Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
PHEMlightdll::CEP Class Reference

#include <CEP.h>

Public Types

enum class  eNormalizingType { RatedPower , DrivingPower }
enum  NormalizingType { NormalizingType_RatedPower , NormalizingType_DrivingPower , RatedPower , DrivingPower }
enum class  NormalizingType { NormalizingType_RatedPower , NormalizingType_DrivingPower , RatedPower , DrivingPower }

Public Member Functions

double CalcEngPower (double power)
double CalcEngPower (double power)
double CalcEngPower (double power)
double CalcPower (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
double CalcPower (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
double CalcPower (double speed, double acc, double gradient, bool HBEV)
double CalcWheelPower (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
 CEP (bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, List< double > transmissionGearRatios, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1, string vehicelFuelType, List< List< double >> matrixFC, List< string > headerLinePollutants, List< List< double >> matrixPollutants, List< List< double >> matrixSpeedRotational, List< List< double >> normedDragTable, double idlingFC, List< double > idlingPollutants)
 CEP (bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, std::vector< double > &transmissionGearRatios, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1, const std::string &vehicelFuelType, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixFC, std::vector< std::string > &headerLinePollutants, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixPollutants, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixSpeedRotational, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &normedDragTable, double idlingFC, std::vector< double > &idlingPollutants)
 CEP (VEHPHEMLightJSON.VEH Vehicle, List< string > headerLineFCvalues, List< List< double >> matrixFCvalues, List< string > headerLinePollutants, List< List< double >> matrixPollutants, List< double > idlingFCvalues, List< double > idlingPollutants)
Dictionary< string, double > GetAllEmission (double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass, bool SetZero=false)
double GetCO2Emission (double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers *VehicleClass)
double GetCO2Emission (double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers VehicleClass)
double GetCO2Emission (double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers VehicleClass)
double GetDecelCoast (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
double GetDecelCoast (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
double GetDecelCoast (double speed, double acc, double gradient)
double GetDragCoeffecient (double nNorm)
double GetDragCoeffecient (double nNorm)
const double & getDrivingPower () const
double GetEmission (const std::string &pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers *VehicleClass)
double GetEmission (string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
const std::string & getFuelType () const
double GetGearCoeffecient (double speed)
double GetGearCoeffecient (double speed)
const bool & getHeavyVehicle () const
double GetMaxAccel (double speed, double gradient)
double GetMaxAccel (double speed, double gradient)
double GetMaxAccel (double speed, double gradient, bool HBEV)
const double & getNormalizingPower () const
const NormalizingTypegetNormalizingTypeX () const
double GetNormedEmission (string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
const double & getRatedPower () const
double GetRotationalCoeffecient (double speed)
double GetRotationalCoeffecient (double speed)
double GetRotationalCoeffecient (double speed)
void setDrivingPower (const double &value)
void setRatedPower (const double &value)

Static Public Member Functions

static CEP AddRangeCeps (CEP[] cps, Helpers Helper)
static CEP AddRangeCeps (CEP[] cps, Helpers Helper)
static bool CheckClass (CEP[] cps)
static List< double > CreatePattern (double min, double max, double increment)
static List< double > CreatePattern (double min, double max, double increment)
static CEP operator* (CEP cp1, double d)
static CEP operator* (CEP cp1, double d)

