
The idea behind this option is to improve the capabilities of the existing netstate-dump option. The produced XML Structure contains information about the edges, lanes, vehicles and traffic lights. The intention for this option was to check the simulation results without having to record all the simulation commands e.g. traci.

Instantiating within the Simulation#

To force SUMO to build a file that contains the full dump, extend your command line parameter by --full-output <FILE>. <FILE> is the name of the file the output will be written to. Any other file with this name will be overwritten, the destination folder must exist.

Generated Output#

The full dump is a xml-file containing informtation about every edge, lane, vehicle and traffic light for each time step. A full dump-file looks like this:

    <data timestep="<TIME_STEP>">

        <vehicle id="<VEHICLE_ID>" eclass="<VEHICLE_ECLASS>" co2="<VEHICLE_CO2>" co="<VEHICLE_CO>" hc="<VEHICLE_HC>"
        nox="<VEHICLE_NOX>" pmx="<VEHICLE_PMX>" fuel="<VEHICLE_FUEL>" electricity="<VEHICLE_ELECTRICITY>" noise="<VEHICLE_NOISE>" route="<VEHICLE_ROUTE>" type="<VEHICLE_TYPE>"
        waiting="<VEHICLE_WAITING>" lane="<VEHICLE_LANE>" pos_lane="<VEHICLE_POS_LANE>" speed="<VEHICLE_SPEED>"
        angle="<VEHICLE_ANGLE>" x="<VEHICLE_POS_X>" y="<VEHICLE_POS_Y>"/>

        ... more vehicles ...



        <edge id="<EDGE_ID>" traveltime="<EDGE_TRAVELTIME>">

        <lane id="<LANE_ID>" co="<LANE_CO>" co2="<LANE_CO2>" nox="<LANE_NOX>" pmx="<LANE_CO>"
        hc="<LANE_HC>" noise="<LANE_NOISE>" fuel="<LANE_FUEL>" electricity="<LANE_ELECTRICITY>" maxspeed="<LANE_MAXSPEED>" meanspeed="<LANE_MEANSPEED>"
        occupancy="<LANE_OCCUPANCY>" vehicle_count="<LANE_VEHICLES_COUNT>"/>

            ... more lanes of the edge if exists


            ... more edges of the network


        <trafficlight id="0/0" state="GgGr"/>
        ... more traffic lights



... the next timestep ...


The meanings of the written values are given in the following table.

Name Type Description
time_step (simulation) seconds The time step described by the values within this timestep-element
id id The id of the vehicle/lane/edge/trafficlight
eclass id The id of the specific emission class of the vehicle
co2@vehicle mg/s The amount of CO2 emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
co2@lane mg/s The complete amount of CO2 emitted by the vehicles on this lane during the current simulation step
co@vehicle mg/s The amount of CO emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
co@lane mg/s The complete amount of CO emitted by the vehicles on this lane during the current simulation step
hc@vehicle mg/s The amount of HC emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
hc@lane mg/s The complete amount of HC emitted by the vehicles on this lane during the current simulation step
nox@vehicle mg/s The amount of NOX emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
nox@lane mg/s The complete amount of NOX emitted by the vehicles on this lane during the current simulation step
pmx@vehicle mg/s The amount of PMX emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
pmx@lane mg/s The complete amount of PMX emitted by the vehicles on this lane during the current simulation step
noise@vehicle dB The noise emitted by the vehicle in the current simulation step
noise@lane dB The noise emitted by the vehicles on the specific lane
fuel@vehicle mg/s The fuel consumed by the vehicle in the current simulation step
fuel@lane mg/s The fuel consumed by the vehicles on the specific lane
electricity@vehicle Wh/s The electricity consumed by the vehicle in the current simulation step
electricity@lane Wh/s The electricity consumed by the vehicles on the specific lane
route id The name of the route
type id The name of the vehicle type
waiting seconds The total time a vehicle is waiting
lane id The name of the lane
pos meters The position of the vehicle on a specific lane (distance of the front bumper from the start of the lane)
speed m/s The current speed of the vehicle
angle degree The angle of the vehicle
pos_x --- The absolute X coordinate of the vehicle (center of front bumper). The value depends on the given geographic projection.
pos_y --- The absolute Y coordinate of the vehicle (center of front bumper). The value depends on the given geographic projection
traveltime seconds The mean travel time on the specific lane
fuel@lane l/km/h The fuel consumption on the specific lane
maxspeed m/s The maximum speed of the vehicles on the specific lane
meanspeed m/s The mean speed of the vehicles on the specific lane
occupancy % The occupancy of the lane in %
vehicles_count #veh The number of vehicles on the lane
state string The current state of a traffic light


The generated files will be very large, you may pipe this output directly to a compression tool like bzip2. The advantage of this large file is that you can write some nice XML Stylesheets to export everything what is important to you, for example the states of the traffic lights and the travel times for the lanes.