
Citing SUMO#

If your publication mentions SUMO please let us know!


When citing SUMO in general please use our current reference publication: "Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO"; Pablo Alvarez Lopez, Michael Behrisch, Laura Bieker-Walz, Jakob Erdmann, Yun-Pang Flötteröd, Robert Hilbrich, Leonhard Lücken, Johannes Rummel, Peter Wagner, and Evamarie Wießner. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2018.


          title = {Microscopic Traffic Simulation using SUMO},
         author = {Pablo Alvarez Lopez and Michael Behrisch and Laura Bieker-Walz and Jakob Erdmann and Yun-Pang Fl{\"o}tter{\"o}d and Robert Hilbrich and Leonhard L{\"u}cken and Johannes Rummel and Peter Wagner and Evamarie Wie{\ss}ner},
      publisher = {IEEE},
      booktitle = {The 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
           year = {2018},
        journal = {IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC)},
       keywords = {traffic simulation, modelling, optimization},
            url = {}

Conference Proceedings#

Topic Authors Title Publication Year
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page 1st SUMO User Conference Proceedings Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 21 2013
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO2014 - Modeling Mobility with Open Data Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 24 2014
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO2015 - Intermodal Simulation for Intermodal Transport Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 28 2015
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO2016 - Traffic, Mobility, and Logistics Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 30 2016
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2017 - Towards Simulation for Autonomous Mobility Berichte aus dem DLR-Institut für Verkehrssystemtechnik, Band 31 2017
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2018 - Simulating Autonomous and Intermodal Transport Systems EPiC Series in Engineering, Vol 2 2018
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2019 - Simulating Connected Urban Mobility EPiC Series in Computing, Vol 62 2019
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2020 - From Traffic Flow to Mobility Modeling TIB Open Publishing 2020
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2021 TIB Open Publishing 2021
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2022 TIB Open Publishing 2022
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2023 TIB Open Publishing 2023
SUMO Conference SUMO Conference Page SUMO 2024 TIB Open Publishing 2024

Publications on SUMO#

Topic Authors Title Publication Year
SUMO Software Description Behrisch, Michael and Laura Bieker, Jakob Erdmann, Daniel Krajzewicz SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility: An Overview, publications page SIMUL 2011, The Third International Conference on Advances in System Simulation, pp. 63-68 2011
SUMO Software Description Krajzewicz, Daniel and Georg Hertkorn, Christian Rössel, Peter Wagner SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility); An open-source traffic simulation Proceedings of the 4th Middle East Symposium on Simulation and Modelling (MESM2002), Sharjah (UAE), SCS European Publishing House, pp. 183-187 2002
SUMO Software Description Krajzewicz, Daniel and Michael Bonert, Peter Wagner The Open Source Traffic Simulation Package SUMO RoboCup 2006 Infrastructure Simulation Competition, Bremen 2006
SUMO Software Description Krajzewicz, Daniel and Michael Behrisch Simulation of Urban MObility: SUMO - Eine freie Verkehrssimulation (Presentation in German) 2008
SUMO Software Description Krajzewicz, Daniel and Jakob Erdmann, Michael Behrisch, and Laura Bieker Recent Development and Applications of SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility, Journal Page International Journal On Advances in Systems and Measurements, 5 (3&4), pp. 128-138 2012

Publications using SUMO#

Most of the following entries and many more can also be found in this bibtex-file. We advice to use JabRef for editing this list of publications.

