simulation.getTime
      • traci.simulation.findRoute
      • traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute
      • traci.simulation.getDeltaT
      • traci.trafficlight.getNextSwitch
      • traci.trafficlight.getPhaseDuration
      • traci.trafficlight.getCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition
      • traci.trafficlight.setPhaseDuration
      • traci.trafficlight.setCompleteRedYellowGreenDefinition
    • The TraCI boundary type has been replaced by a position list of 2 positions
    • The TraCI float type has been removed
    • All protocol functions returning single bytes now return integers (lane.getLinkNumber, polygon.getFilled, vehicle.isRouteValid, vehicle.getStopState)
    • In the C++ client the function vehicle.getEdges was renamed to getRoute to be consistent with other clients
    • The order of error checks in the TraCI server changed so that unknown object errors show up before unknown variable / command errors
    • The python client
      • the function vehicle.add was replaced by the function addFull. The old "add" is still present and can be reactivated by monkey patching the module (traci.vehicle.add=traci.vehicle.addLegacy)
      • constants which were previously available in the single domains have moved to traci.constants
      • now returns tuples instead of lists for all getIDList and several other calls
      • the function getSubscriptionResults now requires the ID of the subscribed object as argument. To retrieve all results in a map, the function getAllSubscriptionResults can be used