Changes in the 2012 releases (versions 0.14.0, 0.15.0 and 0.16.0)

Version 0.16.0 (04.12.2012)#


  • Building
    • Fixed building under gcc4.7; thanks to Karsten Roscher
  • Simulation
    • Fixed the bug which prevented vehicles to be inserted in the middle of a street using departPos="free" (ticket732, thanks to Björn Hendriks for reporting it)
    • Fixed several bugs that were causing collisions
    • Fixed bug in the default car-following model which lead to larger-that-necessary following distances. The maximum possible flow is now greatly increased.
    • Fixed bug where simulation would not terminate if vehicles with fixed depart speeds could not be inserted
    • Fixed bug that lead to unnecessarily low departure speeds under some conditions
    • Fixed bug which sometimes caused vehicles to use the wrong lanes
  • sumo-gui
    • Fixed loading of breakpoints, reported by Anderson Rocha, thanks!
  • netconvert
    • reading tls offset from VISUM files corrected
    • OSM-ids are now read as long longs (long long int under Linux)
    • added the option --tls.discard-loaded <BOOL> which avoids loading traffic lights from other formats than XML (in XML, one can simply replace the type "traffic_light" by "priority"); removed option --osm.discard-tls <BOOL> which did the same for OSM-networks only
    • SUMO-networks with tls offset now load correctly
    • connections for highway ramps no longer cross incorrectly
    • OpenDRIVE-export: corrected lane offsets (geometry) and lane linkage (topology)
    • connections which can not be set when being loaded are kept and retried after network changes, such as ramps building, or nodes joining
    • now correctly setting edge priorities when importing dlr-navteq networks
    • junctions with incoming edges of differing priority can no longer have type 'right_before_left'
    • OSM-imported railways are now correctly imported as one-way which avoids lots of bogus rail edges
    • OSM-imported railways no longer yield to regular roads
    • OSM-imported railways now have proper default speeds
    • changing attributes from or to of an existing edge no longer crashes
    • improved heuristic for detecting roundabouts. Now recognizes roundabouts with divided attachment edges.
    • fixed bug where import would fail due to tag elements with empty v-attribute
    • fixed bug where the special connection attribute pass was lost when writing plain xml or importing sumo networks (this attribute affects the junctionLogic in built networks and declares that a connection never yields).
    • fixed bug that caused right-of-way computations to fail (resulting in collision) at turnaround lanes
    • fixed bug that caused connections to be considered foes even if they did not conflict. The resulting network inconsistency manifested in collisions.
  • TraCI
    • method parse_fast in sumolib.output no longer fails when using attributes which are also python keywords.
    • fixed to use the new (0.13) network format and write the new route format
  • Documentation
    • Patched CSS issues in IE


