Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2001-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
18 // The CarEdge is a special intermodal edge representing the SUMO network edge
19 /****************************************************************************/
20 #pragma once
21 #include <config.h>
23 #ifdef HAVE_FOX
25 #endif
26 #include "IntermodalEdge.h"
29 // ===========================================================================
30 // class definitions
31 // ===========================================================================
33 template<class E, class L, class N, class V>
34 class CarEdge : public IntermodalEdge<E, L, N, V> {
35 private:
38 public:
39  CarEdge(int numericalID, const E* edge, const double pos = -1.) :
40  _IntermodalEdge(edge->getID() + "_car" + toString(pos), numericalID, edge, "!car"),
41  myStartPos(pos >= 0 ? pos : 0.) { }
43  bool includeInRoute(bool /* allEdges */) const {
44  return true;
45  }
47  const std::vector<_IntermodalEdge*>& getSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass = SVC_IGNORING) const {
48  if (vClass == SVC_IGNORING) {
49  return this->myFollowingEdges;
50  }
51 #ifdef HAVE_FOX
52  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
53 #endif
54  typename std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector<_IntermodalEdge*> >::const_iterator i = myClassesSuccessorMap.find(vClass);
55  if (i != myClassesSuccessorMap.end()) {
56  // can use cached value
57  return i->second;
58  } else {
59  // this vClass is requested for the first time. rebuild all successors
60  const std::set<const E*> classedCarFollowers = std::set<const E*>(this->getEdge()->getSuccessors(vClass).begin(), this->getEdge()->getSuccessors(vClass).end());
61  for (_IntermodalEdge* const e : this->myFollowingEdges) {
62  if (!e->includeInRoute(false) || e->getEdge() == this->getEdge() || classedCarFollowers.count(e->getEdge()) > 0) {
63  myClassesSuccessorMap[vClass].push_back(e);
64  }
65  }
66  return myClassesSuccessorMap[vClass];
67  }
68  }
70  virtual const std::vector<std::pair<const _IntermodalEdge*, const _IntermodalEdge*> >& getViaSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass = SVC_IGNORING, bool ignoreTransientPermissions = false) const {
71  if (vClass == SVC_IGNORING) {
72  return this->myFollowingViaEdges;
73  }
74 #ifdef HAVE_FOX
75  FXMutexLock locker(myLock);
76 #endif
77  auto& viaMap = ignoreTransientPermissions ? myOrigClassesViaSuccessorMap : myClassesViaSuccessorMap;
78  typename std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector<std::pair<const _IntermodalEdge*, const _IntermodalEdge*> > >::const_iterator i = viaMap.find(vClass);
79  if (i != viaMap.end()) {
80  // can use cached value
81  return i->second;
82  } else {
83  // this vClass is requested for the first time. rebuild all successors
84  std::set<const E*> classedCarFollowers;
85  for (const auto& pair : this->getEdge()->getViaSuccessors(vClass)) {
86  classedCarFollowers.insert(pair.first);
87  }
88  for (const std::pair<const _IntermodalEdge*, const _IntermodalEdge*>& e : this->myFollowingViaEdges) {
89  if (!e.first->includeInRoute(false) || e.first->getEdge() == this->getEdge() || classedCarFollowers.count(e.first->getEdge()) > 0) {
90  viaMap[vClass].push_back(e);
91  }
92  }
93  return viaMap[vClass];
94  }
95  }
97  bool prohibits(const IntermodalTrip<E, N, V>* const trip) const {
98  return trip->vehicle == 0 || this->getEdge()->prohibits(trip->vehicle);
99  }
101  double getPartialLength(const IntermodalTrip<E, N, V>* const trip) const {
102  double length = this->getLength();
103  // checking arrivalPos first to have it correct for identical depart and arrival edge
104  if (this->getEdge() == trip->to && trip->arrivalPos >= myStartPos && trip->arrivalPos < myStartPos + this->getLength()) {
105  length = trip->arrivalPos - myStartPos;
106  }
107  if (this->getEdge() == trip->from && trip->departPos >= myStartPos && trip->departPos < myStartPos + this->getLength()) {
108  length -= trip->departPos - myStartPos;
109  }
110  return length;
111  }
113  double getTravelTime(const IntermodalTrip<E, N, V>* const trip, double time) const {
114  assert(E::getTravelTimeStatic(this->getEdge(), trip->vehicle, time) >= 0.);