Protected Attributes

double _auxPower
double _axleRatio
std::vector< double > _cepCurveFC
List< double > _cepCurveFC
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _cepCurveFCvalues
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _cepCurvePollutants
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _cepCurvePollutants
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants
double _crossSectionalArea
double _cWValue
std::vector< double > _dragNormTable
List< double > _dragNormTable
double _effectiveWheelDiameter
double _engineIdlingSpeed
double _engineRatedSpeed
Dictionary< string, double > _FleetMix
std::vector< double > _gearTransmissionCurve
List< double > _gearTransmissionCurve
double _idlingValueFC
Dictionary< string, double > _idlingValueFCvalues
std::map< std::string, double > _idlingValuesPollutants
Dictionary< string, double > _idlingValuesPollutants
double _massVehicle
std::vector< double > _nNormTable
List< double > _nNormTable
std::vector< double > _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants
List< double > _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants
std::vector< double > _normalizedPowerPatternFC
List< double > _normalizedPowerPatternFC
List< double > _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues
std::vector< double > _normedCepCurveFC
List< double > _normedCepCurveFC
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _normedCepCurveFCvalues
double _pNormP0
double _pNormP1
double _pNormV0
double _pNormV1
std::vector< double > _powerPatternFC
List< double > _powerPatternFC
List< double > _powerPatternFCvalues
std::vector< double > _powerPatternPollutants
List< double > _powerPatternPollutants
double _resistanceF0
double _resistanceF1
double _resistanceF2
double _resistanceF3
double _resistanceF4
std::vector< double > _speedCurveRotational
List< double > _speedCurveRotational
std::vector< double > _speedPatternRotational
List< double > _speedPatternRotational
double _vehicleLoading
double _vehicleMassRot


string CalcType [get, private set]
double DrivingPower [get, set]
string FuelType [get, private set]
bool HeavyVehicle [get]
double NormalizingPower [get, private set]
eNormalizingType NormalizingType [get, private set]
NormalizingType NormalizingTypeX [get]
double RatedPower [get, set]

Private Member Functions

bool CalcfCValMix (ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
 CEP (bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1)
 CEP (bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1)
void FindLowerUpperInPattern (int &lowerIndex, int &upperIndex, std::vector< double > &pattern, double value)
void FindLowerUpperInPattern (out int lowerIndex, out int upperIndex, List< double > pattern, double value)
void FindLowerUpperInPattern (out int lowerIndex, out int upperIndex, List< double > pattern, double value)
double GetEmission (string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
bool GetfcVals (string _fuelTypex, ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
double GetNormedEmission (string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
double GetPMaxNorm (double speed)
double GetPMaxNorm (double speed)
double GetPMaxNorm (double speed)
void InitializeInstanceFields ()
double Interpolate (double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)
double Interpolate (double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)
double Interpolate (double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)

Private Attributes

double _drivingPower
std::string _fuelType
string _fuelType
bool _heavyVehicle
double _normalizingPower
NormalizingType _normalizingType
double _ratedPower

Detailed Description

Definition at line 38 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ eNormalizingType


Definition at line 248 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

◆ NormalizingType [1/2]


Definition at line 62 of file cpp/CEP.h.

◆ NormalizingType [2/2]


Definition at line 270 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CEP() [1/5]

PHEMlightdll::CEP::CEP ( bool  heavyVehicle,
double  vehicleMass,
double  vehicleLoading,
double  vehicleMassRot,
double  crossArea,
double  cWValue,
double  f0,
double  f1,
double  f2,
double  f3,
double  f4,
double  axleRatio,
std::vector< double > &  transmissionGearRatios,
double  auxPower,
double  ratedPower,
double  engineIdlingSpeed,
double  engineRatedSpeed,
double  effictiveWheelDiameter,
double  pNormV0,
double  pNormP0,
double  pNormV1,
double  pNormP1,
const std::string &  vehicelFuelType,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  matrixFC,
std::vector< std::string > &  headerLinePollutants,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  matrixPollutants,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  matrixSpeedRotational,
std::vector< std::vector< double > > &  normedDragTable,
double  idlingFC,
std::vector< double > &  idlingPollutants 

◆ CEP() [2/5]