  • building
    • added configure option --enable-profiling to be used with gprof
  • Simulation
    • added the option --routing-algorithm <STRING> to configure simulation routing (devices,triggers,traci). Allowed values are dijkstra, (default) and astar
    • Rerouting via 'device.rerouting' is now much faster
    • variable speed signs now accept negative speed values. this causes them to reset the edge back to its default speed
    • if any vehicles are vaporized during simulation the attribute vaporized="NUMBER_OF_VAPORIZED_VEHICLES> is added to the meanData output for the respective edge.
    • added the option --maxDist.routesize <INT> to limit the size of routeDistributions (useful to conserve memory for long-running simulations)
    • added several new output types by Mario Krumnow: emission output, full output, vtk output, fcd output, and queue output. Thanks!
    • added the option --fcd-output.geo. If this option is given the output from --fcd-output <FILE> will contain geo coordinates instead of cartesian coordinates.
    • compact specification of routeDistribution (using attribute routes) now recognizes attribute probabilities
    • added the option --vehroute-output.write-unfinished. If this option is given, vehicle routes for all vehicles on the road will be written at the end of the simulation.
    • added the option --device.rerouting.init-with-loaded-weights. If this option is given, weights supplied with the existing option --weight-files <FILE> are used for initializing the rerouting devices.
    • Rerouter definition destProbReroute now recognizes the special values keepDestination and terminateRoute which causes a reroute to the original destination or terminate the route respectively.
    • It is now possible to combine the rerouter definitions closingReroute and destProbReroute. In this case only vehicles which are affected by the closingReroute sample a new destination from the destProbReroute.
    • The verbose simulation summary now includes the number of teleports
    • The vType attributes speedFactor and speedDev are now officially supported and allow for a convenient way of specifying vehicle speed distributions. Among other things these can be used to model speeding vehicles which exceed given edge speeds. More Details
  • TraCI
    • The deprecated "environment-related" commands were removed and the documentation was finally corrected; position conversion and distance computation are still available via the Simulation Value Retrieval API. Please note that the footprint has changed so that it matches the other API calls.
    • API version was increased to 5
    • Added object context subscriptions
    • Added method remove to the vehicle module
    • Added python interface to convert cartesian to geo coordinates and vice versa
  • sumo-gui
    • the gui can be started with multiple views by supplying a list of files to option --gui-settings-file
    • street coloring by selection now colors all lanes for selected edges (useful when loading selections from a file)
    • Visualizing rerouters with many trigger edges and many closed edges no longer causes the GUI to slow down.
    • The lane-parameters dialog now list the street name as well as the vehicle class permissions
    • Rail edges are now rendered with rails and crossties making them stand out from normal roads.
    • Persons are now visualized during all steps of their plan and allow accessing step information.
    • vehicles with guiShape="rail" are now visualized with multiple carriages when the visualization option Show As is set to simple-shapes. The overall length of the train and the number of carriages is determined from the vehicle length
    • Vehicles can now be rendered with bitmaps using the new vType attribute imgFile. This should be a grayscale image with alpha channel to allow full recoloring functionality.
    • Persons can now be rendered with bitmaps when specifying a vType with attribute imgFile just like vehicles (persons bitmaps will not be rotated, however).
    • POIs can now be rendered with bitmaps using the new attributes imgFile, width and height
    • the default vehicle coloring respects now colors assigned to the vehicle, type or route (in that order) before assigning the default color
    • the default color can be changed for coloring by vehicle / type / route
    • The vehicle parameter dialog now includes the vehicle specific speed factor if speed distributions are used.
  • dfrouter
    • the speed column in flow input files is now optional
    • added options for generating random trips which help to increase the quality of generated trips. see Tools/
    • improved the method parse in sumolib.output. It now supports memory-efficient parsing of nested xml elements into convenient python objects based on pulldom traversal
    • added several utility classes in sumolib.miscutils
    • added option --big to script route/ which allows handling very large files at the price of increased hdd-reading
    • added script assign/ for plotting statistics of a duaIterate run
    • added script route/ for visualizing routes with polygons in the sumo-gui
  • Documentation
    • Added schema definition for jtrrouter's turns and sink definition files


  • general
    • reworked some of the XML parsing code, watch out for new parsing errors or ignored attributes
    • added --xml-validation to all executables which enables Xerces-C schema validation for input files having a schema defined
  • netconvert
    • replaced the option --plain.keep-edge-shape with the inverted option --plain.extend-edge-shape. The new default is to keep given edge shapes and only extend them if this option is set. Extending edge shapes inadvertently can lead to invalid connections and priorities.

