Eclipse SUMO - Simulation of Urban MObility
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #define FLEET
2 using System;
3 using System.Collections.Generic;
4 using System.Linq;
5 using System.Text;
6 using System.Threading.Tasks;
8 namespace PHEMlightdll
9 {
10  public class CEP
11  {
12  #region Constructor
14  List<string> headerLineFCvalues,
15  List<List<double>> matrixFCvalues,
16  List<string> headerLinePollutants,
17  List<List<double>> matrixPollutants,
18  List<double> idlingFCvalues,
19  List<double> idlingPollutants)
20  {
21  _resistanceF0 = Vehicle.RollingResData.Fr0.Value;
22  _resistanceF1 = Vehicle.RollingResData.Fr1.Value;
23  _resistanceF2 = Vehicle.RollingResData.Fr2.Value;
24  _resistanceF3 = Vehicle.RollingResData.Fr3.Value;
25  _resistanceF4 = Vehicle.RollingResData.Fr4.Value;
26  _cWValue = Vehicle.VehicleData.Cw.Value;
27  _crossSectionalArea = Vehicle.VehicleData.A.Value;
28  _massVehicle = Vehicle.VehicleData.Mass.Value;
29  _vehicleLoading = Vehicle.VehicleData.Loading.Value;
30  _vehicleMassRot = Vehicle.VehicleData.RedMassWheel.Value;
31  CalcType = Vehicle.VehicleData.CalcType;
32  switch (CalcType)
33  {
34  case "Conv":
35  RatedPower = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.Prated.Value;
36  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.nrated.Value;
37  _engineIdlingSpeed = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.Idling.Value;
38  break;
39  case "HEV":
40  // Power von beiden zusammen Rest bezogen auf ICE
41  RatedPower = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.Prated.Value + Vehicle.EngineData.EMData.Prated.Value;
42  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.nrated.Value;
43  _engineIdlingSpeed = Vehicle.EngineData.ICEData.Idling.Value;
44  break;
45  case "BEV":
46  RatedPower = Vehicle.EngineData.EMData.Prated.Value;
47  _engineRatedSpeed = Vehicle.EngineData.EMData.nrated.Value;
49  break;
50  }
52  _effectiveWheelDiameter = Vehicle.VehicleData.WheelDiameter.Value;
53  HeavyVehicle = Vehicle.VehicleData.MassType == Constants.HeavyVehicle;
54  FuelType = Vehicle.VehicleData.FuelType;
55  _axleRatio = Vehicle.TransmissionData.AxelRatio.Value;
56  _auxPower = Vehicle.AuxiliariesData.Pauxnorm.Value;
58  _pNormV0 = Vehicle.FLDData.P_n_max_v0.Value / 3.6;
59  _pNormP0 = Vehicle.FLDData.P_n_max_p0.Value;
60  _pNormV1 = Vehicle.FLDData.P_n_max_v1.Value / 3.6;
61  _pNormP1 = Vehicle.FLDData.P_n_max_p1.Value;
63  // Init pollutant identifiers, unit and measures
64  List<string> FCvaluesIdentifier = new List<string>();
65  List<List<double>> FCvaluesMeasures = new List<List<double>>();
66  List<List<double>> normalizedFCvaluesMeasures = new List<List<double>>();
67  for (int i = 0; i < headerLineFCvalues.Count; i++)
68  {
69  FCvaluesIdentifier.Add(headerLineFCvalues[i]);
70  FCvaluesMeasures.Add(new List<double>());
71  normalizedFCvaluesMeasures.Add(new List<double>());
72  }
74  // Init pollutant identifiers, unit and measures
75  List<string> pollutantIdentifier = new List<string>();
76  List<List<double>> pollutantMeasures = new List<List<double>>();
77  List<List<double>> normalizedPollutantMeasures = new List<List<double>>();
78  for (int i = 0; i < headerLinePollutants.Count; i++)
79  {
80  pollutantIdentifier.Add(headerLinePollutants[i]);
81  pollutantMeasures.Add(new List<double>());
82  normalizedPollutantMeasures.Add(new List<double>());
83  }
85  // Assigning values for speed rotational table
86  _speedPatternRotational = new List<double>();
87  for (int i = 0; i < Vehicle.TransmissionData.Transm["Speed"].Count; i++)
88  _speedPatternRotational.Add(Vehicle.TransmissionData.Transm["Speed"][i] / 3.6);
90  _gearTransmissionCurve = Vehicle.TransmissionData.Transm["GearRatio"];
91  _speedCurveRotational = Vehicle.TransmissionData.Transm["RotMassF"];
93  // Assigning values for drag table
94  _nNormTable = Vehicle.FLDData.DragCurve["n_norm"];
95  _dragNormTable = Vehicle.FLDData.DragCurve["pe_drag_norm"];
97  // Looping through matrix and assigning values for FC values
98  _powerPatternFCvalues = new List<double>();
99  _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues = new List<double>();
101  int headerFCCount = headerLineFCvalues.Count;
102  for (int i = 0; i < matrixFCvalues.Count; i++)
103  {
104  for (int j = 0; j < matrixFCvalues[i].Count; j++)
105  {
106  if (matrixFCvalues[i].Count != headerFCCount + 1)
107  return;
109  if (j == 0)
110  {
111  _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.Add(matrixFCvalues[i][j]);
112  _powerPatternFCvalues.Add(matrixFCvalues[i][j] * RatedPower);
113  }
114  else
115  {
116  FCvaluesMeasures[j - 1].Add(matrixFCvalues[i][j] * RatedPower);
117  normalizedFCvaluesMeasures[j - 1].Add(matrixFCvalues[i][j]);
118  }
119  }
120  }
122  _cepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
123  _idlingValueFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, double>();
124  _normedCepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
126  for (int i = 0; i < headerLineFCvalues.Count; i++)
127  {
128  _cepCurveFCvalues.Add(FCvaluesIdentifier[i], FCvaluesMeasures[i]);
129  _normedCepCurveFCvalues.Add(FCvaluesIdentifier[i], normalizedFCvaluesMeasures[i]);
130  _idlingValueFCvalues.Add(FCvaluesIdentifier[i], idlingFCvalues[i] * RatedPower);
131  }
133  // looping through matrix and assigning values for pollutants
134  double pollutantMultiplyer = 1;
136  if (HeavyVehicle)
137  {
139  NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.RatedPower;
140  pollutantMultiplyer = RatedPower;
141  }
142  else
143  {
145  NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.DrivingPower;
146  }
148  _powerPatternPollutants = new List<double>();
149  _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants = new List<double>();
150  _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
152  int headerCount = headerLinePollutants.Count;
153  for (int i = 0; i < matrixPollutants.Count; i++)
154  {
155  for (int j = 0; j < matrixPollutants[i].Count; j++)
156  {