Topic Authors Title Publication Year
Simulation Theory Chowdhury, D., L. Santen, A. Schadschneider Statistical Physics of Vehicular Traffic and Some Related Systems Physics Reports 329, (4-6), pp. 199-329, Elsevier, ISSN 0370-1573 2000
Car-Following Models Stefan Krauß, Peter Wagner, and Christian Gawron Metastable States in a Microscopic Model of Traffic Flow Physical Review E 55, pp. 5597-5602 1997
Car-Following Models Krauß, Stefan Microscopic Modeling of Traffic Flow: Investigation of Collision Free Vehicle Dynamics Hauptabteilung Mobilität und Systemtechnik des DLR Köln, ISSN 1434-8454 1998
Lane-Change Models Krajzewicz, Daniel Kombination von taktischen und strategischen Einflüssen in einer mikroskopischen Verkehrsflusssimulation Fahrermodellierung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, 2. Berliner Fachtagung für Fahrermodellierung, VDI-Reihe 22 (Mensch-Maschine-Systeme), ISBN 978-3-18-302822-1 2009
Lane-Change Models Erdmann, Jakob Lane-Changing Model in SUMO Proceedings of the SUMO2014 Modeling Mobility with Open Data, pp. 77-88, Berlin, ISSN 1866-721X 2014
Intermodality Behrisch, Michael and Erdmann, Jakob and Krajzewicz, Daniel Adding intermodality to the microscopic simulation package SUMO MESM 2010, Alexandria (Egypt) 2010
Traffic Assignment Gawron, Christian Simulation-Based Traffic Assignment PhD thesis, University of Cologne 1998
Traffic Assignment Gawron, Christian An Iterative Algorithm to Determine the Dynamic User Equilibrium in a Traffic Simulation Model International Journal of Modern Physics C Vol. 9 (3), pp. 393-407 1998
Traffic Assignment Behzad Bamdad Mehrabani, Jakob Erdmann, Luca Sgambi, Seyedehsan Seyedabrishami & Maaike Snelder A multiclass simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model for mixed traffic flow of connected and autonomous vehicles and human-driven vehicles Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 2023
Road Network Preparation Krajzewicz, Daniel and Georg Hertkorn, Julia Ringel, Peter Wagner Preparation of Digital Maps for Traffic Simulation; Part 1: Approach and Algorithms Proceedings of the 3rd Industrial Simulation Conference 2005, EUROSIS-ETI, pp. 285-290, Berlin, ISBN 90-77381-18-X 2005
Validation, Calibration, and Tests Krajzewicz, Daniel and Georg Hertkorn, Christian Rössel, Peter Wagner An Example of Microscopic Car Models Validation using the open source Traffic Simulation SUMO Proceedings of Simulation in Industry, 14th European Simulation Symposium 2002, SCS European Publishing House, pp. 318-322, Dresden 2002
Validation, Calibration, and Tests Heppner, Matthias Einführung von Unit Tests in das bestehende C++ Softwaresystem SUMO Diploma Thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2010
Traffic Lights Krajzewicz, Daniel and Elmar Brockfeld, Jürgen Mikat, Julia Ringel, Christian Rössel, Wolfram Tuchscheerer, Peter Wagner, Richard Woesler Simulation of modern Traffic Lights Control Systems using the open source Traffic Simulation SUMO Proceedings of the 3rd Industrial Simulation Conference 2005, EUROSIS-ETI, pp. 299-302, Berlin, ISBN 90-77381-18-X 2005
Traffic Lights Zubillaga D, Cruz G, Aguilar LD, Zapot‚catl J, Fern ndez N, Aguilar J, Rosenblueth DA, Gershenson C Measuring the Complexity of Self-Organizing Traffic Lights Entropy 2014, 16(5), 2384-2407 2014
Car2Car Communication Bauza, R. and J. Gozalvez and M. Sepulcre Operation and Performance of Vehicular Ad-hoc Routing Protocols in Realistic Environments Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications (WiVeC), Calgary (Canada) 2008
Car2Car Communication Cottingham, David N. and Jonathan J. Davies and Alastair R. Beresford Congestion-Aware Vehicular Traffic Routing Using WiFi Hotspots Proceedings of Communications Innovation Institute Workshop, Cambridge-MIT Institute, pp. 4-6 2005
Car2Car Communication Kristianto Karnadi, Feliz and Zhi Hai Mo and Kun-chan Lan Rapid Generation of Realistic Mobility Models for VANET ACM MOBICOMM 2005
