Netedit attribute help

Netedit attribute help#


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Edge ID
from unique string The name of a node within the nodes-file the edge shall start at
to unique string The name of a node within the nodes-file the edge shall end at
speed non-negative float The maximum speed allowed on the edge in m/s default: 13.89
priority integer The priority of the edge default: -1
numLanes non-negative integer The number of lanes of the edge default: 1
type string The name of a type within the SUMO edge type file
allow list of vClasses Explicitly allows the given vehicle classes (not given will be not allowed) default: all
disallow list of vClasses Explicitly disallows the given vehicle classes (not given will be allowed)
shape list of unique positions If the shape is given it should start and end with the positions of the from-node and to-node
length non-negative float The length of the edge in meter
spreadType discrete string The spreadType defines how to compute the lane geometry from the edge geometry (used for visualization) default: right
name string street name (does not need to be unique, used for visualization)
width non-negative float Lane width for all lanes of this edge in meters (used for visualization) default: -1
endOffset non-negative float Move the stop line back from the intersection by the given amount default: 0.00
shapeStart position Custom position in which shape start (by default position of junction from)
shapeEnd position Custom position in which shape end (by default position of junction from)
isBidi unique boolean Show if edge is bidirectional default: 0
distance unique float Distance default: 0.00
stopOffset non-negative float The stop offset as positive value in meters default: 0.00
stopOException list of vClasses Specifies, for which vehicle classes the stopOffset does NOT apply.
isRoundabout unique boolean Whether this edge is part of a roundabout default: false
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Lane ID (Automatic, non editable)
index unique integer The enumeration index of the lane (0 is the rightmost lane, -1 is the leftmost one)
speed non-negative float Speed in meters per second default: 13.89
allow list of vClasses Explicitly allows the given vehicle classes (not given will be not allowed) default: all
disallow list of vClasses Explicitly disallows the given vehicle classes (not given will be allowed)
width non-negative float Width in meters (used for visualization) default: -1
endOffset non-negative float Move the stop line back from the intersection by the given amount default: 0.00
acceleration boolean Enable or disable lane as acceleration lane default: 0
customShape list of unique positions If the shape is given it overrides the computation based on edge shape
opposite unique string If given, this defines the opposite direction lane
changeLeft list of vClasses Permit changing left only for to the given vehicle classes default: all
changeRight list of vClasses Permit changing right only for to the given vehicle classes default: all
type string Lane type description (optional)
stopOffset non-negative float The stop offset as positive value in meters default: 0.00
stopOException list of vClasses Specifies, for which vehicle classes the stopOffset does NOT apply.
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of the polygon
shape list of unique positions The shape of the polygon
close shape boolean Toggle close or open shape
color color The RGBA color with which the polygon shall be displayed default: red
fill boolean An information whether the polygon shall be filled default: 0
lineWidth non-negative float The default line width for drawing an unfilled polygon default: 1
layer float The layer in which the polygon lies default: 0.00
type string A typename for the polygon
name string Polygon's name
imgFile filename A bitmap to use for rendering this polygon
relativePath boolean Enable or disable use image file as a relative path default: 0
angle angle[0, 360] Angle of rendered image in degree default: 0.00
geo boolean Enable or disable GEO attributes default: 0
geoShape list of unique positions A custom geo shape for this polygon
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of the POI
pos unique position The position in view
color color The color with which the POI shall be displayed default: red
type string A typename for the POI
icon discrete string POI Icon
name string Name of POI
layer float The layer of the POI for drawing and selecting default: 202.00
width non-negative float Width of rendered image in meters default: 2.60
height non-negative float Height of rendered image in meters default: 1.00
imgFile filename A bitmap to use for rendering this POI
relativePath boolean Enable or disable use image file as a relative path default: 0
angle angle[0, 360] Angle of rendered image in degree default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
lane unique string The name of the lane at which the POI is located at
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
posLat float The lateral offset on the named lane at which the POI is located at default: 0.00
lon unique float The longitude position of the parking vehicle on the view
lat unique float The latitude position of the parking vehicle on the view


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of the node
pos unique position The x-y-z position of the node on the plane in meters
type discrete string An optional type for the node
shape list of unique positions A custom shape for that node
radius non-negative float Optional turning radius (for all corners) for that node in meters default: 1.5
keepClear boolean Whether the junction-blocking-heuristic should be activated at this node default: 1
rightOfWay discrete string How to compute right of way rules at this node default: default
fringe discrete string Whether this junction is at the fringe of the network default: default
name string Optional name of junction
tlType discrete string An optional type for the traffic light algorithm
tlLayout discrete string An optional layout for the traffic light plan
tl string An optional id for the traffic light program
isRoundabout boolean Whether this junction is part of a roundabout default: false
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of bus stop
lane unique string The name of the lane the bus stop shall be located at
startPos unique string The begin position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters
endPos unique string The end position on the lane (the higher position on the lane) in meters, must be larger than startPos by more than 0.1m
name string Name of busStop
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1 if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
lines list of strings Meant to be the names of the bus lines that stop at this bus stop. This is only used for visualization purposes
personCapacity non-negative integer Larger numbers of persons trying to enter will create an upstream jam on the sidewalk default: 6
parkingLength float Optional space definition for vehicles that park at this stop default: 0.00
color color The RGBA color with which the busStop shall be displayed
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of train stop
lane unique string The name of the lane the train stop shall be located at
startPos unique string The begin position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters
endPos unique string The end position on the lane (the higher position on the lane) in meters, must be larger than startPos by more than 0.1m
name string Name of trainStop
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
lines list of strings Meant to be the names of the train lines that stop at this train stop. This is only used for visualization purposes
personCapacity non-negative integer Larger numbers of persons trying to enter will create an upstream jam on the sidewalk default: 6
parkingLength float Optional space definition for vehicles that park at this stop default: 0.00
color color The RGBA color with which the trainStop shall be displayed
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of busStop, trainStop