157  if (matrixPollutants[i].Count != headerCount + 1)
158  return;
160  if (j == 0)
161  {
162  _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants.Add(matrixPollutants[i][j]);
163  _powerPatternPollutants.Add(matrixPollutants[i][j] * NormalizingPower);
164  }
165  else
166  {
167  pollutantMeasures[j - 1].Add(matrixPollutants[i][j] * pollutantMultiplyer);
168  normalizedPollutantMeasures[j - 1].Add(matrixPollutants[i][j]);
169  }
170  }
171  }
173  _cepCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
174  _idlingValuesPollutants = new Dictionary<string, double>();
176  for (int i = 0; i < headerLinePollutants.Count; i++)
177  {
178  _cepCurvePollutants.Add(pollutantIdentifier[i], pollutantMeasures[i]);
179  _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.Add(pollutantIdentifier[i], normalizedPollutantMeasures[i]);
180  _idlingValuesPollutants.Add(pollutantIdentifier[i], idlingPollutants[i] * pollutantMultiplyer);
181  }
183  _FleetMix = new Dictionary<string, double>();
185  _FleetMix.Add(Constants.strDiesel, 0);
186  _FleetMix.Add(Constants.strCNG, 0);
187  _FleetMix.Add(Constants.strLPG, 0);
188  }
189  #endregion
191  #if FLEET
192  #region ConstrutorForFleetmix
193  private CEP(bool heavyVehicle,
194  double vehicleMass,
195  double vehicleLoading,
196  double vehicleMassRot,
197  double crossArea,
198  double cWValue,
199  double f0,
200  double f1,
201  double f2,
202  double f3,
203  double f4,
204  double axleRatio,
205  double auxPower,
206  double ratedPower,
207  double engineIdlingSpeed,
208  double engineRatedSpeed,
209  double effictiveWheelDiameter,
210  double pNormV0,
211  double pNormP0,
212  double pNormV1,
213  double pNormP1)
214  {
215  _resistanceF0 = f0;
216  _resistanceF1 = f1;
217  _resistanceF2 = f2;
218  _resistanceF3 = f3;
219  _resistanceF4 = f4;
220  _cWValue = cWValue;
221  _crossSectionalArea = crossArea;
222  _massVehicle = vehicleMass;
223  _vehicleLoading = vehicleLoading;
224  _vehicleMassRot = vehicleMassRot;
225  RatedPower = ratedPower;
226  _engineIdlingSpeed = engineIdlingSpeed;
227  _engineRatedSpeed = engineRatedSpeed;
228  _effectiveWheelDiameter = effictiveWheelDiameter;
230  _axleRatio = axleRatio;
231  _auxPower = auxPower;
233  _pNormV0 = pNormV0;
234  _pNormP0 = pNormP0;
235  _pNormV1 = pNormV1;
236  _pNormP1 = pNormP1;
238  HeavyVehicle = heavyVehicle;
239  }
240  #endregion
241  #endif
243  public bool HeavyVehicle { get; }
244  public string FuelType { get; private set; }
245  public string CalcType { get; private set; }
247  #region NormalizingType
248  public enum eNormalizingType
249  {
250  RatedPower,
252  }
254  public eNormalizingType NormalizingType { get; private set; }
255  #endregion
257  public double RatedPower { get; set; }
258  public double NormalizingPower { get; private set; }
259  public double DrivingPower { get; set; }
261  #region Private Members
262  protected double _massVehicle;
263  protected double _vehicleLoading;
264  protected double _vehicleMassRot;
265  protected double _crossSectionalArea;
266  protected double _cWValue;
267  protected double _resistanceF0;
268  protected double _resistanceF1;
269  protected double _resistanceF2;
270  protected double _resistanceF3;
271  protected double _resistanceF4;
272  protected double _axleRatio;
273  protected double _auxPower;
274  protected double _pNormV0;
275  protected double _pNormP0;
276  protected double _pNormV1;
277  protected double _pNormP1;
279  protected double _engineRatedSpeed;
280  protected double _engineIdlingSpeed;
281  protected double _effectiveWheelDiameter;
283  protected List<double> _speedPatternRotational;
284  protected List<double> _powerPatternFCvalues;
285  protected List<double> _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues;
286  protected List<double> _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants;
287  protected List<double> _powerPatternPollutants;
289  protected Dictionary<string, List<double>> _cepCurveFCvalues;
290  protected Dictionary<string, List<double>> _normedCepCurveFCvalues;
291  protected List<double> _gearTransmissionCurve;
292  protected List<double> _speedCurveRotational;
293  protected Dictionary<string, List<double>> _cepCurvePollutants;
294  protected Dictionary<string, List<double>> _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants;
295  protected Dictionary<string, double> _FleetMix;
296  protected Dictionary<string, double> _idlingValueFCvalues;
297  protected Dictionary<string, double> _idlingValuesPollutants;
299  protected List<double> _nNormTable;
300  protected List<double> _dragNormTable;
301  #endregion
303  #region CalcPower
304  public double CalcPower(double speed, double acc, double gradient, bool HBEV)
305  {
306  //Declaration
307  double power = 0;
308  double rotFactor = GetRotationalCoeffecient(speed);
309  double powerAux = (_auxPower * RatedPower);
311  //Calculate the power
312  power += (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST * (_resistanceF0 + _resistanceF1 * speed + _resistanceF4 * Math.Pow(speed, 4)) * speed;
313  power += (_crossSectionalArea * _cWValue * Constants.AIR_DENSITY_CONST / 2) * Math.Pow(speed, 3);
314  power += (_massVehicle * rotFactor + _vehicleMassRot + _vehicleLoading) * acc * speed;
315  power += (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST * gradient * 0.01 * speed;
316  power /= 1000;
318  if (!HBEV)
319  power += powerAux;
321  //Return result
322  return power;
323  }
325  public double CalcWheelPower(double speed, double acc, double gradient)
326  {
327  //Declaration
328  double power = 0;
329  double rotFactor = GetRotationalCoeffecient(speed);
331  //Calculate the power
332  power += (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST * (_resistanceF0 + _resistanceF1 * speed + _resistanceF4 * Math.Pow(speed, 4)) * speed;
333  power += (_crossSectionalArea * _cWValue * Constants.AIR_DENSITY_CONST / 2) * Math.Pow(speed, 3);
334  power += (_massVehicle * rotFactor + _vehicleMassRot + _vehicleLoading) * acc * speed;
