
Command 0x26: Get RouteProbe Variable#

ubyte string
Variable RouteProbe ID

Asks for the value of a certain variable of the named RouteProbe.

The following variable values can be retrieved, the type of the return value is also shown in the table.

Overview Retrievable RouteProbe Variables

Variable ValueType Description Python Method
id list (0x00) stringList Returns a list of ids of all current RouteProbes (the given RouteProbe ID is ignored) getIDList
count (0x01) int Returns the number of current RouteProbes (the given RouteProbe ID is ignored) getIDCount

Response 0x36: RouteProbe Variable#

ubyte string ubyte <return_type>
Variable RouteProbe ID Return type of the variable <VARIABLE_VALUE>

The respond to a "Command Get RouteProbe Variable".