43 typedef std::pair<const SUMOVehicle* const, const MSLink::ApproachingVehicleInformation>
44 typedef std::set<const MSLane*, ComparatorNumericalIdLess>
45 typedef std::map<const MSLane*, int, ComparatorNumericalIdLess>
63 MSDriveWay(
const MSLink* origin,
const std::string&
bool temporary =
113 const std::vector<const MSEdge*>&
const {
117 const std::vector<const MSLane*>&
const {
121 const std::vector<const MSLane*>&
const {
137 void setEvents(
const std::vector<VehicleEvent>& events) {
145 const std::vector<MSDriveWay*>&
const {
156 void addDWDeadlock(
const std::vector<const MSDriveWay*>& deadlockFoes);
263 void checkFlanks(
const MSLink* originLink,
const std::vector<const MSLane*>& lanes,
const LaneVisitedMap& visited,
bool allFoes, std::set<MSLink*>& flankSwitches)
std::vector< MSEdge * > MSEdgeVector
ConstMSEdgeVector::const_iterator MSRouteIterator
void addFoes(const MSLink *link)
add all driveWays that start at the given link as foes
std::vector< MSLink * > myConflictLinks
const SUMOVehicle * myActive
whether the current signal is switched green for a train approaching this block
bool crossingConflict(const MSDriveWay &other) const
Wether there is a crossing conflict with the given driveway.
static std::string getJunctionLinkID(const MSLink *link)
return junctionID_junctionLinkIndex
bool haveSubTrains() const
std::vector< MSDriveWay * > mySubDriveWays
std::vector< std::set< const MSDriveWay * > > myDeadlocks
void checkFlanks(const MSLink *originLink, const std::vector< const MSLane * > &lanes, const LaneVisitedMap &visited, bool allFoes, std::set< MSLink * > &flankSwitches) const
bool myAbortedBuild
whether driveway building was aborted due to MAX_BLOCK_LENGTH
bool buildSubFoe(MSDriveWay *foe, bool movingBlock)
static std::map< const MSJunction *, int > myDepartDrivewayIndex
static bool hasJoin(const SUMOVehicle *ego, const SUMOVehicle *foe)
bool isDepartDriveway() const
static std::string getClickableTLLinkID(const MSLink *link)
return logicID_linkIndex in a way that allows clicking in sumo-gui
double myMaxFlankLength
the maximum flank length searched while building this driveway
const MSLink * myOrigin
the link that enters this driveway or nullptr for a departure driveWay
std::vector< const MSLane * > myBidi
static bool myWriteVehicles
void checkCrossingFlanks(MSLink *dwLink, const LaneVisitedMap &visited, std::set< MSLink * > &flankSwitches) const
bool hasLinkConflict(const Approaching &closest, const MSLink *foeLink) const
Whether the approaching vehicle is prevent from driving by another vehicle approaching the given link...
void findFlankProtection(MSLink *link, MSLink *origLink, std::vector< const MSLane * > &flank)
std::vector< const MSLane * > myBidiExtended
void addReversalFoes()
derive foe driveways that enter the bidi section by reversing
static bool hasRS(const MSEdge *cur, const MSEdge *next)
void addBidiFoes(const MSRailSignal *ownSignal, bool extended)
derive foe driveways based on myBidi or myBidiExtended
static const MSDriveWay * retrieveDepartDriveWay(const MSEdge *edge, const std::string &id)
static bool haveDriveWays()
void writeBlocks(OutputDevice &od) const
Write block items for this driveway.
bool notifyLeave(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, double lastPos, Notification reason, const MSLane *enteredLane=0)
Called if the vehicle leaves the reminder's lane.
std::vector< const MSLane * > myForward
const std::vector< const MSLane * > & getBidi() const
std::vector< const MSEdge * > myReversals
track own occurences in myReversalDriveWays for cleanup in destructor
std::map< const MSDriveWay *, std::vector< Siding >, ComparatorIdLess > mySidings
void writeBlockVehicles(OutputDevice &od) const
virtual ~MSDriveWay()
bool match(MSRouteIterator firstIt, MSRouteIterator endIt) const
whether the give route matches this driveway
static void appendMapIndex(LaneVisitedMap &map, const MSLane *lane)
append to map by map index and avoid undefined behavior
bool overlap(const MSDriveWay &other) const
Wether this driveway (route) overlaps with the given one.
void setEvents(const std::vector< VehicleEvent > &events)
void buildRoute(const MSLink *origin, MSRouteIterator next, MSRouteIterator end, LaneVisitedMap &visited, std::set< MSLink * > &)
std::vector< const MSLane * > myFlank
static std::string getTLLinkID(const MSLink *link)
return logicID_linkIndex
const std::vector< const MSLane * > & getForward() const
std::vector< const MSEdge * > myRoute
list of edges for matching against train routes
std::map< const MSLane *, int, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > LaneVisitedMap
static void writeDepatureBlocks(OutputDevice &od, bool writeVehicles)
static std::map< ConstMSEdgeVector, MSDriveWay * > myDriveWayRouteLookup
lookup table for state loading
int getNumericalID() const
static std::set< const MSEdge * > myBlockLengthWarnings
static std::map< const MSEdge *, std::vector< MSDriveWay * > > myReversalDriveWays
all driveways reversing on the given switch (used to look up flank foes)
void _saveState(OutputDevice &out) const
static std::string formatVisitedMap(const LaneVisitedMap &visited)
print link descriptions
static std::map< std::string, MSDriveWay * > myDriveWayLookup
const std::vector< MSLink * > & getConflictLinks() const
const std::vector< MSDriveWay * > & getFoes() const
const MSLink * getOrigin() const
bool flankConflict(const MSDriveWay &other) const
Wether there is a flank conflict with the given driveway.