Attribute Type Description
lane unique string The name of the lane the stop access shall be located at
pos unique string The position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters default: 0.00
length non-negative float The walking length of the access in meters default: -1.00
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
parent string Change element parent


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of container stop
lane unique string The name of the lane the container stop shall be located at
startPos unique string The begin position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters
endPos unique string The end position on the lane (the higher position on the lane) in meters, must be larger than startPos by more than 0.1m
name string Name of containerStop
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
lines list of strings meant to be the names of the bus lines that stop at this container stop. This is only used for visualization purposes
containerCapacity non-negative integer Larger numbers of container trying to enter will create an upstream jam on the sidewalk default: 6
parkingLength float Optional space definition for vehicles that park at this stop default: 0.00
color color The RGBA color with which the containerStop shall be displayed
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of charging station
lane unique string Lane of the charging station location
startPos unique string Begin position in the specified lane
endPos unique string End position in the specified lane
name string Name of chargingStation
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
power non-negative float Charging power in W default: 22000.00
efficiency float Charging efficiency [0,1] default: 0.95
chargeInTransit boolean Enable or disable charge in transit, i.e. vehicle must or must not to stop for charging default: 0
chargeDelay SUMOTime Time delay after the vehicles has reached / stopped on the charging station, before the energy transfer (charging) begins default: 0.00
chargeType discrete string Battery charging type default: normal
waitingTime SUMOTime Waiting time before start charging default: 900.00
parkingArea string Parking area the charging station is located
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of ParkingArea
lane unique string The name of the lane the Parking Area shall be located at
startPos unique string The begin position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters
endPos unique string The end position on the lane (the higher position on the lane) in meters, must be larger than startPos by more than 0.1m
departPos string Lane position in that vehicle must depart when leaves parkingArea
name string Name of parkingArea
acceptedBadges list of strings Accepted badges to access this parkingArea
roadsideCapacity non-negative integer The number of parking spaces for road-side parking default: 0
onRoad boolean If set, vehicles will park on the road lane and thereby reducing capacity default: 0
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
width non-negative float The width of the road-side parking spaces default: 3.20
length non-negative float The length of the road-side parking spaces. By default (endPos - startPos) / roadsideCapacity default: 0.00
angle angle[0, 360] The angle of the road-side parking spaces relative to the lane angle, positive means clockwise default: 0.00
lefthand boolean Enable or disable lefthand position default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of parkingArea

Attribute Type Description
pos unique position The x-y-z position of the node on the plane in meters
name string Name of parking space
width string The width of the road-side parking spaces
length string The length of the road-side parking spaces
angle string The angle of the road-side parking spaces relative to the lane angle, positive means clockwise
slope angle[0, 360] The slope of the road-side parking spaces default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
parent string Change element parent


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of E1
lane unique string The id of the lane the detector shall be laid on. The lane must be a part of the network used
pos unique float The position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters. The position must be a value between -1*lane's length and the lane's length
period SUMOTime The aggregation period the values the detector collects shall be summed up default: 300.00
name string Name of induction loop
file filename The path to the output file
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
nextEdges list of strings List of edge ids that must all be part of the future route of the vehicle to qualify for detection
detectPersons discrete string Detect persons instead of vehicles (pedestrians or passengers) default: none
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of E2
lane unique string The id of the lane the detector shall be laid on. The lane must be a part of the network used
pos unique float The position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters
length non-negative float The length of the detector in meters default: 10.00
period SUMOTime The aggregation period the values the detector collects shall be summed up default: 300.00
tl string The traffic light that triggers aggregation when switching
name string Name of lane area detector
file filename The path to the output file
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
nextEdges list of strings List of edge ids that must all be part of the future route of the vehicle to qualify for detection
detectPersons discrete string Detect persons instead of vehicles (pedestrians or passengers) default: none
timeThreshold SUMOTime The time-based threshold that describes how much time has to pass until a vehicle is recognized as halting) default: 1.00
speedThreshold non-negative float The speed-based threshold that describes how slow a vehicle has to be to be recognized as halting) in m/s default: 1.39
jamThreshold non-negative float The maximum distance to the next standing vehicle in order to make this vehicle count as a participant to the jam in m default: 10.00
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
show boolean Show detector in sumo-gui default: 1
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
lanes list of unique strings The sequence of lane ids in which the detector shall be laid on
endPos unique float The end position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of E3
pos unique position X-Y position of detector in editor (Only used in netedit) default: 0,0
period SUMOTime The aggregation period the values the detector collects shall be summed up default: 300.00
name string Name of Entry Exit detector
file filename The path to the output file
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
nextEdges list of strings List of edge ids that must all be part of the future route of the vehicle to qualify for detection
detectPersons discrete string Detect persons instead of vehicles (pedestrians or passengers) default: none
openEntry boolean If set to true, no error will be reported if vehicles leave the detector without first entering it default: 0
timeThreshold SUMOTime The time-based threshold that describes how much time has to pass until a vehicle is recognized as halting) in s default: 1.00
speedThreshold float The speed-based threshold that describes how slow a vehicle has to be to be recognized as halting) in m/s default: 1.39
expectArrival boolean Whether no warning should be issued when a vehicle arrives within the detector area. default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of entryExitDetector

Attribute Type Description
lane unique string The id of the lane the detector shall be laid on. The lane must be a part of the network used
pos unique float The position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
parent string Change element parent


child element of entryExitDetector

Attribute Type Description
lane unique string The id of the lane the detector shall be laid on. The lane must be a part of the network used
pos unique float The position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
parent string Change element parent