335  power += (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST * gradient * 0.01 * speed;
336  power /= 1000;
338  //Return result
339  return power;
340  }
341  #endregion
343  #region CalcEngPower
344  public double CalcEngPower(double power)
345  {
346  if (power < _powerPatternFCvalues.First()) return _powerPatternFCvalues.First();
347  if (power > _powerPatternFCvalues.Last()) return _powerPatternFCvalues.Last();
349  return power;
350  }
351  #endregion
353  #region GetEmission
354  public Dictionary<string, double> GetAllEmission(double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass, bool SetZero = false)
355  {
356  //Declaration
357  Dictionary<string, double> Emi = new Dictionary<string, double>();
359  if (!SetZero)
360  {
361  //FC values
362  foreach (string id in _cepCurveFCvalues.Keys)
363  {
364  if (id.ToUpper() == "FC_EL" & VehicleClass.pClass == Constants.strBEV)
365  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), GetEmission(id, power, speed, VehicleClass) + _auxPower * RatedPower);
366  else
367  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), GetEmission(id, power, speed, VehicleClass));
368  }
370  //Emission
371  foreach (string id in _cepCurvePollutants.Keys)
372  {
373  if (VehicleClass.pClass != Constants.strBEV)
374  {
375  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), GetEmission(id, power, speed, VehicleClass));
376  }
377  else
378  {
379  //If BEV set all emissions to 0
380  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), 0);
381  }
382  }
384  if (!Emi.ContainsKey("CO2"))
385  {
386  if (Emi.ContainsKey("FC") & Emi.ContainsKey("CO") & Emi.ContainsKey("HC") & VehicleClass.pClass != Constants.strBEV)
387  Emi.Add("CO2", GetCO2Emission(Emi["FC"], Emi["CO"], Emi["HC"], VehicleClass));
388  else
389  Emi.Add("CO2", 0);
390  }
391  }
392  else
393  {
394  foreach (string id in _cepCurveFCvalues.Keys)
395  {
396  if (VehicleClass.pClass == "Mix" & id.ToUpper() == "FC_EL")
397  Emi.Add(id, GetEmission(id, power, speed, VehicleClass));
398  else
399  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), 0);
400  }
402  foreach (string id in _cepCurvePollutants.Keys)
403  {
404  Emi.Add(id.ToUpper(), 0);
405  }
406  if (!Emi.ContainsKey("CO2")) Emi.Add("CO2", 0);
407  }
409  //Return value
410  return Emi;
411  }
413  private double GetEmission(string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
414  {
415  //Declaration
416  List<double> emissionCurve = new List<double>();
417  List<double> powerPattern = new List<double>();
419  // bisection search to find correct position in power pattern
420  int upperIndex;
421  int lowerIndex;
423  if (Math.Abs(speed) <= Constants.ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY)
424  {
425  if (!_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant) & !_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
426  {
427  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "Emission pollutant or fuel value " + pollutant + " not found!";
428  return 0;
429  }
431  if (_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
432  return _idlingValueFCvalues[pollutant];
433  else if (_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant))
434  return _idlingValuesPollutants[pollutant];
435  }
437  if (!_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant) & !_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
438  {
439  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "Emission pollutant or fuel value " + pollutant + " not found!";
440  return 0;
441  }
443  if (_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
444  {
445  emissionCurve = _cepCurveFCvalues[pollutant];
446  powerPattern = _powerPatternFCvalues;
447  }
448  else if (_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant))
449  {
450  emissionCurve = _cepCurvePollutants[pollutant];
451  powerPattern = _powerPatternPollutants;
452  }
454  if (emissionCurve.Count == 0)
455  {
456  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "Empty emission curve for " + pollutant + " found!";
457  return 0;
458  }
459  if (emissionCurve.Count == 1)
460  {
461  return emissionCurve[0];
462  }
464  // in case that the demanded power is smaller than the first entry (smallest) in the power pattern the first is returned (should never happen)
465  if (power <= powerPattern.First())
466  {
467  return emissionCurve[0];
468  }
470  // if power bigger than all entries in power pattern return the last (should never happen)
471  if (power >= powerPattern.Last())
472  {
473  return emissionCurve.Last();
474  }
476  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, powerPattern, power);
477  return Interpolate(power, powerPattern[lowerIndex], powerPattern[upperIndex], emissionCurve[lowerIndex], emissionCurve[upperIndex]);
478  }
479  #endregion
481 #if FLEET
482  #region GetNormedEmission
483  private double GetNormedEmission(string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
484  {
485  //Declaration
486  List<double> emissionCurve = new List<double>();
487  List<double> powerPattern = new List<double>();
489  // bisection search to find correct position in power pattern
490  int upperIndex;
491  int lowerIndex;
493  if (!_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant) & !_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
494  {
495  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "Emission pollutant or fuel value " + pollutant + " not found!";
496  return 0;
497  }
499  if (_cepCurveFCvalues.ContainsKey(pollutant))
500  {
501  emissionCurve = _normedCepCurveFCvalues[pollutant];
502  powerPattern = _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues;
503  }
504  else if (_cepCurvePollutants.ContainsKey(pollutant))
505  {
506  emissionCurve = _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants[pollutant];
507  powerPattern = _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants;
508  }
510  if (emissionCurve.Count == 0)
511  {
512  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "Empty emission curve for " + pollutant + " found!";