Car2Car Communication Gozalvez, J. and M. Sepulcre Channel Efficiency of Adaptive Transmission Techniques for Wireless Vehicular Communications Proceedings of the 15th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, New York (USA) 2008
Car2Car Communication Honomichl, Clemens Analyse und Simulation von Verkettbarkeitsmaßen in pseudonymer, mobiler Kommunikation Diploma Thesis 2008
Car2Car Communication Lehr, Sebastian Optimierung der Kommunikation zwischen am Verkehr beteiligten Strukturen Diploma Thesis, Fachhochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin 2005
Car2Car Communication Piorkowski, Michal and Maxim Raya, Ada Lezama Lugo, Panos Papadimitratos, Matthias Grossglauser and Jean-Pierre Hubaux TraNS: Realistic Joint Traffic and Network Simulator for VANETs The 13th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking MobiCom'07, Montreal (Canada) 2007
Car2Car Communication Sommer, Christoph and Zheng Yao, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler Simulating the Influence of IVC on Road Traffic using Bidirectionally Coupled Simulators Proceedings of 27th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2008): Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (MOVE 2008), Phoenix, AZ 2008
Car2Car Communication Sommer, Christoph and Zheng Yao, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler On the Need for Bidirectional Coupling of Road Traffic Microsimulation and Network Simulation Proceedings of 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM Mobihoc 2008): 1st ACM International Workshop on Mobility Models for Networking Research (MobilityModels'08), Hong Kong (China) 2008
Car2Car Communication Wegener, Axel and Michal Piorkowski, Maxim Raya, Horst Hellbrck, Stefan Fischer, and Jean-Pierre Hubaux TraCI: An Interface for Coupling Road Traffic and Network Simulators The 11th Communications and Networking Simulation Symposium CNS'08, Ottawa (Canada) 2008
Car2Car Communication Wegener, Axel and Horst Hellbrck, Christian Wewetzer and Andreas Lbke VANET Simulation Environment with Feedback Loop and its Application to Traffic Light Assistance Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications, New Orleans, LA (USA) 2008
Car2Car Communication Barber, Anthony Sharing the Roads Using Route Information Sharing Master Thesis, The University of Tulsa 2011
Car2Car Communication, Vehicle Navigation, Road Network Generation Edelkamp, Stefan and Shahidd Jabar, Tilman Mehrer GPS-Route, Endbericht Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Informatik 2004
ITS - other topics Morenz, Tino iTranSIM - Simulation-based Vehicle Location Master thesis, University of Dublin 2008
ITS - other topics Willigens, Michael Development and Evaluation of a Centralized Traffic Information System using UMTS and GPS Master Thesis, Universität Düsseldorf 2008
ITS - other topics Kerekes, John P. and Michael D. Presnar, Kenneth D. Fourspring, Zoran Ninkov, David R. Pogorzala, Alan D. Raisanen, Andrew C. Rice, Juan R. Vasquez, Jeffrey P. Patel, Robert T. MacIntyre, and Scott D. Brown Sensor modeling and demonstration of a multi-object spectrometer for performance-driven sensing Proc. SPIE 7334, 73340J, 2009
ITS - other topics Pereira, Jos‚ Luis Ferr s An Integrated Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles Simulation Master Thesis, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto 2011
ITS - other topics Bajpai, Ashutosh and Tom V Mathew Development of an Interface between Signal Controller and Traffic Simulator 1st Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG) 2011
ITS - other topics Xie, X.-F. and Y. Feng, K. Larry Head Unified route choice framework: Specification and application to urban traffic control Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2466: 105-113 2014
Traffic Lights Xie, X.-F. et al. Schedule-driven intersection control Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 24: 168-189 2012
ITS - other topics Xie, X.-F. et al. Schedule-driven coordination for real-time traffic network control International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), pp. 323-331, Sao Paulo (Brazil) 2012