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of this set of measurements
file filename The path to the output file. The path may be relative
period string The aggregation period the values the detector collects shall be summed up
begin string The time to start writing. If not given, the simulation's begin is used.
end string The time to end writing. If not given the simulation's end is used.
excludeEmpty discrete string If set to true, edges/lanes which were not used by a vehicle during this period will not be written default: default
withInternal boolean If set, junction internal edges/lanes will be written as well default: 0
maxTraveltime SUMOTime The maximum travel time in seconds to write if only very small movements occur default: 100000
minSamples SUMOTime Consider an edge/lane unused if it has at most this many sampled seconds default: 0
speedThreshold float The maximum speed to consider a vehicle halting; default: 0.1
vTypes list of strings space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
trackVehicles boolean whether aggregation should be performed over all vehicles that entered the edge/lane in the aggregation interval default: 0
detectPersons list of strings Whether pedestrians shall be recorded instead of vehicles. Allowed value is walk
writeAttributes list of strings List of attribute names that shall be written
edges list of strings Restrict output to the given list of edge ids
edgesFile filename Restrict output to the given list of edges given in file
aggregate boolean Whether the traffic statistic of all edges shall be aggregated into a single value default: 0


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of this set of measurements
file filename The path to the output file. The path may be relative
period string The aggregation period the values the detector collects shall be summed up
begin string The time to start writing. If not given, the simulation's begin is used.
end string The time to end writing. If not given the simulation's end is used.
excludeEmpty discrete string If set to true, edges/lanes which were not used by a vehicle during this period will not be written default: default
withInternal boolean If set, junction internal edges/lanes will be written as well default: 0
maxTraveltime SUMOTime The maximum travel time in seconds to write if only very small movements occur default: 100000
minSamples SUMOTime Consider an edge/lane unused if it has at most this many sampled seconds default: 0
speedThreshold float The maximum speed to consider a vehicle halting; default: 0.1
vTypes list of strings space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
trackVehicles boolean whether aggregation should be performed over all vehicles that entered the edge/lane in the aggregation interval default: 0
detectPersons list of strings Whether pedestrians shall be recorded instead of vehicles. Allowed value is walk
writeAttributes list of strings List of attribute names that shall be written
edges list of strings Restrict output to the given list of edge ids
edgesFile filename Restrict output to the given list of edges given in file
aggregate boolean Whether the traffic statistic of all edges shall be aggregated into a single value default: 0


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of Instant Induction Loop (E1Instant)
lane unique string The id of the lane the detector shall be laid on. The lane must be a part of the network used
pos unique float The position on the lane the detector shall be laid on in meters. The position must be a value between -1*lane's length and the lane's length
name string Name of instant induction loop
file filename The path to the output file
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider
nextEdges list of strings List of edge ids that must all be part of the future route of the vehicle to qualify for detection
detectPersons discrete string Detect persons instead of vehicles (pedestrians or passengers) default: none
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of RouteProbe
edge unique string The id of an edge in the simulation network
period SUMOTime The frequency in which to report the distribution default: 3600.00
name string Name of route probe
file filename The file for generated output
begin SUMOTime The time at which to start generating output default: 0
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider (empty to affect all types)
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of Calibrator
edge unique string The id of edge in the simulation network
pos non-negative float The position of the calibrator on the specified lane default: 0.00
period SUMOTime The aggregation interval in which to calibrate the flows. Default is step-length default: 1.00
name string Name of Calibrator
routeProbe string The id of the routeProbe element from which to determine the route distribution for generated vehicles
output filename The output file for writing calibrator information or NULL
jamThreshold non-negative float A threshold value to detect and clear unexpected jamming default: 0.50
vTypes list of strings space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider (empty to affect all types)
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
lane unique string The id of lane in the simulation network


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of Rerouter
edges list of unique strings An edge id or a list of edge ids where vehicles shall be rerouted
pos unique position X,Y position in editor (Only used in netedit) default: 0,0
name string Name of Rerouter
probability probability[0, 1] The probability for vehicle rerouting (0-1) default: 1.00
timeThreshold SUMOTime The waiting time threshold (in s) that must be reached to activate rerouting (default -1 which disables the threshold) default: 0.00
vTypes list of strings The list of vehicle types that shall be affected by this rerouter (empty to affect all types)
off boolean Whether the router should be inactive initially (and switched on in the gui) default: 0
optional boolean If rerouter is optional default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of rerouterSymbol

Attribute Type Description
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of rerouter

Attribute Type Description
begin unique SUMOTime Begin default: 0
end unique SUMOTime End default: 3600
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of interval

Attribute Type Description
edge unique string Edge ID
probability float SUMO Probability default: 1.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of interval

Attribute Type Description
edge unique string Edge ID
allow list of vClasses allowed vehicles
disallow list of vClasses disallowed vehicles
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of interval

Attribute Type Description
lane unique string Lane ID
allow list of vClasses allowed vehicles
disallow list of vClasses disallowed vehicles
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of interval

Attribute Type Description
route unique string Route
probability float SUMO Probability default: 1.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of interval

Attribute Type Description
parking unique string ParkingArea ID
probability float SUMO Probability default: 1.00
visible boolean Enable or disable visibility for parking area reroutes default: 1
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of Variable Speed Signal
pos unique position X-Y position of detector in editor (Only used in netedit) default: 0,0
lanes list of unique strings List of Variable Speed Sign lanes
name string Name of Variable Speed Signal
vTypes list of strings Space separated list of vehicle type ids to consider (empty to affect all types)
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of variableSpeedSign