513  return 0;
514  }
515  if (emissionCurve.Count == 1)
516  {
517  return emissionCurve[0];
518  }
519  // in case that the demanded power is smaller than the first entry (smallest) in the power pattern the first is returned (should never happen)
520  if (power <= powerPattern.First())
521  {
522  return emissionCurve[0];
523  }
525  // if power bigger than all entries in power pattern the last is returned (should never happen)
526  if (power >= powerPattern.Last())
527  {
528  return emissionCurve.Last();
529  }
531  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, powerPattern, power);
532  return Interpolate(power, powerPattern[lowerIndex], powerPattern[upperIndex], emissionCurve[lowerIndex], emissionCurve[upperIndex]);
533  }
534  #endregion
535  #endif
537  #region GetCO2Emission
538  public double GetCO2Emission(double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers VehicleClass)
539  {
540  //Declaration
541  double fCBr, fCHC, fCCO, fCCO2;
543  fCBr = 0;
544  fCHC = 0;
545  fCCO = 0;
546  fCCO2 = 0;
548  if (FuelType != "Mix")
549  {
550  if (!GetfcVals(FuelType, ref fCBr, ref fCHC, ref fCCO, ref fCCO2, VehicleClass))
551  return 0;
552  }
553  else
554  {
555  if (!CalcfCValMix(ref fCBr, ref fCHC, ref fCCO, ref fCCO2, VehicleClass))
556  return 0;
557  }
559  return (_FC * fCBr - _CO * fCCO - _HC * fCHC) / fCCO2;
560  }
562  //Calculate the weighted fuel factor values for Fleetmix
563  private bool CalcfCValMix(ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
564  {
565  //Declaration
566  double Sum = 0;
567  double sumfCBr, sumfCHC, sumfCCO, sumfCCO2;
569  //Initialise
570  sumfCBr = 0;
571  sumfCHC = 0;
572  sumfCCO = 0;
573  sumfCCO2 = 0;
575  //calculate the sum
576  foreach (string id in _FleetMix.Keys)
577  {
578  Sum += _FleetMix[id];
579  }
581  //Calculate the weighted fuel factors
582  if (Sum <= 0)
583  {
584  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "All propolsion types in the fleetshares file are not known!";
585  return false;
586  }
587  else
588  {
589  foreach (string id in _FleetMix.Keys)
590  {
591  if (!GetfcVals(id, ref _fCBr, ref _fCHC, ref _fCCO, ref _fCCO2, VehicleClass))
592  {
593  return false;
594  }
595  else
596  {
597  sumfCBr += _fCBr * _FleetMix[id] / Sum;
598  sumfCHC += _fCHC * _FleetMix[id] / Sum;
599  sumfCCO += _fCCO * _FleetMix[id] / Sum;
600  sumfCCO2 += _fCCO2 * _FleetMix[id] / Sum;
601  }
602  }
603  }
604  //Result values
605  _fCBr = sumfCBr;
606  _fCHC = sumfCHC;
607  _fCCO = sumfCCO;
608  _fCCO2 = sumfCCO2;
609  return true;
610  }
612  // Get the fuel factor values
613  private bool GetfcVals(string _fuelTypex, ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
614  {
615  _fCHC = 0.866;
616  _fCCO = 0.429;
617  _fCCO2 = 0.273;
619  switch (_fuelTypex)
620  {
621  case Constants.strGasoline:
622  _fCBr = 0.865;
623  break;
624  case Constants.strDiesel:
625  _fCBr = 0.863;
626  break;
627  case Constants.strCNG:
628  _fCBr = 0.693;
629  _fCHC = 0.803;
630  break;
631  case Constants.strLPG:
632  _fCBr = 0.825;
633  _fCHC = 0.825;
634  break;
635  default:
636  VehicleClass.ErrMsg = "The propolsion type is not known! (" + FuelType + ")";
637  return false;
638  }
639  return true;
640  }
641  #endregion
643  #region GetDecelCoast
644  public double GetDecelCoast(double speed, double acc, double gradient)
645  {
646  //Declaration
647  int upperIndex;
648  int lowerIndex;
650  if (speed < Constants.SPEED_DCEL_MIN)
651  {
652  return speed / Constants.SPEED_DCEL_MIN * GetDecelCoast(Constants.SPEED_DCEL_MIN, acc, gradient);
653  }
655  double rotCoeff = GetRotationalCoeffecient(speed);
656  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, _speedPatternRotational, speed);
657  double iGear = Interpolate(speed,
658  _speedPatternRotational[lowerIndex],
659  _speedPatternRotational[upperIndex],
660  _gearTransmissionCurve[lowerIndex],
661  _gearTransmissionCurve[upperIndex]);
663  double iTot = iGear * _axleRatio;
665  double n = (30 * speed * iTot) / ((_effectiveWheelDiameter / 2) * Math.PI);
666  double nNorm = (n - _engineIdlingSpeed) / (_engineRatedSpeed - _engineIdlingSpeed);
668  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, _nNormTable, nNorm);
670  double fMot = 0;
672  if (speed >= 10e-2)
673  {
674  fMot = (-Interpolate(nNorm,
675  _nNormTable[lowerIndex],
676  _nNormTable[upperIndex],
677  _dragNormTable[lowerIndex],
678  _dragNormTable[upperIndex]) * RatedPower * 1000 / speed) / Constants.DRIVE_TRAIN_EFFICIENCY;
679  }
681  double fRoll = (_resistanceF0
682  + _resistanceF1 * speed
683  + Math.Pow(_resistanceF2 * speed, 2)
684  + Math.Pow(_resistanceF3 * speed, 3)
685  + Math.Pow(_resistanceF4 * speed, 4)) * (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST;
687  double fAir = _cWValue * _crossSectionalArea * Constants.AIR_DENSITY_CONST * 0.5 * Math.Pow(speed, 2);
689  double fGrad = (_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * Constants.GRAVITY_CONST * gradient / 100;
691  return -(fMot + fRoll + fAir + fGrad) / ((_massVehicle + _vehicleLoading) * rotCoeff);
692  }
693  #endregion
695  #region GetRotationalCoeffecient
696  public double GetRotationalCoeffecient(double speed)
697  {
698  //Declaration
699  int upperIndex;
700  int lowerIndex;
702  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, _speedPatternRotational, speed);
703  return Interpolate(speed,
704  _speedPatternRotational[lowerIndex],
705  _speedPatternRotational[upperIndex],
706  _speedCurveRotational[lowerIndex],
707  _speedCurveRotational[upperIndex]);
708  }
709  #endregion
711  #if FLEET
712  #region GetGearCoeffecient
713  public double GetGearCoeffecient(double speed)
714  {
715  //Declaration
716  int upperIndex;
717  int lowerIndex;
719  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, _speedPatternRotational, speed);
720  return Interpolate(speed,
721  _speedPatternRotational[lowerIndex],
722  _speedPatternRotational[upperIndex],
723  _gearTransmissionCurve[lowerIndex],
724  _gearTransmissionCurve[upperIndex]);
725  }