PHEMlightdll.CEP.CEP ( bool  heavyVehicle,
double  vehicleMass,
double  vehicleLoading,
double  vehicleMassRot,
double  crossArea,
double  cWValue,
double  f0,
double  f1,
double  f2,
double  f3,
double  f4,
double  axleRatio,
List< double >  transmissionGearRatios,
double  auxPower,
double  ratedPower,
double  engineIdlingSpeed,
double  engineRatedSpeed,
double  effictiveWheelDiameter,
double  pNormV0,
double  pNormP0,
double  pNormV1,
double  pNormP1,
string  vehicelFuelType,
List< List< double >>  matrixFC,
List< string >  headerLinePollutants,
List< List< double >>  matrixPollutants,
List< List< double >>  matrixSpeedRotational,
List< List< double >>  normedDragTable,
double  idlingFC,
List< double >  idlingPollutants 

◆ CEP() [3/5]

PHEMlightdll.CEP.CEP ( bool  heavyVehicle,
double  vehicleMass,
double  vehicleLoading,
double  vehicleMassRot,
double  crossArea,
double  cWValue,
double  f0,
double  f1,
double  f2,
double  f3,
double  f4,
double  axleRatio,
double  auxPower,
double  ratedPower,
double  engineIdlingSpeed,
double  engineRatedSpeed,
double  effictiveWheelDiameter,
double  pNormV0,
double  pNormP0,
double  pNormV1,
double  pNormP1 

◆ CEP() [4/5]

◆ CEP() [5/5]

PHEMlightdll.CEP.CEP ( bool  heavyVehicle,
double  vehicleMass,
double  vehicleLoading,
double  vehicleMassRot,
double  crossArea,
double  cWValue,
double  f0,
double  f1,
double  f2,
double  f3,
double  f4,
double  axleRatio,
double  auxPower,
double  ratedPower,
double  engineIdlingSpeed,
double  engineRatedSpeed,
double  effictiveWheelDiameter,
double  pNormV0,
double  pNormP0,
double  pNormV1,
double  pNormP1 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddRangeCeps() [1/2]

static CEP PHEMlightdll.CEP.AddRangeCeps ( CEP[]  cps,
Helpers  Helper 

◆ AddRangeCeps() [2/2]

◆ CalcEngPower() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::CalcEngPower ( double  power)

Definition at line 219 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _powerPatternFC.

Referenced by PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight::CreateVehicleStateData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CalcEngPower() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.CalcEngPower ( double  power)

Definition at line 397 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

References _powerPatternFC.

◆ CalcEngPower() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.CalcEngPower ( double  power)

Definition at line 344 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _powerPatternFCvalues.

◆ CalcfCValMix()

bool PHEMlightdll.CEP.CalcfCValMix ( ref double  _fCBr,
ref double  _fCHC,
ref double  _fCCO,
ref double  _fCCO2,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

Definition at line 563 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _FleetMix, and GetfcVals().

Referenced by GetCO2Emission().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CalcPower() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::CalcPower ( double  speed,
double  acc,
double  gradient 

◆ CalcPower() [2/3]

◆ CalcPower() [3/3]

◆ CalcWheelPower()

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.CalcWheelPower ( double  speed,
double  acc,
double  gradient 

Definition at line 325 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _crossSectionalArea, _cWValue, _massVehicle, _resistanceF0, _resistanceF1, _resistanceF4, _vehicleLoading, _vehicleMassRot, PHEMlightdll::Constants.AIR_DENSITY_CONST, GetRotationalCoeffecient(), and PHEMlightdll::Constants.GRAVITY_CONST.

