Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2// Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3// Copyright (C) 2013-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4// This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5// terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
7// This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8// Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9// Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10// or later which is available at
12// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
19// Main for an emissions calculator
21#include <config.h>
24#include <version.h>
27#include <iostream>
28#include <string>
29#include <ctime>
30#include <memory>
38#include <utils/xml/XMLSubSys.h>
46#include "TrajectoriesHandler.h"
47#include "VTypesHandler.h"
50// ===========================================================================
51// functions
52// ===========================================================================
55/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 * main
57 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
59main(int argc, char** argv) {
61 oc.setApplicationDescription(TL("Computes emissions by driving a time line using SUMO's emission models."));
62 oc.setApplicationName("emissionsDrivingCycle", "Eclipse SUMO emissionsDrivingCycle Version " VERSION_STRING);
64 // add options
66 oc.addOptionSubTopic("Input");
67 oc.doRegister("timeline-file", 't', new Option_FileName());
68 oc.addSynonyme("timeline", "timeline-file");
69 oc.addDescription("timeline-file", "Input", TL("Defines the file to read the driving cycle from."));
71 oc.doRegister("timeline-file.skip", new Option_Integer(0));
72 oc.addSynonyme("timeline.skip", "timeline-file.skip");
73 oc.addDescription("timeline-file.skip", "Input", TL("Skips the first NUM lines."));
75 oc.doRegister("timeline-file.separator", new Option_String(";"));
76 oc.addSynonyme("timeline.separator", "timeline-file.separator");
77 oc.addDescription("timeline-file.separator", "Input", TL("Defines the entry separator."));
79 oc.doRegister("netstate-file", 'n', new Option_FileName());
80 oc.addSynonyme("netstate", "netstate-file");
81 oc.addSynonyme("amitran", "netstate-file");
82 oc.addDescription("netstate-file", "Input", TL("Defines the netstate, route and trajectory files to read the driving cycles from."));
84 oc.doRegister("additional-files", new Option_FileName());
85 oc.addDescription("additional-files", "Input", TL("Load emission parameters (vTypes) from FILE(s)"));
87 oc.doRegister("emission-class", 'e', new Option_String("unknown"));
88 oc.addDescription("emission-class", "Input", TL("Defines for which emission class the emissions shall be generated. "));
90 oc.doRegister("vtype", new Option_String());
91 oc.addDescription("vtype", "Input", TL("Defines the vehicle type to use for emission parameters."));
93 oc.addOptionSubTopic("Processing");
94 oc.doRegister("compute-a", 'a', new Option_Bool(false));
95 oc.addDescription("compute-a", "Processing", TL("If set, the acceleration is computed instead of being read from the file. "));
97 oc.doRegister("compute-a.forward", new Option_Bool(false));
98 oc.addDescription("compute-a.forward", "Processing", TL("If set, the acceleration for time t is computed from v(t+1) - v(t) instead of v(t) - v(t-1). "));
100 oc.doRegister("", new Option_Bool(false));
101 oc.addDescription("", "Processing", TL("If set, the acceleration for time t is set to 0 if the speed is 0. "));
103 oc.doRegister("skip-first", 's', new Option_Bool(false));
104 oc.addDescription("skip-first", "Processing", TL("If set, the first line of the read file is skipped."));
106 oc.doRegister("kmh", new Option_Bool(false));
107 oc.addDescription("kmh", "Processing", TL("If set, the given speed is interpreted as being given in km/h."));
109 oc.doRegister("have-slope", new Option_Bool(false));
110 oc.addDescription("have-slope", "Processing", TL("If set, the fourth column is read and used as slope (in deg)."));
112 oc.doRegister("slope", new Option_Float(0));
113 oc.addDescription("slope", "Processing", TL("Sets a global slope (in deg) that is used if the file does not contain slope information."));
115 oc.addOptionSubTopic("Output");
116 oc.doRegister("output-file", 'o', new Option_String());
117 oc.addSynonyme("output", "output-file");
118 oc.addDescription("output", "Output", TL("Defines the file to write the emission cycle results into."));
120 oc.doRegister("output.attributes", new Option_StringVector());
121 oc.addDescription("output.attributes", "Output", TL("Defines the attributes to write."));
123 oc.doRegister("emission-output", new Option_FileName());
124 oc.addDescription("emission-output", "Output", TL("Save the emission values of each vehicle in XML"));
126 oc.doRegister("sum-output", new Option_FileName());
127 oc.addSynonyme("sum", "sum-output");
128 oc.addDescription("sum-output", "Output", TL("Save the aggregated and normed emission values of each vehicle in CSV"));
130 oc.addOptionSubTopic("Emissions");
131 oc.doRegister("emissions.volumetric-fuel", new Option_Bool(false));
132 oc.addDescription("emissions.volumetric-fuel", "Emissions", TL("Return fuel consumption values in (legacy) unit l instead of mg"));
134 oc.doRegister("phemlight-path", new Option_FileName(StringVector({ "./PHEMlight/" })));
135 oc.addDescription("phemlight-path", "Emissions", TL("Determines where to load PHEMlight definitions from"));
137 oc.doRegister("phemlight-year", new Option_Integer(0));
138 oc.addDescription("phemlight-year", "Emissions", TL("Enable fleet age modelling with the given reference year in PHEMlight5"));
140 oc.doRegister("phemlight-temperature", new Option_Float(INVALID_DOUBLE));
141 oc.addDescription("phemlight-temperature", "Emissions", TL("Set ambient temperature to correct NOx emissions in PHEMlight5"));
143 oc.doRegister("begin", new Option_String("0", "TIME"));
144 oc.addDescription("begin", "Processing", TL("Defines the begin time in seconds;"));
146 oc.doRegister("end", new Option_String("-1", "TIME"));
147 oc.addDescription("end", "Processing", TL("Defines the end time in seconds;"));
150 oc.doRegister("quiet", 'q', new Option_Bool(false));
151 oc.addDescription("quiet", "Report", TL("Not writing anything."));
153 // run
154 int ret = 0;
155 bool quiet = false;
156 try {
157 // initialise the application system (messaging, xml, options)
159 OptionsIO::setArgs(argc, argv);
161 if (oc.processMetaOptions(argc < 2)) {
163 return 0;
164 }
166 quiet = oc.getBool("quiet");
167 if (!oc.isSet("timeline-file") && !oc.isSet("netstate-file")) {
168 throw ProcessError(TL("Either a timeline or a netstate / amitran file must be given."));
169 }
170 if (!oc.isSet("output-file") && (oc.isSet("timeline-file") || !oc.isSet("emission-output"))) {
171 throw ProcessError(TL("The output file must be given."));
172 }
173 std::ostream* out = nullptr;
174 if (oc.isSet("output-file")) {
175 out = new std::ofstream(oc.getString("output-file").c_str());
176 }
177 long long int attributes = 0;
178 if (oc.isSet("output.attributes")) {
179 for (std::string attrName : oc.getStringVector("output.attributes")) {
180 if (!SUMOXMLDefinitions::Attrs.hasString(attrName)) {
181 if (attrName == "all") {
182 attributes = std::numeric_limits<long long int>::max() - 1;
183 } else {
184 WRITE_ERRORF(TL("Unknown attribute '%' to write in output."), attrName);
185 }
186 continue;
187 }
188 int attr = SUMOXMLDefinitions::Attrs.get(attrName);
189 assert(attr < 63);
190 attributes |= ((long long int)1 << attr);
191 }
192 } else {
193 attributes = ~(((long long int)1 << SUMO_ATTR_AMOUNT));
194 }
195 OutputDevice::createDeviceByOption("emission-output", "emission-export", "emission_file.xsd");
196 OutputDevice* xmlOut = nullptr;
197 if (oc.isSet("emission-output")) {
198 xmlOut = &OutputDevice::getDeviceByOption("emission-output");
199 } else if (out == nullptr) {
200 out = &std::cout;
201 }
202 std::ostream* sumOut = nullptr;
203 if (oc.isSet("sum-output")) {
204 sumOut = new std::ofstream(oc.getString("sum-output").c_str());
205 (*sumOut) << "Vehicle,Cycle,Time,Speed,Gradient,Acceleration,FC,FCel,CO2,NOx,CO,HC,PM" << std::endl;
206 }
208 SUMOEmissionClass emissionClass = PollutantsInterface::getClassByName(oc.getString("emission-class"));
209 std::unique_ptr<EnergyParams> energyParams;
210 std::map<std::string, SUMOVTypeParameter*> vTypes;
211 if (oc.isSet("vtype") || oc.isSet("additional-files")) {
212 if (!oc.isSet("additional-files")) {
213 throw ProcessError(TL("Option --vtype requires option --additional-files for loading vehicle types"));
214 }
215 if (!oc.isUsableFileList("additional-files")) {
216 throw ProcessError();
217 }
218 for (const std::string& file : oc.getStringVector("additional-files")) {
219 VTypesHandler typesHandler(file, vTypes);
220 if (!XMLSubSys::runParser(typesHandler, file)) {
221 throw ProcessError(TLF("Loading of % failed.", file));
222 }
223 }
224 if (!oc.isSet("vtype") && vTypes.size() != 1) {
225 throw ProcessError(TL("Vehicle type is not unique."));
226 }
227 const auto vTypeIt = oc.isSet("vtype") ? vTypes.find(oc.getString("vtype")) : vTypes.begin();
228 if (vTypeIt == vTypes.end()) {
229 throw ProcessError(TLF("Vehicle type '%' is not defined.", oc.getString("vtype")));
230 }
231 if (oc.isDefault("emission-class")) {
232 emissionClass = vTypeIt->second->emissionClass;
233 }
234 energyParams = std::unique_ptr<EnergyParams>(new EnergyParams(vTypeIt->second));
235 } else {
236 energyParams = std::unique_ptr<EnergyParams>(new EnergyParams(emissionClass));
237 }
239 const bool computeA = oc.getBool("compute-a") || oc.getBool("compute-a.forward");
240 TrajectoriesHandler handler(computeA, oc.getBool("compute-a.forward"), oc.getBool(""), emissionClass, energyParams.get(), attributes, oc.getFloat("slope"), out, xmlOut);
242 if (oc.isSet("timeline-file")) {
243 int skip = oc.getBool("skip-first") ? 1 : oc.getInt("timeline-file.skip");
244 const bool inKMH = oc.getBool("kmh");
245 const bool haveSlope = oc.getBool("have-slope");
246 double l = 0;
247 double totalA = 0;
248 double totalS = 0;
249 int time = 0;
251 LineReader lr(oc.getString("timeline-file"));
252 if (!lr.good()) {
253 throw ProcessError(TLF("Unreadable file '%'.", lr.getFileName()));
254 }
255 while (lr.hasMore()) {
256 std::string line = lr.readLine();
257 if (skip > 0) {
258 skip--;
259 continue;
260 }
261 StringTokenizer st(StringUtils::prune(line), oc.getString("timeline-file.separator"));
262 if (st.hasNext()) {
263 try {
264 double t = StringUtils::toDouble(;
265 double v = 0;
266 if (st.hasNext()) {
267 v = StringUtils::toDouble(;
268 } else {
269 v = t;
270 t = time;
271 }
272 if (inKMH) {
273 v /= 3.6;
274 }
275 double a = !computeA && st.hasNext() ? StringUtils::toDouble( : TrajectoriesHandler::INVALID_VALUE;
276 double s = haveSlope && st.hasNext() ? StringUtils::toDouble( : TrajectoriesHandler::INVALID_VALUE;
277 if (handler.writeEmissions(*out, "", emissionClass, energyParams.get(), attributes, t, v, a, s)) {
278 l += v;
279 totalA += a;
280 totalS += s;
281 time++;
282 }
283 } catch (EmptyData&) {
284 throw ProcessError(TLF("Missing an entry in line '%'.", line));
285 } catch (NumberFormatException&) {
286 throw ProcessError(TLF("Not numeric entry in line '%'.", line));
287 }
288 }
289 }
290 if (!quiet) {
291 std::cout << "sums" << std::endl
292 << "length:" << l << std::endl;
293 }
294 if (sumOut != nullptr) {
295 (*sumOut) << oc.getString("emission-class") << "," << lr.getFileName() << "," << time << ","
296 << (l / time * 3.6) << "," << (totalS / time) << "," << (totalA / time) << ",";
297 handler.writeNormedSums(*sumOut, "", l);
298 }
299 }
300 if (oc.isSet("netstate-file")) {
301 XMLSubSys::runParser(handler, oc.getString("netstate-file"));
302 }
303 if (!quiet) {
304 handler.writeSums(std::cout, "");
305 }
306 delete sumOut;
307 if (out != &std::cout) {
308 delete out;
309 }
310 } catch (InvalidArgument& e) {
312 MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Quitting (on error).", false);
313 ret = 1;
314 } catch (ProcessError& e) {
315 if (std::string(e.what()) != std::string("Process Error") && std::string(e.what()) != std::string("")) {
317 }
318 MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Quitting (on error).", false);
319 ret = 1;
320#ifndef _DEBUG
321 } catch (...) {
322 MsgHandler::getErrorInstance()->inform("Quitting (on unknown error).", false);
323 ret = 1;
325 }
327 if (ret == 0 && !quiet) {
328 std::cout << "Success." << std::endl;
329 }
330 return ret;
#define WRITE_ERRORF(...)