726  #endregion
728  #region GetDragCoeffecient
729  public double GetDragCoeffecient(double nNorm)
730  {
731  //Declaration
732  int upperIndex;
733  int lowerIndex;
735  FindLowerUpperInPattern(out lowerIndex, out upperIndex, _nNormTable, nNorm);
736  return Interpolate(nNorm,
737  _nNormTable[lowerIndex],
738  _nNormTable[upperIndex],
739  _dragNormTable[lowerIndex],
740  _dragNormTable[upperIndex]);
741  }
742  #endregion
743  #endif
745  #region FindLowerUpperInPattern
746  private void FindLowerUpperInPattern(out int lowerIndex, out int upperIndex, List<double> pattern, double value)
747  {
748  lowerIndex = 0;
749  upperIndex = 0;
751  if (value <= pattern.First())
752  {
753  lowerIndex = 0;
754  upperIndex = 0;
755  return;
756  }
758  if (value >= pattern.Last())
759  {
760  lowerIndex = pattern.Count - 1;
761  upperIndex = pattern.Count - 1;
762  return;
763  }
765  // bisection search to find correct position in power pattern
766  int middleIndex = (pattern.Count - 1) / 2;
767  upperIndex = pattern.Count - 1;
768  lowerIndex = 0;
770  while (upperIndex - lowerIndex > 1)
771  {
772  if (pattern[middleIndex] == value)
773  {
774  lowerIndex = middleIndex;
775  upperIndex = middleIndex;
776  return;
777  }
778  else if (pattern[middleIndex] < value)
779  {
780  lowerIndex = middleIndex;
781  middleIndex = (upperIndex - lowerIndex) / 2 + lowerIndex;
782  }
783  else
784  {
785  upperIndex = middleIndex;
786  middleIndex = (upperIndex - lowerIndex) / 2 + lowerIndex;
787  }
788  }
790  if (pattern[lowerIndex] <= value && value < pattern[upperIndex])
791  {
792  return;
793  }
794  }
795  #endregion
797  #region Interpolate
798  private double Interpolate(double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)
799  {
800  if (p2 == p1)
801  return e1;
803  return e1 + (px - p1) / (p2 - p1) * (e2 - e1);
804  }
805  #endregion
807  #region GetMaxAccel
808  public double GetMaxAccel(double speed, double gradient, bool HBEV)
809  {
810  double rotFactor = GetRotationalCoeffecient(speed);
811  double pMaxForAcc = GetPMaxNorm(speed) * RatedPower - CalcPower(speed, 0, gradient, HBEV);
813  return (pMaxForAcc * 1000) / ((_massVehicle * rotFactor + _vehicleMassRot + _vehicleLoading) * speed);
814  }
815  #endregion
817  #region GetPMaxNorm
818  private double GetPMaxNorm(double speed)
819  {
820  // Linear function between v0 and v1, constant elsewhere
821  if (speed <= _pNormV0)
822  return _pNormP0;
823  else if (speed >= _pNormV1)
824  return _pNormP1;
825  else
826  {
827  return Interpolate(speed, _pNormV0, _pNormV1, _pNormP0, _pNormP1);
828  }
829  }
830  #endregion
832  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
833  // Operators for fleetmix
834  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
836  #if FLEET
837  #region AddRangeCeps
838  public static CEP AddRangeCeps(CEP[] cps, Helpers Helper)
839  {
840  #region SingleValues
841  CEP newCEP = new CEP(cps.Select(p => p.HeavyVehicle ? 1 : 0).Sum() > 0,
842  cps.Select(p => p._massVehicle).Sum(),
843  cps.Select(p => p._vehicleLoading).Sum(),
844  cps.Select(p => p._vehicleMassRot).Sum(),
845  cps.Select(p => p._crossSectionalArea).Sum(),
846  cps.Select(p => p._cWValue).Sum(),
847  cps.Select(p => p._resistanceF0).Sum(),
848  cps.Select(p => p._resistanceF1).Sum(),
849  cps.Select(p => p._resistanceF2).Sum(),
850  cps.Select(p => p._resistanceF3).Sum(),
851  cps.Select(p => p._resistanceF4).Sum(),
852  cps.Select(p => p._axleRatio).Sum(),
853  cps.Select(p => p._auxPower).Sum(),
854  cps.Select(p => p.RatedPower).Sum(),
855  cps.Select(p => p._engineIdlingSpeed).Sum(),
856  cps.Select(p => p._engineRatedSpeed).Sum(),
857  cps.Select(p => p._effectiveWheelDiameter).Sum(),
858  cps.Select(p => p._pNormV0).Sum(),
859  cps.Select(p => p._pNormP0).Sum(),
860  cps.Select(p => p._pNormV1).Sum(),
861  cps.Select(p => p._pNormP1).Sum());
863  #region Fleetmix and Fueltype
864  if (cps.Select(p => p.FuelType).Min() == cps.Select(p => p.FuelType).Max())
865  newCEP.FuelType = cps.First().FuelType;
866  else
867  newCEP.FuelType = "Mix";
869  newCEP._FleetMix = new Dictionary<string, double>();
870  foreach (string id in cps.First()._FleetMix.Keys)
871  {
872  newCEP._FleetMix.Add(id, cps.Select(p => p._FleetMix[id]).Sum());
873  }
874  #endregion
875  #endregion
877  #region SpeedRotationalTable
878  double minSpeedRotational = cps.Select(p => p._speedPatternRotational.First()).Min();
879  double maxSpeedRotational = cps.Select(p => p._speedPatternRotational.Last()).Max();
881  newCEP._speedPatternRotational
882  = CreatePattern(minSpeedRotational,
883  maxSpeedRotational,
886  newCEP._speedCurveRotational = new List<double>();
887  newCEP._gearTransmissionCurve = new List<double>();
889  for (int i = 0; i < newCEP._speedPatternRotational.Count; i++)
890  {
891  newCEP._speedCurveRotational.Add(cps.Select(p => p.GetRotationalCoeffecient(newCEP._speedPatternRotational[i])).Sum());
893  newCEP._gearTransmissionCurve.Add(cps.Select(p => p.GetGearCoeffecient(newCEP._speedPatternRotational[i])).Sum());
894  }
895  #endregion
897  #region NormalizingPower
898  newCEP.DrivingPower = newCEP.CalcPower(Constants.NORMALIZING_SPEED, Constants.NORMALIZING_ACCELARATION, 0, (Helper.pClass == Constants.strBEV | Helper.uClass == Constants.strHybrid));
900  if (newCEP.HeavyVehicle)
901  {
902  newCEP.NormalizingPower = newCEP.RatedPower;
903  newCEP.NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.RatedPower;
904  }
905  else
906  {
907  newCEP.NormalizingPower = newCEP.DrivingPower;
908  newCEP.NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.DrivingPower;
909  }
910  #endregion
912  #region FC
913  double minNormPowerPatternFC = cps.Select(p => p._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.First()).Min();
914  double maxNormPowerPatternFC = cps.Select(p => p._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.Last()).Max();
916  newCEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues
917  = CreatePattern(minNormPowerPatternFC,
918  maxNormPowerPatternFC,
