Statistic Output

Instantiating within the Simulation#

Statistic output is activated by setting the simulation option --statistic-output <FILE> on the command line or in a .sumocfg file.


The elements vehicleTripStatistics, pedestrianStatistics, rideStatistics and transportStatistics are only generated when either of the options --duration-log.statistics or --tripinfo-output are set.

Generated Output#

The generated XML file looks like this:

    <performance ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <vehicles ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <teleports ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <safety ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <persons ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <personTeleports ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <vehicleTripStatistics ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <pedestrianStatistics ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <rideStatistics ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>
    <transportStatistics ''ATTRIBUTES''.../>

The following output attributes are generated:


Attribute Name Value Type Description
clockBegin time Unix time (or hh:mm:ss if --human-readable-time is set) when the simulation started
clockEnd time Unix time (or hh:mm:ss if --human-readable-time is set) when simulation ended
clockDuration time Time spent executing the simulation (clockEnd - clockBegin)
traciDuration s Time spent using TraCI
realTimeFactor # Factor describing the (simulated / real) time relation
vehicleUpdatesPerSecond # Vehicles present in the simulation per second
personUpdatesPerSecond # Persons present in the simulation per second
begin int (time) Begin time of the simulation
end int (time) End time of the simulation
duration int (time) Duration of the simulation (begin - end)


Attribute Name Value Type Description
loaded # Number of vehicles that were loaded into the simulation
inserted # Number of vehicles inserted
running # Number of vehicles that were running at simulation end
waiting # Number of vehicles with delayed insertion that were still waiting for insertion at simulation end


Attribute Name Value Type Description
total # The total number of teleportations that occurred
jam # Number of teleportations due to traffic jam
yield # Number of teleportations due to yield (vehicle is stuck on a low-priority road and did not find a gap in the prioritized traffic)
wrongLane # Number of teleportations due to the vehicle being stuck on a lane which has no connection to the next edge on its route


Attribute Name Value Type Description
collisions # Number of collisions that occurred
emergencyStops # Number of emergency stops performed


Attribute Name Value Type Description
loaded # Number of persons that were loaded into the simulation
running # Number of persons that were running
jammed # Number of persons that were jammed during the simulation


Attribute Name Value Type Description
total # Total number of person teleports that occurred
abortWait # Number of teleports due to excessive waiting for a ride
wrongDest # Number of teleports due to riding to the wrong destination


Attribute Name Value Type Description
count # The number of vehicles contributing to this statistic (defaults to arrived vehicles but includes all inserted vehicles if option --tripinfo-output.write-unfinished is set)
routeLength m The average route length
speed m/s The average trip speed
duration s The average trip duration
waitingTime s The average time spent standing (involuntarily)
timeLoss s The average time lost due to driving slower than desired (includes waitingTime)
departDelay s The average time vehicles had to wait before starting their journeys
departDelayWaiting s The average waiting time of vehicles which could not be inserted due to lack of road space
totalTravelTime s The total travel time of all vehicles
totalDepartDelay s The total depart delay of all vehicles



Attribute Name Value Type Description
number # Total number of pedestrian walks
routeLength m The average walk length
duration s The average walk duration
timeLoss s The average time lost due to walking below maximum speed or stopping


Attribute Name Value Type Description
number # Total number of rides (Rides are movement using a single mode of transport)
routeLength m The average ride route length
duration s The average total ride duration
bus # Number of rides with a public transport vehicle driving on roads
train # Number of rides with a public transport vehicle driving on rails
taxi # Number of taxi rides
bike # Number of rides with vehicle class bicycle
aborted # Number of rides that could not be completed


Attribute Name Value Type Description
number # Total number of transports (Transports involve movement of containers)
routeLength m The average transport route length
duration s The average total transport duration
bus # Number of transports with a public transport vehicle driving on roads
train # Number of transports with a public transport vehicle driving on rails
taxi # Number of taxi transports
bike # Number of transports with vehicle class bicycle
aborted # Number of transports that could not be completed

Usage examples#

Fair Traveltime comparison between simulations#

When comparing simulations with a fixed end-time, those simulations may differ in the number of departed and arrived vehicles. In this case, care must be taken to include the "missing" vehicles in a comparison, since many outputs only include arrived vehicles by default. To include statistics for these vehicles, the options --tripinfo-output.write-unfinished --duration-log.statistics must be set. The general idea is to add up the travel time (duration) and the time that was spent waiting for departure (departDelay) for all vehicles that were defined in the input.

To simplify comparison between simulations that have the same number of vehicles, the attributes 'totalTravelTime' and 'totalDepartDelay' are provided.

An alternative way to compute the sum of travel time and delays is to multiply the averages:

totalTravelTimeAndDelay =
     vehicles.inserted * (vehicleTripStatistics.duration + vehicleTripStatistics.departDelay)
   + vehicles.waiting * vehicleTripStatistics.departDelayWaiting