Attribute Type Description
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of variableSpeedSign

Attribute Type Description
time unique SUMOTime Time
speed string Speed default: 13.89
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Edge in which vaporizer is placed
begin SUMOTime Start Time default: 0
end SUMOTime End Time default: 3600
name string Name of vaporizer
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Traction substation ID
pos unique position X-Y position of detector in editor (Only used in netedit) default: 0,0
voltage non-negative float Voltage of at connection point for the overhead wire default: 600
currentLimit non-negative float Current limit of the feeder line default: 400
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Overhead wire segment ID
substationId unique string Substation to which the circuit is connected
lanes list of unique strings List of consecutive lanes of the circuit
startPos non-negative unique float Starting position in the specified lane default: 0.0
endPos non-negative unique float Ending position in the specified lane default: 179769313486231570814527423731704356798070567525844996598917476803157260780028538760589558632766878171540458953514382464234321326889464182768467546703537516986049910576551282076245490090389328944075868508455133942304583236903222948165808559332123348274797826204144723168738177180919299881250404026184124858368.00
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
forbiddenInnerLanes list of strings Inner lanes, where placing of overhead wire is restricted
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Overhead wire clamp ID
wireClampStart unique string ID of the overhead wire segment, to the start of which the overhead wire clamp is connected
wireClampLaneStart unique string ID of the overhead wire segment lane of overheadWireIDStartClamp
wireClampEnd unique string ID of the overhead wire segment, to the end of which the overhead wire clamp is connected
wireClampLaneEnd unique string ID of the overhead wire segment lane of overheadWireIDEndClamp
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The ID of trip
type string The id of the vehicle type to use for this trip default: DEFAULT_VEHTYPE
from unique string The ID of the edge the trip starts at
to unique string The ID of the edge the trip ends at
via list of unique strings List of intermediate edge ids which shall be part of the trip
color color This vehicle's color default: yellow
departLane string The lane on which the vehicle shall be inserted default: first
departPos string The position at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: base
departSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall enter the network default: 0.00
arrivalLane string The lane at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
arrivalPos string The position at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: max
arrivalSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
line string A string specifying the id of a public transport line which can be used when specifying person rides
personNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied seats when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
containerNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied container places when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
departPosLat string The lateral position on the departure lane at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: center
arrivalPosLat string The lateral position on the arrival lane at which the vehicle shall arrive default: center
insertionChecks string Insertion checks default: all
depart string The departure time of the (first) trip which is generated using this trip definition default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
fromJunction unique string The name of the junction the trip starts at
toJunction unique string The name of the junction the trip ends at
fromTaz unique string The name of the TAZ the trip starts at
toTaz unique string The name of the TAZ the trip ends at


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The ID of the vehicle
type string The id of the vehicle type to use for this vehicle default: DEFAULT_VEHTYPE
route unique string The id of the route the vehicle shall drive along
departEdge unique string The index of the edge within route the vehicle starts at
arrivalEdge unique string The index of the edge within route the vehicle ends at
color color This vehicle's color default: yellow
departLane string The lane on which the vehicle shall be inserted default: first
departPos string The position at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: base
departSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall enter the network default: 0.00
arrivalLane string The lane at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
arrivalPos string The position at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: max
arrivalSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
line string A string specifying the id of a public transport line which can be used when specifying person rides
personNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied seats when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
containerNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied container places when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
departPosLat string The lateral position on the departure lane at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: center
arrivalPosLat string The lateral position on the arrival lane at which the vehicle shall arrive default: center
insertionChecks string Insertion checks default: all
depart string The time step at which the vehicle shall enter the network default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


also child element of calibrator

Attribute Type Description
route unique string The id of the route the vehicle shall drive along
begin SUMOTime First calibrator flow departure time default: 0
end SUMOTime End of departure interval default: 3600
color color This vehicle's color default: yellow
departLane string The lane on which the vehicle shall be inserted default: first
departPos string The position at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: base
departSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall enter the network default: 0.00
arrivalLane string The lane at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
arrivalPos string The position at which the vehicle shall leave the network default: max
arrivalSpeed string The speed with which the vehicle shall leave the network default: current
line string A string specifying the id of a public transport line which can be used when specifying person rides
personNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied seats when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
containerNumber non-negative integer The number of occupied container places when the vehicle is inserted default: 0
departPosLat string The lateral position on the departure lane at which the vehicle shall enter the net default: center
arrivalPosLat string The lateral position on the arrival lane at which the vehicle shall arrive default: center
insertionChecks string Insertion checks default: all
type string The id of the vehicle type to use for this calibrator flow default: DEFAULT_VEHTYPE
vehsPerHour string Number of vehicles per hour, equally spaced default: 1800
speed string Vehicle's speed default: 15.0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
id unique string The ID of the flow
from unique string The ID of the edge the flow starts at
to unique string The ID of the edge the flow ends at
via list of unique strings List of intermediate edge ids which shall be part of the flow
terminate discrete string Criterion for flow termination default: end
spacing discrete string Criterion for flow spacing default: vehsPerHour
number non-negative integer probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period) default: 1800
period string Insert equally spaced flows at that period (not together with vehsPerHour or probability or poisson) default: 2
probability string probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period or poisson) default: 0.5
poisson string Insert flow expected vehicles per second with poisson distributed insertion rate (not together with period or vehsPerHour or probability) default: 0.5
fromJunction unique string The name of the junction the flow starts at
toJunction unique string The name of the junction the flow ends at
fromTaz unique string The name of the TAZ the flow starts at
toTaz unique string The name of the TAZ the flow ends at
departEdge unique string The index of the edge within route the flow starts at
arrivalEdge unique string The index of the edge within route the flow ends at