921  newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
922  newCEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
923  newCEP._powerPatternFCvalues = new List<double>();
925  foreach (string id in cps.First()._cepCurveFCvalues.Keys)
926  {
927  newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues.Add(id, new List<double>());
928  newCEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues.Add(id, new List<double>());
929  }
931  for (int i = 0; i < newCEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues.Count; i++)
932  {
933  foreach (string id in newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues.Keys)
934  {
935  double newCepVal = cps.Select(p => p.GetNormedEmission(id, newCEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues[i], double.MaxValue, Helper)).Sum();
936  newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues[id].Add(newCepVal * newCEP.RatedPower);
937  newCEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues[id].Add(newCepVal);
938  }
939  newCEP._powerPatternFCvalues.Add(newCEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues[i] * newCEP.RatedPower);
940  }
941  #endregion
943  #region Pollutants
944  double minNormPowerPattern = cps.Select(p => p._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants.First()).Min();
945  double maxNormPowerPattern = cps.Select(p => p._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants.Last()).Max();
947  newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants
948  = CreatePattern(minNormPowerPattern,
949  maxNormPowerPattern,
952  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
953  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
954  newCEP._powerPatternPollutants = new List<double>();
956  foreach (string id in cps.First()._cepCurvePollutants.Keys)
957  {
958  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants.Add(id, new List<double>());
959  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.Add(id, new List<double>());
960  }
962  for (int i = 0; i < newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants.Count; i++)
963  {
964  foreach (string id in newCEP._cepCurvePollutants.Keys)
965  {
966  if (newCEP.NormalizingType == eNormalizingType.RatedPower)
967  {
968  double newCepVal = cps.Select(p => p.GetNormedEmission(id, newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants[i], double.MaxValue, Helper)).Sum();
969  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants[id].Add(newCepVal * newCEP.RatedPower);
970  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants[id].Add(newCepVal);
971  }
972  else
973  {
974  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants[id].Add(cps.Select(p => p.GetEmission(id, newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants[i] * p.NormalizingPower, double.MaxValue, Helper)).Sum());
975  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants[id].Add(cps.Select(p => p.GetNormedEmission(id, newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants[i], double.MaxValue, Helper)).Sum());
976  }
977  }
978  newCEP._powerPatternPollutants.Add(newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants[i] * newCEP.NormalizingPower);
979  }
980  #endregion
982  #region IdlingValues
983  newCEP._idlingValueFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, double>();
984  newCEP._idlingValuesPollutants = new Dictionary<string, double>();
986  foreach (string id in cps.First()._idlingValueFCvalues.Keys)
987  {
988  newCEP._idlingValueFCvalues.Add(id, cps.Select(p => p._idlingValueFCvalues[id]).Sum());
989  }
991  foreach (string id in cps.First()._idlingValuesPollutants.Keys)
992  {
993  newCEP._idlingValuesPollutants.Add(id, cps.Select(p => p._idlingValuesPollutants[id]).Sum());
994  }
995  #endregion
997  #region TragTable
998  double minTragTable = cps.Select(p => p._nNormTable.First()).Min();
999  double maxTragTable = cps.Select(p => p._nNormTable.Last()).Max();
1001  newCEP._nNormTable
1002  = CreatePattern(minTragTable,
1003  maxTragTable,
1006  newCEP._dragNormTable = new List<double>();
1008  for (int i = 0; i < newCEP._nNormTable.Count; i++)
1009  {
1010  newCEP._dragNormTable.Add(cps.Select(p => p.GetDragCoeffecient(newCEP._nNormTable[i])).Sum());
1011  }
1012  #endregion
1013  return newCEP;
1014  }
1015  #endregion
1017  #region Operator *
1018  public static CEP operator *(CEP cp1, double d)
1019  {
1020  #region SingleValues
1021  CEP newCEP = new CEP(cp1.HeavyVehicle,
1022  d * cp1._massVehicle,
1023  d * cp1._vehicleLoading,
1024  d * cp1._vehicleMassRot,
1025  d * cp1._crossSectionalArea,
1026  d * cp1._cWValue,
1027  d * cp1._resistanceF0,
1028  d * cp1._resistanceF1,
1029  d * cp1._resistanceF2,
1030  d * cp1._resistanceF3,
1031  d * cp1._resistanceF4,
1032  d * cp1._axleRatio,
1033  d * cp1._auxPower,
1034  d * cp1.RatedPower,
1035  d * cp1._engineIdlingSpeed,
1036  d * cp1._engineRatedSpeed,
1037  d * cp1._effectiveWheelDiameter,
1038  d * cp1._pNormV0,
1039  d * cp1._pNormP0,
1040  d * cp1._pNormV1,
1041  d * cp1._pNormP1);
1043  #region Fleetmix and Fueltype
1044  newCEP.FuelType = cp1.FuelType;
1045  newCEP._FleetMix = new Dictionary<string, double>();
1046  foreach (string id in cp1._FleetMix.Keys)
1047  {
1048  if (newCEP.FuelType == id)
1049  newCEP._FleetMix.Add(newCEP.FuelType, d);
1050  else
1051  newCEP._FleetMix.Add(id, 0);
1052  }
1053  #endregion
1054  #endregion
1056  #region SpeedRotationalTable
1057  newCEP._speedPatternRotational = new List<double>(cp1._speedPatternRotational);
1058  newCEP._speedCurveRotational = new List<double>(cp1._speedCurveRotational.Select(p => p * d));
1059  newCEP._gearTransmissionCurve = new List<double>(cp1._gearTransmissionCurve.Select(p => p * d));
1060  #endregion
1062  #region NormalizingPower
1063  newCEP.DrivingPower = newCEP.CalcPower(Constants.NORMALIZING_SPEED, Constants.NORMALIZING_ACCELARATION, 0, (cp1.CalcType == "HEV" | cp1.CalcType == "BEV"));
1065  if (newCEP.HeavyVehicle)
1066  {
1067  newCEP.NormalizingPower = newCEP.RatedPower;