Referenced by PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight.CreateVehicleStateData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CheckClass()

static bool PHEMlightdll.CEP.CheckClass ( CEP[]  cps)

Definition at line 1158 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by PHEMlightdll::CEPHandler.GetFleetCEP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreatePattern() [1/2]

static List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP.CreatePattern ( double  min,
double  max,
double  increment 

Definition at line 1010 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Referenced by AddRangeCeps().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ CreatePattern() [2/2]

static List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP.CreatePattern ( double  min,
double  max,
double  increment 

Definition at line 1129 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

◆ FindLowerUpperInPattern() [1/3]

void PHEMlightdll::CEP::FindLowerUpperInPattern ( int &  lowerIndex,
int &  upperIndex,
std::vector< double > &  pattern,
double  value 

Definition at line 370 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

Referenced by GetDecelCoast(), GetDragCoeffecient(), GetEmission(), GetGearCoeffecient(), GetNormedEmission(), and GetRotationalCoeffecient().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ FindLowerUpperInPattern() [2/3]

void PHEMlightdll.CEP.FindLowerUpperInPattern ( out int  lowerIndex,
out int  upperIndex,
List< double >  pattern,
double  value 

Definition at line 674 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ FindLowerUpperInPattern() [3/3]

void PHEMlightdll.CEP.FindLowerUpperInPattern ( out int  lowerIndex,
out int  upperIndex,
List< double >  pattern,
double  value 

Definition at line 746 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

◆ GetAllEmission()

Dictionary<string, double> PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetAllEmission ( double  power,
double  speed,
Helpers  VehicleClass,
bool  SetZero = false 

Definition at line 354 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _auxPower, _cepCurveFCvalues, _cepCurvePollutants, GetCO2Emission(), GetEmission(), PHEMlightdll::Helpers.pClass, RatedPower, and PHEMlightdll::Constants.strBEV.

Referenced by PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight.CreateVehicleStateData().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCO2Emission() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetCO2Emission ( double  _FC,
double  _CO,
double  _HC,
Helpers VehicleClass 

Definition at line 291 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _fuelType, PHEMlightdll::Helpers::setErrMsg(), PHEMlightdll::Constants::strCNG, PHEMlightdll::Constants::strDiesel, PHEMlightdll::Constants::strGasoline, and PHEMlightdll::Constants::strLPG.

Referenced by HelpersPHEMlight::compute(), PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight::CreateVehicleStateData(), and GetAllEmission().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetCO2Emission() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetCO2Emission ( double  _FC,
double  _CO,
double  _HC,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

◆ GetCO2Emission() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetCO2Emission ( double  _FC,
double  _CO,
double  _HC,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

Definition at line 538 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References CalcfCValMix(), FuelType, and GetfcVals().

◆ GetDecelCoast() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetDecelCoast ( double  speed,
double  acc,
double  gradient 

◆ GetDecelCoast() [2/3]

◆ GetDecelCoast() [3/3]

◆ GetDragCoeffecient() [1/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetDragCoeffecient ( double  nNorm)

Definition at line 657 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

References _dragNormTable, _nNormTable, FindLowerUpperInPattern(), and Interpolate().

◆ GetDragCoeffecient() [2/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetDragCoeffecient ( double  nNorm)

Definition at line 729 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _dragNormTable, _nNormTable, FindLowerUpperInPattern(), and Interpolate().

◆ getDrivingPower()

const double & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getDrivingPower ( ) const

Definition at line 192 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _drivingPower.

◆ GetEmission() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetEmission ( const std::string &  pollutant,
double  power,
double  speed,
Helpers VehicleClass 

◆ GetEmission() [2/3]

◆ GetEmission() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetEmission ( string  pollutant,
double  power,
double  speed,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

◆ GetfcVals()

bool PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetfcVals ( string  _fuelTypex,
ref double  _fCBr,
ref double  _fCHC,
ref double  _fCCO,
ref double  _fCCO2,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

Definition at line 613 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References PHEMlightdll::Helpers.ErrMsg, FuelType, PHEMlightdll::Constants.strCNG, PHEMlightdll::Constants.strDiesel, PHEMlightdll::Constants.strGasoline, and PHEMlightdll::Constants.strLPG.

Referenced by CalcfCValMix(), and GetCO2Emission().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getFuelType()

const std::string & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getFuelType ( ) const

Definition at line 172 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _fuelType.