115  return getPartialTravelTime(E::getTravelTimeStatic(this->getEdge(), trip->vehicle, time), trip);
116  }
118  double getTravelTimeAggregated(const IntermodalTrip<E, N, V>* const trip, double time) const {
119  assert(E::getTravelTimeAggregated(this->getEdge(), trip->vehicle, time) >= 0.);
120  return getPartialTravelTime(E::getTravelTimeAggregated(this->getEdge(), trip->vehicle, time), trip);
121  }
123  double getStartPos() const {
124  return myStartPos;
125  }
127  double getEndPos() const {
128  return myStartPos + this->getLength();
129  }
131 private:
133  inline double getPartialTravelTime(double fullTravelTime, const IntermodalTrip<E, N, V>* const trip) const {
134  const double distTravelled = getPartialLength(trip);
135  assert(fullTravelTime * distTravelled / this->getEdge()->getLength() >= 0.);
136  return fullTravelTime * distTravelled / this->getEdge()->getLength();
137  }
139 private:
141  const double myStartPos;
144  mutable std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector<_IntermodalEdge*> > myClassesSuccessorMap;
147  mutable std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector<std::pair<const _IntermodalEdge*, const _IntermodalEdge*> > > myClassesViaSuccessorMap;
148  mutable std::map<SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector<std::pair<const _IntermodalEdge*, const _IntermodalEdge*> > > myOrigClassesViaSuccessorMap;
150 #ifdef HAVE_FOX
152  mutable FXMutex myLock;
153 #endif
154 };
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
vehicles ignoring classes
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
the car edge type that is given to the internal router (SUMOAbstractRouter)
Definition: CarEdge.h:34
std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector< std::pair< const _IntermodalEdge *, const _IntermodalEdge * > > > myOrigClassesViaSuccessorMap
Definition: CarEdge.h:148
CarEdge(int numericalID, const E *edge, const double pos=-1.)
Definition: CarEdge.h:39
double getEndPos() const
Definition: CarEdge.h:127
std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector< _IntermodalEdge * > > myClassesSuccessorMap
The successors available for a given vClass.
Definition: CarEdge.h:144
double getTravelTimeAggregated(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:118
std::map< SUMOVehicleClass, std::vector< std::pair< const _IntermodalEdge *, const _IntermodalEdge * > > > myClassesViaSuccessorMap
The successors available for a given vClass.
Definition: CarEdge.h:147
double getStartPos() const
Definition: CarEdge.h:123
double getPartialTravelTime(double fullTravelTime, const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:133
bool prohibits(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:97
bool includeInRoute(bool) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:43
double getTravelTime(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip, double time) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:113
const std::vector< _IntermodalEdge * > & getSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass=SVC_IGNORING) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:47
virtual const std::vector< std::pair< const _IntermodalEdge *, const _IntermodalEdge * > > & getViaSuccessors(SUMOVehicleClass vClass=SVC_IGNORING, bool ignoreTransientPermissions=false) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:70
double getPartialLength(const IntermodalTrip< E, N, V > *const trip) const
Definition: CarEdge.h:101
const double myStartPos
the starting position for split edges
Definition: CarEdge.h:141
IntermodalEdge< E, L, N, V > _IntermodalEdge
Definition: CarEdge.h:36
the base edge type that is given to the internal router (SUMOAbstractRouter)
std::vector< IntermodalEdge * > myFollowingEdges
List of edges that may be approached from this edge.
const E * getEdge() const
double getLength() const
required by DijkstraRouter et al for external effort computation
std::vector< std::pair< const IntermodalEdge *, const IntermodalEdge * > > myFollowingViaEdges
List of edges that may be approached from this edge with optional internal vias.
the "vehicle" type that is given to the internal router (SUMOAbstractRouter)
const E *const to
const double departPos
const E *const from
const double arrivalPos
const V *const vehicle
const std::string & getID() const
Returns the id.
Definition: Named.h:74