Attribute Type Description
id unique string type ID
typeDist. string Type distribution
vClass discrete An abstract vehicle class default: passenger
color color This type's color
length non-negative float The vehicle's netto-length (length) [m]
minGap non-negative float Empty space after leader [m]
maxSpeed non-negative float The vehicle's maximum velocity [m/s]
speedFactor string The vehicle's expected multiplicator for lane speed limits (or a distribution specifier)
desiredMaxSpeed non-negative float The vehicle's desired maximum velocity (interacts with speedFactor). Applicable when no speed limit applies (bicycles, some motorways) [m/s]
emissionClass discrete string An abstract emission class
guiShape discrete string How this vehicle is rendered
width non-negative float The vehicle's width [m] (only used for drawing) default: 1.8
height non-negative float The vehicle's height [m] (only used for drawing) default: 1.5
parkingBadges list of strings The parking badges assigned to the vehicle
imgFile filename Image file for rendering vehicles of this type (should be grayscale to allow functional coloring)
laneChangeModel discrete string The model used for changing lanes default: default
carFollowModel discrete string The model used for car-following default: Krauss
personCapacity non-negative integer The number of persons (excluding an autonomous driver) the vehicle can transport
containerCapacity non-negative integer The number of containers the vehicle can transport
boardingDuration float The time required by a person to board the vehicle default: 0.50
loadingDuration float The time required to load a container onto the vehicle default: 90.00
latAlignment discrete string The preferred lateral alignment when using the sublane-model default: center
minGapLat non-negative float The minimum lateral gap at a speed difference of 50km/h when using the sublane-model default: 0.12
maxSpeedLat non-negative float The maximum lateral speed when using the sublane-model default: 1.00
actionStepLength non-negative float The interval length for which vehicle performs its decision logic (acceleration and lane-changing) default: 0.00
probability non-negative float The probability when being added to a distribution without an explicit probability default: 1.00
osgFile string 3D model file for this class
carriageLength non-negative float Carriage lengths
locomotiveLength non-negative float Locomotive lengths
carriageGap non-negative float Gap between carriages default: 1
accel non-negative float The acceleration ability of vehicles of this type [m/s^2] default: 2.60
decel non-negative float The deceleration ability of vehicles of this type [m/s^2] default: 4.50
apparentDecel non-negative float The apparent deceleration of the vehicle as used by the standard model [m/s^2] default: 4.50
emergencyDecel non-negative float The maximal physically possible deceleration for the vehicle [m/s^2] default: 9.00
sigma float Car-following model parameter default: 0.50
tau non-negative float Car-following model parameter default: 1.00
tmp1 string SKRAUSSX parameter 1
tmp2 string SKRAUSSX parameter 2
tmp3 string SKRAUSSX parameter 3
tmp4 string SKRAUSSX parameter 4
tmp5 string SKRAUSSX parameter 5
tpreview non-negative float EIDM Look ahead / preview parameter [s] default: 4.00
treaction non-negative float EIDM AP Reaction Time parameter [s] default: 0.50
tPersDrive non-negative float EIDM Wiener Process parameter for the Driving Error [s] default: 3.00
tPersEstimate non-negative float EIDM Wiener Process parameter for the Estimation Error [s] default: 10.00
ccoolness float EIDM Coolness parameter of the Enhanced IDM [-] default: 0.99
sigmaleader non-negative float EIDM leader speed estimation error parameter [-] default: 0.02
sigmagap non-negative float EIDM gap estimation error parameter [-] default: 0.10
sigmaerror non-negative float EIDM driving error parameter [-] default: 0.04
jerkmax non-negative float EIDM maximal jerk parameter [m/s^3] default: 3.00
epsilonacc non-negative float EIDM maximal negative acceleration between two Action Points (threshold) [m/s^2] default: 1.00
taccmax non-negative float EIDM Time parameter until vehicle reaches amax after startup/driveoff [s] default: 1.20
Mflatness non-negative float EIDM Flatness parameter of startup/driveoff curve [-] default: 2.00
Mbegin non-negative float EIDM Shift parameter of startup/driveoff curve [-] default: 0.70
vehdynamics boolean EIDM parameter if model shall include vehicle dynamics into the acceleration calculation [0/1] default: 0
maxvehpreview non-negative integer EIDM parameter how many vehicles are taken into the preview calculation of the driver (at least always 1!) [-] default: 0
tauLast non-negative float Peter Wagner 2009 parameter default: 0
apProb non-negative float Peter Wagner 2009 parameter default: 0
adaptFactor non-negative float IDMM parameter default: 0
adaptTime non-negative float IDMM parameter default: 0
cc1 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 1.3
cc2 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 8.0
cc3 non-negative float W99 parameter default: -12.0
cc4 non-negative float W99 parameter default: -0.25
cc5 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 0.35
cc6 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 6.0
cc7 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 0.25
cc8 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 2.0
cc9 non-negative float W99 parameter default: 1.5
security string Wiedemann parameter
estimation string Wiedemann parameter
collisionMinGapFactor string MinGap factor parameter
k string K parameter
phi string Kerner Phi parameter
delta string IDM Delta parameter
stepping string IDM Stepping parameter
trainType discrete string Train Types default: NGT400
jmCrossingGap non-negative float Minimum distance to pedestrians that are walking towards the conflict point with the ego vehicle. default: 10
jmIgnoreKeepClearTime float The accumulated waiting time after which a vehicle will drive onto an intersection even though this might cause jamming. default: -1
jmDriveAfterYellowTime non-negative float This value causes vehicles to violate a yellow light if the duration of the yellow phase is lower than the given threshold. default: -1
jmDriveAfterRedTime float This value causes vehicles to violate a red light if the duration of the red phase is lower than the given threshold. default: -1
jmDriveRedSpeed string This value causes vehicles affected by jmDriveAfterRedTime to slow down when violating a red light. default: 0.0
jmIgnoreFoeProb non-negative float This value causes vehicles to ignore foe vehicles that have right-of-way with the given probability. default: 0.0
jmIgnoreFoeSpeed non-negative float This value is used in conjunction with jmIgnoreFoeProb. Only vehicles with a speed below or equal to the given value may be ignored. default: 0.0
jmSigmaMinor string This value configures driving imperfection (dawdling) while passing a minor link. default: 0.0
jmTimegapMinor non-negative float This value defines the minimum time gap when passing ahead of a prioritized vehicle. default: 1
impatience non-negative float Willingess of drivers to impede vehicles with higher priority default: 0.0
lcStrategic non-negative float The eagerness for performing strategic lane changing. Higher values result in earlier lane-changing. default: 1.0
lcCooperative non-negative float The willingness for performing cooperative lane changing. Lower values result in reduced cooperation. default: 1.0
lcSpeedGain non-negative float The eagerness for performing lane changing to gain speed. Higher values result in more lane-changing. default: 1.0
lcKeepRight non-negative float The eagerness for following the obligation to keep right. Higher values result in earlier lane-changing. default: 1.0
lcSublane non-negative float The eagerness for using the configured lateral alignment within the lane. Higher values result in increased willingness to sacrifice speed for alignment. default: 1.0
lcOpposite non-negative float The eagerness for overtaking through the opposite-direction lane. Higher values result in more lane-changing. default: 1.0
lcPushy non-negative float Willingness to encroach laterally on other drivers. default: 0.00
lcPushyGap non-negative float Minimum lateral gap when encroaching laterally on other drives (alternative way to define lcPushy) default: 0.00
lcAssertive non-negative float Willingness to accept lower front and rear gaps on the target lane. default: 1.0
lcImpatience non-negative float Dynamic factor for modifying lcAssertive and lcPushy. default: 0.00
lcTimeToImpatience string Time to reach maximum impatience (of 1). Impatience grows whenever a lane-change manoeuvre is blocked. default: infinity
lcAccelLat non-negative float Maximum lateral acceleration per second. default: 1.0
lcLookaheadLeft non-negative float Factor for configuring the strategic lookahead distance when a change to the left is necessary (relative to right lookahead). default: 2.0
lcSpeedGainRight non-negative float Factor for configuring the threshold asymmetry when changing to the left or to the right for speed gain. default: 0.1
lcMaxSpeedLatStanding string Upper bound on lateral speed when standing. default: 0.00
lcMaxSpeedLatFactor non-negative float Upper bound on lateral speed while moving computed as lcMaxSpeedLatStanding + lcMaxSpeedLatFactor * getSpeed() default: 1.00
lcTurnAlignmentDistance non-negative float Distance to an upcoming turn on the vehicles route, below which the alignment should be dynamically adapted to match the turn direction. default: 0.00
lcOvertakeRight non-negative float The probability for violating rules gainst overtaking on the right. default: 0.00
lcKeepRightAcceptanceTime float Time threshold for the willingness to change right. default: -1
lcOvertakeDeltaSpeedFactor float Speed difference factor for the eagerness of overtaking a neighbor vehicle before changing lanes (threshold = factorspeedlimit). default: 0.00*