bool conflictLaneOccupied(bool store=true, const SUMOVehicle *ego=nullptr) const
whether any of myConflictLanes is occupied (vehicles that are the target of a join must be ignored)
void addSwitchFoes(MSLink *link)
static std::map< const MSEdge *, std::vector< MSDriveWay * > > myDepartureDrivewaysEnds
all driveways that do not start at a rail signal (and are only used at departure) by end edge
int myCoreSize
number of edges in myRoute where overlap with other driveways is forbidden
std::pair< const SUMOVehicle *const, const MSLink::ApproachingVehicleInformation > Approaching
void addConflictLink(const MSLink *link)
add symmetical conflict link for foes when building a new driveway
bool notifyLeaveBack(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, Notification reason, const MSLane *leftLane)
Called if the vehicle's back leaves the reminder's lane.
std::string myFirstVehicle
the first vehicle using this driveway
int myNumericalID
global driveway index
bool forwardEndOnRoute(const MSDriveWay *foe) const
static void saveState(OutputDevice &out)
Save driveway occupancy into the given stream.
static std::map< const MSEdge *, std::vector< MSDriveWay * >, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > myDepartureDriveways
all driveways that do not start at a rail signal (and are only used at departure)
void setVehicle(const std::string &vehID)
bool myBidiEnded
whether driveway building was aborted when no further bidi edge was found
static bool mustYield(const Approaching &veh, const Approaching &foe)
Whether veh must yield to the foe train.
static const MSDriveWay * getDepartureDriveway(const SUMOVehicle *veh)
const std::vector< const MSEdge * > & getRoute() const
void addSidings(MSDriveWay *foe, bool addToFoe=false)
add sidings for the given foe
bool bidiBlockedByEnd(const MSDriveWay &other) const
Wether there is a bidi conflict with the end of the given driveway.
static int myGlobalDriveWayIndex
static MSDriveWay * buildDriveWay(const std::string &id, const MSLink *link, MSRouteIterator first, MSRouteIterator end)
construct a new driveway by searching along the given route until all block structures are found
bool myFoundSignal
whether this driveway ends its forward section with a rail signal (and thus comprises a full block)
static std::map< const MSLink *, std::vector< MSDriveWay * > > mySwitchDriveWays
all driveways passing the given switch (used to look up flank foes)
bool isFoeOrSubFoe(const MSDriveWay *foe) const
const std::vector< const MSLane * > & getFlank() const
const std::vector< VehicleEvent > & getEvents() const
void addDWDeadlock(const std::vector< const MSDriveWay * > &deadlockFoes)
static std::map< const MSEdge *, std::vector< MSDriveWay * >, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > myEndingDriveways
all driveways that end on the given edge
bool foeDriveWayApproached() const
whether any of my Foes is being approached
static void loadState(const SUMOSAXAttributes &attrs, int tag)
bool forwardRouteConflict(std::set< const MSEdge * > forward, const MSDriveWay &other, bool secondCheck=false)
Wether the route of other passes into the forward section of this driveway.
std::pair< bool, const MSDriveWay * > canUseSiding(const SUMOVehicle *ego, const MSDriveWay *foe, bool recurse=true) const
return whether a siding can be used. If a siding exist but is occupied, also return the occupied driv...
std::vector< const MSLane * > myConflictLanes
the lanes that must be clear of trains before this signal can switch to green
std::vector< MSDriveWay * > myFoes
std::vector< VehicleEvent > myVehicleEvents
std::set< const MSLane *, ComparatorNumericalIdLess > LaneSet
static bool isSwitch(const MSLink *link)
bool notifyEnter(SUMOTrafficObject &veh, Notification reason, const MSLane *enteredLane)
Checks whether the reminder is activated by a vehicle entering the lane.
bool bidiBlockedBy(const MSDriveWay &other) const
Wether there is a bidi conflict with the given driveway.
bool reserve(const Approaching &closest, MSEdgeVector &occupied)
attempt reserve this driveway for the given vehicle
std::set< SUMOVehicle * > myTrains
void addParallelFoes(const MSLink *link, const MSEdge *first)
derive foe driveways that start at the same signal
bool foeDriveWayOccupied(bool store, const SUMOVehicle *ego, MSEdgeVector &occupied) const
whether any of myFoes is occupied (vehicles that are the target of a join must be ignored)
A road/street connecting two junctions.
Representation of a lane in the micro simulation.
Something on a lane to be noticed about vehicle movement.
Definition of a vehicle state.
Base class for objects which have an id.
Static storage of an output device and its base (abstract) implementation.
Encapsulated SAX-Attributes.
Representation of a vehicle, person, or container.
Representation of a vehicle.
Function-object for stable sorting of objects acting like Named without being derived (SUMOVehicle)
Function-object for stable sorting of objects with numerical ids.
Siding(int s, int e, double l)
VehicleEvent(SUMOTime _time, bool _isEntry, const std::string &_id, Notification _reason)