Version 0.15.0 (14.03.2012)#


  • Simulation
    • Real time factor in simulation summary is now correct (was off by factor 1000)
    • Option --route-steps now reads the given number of seconds ahead (input argument was interpreted as milliseconds, inadvertently)
    • specifying invalid departPos no longer causes an infinite loop
    • The minimum gap is now outside of the vehicle. This means, a vehicle starts at its position, the minimum breaking distance is in front of the position. This effects the retrieval of a vehicle's position via TraCI, and also the measures collected by detectors - now, the collected vehicle lengths do not contain the minimum distance anymore. see blog entry
    • consolidating right-of-way rules (again). Networks must be rebuild
    • fixed crash when using TraCI to set new TLS-programs with less phases (ticket #652)
  • netconvert
    • looped ways are now correctly imported from OSM (before, these were pruned from the network)
    • fixed bug related to --proj.plain-geo (would sometimes crash or produce invalid output)
    • fixed bug in geometry computation when dealing with 3D-coordinates
    • fixed bug when joining junctions (did not join as much as requested)
    • OSM import no longer discards edges with multiple types as long as at least one type is known (this caused missing bridges etc.)
    • debugged import of VISUM-turn descriptions ("ABBIEGER")
    • fixed calculation of intersecting lines
  • GUI
    • corrected the link numbering
    • no longer crashes when reload is pressed during running simulation
  • duarouter
    • Option --max-alternatives is no longer ignored
    • clogit probabilities are calculated correctly


  • Simulation
    • Meandata output can now print default travel times / emissions on empty edges (excludeEmpty="defaults")
  • duarouter
    • added Option --routing-algorithm. It supports the values dijkstra (default) and astar (new). The newly added astar algorithm uses the euclidean distance heuristic. It routes 30% faster on the road network of Cologne and 40% faster on the road network of Berlin.
    • In verbose mode, some performance measures of the routing algorithm are given
    • better defaults for emission based routing
  • sumo-gui
    • object chooser can now filter by selection
  • netconvert
    • added Options --speed.offset and --speed.factor. These modify all edge speeds by first multiplying with factor and then adding offset.
    • added output Option --junctions.join-output FILE. This writes a protocol of joined junctions to FILE. Loading FILE as additional nod.xml reproduces these joins.
  • All
    • Logging options are handled consistently
    • step logging enabled by default, can be disabled for all relevant applications (sumo, duarouter, jtrrouter, od2trips)


  • Simulation
    • traffic light offset is now interpreted as delay. An offset of x delays all phases by x seconds. The old behavior was to let all phases start x seconds earlier.

Version 0.14.0 (11.01.2012)#


  • Simulation
    • removed invalid collision warnings
    • removed various gui glitches when drawing vehicles
    • fixed free speed calculation
  • sumo-gui
    • tracking a vehicle no longer messes up start/stop controls
  • netconvert
    • fixed minor bugs related to updating edge attributes with additional edg.xml files
    • builds without PROJ will no longer produce a bugged binary (failing with "no option with the name proj.inverse exists")
  • duarouter
    • use identical units for parsed data and calculated defaults
  • Tools
    • netdiff now correctly handles repeating identical traffic light phases


  • netconvert
    • changed the way junctions are joined when using --join.junctions; see Networks/Building Networks from own XML-descriptions#Joining Nodes
    • all output is now written using UTF-8 encoding instead of Latin-1. This should allow the usage of international street names (note that street ids may use only ascii)
    • added option --proj.plain-geo which writes plain-xml files using geo-coordinates
    • location information is now embedded in nod.xml files. This makes conversion between net.xml and plain xml lossless.
    • Importing large OSM Networks is much faster due to algorithmic improvements
    • added options and for restricting a network
  • sumo-gui
    • sumo-gui now parses command line options
  • general options
    • boolean options may be disabled from the command line (--help=false)
    • a single parameter (not starting with "-") is treated as a configuration file
  • Tools
    • added eco routing capabilities to

Reduced memory consumption of all applications. Also increased speed for some applications. For benchmark values see #634


  • Simulation
    • default arrival position is now lane end instead of start
  • netconvert
    • renamed XML-element reset to delete to better reflect its purpose
  • sumo-gui
    • Changed close-simulation hotkey from Ctrl + C to Ctrl + W to better conform to interface standards
  • Tools
    • python module sumolib.output now has a method parse which supports all output files
  • first incarnation of a windows installer
  • config file extensions renamed, see Other/File Extensions
  • TraCI
    • emission related outputs are now in mg and ml