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of Route
routeDist. string Route distribution
edges list of unique strings The edges the vehicle shall drive along, given as their ids, separated using spaces
color color This route's color
repeat non-negative integer The number of times that the edges of this route shall be repeated default: 0
cycleTime SUMOTime When defining a repeating route with stops and those stops use the until attribute, the times will be shifted forward by 'cycleTime' on each repeat default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of the TAZ
shape list of unique positions The shape of the TAZ
center position TAZ center
fill boolean An information whether the TAZ shall be filled default: 0
color color The RGBA color with which the TAZ shall be displayed default: red
name string Name of POI
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of taz

Attribute Type Description
edge unique string The id of edge in the simulation network
weight non-negative float Depart weight associated to this Edge default: 1
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of taz

Attribute Type Description
edge unique string The id of edge in the simulation network
weight non-negative float Arrival weight associated to this Edge default: 1
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
from unique string The ID of the edge the edgeRel starts at
to unique string The ID of the edge the edgeRel ends at
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of dataInterval

Attribute Type Description
from unique string The name of the TAZ the TAZRel starts at
to unique string The name of the TAZ the TAZRel ends at
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of route, trip, flow

Attribute Type Description
lane unique string The name of the lane the stop shall be located at
startPos unique float The begin position on the lane (the lower position on the lane) in meters
endPos unique float The end position on the lane (the higher position on the lane) in meters, must be larger than startPos by more than 0.1m
friendlyPos boolean If set, no error will be reported if element is placed behind the lane. Instead, it will be placed 0.1 meters from the lanes end or at position 0.1, if the position was negative and larger than the lanes length after multiplication with - 1 default: 0
posLat string The lateral offset on the named lane at which the vehicle must stop
duration non-negative SUMOTime Minimum duration for stopping default: 60
until non-negative SUMOTime The time step at which the route continues default: 0.00
extension SUMOTime If set to a non-negative time value, then the stop duration can be extended at most by the extension value in seconds default: 0
triggered discrete string Whether a person or container or both may end the stop default: false
expected list of strings List of elements that must board the vehicle before it may continue
join string Joins this train to another upon reaching the stop
permitted list of strings List of elements that can board the vehicle before it may continue
parking discrete string Whether the vehicle stops on the road or beside default: false
actType string Activity displayed for stopped person in GUI and output files
tripId string Parameter to be applied to the vehicle to track the trip id within a cyclical public transport route
line string New line attribute to be set on the vehicle when reaching this stop (for cyclical public transport route)
onDemand boolean Whether the stop may be skipped if no passengers wants to embark or disembark default: 0
jump SUMOTime transfer time if there shall be a jump from this stop to the next route edge default: -1
split string Splits the train upon reaching the stop
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
busStop list of unique strings BusStop associated with this stop
trainStop list of unique strings TrainStop associated with this stop
containerStop list of unique strings ContainerStop associated with this stop
chargingStation list of unique strings ChargingStation associated with this stop
parkingArea list of unique strings ParkingArea associated with this stop
speed non-negative float Speed to be kept while driving between startPos and endPos default: 0.00
edge unique string Edge ID


Attribute Type Description
from unique string The ID of the edge the vehicles leave
to unique string The ID of the edge the vehicles may reach when leaving 'from'
fromLane unique integer the lane index of the incoming lane (numbers starting with 0)
toLane unique integer the lane index of the outgoing lane (numbers starting with 0)
pass boolean if set, vehicles which pass this (lane-2-lane) connection) will not wait default: 0
keepClear boolean if set to false, vehicles which pass this (lane-2-lane) connection) will not worry about blocking the intersection default: 0
contPos non-negative float If set to a more than 0 value, an internal junction will be built at this position (in m)/n from the start of the internal lane for this connection default: -1.00
uncontrolled boolean If set to true, This connection will not be TLS-controlled despite its node being controlled default: 0
visibility non-negative float Vision distance between vehicles default: -1.00
linkIndex integer sets index of this connection within the controlling traffic light default: -1
linkIndex2 integer sets index for the internal junction of this connection within the controlling traffic light default: -1
allow list of vClasses Explicitly allows the given vehicle classes (not given will be not allowed) default: all
disallow list of vClasses Explicitly disallows the given vehicle classes (not given will be allowed)
speed non-negative float sets custom speed limit for the connection default: -1.00
length non-negative float sets custom length for the connection default: -1.00
customShape list of unique positions sets custom shape for the connection
changeLeft list of vClasses Permit changing left only for to the given vehicle classes default: all
changeRight list of vClasses Permit changing right only for to the given vehicle classes default: all
indirect boolean if set to true, vehicles will make a turn in 2 steps default: 0
type string set a custom edge type (for applying vClass-specific speed restrictions)
dir string turning direction for this connection (computed)
state string link state for this connection (computed)
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of the edge
numLanes non-negative integer The number of lanes of the edge default: 1
speed non-negative float The maximum speed allowed on the edge in m/s default: 13.89
allow list of vClasses Explicitly allows the given vehicle classes (not given will be not allowed) default: all
disallow list of vClasses Explicitly disallows the given vehicle classes (not given will be allowed)
spreadType discrete string The spreadType defines how to compute the lane geometry from the edge geometry (used for visualization) default: right
priority integer The priority of the edge default: -1
width string Lane width for all lanes of this edge in meters (used for visualization) default: default
sidewalkWidth string The width of the sidewalk that should be added as an additional lane default: default
bikeLaneWidth string The width of the bike lane that should be added as an additional lane default: default


Attribute Type Description
speed non-negative float The maximum speed allowed on the lane in m/s default: 13.89
allow list of vClasses Explicitly allows the given vehicle classes (not given will be not allowed) default: all
disallow list of vClasses Explicitly disallows the given vehicle classes (not given will be allowed)
width string Lane width for all lanes of this type in meters (used for visualization) default: default


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of route distribution


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The id of VehicleType distribution


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Crossing ID
edges list of unique strings The (road) edges which are crossed
priority boolean Whether the pedestrians have priority over the vehicles (automatically set to true at tls-controlled intersections) default: 0
width non-negative float The width of the crossings default: 4.00
linkIndex integer sets the tls-index for this crossing default: -1
linkIndex2 integer sets the opposite-direction tls-index for this crossing default: -1
customShape list of unique positions Overrides default shape of pedestrian crossing
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Walking Area ID
width non-negative float The width of the WalkingArea default: 2.00
length non-negative float The length of the WalkingArea in meter
shape list of unique positions Overrides default shape of pedestrian sidewalk
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The name of the person
type string The id of the person type to use for this person default: DEFAULT_VEHTYPE
color color This person's color default: yellow
departPos string The position at which the person shall enter the net default: base
depart non-negative float The time step at which the person shall enter the network default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of person, personFlow

Attribute Type Description
from unique string Edge start ID
to unique string Edge end ID
arrivalPos float arrival position on the destination edge default: -1
vTypes list of strings List of possible vehicle types to take
modes list of strings List of possible traffic modes. Walking is always possible regardless of this value
lines list of strings list of vehicle alternatives to take for the person trip
walkFactor non-negative float Walk factor default: 0.00
group string id of the travel group. Persons with the same group may share a taxi ride
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
toTaz unique string TAZ end ID
toJunction unique string Junction end ID
busStop unique string BusStop end ID
trainStop unique string TrainStop end ID
containerStop unique string ContainerStop end ID
chargingStation unique string ChargingStation end ID
parkingArea unique string ParkingArea end ID
fromTaz unique string TAZ start ID
fromJunction unique string Junction start ID
fromBusStop unique string BusStop start ID
fromTrainStop unique string TrainStop start ID
fromContainerStop unique string ContainerStop start ID
fromChargingStation unique string ChargingStation start ID