Referenced by HelpersPHEMlight::compute().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetGearCoeffecient() [1/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetGearCoeffecient ( double  speed)

◆ GetGearCoeffecient() [2/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetGearCoeffecient ( double  speed)

◆ getHeavyVehicle()

const bool & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getHeavyVehicle ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _heavyVehicle.

◆ GetMaxAccel() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetMaxAccel ( double  speed,
double  gradient 

Definition at line 420 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _massVehicle, _ratedPower, _vehicleLoading, _vehicleMassRot, CalcPower(), GetPMaxNorm(), and GetRotationalCoeffecient().

Referenced by PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight::CreateVehicleStateData(), and HelpersPHEMlight::getModifiedAccel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetMaxAccel() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetMaxAccel ( double  speed,
double  gradient 

◆ GetMaxAccel() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetMaxAccel ( double  speed,
double  gradient,
bool  HBEV 

◆ getNormalizingPower()

const double & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getNormalizingPower ( ) const

Definition at line 188 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _normalizingPower.

Referenced by CEP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNormalizingTypeX()

const CEP::NormalizingType & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getNormalizingTypeX ( ) const

Definition at line 176 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _normalizingType.

◆ GetNormedEmission() [1/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetNormedEmission ( string  pollutant,
double  power,
double  speed,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

◆ GetNormedEmission() [2/2]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetNormedEmission ( string  pollutant,
double  power,
double  speed,
Helpers  VehicleClass 

◆ GetPMaxNorm() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetPMaxNorm ( double  speed)

Definition at line 427 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _pNormP0, _pNormP1, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, and Interpolate().

Referenced by GetMaxAccel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetPMaxNorm() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetPMaxNorm ( double  speed)

Definition at line 746 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

References _pNormP0, _pNormP1, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, and Interpolate().

◆ GetPMaxNorm() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetPMaxNorm ( double  speed)

Definition at line 818 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

References _pNormP0, _pNormP1, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, and Interpolate().

◆ getRatedPower()

const double & PHEMlightdll::CEP::getRatedPower ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _ratedPower.

◆ GetRotationalCoeffecient() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::GetRotationalCoeffecient ( double  speed)

Definition at line 361 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _speedCurveRotational, _speedPatternRotational, FindLowerUpperInPattern(), and Interpolate().

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), GetDecelCoast(), and GetMaxAccel().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetRotationalCoeffecient() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetRotationalCoeffecient ( double  speed)

◆ GetRotationalCoeffecient() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.GetRotationalCoeffecient ( double  speed)

◆ InitializeInstanceFields()

void PHEMlightdll::CEP::InitializeInstanceFields ( )

Definition at line 440 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _auxPower, _axleRatio, _crossSectionalArea, _cWValue, _drivingPower, _effectiveWheelDiameter, _engineIdlingSpeed, _engineRatedSpeed, _heavyVehicle, _idlingValueFC, _massVehicle, _normalizingPower, _normalizingType, _pNormP0, _pNormP1, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, _ratedPower, _resistanceF0, _resistanceF1, _resistanceF2, _resistanceF3, _resistanceF4, _vehicleLoading, and _vehicleMassRot.

Referenced by CEP().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Interpolate() [1/3]

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::Interpolate ( double  px,
double  p1,
double  p2,
double  e1,
double  e2 

Definition at line 412 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

Referenced by GetDecelCoast(), GetDragCoeffecient(), GetEmission(), GetGearCoeffecient(), GetNormedEmission(), GetPMaxNorm(), and GetRotationalCoeffecient().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ Interpolate() [2/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.Interpolate ( double  px,
double  p1,
double  p2,
double  e1,
double  e2 

Definition at line 726 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ Interpolate() [3/3]

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.Interpolate ( double  px,
double  p1,
double  p2,
double  e1,
double  e2 

Definition at line 798 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

static CEP PHEMlightdll.CEP.operator* ( CEP  cp1,
double  d 

◆ operator*() [2/2]

static CEP PHEMlightdll.CEP.operator* ( CEP  cp1,
double  d 

◆ setDrivingPower()

void PHEMlightdll::CEP::setDrivingPower ( const double &  value)

Definition at line 196 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _drivingPower.

