Class ResponseMessage


public class ResponseMessage extends Object
Represents a message sent from the server. A response message is made of an ordered collection of status responses, response commands and/or sub-responses.
Enrico Gueli <>
  • Field Details


      public static final int[] STATUS_ONLY_RESPONSES
      The list of IDs of responses that have no response commands.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResponseMessage

      public ResponseMessage(DataInputStream dis) throws IOException
      Constructor that unpacks all the data from a DataInputStream, populating the list of ResponseContainers.

      A response message is made of individual packets. It is assumed that the first packet is always a status response. According to the status response, different data are expected next:

      • if the status response is not Constants.RTYPE_OK, another status response or the end of the stream are expected.
      • if the status ID is equal to Constants.CMD_SIMSTEP, it is expected an integer representing N and N following sub-responses;
      • if the status ID matches one of the commands in STATUS_ONLY_RESPONSES , it is expected another status response;
      • if the status ID doesn't match any of the above, it is expected a response command.
      A new ResponseMessage, collecting all the data that belong to the same request, is built and appended to an internal list.
      dis - dis
      IOException - Exception
  • Method Details