child element of person, personFlow

Attribute Type Description
from unique string Edge start ID
to unique string Edge end ID
arrivalPos float arrival position on the destination edge default: -1
lines list of strings list of vehicle alternatives to take for the ride
group string id of the travel group. Persons with the same group may share a taxi ride
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
toTaz unique string TAZ end ID
toJunction unique string Junction end ID
busStop unique string BusStop end ID
trainStop unique string TrainStop end ID
containerStop unique string ContainerStop end ID
chargingStation unique string ChargingStation end ID
parkingArea unique string ParkingArea end ID
fromTaz unique string TAZ start ID
fromJunction unique string Junction start ID
fromBusStop unique string BusStop start ID
fromTrainStop unique string TrainStop start ID
fromContainerStop unique string ContainerStop start ID
fromChargingStation unique string ChargingStation start ID


child element of person, personFlow

Attribute Type Description
from unique string Edge start ID
to unique string Edge end ID
arrivalPos float arrival position on the destination edge default: -1
speed non-negative float speed of the person for this tranship in m/s (not together with duration) default: 1.39
duration non-negative SUMOTime duration of the plan in second (not together with speed) default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
toTaz unique string TAZ end ID
toJunction unique string Junction end ID
busStop unique string BusStop end ID
trainStop unique string TrainStop end ID
containerStop unique string ContainerStop end ID
chargingStation unique string ChargingStation end ID
parkingArea unique string ParkingArea end ID
fromTaz unique string TAZ start ID
fromJunction unique string Junction start ID
fromBusStop unique string BusStop start ID
fromTrainStop unique string TrainStop start ID
fromContainerStop unique string ContainerStop start ID
fromChargingStation unique string ChargingStation start ID
edges list of unique strings list of consecutive edges
route list of unique strings Route ID


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The name of the person
type string The id of the person type to use for this person default: DEFAULT_VEHTYPE
color color This person's color default: yellow
departPos string The position at which the person shall enter the net default: base
begin SUMOTime First flow departure time default: 0
terminate discrete string Criterion for flow termination default: end
spacing discrete string Criterion for flow spacing default: personsPerHour
end SUMOTime End of departure interval default: 3600
number non-negative integer probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period) default: 1800
personsPerHour string Number of flows per hour, equally spaced (not together with period or probability or poisson) default: 1800
period string Insert equally spaced flows at that period (not together with vehsPerHour or probability or poisson) default: 2
probability string probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period or poisson) default: 0.5
poisson string Insert flow expected vehicles per second with poisson distributed insertion rate (not together with period or vehsPerHour or probability) default: 0.5
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
id unique string Data set ID


child element of dataSet

Attribute Type Description
id unique string Interval ID
begin SUMOTime Data interval begin time default: 0
end SUMOTime Data interval end time default: 3600


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The name of the container
type string The id of the container type to use for this container default: DEFAULT_CONTAINERTYPE
color color This container's color default: yellow
departPos string The position at which the container shall enter the net default: base
depart non-negative float The time step at which the container shall enter the network default: 0.00
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


child element of container, containerFlow

Attribute Type Description
from unique string Edge start ID
to unique string Edge end ID
arrivalPos float arrival position on the destination edge default: -1
lines list of strings list of vehicle alternatives to take for the transport
group string id of the travel group. Persons with the same group may share a taxi ride
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
toTaz unique string TAZ end ID
toJunction unique string Junction end ID
busStop unique string BusStop end ID
trainStop unique string TrainStop end ID
containerStop unique string ContainerStop end ID
chargingStation unique string ChargingStation end ID
parkingArea unique string ParkingArea end ID
fromTaz unique string TAZ start ID
fromJunction unique string Junction start ID
fromBusStop unique string BusStop start ID
fromTrainStop unique string TrainStop start ID
fromContainerStop unique string ContainerStop start ID
fromChargingStation unique string ChargingStation start ID


child element of container, containerFlow

Attribute Type Description
from unique string Edge start ID
to unique string Edge end ID
departPos non-negative float The position at which the tranship shall enter the net default: 0
arrivalPos float arrival position on the destination edge default: -1
speed non-negative float speed of the person for this tranship in m/s (not together with duration) default: 1.39
duration non-negative SUMOTime duration of the plan in second (not together with speed) default: 0
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element
toTaz unique string TAZ end ID
toJunction unique string Junction end ID
busStop unique string BusStop end ID
trainStop unique string TrainStop end ID
containerStop unique string ContainerStop end ID
chargingStation unique string ChargingStation end ID
parkingArea unique string ParkingArea end ID
fromTaz unique string TAZ start ID
fromJunction unique string Junction start ID
fromBusStop unique string BusStop start ID
fromTrainStop unique string TrainStop start ID
fromContainerStop unique string ContainerStop start ID
fromChargingStation unique string ChargingStation start ID
edges list of unique strings list of consecutive edges


Attribute Type Description
id unique string The name of the container
type string The id of the container type to use for this container default: DEFAULT_CONTAINERTYPE
color color This container's color default: yellow
departPos string The position at which the container shall enter the net default: base
begin SUMOTime First flow departure time default: 0
terminate discrete string Criterion for flow termination default: end
spacing discrete string Criterion for flow spacing default: containersPerHour
end SUMOTime End of departure interval default: 3600
number non-negative integer probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period) default: 1800
containersPerHour string Number of flows per hour, equally spaced (not together with period or probability or poisson) default: 1800
period string Insert equally spaced flows at that period (not together with vehsPerHour or probability or poisson) default: 2
probability string probability for emitting a flow each second (not together with vehsPerHour or period or poisson) default: 0.5
poisson string Insert flow expected vehicles per second with poisson distributed insertion rate (not together with period or vehsPerHour or probability) default: 0.5
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element


Attribute Type Description
frontElement boolean Toggle front element
selected boolean Toggle select element