
This output contains the simulation-wide number of person that are loaded, inserted, running, waiting to be inserted, have reached their destination and how many persons are travelling in which modes.

Instantiating within the Simulation#

You can force the simulation to generate this output using --person-summary-output <FILE>.

Generated Output#

The information containing all those values is computed for each time step and the output file looks like following:

    <step time="<SIMULATION_TIME>" \
            loaded="<LOADED_PERSON_NUMBER>" \
            inserted="<INSERTED_PERSON_NUMBER>" \
            walking="<RUNNING_PERSON_NUMBER>" \
            ended="<ENDED_PERSON_NUMBER>" \

    ... further time steps ...


Please note, that in contrary to the example above, for each time step, all those values are reported in one line. A description of the values is given in the table below.

Name Type Description
time (simulation) seconds The time step described by the entry
loaded # Number of persons that were loaded into the simulation so far (including reported time step)
inserted # Number of persons inserted so far (including reported time step)
walking # Number of persons that are walking within the reported time step
waitingForRide # Number of persons which are waiting for a vehicle ride within the reported step
riding # Number of persons which are riding a vehicle ride within the reported step
stopping # Number of persons which are stopped for a specified duration within the reported step
jammed # The number of persons that were jammed since the start of the simulation
ended # Number of persons that have reached their destination so far or that were otherwise removed from the simulation (including reported time step)
arrived # Number of persons that have reached their destination so far
duration ms The computation time for that simulation step in milliseconds).