Definition MsgHandler.h:305
#define TL(string)
Definition MsgHandler.h:315
#define TLF(string,...)
Definition MsgHandler.h:317
std::vector< std::string > StringVector
Definition of a vector of strings.
Definition Option.h:42
int SUMOEmissionClass
const double INVALID_DOUBLE
invalid double
Definition StdDefs.h:64
An upper class for objects with additional parameters.
Retrieves a file linewise and reports the lines to a handler.
Definition LineReader.h:48
bool good() const
Returns the information whether the stream is readable.
bool readLine(LineHandler &lh)
Reads a single (the next) line from the file and reports it to the given LineHandler.
bool hasMore() const
Returns whether another line may be read (the file was not read completely)
std::string getFileName() const
Returns the name of the used file.
static MsgHandler * getErrorInstance()
Returns the instance to add errors to.
virtual void inform(std::string msg, bool addType=true)
adds a new error to the list
A storage for options typed value containers)
Definition OptionsCont.h:89
void addDescription(const std::string &name, const std::string &subtopic, const std::string &description)
Adds a description for an option.
bool isSet(const std::string &name, bool failOnNonExistant=true) const
Returns the information whether the named option is set.
double getFloat(const std::string &name) const
Returns the double-value of the named option (only for Option_Float)
int getInt(const std::string &name) const
Returns the int-value of the named option (only for Option_Integer)
void setApplicationName(const std::string &appName, const std::string &fullName)
Sets the application name.
std::string getString(const std::string &name) const
Returns the string-value of the named option (only for Option_String)
void addSynonyme(const std::string &name1, const std::string &name2, bool isDeprecated=false)
Adds a synonyme for an options name (any order)
bool isDefault(const std::string &name) const
Returns the information whether the named option has still the default value.
void doRegister(const std::string &name, Option *o)
Adds an option under the given name.
void setApplicationDescription(const std::string &appDesc)
Sets the application description.
void addOptionSubTopic(const std::string &topic)
Adds an option subtopic.
bool getBool(const std::string &name) const
Returns the boolean-value of the named option (only for Option_Bool)
const StringVector & getStringVector(const std::string &name) const
Returns the list of string-value of the named option (only for Option_StringVector)
static OptionsCont & getOptions()
Retrieves the options.
bool processMetaOptions(bool missingOptions)
Checks for help and configuration output, returns whether we should exit.
bool isUsableFileList(const std::string &name) const
Checks whether the named option is usable as a file list (with at least a single file)
static void setArgs(int argc, char **argv)
Stores the command line arguments for later parsing.
Definition OptionsIO.cpp:58
static void getOptions(const bool commandLineOnly=false)
Parses the command line arguments and loads the configuration.
Definition OptionsIO.cpp:74
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
static bool createDeviceByOption(const std::string &optionName, const std::string &rootElement="", const std::string &schemaFile="")
Creates the device using the output definition stored in the named option.
static OutputDevice & getDeviceByOption(const std::string &name)
Returns the device described by the option.
static SUMOEmissionClass getClassByName(const std::string &eClass, const SUMOVehicleClass vc=SVC_IGNORING)
Checks whether the string describes a known vehicle class.
static SequentialStringBijection Attrs
The names of SUMO-XML attributes for use in netbuild.
int get(const std::string &str) const
bool hasNext()
returns the information whether further substrings exist
std::string next()
returns the next substring when it exists. Otherwise the behaviour is undefined
static double toDouble(const std::string &sData)
converts a string into the double value described by it by calling the char-type converter
static std::string prune(const std::string &str)
Removes trailing and leading whitechars.
static void close()
Closes all of an applications subsystems.
static void addConfigurationOptions(OptionsCont &oc)
Adds configuration options to the given container.
static void addReportOptions(OptionsCont &oc)
Adds reporting options to the given container.
An XML-Handler for amitran and netstate trajectories.
void writeNormedSums(std::ostream &o, const std::string id, const double factor)
void writeSums(std::ostream &o, const std::string id)
static const int INVALID_VALUE
bool writeEmissions(std::ostream &o, const std::string id, const SUMOEmissionClass c, EnergyParams *params, long long int attributes, double t, double &v, double &a, double &s)
An XML-Handler for amitran and netstate trajectories.
static void init()
Initialises the xml-subsystem.
Definition XMLSubSys.cpp:56
static bool runParser(GenericSAXHandler &handler, const std::string &file, const bool isNet=false, const bool isRoute=false, const bool isExternal=false, const bool catchExceptions=true)
Runs the given handler on the given file; returns if everything's ok.
int main(int argc, char **argv)