◆ setRatedPower()

void PHEMlightdll::CEP::setRatedPower ( const double &  value)

Definition at line 184 of file cpp/CEP.cpp.

References _ratedPower.

Field Documentation

◆ _auxPower

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_auxPower

Definition at line 102 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CEP(), GetAllEmission(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _axleRatio

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_axleRatio

Definition at line 101 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _cepCurveFC [1/2]

std::vector<double> PHEMlightdll::CEP::_cepCurveFC

Definition at line 118 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _cepCurveFC [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._cepCurveFC

Definition at line 356 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _cepCurveFCvalues

Dictionary<string, List<double> > PHEMlightdll.CEP._cepCurveFCvalues

Definition at line 289 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), GetAllEmission(), GetEmission(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _cepCurvePollutants [1/2]

Dictionary< string, List< double > > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_cepCurvePollutants

Definition at line 122 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetAllEmission(), GetEmission(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _cepCurvePollutants [2/2]

Dictionary<string, List<double> > PHEMlightdll.CEP._cepCurvePollutants

Definition at line 360 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants [1/2]

Dictionary< string, List< double > > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_cepNormalizedCurvePollutants

Definition at line 123 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants [2/2]

Dictionary<string, List<double> > PHEMlightdll.CEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants

Definition at line 361 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _crossSectionalArea

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_crossSectionalArea

Definition at line 94 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _cWValue

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_cWValue

Definition at line 95 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _dragNormTable [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_dragNormTable

Definition at line 128 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and GetDragCoeffecient().

◆ _dragNormTable [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._dragNormTable

Definition at line 366 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _drivingPower

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_drivingPower

Definition at line 83 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), getDrivingPower(), InitializeInstanceFields(), and setDrivingPower().

◆ _effectiveWheelDiameter

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_effectiveWheelDiameter

Definition at line 110 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _engineIdlingSpeed

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_engineIdlingSpeed

Definition at line 109 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _engineRatedSpeed

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_engineRatedSpeed

Definition at line 108 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _FleetMix

Dictionary<string, double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._FleetMix

Definition at line 295 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CalcfCValMix(), and CEP().

◆ _fuelType [1/2]

std::string PHEMlightdll::CEP::_fuelType

Definition at line 57 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetCO2Emission(), GetEmission(), and getFuelType().

◆ _fuelType [2/2]

string PHEMlightdll.CEP._fuelType

Definition at line 259 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _gearTransmissionCurve [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_gearTransmissionCurve

Definition at line 120 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and GetGearCoeffecient().

◆ _gearTransmissionCurve [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._gearTransmissionCurve

Definition at line 358 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _heavyVehicle

bool PHEMlightdll::CEP::_heavyVehicle

Definition at line 52 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), getHeavyVehicle(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _idlingValueFC

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_idlingValueFC

Definition at line 124 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetEmission(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _idlingValueFCvalues

Dictionary<string, double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._idlingValueFCvalues

Definition at line 296 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _idlingValuesPollutants [1/2]

Dictionary< string, double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_idlingValuesPollutants

Definition at line 125 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _idlingValuesPollutants [2/2]

Dictionary<string, double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._idlingValuesPollutants

Definition at line 363 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _massVehicle

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_massVehicle

◆ _nNormTable [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_nNormTable

Definition at line 127 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and GetDragCoeffecient().

