Change chargingStation State

Command 0x45: Change chargingStation State#

ubyte string ubyte <value_type>
Variable chargingStation ID Type of the value New Value

Changes the state of a chargingStation light. Because it is possible to change different values of a chargingStation, the given value may have different types. The following values can be changed, the type of the value to given is also shown in the table.

Overview Changeable chargingStation Variables

Variable ValueType Description Python Method
power (0x97) double The charging power in W setChargingPower
efficiency (0x98) double The charging efficiency setEfficiency
charge in transit (0x99) integer Whether the vehicle is forced/not forced to stop for charging setChargeInTransit
charge delay (0x9a) double The time delay before starting charging in s setChargeDelay