Libraries Licenses

This page lists all licenses of code SUMO depends on directly for compiling. There may be secondary references (like the C++ standard library or a particular OpenGL implementation) which are not mentioned here except for the cases where we deliver binaries for that code.

Code in the repository#

All the code which can be found under <SUMO>/src and <SUMO>/tools except for <SUMO>/src/foreign and <SUMO>/tools/contributed is since 03.10.2017 (revision 26300) licensed under EPL V2. All earlier versions were licensed under GPL V3+. The code in <SUMO>/src/foreign and <SUMO>/tools/contributed should have separate license files but we strive to list them here as well:

tcpip - TCP/IP Socket Class to communicate with other programs#

Font Stash - Text rendering in openGL#

RTree - Improved tiling for the drawing area#

  • Version: unknown (2003)
  • Modifications: syntactic sugar for gcc compilation; different footprint for "Search" due to a different callback, tests removed because they did not compile
  • License: public domain (see README.TXT)

odrSpiral - Approximating curves#

zstr - A header only C++ ZLib wrapper#

  • Version: 1.0.6
  • Modifications: only needed header files, includes fixed
  • License: MIT, see license file

Referenced Libraries#

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable - Visual C++ Runtime Components (Windows only)#

Xerces-C++ - XML Parser#

FOX toolkit - GUI Widget Toolkit#

can be omitted, but sumo-gui, netedit and multithreading won't work

PROJ.4 - Cartographic Projections Library#

can be omitted, but import of geo referenced networks like OpenStreetMap won't work


GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library#

gl2ps - Printing screenshots as ps or pdf files#

Open Scene Graph - 3D Graphics Toolkit#

FFmpeg - Multimedia Library#

Google Test - C++ Unit Test Framework#

GNU gettext - Multiple Language support#

Please note that the tools needed for processing the translation files (so for compiling SUMO) are distributed under GPL and are not part of the SUMO download.

{fmt} - Formatting library#

Data and Documentation#

Unless otherwise noted all documentation (including the files in this directory and below) and data files are licensed under the Eclipse Public License v2 just as the rest of SUMO.

3D models#

All models in the data/3D directory originate from and are in the public domain

CC0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal license. To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.

OpenStreetMap data#

All test inputs which build upon OpenStreetMap data (mainly the osm.xml files in <SUMO_HOME>/tests/netconvert/import) are under the Open Database License.


Currently the Google Roboto font is included which is available under an Apache License.