◆ _nNormTable [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._nNormTable

Definition at line 365 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_normailzedPowerPatternPollutants

Definition at line 115 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants

Definition at line 353 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _normalizedPowerPatternFC [1/2]

std::vector<double> PHEMlightdll::CEP::_normalizedPowerPatternFC

Definition at line 114 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _normalizedPowerPatternFC [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._normalizedPowerPatternFC

Definition at line 352 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues

Definition at line 285 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _normalizingPower

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_normalizingPower

Definition at line 78 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), getNormalizingPower(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _normalizingType

NormalizingType PHEMlightdll::CEP::_normalizingType

Definition at line 67 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), getNormalizingTypeX(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _normedCepCurveFC [1/2]

std::vector<double> PHEMlightdll::CEP::_normedCepCurveFC

Definition at line 119 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _normedCepCurveFC [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._normedCepCurveFC

Definition at line 357 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _normedCepCurveFCvalues

Dictionary<string, List<double> > PHEMlightdll.CEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues

Definition at line 290 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetNormedEmission().

◆ _pNormP0

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_pNormP0

Definition at line 104 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetPMaxNorm(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _pNormP1

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_pNormP1

Definition at line 106 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetPMaxNorm(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _pNormV0

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_pNormV0

Definition at line 103 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetPMaxNorm(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _pNormV1

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_pNormV1

Definition at line 105 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetPMaxNorm(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _powerPatternFC [1/2]

std::vector<double> PHEMlightdll::CEP::_powerPatternFC

Definition at line 113 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcEngPower(), CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _powerPatternFC [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._powerPatternFC

Definition at line 351 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _powerPatternFCvalues

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._powerPatternFCvalues

Definition at line 284 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CalcEngPower(), CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _powerPatternPollutants [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_powerPatternPollutants

Definition at line 116 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetEmission().

◆ _powerPatternPollutants [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._powerPatternPollutants

Definition at line 354 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _ratedPower

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_ratedPower

◆ _resistanceF0

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_resistanceF0

Definition at line 96 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _resistanceF1

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_resistanceF1

Definition at line 97 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _resistanceF2

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_resistanceF2

Definition at line 98 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _resistanceF3

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_resistanceF3

Definition at line 99 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _resistanceF4

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_resistanceF4

Definition at line 100 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

◆ _speedCurveRotational [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_speedCurveRotational

Definition at line 121 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), and GetRotationalCoeffecient().

◆ _speedCurveRotational [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._speedCurveRotational

Definition at line 359 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _speedPatternRotational [1/2]

List< double > PHEMlightdll::CEP::_speedPatternRotational

Definition at line 112 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CEP(), GetDecelCoast(), GetGearCoeffecient(), and GetRotationalCoeffecient().

◆ _speedPatternRotational [2/2]

List<double> PHEMlightdll.CEP._speedPatternRotational

Definition at line 350 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ _vehicleLoading

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_vehicleLoading

◆ _vehicleMassRot

double PHEMlightdll::CEP::_vehicleMassRot

Definition at line 93 of file cpp/CEP.h.

Referenced by CalcPower(), CalcWheelPower(), CEP(), GetMaxAccel(), and InitializeInstanceFields().

Property Documentation

◆ CalcType

string PHEMlightdll.CEP.CalcType
getprivate set

Definition at line 245 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP().

◆ DrivingPower

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.DrivingPower

Definition at line 313 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), and PHEMlightdll.PHEMLight.CreateVehicleStateData().

◆ FuelType

string PHEMlightdll.CEP.FuelType
getprivate set

Definition at line 260 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP(), GetCO2Emission(), and GetfcVals().

◆ HeavyVehicle

bool PHEMlightdll.CEP.HeavyVehicle

Definition at line 249 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP().

◆ NormalizingPower

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.NormalizingPower
getprivate set

Definition at line 302 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

Referenced by CEP().

◆ NormalizingType

Definition at line 254 of file V5/cs/CEP.cs.

◆ NormalizingTypeX

NormalizingType PHEMlightdll.CEP.NormalizingTypeX

Definition at line 276 of file dll_code/CEP.cs.

◆ RatedPower

double PHEMlightdll.CEP.RatedPower

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: