
At the DLR#

Current Projects#

  • ReTraSON Infrastructure Transformation in Lower Saxony (German)
  • SHOW shows the integration of fleets of automated vehicles in public transport, demand-responsive transport (DRT), Mobility a Service (MaaS) and Logistics as a Service (LaaS) schemes
  • Spurplan SUMO is being expanded and improved in various areas for modeling rail traffic
  • VMo4Orte Development of solution modules that can be used to contribute to the transformation of the transport system
  • MoCKiii Creation of a dash board with which the city of Cologne can easily detect the current traffic situation, changes in mobility behavior and the traffic situation in order to then be able to initiate suitable countermeasures
  • KoKoVi Transport as a cooperative and networked system
  • TAPAS Model for data on the future development of passenger transport demand in urban areas

Past Projects#

  • ITS for Asia Monitoring intersections to identify accident spots
  • Digitaler Knoten 4.0 Investigation of networked, efficient and safe organization of mixed traffic situations
  • UrMo Digital Investigation of mobility and logistics concepts under the influence of digitalization
  • Local Traffic Safety Analyzer (LTSA) In terms of infrastructure, it recognizes and analyzes the road and provides movement lines (trajectories) as well as messages describing the situation for road users
  • DATAMOST Data and Model-based Solutions for the Transformation of Mobility
  • DIGEST Digital twin of the road transport system
  • ALFRIED Automatisiertes und vernetztes Fahren in der Logistik am Testfeld Friedrichshafen
  • Spurplan-4 Simulation of regional rail traffic for regular operations, disrupted operations and planning interventions
  • VM50City Examination of established categories of measures for potential and feasibility for small and medium-sized cities
  • eUVM Testing and implementing suitable measures to reduce traffic-related emissions
  • AutomoVer Development of guidance for decision-makers
  • MAVEN Managing Automated Vehicles Enhances Network
  • TransAID new hierarchical traffic management procedures to allow the smooth integration of automated vehicles in traffic systems
  • VITAL: innovative traffic light control with V2X Communication.
  • VABENE. SUMO simulates and predicts large-scale traffic for disaster and public event management
  • I.MoVe developing additional car following models
  • Urban Mobility Intermodal routing and modeling of transfer between vehicles in SUMO
  • Mobility Inside Using SUMO's intermodal routing engine
  • HubChain (german) simulating autonomous public transport in rural areas
  • VEU. In this project, SUMO is used to simulated the traffic of Berlin
  • COLOMBO Cooperative Self-Organizing System for low Carbon Mobility at low Penetration Rates
  • AMITRAN CO2 Assessment Methodology for ICT in Transport
  • MODUM Addresses the environmental footprint in the transport sector by developing a new approach for pro-active demand-responsive management of traffic
  • iTetris An Integrated Wireless and Traffic Platform for Real-Time Road Traffic Management Solutions
  • Delphi: a joint web decision support application for real time traffic situation analysis and prognosis, information exchange and cooperation
  • ORINOKO: improvements on mobility in the city of Nürnberg
  • TrafficOnline: traffic flow estimation using cellular phones
  • Soccer2006: Traffic prognosis during the FIFA-WorldCup 2006
  • Weltjugendtag2005: Traffic prognosis during the world youth day 2005
  • TrafficTower: A virtual traffic management centre
  • INVENT: Evaluation of modern traffic management approaches
  • OIS: Verification of using optical sensors for optimization of traffic lights
  • CityMobil Automatic urban transportation. A simulation for a parking lot inspired by the Rome demonstrator is included with SUMO.
  • DRIVE C2X Driving implementation and evaluation of C2X communication technology
  • MENDEL modeling electric buses and optimizing charging with respect to grid load

At other Institutions#

Current Projects#

  • MultiAgent Control of Traffic Signals
  • VENTOS a VEhicular NeTwork Open Simulator
  • Webots a 3D physics robot simulator connected to SUMO
  • eWorld - an application that allows to convert and enrich roads networks; interaction is done via the TraCI-protocol
  • Environmental Monitoring in/of Metropolitan Areas by Sven Lahde, Michael Doering, Wolf-Bastian Pöttner, Moritz Rosin, Gerrit Lammert and Lars Wolf from the University of Braunschweig, Germany
  • AutoNomos - A Distributed and Self-Regulating Approach for Organizing a Large System of Mobile Objects. Axel Wegener, Horst Hellbrück and Stefan Fischer from the University of Luebeck, Germany in cooperation with Sándor Fekete from Braunschweig Technical University, Germany
  • TraNS - Traffic and Network Simulation environment for design, implementation and realistic evaluation of VANET applications by Michal Piorkowski, Maxim Raya, Ada Lezama Lugo and Jean-Pierre Hubaux from Laboratory for Computer Communications and Applications (LCA), EPFL, Switzerland TraNS is the first open-source project providing a full-blown application-centric evaluation framework for VANETs. It has a unique set of features necessary to build VANET applications and evaluate them in realistic conditions. It comes with a set of ready to use examples. publications: Piorkowski, Raya, Lugo, Papadimitratos, Grossglauser, Hubaux 2007
  • Veins - "Vehicles in Network Simulation" by Christoph Sommer from the Department of Computer Science, University of Erlangen, Germany publications: Sommer, Yao, German, Dressler, 2008, Sommer, Yao, German, Dressler, 2008 (2)
  • "Assessment of traffic regulation policies for the minimization of pollutants emissions" by Mauro Bianchi at CEFRIEL, Italy. This project uses SUMO in combination with EMEP/CORINAIR methodology for evaluating the impact of different traffic regulation strategies on pollutants emissions. Traffic simulations are performed offline for identifying some optimal regulation policies for different local traffic conditions, using a simple evolutionary algorithm. We hypothesize an online regulation system with a network of sensors that is used to recognize the current traffic situations and deploy the optimal traffic regulation policies.
  • Fidens – Trust between Cooperative Systems in Application to VANETs This project investigates trust in vehicular networks (VANETs). Besides the trust research, it features a simulation environment for large scale vehicular network applications. Our typical scenario involves about 13000 vehicles per day over 26 weeks. We build on top of SUMO and the network simulator Shawn. Shawn aims on investigating an algorithm in a network while the underlying layers are kept well controlled. To do so, it simulates the effects of the underlying layers, not their protocols in detail. This makes it especially fast and suitable for application developers.
  • PedSUMO: PedSUMO is an enhancement to SUMO that explores the dynamic interaction between automated vehicles and pedestrians at unprioritized crossings, focusing on pedestrian behavior in response to vehicle-priority communication methods. This open-source project offers detailed algorithms, parameter insights, and an initial data analysis of Ingolstadt, Germany, paving the way for understanding the complex impact of automated vehicles in urban environments.

Past Projects#