Publications are stored in an extended bibtex-file generated using JabRef.
JabRef allows not only to enter your references, but also to group them. We use the following way to organise the references:
- sumo: All that cite SUMO; in fact, there are some other references in the bibtex-file, for example in case of reports on projects where SUMO was used, but the paper itself does not mention SUMO or papers on theory.
- projects: a classification by the project
- iTETRIS: reports on work done in iTETRIS
- ... further projects ...
- topic:
- V2X: vehicular communication papers
- TLS: traffic lights paper
- ... further topics ...
- organisation: a classification by organisation
- DLR/TS/VM: the traffic management group at the Institute of Transportation Systems at the German Aerospace Center
- ... further organisations ...
When adding a new entry, please complete its description, first. Then, right-click on the entry in the list and assign it to the groups it belongs to - at least organisation and topics.
Although the publications can be edited manually using JabRef, there is an automated approach to add new entries from the search engine Semantic Scholar. The script SUMO_HOME/tools/build_config/ can be used to query the most cited articles which refer to one of the SUMO reference publications. The script is called like this:
python tools/build_config/ --bibtex-input docs/sumo.bib --bibtex-output docs/sumo.bib --cited-works "b1914c912dea62703856d89fe3724675a6139b71" "0e62ded610aeb17cc65f9f7159477e48248a98a2" --min-citations 100 --exclude-media "SUMO Conference Proceedings" "International Conference on Simulation of Urban Mobility" ""
The example call takes the current version of the bibtex file and overwrites it. It queries the works citing the SUMO reference publications given by their Semantic Scholar hashes in --cited-works and includes only those with at least --min-citations. Publications can be excluded from the search result if contained in journals/conferences named in --exclude-media.
The script can be executed within Github using the bibtex workflow which then generates a pull request with the updated bibtex file.