1068  newCEP.NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.RatedPower;
1069  }
1070  else
1071  {
1072  newCEP.NormalizingPower = newCEP.DrivingPower;
1073  newCEP.NormalizingType = eNormalizingType.DrivingPower;
1074  }
1075  #endregion
1077  #region FC
1078  newCEP._powerPatternFCvalues = new List<double>(cp1._powerPatternFCvalues.Select(p => p * d));
1079  newCEP._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues = new List<double>(cp1._normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues);
1080  newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
1081  newCEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
1083  foreach (string id in cp1._cepCurveFCvalues.Keys)
1084  {
1085  newCEP._cepCurveFCvalues.Add(id, new List<double>(cp1._cepCurveFCvalues[id].Select(p => p * d)));
1086  newCEP._normedCepCurveFCvalues.Add(id, new List<double>(cp1._normedCepCurveFCvalues[id].Select(p => p * d)));
1087  }
1088  #endregion
1090  #region Pollutants
1091  newCEP._powerPatternPollutants = new List<double>(cp1._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants.Select(p => p * newCEP.NormalizingPower));
1092  newCEP._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants = new List<double>(cp1._normailzedPowerPatternPollutants);
1093  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
1094  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants = new Dictionary<string, List<double>>();
1096  foreach (string id in cp1._cepCurvePollutants.Keys)
1097  {
1098  newCEP._cepCurvePollutants.Add(id, new List<double>(cp1._cepCurvePollutants[id].Select(p => p * d)));
1099  newCEP._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants.Add(id, new List<double>(cp1._cepNormalizedCurvePollutants[id].Select(p => p * d)));
1100  }
1101  #endregion
1103  #region IdlingValues
1104  newCEP._idlingValueFCvalues = new Dictionary<string, double>();
1105  newCEP._idlingValuesPollutants = new Dictionary<string, double>();
1107  foreach (string id in cp1._idlingValueFCvalues.Keys)
1108  {
1109  newCEP._idlingValueFCvalues.Add(id,
1110  cp1._idlingValueFCvalues[id] * d);
1111  }
1113  foreach (string id in cp1._idlingValuesPollutants.Keys)
1114  {
1115  newCEP._idlingValuesPollutants.Add(id,
1116  cp1._idlingValuesPollutants[id] * d);
1117  }
1118  #endregion
1120  #region DragTable
1121  newCEP._nNormTable = new List<double>(cp1._nNormTable);
1122  newCEP._dragNormTable = new List<double>(cp1._dragNormTable.Select(p => p * d));
1123  #endregion
1124  return newCEP;
1125  }
1126  #endregion
1128  #region CreatePattern
1129  static public List<double> CreatePattern(double min, double max, double increment)
1130  {
1131  //Declaration
1132  List<double> pattern = new List<double>();
1133  double actualMin = min;
1134  double actualMax = max;
1136  if (min < 0)
1137  actualMin = Math.Ceiling(min / increment) * increment;
1138  else
1139  actualMin = Math.Floor(min / increment) * increment;
1141  if (max < 0)
1142  actualMax = Math.Floor(max / increment) * increment;
1143  else
1144  actualMax = Math.Ceiling(max / increment) * increment;
1146  double curVal = actualMin;
1148  while (curVal <= actualMax)
1149  {
1150  pattern.Add(curVal);
1151  curVal += increment;
1152  }
1153  return pattern;
1154  }
1155  #endregion
1157  #region CheckClass
1158  public static bool CheckClass(CEP[] cps)
1159  {
1160  return cps.Select(p => p.HeavyVehicle ? 1 : 0).Min() == cps.Select(p => p.HeavyVehicle ? 1 : 0).Max();
1161  }
1162  #endregion
1163  #endif
1164  }
1165 }
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _cepCurveFCvalues
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:289
std::vector< double > _powerPatternPollutants
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:116
std::vector< double > _dragNormTable
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:128
double GetGearCoeffecient(double speed)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:713
Dictionary< string, double > GetAllEmission(double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass, bool SetZero=false)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:354
double _pNormP1
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:106
double GetPMaxNorm(double speed)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:427
CEP(bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, std::vector< double > &transmissionGearRatios, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1, const std::string &vehicelFuelType, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixFC, std::vector< std::string > &headerLinePollutants, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixPollutants, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &matrixSpeedRotational, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &normedDragTable, double idlingFC, std::vector< double > &idlingPollutants)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:32
List< double > _normalizedPowerPatternFCvalues
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:285
std::vector< double > _nNormTable
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:127
double _pNormP0
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:104
double GetEmission(string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:413
double _effectiveWheelDiameter
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:110
double GetDragCoeffecient(double nNorm)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:729
Dictionary< string, List< double > > _normedCepCurveFCvalues
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:290
double _axleRatio
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:101
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _cepNormalizedCurvePollutants
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:123
std::map< std::string, double > _idlingValuesPollutants
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:125
double _vehicleLoading
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:92
static CEP AddRangeCeps(CEP[] cps, Helpers Helper)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:838
std::vector< double > _speedPatternRotational
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:112
Dictionary< string, double > _FleetMix
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:295
double CalcWheelPower(double speed, double acc, double gradient)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:325
double GetNormedEmission(string pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:483
CEP(VEHPHEMLightJSON.VEH Vehicle, List< string > headerLineFCvalues, List< List< double >> matrixFCvalues, List< string > headerLinePollutants, List< List< double >> matrixPollutants, List< double > idlingFCvalues, List< double > idlingPollutants)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:13
bool GetfcVals(string _fuelTypex, ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:613
double _resistanceF2
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:98
double _resistanceF3
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:99
double GetMaxAccel(double speed, double gradient, bool HBEV)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:808
double _pNormV1
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:105
double _cWValue
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:95
static CEP operator*(CEP cp1, double d)
std::vector< double > _normailzedPowerPatternPollutants
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:115
double _crossSectionalArea
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:94
double _auxPower
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:102
void FindLowerUpperInPattern(int &lowerIndex, int &upperIndex, std::vector< double > &pattern, double value)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:370
std::vector< double > _gearTransmissionCurve
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:120
double GetCO2Emission(double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:538
List< double > _powerPatternFCvalues
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:284
double GetRotationalCoeffecient(double speed)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:361
double CalcEngPower(double power)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:344
double GetEmission(const std::string &pollutant, double power, double speed, Helpers *VehicleClass)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:230
std::vector< double > _speedCurveRotational
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:121
void FindLowerUpperInPattern(out int lowerIndex, out int upperIndex, List< double > pattern, double value)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:746
double _resistanceF4
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:100
Dictionary< string, double > _idlingValueFCvalues
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:296
static List< double > CreatePattern(double min, double max, double increment)
double _resistanceF0
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:96
double CalcPower(double speed, double acc, double gradient)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:200
double GetCO2Emission(double _FC, double _CO, double _HC, Helpers *VehicleClass)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:291
double _pNormV0
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:103
static bool CheckClass(CEP[] cps)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:1158
double Interpolate(double px, double p1, double p2, double e1, double e2)
Definition: cpp/CEP.cpp:412
double _engineIdlingSpeed
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:109
bool CalcfCValMix(ref double _fCBr, ref double _fCHC, ref double _fCCO, ref double _fCCO2, Helpers VehicleClass)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:563
double _engineRatedSpeed
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:108
std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > _cepCurvePollutants
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:122
double _massVehicle
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:91
CEP(bool heavyVehicle, double vehicleMass, double vehicleLoading, double vehicleMassRot, double crossArea, double cWValue, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3, double f4, double axleRatio, double auxPower, double ratedPower, double engineIdlingSpeed, double engineRatedSpeed, double effictiveWheelDiameter, double pNormV0, double pNormP0, double pNormV1, double pNormP1)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:193
double CalcPower(double speed, double acc, double gradient, bool HBEV)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:304
double GetDecelCoast(double speed, double acc, double gradient)
Definition: V5/cs/CEP.cs:644
double _resistanceF1
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:97
double _vehicleMassRot
Definition: cpp/CEP.h:93
static const std::string strBEV
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:63
static const double AIR_DENSITY_CONST
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:35
static const double SPEED_DCEL_MIN
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:38
static const std::string strLPG
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:61
static const double ZERO_SPEED_ACCURACY
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:39
static const double GRAVITY_CONST
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:34
static const std::string strDiesel
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:59
static const std::string HeavyVehicle
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:44
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:37
static const std::string strHybrid
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:62
static const std::string strGasoline
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:58
static const std::string strCNG
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:60
static const double NORMALIZING_SPEED
Definition: cpp/Constants.h:36
C++ TraCI client API implementation.
Definition: Vehicle.h:34