Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition Class Reference

#include <GNETLSEditorFrame.h>

Inheritance diagram for GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition:
Collaboration diagram for GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition:

Public Types

enum  Options {
  NOTHING = 1 << 0 , COLLAPSIBLE = 1 << 1 , EXTENSIBLE = 1 << 2 , SAVE = 1 << 3 ,
  LOAD = 1 << 4
 GroupBoxModule options. More...

Public Member Functions

bool checkHaveModifications () const
 check if current TLS was modified More...
void clearTLSDefinitions ()
 clear TLS Definitions More...
void discardChanges (const bool editJunctionAgain)
 discard changes More...
FXVerticalFrame * getCollapsableFrame ()
 get collapsable frame (used by all elements that will be collapsed if button is toggled) More...
NBTrafficLightDefinitiongetCurrentTLSDefinition () const
 get current definition More...
const std::string getCurrentTLSProgramID () const
 get current program ID More...
int getNumberOfPrograms () const
 get number of programs More...
int getNumberOfTLSDefinitions () const
 get number of TLS definitions More...
void hideTLSDefinition ()
 hide TLSDefinition More...
bool initTLSDefinitions ()
 init TLS Definitions More...
void markAsModified ()
 mark Program as modified More...
long onCmdCollapseButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 collapse GroupBoxModule More...
long onCmdExtendButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 extends GroupBoxModule More...
long onCmdLoadButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 load contents More...
long onCmdResetButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 reset GroupBoxModule More...
long onCmdSaveButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 save contents More...
long onPaint (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 draw MFXGroupBoxModule More...
long onUpdResetButton (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 update reset GroupBoxModule More...
void setText (const std::string &text)
 set text More...
void showTLSDefinition ()
 show TLSDefinition More...
 TLSDefinition (GNETLSEditorFrame *TLSEditorParent)
 FOX-declaration. More...
 ~TLSDefinition ()
 destructor More...

Called when the user press button create/duplicate TLS Program

long onCmdCreate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
long onUpdCreate (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when occurs an update of create definition. More...
long onCmdDelete (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user press button delete TLS Program. More...
long onCmdResetCurrentProgram (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user press button reset current TLS Program. More...
long onCmdResetAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user press button reset all TLS Programs. More...
long onCmdDefSwitchTLSProgram (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user switches a TLS. More...
long onUpdTLSEnableModified (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when occurs an update of switch definition. More...
long onUpdTLSDisableModified (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when occurs an update of switch definition. More...
long onUpdTLSDisableResetAll (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when occurs an update of switch definition. More...
long onCmdSaveChanges (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user presses the save-Button. More...
long onCmdDiscardChanges (FXObject *, FXSelector, void *)
 Called when the user presses the Cancel-button. More...

Protected Member Functions

void createTLS (GNEJunction *junction)
 FOX needs this. More...
virtual bool loadContents () const
 load contents (can be reimplemented in children) More...
virtual bool saveContents () const
 save contents (can be reimplemented in children) More...
bool switchProgram ()
 switch program More...
void toggleSaveButton (const bool value)
 enable or disable save buttons More...

Private Attributes

FXVerticalFrame * myCollapsableFrame = nullptr
 vertical collapsable frame More...
FXButton * myCollapseButton = nullptr
 button for collapse elements More...
bool myCollapsed
 flag to check if this groupbox is collapsed More...
FXButton * myCreateButton = nullptr
 button for create new Traffic light program More...
MFXButtonTooltipmyExtendButton = nullptr
 button for extend elements More...
GNEFramemyFrameParent = nullptr
 GNEFrame in which this GroupBox is placed. More...
bool myHaveModifications = false
 whether the current tls was modified More...
FXLabel * myLabel = nullptr
 label used in non collapsable MFXGroupBoxModule More...
FXButton * myLoadButton = nullptr
 button for load elements More...
const int myOptions
 GroupBoxModule options. More...
 the comboBox for selecting the tl-definition to edit More...
FXButton * myResetWidthButton = nullptr
 button for reset frame width More...
FXButton * mySaveButton = nullptr
 button for save elements More...
std::vector< NBTrafficLightDefinition * > myTLSDefinitions
 the list of Definitions for the current junction More...
GNETLSEditorFramemyTLSEditorParent = nullptr
 pointer to GNETLSEditorFrame parent More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 160 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Options

GroupBoxModule options.


Definition at line 38 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TLSDefinition()

◆ ~TLSDefinition()

GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::~TLSDefinition ( )


Definition at line 1419 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkHaveModifications()

bool GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::checkHaveModifications ( ) const

check if current TLS was modified

Definition at line 1487 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::isTLSSaved().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearTLSDefinitions()

void GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::clearTLSDefinitions ( )

clear TLS Definitions

Definition at line 1465 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::cleanup().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createTLS()

◆ discardChanges()

void GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::discardChanges ( const bool  editJunctionAgain)

discard changes

Definition at line 1521 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by GNEViewNet::abortOperation(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCollapsableFrame()

FXVerticalFrame * MFXGroupBoxModule::getCollapsableFrame ( )

get collapsable frame (used by all elements that will be collapsed if button is toggled)

Definition at line 123 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsableFrame.

Referenced by GNEInspectorFrame::AdditionalDialog::AdditionalDialog(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::AttributesEditor::AttributesEditor(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::AttributesEditorExtended::AttributesEditorExtended(), GNEGenericDataFrame::AttributeSelector::AttributeSelector(), GNEOverlappedInspection::buildFXElements(), GNEMoveFrame::ChangeZInSelection::ChangeZInSelection(), GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionModifications::ConnectionModifications(), GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionOperations::ConnectionOperations(), GNEConnectorFrame::ConnectionSelection::ConnectionSelection(), GNECrossingFrame::CreateCrossing::CreateCrossing(), GNECrossingFrame::CrossingParameters::CrossingParameters(), GNETAZFrame::CurrentTAZ::CurrentTAZ(), GNEMoveFrame::DemandModeOptions::DemandModeOptions(), GNEDistributionFrame::DistributionSelector::DistributionSelector(), GNEDistributionFrame::DistributionValuesEditor::DistributionValuesEditor(), GNEAdditionalFrame::E2MultilaneLegendModule::E2MultilaneLegendModule(), GNECrossingFrame::EdgesSelector::EdgesSelector(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::GenericDataAttributes::GenericDataAttributes(), GNEInspectorFrame::GEOAttributesEditor::GEOAttributesEditor(), GNEDemandElementSelector::GNEDemandElementSelector(), GNEOptionsDialog::GNEOptionsDialog(), GNEPathCreator::GNEPathCreator(), GNEPathLegendModule::GNEPathLegendModule(), GNEPlanCreator::GNEPlanCreator(), GNEPlanCreatorLegend::GNEPlanCreatorLegend(), GNESelectorParent::GNESelectorParent(), GNEStopFrame::HelpCreation::HelpCreation(), GNEVehicleFrame::HelpCreation::HelpCreation(), GNEAdditionalFrame::HelpCreationModule::HelpCreationModule(), GNECrossingFrame::Information::Information(), GNEMoveFrame::Information::Information(), GNESelectorFrame::Information::Information(), GNEGenericDataFrame::IntervalSelector::IntervalSelector(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::LaneTypeSelector::LaneTypeSelector(), GNEConnectorFrame::Legend::Legend(), GNECreateEdgeFrame::Legend::Legend(), GNEProhibitionFrame::Legend::Legend(), GNETAZRelDataFrame::Legend::Legend(), GNEMeanDataFrame::MeanDataEditor::MeanDataEditor(), GNEMeanDataFrame::MeanDataSelector::MeanDataSelector(), GNESelectorFrame::ModificationMode::ModificationMode(), GNEMoveFrame::NetworkModeOptions::NetworkModeOptions(), GNEMatchAttribute::onCmdHelp(), GNEMatchGenericDataAttribute::onCmdHelp(), GNENeteditAttributes::onCmdHelp(), GNEOverlappedInspection::onCmdOverlappingHelp(), GNEFrameAttributeModules::ParametersEditor::ParametersEditor(), GNEDeleteFrame::ProtectElements::ProtectElements(), GNEAttributesCreator::refreshRows(), GNEProhibitionFrame::Selection::Selection(), GNESelectorFrame::SelectionHierarchy::SelectionHierarchy(), GNESelectorFrame::SelectionOperation::SelectionOperation(), GNEMoveFrame::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry::ShiftEdgeSelectedGeometry(), GNEMoveFrame::ShiftShapeGeometry::ShiftShapeGeometry(), GNETAZFrame::TAZChildDefaultParameters::TAZChildDefaultParameters(), GNETAZFrame::TAZCommonStatistics::TAZCommonStatistics(), GNETAZFrame::TAZEdgesGraphic::TAZEdgesGraphic(), GNETAZFrame::TAZParameters::TAZParameters(), GNETAZFrame::TAZSaveChanges::TAZSaveChanges(), GNETAZFrame::TAZSelectionStatistics::TAZSelectionStatistics(), GNEInspectorFrame::TemplateEditor::TemplateEditor(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSAttributes::TLSAttributes(), TLSDefinition(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSFile::TLSFile(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSJunction::TLSJunction(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSPhases::TLSPhases(), GNETypeFrame::TypeEditor::TypeEditor(), and GNESelectorFrame::VisualScaling::VisualScaling().

◆ getCurrentTLSDefinition()

NBTrafficLightDefinition * GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::getCurrentTLSDefinition ( ) const

get current definition

Definition at line 1499 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References TL.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::cleanup(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentTLSProgramID()

const std::string GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::getCurrentTLSProgramID ( ) const

get current program ID

Definition at line 1511 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfPrograms()

int GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::getNumberOfPrograms ( ) const

get number of programs

Definition at line 1475 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

◆ getNumberOfTLSDefinitions()

int GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::getNumberOfTLSDefinitions ( ) const

get number of TLS definitions

Definition at line 1481 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::cleanup(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hideTLSDefinition()

void GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::hideTLSDefinition ( )

hide TLSDefinition

Definition at line 1429 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References GNEFrame::hide().

◆ initTLSDefinitions()

bool GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::initTLSDefinitions ( )

init TLS Definitions

Definition at line 1435 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References TLS.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::editJunction().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ loadContents()

bool MFXGroupBoxModule::loadContents ( ) const

load contents (can be reimplemented in children)

Definition at line 231 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdLoadButton().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ markAsModified()

void GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::markAsModified ( )

mark Program as modified

Definition at line 1493 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by GNETLSEditorFrame::handleChange(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::handleMultiChange().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdCollapseButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdCollapseButton ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

collapse GroupBoxModule

Definition at line 142 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References COLLAPSE, GUIIconSubSys::getIcon(), MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsableFrame, MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapseButton, MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsed, and UNCOLLAPSE.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdCreate()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdCreate ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Definition at line 1537 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References GNEJunction::getGNEConnections(), GNEJunction::getGNEIncomingEdges(), GNEJunction::getGNEOutgoingEdges(), TL, and WRITE_DEBUG.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdDefSwitchTLSProgram()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdDefSwitchTLSProgram ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user switches a TLS.

Definition at line 1727 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdDelete()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdDelete ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user press button delete TLS Program.

Definition at line 1634 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References PRIORITY, GNEJunction::setAttribute(), SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, and toString().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdDiscardChanges()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdDiscardChanges ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user presses the Cancel-button.

Definition at line 1838 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdExtendButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdExtendButton ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

extends GroupBoxModule

Definition at line 158 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References GNEFrame::getScrollBarWidth(), GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSPhases::getTLSEditorParent(), GNETLSTable::getTLSPhasesParent(), GNEFrame::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsableFrame, MFXGroupBoxModule::myFrameParent, and GNEViewParent::setFrameAreaWidth().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdLoadButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdLoadButton ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

load contents

Definition at line 212 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References MFXGroupBoxModule::loadContents().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdResetAll()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdResetAll ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user press button reset all TLS Programs.

Definition at line 1692 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References NBTrafficLightDefinition::getNodes(), MODETLS, PRIORITY, SUMO_ATTR_TLID, SUMO_ATTR_TYPE, TL, and toString().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdResetButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdResetButton ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

reset GroupBoxModule

Definition at line 184 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References GNEFrame::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), MFXGroupBoxModule::myFrameParent, and GNEViewParent::setFrameAreaWidth().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdResetCurrentProgram()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdResetCurrentProgram ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user press button reset current TLS Program.

Definition at line 1657 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References Named::getID(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::getNodes(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::getOffset(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::getProgramID(), NBTrafficLightDefinition::getType(), MODETLS, NBTrafficLightDefinition::setProgramID(), and TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdSaveButton ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

save contents

Definition at line 206 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References MFXGroupBoxModule::saveContents().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onCmdSaveChanges()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onCmdSaveChanges ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when the user presses the save-Button.

Definition at line 1792 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References GNEUndoList::add(), GNENet::getAttributeCarriers(), GNEJunction::getGNECrossings(), GNEAttributeCarrier::getNet(), GNENetHelper::AttributeCarriers::retrieveJunction(), SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX, SUMO_ATTR_TLLINKINDEX2, NBNode::Crossing::tlLinkIndex, NBNode::Crossing::tlLinkIndex2, and toString().

Referenced by FXDEFMAP(), GNEViewNet::hotkeyEnter(), and GNETLSEditorFrame::isTLSSaved().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onPaint()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onPaint ( FXObject *  ,
FXSelector  ,
void *  ptr 

draw MFXGroupBoxModule

Definition at line 129 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdCreate()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onUpdCreate ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when occurs an update of create definition.

Definition at line 1598 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References TL.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdResetButton()

long MFXGroupBoxModule::onUpdResetButton ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

update reset GroupBoxModule

Definition at line 193 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References GNEViewParent::getFrameAreaWidth(), GNEFrame::getViewNet(), GNEViewNet::getViewParent(), and MFXGroupBoxModule::myFrameParent.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdTLSDisableModified()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onUpdTLSDisableModified ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when occurs an update of switch definition.

Definition at line 1754 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdTLSDisableResetAll()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onUpdTLSDisableResetAll ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when occurs an update of switch definition.

Definition at line 1773 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ onUpdTLSEnableModified()

long GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::onUpdTLSEnableModified ( FXObject *  sender,
FXSelector  ,
void *   

Called when occurs an update of switch definition.

Definition at line 1735 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

Referenced by FXDEFMAP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ saveContents()

bool MFXGroupBoxModule::saveContents ( ) const

save contents (can be reimplemented in children)

Reimplemented in GNEFixNetworkElements::FixOptions, and GNEFixDemandElements::FixOptions.

Definition at line 224 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdSaveButton().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setText()

void MFXGroupBoxModule::setText ( const std::string &  text)

set text

Definition at line 117 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References MFXGroupBoxModule::myLabel.

Referenced by GNETagSelector::setCurrentTagType(), and GNESelectorFrame::SelectionInformation::updateInformationLabel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ showTLSDefinition()

void GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::showTLSDefinition ( )

show TLSDefinition

Definition at line 1423 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.cpp.

References GNETLSEditorFrame::show().

◆ switchProgram()

bool GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::switchProgram ( )

◆ toggleSaveButton()

void MFXGroupBoxModule::toggleSaveButton ( const bool  value)

enable or disable save buttons

Definition at line 238 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.cpp.

References MFXGroupBoxModule::mySaveButton.

Field Documentation

◆ myCollapsableFrame

FXVerticalFrame* MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsableFrame = nullptr

◆ myCollapseButton

FXButton* MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapseButton = nullptr

button for collapse elements

Definition at line 109 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::MFXGroupBoxModule(), and MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdCollapseButton().

◆ myCollapsed

bool MFXGroupBoxModule::myCollapsed

flag to check if this groupbox is collapsed

Definition at line 124 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::onCmdCollapseButton().

◆ myCreateButton

FXButton* GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::myCreateButton = nullptr

button for create new Traffic light program

Definition at line 265 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

Referenced by TLSDefinition().

◆ myExtendButton

MFXButtonTooltip* MFXGroupBoxModule::myExtendButton = nullptr

button for extend elements

Definition at line 112 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

◆ myFrameParent

GNEFrame* MFXGroupBoxModule::myFrameParent = nullptr

◆ myHaveModifications

bool GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::myHaveModifications = false

whether the current tls was modified

Definition at line 262 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

◆ myLabel

FXLabel* MFXGroupBoxModule::myLabel = nullptr

label used in non collapsable MFXGroupBoxModule

Definition at line 106 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::MFXGroupBoxModule(), and MFXGroupBoxModule::setText().

◆ myLoadButton

FXButton* MFXGroupBoxModule::myLoadButton = nullptr

button for load elements

Definition at line 121 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::MFXGroupBoxModule().

◆ myOptions

const int MFXGroupBoxModule::myOptions

GroupBoxModule options.

Definition at line 97 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::MFXGroupBoxModule().

◆ myProgramComboBox

MFXComboBoxIcon* GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::myProgramComboBox

the comboBox for selecting the tl-definition to edit

Definition at line 259 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

Referenced by TLSDefinition().

◆ myResetWidthButton

FXButton* MFXGroupBoxModule::myResetWidthButton = nullptr

button for reset frame width

Definition at line 115 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

◆ mySaveButton

FXButton* MFXGroupBoxModule::mySaveButton = nullptr

button for save elements

Definition at line 118 of file MFXGroupBoxModule.h.

Referenced by MFXGroupBoxModule::MFXGroupBoxModule(), and MFXGroupBoxModule::toggleSaveButton().

◆ myTLSDefinitions

std::vector<NBTrafficLightDefinition*> GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::myTLSDefinitions

the list of Definitions for the current junction

Definition at line 256 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

◆ myTLSEditorParent

GNETLSEditorFrame* GNETLSEditorFrame::TLSDefinition::myTLSEditorParent = nullptr

pointer to GNETLSEditorFrame parent

Definition at line 253 of file GNETLSEditorFrame.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: