Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
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1 /****************************************************************************/
2 // Eclipse SUMO, Simulation of Urban MObility; see
3 // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 German Aerospace Center (DLR) and others.
4 // This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
5 // terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at
6 //
7 // This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary
8 // Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse
9 // Public License 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License, version 2
10 // or later which is available at
11 //
12 // SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
13 /****************************************************************************/
20 // A* Algorithm using euclidean distance heuristic.
21 // Based on DijkstraRouter. For routing by effort a novel heuristic would be needed.
22 /****************************************************************************/
23 #pragma once
24 #include <config.h>
26 #include <cassert>
27 #include <string>
28 #include <functional>
29 #include <vector>
30 #include <set>
31 #include <limits>
32 #include <algorithm>
33 #include <iterator>
34 #include <map>
35 #include <iostream>
36 #include <memory>
40 #include <utils/common/StdDefs.h>
41 #include <utils/common/ToString.h>
43 #include "AStarLookupTable.h"
44 #include "SUMOAbstractRouter.h"
46 #define UNREACHABLE (std::numeric_limits<double>::max() / 1000.0)
48 //#define ASTAR_DEBUG_QUERY
52 //#define ASTAR_DEBUG_COND (vehicle->getID() == "")
53 //#define ASTAR_DEBUG_COND (true)
55 //#define ASTAR_DEBUG_LOOKUPTABLE_FROM "disabled"
58 // ===========================================================================
59 // class definitions
60 // ===========================================================================
75 template<class E, class V>
76 class AStarRouter : public SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V> {
77 public:
87  public:
89  bool operator()(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod1, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo* nod2) const {
90  if (nod1->heuristicEffort == nod2->heuristicEffort) {
91  return nod1->edge->getNumericalID() > nod2->edge->getNumericalID();
92  }
93  return nod1->heuristicEffort > nod2->heuristicEffort;
94  }
95  };
98  AStarRouter(const std::vector<E*>& edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation, const std::shared_ptr<const LookupTable> lookup = nullptr,
99  const bool havePermissions = false, const bool haveRestrictions = false) :
100  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("AStarRouter", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
101  myLookupTable(lookup),
102  myMaxSpeed(NUMERICAL_EPS) {
103  for (const E* const edge : edges) {
104  this->myEdgeInfos.push_back(typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo(edge));
105  myMaxSpeed = MAX2(myMaxSpeed, edge->getSpeedLimit() * MAX2(1.0, edge->getLengthGeometryFactor()));
106  }
107  }
109  AStarRouter(const std::vector<typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo>& edgeInfos, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::Operation operation, const std::shared_ptr<const LookupTable> lookup = nullptr,
110  const bool havePermissions = false, const bool haveRestrictions = false) :
111  SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>("AStarRouter", unbuildIsWarning, operation, nullptr, havePermissions, haveRestrictions),
112  myLookupTable(lookup),
113  myMaxSpeed(NUMERICAL_EPS) {
114  for (const auto& edgeInfo : edgeInfos) {
115  this->myEdgeInfos.push_back(typename SUMOAbstractRouter<E, V>::EdgeInfo(edgeInfo.edge));
116  myMaxSpeed = MAX2(myMaxSpeed, edgeInfo.edge->getSpeedLimit() * edgeInfo.edge->getLengthGeometryFactor());
117  }
118  }
121  virtual ~AStarRouter() {}
126  }
129  bool compute(const E* from, const E* to, const V* const vehicle,
130  SUMOTime msTime, std::vector<const E*>& into, bool silent = false) {
131  assert(from != nullptr && to != nullptr);
132  // check whether from and to can be used
133  if (this->myEdgeInfos[from->getNumericalID()].prohibited || this->isProhibited(from, vehicle)) {
134  if (!silent) {
135  this->myErrorMsgHandler->inform("Vehicle '" + Named::getIDSecure(vehicle) + "' is not allowed on source edge '" + from->getID() + "'.");
136  }
137  return false;
138  }
139  if (this->myEdgeInfos[to->getNumericalID()].prohibited || this->isProhibited(to, vehicle)) {
140  if (!silent) {
141  this->myErrorMsgHandler->inform("Vehicle '" + Named::getIDSecure(vehicle) + "' is not allowed on destination edge '" + to->getID() + "'.");
142  }
143  return false;
144  }
145  double length = 0.; // dummy for the via edge cost update
146  this->startQuery();
148  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
149  std::cout << "DEBUG: starting search for '" << Named::getIDSecure(vehicle) << "' speed: " << MIN2(vehicle->getMaxSpeed(), myMaxSpeed * vehicle->getChosenSpeedFactor()) << " time: " << STEPS2TIME(msTime) << "\n";
150  }
151 #endif
153  const SUMOVehicleClass vClass = vehicle == 0 ? SVC_IGNORING : vehicle->getVClass();
154  if (this->myBulkMode && !this->myAmClean) {
155  const auto& toInfo = this->myEdgeInfos[to->getNumericalID()];
156  if (toInfo.visited) {
157  this->buildPathFrom(&toInfo, into);
158  this->endQuery(1);
159  return true;
160  }
161  } else {
162  this->init(from->getNumericalID(), msTime);
163  this->myAmClean = false;
164  }
165  // loop
166  int num_visited = 0;
167  const bool mayRevisit = myLookupTable != nullptr && !myLookupTable->consistent();
168  const double speed = vehicle == nullptr ? myMaxSpeed : MIN2(vehicle->getMaxSpeed(), myMaxSpeed * vehicle->getChosenSpeedFactor());
169  while (!this->myFrontierList.empty()) {
170  num_visited += 1;
171  // use the node with the minimal length
172  auto* const minimumInfo = this->myFrontierList.front();
173  const E* const minEdge = minimumInfo->edge;
175  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
176  std::cout << "DEBUG: hit=" << minEdge->getID()
177  << " TT=" << minimumInfo->effort
178  << " EF=" << this->getEffort(minEdge, vehicle, minimumInfo->leaveTime)
179  << " HT=" << minimumInfo->heuristicEffort
180  << " Q(TT,HT,Edge)=";
181  for (const auto& edgeInfo : this->myFrontierList) {
182  std::cout << "\n " << edgeInfo->effort << "," << edgeInfo->heuristicEffort << "," << edgeInfo->edge->getID();
183  }
184  std::cout << "\n";
185  }
186 #endif
187  // check whether the destination node was already reached
188  if (minEdge == to) {
189  this->buildPathFrom(minimumInfo, into);
190  this->endQuery(num_visited);
192  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
193  std::cout << "visited " + toString(num_visited) + " edges (final path length=" + toString(into.size())
194  + " time=" + toString(this->recomputeCosts(into, vehicle, msTime))
195  + " edges=" + toString(into) + ")\n";
196  }
197 #endif
199  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
201  for (const auto& i : this->myEdgeInfos) {
202  if (i.visited) {
203  dev << "edge:" << i.edge->getID() << "\n";
204  }
205  }
206  dev.close();
207  }
208 #endif
209  return true;
210  }
211  std::pop_heap(this->myFrontierList.begin(), this->myFrontierList.end(), myComparator);
212  this->myFrontierList.pop_back();
213  this->myFound.push_back(minimumInfo);
214  minimumInfo->visited = true;
215  const double effortDelta = this->getEffort(minEdge, vehicle, minimumInfo->leaveTime);
216  const double leaveTime = minimumInfo->leaveTime + this->getTravelTime(minEdge, vehicle, minimumInfo->leaveTime, effortDelta);
218  // admissible A* heuristic: straight line distance at maximum speed
219  // this is calculated from the end of minEdge so it possibly includes via efforts to the followers
220  const double heuristic_remaining = (myLookupTable == nullptr ? minEdge->getDistanceTo(to) / speed :
221  myLookupTable->lowerBound(minEdge, to, speed, vehicle->getChosenSpeedFactor(),
222  minEdge->getMinimumTravelTime(nullptr), to->getMinimumTravelTime(nullptr)));
223  if (heuristic_remaining == UNREACHABLE) {
224  continue;
225  }
226  const double heuristicEffort = minimumInfo->effort + effortDelta + heuristic_remaining;
227  // check all ways from the node with the minimal length
228  for (const std::pair<const E*, const E*>& follower : minEdge->getViaSuccessors(vClass)) {
229  auto& followerInfo = this->myEdgeInfos[follower.first->getNumericalID()];
230  // check whether it can be used
231  if (followerInfo.prohibited || this->isProhibited(follower.first, vehicle)) {
232  continue;
233  }
234  double effort = minimumInfo->effort + effortDelta;
235  double time = leaveTime;
236  this->updateViaEdgeCost(follower.second, vehicle, time, effort, length);
237  const double oldEffort = followerInfo.effort;
238  if ((!followerInfo.visited || mayRevisit) && effort < oldEffort) {
239  followerInfo.effort = effort;
240  // if we use the effort including the via effort below we would count the via twice as shown by the ticket676 test
241  // but we should never get below the real effort, see #12463
242  followerInfo.heuristicEffort = MAX2(MIN2(heuristicEffort, followerInfo.heuristicEffort), effort);
243  followerInfo.leaveTime = time;
244  followerInfo.prev = minimumInfo;
246  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
247  std::cout << " follower=" << followerInfo.edge->getID()
248  << " OEF=" << (oldEffort == std::numeric_limits<double>::max() ? "inf" : toString(oldEffort))
249  << " TT=" << effort << " HR=" << heuristic_remaining << " HT=" << followerInfo.heuristicEffort << "\n";
250  }
251 #endif
252  if (oldEffort == std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) {
253  this->myFrontierList.push_back(&followerInfo);
254  std::push_heap(this->myFrontierList.begin(), this->myFrontierList.end(), myComparator);
255  } else {
256  auto fi = std::find(this->myFrontierList.begin(), this->myFrontierList.end(), &followerInfo);
257  if (fi == this->myFrontierList.end()) {
258  assert(mayRevisit);
259  this->myFrontierList.push_back(&followerInfo);
260  std::push_heap(this->myFrontierList.begin(), this->myFrontierList.end(), myComparator);
261  } else {
262  std::push_heap(this->myFrontierList.begin(), fi + 1, myComparator);
263  }
264  }
265  }
266  }
267  }
268  this->endQuery(num_visited);
270  if (ASTAR_DEBUG_COND) {
271  std::cout << "visited " + toString(num_visited) + " edges (unsuccessful path length: " + toString(into.size()) + ")\n";
272  }
273 #endif
274  if (!silent) {
275  this->myErrorMsgHandler->informf(TL("No connection between edge '%' and edge '%' found."), from->getID(), to->getID());
276  }
277  return false;
278  }
281 protected:
285  const std::shared_ptr<const LookupTable> myLookupTable;
288  double myMaxSpeed;
289 };
Definition: AStarRouter.h:46
long long int SUMOTime
Definition: GUI.h:35
#define TL(string)
Definition: MsgHandler.h:315
#define STEPS2TIME(x)
Definition: SUMOTime.h:55
Definition of vehicle classes to differ between different lane usage and authority types.
vehicles ignoring classes
T MIN2(T a, T b)
Definition: StdDefs.h:76
T MAX2(T a, T b)
Definition: StdDefs.h:82
std::string toString(const T &t, std::streamsize accuracy=gPrecision)
Definition: ToString.h:46
bool operator()(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *nod1, const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *nod2) const
Comparing method.
Definition: AStarRouter.h:89
Computes the shortest path through a network using the A* algorithm.
Definition: AStarRouter.h:76
double myMaxSpeed
maximum speed in the network
Definition: AStarRouter.h:288
virtual SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V > * clone()
Definition: AStarRouter.h:123
EdgeInfoComparator myComparator
Definition: AStarRouter.h:282
FullLookupTable< E, V > FLT
Definition: AStarRouter.h:79
virtual ~AStarRouter()
Definition: AStarRouter.h:121
bool compute(const E *from, const E *to, const V *const vehicle, SUMOTime msTime, std::vector< const E * > &into, bool silent=false)
Builds the route between the given edges using the minimum travel time.
Definition: AStarRouter.h:129
AStarRouter(const std::vector< E * > &edges, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::Operation operation, const std::shared_ptr< const LookupTable > lookup=nullptr, const bool havePermissions=false, const bool haveRestrictions=false)
Definition: AStarRouter.h:98
AStarRouter(const std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo > &edgeInfos, bool unbuildIsWarning, typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::Operation operation, const std::shared_ptr< const LookupTable > lookup=nullptr, const bool havePermissions=false, const bool haveRestrictions=false)
Definition: AStarRouter.h:109
LandmarkLookupTable< E, V > LMLT
Definition: AStarRouter.h:80
AbstractLookupTable< E, V > LookupTable
Definition: AStarRouter.h:78
const std::shared_ptr< const LookupTable > myLookupTable
the lookup table for travel time heuristics
Definition: AStarRouter.h:285
Computes the shortest path through a network using the A* algorithm.
virtual void inform(std::string msg, bool addType=true)
adds a new error to the list
Definition: MsgHandler.cpp:154
static MsgHandler * getWarningInstance()
Returns the instance to add warnings to.
Definition: MsgHandler.cpp:79
void informf(const std::string &format, T value, Targs... Fargs)
adds a new formatted message
Definition: MsgHandler.h:122
static std::string getIDSecure(const T *obj, const std::string &fallBack="NULL")
get an identifier for Named-like object which may be Null
Definition: Named.h:67
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Definition: OutputDevice.h:61
void close()
Closes the device and removes it from the dictionary.
static OutputDevice & getDevice(const std::string &name, bool usePrefix=true)
Returns the described OutputDevice.
const E *const edge
The current edge.
double heuristicEffort
Estimated effort to reach the edge (effort + lower bound on remaining effort)
MsgHandler *const myErrorMsgHandler
the handler for routing errors
const bool myHavePermissions
whether edge permissions need to be considered
bool myBulkMode
whether we are currently operating several route queries in a bulk
std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo > myEdgeInfos
The container of edge information.
Operation myOperation
The object's operation to perform.
double getTravelTime(const E *const e, const V *const v, const double t, const double effort) const
double getEffort(const E *const e, const V *const v, double t) const
void updateViaEdgeCost(const E *viaEdge, const V *const v, double &time, double &effort, double &length) const
void init(const int edgeID, const SUMOTime msTime)
bool myAmClean
whether we are already initialized
const bool myHaveRestrictions
whether edge restrictions need to be considered
void buildPathFrom(const typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo *rbegin, std::vector< const E * > &edges)
Builds the path from marked edges.
virtual double recomputeCosts(const std::vector< const E * > &edges, const V *const v, SUMOTime msTime, double *lengthp=nullptr) const
void endQuery(int visits)
std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * > myFrontierList
A container for reusage of the min edge heap.
std::vector< typename SUMOAbstractRouter< E, V >::EdgeInfo * > myFound
list of visited Edges (for resetting)
static std::string replace(std::string str, const std::string &what, const std::string &by)
Replaces all occurrences of the second string by the third string within the first string.